When these work, they're great, but do keep the receipt. I'm just exchanging my 3rd Philips GU10 LED bulb in a year. They have quality issues for sure. Googling the part number comes up with other people having the same issue, so not alone.
Krizzo3 to nomnomnomnom
22 May 17#12
Im more inclined in believing they just want you to buy another and not think about it too much.
Thanks for this always useful to have options: HB might be more local for some folk. Screwfix might be simpler for returns and topcashback for click and collect. .
23 May 171#15
This is a relector bulb.
23 May 17#16
Just ordered 5, cheers for the heads-up OP
23 May 171#17
The LAP and Philips units are good. I've got some LAP units on dimmers, they all seem fine. Very nice light like the Halogens not at all line the cheap LED GU10s or CFLGU10 really nice. As has been said keep the receipt. If you have trouble with your dimmer not working, I had this only on one set of lights at home as the total load was under 40W after moving to LED and I had to switch to a newer dimmer I got this one http://www.screwfix.com/p/varilight-1-gang-1-2-w-jet-black-push-dimmer-1-x-400w/44256 its programmable so you can set the minimum brightness onces (this is the level just above when the lamps start to flicker) then the whole phyical rotationof dimmer is avaiable for dimming and you no longer have to hunt around for the minimum. Interestingly the LAP and Philips units worked fine with my existing dimmers. Thanks OP
23 May 17#20
Ah thanks! the link wasn't opening for me.
Don't like warm white, as I'm trying to replace all with cool or daylight white.
23 May 17#21
would it be worth it to change working 50w halogens for these? Only used approx an hour max a day. Cheers
Dodge62 to norville555
23 May 172#22
1 hour of 50w per day is 18.25 KWh per year, or about £2.75 a year, whereas these will cost a tenth of that. So yes, these will pay for themselves in less than a year.
23 May 17#23
Possibly, but failing within a year is quite bad. They don't get anymore than an hour use a day. They're really pushing it if that's what they're aiming for.
23 May 17#24
These are better than one on offer
23 May 171#26
You need a Varilight VPro, not the one you linked. It specifically says in the manual it's not suitable for LEDs.
26 May 17#27
I get mine from the Poundshop.
Hillzat43 to TANDY
26 May 171#28
Poundshop (land) only offer 30 days warranty with receipt ! not very reliable...
27 May 17#29
Thanks, ordered 6.
29 May 17#30
Thanks my bad. I should have linked to the VPRO model thanks for the correction.
Opening post
Was £4.94 now £1.99. Be quick at this price !
Seems to be stocks around at my local branches.
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All comments (30)
I've just ordered 20 :confused:
So it's cold from me
Heat by the way OP - thanks for the find
Don't like warm white, as I'm trying to replace all with cool or daylight white.