not too different to the asus deal not too which was fairly nice. Doesn't come with dawn of war but the free ghost recon/for honor promo still applies.
hope its useful for someone
Latest comments (30)
12 May 17#30
I have found userbenchmark to be a terrible website for benchmarks. In my opinion, it's selection of games is not very good and doesn't accurately show the differences in cards.
You also noticed that there was a +55% difference in peak overclocked bench?
So, your own (albeit mediocre) source talks about a much higher peak OC comparison, maybe you should consider it from that site, TPU, or other sites?
12 May 17#29
no at all look on games fps u got 26% advantage to 1070 :smiley:)) i know some games are diiffrent %% but and everyone knows 970 bigger OC room then 1070 . ....waste of money we got around 7-8 months until volta comming so now get 1070 for upgrade from 970 is not great or someone who looking spend decent money
6 May 17#28
Where are you pulling these increasingly lower numbers from? Seems random dude, the 1070 OC's quite well, take a look.
But where do you pull your "only 34%" number from?
The performance summary sets the 1070 at '100%' and compares it to the 970, which is at 60%.
From the 970's view, (If you set the 970 to 100% as the baseline)...
970 - 100%
1070 - 166.6%
So, sure, it depends on your viewpoint, but it's actually, in comparison, 166% better than a 970.
Also, again, this card 300, you'd be selling a 970 for 100-150 and buying this card, which is *significantly* faster.
You're entitled not to buy this card, but it is absolutely a scorching upgrade to the 970.
5 May 17#27
only 34% after OC it can be around 27-30% And cost of upgrade ? sell 970 for 100-150 and get 1070 for 300-400 ? im waiting for card to play at 144fps 1080p this will be true upgrade maybe volta/vega
2 May 17#19
is no point to sell 970 and get this...
amansth to noss88
2 May 17#24
It's double the power and 8gb of ram. If you're planning to go above 1080p60 then it'll be worth it.
Not to mention it also has 150watt tdp compared to 145 watt (again for double the performance ).
Plus you can sell off the for honor/ ghost recon on eBay for more money back , as many have said earlier.
But if you're fine with the performance of 970( which is still quite goood afaik ) stick with it and save money :smiley: .
Are there any problems orderring from Amazon europe, warranty etc?
amansth to jldevoy
2 May 17#18
It should be eu wide ( should be able to return to amazon in any case ( for 1 year at least )
2 May 17#16
I was looking he KFA gtx 1070as well but mind that it has no 0 fan speed and the fans never stop. And cooling is not that efficient either.
2 May 17#15
Oh and the KFA2 GeForce GTX 1070 EX HERE! for only £295 + £4.50 P&P if you don't lik the Gigabyte. It has RGB!!!!
2 May 17#14
If you have a really small case, and want a tiny incy wincy Gigabtye GTX 1070 is HERE! for only a couple of pounds more. Obviously it's not as good as a full size card, but you know. :smiley:
2 May 17#13
I'm eyeing the Zotac Amp Extreme but it's not easy justifying £150 extra for looks and 5fps more
2 May 17#5
Smoking hot deal. Comes with a free game too. OP, I think you should mention the post, as For Honor and Ghost Recon are still worth £30-35, and can fetch up to £20 on ebay.
BillyD73 to rofldinho
2 May 17#12
Does the game come as a code? Unfortunately selling codes on eBay is very risky - there are plenty of scammers out there
2 May 171#11
I had the MSI 1070, the sole reason I'm not touching it is because its design is almost exactly the same, MSI doesn't deserve money for that stinginess
2 May 17#10
I would wait for Vega. I've only been saying that for, what, nearly a year? Still waiting. This is a good price, I'd bite now if you don't have a Freesync monitor. AMD need to pull their finger out.
2 May 17#9
Some RX 580 models are almost the same price where I live :smile: (europe)
2 May 17#8
Heat for savings and bread sticks
2 May 17#7
Back in stock on 9th May
2 May 17#6
1 May 17#1
Not bad at all. I'm on the lookout for a 1080ti, but right now the prices are around £750+ for a GOOD model. And it's not worth waiting 2-4 weeks for them, I reckon there should be a smaller price drop coming, fingers crossed..
ritchiedrama to MazingerZ
2 May 17#4
MSI's 1080 Ti Gaming X worth every penny :-)
1 May 17#3
good price but the cooler isn't so good apparently
1 May 17#2
I have been looking at the Euro Amazon sites and this is a good find op so thank you. Too long for my case but I would be very tempted otherwise.i checked earlier and looks like I could get 140 quid or so for my 970 via eBay so think it's a worthwhile upgrade for me.
Opening post
hope its useful for someone
Latest comments (30)
You also noticed that there was a +55% difference in peak overclocked bench?
So, your own (albeit mediocre) source talks about a much higher peak OC comparison, maybe you should consider it from that site, TPU, or other sites?
10% headroom on an already OC'd card.
But where do you pull your "only 34%" number from?
The performance summary sets the 1070 at '100%' and compares it to the 970, which is at 60%.
From the 970's view, (If you set the 970 to 100% as the baseline)...
970 - 100%
1070 - 166.6%
So, sure, it depends on your viewpoint, but it's actually, in comparison, 166% better than a 970.
Also, again, this card 300, you'd be selling a 970 for 100-150 and buying this card, which is *significantly* faster.
You're entitled not to buy this card, but it is absolutely a scorching upgrade to the 970.
Not to mention it also has 150watt tdp compared to 145 watt (again for double the performance ).
Plus you can sell off the for honor/ ghost recon on eBay for more money back , as many have said earlier.
But if you're fine with the performance of 970( which is still quite goood afaik ) stick with it and save money :smiley: .
The 1070 is *much* faster than the 970.
This is nothing like AMD's 480->580 farce. 40% or higher performance increases.
PNY 1080 for about 400 quid.
**** hotUKdeals
for only £295 + £4.50 P&P if you don't lik the Gigabyte. It has RGB!!!!