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Plusnet Mobile £8.50 a month for 3.5GB of data, 2500 minutes & unlimited texts. SIM only 1 month
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
17 May 17
Available to new and existing customers signing up at or by calling Plusnet between 17th May 2017 and 24th May 2017.

Tethering allowed - credit tightpants

As with all UK mobile plans from 15th June you can take your UK minutes/text and data with you to countries within the EU for free - credit Paddy_o_furniture

Sales number 0800 0791133 or call 500 from a Plusnet mobile. Existing customers can also switch via on line chat.

Potential £16 cashback from Topcashback - credit to dinosteveus

Quidco paying £10 (expires in 7 days from 17/05) - credit to ThermalRider
Top comments
17 May 17 5 #1
£16 Topcashback, I think.
SirSpanky to cikki100
17 May 17 4 #5
Luckily these guys are owned by BT, so I wouldn't worry about them going bankrupt!
17 May 17 4 #2
I just bought the 3gb Sim for £8 a month last month, these new deals are now making me lose confidence in the company, like how the free mobile network ovivo did couple years ago release all these extra things and then close down completely
17 May 17 3 #13
I moved from Three to Plusnet a few weeks ago.. All very smooth, had a sim delivered and my existing number transfered all within 4 days. Now paying less (only£1) but have 2.5 times the data.
Latest comments (215)
9 Jun 17 #215
Well, for me the 4G is not great.

Previous company was o2, at home, at work, on the drive to work and most places I go to, 95% of the time I had 4G.

Now, not work, not home, nor many of the places I go to.
30 May 17 #214
I text my PAC code to plusnet last Friday and received a text this morning to say it would be done today. Obviously wasn't done yesterday with it being a bank holiday. By 1pm it was all done. I'm getting about 57MB download and 25MB upload on 4G, which is much better than what I was getting with Virgin.
27 May 17 #213
Update: And PAC out does not resolve the EE network error issue, my temp number nor my old number are receiving calls yesterday or texts and as it is a bank holiday it can't even be looked at until Tues. :disappointed:
27 May 17 #212
called this morning to cancel my order, and I was told I will only receive confirmation on Tuesday, because email doesn't work over the weekend... Interesting, I didn't know their email system also works 5 days a week. :confused:
26 May 17 #211
mmm... I can confirm automated calls from Lloyds/Halifax will cause the phone to block incoming calls. I was curious so I tried it out, and now I can no longer receive text or calls. :O
26 May 17 #210
I am on the same boat, I got my PAC code from my supplier, but now I am having cold feet about joining Plusnet after seeing all the issues people are having... :disappointed:
26 May 17 #209
This sucks. I have just paid off my 2 o2 contracts, to move to plusnet in order to save money and the recent feedback isn't great. I will try it for 30 days and see.
26 May 17 1 #208
I've jumped to this deal from the 3g contract I had with them being a Life mobile customer before plusnet took over. I was experiencing signal drop outs on the 3g sim and hoped jumping to 4g would sort that out - it hasn't! Had 4 disconnections yesterday where the signal would drop from 5 bars to none and then back again. It's not the phone either because I've tried it in 3 different phones.

I had no problems under Life mobile and also when you rang customer services you got through in seconds or at most 10 minutes - with plusnet it's 20 to 30 mins most times.
25 May 17 #207
yes, but it was a SIM setting, as ive had this phone ages and its not done it before with the iD mobile or giffgaff sims but i was able to change the sim settings.. they shoudl tell you they default it to change multiple message toa MMS on plusnet as im sure others will ahve this issue.
25 May 17 #206
Sim card arrived today, very bad reception compared to my giffgaff card. Currently waiting on phone to cancel for over an hour now after being past on to various different departments - what a nightmare!

Don't bother with online chat system, they are fast to answer but then tell you to ring them and wait.
25 May 17 #205
Just tried it on IE, well EDGE, and it worked first time despite failing numerous times on Firefox. Very odd.
25 May 17 1 #204
Success, Sim arrived 5 days ago and unlock code came through for phone, Happy chappie.
Thanks OP (y)
25 May 17 #203
This issue has been around for a while see this. You can change settings on some handsets to prevent it converting to MMS.
25 May 17 #202
I just called them and they said the deal has gone off their system so they can't put me on this contract, despite the fact their systems were having issues when I tried to purchase it when it was available.

24 May 17 #201
its def not the phone., i used the same phone with Giff Gaff and with iD mobile and i never had it change them to MMs messages for standard texts,
the only thing i can think of is a message to multiple contacts (sms) is classed as mms's with this network.. as i never had this before ,. i quite often send a message to multiple friends in this way.. and it treats it as sms normally.

the phone is a Lumia 640 LTE dual sim , and have used various netwokrs.. EE/giffgaff, ID, three first ime i have had this issue where a sms to multiple ppl is treated as a MMS. so my £5 a month sim only seems to have cost me £15 this month.. and ive only used 100mb, 20 mins and a coupel of hundred sms.. i'm waiting to speak to a manager tomorrow about this though so will let you know is their custoemr service lives up to their adverts.
24 May 17 1 #200
Kudos to Thar for a rather-more-than-averagely useful and informative post. It seems a cracking deal, especially if the cashback works... I appreciate Plusnet have some credibility / reputation / service issues to overcome but I took advantage of it online and all seems to have gone well without the need to talk to 'customer services'.
Currently I'm using it in a second phone but may transfer my main number from Tescos £7.50 deal when my contract ends and it works out as well as it looks.
24 May 17 #199
Ta... I spotted after posting that someone else had ported their number when they received their sim, so I presume that's what I need to do
24 May 17 #198
When it attempts to process the payment in Chrome:

"We are sorry for the inconvenience.

There seems to be a problem with the submission of your order. If the problem persists please contact the vendor."

In Edge:

"Whoops ... Sorry ... Something went wrong, please try again."

It still has over an hour to go but their call center is now closed :disappointed:
24 May 17 1 #197
When I ordered over the phone, I asked if I could give my pac code later they said sure no problem.
24 May 17 #196
Just been on hold to plusnet live chat, 2nd in queue at 9.20, 10.05 comes and i am 1st in queue but get disconnected. Cheers plusnet you useless feckers. BUT they are cheap so its expected.
24 May 17 #195
Friend has same issue on o2 and discovered it's samsung phones. Not sure if you have a samsung so this could be the reason
24 May 17 1 #194
Unlikely, the conditions say it will be activated within 1 working day of shipping and will turn up within 1-4 working days.
On the phone (was unable to complete the transaction online) I asked if it could be delayed by a day and they said Sorry. They are probably trying to get a bunch of activations by the end of the month.
24 May 17 #193
Can I order it now, and activate the sim in a few months time, when I run out of contract? Don't need it yet, but also don't want to miss out on this deal.
24 May 17 #192
Not had an issue with plusnet as I haven't used them but I believe it's the phone that automatically converts certain SMS to mms. For example on my galaxy note 4 if the message is longer than 3 sms it gets sent as mms on the default app. So I just installed 8sms to work around that limitation. While I was looking at that I noticed that sometimes multi recipient sms get converted to MMs as well.
24 May 17 #191
Roam while at home is now a EU legal requirement on all tariffs so they will be very little to be made in overage ... Its a race to the bottom to get the most users
24 May 17 #190
just had a message from plusnet sayinmg id reached my smart cap limit.. i rang them waited for over 20 minutes...
they told me ive been sending multimedia messages (which i havent) and thats why my bill is gonan be big.

aparantly a text message over 160 is classed as a multimedia message the guy says. or possibly with emoji's. which i know is ****. ive never had this issue with other providers.. but even the ones i sent were smaller than 160 characters.. but i sent to multiple people... surely they dont class that as mms.. it should jhust be the same text message to different numbers

if they do not resolve this theres no way i'll be staying with these jokers!

ive used about 100mb and hardly made any calls yet theyre gonan sting me £10 for some text messages!!

anyone else had this issue..

i cant seem to log in to check myself which is annoying.
24 May 17 #189
If you're not too bothered about cashback, try calling them?
24 May 17 #188
Quite pleased with them so far... Ordered on Saturday and SIM was delivered on Tuesday. Activated it Tuesday evening and got a port number request in before the 6pm deadline, so my number was switched over today.
All in all a pretty painless process apart from the Chrome issues with TCB (which incidentally doesn't seem to have tracked with IE)

Haven't had call issues, but then VOLTE was taken out of the settings on my phone (OP3T) in a recent update, so maybe that's automatically forcing 3G for all calls regardless of whether a network supports it or not.
24 May 17 1 #187
Would love to sign up for this, but payment has failed in both Chrome and IE so will have to look elsewhere
24 May 17 #186
For anyone still thinking about this, deal ends at midnight tonight.
24 May 17 #185
Thanks, looking on the plusnet forum that seems to be a separate issue. The problem I've read is that you can't respond to those texts which can be a nuisance with online verification etc.
Think I'll wait, no rush and I'll see if Virgin do any offers in the coming weeks.
24 May 17 1 #184
Yes got it for my son. You can put a limit on it and signal seems fine. Good deal.
24 May 17 #183
See posts #129, #166, #167 by seaniboy. I've never had a problem after receiving short texts though.
24 May 17 #182
Tempted by this but I've heard Plusnet block responses to short code texts. Seems to be a feature to prevent expensive scam messages but also stops responses to things like bank verification texts or NHS appointment confirmation messages (text ATTEND etc)

Anyone found this?
24 May 17 1 #181
Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions...
24 May 17 #180
Good deal. I've been on plusnet for 6 months and have been very happy with signal quality.
Although saying that i did come over from 3 so my standards were not high.

Customer Service has also been good the 3 tmes i called. So good deal overall.
24 May 17 #179
24 May 17 #178
When registering i got the same error and ive been billed £8.50. Anyone knows what to do now?
24 May 17 #177
Been on to ee who i've been with for 20+ years and they said best they can do is 3gb unltd mins unltd txts £8.49 per month on 12 month contract. Told them I only wanted 30 days which they said they couldn't do. The said ee were double speed 4g where plusnet is not which doesn't bother me so got my puk code.
23 May 17 #176
Been on the phone to Virgin for over an hour now, as I type. I started off by quoting this deal. '£10' was the answer. No thanks, please can I have a PAC code (no idea what that means) and proceed to cancel my D/D. 'Hold on, I'll check with my supervisor.' More music. 'Hello. Would you like to buy a handset?' Nope. Another extended conversation with 'sales', you've come through to the wrong department.
More music.
Retentions. After 1hr and 13 mins. (I was going to give up after 20 mins or so, but became stubborn and pig headed.) I must have repeatedly said 'No' to everything they offered compared to the deal quoted by the OP. a million times. Ok, give me a little leeway.
Turns out Virgin monthly sim only can roll over their unused data. Never knew that. I questioned it as I never use much data and he said ' you need the new sim.' Is it just me or not? Sky make a big thing over this. I've never had the option. Anyway, they're sending a new 4G sim, same deal for £9, with £6 credit. The 'roll over' is brand new to me. Be worth checking if you can get it. Or, maybe I'm so old this is not news. Hey ho.

Thanks OP.
23 May 17 #175
Ofcon - the office of conservative big telco business, shareholders need to eat too!
23 May 17 #174
Wtf 'tethering allowed'??? I'm paying for 3.5GB of data, how i use it is my business, this practice should be banned!
23 May 17 #173
good deal, however absolutely zero signal in Ripley Derbyshire, called an hour after receiving my sim and was on hold forb15 mins, can't cancel straight away as have to wit till pac has gone through. they did say I can cancel and will receive money back
23 May 17 1 #172
Thanks . Sorry to hear your story.
These are British companies worse than the bazaar in Africa. I had similar issues with BT and was shocked that I had to deal with many Indian names who just could not explain why I had no phone line .I fear other retired people get this awful treatment. So sorry.
23 May 17 #171
Try Three/o2 & resellers. My EE/Plusnet is poor signal at home but Three is full bars - off the same base station transmitter EE & Three share!
23 May 17 #170
Heat added for package offered and price, however zero signal in my area so had to cancel which is a shame as I wanted to escape Vodafone.
23 May 17 #169
Can't see anything on e2save even with cashback that gets close to this?
23 May 17 #168
Just to confirm, everything asked for^ has repeatedly been voluntary given to all contact avenues but complaints are now asking for the same ?
23 May 17 #167
BEWARE on any Plusnet Mobile problem (it's like calling Three India call centres)

Further info: Emailed PAC request last night, no reply - 4 days and no tech reports given of incoming calls/text issues even sent to tech support so far! Called them for PAC not long ago and was advised to await on email below, 4 days and Plusnet done nothing on the first call (Colette) but be rude, twitter team raised the complaint she refused to do, but no action has been taken on the 'glitch'. A months free line rental is the offer ? Not 'glitch' resolution. Still locked out my banking except branch, still no incoming mobile activity.

"Plusnet Mobile Complaint

Response By E-mail (23/05/2017 05.01 PM)
Our reference: xxxxxxxx

23rd May 2017


My name's Sarah Bown and I work within the Complaints Team for Plusnet Mobile. Ordinarily I would have given you a call to discuss your complaint, but as you're unable to receive incoming calls I'm popping you this email instead. Please let me know if you'd prefer a call moving forward, alongside an alternative number and a suitable time of day to reach you, or if you wish to continue corresponding via email.

Firstly, I'm very sorry this situation has led to you making a complaint. I understand you've not been able to receive incoming calls since your bank contacted you, and you're dissatisfied with the way Collette handled your call when you got in touch. Please be assured I'll do everything I can to address your concerns, and so you walk away from this complaint feeling like I've done all I can for you.

In regards to your call with Collette, after listening to it earlier this afternoon I do appreciate it could have been handled better overall. This has since been personally fed back to Collette, and passed to her line manager so it is addressed with any similar future calls with our customer's.

The advice given during the call, how we couldn't action anything on the account and the issue will resolve itself within the next 12-24 hours, whilst this isn't entirely incorrect Collette should have additionally collected examples from this so our Support Teams can do further investigations into what's happened. Again, this has since been made aware to Collette and the rest of the Customer Service Team to prevent similar situations from occurring.

I can only sincerely apologise that on the occasion you got in touch, the correct process wasn't followed and the call wasn't handled as well as it could have been with our Customer Service Team. I completely appreciate how frustrating it must be not being able to receive incoming calls, especially how important mobile phone's are to us all in this day & age.

I'm aware you've since got in touch on your last email and requested a PAC, whilst it's a shame it came to this, I am able to generate one for you. In order to do this, I need you to confirm the following as part of our additional security questions:

1) The last 3 digits of your bank account number,
2) The last 2 digits of your sort code number, and
3) Approximately the month and year you joined us

I want to make you aware that as the issue hasn't been identified, I can't make any guarantees that this issue may not continue with your new provider.

If you're prepared for me to look into this further for you, I am able to collect examples on your behalf and send them across to our Support Team for further investigation. I've already collected a few of these already in anticipation of this being the next stage of your complaint, so please let me know how you'd like to proceed. If you could let me know the number the bank used to contact you, if you wish to go down this route as well then that'd be great.

Please let me know how you'd like to proceed when you can, I'm anxious to get this sorted for you one way or another as I appreciate it's already been a few days you've been unable to receive incoming calls.

If I haven't heard from you by Thursday I'll be in touch, but hopefully I'll hear from you before then.

Kind regards,


Plusnet Mobile Complaints Team

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Customer Service number: Call 500 for free from your handset or 0800 079 1133
Customer By Service Email (22/05/2017 10.02 PM)
PAC request.

With thanks.

---- On Sat, 20 May 2017 16:55:34 +0100 Plusnet Complaints wrote ----

Response By E-mail (20/05/2017 04.55 PM)
Our reference:
Date: 20/05/2017

Hi Mr

I’m very sorry to hear of the issues with your account which has now led to you making a complaint. I want to ensure you we will be doing all we can to get this resolved to your satisfaction.

This email is to confirm your complaint has been received by Plusnet Mobile Complaints Team and will now be assigned to one of our Complaint Handlers who will investigate and contact you by 8pm on the 23rd May 2017.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch in the meantime if you’d prefer to speak to someone sooner, however I would kindly ask to allow us the time to investigate the issue at hand and we may not be able to speak to you at this time. You can contact us by replying to this email or calling free on 0800 079 1133 and asking to speak with one of the Complaints Team.

Thank you for your patience and understanding so far, it’s really appreciated at this time.

Kind regards,


Plusnet Mobile Complaints Team

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Customer Service number: Call 500 for free from your handset or 0800 079 1133"
23 May 17 #166
Its bank security calls that are barring incoming calls and texts - 4 days later no resolution, no access to telephone or internet banking - if someone had hacked my bank account Plusnet have locked me out resolving the issue.

See my post upcoming.
23 May 17 1 #165
Yeah ive had this twice too - re-tried with IE - worked as expected
23 May 17 #164
Sounds like a nice deal for those who can't be bothered with cashback on e2save and the like. Heat.
23 May 17 #163
Error on TCB and quidco through chrome, firefox and IE last night and today. 16 people in queue for live chat to plusnet - avoid?
23 May 17 #162
That's a pain, but in what way is this a security issue?
23 May 17 #161
Still having issues paying for the Sim where it gives me an error 500

EDIT: Switched from Chrome to Internet Explorer and it worked.
22 May 17 #160
If you go thru TCB, is there an option to upgrade to this deal? I am already with them - pls advise how u do that - if anybody done similar
22 May 17 #159
Worked for me and Pezza2u above with no issues.
22 May 17 #158
Sim received next day!
22 May 17 #157
The EE and BT and plusnet exactly the same company, if something happens to it as with dodgy ovivo company than as result we are f*cked.
22 May 17 #156
Text message to Port number does not work and they admit it, but don't fix it
22 May 17 #155
Ordered but usual poor customer service 4 days to transfer my number and still not done . Contract runs as soon as they get your money not when you receive your sim. beware all is not as it seems .
22 May 17 1 #154
22 May 17 #153
i did it all on the webchat and they upgraded my deal without posting a new SIM. got a confirmation txt a minute later. maybe try that?
22 May 17 #152
just saw this when went to log into my Plusnet account and thought I'd check on here to see if others had found this yet! glad it's already got alot of heat. I've just changed my plan over to it already. though 4GB with unlimited texts calls by them was gd but this is even better.
22 May 17 #151
Just tried to upgrade to this and was told they will send out new 4g sim but cannot guarantee I will get the deal! Whilst I was on the phone to them I asked if they would turn off voicemail again. I was turned off but came back on again. The customer service guy decided that I wanted all voice calls blocked! I said why would I want that, he could not understand anything I asked. I am quite patient with call centres but this guy is in the wrong job. I tried to buy a second sim on this deal but the site goes oops smoking went wrong each time I try to pay.
22 May 17 1 #150
I got the text this morning so it obviously doesn't send it over the weekend. My PAC expires next Tuesday so I'll send it Friday just in case there are any problems!
22 May 17 #149
Managed to place an order. Windows 10, IE. Would not work with OS X. Wanted to place another order (wife) and add it to my account but unable to do that, need to call customer services. Damn.
22 May 17 #148
good deal i have a 3 321 pay as you go , for 8.50 a month cant go wrong
22 May 17 1 #147
Meant to add, thanks OP for posting.
22 May 17 #146
I've just upgraded a sim only plan over chat, very easy to do and very good value for money.
22 May 17 1 #145
Where is the SIM thread - I need to find the best phone SIM (with data >1Gb) deal. Preferably <£10.
I'll need 6 which is why I would like it to be under £10 each!
This seems the perfect deal as when using unlimited data I noticed they rarely went over 3Gb! Heat added btw :wink:
22 May 17 #144
Voted hot. Unfortunately for me EE reception is poor at home.
22 May 17 #143
Cashback reduced to £11
21 May 17 #142
Don't count on the cash back, been with them twice in the last 6 months, customer issue the first time cash didn't come through, second time signal/ sim issue could receive calls for days, EE blamed plusnet they blamed EE. Cash back declined again. Move to virgin and been with them for 3 months, called and said moving to plusnet and they reduced my monthly payments by £3 didn't need the data so :smiley:
21 May 17 1 #141
I tend to buy my phones outright. I only once got a phone on contract but it was a no brainer. With such a good deal as this you'd can use the money saved to buy a handset.
21 May 17 #140
You should get an email within a few hours to say if it successfully tracked.
21 May 17 #139
Been with Virgin for the last 8 years or so and after a couple of calls to see if they will offer my same 4gb with 4g, they cannot get close to the price. This deal seems great

Used topcashback for first time and ordered 2 sims. How long can it take to show anything? (Had to use IE to get the orders placed also)
21 May 17 #138
Finally succeeded using TCB with IE and Win 7 - and it has tracked.
21 May 17 #137
Looking at getting a new phone. Am I better off getting the phone under contract or just buying a sim and phone separate?
21 May 17 #136
Thanks. No I've not sent the PAC yet, only text the word PORT to the number it said in the email. I've not received the instructions on how to send the PAC yet. I'll wait until the week after next before sending it though.
21 May 17 #135
If you cancel after the cooling off period, you'll still get the cashback right? So you'll only have to pay for the first two months? The cashback offer runs out tomorrow.
21 May 17 #134
It usually takes 1 working day to complete a port if you send the PAC to the new provider before 3pm but this is only Monday-Friday. Anything sent after 3pm Friday will complete on the following Tuesday I think. I requested my PAC from giffgaff and then sent it to Plusnet 2 days before my allowance was due to renew just in case there were any issues.
If you have already sent the PAC to plusnet you will lose your old balance by Tuesday. My number was dead with giffgaff from 8am and didn't go live on the plusnet sim until 4pm.
21 May 17 1 #133
I am an existing customer and switched my plan over from unlimited calls/text and 4gb data for £10. I will be saving £1.50 a month and don't use many minutes and much data

Heat from me:)
21 May 17 #132
I've got my sim card and it's registered ok. The 4G isn't as quick as Virgin even though they're both on the EE network but it's still around 25MB.

I sent the text to port my number but not had the instructions back yet. Is it automatically sent or do I have to wait until Monday? If I use my PAC code now does that also mean my account with Virgin is closed or does it get assigned another number? It's been over 10 years since I last did this but I have paid with Virgin until the 2nd June, although PAC code is valid until the 30th May. I still have 1GB of data to use so might as well use it instead of losing it.
20 May 17 #131
Just tried ordering again via TCB using IE and it worked fine first time, compared to a couple of failed attempts when I used Chrome the other day.
There's only 2 days left if you want to use TCB by the way (Plusenet deal expires in 4 days)
20 May 17 #130
Just tried ordering using TCB on EDGE and had the same failures. According to Plusnet on chat the order hasn't gone through but I guess I'll have to wait a couple of days to see if there has been any changes to my bank account.

Switched to IE and it worked fine
20 May 17 #129
WARNING... SECURITY ISSUE for PLUSNET mobile customers.

CERTAIN INCOMING CALLS will DISABLE further incoming calls. PLUSNET deny this is a SECURITY issue.

PLUSNET response:
"I've taken a look at your account and can see you've been advised the issue you've been experiencing since the bank called you is not something we can resolve, but will be fixed automatically in 12 - 24 hours

It's not that a call from the bank is causing your calls to be barred, it's that they are calling from short code which is causing a network error. I can only apologise for the inconvenience of this situation"

So now thanks to Plusnet, TSB cant reset my online banking password as they need to call me on my registered mobile number to do so! No incoming calls to mobile, so no access to banking password change thus no way to access online banking.

Heres hoping no one else has to change a banking password that is verified by calling a Plusnet Mobile.


A bank can call you that bars further incoming calls on a mobile network. What a crock of poo BT Group.

But it's ok, it's not a incoming call bar, it's a glitch that causes a incoming call bar - that's not a security issue with them or causing a security issue with my bank account access!

PAC request upcoming, ICO/Ofcom complaint (refused to log complaint as per Code of Practice) will be lodged.
20 May 17 #128
TCB/Plusnet doesn't work with Chrome. Try using TCB via Internet Explorer - worked for several of us straight away - I ordered twice ( for 2 different sims) and TCB tracked both times a few minutes later via IE.
20 May 17 #127
Thanks will try that.
20 May 17 #126
Try doing a missing cashback claim.
20 May 17 #125
Topcashback deal not working after completing all the bank details and ending with plusnet webpage "Not found" called Plusnet and they say the fault isn't on their side :disappointed: will try quidco next.
20 May 17 #124
Yes had exactly the same problem.sent me 4g sims then had to cancel those resend a 3g and a 4g they had to cancel the 3g sim then activate the 4g one.Sounds complicated but only lost service for about an hour.
20 May 17 #123
has anybody been able to upgrade online with TCB tracking?
20 May 17 #122
I am with Plusnet already and wanted to upgrade to this deal. The guy sad he needs to send me a 4g sim as mine was 3g, so he did and he was supposed to call me but didn't. I got the new sim activated, The guy doesn't seem to be happy with that and is going to send me 2 more sims a 3g, and one 4g; So he wants to put me back on the 3g and then upgrade to this deal at the same time as activating the new 4g sim. I am not happy with all this, can anybody make sense of what he is trying to do?
19 May 17 #121
Yes,12 months,offered this deal by EE when l reqested my PAC number but going to Plusnet.
19 May 17 #120
I have a contract for my teen, he hasn't complained, and you know they would if there was a problem! The signal is really down to the area you live in rather than the provider. Plusnet use the EE network and they quote coverage of 99% of the UK population, but try the coverage checker for more info click here
19 May 17 #119
I used Windows 7 and IE in the end via TCB, which tracked immediately.
19 May 17 #118
I've just ordered for son but forgot to do the Topcashback.
19 May 17 #117
I keep getting errors at the card payment with chrome too so will try IE
19 May 17 #116
I have had error messages 4 times since last Tuesday. Can anyone confirm success using TCB? If yes what browser did you use? TIA
19 May 17 #115
Is this any good for a teen. Some people are saying a bad signal but I need something reliable with a cap on. For £8.50 I can try it but got to pay £15 to unlock 02 iphone and then it will lock onto this. Then will I have to pay to get it unlocked again. Ta
19 May 17 1 #114
Only with IE could I successfully place my order. Chrome, firefox did not work and returned an error after the paymemt page
19 May 17 #113
I have Macs at home so was trying Chrome and Safari. I also tried on my Android phone and it still wouldn't go through. Just tried at work on IE and it went through first time so it must be an issue with their system.

I wish I had tried that when it was £9 for the 4GB deal but never mind, although I think I'll struggle to use 3.5GB anyway! :smile:
19 May 17 1 #112
Agreed. Life Mobile were superb but since Plusnet took over, I'm often unable to send and receive texts or receive calls. Atrocious waiting times to call their customer services too.
19 May 17 #111
[quote=PIPS]I tried 3-5 times signing up with chrome on my laptop and it just kept erroring out on me. Tried it with IE and it went thru first time round.
Too good of a deal to pass up, if it's erroring out on you try IE, don't give up![/q

Thank you. Same here - went through first time on IE.
19 May 17 #110
I wonder after the EU roaming charged is scrapped in June this year, could we take this allowance to other EU countries and no roaming charge ??
19 May 17 #109
I know nothing about iPhones but a quick Google came up with this see if that works.
19 May 17 2 #108
I tried 3-5 times signing up with chrome on my laptop and it just kept erroring out on me. Tried it with IE and it went thru first time round.
Too good of a deal to pass up, if it's erroring out on you try IE, don't give up!
19 May 17 #107
You say that this can be done on some handsets

can this be done on an iphone
18 May 17 #106
Errrr NO
18 May 17 #105
guy has posted more deals than you in the last year. get off the guys back. :neutral_face:
18 May 17 1 #104
Totally agree with your comments about Life mobiles excellent customer service but I had to call plusnet for the first time the other week and was waiting nearly 20 minutes to talk to someone. That's very different to how things were under Life mobile when you'd get through in a few minutes at the most. Maybe I was just unlucky at the time.

Also, I've noticed that the signal quality took a steep dip since plusnet took over. Maybe it's because I'm still on a Life mobile tariff and only have 3g. Maybe if I go over to this 4g tariff the signal quality will improve.
18 May 17 1 #103
Yep, when I rang to ask what they could offer me the girl I spoke to offered me a Galaxy J3 for £10 a month (should have been £12) for 1gb/500mins/unl txts). I looked at other sim deals and rang them back and the next guy I spoke to said she shouldn't have offered that! In any case, I didn't need a new phone so it was still £120 extra over 2 years that I didn't need to spend on top of the plusnet £5 sim only deal. Their website is terrible now.
18 May 17 #102
text received saying it would be completed soon at 3.30ish and it was done when I tried it so all good.
18 May 17 2 #101
Just wanted to say switched with online chat today, selected customer service as the option. He actioned it and has mailed out a next day delivery sim for me as my current Life Mobile one is 3g only.

No problems at all, he actioned it all quickly.
18 May 17 #100
I've been with them since last July, they were called Life mobile back then. Had no issues and now have 3 contracts with them. Very friendly Northern based customer services. I've only had to ring to turn off voicemail and port numbers, they answered within seconds, I recommend them.
18 May 17 #99
Presuming that will be on a 12 month contract though?
18 May 17 #98
Strange as they are actively recontracting existing customers but no new ones, website has been cleaned out.
18 May 17 1 #97
EE now offering this deal to existing customers. Just called. Went on their system about 2pm today. Good find OP
18 May 17 #96
No Special deals on offer but GiffGaff is O2, just swithced from Vodafone last week, fabulous recepetion even in basements and reliable data, ccheck it out
18 May 17 #95
Ported number still not working :disappointed: Has been dead since 8am.
18 May 17 #94
ty just changed my plan to this one
18 May 17 2 #93
Well according to my Quidco account I've been paid a total of £1099.37 cashback and from Topcashback £770.91, and you say they're not worth mentioning? Each to their own.
18 May 17 #92
Why are you here when you think like that?
18 May 17 #91
that's the point them cash back nonsense sites isn't even worth mentioning- they mostly milk your financial info and sell on etc- scams! :wink:
18 May 17 #90
I was having this issue last month, try different browsers and computers, I got it to work on my gf's laptop after failing on personal and work trying different browsers...I was fit to punch somebody entering details so many times. they can do it over phone but bit cashback
18 May 17 1 #89
I had left this deal in opera browser on my mobile (left from last month). It actually let me order it. When cutting and pasting URL to safari though the deal. Ordered on Sunday and sim arrived on Tuesday.
18 May 17 #88
WeQ4U works as long as the number is in the WeQ4U database.

The only thing that didn't work for me was Hullomail, the voicemail alternative, but there's the Plusnet one if you need it, so I can live without that.
18 May 17 #87
No MMS are not free. I send emoji by SMS and don't get charged. You can change settings on some handsets to prevent this, you should also get a warnings if a text is being converted to MMS before it is sent. Depending on the handset, if a smartphone, they could use whatsapp instead.
18 May 17 #86
Was the box all ready registered with EE for your handset (looking online it says your imei has to be switched on by EE)
18 May 17 #85
All 5 family phones on plusnet. Great £ and I switched in December
18 May 17 #84
... went through quidco ... no issues ... all mobile providers customer service is poo in my experience so just get the best deal and network for you ... this is a no brainer ... heat added
18 May 17 1 #83
Touch-wood - I'm glad to say that it looks like the telephone based customer service for Plusnet Mobile (as opposed to other Plusnet services) seems to still be the same place as when the service was LIFE mobile, which was the best, friendliest, most helpful, most effective and most human customer service I've received from any company ever. (And no, I don't work for them, LOL.)
17 May 17 #82
Rather go with the £10 a month - same mins and texts but 5gb data. Bought last month.
17 May 17 #81
17 May 17 1 #80
just completed via quidco which is tracking and submitted an unlock on my ee phone. all done from my mobile without hassle. great deal. I have seen folk say about 08 numbers. Can't you use an app like weq4u?
17 May 17 #79
Just tried twice. Got an error each time. Very frustrating. Using Safari on OSX.
17 May 17 1 #78
Can you send mms messages for free with this?
Thinking of buying this for the kids phones but had heard that emojis use mms and plusnet charge extra for this
17 May 17 2 #77
I got virgin to match the plus net deal and as virgin had a deal themselves at the time it got me treble data, I now pay £8.50 for 6gb plus 2500 mins plus unlimited texts free whatsapp and fb. And unused data gets rolled over to next month and added on.
17 May 17 #76
had exactly same problem with me. no calls for two weeks they could not solve it and did not even compensate me rather charged me extra for 30 days for asking them to give me pac code so I switch provider. I told them that I am going to report it to obudsman and they said,'go ahead' means they do not give a s***t
17 May 17 1 #75
I've never had a problem with the service, I have 3 SIM only contracts with them.

As for signal, that really depends on where you are. They use the EE network who claim to cover 99% of the UK Click here
17 May 17 #74
Is their service/signal any good?
17 May 17 #73
I've had similar issues and when I couldn't receive calls 3 separate times in a month (they've had no clue why) it was enough and I just switched.
No problems since then with Three.
17 May 17 1 #72
I'm on the same deal, and agree with all that. The service was good when it was called LIFE, and has remained just as good since Plusnet took over.
17 May 17 #71
Best thing to do is ring them take contract out and also put a cap of £2 although not better than life mobile which was £1 aware if you on plusnet they can charge you plus rpi every March...not sure about customer service but life mobile c.s was excellent.
17 May 17 1 #70
I sometimes dread when Life/Plusnet mobile comes up on HUKD. Their quality of service and value is incredible. I genuinely fear if they rightfully secure huge swathes of customers they deserve, they too might become too big and degenerate like the other big mobile network providers who charge extortionate prices and provide third rate service from third world call centres.
17 May 17 1 #69
I'm on their £5 a month deal 1.5gb data 250 mins talk unlimited texts. And thats fine for me
This is a really superb deal though.
PlusNet's been great for me, mind
17 May 17 #68
Been with Plusnet a few months and no complaints in the UK. Worked abroad first time, but then we had a week in Croatia and could not get a signal at all. Perhaps a localised problem and it wouldn't put me off Plusnet unless it happened again somewhere else.
17 May 17 #67
Check your bank, it has charged me multiple times.
17 May 17 #66
Cold, they've took 4 payments as it kept failing.
17 May 17 2 #65
You've been a member for 8 years and posted 32 deals. If you don't know about cashback sites wtf have you been doing for 8 years?
17 May 17 #64
Not sure, don't think you can, but you could always ask over chat.
17 May 17 1 #63
17 May 17 #62
o rly?
could you tell us more? please sir!
17 May 17 #61
Anybody know if you can select a connection date? Interested in this but my current contract isnt up for another month! Thanks
17 May 17 #60
I've no doubt they'll let me switch, they let me last time when I rang, but why can't I just sort it over chat like others have?! Will try earlier in they day tomorrow.
17 May 17 1 #59
These are out of allowance charges
17 May 17 #58
Was told the same, directed to call 500 as well.
17 May 17 #57
Just tried to switch over chat and they told me to ring, this happened when I switched to the last better £10 deal. I wonder if it's the time of day, ie different staff. I'd rather do it on-line, can't be bothered ringing call centres to be transferred to other call centres. The agent told me it wasn't possible and I said others had done it and she replied, I don't think they will have!!
17 May 17 #56
How do you get the £5 deal please? x
17 May 17 #55
It says Virgin do charge for those, from 2010. (confused!)

Calls to service numbers: The way you’re charged for calling numbers beginning 084, 087, 118 and 09 has changed. The cost of calling these numbers will be formed of a combined access and service charge: we set the access charge and the company you’re phoning set the service charge. Your access charge for these numbers will be shown on your bill and is currently 45p per minute. The service charge will be advertised by the company that you are calling. If any of these numbers are included in your bundle you will not be charged the access or service charge.
17 May 17 #54
They are unlikely to close down as BT own them now.
17 May 17 2 #53
Not having a lot of luck... Got through to the card payment stage first time around but got a failed message and couldn't go back.
Tried again and now can't even get to the direct debit setup page.

Tempted to just stick with my current £10 rolling contract with Three
17 May 17 1 #52
I need 0844, 087 numbers included to call European mobiles. This is always a deal clincher for me.
17 May 17 #51
08 calls?? 0800 and 0808 are free on all mobiles I believe:
17 May 17 1 #50
Oh wow, I'll keep an eye out then. Thanks.

I'm not even going to bother trying again either. Hopefully they didn't do a credit check even though it didn't go through!
17 May 17 1 #49
Do u need to have Virgin BB or TV to qualify for the deal u mention?
17 May 17 #48
Virgin any day as they allow 08 calls out of allowance while deal is not hence not really hot.
17 May 17 #47
17 May 17 #46
17 May 17 #45
Has anyone done this online successfully?
How do u upgrade your existing a/c /sim online?
Anybody got cashback traced?
17 May 17 1 #44
That will be why Talkmobile were not at all bothered when I rang to cancel my £10 a month contract and why all the TM deals on mobilesdirect have disappeared then.

Just sent the port message to Plusnet to switch from GiffGaff, hope it goes smoothly.
17 May 17 1 #43
In case anyone is wondering plusnet works with EE signal booster boxes! I have zero signal at home and with the booster box I get full signal on the kids phone.
17 May 17 1 #42
I too had problems ordering a deal a couple of weeks a go. I kept getting the 500 error page at the last stage and £8 was pending on my card. Phoned them up and got told to wait 30 days and try again, which wasn't helpful when I had already given notice for my current 30 day contract. From what I've been reading about them I've decided not to switch now. Will stick with virgin mobile, I've been with them for years with no issues at all.
17 May 17 #41
Joined Plusnet two months ago on BB, Tocash tracked no problem. Took two sims out over the following week and Topcash are still waiting for Plusnet to respond as the tracking never appeared. TBF i have had a lot of declined Tocash recently as Topcash say the merchent purchase was collected by another referere and that i need to clear my cookies. I dont understand how that can be as i use Microsoft EDGE on a tablet to do all my Topcash buys and my laptop for searches.
17 May 17 #40
I have used plusnet for broadband and phone for years so decided to move to them for one of the advertised good deals on mobile. I've been with them 2 months now and had major issues, for one week no-one could call me and never had voicemail in 2 months! They've escalated it and it's now going to ombudsman as fed up of waiting for them to sort it.
They took over another mobile provider called Lifemobile to set up plusnet so it's obviously an issue to do with their systems and run separately to the broadband side of things.

Hoping this will get resolved and they've said when it is they will offer me compensation and blaming it on a porting no. across issue but whilst I'm sure I'm in the 1% who don't have a successful port, thought I'd just let others know in case they're porting a no. that there is also a chance you could have the same experience as me.

no signal issues though, just voicemail doesn't work at all
17 May 17 #39
can anyone help, i ordered 2 (one for mother and daughter) sims a while back with another offer, these didn't show up until 2 weeks later.
i still need another 3 sims (foe me partner and other daughter)
on facebook plusnet said i can have 3 sims if im not a bb customer. anyway i have tried to order a sim with this deal but i'm just getting error 500 messages at the final paying stage.
could this be a real issue or is it because it doesnt want me buying anymore sims. is there a way around this, except getting someone else to buy them?
17 May 17 #38
Or pending transactions if you have access to them, always call the card issuer whom will sort it quicker than a unauthorised plusnet agent who will send a report off to a non customer facing dept. The card issuer will see it is a duplicate transaction as you state and process a lot quicker than any company will! :smiley:
17 May 17 1 #33
Thanks OP. I am already a customer (transferred from lifemobile when they were bought out) and switched by chatting to them online
seaniboy to barns
17 May 17 #37
It was a transfer from EE to another parent BT Group company - to align 3 brands and 3 offerings. Plus/EE/BT - you will notice the parent company only offer 12 month sims, the others 30 day terms. :smiley:
17 May 17 1 #36
As with all UK mobile plans from 15th June you can take your UK minutes/text and data with you to countries within the EU for free.
17 May 17 1 #35
My card has been charged twice, bank will sort it out for me apparently. Best check your statement!
17 May 17 1 #34
fantastic price, I changed my plan :smiley: cheers
17 May 17 4 #2
I just bought the 3gb Sim for £8 a month last month, these new deals are now making me lose confidence in the company, like how the free mobile network ovivo did couple years ago release all these extra things and then close down completely
SirSpanky to cikki100
17 May 17 4 #5
Luckily these guys are owned by BT, so I wouldn't worry about them going bankrupt!
Gollywood to cikki100
17 May 17 #32
You're paying for it! They aren't giving it away for free!!!
17 May 17 #28
ee service with 4g?
Thar to hashemcom007
17 May 17 1 #31
EE network (MVNO) with 4G yes.
17 May 17 #29
All these new sim only deals that come out are causing issues with credit checks. If you keep switching every few months on the back of a better deal you will wreck your scores. Guess just suck it up for the little extra you are paying elsewhere and stay there for a year if possible.
Thar to ikky101
17 May 17 #30
Only if you switch provider. Stick with the same, just change to a better deal, like this, no credit check.
17 May 17 #27
HOT! Might drop from +net £10 Unlimited/4GB and save £1.50 a month, unless there is better 30 day sims out there :laughing:

BT really are going to town to corner the Mobile market indirectly, guess many people use minimal but even 100,000 people paying £8.50 a month is a lot of revenue to pay off BT Sports & EE purchases.
17 May 17 #26
Asda use EE now, Vodafone is reigning in its resellers Sainsbury's etc, even in-house owned Talk Mobile (3G) is dwindling its numbers down & payg is closing.
17 May 17 1 #25
Just a heads up for anyone ordering through TCB - failed for me twice, different cards. Chat confirmed there is a flagged issue causing TCB orders to fail, yet to be resolved.
17 May 17 2 #21
just swapped from 5gb, 1500mins £10 month. not using that much data,normally 2.5 gb, so saves me £18 year. All helps. I went through my plusnet account and used online chat to swap, will take effect from next billing cycle.
Thar to chegwin
17 May 17 #24
Thinking of changing my son into this contract for the same reason, saves me £18. I'll try chat, thanks.
17 May 17 1 #23
rubbish network
plusnet not ee
rip off
got rid of it
17 May 17 #22
it ain't about me losing £8 it's just the hassle of changing numbers moving networks etc. don't want these guys to shut up shop, but can they just keep simple pricing on simple plans not put out new plans every month
17 May 17 #20
Yeah I like this! Thx. Was on £7.50 for 2gb and 1000 mins so top effort for an extra squid
17 May 17 #16
Does anyone know of a good deal from a company who use the O2 network. Signal here not great for any other network. Thank You
bengalknights to mikeypr
17 May 17 #19
Tesco Mobile. Giffgaff and Lyca all use O2, if your really lucky you might be a mast sharing area so you could potentially use Asda and any other vodafone driven network.
17 May 17 1 #8
Has anyone managed to order this morning? I've tried twice but after the card payment page it just comes up with a page saying "Sorry, something went wrong, Back to previous page?" FFS!
Tackalicious to SkyeVincent
17 May 17 1 #14
exact same issue when trying to order a different plusnet offer multiple times...except my card got charged 8 times !!! customer services were an an absolute joke
Zoe_B to SkyeVincent
17 May 17 #18
Same thing has just happened to me. Annoying :neutral_face:
17 May 17 #17
Quidco paying £10 (expires in 7 days)
17 May 17 #15
Best check my account then!! :smiley: Ta for the info
17 May 17 3 #13
I moved from Three to Plusnet a few weeks ago.. All very smooth, had a sim delivered and my existing number transfered all within 4 days. Now paying less (only£1) but have 2.5 times the data.
17 May 17 #11
What network do Plusnet use?
tightpants to shubhs108
17 May 17 #12
17 May 17 1 #10
Just wonder. Has anyone tried it and the cashback is tracking already ? Thanks
17 May 17 3 #9
I think you are overloading your brain too much ....
Given that this is a rolling one month contract of £8, unless you were living in the third world, is £8 too much to be taken into consideration ?
Let alone the probability of a company went into insolvency within one month after you have taken this offer ...
17 May 17 1 #7
Is there a way to upgrade an existing contract and still get the cash back?
17 May 17 #6
Switched to them recently and not had any issues. Saving a fair bit until my phone dies and I get another contract.
17 May 17 #4
Probably one of the first deals I've seen that rivals the £5 month 2gb deal my wife has with Virgin. Heat.
17 May 17 1 #3
Better value than recent offer
17 May 17 5 #1
£16 Topcashback, I think.
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

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