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 Free first aid course, with certificate.
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Free first aid course, with certificate.

Freebies24 May 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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24 May 17
Following the incident in Manchester, and the various comments on this site regarding first aid, I thought I would see what first aid courses are about. I have completed a first aid course, or refresher every year since 1986 and used that training several times dealing with minor injuries (cuts and broken fingers) , to more serious (chap put his hand in a meat Auger, the screw thing that pulls meat into a mixer) to potentially fatal heart attacks (2).

I don't believe this week be a great course (I haven't had time to look through it properly yet) - you can't beat hands on experience or training - but if it gives you the confidence to have a go that can't be a bad thing. Certainly better than standing there filming someone dying for YouTube.

You may save someone's life, Your wife's, child some random stranger... you may not but if not you have only 'wasted' a couple of hours of your time.

Edit.... I've had a look and though it's aimed at the American market, their physiology is no different to ours so the first aid is the same. Don't be put off.
Latest comments (72)
29 Jun 17 #72
If you live in Yorkshire:-…tml
1 Jun 17 #71
'The incident'

You mean the islamic terror attack?
29 May 17 #70
29 May 17 #69
It is standard in a lot of youth groups now, the Air Cadets made it mandatory not too long ago. Having said that it is actually a significant training burden to train and maintain the qualifications it's easy to see why schools are reluctant to do it, especially if they aren't getting extra funding to do it.

For everyone else the UK government puts out a great medical guide aimed at seafarers that is actually very good as reference material for learning.
27 May 17 #68
I implore anybody looking at this to IGNORE IT!! it is completely worthless and possibly dangerous!!!!!! have a look at the NHS if you actually care about saving a life, rather than getting a meaningless certificate which even by the website that issues it, is declared as worthless and comes with disclaimers against any responsibility !!!…spx
27 May 17 #67
check the nhs
26 May 17 #66
Made me think. Going to look at doing sumthin. I usually lurk on here, snagging bargains, but joined just to say thanks everyone.
26 May 17 #65
​I fully recommend a hands on course. The idea of an online course is to give people the information to act and hopefully the confidence to have a go.
26 May 17 #64
I'm not criticising anyone's view as both posts here are valid. Insurance for those carrying out a First Aid role is a sensible precaution. But for Joe Public you're incredibly unlikely to get sued for trying to help someone in an emergency. Full stop. But the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, one of the shortest Acts in British History (after the Brexit withdrawal notification Act!) specifically provided for that. You're at risk if you barge in, not knowing what you're doing and making it worse. Doing a first aid course is designed to help all of us be less useless in any form of emergency. Statistically, you won't get caught up in a terrorism incident. But far more likely a loved one like a child will have an accident in your presence. Or a family member a cardiac arrest where the speed of CPR makes all the difference between life and death until paramedics arrive- that's why the footballer Fabrice Muamba survived.
26 May 17 #63
See my post 5 for a list of charity course providers on the National Resuscitation Council website, including St John's ambulance.
25 May 17 #62
Think is such a life skill for all
A tory mp Philip Davis was really proud to stop legislation pass to have first aid taught in school
He deliberately sabotaged the bill
25 May 17 #61
​If you are receiving ESA speak to your Personal Advisor to see if you can access free courses or funding for a paid course to improve your skills and cv.
25 May 17 #60
Really good and useful post thats made me sit up and think about these things. My employer also offers the training for free but it comes with the caveat that you are then a listed first aider. Having that responsibility always seemed a bit heavy for me- but if ever anything did happen and there was a chance I could of helped but didnt know how, I dont know if I could live with that. :disappointed:
25 May 17 #58
There are multiple companies offering similar standard courses to St John and Red Cross available by the delights of Google
As an example I work as a trainer for a company based in Devon called Triangle Training
25 May 17 #59
I would, but I'm unemployed (disabled)
25 May 17 #56
Awesome, heat added
25 May 17 #57
Think I did it once in PE when I was 15 about 7 years ago, that's about all I got which is disappointing. I'm gonna check if my uni do any free courses for it later on.
25 May 17 #54
That would be handy for the next bombing

25 May 17 #55
First Aid has helped me at a few situations. I used to do the refresher course every year and even went competitions. I believe that everyone should know the basics. The main thing is that it gives you confidence to recognise simple things and pretty much keep whoever it is comfortable and reassured. I find it absolutely despicable that anyone would stand and film any tragedy.
25 May 17 #52
Many thanks for posting such a thing...
25 May 17 #53
The Lib Dems want to introduce First Aid lessons for those in primary education, as well as financial skills and mental health education, that's why I'm voting for them :smile:
25 May 17 #50
​ See your employer, tell them you want to be considered for appointed first aider position. It's how I've done it.
25 May 17 #51
This is the app I was talking about:

It has been useful and have also installed it on my Wifes phone.

Also for the people talking about training I believe with St Johns they also then cover you for liability as well once you have been trained so your not scared of being sued while trying to help a stranger. I did this via work as an emergency first aider.
25 May 17 #49
If you have your own car and about 20 hours to spare each month, consider becoming a community first responder. Most ambulance trusts run local CFR schemes
25 May 17 #48
​ The aim out my post was to encourage people to do something or at least wake people up to the possibility of doing something. If you read the description again.."
I don't believe this week (will) be a great course (I haven't had time to look through it properly yet) - you can't beat hands on experience or training - but if it gives you the confidence to have a go that can't be a bad thing. Certainly better than standing there filming someone dying for YouTube.
. Like all the pseudo colleges that spring up it has its own 'certification' , and as I said, you can't beat hands on experience or training.
No one with any common sense is going to use one of these 'certificates' to try and get a job, but braving (having) done the 'course' they may step up to the mark when Dad had a heart attack or Mum slices her hands open in the kitchen instead of panicking or worse still freezing with shock.
I would certainly advocate doing an approved course PHYSICALLY( , ) the certificate is not important unless you want to use is to support a job application.
The reason I chose this one is simply ease out (of) access. It is broken down into small units and you can do it on your phone, so is ideal for a busy person.
The NHS course, St John's course and all the other courses in this country would be better. No argument from me. I do an annual refresher course (paid for by my employer) and a certificates (certification) course every three years.
At least people are thinking and talking about doing something. Some people are searching out their own access to first aid , Hayes (hats) off to them.
25 May 17 #46
Any first aid course that teaches basic life saving skills is good to do. Regardless of the qualification.

I've done yearly courses and refresher training sonce I was 18 - firstly military first aid (battlefield triage) and then civilian FA at work courses with added AED (defibrillator) courses.
AED courses are really handy to do although all AED's are voice prompted so that anyone can use them.

You will find that most public buildings and places of work will/should have AED's - they are even situated on the outside of some shops and only require a phone call to 999 to get the access code to open the "yellow box"
25 May 17 #47

If you're worried about these types of traumatic battle-style injuries, is a civilian first aid course really enough? Maybe it is, I don't know how much it covers.

A minimum would be to get hold of some IBDs (Israeli Battle Dressings) and maybe CATs (Combat Application Tourniquets) and learn to apply them - it's not difficult, even children have saved lives with them as well as self-application by casualties. Also learn to improvise equivalents from everyday items as it's fairly bulky stuff to carry around.

We would be better putting the effort into petitioning the government for the right to keep and bear arms so that nobody dares to carry out an attack and if they do they can easily be stopped by the public. The police are not there to protect you, they're there to enforce laws, unless you get lucky they arrive later to clean up and take statements.
25 May 17 #45
Useful post, well done
25 May 17 #44
Well done good post
25 May 17 #41
Please please join St John - free to join, free training and updates to ensure your skills remain current.
happymanuk to PussyCatty
25 May 17 #43
Free training with St John's ?
25 May 17 #42
Does anyone know of any more advanced first aid courses that are free/cheap? most of the courses I've been on seem very basic.
25 May 17 #40
Lifesaver is a good one specially designed online interactive film funded by the Resuscitation Council UK
25 May 17 #39
This is nonsense and the sort of thing that stops people helping. Give me just one example of a member of the public being sued in the UK.…ued
25 May 17 #38
It was my first aid post that kicked all this of, I think!

Has your 11 year old had any training? Medical students often go to schools as a charity thing to give CPR training (And ours does some teddy bear stuff with small children so that they know what a stethoscope looks like, and they get to bandage their bear and listen to it's heart beat whilst you tap the back of the bear :stuck_out_tongue: )
My point - before sidetracking myself - if you encourage your local school to make contact with your local medical school (If you have 1 local), the medical school will likely have a committee/event team that are happy to provide basic CPR training for children. Of course nobody gets a certificate and we can't pass you as competent, but it teaches what to do, and the technique etc. As far as I am aware, they don't charge the school anything at all.

I do totally agree it should be mandatory on the curriculum.....
25 May 17 #35
You can do first aid free with ila
happymanuk to kaysey44
25 May 17 #37
What is ILA and is everyone entitled to it ?
25 May 17 #36
Kick the war politicians OUT!
25 May 17 #34
Don't be so sure. :P
25 May 17 #32
You will if you use the junk posted!!!! please use this instead…spx
25 May 17 #33
I'm assuming this course isn't one that I can put on my CV as "first-aid trained". Anyone know how I can go about doing this for a minimal cost? Trying to do all I can do strengthen my CV before I graduate from uni.
25 May 17 #30
Save your time and look into this from an actual health provider!…spx
25 May 17 #31
complete anatomy!…omy
25 May 17 #28
Excellent advice link would help, but anything other than a link to a website full of pop ups and disclaimer will do!
25 May 17 #29
Get a gov petition started - I'd sign it!
25 May 17 #26
This is not recognized by anybody and certainly not the HSE!!!
Please try this instead…spx
25 May 17 #27
Thanks op! Let us join first aid course.
25 May 17 #24
Please use this and not the one posted!…spx
25 May 17 #25
Too right, along with financial guidance. Would be more useful than Religious Education.
25 May 17 #22
25 May 17 #23
Honestly, it isn't so much of "seeing" the certificate, it's more being covered if the person you save (or a relative) tries to sue you later. You wouldn't think it would happen, you're doing your best to save a persons life, but sadly that is the sort of world we live in. When I use to attend the St Johns Ambulance courses, afterwards we would be certificated first aid trained AND that would include insurance cover for this sort of thing.

In an emergency situation it would be good if the majority of people knew what to do. The real purpose of first aid is to keep someone alive long enough for the paramedics to take over (in serious cases), or how to patch someone up so they can get to A&E / doctors. A first aid course (from St Johns) costs £45 a price worth paying to be trained / qualified.
25 May 17 #20
This is irresponsible at best!
25 May 17 #21
Have a day off! If you actually make your way through the course, you'll realise it is incredibly useful and aimed at an international audience. Most of the videos provided are from UK sources (NHS, British Red Cross, etc.) and the information is almost identical to that which is provided by the NHS.

The certificate may be worthless in terms of a formal certification, but that's not the point of learning first aid. If you're ever in an emergency situation attempting to save somebody's life, nobody will ask to see your certificate - I guarantee it.
24 May 17 #19
Nice one OP + others on here too. :-)
24 May 17 #18
Try this less chance of killing somebody!!!!!
But sorry no worthless certificate
24 May 17 #17
Our certificate
Our certificate does not prove competency in any first aid skill. Our certificate is not recognised by any organisations or training providers. Our certificate is not formally accredited. We do not provide a formal first aid qualification and you must not use our certificate for this.

So completely worthless and possibly dangerous
24 May 17 #16
An actual hands-on course sounds interesting. I've just been looking St John's Ambulance and Red Cross do them. Does anyone know of any others and can recommend any ?
24 May 17 #15
Thank you, great find
24 May 17 #14
​Wow, that's good stuff. Looks very comprehensive. Going to have a good read of that. Thanks.
24 May 17 #13
Can I add what to do in an emergency situation and first aid
24 May 17 #12
Thank you, I always regretted not doing this at school I am definitely not going to regret it a second time.
24 May 17 #11
Also a First Aider (First Aid at Work) and I have St Johns apps on my phone and tablets. Also downloaded them onto my wifes and daughters as no brainer and may just help you, yours or a complete stranger if and when the time comes.

Actually talks you through what to do and it is all free
24 May 17 #10
​As I said, I do the course or refresher every year. Need the refresher as the number/ratio of breaths/compressions seem to alter every year.
24 May 17 #9
The Health and Safety Executive require workplaces to have trained first aiders. The certificate is valid for 3 years. However, the HSE strongly recommends that holders of First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work certificates attend an annual refresher course in order to keep their skills up to date during the 3 year period before requalification.
24 May 17 #8
Nice deal description!
Just curious, why do you do the course every year?
24 May 17 #7
Thanks, made me think. Will certainly look into this.
24 May 17 #6
Still think first aid should be taught in schools as standard. Even my 11 year old daughter agrees.
24 May 17 #5
Excellent post. The National Resuscitation Council have links for courses through other organisations. Install the Lifesaver app too. We're all really unprepared, unless you're medically trained. Heart attacks, accidents. What you do can be the difference between life and death. Whether in the street or at home with your family. See:

In the UK fewer than 10% of all the people in whom a resuscitation attempt is made outside hospital survive. Improving this figure is a major priority for the RC (UK), the Department of Health, ambulance services and voluntary aid organisations.
24 May 17 #4
As OP said I second that, if you can pay yourself £50 ish on a shared team training then do the hands on course and go for the 12 hour Paediatric First Aid Course (theory, practice and exam) and might as well do a bit more and do the paediatric Anaphylaxis too.
24 May 17 #3
Also check out the St Johns first aid app as it also has a lot of useful information quite plainly layed out in case you ever find yourself needing to help someone. good for looking through when you have some spare time on how to do various things.
24 May 17 #2
24 May 17 #1
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