Battery operated 15 LED parasol light that adjusts to parasol poles between 35mm and 45mm in diameter. Has a one year guarantee and doesn't chew through batteries as they are LED bulbs. Fits right at the top of the parasol and has 5 leds on each of the three sides. Great for summer nights in the garden or if you have your parasol over your lay-z-spa.
Not identical though as the Range one shows 3x AA batteries needed.
7y 44d1#5
Perfect for BBQs in the rain!
7y 44d#6
Watch as hundreds of insects and moths become your new best friend
black.knight to Northerndave
7y 44d#7
Just hang a battery operated insect and moth repeller from your parasol. You will also need to purchase scaffolding to hold up your parasol.
7y 44d#8
Normal price, not available in many local stores, weather is poor, how the **** is this a hot deal?
black.knight to dewonderful
7y 44d#9
The light will help in the poor weather and you're sitting under a parasol anyway so you're protected. Duh.
EDIT - Heat added
7y 44d#10
And when you hold an umbrella, you never get a drop of water on you because rain in this country always falls in perfect vertical lines. I'll have two of whatever you are on, seems ideal!
Opening post
£9.99 with free click and collect at Screwfix
Not identical though as the Range one shows 3x AA batteries needed.
EDIT - Heat added