50% off Sky packages for next 3 days. Probably some cashback offers to make this even lower.
£218 = £11/month (18 months) + £20 set up fee.
£199 for the Sky box. - shuwaz ****Please do not request / offer referral codes*****
Top comments
10 May 174#149
Aren't you a bundle of joy :confused:
What's the point of windows 10 if you've got windows 7? What's the point in an iPhone 7 when you have a 6S? Etc etc etc
Is sky cheap? No its not
Is it an absolute essential? No it's not
Is it premium tv for a premium price? Whaddya know......it is!
The deals in this thread are a good deal for whoever wants sky but wants to pay less, if I'm brutally honest........you just sound a bit bitter......did you not get the right deal? Does your wife not let you have it? Or get this.......are you a person with different likes and desires to other people therefore you see more value in something that others of us wouldn't be caught dead spending a penny of our hard earned money on
By all means if you think it's a bad deal, comment and say it's cold.........but to go through the comments replying to individuals on a one man mission........seems a bit sad bud :wink:
Do you need a hug? <3
9 May 173#24
I cancelled sky end of March, just been online chat & was offered free Sky Q 2tb box plus 1 mini box & 40% off TV package, 12 month contract.
9 May 173#7
wow, £199 for the setup and the box remains the property of sky, thats like, ouch no thankyou
Id pay £199 if i could keep the box after , but not on a loan
All comments (219)
9 May 17#1
I phoned up and there systems are down at the moment but is worth a look
9 May 17#2
How does the multi screen work on this? x
ChrissyBoy to nefertiti6969
9 May 17#41
It works through your wireless network, so basically the mini box reads everything from the main Sky Q box so you can watch tv and recordings in any room as you don't need the cable from the dish anymore. Mine disconnects quite a lot but I think that's a combination of my router and being with Talk Talk as I think it works better with Sky broadband and their router. I've since hardwired it straight to my router and it works a lot better.
9 May 171#3
what happened to the 12 month contracts?
My current 50% offer is up for renewal in September, wanted to add on cinema which they will do for £7 a month, but ties me in to a new 12 month contract :disappointed:
davidmcmillan to saintscouple
9 May 17#5
Buy a NowTV box with movies pass to tie you over until September - should cost you approx £20-25
I'm glad I did as for very little effort I managed to get my parents 50% of their contract and some credit on their account and will be following the same process when that 12 month period is up again.
I'm not sure if there's any way of getting decent discounts without tying into a 12 month period though, but people on there might say otherwise.
den169 to saintscouple
9 May 171#30
I would check on that.My son took the cinema extra package while an engineer was at his house and was gauranteed it wouldn't extend his contract,Both by the engineer who rang it in and sky on the phone.
9 May 171#4
+£199 for the box?
furiousjammin to Bades
9 May 172#6
You shouldnt have to pay for the box surely? As it remains the property of sky.
st2000 to Bades
9 May 17#37
I provisionally checked price, whilst adding multiroom the price of the 4k box goes to £60
9 May 173#7
wow, £199 for the setup and the box remains the property of sky, thats like, ouch no thankyou
Id pay £199 if i could keep the box after , but not on a loan
matthewnunn1986 to Macca-J
9 May 17#75
That's only if you want the 2tb
9 May 171#8
New customers only I suppose?
Macca-J to gavgooner
9 May 171#13
No i signed in and it offered me the same as a existing customer, but still £199 installation charge and you dont get to keep the box ? WTF
9 May 171#9
Good shout. They keep pestering me to re-join with 40% off, but with this now I can negotiate a better deal.
r401caw to sefgrt123
9 May 17#56
We got 60% off and £50 cash back - ask for it!
9 May 17#10
Check your online bills if you're already on a cheap deal - our 12 months for £10 offer has been extended another 12 months with no new contract.
sefgrt123 to tomwatts
9 May 17#77
Did you get 12m for £10 one off payment? I had that but they weren't for renewing it for free or £10 lol
9 May 171#11
Now TV movie bundle is £9.99 a month. Sky Cinema package is £18 a month.
Am I being daft when I say they're the exact some thing?! What extra channels or stuff does Sky Cinema add?
dorey69 to DamienB
9 May 17#28
Buying vouchers makes it cheaper too. Not through sky.
alwatson to DamienB
9 May 17#40
The only real benefit of the Sky Cinema package through a Sky box is you can record films and watch them once they aren't being shown any more. Once a film is removed from NOW TV you will not have access to it any more.
tomwatts to DamienB
9 May 17#46
1080p/4K and 5.1 surround.
9 May 17#14
I am an existing customer and paying £56.00 a month for everything with a normal sky box with movies. (BB unlimited (34mb), Sky everything apart from Sport), pay for calls, but use our mobiles anyway and want it for incomming).
With Sky Q this would reduce to £44.00 a month, however I have to still but a Q box for £199.00 according to MY Sky online.... It's a 18 month contract also and I am on a rolling month by month at present.
furiousjammin to cfbc
9 May 17#22
I got my parents a deal last year - all sky channels, top package, including phone and unltd bb, 3 multi room subs (so more boxes in total) £65 a month.
9 May 17#15
Likewise... :disappointed:
I may phone them and say if they throw the cost of the box in I will stay....
9 May 17#16
you will find the 2Tb box will be your property and you get to keep it but any additional multi room boxes you get ie the mini boxes will remain the property of sky and you will have to return once you terminate your contract
Budden to rickyb185
9 May 17#33
Just got Sky Q 2-3 weeks ago and they said all boxes belong to Sky. I got 35% off with free installation and one additional box for bedroom
9 May 17#17
Do you think quidco will work??? :-)
9 May 17#18
Can not see a way around it as it looks like new customers only..
9 May 17#19
such a bust that HD costs more on top of the normal sub, especially sports as it's another £6 just for a better picture
goldust to highspire2k
9 May 171#36
Yeah it's a bit daft that the basic package they're virtually giving away but when you add everything on and take stuff you'd actually find useful with this kind of kit like HD sports or an extra box it's a total rip off!
sefgrt123 to highspire2k
9 May 17#79
Somebody has to pay Gary nevilles wages
9 May 172#20
surely this needs amended the price needs to include the £199 for the box, completely misleading
americanonpurpose to Andwoo
9 May 171#25
It's not £199 for the box, the 1TB box is free, for some reason people keep looking at the 2TB. Just get the standard and keep the £200 in your pocket
9 May 17#21
I'm on offers with all of my sky services and I have tv, fibre, and talk.
My only problem is the line rental and fibre end different times, i.e
Line Rental - Free - ends Nov
Fibre - 50% off - ends July
Thus come July i may have to pay the extra £10 for a few months so i can renegotiate them together, and if no offers can move to another provider without penalty.
Just hope this 18 month contract duration isn't becoming standard, as only had 12 months when i took out Q last year.
9 May 17#23
Will existing Sky broadband customers be eligible for the free box, as it's a different product?
9 May 173#24
I cancelled sky end of March, just been online chat & was offered free Sky Q 2tb box plus 1 mini box & 40% off TV package, 12 month contract.
9 May 17#26
Shows equipment as free for me, just £20 install on top of the monthly price
chelmsfordman to JC80
9 May 17#34
£20 install fee? Mine is £199 regardless of if I choose 1Tb or 2Tb with my current monthly cost being unchanged - cant see the point though all I hear from friends who have upgraded is the remote is a pain to use and I would be tied into 18 months of payments
9 May 171#27
Same here. Tempted to rejoin the dark side.
9 May 17#29
From Sky online chat......... regarding the £199 charge......
"This cost is for all of the equipment and work required to get your Sky Q up and running, and our engineer will also give you a demonstration of all it's fantastic features. And once you're set up you have the peace of mind that any future service and repair visits will be free of charge."
9 May 17#31
This is how mine pans out online. I have two normal boxes at present. One in the living room and one in teh bedroom, so will need a mini Sky Q box along with the 2TB Q box downstairs.
Your Selection
Current monthly cost£56.49
Without offers £111.99
What you've added£0
New 18 month minimum subscriptions.
Sky Q Multiscreen£12
New total monthly cost £56.49
New 18 month minimum subscriptions.
One-off cost£198
Sky Q 2TB box Install Fee£99
Payable now
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini£99
Payable now
Total one-off cost £198
EquipmentNo cost
So, the same monthly cost, but £198.00 one off payment :disappointed:
9 May 171#32
I think you need the 2TB box for 4k tv - If you call you should be able to negotiate the install down. As my dish is out reach of the sky height team I had to use a private firm to adjust the lnb so used that as ammunition to get the install down.
Was charged as follows (back in December):-
Sky Q 2TB box Install Fee - see full breakdown £60.00
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini - see full breakdown FREE
Total £60.00
9 May 171#35
The thing is, you need the 2TB to enable 4k content. Absolutely ridiculous. And Sky wonder why people end up drifting towards Kodi etc.
9 May 17#38
Remote is hyper sensitive, which means accidentally rewinding tv. It does now have voice search like the Amazon Fire thought. The other remote is cheaper and I would guess many people would probably prefer it.
9 May 17#39
For me if i switch a 2TB is a must for several reasons.
1) First off it's the only box which supports UHD which is the main reason. If i'm paying extra I least want to get UHD TV.
2) It supports 3 TV's via Multiscreen (1TB only supports 2)
3) It supports 2 tablets (1TB only supports 1)
4) You can watch 4 shows and record a 5th (1TB allows you to watch 3 and record a 4th)
5) If i switched to a 1TB I'd be losing 2TB of storage as I've got a 2TB downstairs and a 1TB upstairs. 1TB would never be enough to service main TV and 3 further TV's upstairs.
It's the 18 month contract that is the killer as they only ever give 12 month discounts out.
9 May 17#42
I get this when I click on the link:
Unable to complete your order online
From the information provided, it appears you may already be a Sky TV customer, or have previously had Sky at your address.
We are therefore unable to complete your order online. You can continue browsing the site for information but, to place an order, please call our team of dedicated advisors on 03442 414141.
9 May 17#43
Thank you. So do you have to watch the same as the main box if there were 2 of you using the main and mini box? shame you still have to pay the multi room subs.
9 May 172#44
Not an issue for me as I don't have 4K but yeah, that's a typical Sky move. I can't believe they still charge £6 to add HD to sport, something I absolutely refuse to pay for. You're right about Kodi too, I could find better quality streams than I get paying for my SD Sky Sports picture, it's ridiculous.
No, you can watch different channels or recordings. You can also watch any channel or recordings on a tablet and can be downloaded to watch later if you're out. You can record 4 things while watching a 5th also.
9 May 17#48
Why is this hot? 50% off for new customers is nothing new if you talk to live chat.
This was a long time ago. No more 12 month contracts. They are all 18 months.
I was offered less than £5 a month to stay on the Original package last month. I declined.
But, with this deal you get a new Sky connection in another room of the house. You then move it to the room you want. If the engineer is nice, he will install cables in a room of choice and then connect the box wherever you want. If not, move it yourself (for effectively £20 more than I was offered to stay).
9 May 17#49
For anyone bitching about not owning the box, remember you are effectively getting a warranty for life. Anytime the box or the remote goes wrong, they'll fix or replace.
Common.Sense to VikJ
9 May 171#54
But that is rubbish as when you owned the box you could connect a box in to every room in the house. Lounge, kitchen bedrooms and get freeview.
You make childish comments such as "bitching" and do not understand the real world benefits.
Give me a choice, I will have Sky HD box and keep it after 12 months. I have Sky boxes in 5 rooms and need 2 more and each year Sky would install in a new room and I would just move the new box. When I do not want Sky, I keep boxes and use them as "freeview".
9 May 172#50
If anyone is in their 30 day notice period (or just cancelled recently) check your account via your sky box, when I go into mine they're offering me 60% to stay....
9 May 17#51
How have you got a 1tb upstairs?, the whole point of Q is you have 1 main box on your main tv, then as many mini boxes dotted elsewhere around the screen, as when you want to watch a recorded program on one of the other boxes it just streams it from the main box!!
9 May 17#52
18 x £11 + £20 = £218. Minus £110 Quidco = £108 = £6 a month.
Last year Sky paid you to have Sky Original and gave you a free HD box for a 12 month contract.
Eg £20 x 12 = 240 + £10 install = £250. Refer a friend was 2 x £150 = -£50. Then they increased the price mid-contract, so it was -£40 or so.
How times have changed!
Come back 12 month deals!
9 May 17#53
This link seems to give the same 50% but also a FREE 2TB box (just £60 setup) this is better surely?
Correction, you get the 2TB box free only with Multiscreen
9 May 17#55
I have it and it's fantastic
9 May 171#57
You are correct!
Previous advisor told my porkies... it doesn't extend my contract by adding cinema and as i apparently have 60% discount on the tv, same applies for the cinema, so £7.20 a month and can give 31 days notice at anytime.
Nothing much offered on the fibre for me... threatened to cancel and all that was offered was £5 off on a 18 month contract.... may have to move provider on that one.
9 May 17#58
I gave them a call and had a moan about being a long term customer...
They did me the sky q 1tb box for £20 install instead of £199 and 10% off the box sets package £34ish for 18 months
not the best deal you will see but not bad for not much haggling
cfbc to Curfish
9 May 17#69
What's your total package cost and what do you have prior and the same after Curfish as I am going to try that also...
9 May 171#59
Thank you seems i was getting confused. seems a good deal
9 May 17#60
If you decided you want Sky Q (sounds like a no) they change the lnb to wide band and old boxes don't work. You need to get a multi band lnb installed not sure Sky would install an Eight feed multi band, you would need a splitter box like they put in flats.
9 May 17#61
He is referring to his current status where he has a 2TB SkyHD downstairs and a 1TB SkyHD upstairs
9 May 171#63
Can I just say a big thank you to the OP for posting this. I just rang Sky threatening to cancel my existing subscription in order to take up this deal and was offered a 75% reduction on my current deal for the next 12 months!! I'll have that thank you very much! :wink:
surfinbird to johnfrankland
9 May 17#71
What package did you take?
9 May 171#64
Really? I better check. Because I got Sky Q for my mum and the engineer changed the lnb to ensure the other box would work. They did not install a new dish. I have multiple HD boxes need them all to work.
9 May 171#65
Just got off the phone with sky,
Very helpful agent, only called up to upgrade my Fibre hub to the new Q hub as I was having wifi issues, anyway we got on about sky q and asked if I was interested, ( I was happy with my sky+hd setup )
Offered me the 2TB silver box and 2 mini boxes plus the Q router all installed for £60 and a 25% discount on tv sub, originally wanted £99 install which I refused,
But all is good, couldn't turn that offer down at all,
18 month contract on the Sky Q sub and 12 month on the multi screen sub, been a customer for almost 11 years now, doubt I'll be leaving anytime soon,
Installed this Sunday with their hybrid LNB too, so I can continue to use other freesat devices etc...
eslick to liamdob89
9 May 17#72
You could get a better deal on the TVs 25% is a terrible offer 60% minimum and account credit is easy to achieve :disappointed:
9 May 171#66
According to Sky here the setup is £20.
£199 is for the 2TB box, but this is reduced to £60 if you take multiscreen like we did.
9 May 17#67
I know they will do a 4 feed if like in your Mum's case can show that you have "non Sky" (old box or freesat) in another room - just don't think they would give 8+ feeds.
9 May 17#68
Just ask the engineer on the install day for a Hybrid LNB,
This has 6 Feeds, 2 for Q and 4 spare for other legacy devices you may have,
Have to prove to the engineer that you do have a working freesat etc... before he will fit the hybrid,
Our neighbour had the hybrid LNB fitted, just gotta ask the engineer, it's nothing out of his pocket
matthewnunn1986 to liamdob89
9 May 17#78
Def only if you have Freesat, not if you just want one incase you want freesat
9 May 171#70
"Be Warned"
I was with Sky for 7 years successfully negotiating 50% off every single year.
8 months ago my acc was passed to a DEPT called "The Executive team" who froze my online account and when asked they said it was being Man-managed as I have taken advantage of the offers (were being offered to me) and it was in the best interest of the business.
In a nutshell they made me feel like I did something wrong the times when I did speak to them, they were sarcastic/rude and basically encouraging me to leave so I duly left.
Just a bit of warning
eslick to Blacklabel
9 May 17#73
75% off for last 5 years all bar 1 where we got 60% and loads of credit. Been doing it for 14 years no issues. Worked with Executive Office when had issues they are the CEO team and normally extra helpful. I would email their CEO and complain.
9 May 17#74
From what I know is that the 12 month contract is for the hd+ box and you can keep the box but the 18 month contract is only on sky q services
matthewnunn1986 to WolverhamptonDealDon
9 May 17#76
They don't do HD anymore
9 May 17#80
I wish Virgin would put out a good deal. New property can only have virgin. as phone line speed is slow.
Heat given
9 May 17#81
I was only 45 days in to an offer. everything + multiroom for £46.25 but phoned up today to ask about Sky Q, managed to get 2tb box plus 1 mini for £100 including installation. My offer is still the same with 10 & a half months to run
9 May 17#82
HD is the worst con really, they only let you bundle it with the most expensive package. Used to be you only had to go one step up to take HD (like if you mostly watched sports and wanted it for that), but now you have to go all in just to order it on top of everything as well.
9 May 17#83
the reason why people are looking at 2tb box as it has Ultra HD, 1tb box is only 1080p
9 May 17#84
I've been offered:
Sky Q 2Tb
Multi room with 1 box
Box sets
Sports & movies
Fibre unlimited
Phone line
£60 for the installation and then £77 a month until 2022. Is this a decent deal? Or I've been offered the 1tb for just £20 installation.
9 May 171#85
my contract is coming to an end in two months and had a letter through saying i can keep my half price tv package including sports with no contract, will just be applied to my account- suspect you could get the same on live chat if you ask
9 May 17#86
Didn't realise people still paid Sky prices in 2017...
9 May 17#87
Heard loads of bad things about sky q.Still using sky HD and works fine and picture quality spot on.Luckily enough I phoned last year for a discount and they gave me 50% off but after checking this year I found out it dosent end till 2022 so 6 years half price and multi room so I aint changing :smile:
9 May 17#88
Currently pay £35 a month for TV and get everything.
Sky Q Multiscreen
Sky Cinema
Sky Sports Ultra HD
Box Sets
Sky Q 2TB Box
Sky Q Mini Box
Contract ends October and I only had to pay £10
9 May 171#89
For anyone already on multiroom/screen the install costs are really expensive for Sky Q. They were quoting me almost £300 for a 2Tb box and a mini one. I read that if you don't have multiroom the charges were a lot less. I cancelled multiroom and can now get Sky Q installed for £100 (box and mini). I haven't succumbed yet!
9 May 17#90
That's really cheap, how the hell did you manage that?
9 May 17#91
So existing customers cant upgrade to this deal?
If I login I can place an order at that page but thats a second install of sky I think not an upgrade.
I know a lot of people keen on Sky Q but hate the deals right now so I would be very grateful if people could post deals they were offered and what they basically said/had before.
9 May 17#92
I had a code mate
9 May 17#93
9 May 17#94
Sky dont do codes?
9 May 17#95
Sorry can you show me nowtv with movies for 4 months for £20 a month. I was looking just the other day and it's £40. All the previous deals have finished.
9 May 17#96
Yes they do mate
9 May 17#97
So what was this code? and where do I enter it?
9 May 17#98
You can buy the mini boxes on eBay, almost available most weekends by a few sellers with good feedback.
I ended up buying from eBay rather than sky, they asked for £100 for a additional minibox + £50 Installation and they still own the box I pay for?
And installation is literally just plugging in the box to the hdmi and plug.
9 May 17#99
Is there any way of ensuring you can get all football and F1 without having Sky?
Sky's constant "to get xyz you have to to buy this add", even after said features are an expected minimum has made it stupidly expensive. Why are they still charging for HD for example?
TV only - complete bundle - either £20 for Q 1tb or £60 for Q 2tb. 35 per month for 18 months. I can send codes :sunglasses:
9 May 17#103
She was pretty adamant that 25% was the most discount she could offer me,
Would like to know how to get more but never mind I'm still happy,
60% seems like an awful lot of discount
9 May 17#104
That's brill, fill your boots
9 May 17#105
new customers only sorry
9 May 17#106
I've got a black 1tb q box from last September. Last week was the top of the unit was extremely hot, you could not keep your hand on it for more than a couple of secs. Never have I come across equipment which generates so much heat. Anyone else notice that?
9 May 171#107
been with sky for more than a decade now, but will be cancelling when contract ends later this year. just not worth the money anymore when netflix has so much content and is so cheap. can live without the footie
9 May 17#108
Was speaking to the Sky people that you get in shopping centres. Told me the £200 set up is ridiculous and that she could do it for £20 . I had just cancelled my sky . This could be done as a win back promotion .
Worth trying
9 May 171#109
But u do have to pay a monthly cost for multiroom using the minibox right?
9 May 171#110
sorry all the offer will still work for people taking a 1tb box, however the 2tb box is showing as 199 upfront...that's definitely changed from when they introduced us to this offer. u can always order over the phone with the code and I'm sure they can do something with set up fee
9 May 17#111
HD used to be an additional £10 but now you only pay for it on sports packages. Any packages with box sets have hd included which actually is better value than the old days. Also hd never used to get discounted.
9 May 17#112
Have a look at the posts above yours someone showed the lists of threads on how to get it call and cancel you shouldn't be paying that much :disappointed:
9 May 17#113
I just renewed my 50% off standard box contract less than a week ago - I called them to give my notice to leave and then took their offer. Does anyone know if I can cancel this, please? Wanting to go for sky q instead with this offer!
9 May 17#114
I went onto live chat with Sky 2 months ago enquiring about the 2tb box deal with multiroom as they were doing 18mth contracts. the operator gave me a 12 month contract with free setup and a free multiroom box(no £60 fee) and knocked 25% off so with the £60 off the box it equated to about 37% reduction. Love the UHD by the way
9 May 17#115
as its come up a couple of times, only your base entertainment package has a minimum term, any extras such as sports, cinema or HD pack are on a rolling month by month basis, you can add them whenever you want and remove whenever you want providing you give 31 days notice.
Q 2TB supports the pairing of 4 mini's and 4 iPads but you can only watch on 2 mini's and 2 iPads at the same time
Most deals that are offered now are for the 18 month contract
You can't get UHD unless you have a 2TB and a multiscreen sub
9 May 171#116
you can put a dish on the back, loads of new build estates have signed exclusive deals with virgin, everyone moves in and puts a sky dish up, covenant usually says the dish can't be on the front face of the property
9 May 17#117
im getting offered half price on original bundle, and sport, = £24.75 for 18 months plus £20 for the box.
so adding BT sport on to this deal would come in at roughly £50pm for all the sport covered.
if you get BT thru the sky Q box is that in HD or SD? not bothered about 4k UHD etc
1080 will be fine. But BT in SD would be rather poor on their part.
9 May 17#118
I have phoned them a few times and at first there were no offers for SkyQ (last year) but a few weeks ago they offered a similar deal to yours plus they said any discounts will carry over - so that's 60% off until December. The problem is after December i will have a year left of the contract and they are unlikely or less likely to give any discounts
9 May 17#119
Went Humax HD box at least 5 years ago, or might be 7 - have never looked back. Probably worth investing in another similar box with better features by now its already paid for itself ( it was about the £200 they charging for installation here lol )
- and some interesting mods too with Raydons firmware
( e.g. streaming recording all around your house / anywhere to capable clients, browser based TV editor etc) - and it gives 2 fingers up to Sky and Virgin ( oh and BT) Telly lol
Looking a bit dated and slow now though, but I'd get another HD free box before I'd entertain a pay per watch kind of service like Sky or Virgin ever again. I like those Freeview ads they are cheeky too bet Sky/Virgin hate em lol
9 May 17#120
So can you get the UHD content without having to get a multiroom sub?
9 May 171#121
I ditched sky in 2014 and was without it for about 2 years. It paid for my 50" tv. Got a groupon deal last year for everything, multi-room and two new boxes and install for £35.00 a month. Not bad which is where the cost should be but because sky give millions to footballers to buy supercars and super houses many people suffer with ridiculous costs. Ask your local landlord at the pub what they pay for sky. You may get a shock and for what. To see 22 guys playing a game of frustration for 90 minutes.
My deal runs out at the end of May. I cancelled on the 1st as my £35 is going up to £92. Like WTF I could lease a small car for that. Movies cost millions to make yet cost £9 a month extra. Sky Sports on the other hand is a ridiculous amount in comparison. It's wrong and I apologise to you guys who like football but I actually find the game very good to play but watching it I think I would rather watch Eastenders or Corrie and I watch neither.
So they offered me 50% off so far so you would think that's £46 a month, right. No they take 50% of the sky package of £80 and then add £12 for multi-room. It's not like it's costing them anymore to send the signal to my bedroom. So £52.00 or £38 if I drop Sports and Movies. They not giving me much either but I never asked them about 50% off without movies and sports. Will see what I get nearer the end of the month
9 May 17#122
no you need a 2TB with multiroom to get UHD.......crazy i know!
9 May 17#123
Is it possible to have the Sky Q router without actually having Sky Q ?
9 May 17#124
not unless you pay to upgrade as an existing customer, normal sky broadband or HD customers get the normal Sky Hub
9 May 171#125
I think HD is £5 extra. 12 months half price BT on Sky.
can a mod explain why referrals are not allowed? we are allowed to post links to other unaffiliated, unchecked so possibly malicious sites but we're not allowed to send a code directly from the company the deal is for
9 May 17#128
Superb mate. Thankyou.
9 May 17#129
If you've read the Help section, / Code of Conduct which you should have done when you signed up to HUKD you will have agreed to not using HUKD to post referrals / self promote. If you wish to discuss this further you will need to contact Admin. If you see any links posted for malicious websites can you please report them so a Moderator can remove them? Thanks
9 May 17#130
I was on the full sky tv package £30 for 12 months. Okish deal. Thats ended now im on £30 rolling monthly contract until nov 2018. Then they'll hike the prices to £80+.
9 May 171#131
"Real world" and "Sky boxes in 5 rooms" do not belong in the same statement.
Either you have enough money to not warrant using a money saving site or you need a more social family :confused:
9 May 17#132
Give your 30 days notice, the day your services go off just go on live chat and say you've got a code for 75% off with £100 bill credit and they put it through as a win back offer
9 May 17#133
by complete bundle, do you mean sports, movies, box sets, line rental and fibre?
it wouls be great to know how
9 May 17#134
I'm currently paying £34 month on a rolling month by month contract for everything in HD. No phone or Internet though. Would I save anything if I rang up and got this? And is sky Q worth it. All these mod cons either seem to be for someone who has a spare 18 hours a day on their hands or for those that have no doors and windows in their homes
9 May 17#135
'Okish' ? A lot of people would say that's a really good price for the full package.
9 May 17#136
Seriously, won't they ask me for a code.
9 May 17#137
you can buy the Sky Q hub for 60 pounds, separately.
9 May 172#138
This site is crazy! When I was posted this same deal but with a free sky q box and free setup everyone voted cold!
9 May 17#139
My services fully went off couple of days ago so could try this or wait to see if I get the offer through post.
9 May 17#140
I have more time to play with 10 and half months but you only have just over 7 months. I thought I was getting put on a new 18 month contract then sky adviser said it was a 12 month contract, when I got my contract emailed to me that's when I found out it was still running to same period and that it was just a box upgrade which I didn't think was possible
9 May 17#141
No, took me 5 mins on live chat for my father
9 May 171#142
You have only posted a Pioneer deal or are you using multiple accounts?
9 May 17#143
How the heck has this got heat? First the boxes are loaned "free" but in reality they cost £199. Secondly you can put in cancellation and get 60% off normal sky or 35% off Sky Q but you can then get proper free boxes! You can also cancel multiscreen and get Sky Q cheaper.
Also note (you'd have to check this) if you have Sky HD pack they will continue to charge this but I don't think you need it with Sky Q 2TB box (maybe any Sky Q)because it is auto 4k.
9 May 17#144
WAKE UP - always better offers than that.
9 May 17#145
What's the point in Sky Q if you haven't got the 4k box? if your a tech wiz you'd have 4k surely. 1TB ain't free either.
9 May 17#146
And an 18 month contract.....
10 May 17#147
Digital reception is poor where I am and when it rains the signal is lost. All rooms have television aerial connections (may be the booster is poor). What's wrong with boxes in the lounge (normal), kitchen (wife insists), study (I work form home), master and guest bedroom? This is a sensible solution. No boxes in children's rooms. Then again, a laptop or phone is effectively a television! I also have 2 telephone landlines and 2 internet connections. Sky used to give boxes free and pay you for having the Original bundle. It would be rude to refuse! Now it's £6 a month with the Q box and this deal with Quidco. I just took the plunge and signed up as Sky agreed to install a hybrid LNB so the boxes would continue to work as freesat.
To the first half of your first question.... yes, but it would be stupid not to use cashback sites. They should not be required and everyone should get the same low price. But this does not occur so I am now at £4k on Qudico cashback. BT, Sky and NPower this month. 1 year later BT and NPower will be dumped and Sky in 18 months - Black Friday 2018 deal may be an option.
Before you ask, I have not paid for mobile phone contracts for 7 years due to cashback. BT effectively paid me £15 for unlimited calls and texts for 12 months! It was rude to refuse.
10 May 17#148
Happens all the time, the sites a joke.
10 May 174#149
Aren't you a bundle of joy :confused:
What's the point of windows 10 if you've got windows 7? What's the point in an iPhone 7 when you have a 6S? Etc etc etc
Is sky cheap? No its not
Is it an absolute essential? No it's not
Is it premium tv for a premium price? Whaddya know......it is!
The deals in this thread are a good deal for whoever wants sky but wants to pay less, if I'm brutally honest........you just sound a bit bitter......did you not get the right deal? Does your wife not let you have it? Or get this.......are you a person with different likes and desires to other people therefore you see more value in something that others of us wouldn't be caught dead spending a penny of our hard earned money on
By all means if you think it's a bad deal, comment and say it's cold.........but to go through the comments replying to individuals on a one man mission........seems a bit sad bud :wink:
Do you need a hug? <3
10 May 17#150
A mod deleted the whole post as my nephew who works there gave me the deal.
10 May 17#151
I've currently got a Silver Q (2tb) box and mini box for a promo £12 a month for whatever the entertainment package is. Runs out in September.
Just wondering if anyone's now reached the end of their 12 month term with Q and if so what happens. Presumably if I don't keep multiroom they'll request the return of the mini, but if I keep 'standard' sky, would I be forced to return the 2tb box and be sent a 1tb instead?
10 May 171#152
If you cancel multi room then yes you would have to return the mini but you keep the 2TB for as long as you stay with sky, you'll lose UHD though if you cancel multi room
10 May 17#153
Sky are really going in the wrong direction if you ask me. The only reason these things are even still being used at all is because at least one person in the household is holding out because they don't want to learn a new system (My Mrs in my case). My Amazon Fire TV offers me everything I need what with Amazon Prime and Netflix. On the odd occasion when I can't find what I need to watch I have Terrarium TV side loaded on to it but it is quite rare for that to be needed. If Sky were smart they would just be rolling out these devices as the natural successors to the old ones. The customer should not have to pay extra for them.
10 May 17#154
Gave notice to cancel last week. Tried to get this deal, it was refused. Tried to sign up my wife , on line and also by chat. That failed as they said the household already has SKY.
So managed to get 60% discount on existing package for 12 months - on a rolling 1 month contract, so can cancel at any time without penalty
10 May 171#155
I've come across much better deal for new customers.
10 May 17#156
That's the deal I'm getting offered at minute, not sure whether to wait and see if anything better comes through.
What package did you take the 60% off on?
10 May 17#157
we currently pay £108 for everything except for sport and HD (yep, i know we are getting royally ripped off):
Sky Go Extra - including discounts FREE
Sky Multiscreen £12.00
Variety with Cinema £50.00
Sky Fibre Unlimited £20.00
Sky Talk Line Rental £18.99
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
just not got round to sorting it out for whatever reason. We now have the option of using VM as they have finished cabling up our street last week, so what should we be looking at getting from Sky - have been with them for 20yrs or so.
Do i phone and threaten to cancel no we have VM as a viable alternative (must say Sky have been brilliant, inc customer support folks in the small number of times i've had to call them, so in one sense reluctant to move to an unknown). Fibre connection has been pretty much spot on, fast for gaming etc.
So, decisions, decisions..... :smiley:
10 May 17#158
This works a treat i already have Sky Q on this deal and for those who have not seen it working go for it but have the 2TB box as it supports 4K record 4 programme's while watching another. The wife has stopped moaning now as she can record everthing she wants with no clashes
10 May 17#159
If sky had the champions league then i would yeh ok £30 is a good deal. £80 for the full package is absolute robbery. I'd get phone+broadband fibre with them too but not allowed to use my own vdsl2 router which is a shame.
10 May 17#160
Just been on chat to try to improve on £24.75 for sport and original and it turns out they want extra for HD?
In 2017?
**** off.
IPTV all the way. Thats fine in SD for a fraction of the cost.
These people need to realise if they weren't such **** takers, they would do far more business.
Is phoning them a better option?
Phoning didn't make any difference.
Rip off merchants.
10 May 17#161
I have normal Sky HD 2TB boxes in both my rooms and I was paying £30pm for HD incl multi-room. The expired last month so at the begining of the week I called to cancel and I was offered to keep the same package at £34pm for 18 months.
After seeing this thread I looked at my offers and the system offered me Sky Q multiroom for £23.xx a month.
I called up customer services to check whether it was an additonal £23.xx to my existing subscription and the guy was confused because he couldn't see the offer himself.
I signed up for the offer while I was on the phone with the CS and the order went through with an additional £99 for the 2TB box.
If it's true then I am happy with the £99 charge.
10 May 17#162
"Not allowed" doesnt mean cant btw...plenty ways to use your own VDSL:
I left Sky because it was too expensive and bought a Nowtv box,you can get good deals like 6 months entertainment for £9.99 and i got 3 months movies with another box for £19.99,so much cheaper and no contract
10 May 17#164
Everyone has a Sky story. Here's mine.
My current £30 compete MSE deal ran out on 8th May. I put my notice in a month before. Had a load of calls in the first couple weeks from Sky but kept missing them. Nothing after. Had a couple chats online. Offered my sky Q for 10% off. £82 plus all the installs.
They kept saying their were more deals for regular Sky HD.
So here's the tip.
Take the Sky HD new deal, they gave me 60% and no contract.
Then give it a couple days and UPGRADE to Sky Q. All current discounts are transferable. So I get Sky Q 2tb plus 1 mini at 60% off on a 12 month as its an upgrade. Go through Quidco to try and get £150 for Sky Q. Bit hit and miss but could offset the install fee.
I'll do the same every year as I have done for 3 years!
10 May 17#165
Yeah that's a good shout.
I'm a touch stuck though. Currently 6 months in to a 75% off deal that ends in November.
Called Sky and they said upgrading to Sky Q will lock me in for 12 months so after November I'd get slapped at full price without any options at that point.
10 May 17#166
They'll offer you 60% off the remain with Sky HD. Then wait a couple days and upgrade. I was skeptical which is why I had a no contract. Then I upgrade through My Sky so I could use quidco, installing this Friday.
10 May 17#167
So wait the 6 months and then see what they offer me to stay?
If I replaced my 75% off now for 60% on £80 I'd be paying £32 instead of £20 for the next 6 months. Only £72 but still.
10 May 17#168
BOX SETS PLUS SPORTS PLUS HD SPORTS. All for £32.20 a month for 12 months on a 1 month notice only rolling deal. So not tied to a 12 month contract.
The did also say that if I wanted a new Box the they would agree to that but only offer a 30% discount for the year.
10 May 17#169
I'm in my notice period. They just called me to ask why i'm leaving but didn't offer any discounts. Seeing as i'm moving house soon I'm tempted to let the wife sign up for the deal on this thread anyway and be done with it. Can get the Quidco then too. How long do you need to keep the package you sign up for - i.e. add / remove sports etc?
10 May 17#170
That's no bad that your not in a new contract then.
I still have the Sky + box and not really interested in the new upgrade as that box is fine!
10 May 17#171
Exactly the same position as you. My 75^ off deal runs out in December. I want SKY Q but don't want 11 months of Sky at £92 once my 75% runs out.
10 May 17#172
Last time I used one of these offers I also managed to get cashback through quidco.
I clicked the link to go to the sky offer page, then I went to Quidco and clicked through the sky digital cash back, then I went back to the tab with the deal in and completed my order.
9 months later the cashback claim was successful and gave me £120.
When you consider that I was paying £19 a month for 12 months = £228 minus £50 bill credit minus £120 cashback = total monthly effective price £4.83!
10 May 17#173
Just realised that my Sky deal of £35 a month ran out last month...just payed £83 for May....ARRRRRGH
10 May 172#174
As a shareholder may I thank you.
10 May 17#175
£4.80 for box sets which adds hd package
it also replaces the channel numbers to hd ie 106 Is now 106 sky1hd
10 May 17#176
Has anyone noticed this with a sky box. HD channels seem so much better when viewing via the sky box compared to the HD tuner on my tv. SD channels on sky seem inferior.
So my question is this. Sky are a partner in Freeview are they not. So could it be that they can deliberately change the quality of the images we see to push us into buying their HD packages. I recently downloaded a programme from Eurosport SD and the resolution was terrible. And to add, I accept that there are a limited amount of HD channels available on Freeview due to bandwidth. Surprisingly it's the same number of channels you get with Freeview as you do on Sky if you don't take the HD package, or that's how it used to be.
So if we look at FREESAT, who shouldn't be restricted with bandwidth, then why is there only the same or similar small amount of HD channels as there is with Freeview. This makes me think that Sky perhaps have more of a monopoly than they should have and are restricting the amount of free to air HD programmes. Hopefully the more popular 4k becomes this will change and there will be more channels available in HD without having to pay extra.
10 May 172#177
Its 2017 in an advanced western economy.
Pay TV should be HD at a minimum.
Sky are a bunch of ****-houses.
10 May 17#178
I think the HD on my TVs freesat is superior to the same channel on my sky box so I guess it's TV dependant.
11 May 17#179
I like my conspiracy theories haha. I bought a new tv in January 2015. Mid-range LG. I wasn't too impressed with it. Don't get me wrong it was nice but......not as good as I expected and after about a year or so I was looking at changing it. Then I got a groupon deal for sky. I had been without it for two and a half years which actually paid for the tv. As soon as I got sky it was like a switch had been thrown on the tv lighting it up. Picture was amazing on HD but SD not so good. So like you say perhaps it depends on the tv but mine has freeview and a satellite receiver but definitely better in HD using the sky box.
I would still like to know why the HD channels on free to air are limited and just how much sky's input restricts what Freeview can and cannot do.
11 May 17#180
Lol my Sky Q bill is 91 a month.
11 May 17#181
I got my Sky Q for £15 for 18 months. I don't have pay anything else. Saving £22.50 per month over 18 month. The box is 1TB though. Can't complain too much.
11 May 17#182
Phoned sky, they we are out of contract but if we want sky q it will put our bill up to over £150 a month.
I asked if we can start a new contract under a different name, they say you cant do that as the contract is linked to your address.
We have been with sky for over 10 years. How is that that we have to pay over £150 for a package that a new customer could get with better equipment for only £56!!!!!
11 May 172#183
How do they get to £150.00 a month. Their top package including sports and movies is £80.00 + £12.00 for Multiroom so the maximum sky tv can be is £92.00 for HD. Sky Q without any applied discounts is £86.00 for everything. I just checked that on their website. Surely you can't be paying £58.00 / £64.00 a month for talk and broadband.
If I was you I would be cancelling everything with them as you are being ripped off.
11 May 17#184
yeah sorry it was a round about figure.
Qe are paying £128 including broadband.
With the new package id be paying about £72 with broadband.
11 May 171#185
To get HD sport you have to take box sets and then pay an extra £6 for HD. So it jumps £14 for HD and a load of box set garbage that i will never watch.
Are they TRYING to drive people away??
11 May 171#186
I just had this exact issue with them on chat, not interested in box sets but need it for HD sports :confused:
11 May 17#187
Had the same on the phone. They won't budge.
11 May 17#188
I'm debating whether just take the offer, I want the HD channels that's included with box sets.
60% plus £50 credit is the best I can get, spent an hour at least on chat earlier lol!
11 May 17#189
All im getting is the standard 50% off and no credit. Sounds like its worth going for.
11 May 17#190
Why not just cancel the contract first (since you are out of term), then get a new one under a different name?
11 May 17#191
Just noticed this Re your only user on ignore comment.
Wrong again Sky do do codes. i.e Go buy yourself an LG Tv
11 May 17#192
You should "cancel" yearly!
12 May 17#193
ok, calm down
12 May 171#194
existing customer here with a 60% discount ending in July.
adding sky q to my package still reflects the 60% discount.
Would I lose the 60% discount come July, or would it revert to the 50% off deal in this Deal?
12 May 17#195
I'm in the same boat, I have a feeling it's going to shoot up to full price after my 60% offer is finished.
12 May 17#196
I had the MSE 60% off the Complete. Argued for 4 weeks to get Sky Q. They wouldn't have it. Then one guy is like, I shouldn't tell you this, sign up to SkyHD for the offered 60% off retention deal then just upgrade and all discounts transfer over.
I did that and it installed today. UHD is so much better than HD.
13 May 17#197
Did exactly the same. Now got Sky Q and 75% off each month :smile:
13 May 17#198
Sadly you keep the box and once it's 12 month old they charge you at least £65 call out for box faults
14 May 17#199
Hi, did you have to pay the for the multiroom as well or was this without? Thanks
14 May 17#200
£30 for Sky Q and £12 for multi room.
Had to take 1 mini box to reduce install fee from £200 to £100.
Go to MySky through quidco and upgrade that way to get £125 tracking through Quidco. Pays for the install.
14 May 17#201
Those going through Quidco, does it only work if you're a new customer?
14 May 17#202
It didn't track at first. I raised a claim and it asks for all your details and also new/existing customer. Filled that out, appeared in my account at £125 tracked the next day.
14 May 17#203
Sorry, I am an existing customer. All tracking now.
14 May 17#204
Had Sky Q 2TB Box installed last September with 4 mini boxes around the house, had nothing but problems with this system, mini boxes not connecting to the main Sky box & paid £369 for the install !!!
15 May 17#205
Had my Sky Q box installed on Friday after I got phoned up and got offered 65% off and no install fee. So paying £12.34 for box sets on top of my fibre BB.
I am really surprised at the bad ergonomics of the system:
* No manual
* Comes out of standby to Sky Q program suggestions (not TV or TV Guide)
* No TV Guide button (2 press to view, 4 minimum to navigate)
* FF/RWD only, no skip back/forward
* No dedicated last channel button (you have to press the Right arrow button)
* Menus are not cyclic so to get to the bottom you can't just press Up once.
Only 3 days in but not overly impressed but it does the job (gutted that there is no Sky 3D anymore)
15 May 17#206
Yes please
15 May 17#207
well actually i did cancel last year and they offered me sky sports and movies and family pack for £35 p/m (no multiroom and just sky hd, not q) for 12 months so i took them up on their offer. But now i feel its not worth the money
15 May 17#208
I work in tech but struggled with the new layout at first. With regards to the skip, while you're watching a program, press up on the directional arrows, then when the timebar is on-screen, press left or right and you can jump far more quickly than the 30x FF/RW.
15 May 17#209
Upgrade via MySky. All discounts will transfer to SkyQ
15 May 17#210
Thanks. That should ease some of the pain :smiley:
Do you know if there is a hidden, favourite channels, in there somewhere too?
15 May 17#211
Why no Sky 3D? Have you activated it?
16 May 17#212
Do you have any left? I know im probably extremely late in asking :disappointed: completely missed this deal, raging! :disappointed: thanks
20 May 17#213
Did you select new or existing customer when you signed up?
20 May 17#214
On the quidco claim form I marked it as existing. Didn't want to lie as they are fussy enough when paying out anyway.
20 May 171#215
See above
20 May 17#216
Excellent, thank you!
Did it go through as a 12 month contract?
20 May 17#217
Yes. Upgrades are 12 months. New contract would be 18. Kit still loaned. I guess it's in their interest to keep a good deal next time as they have their kit to retrieve or just renew the deal.
Sky guy tried to help me by taking my old HD box. Said thanks but no thanks. You can send back to sky recycle for £40 if you don't want to keep it and use it for FTV if you don't renew sky q
21 May 17#218
Update. I had existing boxes on one dish. Initially Sky said it was not possible to run both Q and HD boxes together. Then the technical department said a Hybrid LNB would allow this - and 6 connections. The Sky installer for Sky Q came and said a hybrid LNB can only connect 3 boxes. Since I wanted 4, I had to loose one. I suggested a second dish (as I he could install one). I also mentioned I wanted the Q box upstairs for 1 month and then moved back downstairs, he agreed in the end to put in to Hybrid LNB in each dish. Nice guy! I now have 2 dishes with a hyrid LNB in each at no extra cost. Many engineers would have refused. It's pot luck on the engineer!
My digital aerial is poor and Sky boxes provide means for a stable image that does not disappear in the rain!
Really, I should upgrade the aerial and have a new booster.
Life would have been easier and cheaper for Sky to let me continue with HD boxes, but Sky refused when I tried as I was classed as a new customer. Anyway half price and Quidco cashback, not a bad deal.
21 May 17#219
It just perseverance from the customer that gets the deal. Good work!
Someone somewhere in Sky knows the answers, you just have to find them and get past the first person that's picks up the call because they don't know their own product without the script!
Opening post
£218 = £11/month (18 months) + £20 set up fee.
£199 for the Sky box.
- shuwaz
****Please do not request / offer referral codes*****
Top comments
What's the point of windows 10 if you've got windows 7? What's the point in an iPhone 7 when you have a 6S? Etc etc etc
Is sky cheap? No its not
Is it an absolute essential? No it's not
Is it premium tv for a premium price? Whaddya know......it is!
The deals in this thread are a good deal for whoever wants sky but wants to pay less, if I'm brutally honest........you just sound a bit bitter......did you not get the right deal? Does your wife not let you have it? Or get this.......are you a person with different likes and desires to other people therefore you see more value in something that others of us wouldn't be caught dead spending a penny of our hard earned money on
By all means if you think it's a bad deal, comment and say it's cold.........but to go through the comments replying to individuals on a one man mission........seems a bit sad bud :wink:
Do you need a hug? <3
Id pay £199 if i could keep the box after , but not on a loan
All comments (219)
My current 50% offer is up for renewal in September, wanted to add on cinema which they will do for £7 a month, but ties me in to a new 12 month contract :disappointed:
I'm glad I did as for very little effort I managed to get my parents 50% of their contract and some credit on their account and will be following the same process when that 12 month period is up again.
I'm not sure if there's any way of getting decent discounts without tying into a 12 month period though, but people on there might say otherwise.
Id pay £199 if i could keep the box after , but not on a loan
Am I being daft when I say they're the exact some thing?! What extra channels or stuff does Sky Cinema add?
With Sky Q this would reduce to £44.00 a month, however I have to still but a Q box for £199.00 according to MY Sky online.... It's a 18 month contract also and I am on a rolling month by month at present.
I may phone them and say if they throw the cost of the box in I will stay....
My only problem is the line rental and fibre end different times, i.e
Line Rental - Free - ends Nov
Fibre - 50% off - ends July
Thus come July i may have to pay the extra £10 for a few months so i can renegotiate them together, and if no offers can move to another provider without penalty.
Just hope this 18 month contract duration isn't becoming standard, as only had 12 months when i took out Q last year.
"This cost is for all of the equipment and work required to get your Sky Q up and running, and our engineer will also give you a demonstration of all it's fantastic features. And once you're set up you have the peace of mind that any future service and repair visits will be free of charge."
Your Selection
Current monthly cost£56.49
Without offers £111.99
What you've added£0
New 18 month minimum subscriptions.
Sky Q Multiscreen£12
New total monthly cost £56.49
New 18 month minimum subscriptions.
One-off cost£198
Sky Q 2TB box Install Fee£99
Payable now
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini£99
Payable now
Total one-off cost £198
EquipmentNo cost
So, the same monthly cost, but £198.00 one off payment :disappointed:
Was charged as follows (back in December):-
Sky Q 2TB box Install Fee - see full breakdown £60.00
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini - see full breakdown FREE
Total £60.00
1) First off it's the only box which supports UHD which is the main reason. If i'm paying extra I least want to get UHD TV.
2) It supports 3 TV's via Multiscreen (1TB only supports 2)
3) It supports 2 tablets (1TB only supports 1)
4) You can watch 4 shows and record a 5th (1TB allows you to watch 3 and record a 4th)
5) If i switched to a 1TB I'd be losing 2TB of storage as I've got a 2TB downstairs and a 1TB upstairs. 1TB would never be enough to service main TV and 3 further TV's upstairs.
It's the 18 month contract that is the killer as they only ever give 12 month discounts out.
Unable to complete your order online
From the information provided, it appears you may already be a Sky TV customer, or have previously had Sky at your address.
We are therefore unable to complete your order online. You can continue browsing the site for information but, to place an order, please call our team of dedicated advisors on 03442 414141.
Sky - Rejoin with 75% off and £100 credit - HotUKDeals
Can I get a better deal with Sky? - The Telegraph (Published 3 May 2017)
Haggle with Sky: how to get the best deal - MoneySavingExpert (Updated 14 Mar 2017)
You can get 60% + £50-100 credit on month to month/12 month contract through live chat as existing customers if you read here:
I was offered less than £5 a month to stay on the Original package last month. I declined.
But, with this deal you get a new Sky connection in another room of the house. You then move it to the room you want. If the engineer is nice, he will install cables in a room of choice and then connect the box wherever you want. If not, move it yourself (for effectively £20 more than I was offered to stay).
You make childish comments such as "bitching" and do not understand the real world benefits.
Give me a choice, I will have Sky HD box and keep it after 12 months. I have Sky boxes in 5 rooms and need 2 more and each year Sky would install in a new room and I would just move the new box. When I do not want Sky, I keep boxes and use them as "freeview".
Last year Sky paid you to have Sky Original and gave you a free HD box for a 12 month contract.
Eg £20 x 12 = 240 + £10 install = £250. Refer a friend was 2 x £150 = -£50. Then they increased the price mid-contract, so it was -£40 or so.
How times have changed!
Come back 12 month deals!
Correction, you get the 2TB box free only with Multiscreen
Previous advisor told my porkies... it doesn't extend my contract by adding cinema and as i apparently have 60% discount on the tv, same applies for the cinema, so £7.20 a month and can give 31 days notice at anytime.
Nothing much offered on the fibre for me... threatened to cancel and all that was offered was £5 off on a 18 month contract.... may have to move provider on that one.
They did me the sky q 1tb box for £20 install instead of £199 and 10% off the box sets package £34ish for 18 months
not the best deal you will see but not bad for not much haggling
He is referring to his current status where he has a 2TB SkyHD downstairs and a 1TB SkyHD upstairs
Very helpful agent, only called up to upgrade my Fibre hub to the new Q hub as I was having wifi issues, anyway we got on about sky q and asked if I was interested, ( I was happy with my sky+hd setup )
Offered me the 2TB silver box and 2 mini boxes plus the Q router all installed for £60 and a 25% discount on tv sub, originally wanted £99 install which I refused,
But all is good, couldn't turn that offer down at all,
18 month contract on the Sky Q sub and 12 month on the multi screen sub, been a customer for almost 11 years now, doubt I'll be leaving anytime soon,
Installed this Sunday with their hybrid LNB too, so I can continue to use other freesat devices etc...
£199 is for the 2TB box, but this is reduced to £60 if you take multiscreen like we did.
This has 6 Feeds, 2 for Q and 4 spare for other legacy devices you may have,
Have to prove to the engineer that you do have a working freesat etc... before he will fit the hybrid,
Our neighbour had the hybrid LNB fitted, just gotta ask the engineer, it's nothing out of his pocket
I was with Sky for 7 years successfully negotiating 50% off every single year.
8 months ago my acc was passed to a DEPT called "The Executive team" who froze my online account and when asked they said it was being Man-managed as I have taken advantage of the offers (were being offered to me) and it was in the best interest of the business.
In a nutshell they made me feel like I did something wrong the times when I did speak to them, they were sarcastic/rude and basically encouraging me to leave so I duly left.
Just a bit of warning
Heat given
Sky Q 2Tb
Multi room with 1 box
Box sets
Sports & movies
Fibre unlimited
Phone line
£60 for the installation and then £77 a month until 2022. Is this a decent deal? Or I've been offered the 1tb for just £20 installation.
Sky Q Multiscreen
Sky Cinema
Sky Sports Ultra HD
Box Sets
Sky Q 2TB Box
Sky Q Mini Box
Contract ends October and I only had to pay £10
If I login I can place an order at that page but thats a second install of sky I think not an upgrade.
I know a lot of people keen on Sky Q but hate the deals right now so I would be very grateful if people could post deals they were offered and what they basically said/had before.
I ended up buying from eBay rather than sky, they asked for £100 for a additional minibox + £50 Installation and they still own the box I pay for?
And installation is literally just plugging in the box to the hdmi and plug.
Sky's constant "to get xyz you have to to buy this add", even after said features are an expected minimum has made it stupidly expensive. Why are they still charging for HD for example?
I won't be supplying you a code
Would like to know how to get more but never mind I'm still happy,
60% seems like an awful lot of discount
Worth trying
Q 2TB supports the pairing of 4 mini's and 4 iPads but you can only watch on 2 mini's and 2 iPads at the same time
Most deals that are offered now are for the 18 month contract
You can't get UHD unless you have a 2TB and a multiscreen sub
so adding BT sport on to this deal would come in at roughly £50pm for all the sport covered.
if you get BT thru the sky Q box is that in HD or SD? not bothered about 4k UHD etc
1080 will be fine. But BT in SD would be rather poor on their part.
- and some interesting mods too with Raydons firmware
( e.g. streaming recording all around your house / anywhere to capable clients, browser based TV editor etc) - and it gives 2 fingers up to Sky and Virgin ( oh and BT) Telly lol
Looking a bit dated and slow now though, but I'd get another HD free box before I'd entertain a pay per watch kind of service like Sky or Virgin ever again. I like those Freeview ads they are cheeky too bet Sky/Virgin hate em lol
My deal runs out at the end of May. I cancelled on the 1st as my £35 is going up to £92. Like WTF I could lease a small car for that. Movies cost millions to make yet cost £9 a month extra. Sky Sports on the other hand is a ridiculous amount in comparison. It's wrong and I apologise to you guys who like football but I actually find the game very good to play but watching it I think I would rather watch Eastenders or Corrie and I watch neither.
So they offered me 50% off so far so you would think that's £46 a month, right. No they take 50% of the sky package of £80 and then add £12 for multi-room. It's not like it's costing them anymore to send the signal to my bedroom. So £52.00 or £38 if I drop Sports and Movies. They not giving me much either but I never asked them about 50% off without movies and sports. Will see what I get nearer the end of the month
If you see any links posted for malicious websites can you please report them so a Moderator can remove them? Thanks
Either you have enough money to not warrant using a money saving site or you need a more social family :confused:
it wouls be great to know how
Also note (you'd have to check this) if you have Sky HD pack they will continue to charge this but I don't think you need it with Sky Q 2TB box (maybe any Sky Q)because it is auto 4k.
To the first half of your first question.... yes, but it would be stupid not to use cashback sites. They should not be required and everyone should get the same low price. But this does not occur so I am now at £4k on Qudico cashback. BT, Sky and NPower this month. 1 year later BT and NPower will be dumped and Sky in 18 months - Black Friday 2018 deal may be an option.
Before you ask, I have not paid for mobile phone contracts for 7 years due to cashback. BT effectively paid me £15 for unlimited calls and texts for 12 months! It was rude to refuse.
What's the point of windows 10 if you've got windows 7? What's the point in an iPhone 7 when you have a 6S? Etc etc etc
Is sky cheap? No its not
Is it an absolute essential? No it's not
Is it premium tv for a premium price? Whaddya know......it is!
The deals in this thread are a good deal for whoever wants sky but wants to pay less, if I'm brutally honest........you just sound a bit bitter......did you not get the right deal? Does your wife not let you have it? Or get this.......are you a person with different likes and desires to other people therefore you see more value in something that others of us wouldn't be caught dead spending a penny of our hard earned money on
By all means if you think it's a bad deal, comment and say it's cold.........but to go through the comments replying to individuals on a one man mission........seems a bit sad bud :wink:
Do you need a hug? <3
Just wondering if anyone's now reached the end of their 12 month term with Q and if so what happens. Presumably if I don't keep multiroom they'll request the return of the mini, but if I keep 'standard' sky, would I be forced to return the 2tb box and be sent a 1tb instead?
So managed to get 60% discount on existing package for 12 months - on a rolling 1 month contract, so can cancel at any time without penalty
What package did you take the 60% off on?
Sky Go Extra - including discounts FREE
Sky Multiscreen £12.00
Variety with Cinema £50.00
Sky Fibre Unlimited £20.00
Sky Talk Line Rental £18.99
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
just not got round to sorting it out for whatever reason. We now have the option of using VM as they have finished cabling up our street last week, so what should we be looking at getting from Sky - have been with them for 20yrs or so.
Do i phone and threaten to cancel no we have VM as a viable alternative (must say Sky have been brilliant, inc customer support folks in the small number of times i've had to call them, so in one sense reluctant to move to an unknown). Fibre connection has been pretty much spot on, fast for gaming etc.
So, decisions, decisions..... :smiley:
In 2017?
**** off.
IPTV all the way. Thats fine in SD for a fraction of the cost.
These people need to realise if they weren't such **** takers, they would do far more business.
Is phoning them a better option?
Phoning didn't make any difference.
Rip off merchants.
After seeing this thread I looked at my offers and the system offered me Sky Q multiroom for £23.xx a month.
I called up customer services to check whether it was an additonal £23.xx to my existing subscription and the guy was confused because he couldn't see the offer himself.
I signed up for the offer while I was on the phone with the CS and the order went through with an additional £99 for the 2TB box.
If it's true then I am happy with the £99 charge.
My current £30 compete MSE deal ran out on 8th May. I put my notice in a month before. Had a load of calls in the first couple weeks from Sky but kept missing them. Nothing after. Had a couple chats online. Offered my sky Q for 10% off. £82 plus all the installs.
They kept saying their were more deals for regular Sky HD.
So here's the tip.
Take the Sky HD new deal, they gave me 60% and no contract.
Then give it a couple days and UPGRADE to Sky Q. All current discounts are transferable. So I get Sky Q 2tb plus 1 mini at 60% off on a 12 month as its an upgrade. Go through Quidco to try and get £150 for Sky Q. Bit hit and miss but could offset the install fee.
I'll do the same every year as I have done for 3 years!
I'm a touch stuck though. Currently 6 months in to a 75% off deal that ends in November.
Called Sky and they said upgrading to Sky Q will lock me in for 12 months so after November I'd get slapped at full price without any options at that point.
If I replaced my 75% off now for 60% on £80 I'd be paying £32 instead of £20 for the next 6 months. Only £72 but still.
The did also say that if I wanted a new Box the they would agree to that but only offer a 30% discount for the year.
I still have the Sky + box and not really interested in the new upgrade as that box is fine!
I clicked the link to go to the sky offer page, then I went to Quidco and clicked through the sky digital cash back, then I went back to the tab with the deal in and completed my order.
9 months later the cashback claim was successful and gave me £120.
When you consider that I was paying £19 a month for 12 months = £228 minus £50 bill credit minus £120 cashback = total monthly effective price £4.83!
it also replaces the channel numbers to hd ie 106 Is now 106 sky1hd
So my question is this. Sky are a partner in Freeview are they not. So could it be that they can deliberately change the quality of the images we see to push us into buying their HD packages. I recently downloaded a programme from Eurosport SD and the resolution was terrible. And to add, I accept that there are a limited amount of HD channels available on Freeview due to bandwidth. Surprisingly it's the same number of channels you get with Freeview as you do on Sky if you don't take the HD package, or that's how it used to be.
So if we look at FREESAT, who shouldn't be restricted with bandwidth, then why is there only the same or similar small amount of HD channels as there is with Freeview. This makes me think that Sky perhaps have more of a monopoly than they should have and are restricting the amount of free to air HD programmes. Hopefully the more popular 4k becomes this will change and there will be more channels available in HD without having to pay extra.
Pay TV should be HD at a minimum.
Sky are a bunch of ****-houses.
I would still like to know why the HD channels on free to air are limited and just how much sky's input restricts what Freeview can and cannot do.
I asked if we can start a new contract under a different name, they say you cant do that as the contract is linked to your address.
We have been with sky for over 10 years. How is that that we have to pay over £150 for a package that a new customer could get with better equipment for only £56!!!!!
If I was you I would be cancelling everything with them as you are being ripped off.
Qe are paying £128 including broadband.
With the new package id be paying about £72 with broadband.
Are they TRYING to drive people away??
60% plus £50 credit is the best I can get, spent an hour at least on chat earlier lol!
Wrong again Sky do do codes. i.e Go buy yourself an LG Tv
adding sky q to my package still reflects the 60% discount.
Would I lose the 60% discount come July, or would it revert to the 50% off deal in this Deal?
I did that and it installed today. UHD is so much better than HD.
Had to take 1 mini box to reduce install fee from £200 to £100.
Go to MySky through quidco and upgrade that way to get £125 tracking through Quidco. Pays for the install.
I am really surprised at the bad ergonomics of the system:
* No manual
* Comes out of standby to Sky Q program suggestions (not TV or TV Guide)
* No TV Guide button (2 press to view, 4 minimum to navigate)
* FF/RWD only, no skip back/forward
* No dedicated last channel button (you have to press the Right arrow button)
* Menus are not cyclic so to get to the bottom you can't just press Up once.
Only 3 days in but not overly impressed but it does the job (gutted that there is no Sky 3D anymore)
Do you know if there is a hidden, favourite channels, in there somewhere too?
Did you select new or existing customer when you signed up?
Did it go through as a 12 month contract?
Sky guy tried to help me by taking my old HD box. Said thanks but no thanks. You can send back to sky recycle for £40 if you don't want to keep it and use it for FTV if you don't renew sky q
My digital aerial is poor and Sky boxes provide means for a stable image that does not disappear in the rain!
Really, I should upgrade the aerial and have a new booster.
Life would have been easier and cheaper for Sky to let me continue with HD boxes, but Sky refused when I tried as I was classed as a new customer. Anyway half price and Quidco cashback, not a bad deal.
Someone somewhere in Sky knows the answers, you just have to find them and get past the first person that's picks up the call because they don't know their own product without the script!