Dragon Age™: Origins - Ultimate Edition - £3.79
Mirror's Edge™ - £3.79
Dead Space™ - £3.79
Crysis® - £3.79
Crysis Warhead® - £3.79
SPORE™ Collection - £5.69
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest - £2.09
Medal of Honor™: Pacific Assault - £3.79
Dungeon Keeper Gold™ - £1.19
Dungeon Keeper™ 2 - £1.19
SimCity™ 2000 Special Edition - £1.19
SimCity™ 3000 Unlimited - £2.09
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition - £4.09
Syndicate Plus™ - £1.19
Syndicate Wars™ - £1.19
Theme Hospital - £1.19
The Saboteur™ - £3.79
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ Planetary Pack - £1.19
Theme Park - £1.19
Clive Barker's Undying - £1.19
Jade Empire: Special Edition - £3.09
Nox™ - £1.19
Bioforge - £1.19
Crusader: No Regret™ - £1.19
Crusader: No Remorse™ - £1.19
Populous™ - £1.19
Populous™: The Beginning - £1.19
Populous™ 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods - £1.19
Lands of Lore™ 1+2 - £1.19
Lands of Lore 3 - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia, The (Book One) - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate, The (Book Two) - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge, The (Book Three) - £1.19
Magic Carpet Plus™ - £1.19
Magic Carpet™ 2: The Netherworlds - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 1+2 - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 3 Heart of the Tiger™ - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 4: The Price of Freedom - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 5: Prophecy Gold Edition - £1.19
Wing Commander™: Academy - £1.19
Wing Commander™: Armada - £1.19
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™ - £1.19
Privateer 2: The Darkening - £1.19
Ultima™ 1+2+3 - £1.19
Ultima™ 4+5+6 - £1.19
Ultima™ 7 The Complete Edition - £1.19
Ultima™ 8 Gold Edition - £1.19
Ultima™ 9: Ascension - £1.19
Starflight™ 1+2 - £1.19
Strike Commander - £1.19
Ultima™ Underworld 1+2 - £1.19
Top comments
8 May 1719#1
As a gentle heads up, Patients are reminded not to die in the corridors.
8 May 176#2
That's an insane list, if you are picking up Theme Hospital be sure to get the CorsixTH version which improves the base game by making it easier to run on modern hardware (plus tweaks/adds subtle improvements).
May get Theme Park again, been ages since I played it :smile: Still rocking my old CD Rom version somewhere.
8 May 174#9
Incoming patients with Bloaty Head...
8 May 174#3
I've just bought it. If not just to show the boy that gaming frustration existed long before the Dark Souls era :smile:
Latest comments (22)
9 May 17#22
Nice. I'll pick up Theme Park. Now to decide whether to buy SimCity 2000, 3000, 4, or Cities Skylines..
9 May 17#21
The Saboteur is well worth picking up, I really enjoyed it back on the Xbox 360.
Theme Park and Theme Hospital are classics everyone should try.
9 May 17#20
Dark Souls doesn't come close to the era of gaming before saving your progress was possible.
Lose all your lives in Sonic / Mario? Start again.
9 May 17#19
9 May 17#18
Some of these games have been free on origin in the past, but still worth a punt for only a few ££
9 May 17#17
Sorry didn't mention the link is for free Android installer for Theme Hospital using PC files. (from GOG or other source).
STAFF ANNOUNCEMENT: Incoming patients with heaped piles
8 May 171#13
Why play either when Transport Tycoon is better than both?
8 May 17#12
Theme Hospital is very much improved with the use of CorsixTH.
8 May 17#11
Wish someone would make theme hospital type game or the actual thing for iOS
8 May 17#10
I have that as well, but sometimes you just need to revisit a game for the sake of things :smile:
8 May 174#9
Incoming patients with Bloaty Head...
8 May 17#8
some of these games can sometimes be free on GoG - I got Dungeon Keeper/Fallout 1&2 for free and some others...
8 May 171#7
why play theme park when you can play rollercoaster tycoon, its superior in every way.
8 May 171#6
:stuck_out_tongue: Welcome to the slack tongue clinic. The doctor will see you shortly.
8 May 17#4
For those of you new to Gog I can't recommended Clive Barkers Undying enough..one of my faves that I still go back..just remember and play it in the dark..if you dare!! :smile:
HoboHouseParty to Mud8oy
8 May 17#5
Totally agree! Freaking loved that game - even the music on the title screen used to creep me out :wink:
8 May 174#3
I've just bought it. If not just to show the boy that gaming frustration existed long before the Dark Souls era :smile:
8 May 176#2
That's an insane list, if you are picking up Theme Hospital be sure to get the CorsixTH version which improves the base game by making it easier to run on modern hardware (plus tweaks/adds subtle improvements).
May get Theme Park again, been ages since I played it :smile: Still rocking my old CD Rom version somewhere.
8 May 1719#1
As a gentle heads up, Patients are reminded not to die in the corridors.
Opening post
Dragon Age™: Origins - Ultimate Edition - £3.79
Mirror's Edge™ - £3.79
Dead Space™ - £3.79
Crysis® - £3.79
Crysis Warhead® - £3.79
SPORE™ Collection - £5.69
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest - £2.09
Medal of Honor™: Pacific Assault - £3.79
Dungeon Keeper Gold™ - £1.19
Dungeon Keeper™ 2 - £1.19
SimCity™ 2000 Special Edition - £1.19
SimCity™ 3000 Unlimited - £2.09
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition - £4.09
Syndicate Plus™ - £1.19
Syndicate Wars™ - £1.19
Theme Hospital - £1.19
The Saboteur™ - £3.79
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ Planetary Pack - £1.19
Theme Park - £1.19
Clive Barker's Undying - £1.19
Jade Empire: Special Edition - £3.09
Nox™ - £1.19
Bioforge - £1.19
Crusader: No Regret™ - £1.19
Crusader: No Remorse™ - £1.19
Populous™ - £1.19
Populous™: The Beginning - £1.19
Populous™ 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods - £1.19
Lands of Lore™ 1+2 - £1.19
Lands of Lore 3 - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia, The (Book One) - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate, The (Book Two) - £1.19
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge, The (Book Three) - £1.19
Magic Carpet Plus™ - £1.19
Magic Carpet™ 2: The Netherworlds - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 1+2 - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 3 Heart of the Tiger™ - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 4: The Price of Freedom - £1.19
Wing Commander™ 5: Prophecy Gold Edition - £1.19
Wing Commander™: Academy - £1.19
Wing Commander™: Armada - £1.19
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™ - £1.19
Privateer 2: The Darkening - £1.19
Ultima™ 1+2+3 - £1.19
Ultima™ 4+5+6 - £1.19
Ultima™ 7 The Complete Edition - £1.19
Ultima™ 8 Gold Edition - £1.19
Ultima™ 9: Ascension - £1.19
Starflight™ 1+2 - £1.19
Strike Commander - £1.19
Ultima™ Underworld 1+2 - £1.19
Top comments
May get Theme Park again, been ages since I played it :smile: Still rocking my old CD Rom version somewhere.
Latest comments (22)
Theme Park and Theme Hospital are classics everyone should try.
Lose all your lives in Sonic / Mario? Start again.
Need to install the Original files on SD card.
STAFF ANNOUNCEMENT: Incoming patients with heaped piles
May get Theme Park again, been ages since I played it :smile: Still rocking my old CD Rom version somewhere.