As the title says Ghostbusters for the Xbox 360 (and Xbox One) has gone down to £2.99.
The price for this shot right up after it was announced for Backwards Compatibility so this is a brilliant price for a brilliant game (Often considered the 3rd Ghostbusters film that we never got!)
Don't get this confused with the recently released game on the Xbox One / PS4 - this is far better!
Top comments
16 May 175#4
Looks like the prices are dropping for the Backwards Compatibility sale today.
Portal Still Alive £2.49
Portal 2 £3.74
The Orange Box £3.74
Skate 3 £3.74,
All 3 Dead Space games £4.94 each
Oblivion £3.95
Fable II £3.74
Fable III £3.74
Gears of War £2.99
Gears of War 2 £3.74
Gears of War 3 £3.74
Gears of War Judgment £3.74
Mass Effect £3.74
Bully £5.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution £2.99
Fallout 3 £3.95
Lots more, but these are just some one the ones i found so far.
16 May 174#2
Great game. Should be an instant purchase for anyone who doesn't own it :wink:
16 May 173#21
Crazy price! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!!
Latest comments (38)
16 May 17#23
is it better than the Ghostbusters game on Spectrum? (obviously it will be better graphics but what about game play)
scaryvonne to joshtbh
16 May 171#24
can't comment on the spectrum version but I highly recommend this version
jaydeeuk1 to joshtbh
17 May 17#38
That was probably the game I played most on the spektrum. Loved it.
Answer is 'nearly'.
17 May 171#37
Thanks for that. I looked on the 'ready to install list' again last night and both are now showing?! Now to clear more HDD space!! :smiley:
17 May 171#36
You need to clear your queue on the Microsoft website of all the 360 games you have already downloaded. For some reason they stay on the queue and will not allow you to download more until the queue is clear. Strange I know!
16 May 17#35
Oh, I got Portal 2, is that the better one?! Never played either but at these prices I thought I'd have a punt! :smiley:
16 May 17#34
Brill, I wonder if its to do with my 360? I bought them on the website and they went through OK but I'm sure I saw a message about the queue being full?!?! I looked on my One and its fine, I just assumed that I'd buy them and they would appear in my "ready to install" list?!?! Any ideas? :smiley:
16 May 17#33
The Orange Box and both Portals are backwards compatible.
16 May 175#4
Looks like the prices are dropping for the Backwards Compatibility sale today.
Portal Still Alive £2.49
Portal 2 £3.74
The Orange Box £3.74
Skate 3 £3.74,
All 3 Dead Space games £4.94 each
Oblivion £3.95
Fable II £3.74
Fable III £3.74
Gears of War £2.99
Gears of War 2 £3.74
Gears of War 3 £3.74
Gears of War Judgment £3.74
Mass Effect £3.74
Bully £5.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution £2.99
Fallout 3 £3.95
Lots more, but these are just some one the ones i found so far.
Retr0Gen_Gaming to Lothra
16 May 17#9
some amazing games on this list
frakison to Lothra
16 May 17#32
Are you sure that Orange box and Portal are BC? I;ve bought them without thinking and they are not on my Xbone queue?!?
Cheers now added to my pile of shame to play :smiley:
16 May 17#28
Superb. Was looking at this on Saturday at CEX and was £15. Looked online and it was £12. Glad I held out and thanks for saving m £9. The other GB is only 84p, don't care if it's crap for that money!
16 May 171#27
I am thinking the same - who needs reviews :wink:
16 May 17#26
great game, I thoroughly enjoyed it, one for the fans.
16 May 17#25
the third film is overstating things. I love GB but found the gameplay didn't hook me. only got as far as 30 mins in. hot for this price though.
16 May 17#22
hot hot hot!
16 May 173#21
Crazy price! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!!
16 May 17#18
Been waiting for this to drop... superb price, I know its not anywhere near as good but the other Ghostbuster game... sanctum of slime is only 84p.... not meant to be brilliant but for that price worth a punt too.
voyager123 to joanddan7
16 May 17#20
its not even worth 1p
16 May 17#19
Yeap total steal, since this game went BC on the xb1 it has shot way up in price, £15 on CEX, same for the left for dead games.
16 May 17#17
The last boss is really hard, especially if you stand in the back corner...
16 May 171#16
I'll buy this and it'll be free with games with gold next couple months no doubt :laughing:
16 May 171#15
You won't regret it :smiley:
16 May 171#14
This is a great Ghostbusters experience. Had it on PS3 so will be buying this at this price. I'd be happy to buy it again if they remaster it to current gen. Bustin' makes me feel good!
16 May 17#11
Has this got co-op campaign?
master_therock to deanmiles25
16 May 17#13
I'm pretty sure they closed servers for both versions didn't they
16 May 171#5
The Orange Box is £3.74 :confused:
tech3475 to YabbaDabbaDoobie
16 May 17#12
Honestly, I'd recommend getting that on PC, especially as there is a very good modding community for it.
That said, the 360 version isn't bad otherwise.
16 May 17#10
The 360 version has online co op doesn't it?
16 May 174#2
Great game. Should be an instant purchase for anyone who doesn't own it :wink:
cowmaata to Spidersmudge
16 May 171#8
I'll take your word for it and give it a shot. :smiley:
16 May 17#7
Reading metacrtic reviews the guns overheat constant .but the 360 version has better reviews
16 May 17#6
heat added I love this game got on my xbox 360 xbox one I also bought it from steam to play on my laptop
16 May 171#3
Looks like there is a massive 360 sale on at the moment - loads of games are 75% off.
16 May 172#1
Absolute treat of a price. Thanks op! Physical still goes for £20 on eBay...
Opening post
The price for this shot right up after it was announced for Backwards Compatibility so this is a brilliant price for a brilliant game (Often considered the 3rd Ghostbusters film that we never got!)
Don't get this confused with the recently released game on the Xbox One / PS4 - this is far better!
Top comments
Portal Still Alive £2.49
Portal 2 £3.74
The Orange Box £3.74
Skate 3 £3.74,
All 3 Dead Space games £4.94 each
Oblivion £3.95
Fable II £3.74
Fable III £3.74
Gears of War £2.99
Gears of War 2 £3.74
Gears of War 3 £3.74
Gears of War Judgment £3.74
Mass Effect £3.74
Bully £5.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution £2.99
Fallout 3 £3.95
Lots more, but these are just some one the ones i found so far.
Latest comments (38)
Answer is 'nearly'.
Portal Still Alive £2.49
Portal 2 £3.74
The Orange Box £3.74
Skate 3 £3.74,
All 3 Dead Space games £4.94 each
Oblivion £3.95
Fable II £3.74
Fable III £3.74
Gears of War £2.99
Gears of War 2 £3.74
Gears of War 3 £3.74
Gears of War Judgment £3.74
Mass Effect £3.74
Bully £5.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution £2.99
Fallout 3 £3.95
Lots more, but these are just some one the ones i found so far.
That said, the 360 version isn't bad otherwise.