For Gold members only but a steal at £6. I love Forza Horizon 3 but want a Forza game with local 2 player. This looks like the answer.
Top comments
9 May 175#12
When you say 'poorer' graphics...
I think it still looks bloody great.
8 May 174#8
Seriously, people are full on debating over £6, it's a steal. Thanks OP, heat added
JKTS9612 to ijwia
9 May 173#16
most likely Xbox considering Forza 5 was never released on PC
Latest comments (33)
9 May 17#33
I'm seeing £23.99 too (yes I have gold subscription), maybe the deal finished...
9 May 17#32
Good choice! Is the vip pack on offer in the store at £4 for Forza 6 at the moment?
9 May 17#31
thanks bud ill stick to my forza 6 with the porche add on
9 May 17#30
How is it a fiver clicked on link and on xbox showing 23 quid
9 May 17#28
Deal needs to be expired. Offer just ended. Anyone know how to expire?
ezak2211 to steveyboy79
9 May 171#29
9 May 17#22
I don't know why but on my account the price is £23.99 incl. VAT, and yes, I have Gold subscription :disappointed:
momouk78 to iorgu123
9 May 17#27
The sale is only for one week, every week. Finished last night.
9 May 17#26
Gah! Too late :o(
9 May 17#25
9 May 17#23
I'm seeing £23.99 too (yes I have gold subscription), maybe the deal finished...
Spark to BilliamJ
9 May 17#24
Same here. This has expired now.
9 May 17#21
Can get forza 6 for around £15 which has 200 more cars
8 May 17#10
whats the difference with this compared to 6 , graphic upgrade?
AndyEssex to tonyt3rry
9 May 171#20
I bought Forza 6 on release. I'd always thought Forza 5 was a rush release for the release of the xbox one, hence the lack of tracks compared to previous verions. I still enjoyed the tracks that were on offer even though they became repetitive quickly.
I love Forza 6. It seems angry, fast. The weather dynamics are awesome - go through a deep puddle and you'll know it. The driving seems more aggressive and there are so many more tracks to race on than Forza 5 and also so many different things to do - The career mode with all classes of cars, multiplayer, specific events every now and then.
Looks like the cheapest would be second hand on ebay at around £20 but I got mine on a great deal new and it wasn't that much more but it was a while ago. If you like racing games you'll love forza 6. Graphics are better, however I have to agree with other posts that praise the graphics of Forza 5 - very difficult to blow those away but they're certainly better but to how much is hard to judge.
9 May 17#17
What's the handling like compared to Forza 6? I'm on a g920 with stick shift and feel tempted to get it just to see if cars feel any different to drive.
Any cars on 5 that weren't 6?
gibblesuk to cheapbiker
9 May 17#19
Difference between 6 and 5 is very apparent and not as smooth as I'd hoped.
9 May 171#18
I picked up all the cars in the season pass for i think £4, and loving them, the classic car line up in this game is great, i love me some 70's Ford Capri Minder's car racing with the minder theme tune playing in the background......of the 1964 DB5, Bonds first manygreat classic cars to enjoy in this game alone never mind all the other ones.
9 May 17#14
is that xbox or pc screen shots though ?
JKTS9612 to ijwia
9 May 173#16
most likely Xbox considering Forza 5 was never released on PC
9 May 17#15
great priice !!!
9 May 17#13
Damn that looks good :smiley:
9 May 175#12
When you say 'poorer' graphics...
I think it still looks bloody great.
8 May 171#11
I've gone and bought this myself now so the question is academic, but has anyone noticed a pattern of games going super-cheap before appearing as a free download on XBOX Gold? Appreciate this is an old game in terms of the console's life cycle but I can't help feeling I'm going to see this on Games with Gold in the next two or three months.
8 May 174#8
Seriously, people are full on debating over £6, it's a steal. Thanks OP, heat added
XP200 to sinxa
8 May 171#9
Yeap, cracking game, you would be mad to miss it for 6 quid....especially since all your xbox stuff move with you to the Scorpio, and you can bet MS will be patching all their own xb1 games up the wazzo.
8 May 17#7
Probably best best wait for Forza 8 :confused:
8 May 171#6
I was also well tempted by this but I can't stop thinking it will be games with gold eventually bcos of its iconic status. and one of the OG Xbox one titles. heat though.
8 May 171#5
Might as well wait for Forza 7, highly likely a release title.
8 May 17#4
I have forza 3 too. Tempted to buy this but not sure I should as it will be poorer graphics wise and gameplay wise.
8 May 172#1
Wonder if they patch it to be better with the Scorpio?
Microsoft seem quiet good with backwards compat.
Tempted to pick it up in case they do.
momouk78 to geebeegooner
8 May 172#3
If you are looking at Scorpio you should buy Forza 6 with 60fps.
8 May 171#2
Bit of a bummer that the GOTY edition only includes one car pack
Opening post
Top comments
I think it still looks bloody great.
Latest comments (33)
I love Forza 6. It seems angry, fast. The weather dynamics are awesome - go through a deep puddle and you'll know it. The driving seems more aggressive and there are so many more tracks to race on than Forza 5 and also so many different things to do - The career mode with all classes of cars, multiplayer, specific events every now and then.
Looks like the cheapest would be second hand on ebay at around £20 but I got mine on a great deal new and it wasn't that much more but it was a while ago. If you like racing games you'll love forza 6. Graphics are better, however I have to agree with other posts that praise the graphics of Forza 5 - very difficult to blow those away but they're certainly better but to how much is hard to judge.
Any cars on 5 that weren't 6?
I think it still looks bloody great.
Microsoft seem quiet good with backwards compat.
Tempted to pick it up in case they do.