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Zoostorm 11.6" Touchscreen Laptop (New with dead battery) £59.99 @ Zoostorm Ebay
4 stars +368

Zoostorm 11.6" Touchscreen Laptop (New with dead battery) £59.99 @ Zoostorm Ebay

£59.99 eBay4 Apr 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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4 Apr 17
Same as deal a couple of days ago credit to unohu

Back in stock now

Mine arrived today and it's definitely brand new, very happy with it for the price

Battery is dead and be aware they are pretty rare so expect to pay £40 for replacement from UK or ~£29 from China is best I've found so far
Top comments
7 Apr 17 9 #150
Registered to say this: I've had one for an evening now and get a similar battery response to the above posters, ie very full for a short duration, followed by a dramatic fall off. I also was able to open up the battery, by sliding a pen knife along the joints and carefully prising it open. There are clips along the sides as well as a fairly brittle adhesive. Getting the case off cleanly takes patience and some of the clips will unfortunately snap irreversibly. he good news is that the cells inside are 4x Samsung 18650 2800 mAh units. I ordered a like-for-like replacement set here:

Batteries are also held in place with glue but it breaks easily, and selotape under that too.

Photos here:
4 Apr 17 9 #3
So you get £60 off for a faulty battery but a genuine replacement battery costs £40. Not enough of a bargain for me.
derp1664 to TheBiker
4 Apr 17 8 #4
Fair enough that's a good point but some people only use it plugged in like me so for them it's a non-issue
5 Apr 17 6 #113
Can confirm it's definitely MSATA
Latest comments (347)
22 Jun 17 #347
Hi, it was delivered 26 days after ordering and was tracked and signed for and delivered by RM.No duty or extra charges. Came in a small oblong cardboard box and wrapped in black sponge. So far well pleased!
22 Jun 17 #346
Hi Ralph888, can you advise of the delivery time for your order please?
Was it delivered by Royal Mail, free of charges, duty and import VAT?
Many thanks in advance.
21 Jun 17 #345
Received my Complete battery via TCB and Ali Express. Has this years date on it. Holding charge well and giving me a good 2 hours heavy use. Says 5 hours on Battery Meter when it completes a charge cycle. Well pleased. I got it from here
20 Jun 17 1 #344
You can get 4 x 2800mAh Samsung's from banggood/gearbest for about £10. With respect, I'd spend the money on those so that you get a decent return on the investment and effort required to do this. You might struggle for an hour of operation with those cheapo batteries, plug general longevity would probably be pretty poor if I know my poundland products!
12 Jun 17 #343
they are rated @ 3.7v each same as the original. you need to replace all, 1x4=14.8v= £4
Also, my understanding is that if you only change the faulty one, could be 1 or 2 or 3, chances are that the battery might not properly charge. So, it is better to change all for better chances of success unless the PCB might be faulty on some units. Going to try soon and report
11 Jun 17 #342
But that only has a 5V output. No good whatsoever, as the laptop requires 14.8V.
11 Jun 17 #341
Cheers, good bit of info
11 Jun 17 2 #340
if it can help anyone, the poundland POWERBANK battery is same as this one but 1200mah, for £4 you can try to give new life to your faulty battery. Going to try soon
2 Jun 17 1 #339
Thank you, but ideally I will wait until I find a bargain on a complete new battery, obviously could be useful for holidays as an example. As it stands it would give a good hour use which is good compared to none at all. Also, the more I would touch the circuit the more I can mess up with it
2 Jun 17 1 #338
Cheers for that Kanester. Respect to you for your noble generosity :wink: Still not had a chance to solder them but will soon & let you know how it goes.
1 Jun 17 1 #337
If it's working for you then that's all that matters, I suppose! Out of my dud battery pack, I had two good batteries that I mailed them to someone who'd bought one on this thread. Perhaps some other kind people could get together and do the same for you!
1 Jun 17 #336
Thanks, I will keep an eye. I will post any good findings.
1 Jun 17 #335
Glad to hear it's somewhat working for you. Regarding cheap batteries so far the best deal I have found is Aliexpress + Topcashback 8% + Topcashback £2.50 bank holiday bonus making it around £22 each. Also Quidco did a special 24hr promo for 15% cashback on Aliexpress which I think brought the price down to around £24.
Will keep an eye out and post here if I come across any good deals
1 Jun 17 #334
Ahh okay thanks seems like I ordered from a different seller, mine has a mismatching title and description one says 2800 one says 2200 so just have to wait and see I guess. Hopefully this seller is pretty reasonable and offers a partial refund too that would be perfect.
Thanks for letting me know
1 Jun 17 1 #333
Thanks for asking first of all. Not really, but my understanding is that these people that changed the 4 batteries had 100% success. Not really bothered very much to change all of them because we are not a battery dependable laptop users. As it stands I am happy the way it works, just to get me and family able to move the laptop from room to room without interruptions when we unplug the main. Ideally I would prefer to buy the complete brand new battery but only if there will be a bargain as they are ridiculously overpriced. So please, to everyone, keep an eye and report if you find a good deal on eBay etc...
1 Jun 17 #332
Did you ever get to the bottom of your battery issues?
31 May 17 1 #331
Hi Derp.

The seller is called "Lili Li"

I just noticed that the description has been changed to read 2200mah"

Full item description was "Free Shipping New Genuine 14.8V 2800mAh 41.44WH W310BAT-4 battery for Clevo 6-87-W310S-42F laptopUS $39.89"
It's now "14.8V 2200mAh 32.56WH W310BAT-4 battery for Clevo 6-87-W310S-42F laptop"
30 May 17 1 #330
Nice result. The one I ordered listed 2800mAh in the title and 2200 in the description so hopefully it arrives with 2200 and I can get a partial refund too that would be perfect as the extra capacity makes no difference to me. Which one did you order could you link if possible?
30 May 17 1 #329
Had my replacement battery from AliExpress. Charges fine and has 0% wear, but...... It contains 2200mah batteries rather than the 2800mah batteries as advertised.
Seller has refunded me $10.
20 May 17 1 #328
There was a link a few pages back but here you are. The promotion seems fairly perpetual :wink:
20 May 17 #327
Which batteries did you get ? Got a link?
20 May 17 2 #326
I got the Samsung batteries from gearbest, they arrived earlier in the week but only got around to soldering them in today. Pretty happy with the results.
For £65 all in it's quite a bargain.
18 May 17 #325
Thank you for the useful help. Any other one in my situation? have you been able to make it properly charge by changing only 1 battery out of 4?
Many thanks
17 May 17 1 #324
Hi there

It's hard to say for sure based on the evidence you have. The only way to tell for sure would be to try a completely working battery to see if both your units are able to charge it properly.

Certainly, dud batteries can read high voltage for a very short time before dropping very quickly, or when under load. Replacing 1 battery in the pack is never the best idea as it isn't a guarantee of making it work.

I replaced all 4 of my batteries and everything is working well with 4-6 hours of battery life depending on use.

Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.
17 May 17 #323
Hi, could you please advice and help?:
1) purchased 2 laptops, both with faulty batteries, 1 started to work from day 1 but it does not charge at all in a normal way, it does when the laptop is switched on off or the plug is taken in and out but this process does last only few second (charge process) and up to around 50%--60% ( does take few weeks from let say a 15% charge), It could possibly charge more if I was using the laptop more often. So, it is good enough to be used with no main and only when I need to move from room to room so that I do not need to switch the laptop off as the battery would still keep the window alive in the process.
2) purchased 1 original (exactly the same) battery replacement ( 1 out of 4) for my second laptop which I successfully replaced and made the whole battery working. Well, it works but does minimally charge the battery exactly the same as the other one. So, not properly charging but only when the laptop is switched on/off or the plug taken in/out and for few seconds only.
My question is: does the same happen to the people that just replace 1 or maybe 2 batteries only? Did you need to replace the whole lot (4 batteries) to get it properly work? or it is actually my 2 laptops that got a problem? Both batteries would say 16+volts on the HWINFO64 which is normal for this kind of battery, also proving that cannot be faulty (I think)
My other question is for the people who purchased a full battery replacement: does it work properly and charges properly??
Many thanks
16 May 17 2 #322
16 May 17 #321
That's pretty good then, I would have no complaints at that
16 May 17 2 #320
managed to get £8 back.
16 May 17 #319
Any recommendations for places to get a battery from please ?
13 May 17 #318
this is the one I bought:

14.8V 2200mAh 32.56WH W310BAT-4 battery for Clevo 6-87-W310S-42F laptop
9 May 17 #317
Which one did you buy from Aliexpress? Did you try complaining to them about the 25% wear? Surely that would be reason enough for a partial refund imo
1 May 17 #316 mine
30 Apr 17 #315
I have small sticker on battery. BatteryBar showed 3h after first charge on full and connected battery to laptop now about 1:40 on full charged. I will do test tomorrow. I think is correct about 1:40
30 Apr 17 #314
mine hasn't got a manufactured date or do you get that from software?
30 Apr 17 #313
I guess the cells inside could still be new if it's remanufactured. Bit crappy if not though yeah
30 Apr 17 #312
That's perhaps not good news - the original batteries were dated 2014 also..? Hope it works OK, fingers crossed!
30 Apr 17 #311
Ordered from aliexpress for £26 with voucher on 7th april and arrived yesterday 29th.. All good I charging now to 100% and we will see how is it. manufacture date is 2014/02
I will use program BtteryBar to check how long will stay on battery.
29 Apr 17 #310
ordered from aliexpress on 6th april and arrived yesterday 28th april. all good although the laptop doesn't seem to know how long the battery will last - just says calculating and ive charged it to 100% and emptied it a few times
29 Apr 17 #309
Thanks for replying, lets hope it arrives very soon, I've found with Ali Express Tracking is hit and miss and not easy to gauge delivery. Lets hope its with you next week.
29 Apr 17 #308
Ordered mine a couple of weeks ago and it still isn't tracking
29 Apr 17 #307
Thanks Robs. Mine puts out 7.5v at the connector. Suspect a break somewhere between the end of the battery series and the connector
29 Apr 17 #306
Has anyone received their complete new battery from Ali Express yet and can comment on how its charging up etc? Its been nearly 3 weeks since the first were ordered and it takes 3 to 4 weeks normally to arrive from China. Was wondering if there is any customs/ VAT to pay as well?
28 Apr 17 #305
LesMcQueen - finally got round to measuring voltage on fully charged battery - 16.5V
27 Apr 17 #304
My cells have the following readings:

I guess I just need to replace the 0.16v one (the one with the temp sensor).

Does anyone have an ebay link for one or want to sell a spare one they've replaced?
27 Apr 17 1 #303
Thanks! The old ones are 2014 and the new ones were manufactured June 2016. Wouldn't Panasonic charge the cells to at least check they reached their intended rating?
Edited: All is clear. The explanation is that Panasonic used to ship cells at 40% charged, but recently switched to 30% for better safety amidst tightened air transport regulations.
27 Apr 17 #302
Were they from a reputable vendor? Generally 18650s should come charged to between 3.6-3.8 volts and 3.52 is a bit low, but if they're all the same voltage that is a good sign, it means that they are from the same batch and have just been sitting.

I don't know about Panasonic but Samsung have date codes so you can see which month and year they were manufactured. Check that out to see when they were made. Ultimately, if they all have the same voltage then don't sweat it. They'll probably be fine once charged.

Have you disassembled your battery compartment yet?

EDIT: Might be some info here about Panasonic date codes.
27 Apr 17 #301
The older set are 3 years old. These are supposed to be new!
27 Apr 17 #300
Think they're just a bit older is all. What I did was to charge each new battery in a separate lithium cell charger so they were all the same voltage before I installed mine, although the charging circuit should do a good job of this too, if it's working okay.
27 Apr 17 #299
Yeah, cells usually come part charged and the older set I have still read their designated 3.6v even though they have never been charged. The new ones read lower, so either they have been used before being sent out or an air gap/solder tab drops the voltage.
27 Apr 17 #298
The tab would have nothing to do with the lower voltage. Are you saying that that's the voltage of them AFTER charging or before? If it's after charging then they shouldn't be anywhere near that low (they should be 4.0-4.2V) and they're faulty. If it's before they're charged then it's just because they've arrived in a different state of charge. Once they're fully charged they should be good.

With respect, I'd be wary of doing this task myself if I didn't have a decent grounding (no pun intended) in basic electronics. Post here or p.m. me if you're having difficulties.
27 Apr 17 #297
Any battery experts here? My tabbed Panasonic NCR18650B cells from Ebay have arrived, but are only measuring 3.52V. My genuine non-tabbed cells measure 3.62V. Is this drop due to the presence of an 8mm tab?
25 Apr 17 #296
I saw those, but figured that the tabs and next day delivery was worth the extra £8. I think that soldering wires on will be fine if you have a hot, flat iron and tin everything well! Good luck.
25 Apr 17 #295
where they come from and did you pay postage?
25 Apr 17 2 #294
For anyone that's interested I ordered these batteries from GearBest..

They look like an exact match (although no tabs).
25 Apr 17 2 #293
I wish all laptop manufacturers listed battery specs as capacity vs explosion chance :laughing:
25 Apr 17 1 #292
I did get the tabbed ones - the tabs face opposite directions as you can get them either facing both same way or separate.

I got them from ecolux on eBay, but I did technically get the wrong ones that have a 25 watt peak output. Those are very much borderline for this laptop and probably a little too low. I will throttle performance on battery power and try not to use too many USB peripherals to avoid a fire :smile:

I'd recommend something similar to what LesMcQueen used; lower capacity but less explosion chance.
24 Apr 17 #291
That sounds promising, where did you get the batteries, do you need to get ones with the tabs soldered on?
23 Apr 17 1 #290
Hi Andy

Right, at the *other* black wire at the front of the pack. I thought people were referring to the long black wire. I placed mine back where it was originally attached as I figured it was for that. Was having a dim moment there.

Tests last night saw the battery last for 6 hours with screen at 40% brightness. Happy with that.
22 Apr 17 3 #289
Err....yes it is.

Your circuit diagram is quite correct, but there is a a temp sensor (in mine at least!) - the 2 black wires to the left.

View of the underside showing the black connecting wire end to end (note discolouration of end of cell):

And the nice shiny new batteries that give 3hr 44mins (yippee!!) after second full charge:

[note that they are not in correct orientation in the photo for anyone foolish enough to try this at home...]
22 Apr 17 #288
Does anyone know and hopefully actually tried connecting a 1440p or 4k monitor to it ? I've tried to find the resolution specs but I had no luck getting a definitive answer. Thanks in advance for any help.
22 Apr 17 #287
Hi TheKanester.
Mine has a temp sensor. Marked on the PCB as 'AT'. Small loop of black wire that changes resistance based on the temperature.
It's in between the red and white wires.

22 Apr 17 2 #286
That's not a temperature sensor. It's just a wire to connect the positive terminal of the backleft battery to the negative terminal of the back right battery. The batteries are entirely in series and wired in the following manner:


Apologies for the non-rotated and primitive hand-drawing! It's wired this way so that each cell can be addressed individually so it can be charged in a balanced manner i.e. each cell in isolation. You *could* charge multiple lithium cells in series but commercial solutions wouldn't due to safety and longevity of the batteries.

I'm still running tests on mine, but have screen set to 40% brightness and charged battery full (after previously charging each cell independently) and am running Passmark battery monitor on a 1Hz sample rate. Battery is at 48% and 3.5 hours in, so totally happy with it so far. I'll need to do a few charging loops and real-world use to see how it goes.
22 Apr 17 #285
Black wire sellotaped to the middle of the battery nearest the PCB, end furthest away from the power connector block.
22 Apr 17 #284
Battery with temp sensor? I've dismantled mine and replaced all cells with 3200mAh direct replacements and didn't notice any temperature sensor...
22 Apr 17 #283
So it lasted 3hrs 48mins after the first charge.
Charged up again and now on second discharge - 49% left after two hrs.

I'll measure the voltage again after I fully charge it again next time.
22 Apr 17 #282
Hi Dave.
Before you swap the batteries, can you take a voltage measurement across the + / - connector?

I charged my old cells externally and they charge and hold the charge, but i also noticed some corrosion and discolouration of the cell with the temp sensor attached.
22 Apr 17 #281
just taken my battery apart, batteries have no discoloration whatsoever, wonder if its a faulty PCB. Guess the only way to find out is buy a battery charger?
22 Apr 17 1 #280
After charging overnight, it's been running on battery for just over two hours and currently showing 62% left. Screen on 50% brightness.
So looking good so far..
22 Apr 17 1 #279
I was beginning to assume the exact same thing after replacing the batteries. I was only getting two hours using the replacements and it had me confused so I sold it on.. Thanks for the heads up
22 Apr 17 #278
Hi Robs.

Thanks for looking. ☺

That's how mine looked too. The cell with the temp sensor looked iffy and was measuring at 1v.
I replaced all 4 cells with like for like 18650s but it still wouldn't work.
The old cells that i removed all charge without issue on my Nitecore i2.

I'm not advocating anyone do this, (DON'T DO THIS!) but i ran a feed wire from a point on the PCB that measured at 15v to the + of the connector, and the battery now powers the laptop and appears to charge.

I can only conclude that the PCB was faulty, or i damaged it opening the battery.

Either way, the battery isn't supplying enough voltage to the laptop to power it.

I can't see any damage and was ultra careful opening it up.

I've ordered a replacement from AliExpress.
I'll use it plugged in in the meantime.

It's entirely likely that running a feed wire has bypassed some safety features so I'm not willing to risk using it in this hacked state.

Thanks again,
21 Apr 17 #277
Hi Andy, measures ~14V. The battery pack is four cells in two pairs. In mine, one pair (the pair with the heat sensor) was dead - one read 0V, the other about 0.7V. One (0V) had discolouring around one end of the battery.
The other pair each measured ~ 3.5V, so might be OK. But I just got a new set of four matching to replace.

Certainly seems like mine was faulty cells, which seems much more likely than a faulty PCB?
21 Apr 17 #276
Hi Robs.

Would you be able to measure the voltage across the + and - contacts on the battery to see what it reads at?

Mine reads at 7.5v where I would expect it to read around 15v.

My guess is that some batteries have faulty cells, and some have faulty PCBs.

Thanks in advance ☺

21 Apr 17 #275
Sounds good mate I'd like to hear more feedback although I did sell mine on lol
21 Apr 17 2 #274
Bought 4 new tabbed cells SAMSUNG 18650 30Q for £21 from the bay, and replaced the duff ones in the battery pack today. Charged up this evening and working fine. Will need to see what the battery life is like tomorrow.
The thing is noisy, and occasionally the mousepad seems to lose it completely, but still think it's a good deal for £80 all in (new higher capacity battery cells included!).
19 Apr 17 #273
I've noticed that they do a 14" with 64GB at £159.99 - brand new with working battery - is that worth the money?
19 Apr 17 #272
Just bought one thanks
19 Apr 17 1 #271
It is well made and very good quality and does fit the machine nicely, for the current price it is excellent value. It has been available since 2013 so is not geared towards super slim machines only and the product has a surprising low ratio ratio of one and two starred reviews.
19 Apr 17 2 #270
For anyone interested, the AmazonBasics 11.6-Inch Laptop and Tablet Case is now slightly cheaper at £6.81 (near to the lowest it has ever been of £6.26 from 11th April according to CamelCamelCamel. However, Amazon Students Members get 15% off, so if you are a student that brings it down to £5.79.
19 Apr 17 #269
Colaier 5pcs 100% originally New Original ForPanasonic NCR18650 3400 34B Rechargeable Li-ion battery 18650 3400mah battery
(from AliExpress Android)
Sorry not original Panasonic but states **for Panasonic**
19 Apr 17 #268
There are some Panasonic batteries I found on Aliexpress that are rated about 3400mah each with customer reviews to confirm they might be an ideal job
19 Apr 17 #267
The battery juice bank that I took apart said they were rated at 8000mah which I don't believe at all plus I had no way of testing them as I don't have a battery tester!!
18 Apr 17 1 #266
Your text here
No issue with the width/depth of the Amazon Basics 11.6 inch laptop bag, it happily accommodates the machine in the main compartment where there are also two document pockets, fore and aft, where I have slipped in the quick guide and also the unused (at the moment SSD cage). The smaller outer front zip compartment fits the battery and mains lead nicely with only the three pin plug needing to be positioned carefully with pins not digging outwards or inwards back into the laptop, one could always just let it (the plug) hang out from the zipper (fnarr, fnarr !)
18 Apr 17 #265
The laptop model is Clevo W310CZ and the battery model number is W310BAT-4

I think AliExpress $36.99 plus 8% cashback with TCB ended up being the cheapest but it was 20days delivery iirc.

There's a few different links earlier in this thread for batteries I think
18 Apr 17 #264
Any replacement battery for this model?
18 Apr 17 #263
Yeah they're back in stock now I just bought another.
It's been reposted on HUKD already so I'll leave this one expired
18 Apr 17 #262
Looks like back in stock. Try and get it unexpired. Look at this on eBay
18 Apr 17 #261
Nice idea. Interesting to see how it turns out, upload some pics if you make any progress with it.

Can't help on the ribbon cable length sorry I only dismantled the bottom half so far but I would assume it's fairly short due to the form factor. Maybe if you look at replacement panels for the Clevo W310CZ that may give you some idea ( not sure if that image is just a stock photo though?
18 Apr 17 1 #260
Thanks, ordered one this time.

To those who have had the laptop open, I remember someone saying you cannot fold the screen over so it is flat with the keyboard hidden, so how long is the ribbon cable between the screen and base? I am thinking of using the screen as a touchscreen computer with the base and keyboard tucked away nearby somehow for if needed for maintenance.
18 Apr 17 #258
What capacity are those cells meant to be? Sounds plausible if you are running heavy loads on it.
18 Apr 17 #257
Can anyone else confirm what sort of battery usage they're getting if they did the battery mod? I used some old batteries from a juice bank I got about 2 hours use on low brightness settings..
18 Apr 17 #256
The last time I heard there's an inactive slot around it always makes me giggle!
16 Apr 17 #255
I quite like the look of that one, but was put off by the 2cm internal width.
Would be interested to hear how you get on with it when it arrives.
15 Apr 17 #254
Apologies, you're quite correct, I was remote connected to a different machine (which does have gigabit). Just double checked the zoostorm and its 100mbit. You live and learn...
15 Apr 17 #253
it is hardware related not software and it is not gigabit at all and Linux does not do miracles. As it is I can download at up to 95mbps(max12Mb/s) on my 200mbps connection. An usb AC dongle would go as fast as your router can support even on usb2 connection (up to 200mbps more or less)
15 Apr 17 #252
Thanks - I'm using Windows 10 - the drivers I've seen only go upto 100 Mbps - I've also tried Slim Drivers to see if that could suggest anything better. I thought I had seen someone mention that it could support Gigabit. Perhaps I'd not twigged that it was under Linux.
15 Apr 17 1 #251
Gigabit from linux, not tested in Windows
15 Apr 17 #250
I've just bought this Amazon Basics one with a mix of other items to get an over £20 order and free delivery.
Your text here
It's usually about £10 but currently at £7.25. It looks like everything expands out i.e. pockets and compartments, so I assume it will fit o.k.
15 Apr 17 #249
Could anyone that knows please let me know if this laptop just has a fast ethernet port (100 Mbps) or with the right driver can run gigabit.

Thanks in advance.
15 Apr 17 #248
Has anyone bought a case or bag for theirs yet?
Looking through what is available on Amazon seems to suggest they are mostly for slimline laptops so don't look like the Zoostorm will fit.
15 Apr 17 #247
I've been doing mine right now and would suggest to all those doing the same that you have to get your spudger/credit card in at the opposite (left side) first. Then run along the front of the case before working the spudger into the bit where the battery goes. It's quite tough, but as soon as you free that then the right hand side jacks and USB socket just free themselves.

I also did some SSD tests on it, with a drive that's rated for about 550 both read an write and found it to max out around 320 read and write on this little device. It is still significantly faster than the 250/45 biwin drive that's already there, but I wouldn't be concerned about getting a super-fast SSD for this.
14 Apr 17 1 #246
Thank you very much for letting me know - I did manage to get the case off this time and fit the SSD.
14 Apr 17 1 #245
Yeah that side of casing is a very tight fit due to the round cut-outs for headphone and mic jacks. The casing goes around them which makes it hard to remove as the curved bit 'hangs on' somewhat.
I would actually recommend starting with that side and carefully working your way around once you have that side open.
Can confirm there's no additional clips or screws or anything it's just a tight fit due to the audio connectors so you will get there eventually if you persevere.
14 Apr 17 2 #244
Working very well thanks. I get 4 hrs 30 reddit browsing under Win 7 using Chrome
14 Apr 17 #243
Hi, Sorry to bother you but would you be able to point me in the direction where I might be able to find out how to do this. I've removed the four screws and worked my way around the case but it appears to be stuck around the usb connector next to the audio and microphone jacks.

I've got a SSD that I hope to install in it.

I've tried googling it but not found anything yet.

Thanks in advance

Can confirm it's definitely MSATA[/quote]
14 Apr 17 #242
Got the meter out again and did some more measuring.

Voltage between +/- solder points read around 15.4v
Voltage between +/- at the connector is half that at around 7.5v

I'm not sure whether this is normal.

Battery voltage in HWINFO reads 15.4v, but wondering whether that's a sensor reading from the battery, rather than across the connectors.

If someone has a working battery, can they take a reading across the +/- of the connector?
14 Apr 17 1 #241
How is your refurbished battery performing?
Just need some positive feedback before I do mine.
14 Apr 17 #240
can i change the wifi+ bluetooth card for a WWAN + wifi card? does the latter exist !
13 Apr 17 1 #239
it is the pcb that is faulty, the battery does display the correct voltage on the pc, use HWINFO64. Also, proof of that is that can charge a little at the correct voltage. By luck some of us is been getting a charge lasting for up to 1 hour, in my case, but that is not always the case. As I am talking the battery would last only few minutes now. Looks like that the only way it does charge it is when the pc is switched on and off or when you plug and unplug the main, these few seconds are genuinely charging the battery in my opinion. Well, better than nothing even with a little charge so that vital work cannot be cancelled in case of any sort of power failure or if accidentally the main plug comes off. Anyway, wondering what could be done to the PCB to make it work if that is the case, I am an ignorant after all about this stuff.
Also, if someone is purchased a new battery, could you please let us know if it will work? There are also some chances that the charging circuit in the laptop might be faulty even so it is very unlikely as zoomstorm is adviced us that a new battery will cure the problem and therefore it is obvious that they tried it that way too.
13 Apr 17 #238
OK. So, I replaced all 4 cells with like for like.
Checked the continuity with a meter and all looks good. Connections back to the pcb are sound. Each battery reading at ~3.7v, a bank of 2 reads at ~7.4v

Plugged in the battery. Charging light comes on. Booted the laptop and it shows 'charging'.
Battery icon is animated for a few seconds, then stops. :-(

Reckon I might have a battery with a dodgy PCB. :-(

Has anyone any ideas as to anything I've missed?

Might have some 'slightly used' 18650s for sale cheap if I can't get it working :-)
13 Apr 17 #237
The battery is not working at all. I don't think anybody has a working battery.
13 Apr 17 #236
Maybe the grade 2 laptops actually have better batteries in them! They seem very hit and miss!
13 Apr 17 1 #235
I caved and bought a Grade 2. Delivered this morning; apart from an extra tab of sellotape on the screen protector, it looks brand new. Battery showing 100% charged, 0.9% wear, but does not discharge at all.
13 Apr 17 1 #234
Yeah, I was hoping the same.. hope yours is perfect as well, I'm sure it will be.
Absolute bargain
13 Apr 17 1 #233
That's good to hear.. I've got my 'grade 1' waiting for me to collect on my way home - I was hoping these would also be new like the first batch :-)
13 Apr 17 1 #232
just had my 'grade 1' delivered, not a mark on it... defo brand new! Happy days, thanks again to original poster and to derp1664.
13 Apr 17 1 #231
I'd avoid doing this. The controller chip that regulates battery charge/discharge/wear will likely get confused and could shut the cell down. You might get away with it, but for the effort involved in opening and replacing two cells, I would pay a tenner more and replace the others at the same time.
12 Apr 17 #230
Is it a no-no to replace one or two of the cells with a different brand / rating?
11 Apr 17 #229
Anyone who's bought one interested in selling me their duff battery for the cost of postage? Please pm me.
11 Apr 17 #228
Damn, been so busy today I missed the new and grade 1 ones again. I'll wait and see if any more appear, not interested in grade 2 as states may have dead pixels.
11 Apr 17 1 #226
Sold out already! I managed to grab one though.... wonder what grade 1 actually means. Hope they are as good the last batch.
11 Apr 17 1 #225
Well spotted pal! Going to get one
11 Apr 17 1 #224
11 Apr 17 #223
Yeah true, wonder how much grade 2 they actually are.. might take a chance on one
11 Apr 17 #222
Oh damn that sucks :disappointed:

I guess you could chance it on the Grade 2 ones since you have 30 days to return for any reason (as well as the 3 month warranty)
11 Apr 17 #221
gutted, I missed out first time round..
11 Apr 17 #220
Lol they're back at £120 and no longer new only 'grade 1 refurb' :neutral_face:

There is a couple of 'grade 2 refurbs' for £55-58 but meh
11 Apr 17 #219
Nope! I was wrong!
11 Apr 17 #218
I see that the price for the larger screen version of the laptop has gone back to its original price- sale has ended.. so id assume that when they relist the £59.99 will no longer apply
11 Apr 17 1 #217
Hmm..ordered the replacement Samsung Lion batteries from the eBay seller a few days ago - just refunded due to 'out of stock or damaged'.... this might be trickier than it looks!
11 Apr 17 1 #216
Thank you very much for your quick and helpful reply. I really appreciate you.
11 Apr 17 1 #215
Sure, what you need is a 2.5" SATA hard drive
A regular one is 9.5mm thick, a 'thin' one is 7mm. Either should fit because of how it's mounted.
I don't have the caddy in front of me right now so maybe someone else can confirm but I'm almost certain that's the case
11 Apr 17 #214
I want to add a 500gb hdd to this but i'm not sure what i should be looking for. Can someone please help?
10 Apr 17 #213
When I asked them on Friday this is what i was told!

Thank you for your interest. Currently it is out of stock but we will might have some more in the next few weeks. Unfortunately we don't know the exact date yet. Please check our shop regularly.

I suppose Wednesday is sometime in the next few weeks!!
10 Apr 17 5 #212
Zoostorm tell me they should have more stock listed on Wednesday.
9 Apr 17 #211
thanks hgtompson, little bit heartbroken it's an inactive slot !
9 Apr 17 2 #210
It looks like the SIM card slot on this particular model is not active as there is no 3G/4G card installed. I suspect Zoostorm/Clevo will use the same case for several laptop models and the 3G/4G support is probably an optional extra on some models.

As somebody mentioned earlier, you could probably replace the WiFi/Bluetooth module with one which supports 3G, but that would probably be technically complex and also expensive even if you could find one. Best bet if you want mobile internet with this would be a 3G/4G dongle or MiFi device... that's likely to be cheaper and a lot less hassle. You can pick them up pretty cheaply, though remember that some mobile operatiors stop you using mobile data in anything other than a phone, as they like to sell specific data SIMs to use in dongles and MiFi devices.
9 Apr 17 #209
That's the most useful post concerning this battery.
Shows the PCB position enabling people to avoid wrecking it.
9 Apr 17 #208
can i use my mobile phone SIM in this lap top I'm starting to feel like an idiot googling this and getting nothing back -.-
9 Apr 17 1 #207
I recommend keeping all the bits of sticky paper stuck on the old batteries and putting. Them on the new ones. Mark the positions. They look as though they prevent short circuits if battery movement wears away the purple plastic insulation.
9 Apr 17 3 #206
I managed to get the battery opened..

now to just find the batteries, as the other link posted earlier is out of stock
9 Apr 17 #205
You could but they would be more expensive than a new battery.
9 Apr 17 #204
Oh wow, I hadn't even spotted that! This laptop is turning out to be quite a bargain! Hope they list some more tomorrow!
9 Apr 17 #203
If you are suitably inclined you can replace the current combined wifi and Bluetooth module with one with a 4g modem and this then connects to the SIM card (and presumably an antenna, though I don't know where that is) slot to let you use a data plan on your laptop. Such cards typically also include GPS as well.
9 Apr 17 #202
there appears to be a sim card slot under battery, I think that's what they were asking about.
9 Apr 17 #201
SIM card slot? Do you perhaps mean SD card slot?
9 Apr 17 #200
Via a portable ish power bank yes you can
9 Apr 17 1 #199
Probably a silly question, but is there some sort of portable battery that can be plugged into this instead of mains?
9 Apr 17 #198
Since posting that I have found the touchpad quality under Windows (7 or 10) to be very changeable. Sometimes it is fine and other times it is rage inducing. The only correlation I can find is that it seems worse when running on the mains power supply vs batteries (original or refurb option). Even then that isn't totally hard and fast. It is very unsettling. I haven't used Linux so much on the laptop yet, but from when I have it was better by a huge margin. Almost as good as a mac touchpad. Good luck with the ssd upgrade btw. I also gave up on and removed the 32 and stuck in a spare 240gb 2.5 inch ssd instead.
9 Apr 17 #197
Thanks for your reply, good to know the touchpad works better than in Windows as I've been finding it erratic. Will definitely give this a go now. You're right,probably not enough space on the 32GB SSD for both so will swap it out for a 128GB one I have. Might even try using virtualbox as I don't need Windows that often but I'm not sure if the processor/RAM is sufficient. thanks again.
9 Apr 17 #196
9 Apr 17 #195
can someone help me get the sim card slot working, what is it used for?
8 Apr 17 #194
My battery is now completely dead after charging it when it dropped to 7%. It was charged up fully and I was hoping it would have given it more life but it's done the opposite, as soon as you take the power lead out it switches off as though the battery isn't there. No complaints though as that was how it was advertised just seems some have been more lucky than others regarding the batteries.

Any of you clever battery hackers fancy doing a sideline in battery fixes?! I'm not sure I fancy a 60 day wait for a £30 Chinese battery.
8 Apr 17 #193
​Yes my thoughts exactly I'm now doing a full charge while turned off for obvious reasons... Hopefully we get some decent battery life
8 Apr 17 #192
No estimate here either. I suspect this is because the battery controller chip is getting acquainted with the new cells, and doesn't know the capacity yet. Running it to the point the laptop turns off due to lack of power and then charging back up /should/ reset this.
8 Apr 17 #191
​I got over 2 hours use from 63% since putting in the the replacements I'm happy so far. Does your battery icon on the screen say Calculating... Mines been like that since the first boot up at 18:30
8 Apr 17 #190
8 Apr 17 1 #189
I have replaced all 4 cells in the battery. Supplied cells are shipped at lower voltage and registered at 30% when I put in the refurbished battery. They then charged to 100% quite happily with no thermal issues. Will report back once I have an idea what the battery life is.


8 Apr 17 1 #188
Try holding delete on bootup. Failing that, you can get in from Windows 10:
Navigate to settings. ...
Select Update & security.
Select Recovery from the left menu.
Click Restart Now under Advanced startup. ...
Click Troubleshoot.
Click Advanced options.
Select UEFI Firmware Settings.
Click Restart.
8 Apr 17 #187
​How do you get into boot settings?
8 Apr 17 1 #186
I've gone from 63% battery to about 46% in an hour, I've been using it moderately..
8 Apr 17 #185
Oh I forgot that's a link above for an image and I'll add the same below
8 Apr 17 #183
From the link in Callandor64's post.

clicky here
8 Apr 17 #182
Any links too where the battery cells can be purchased from?
8 Apr 17 1 #181
I used a small flat blade screwdriver to get a foothold, then opened it up with a stanley knife.
Take your time, and don't go in too deep. Be extra careful on the side that contains the connector as the PCB is just behind the joint.
8 Apr 17 #180
Hows the recharge going Shadey?

I managed to get mine opened, and noticed that 1 cell was visibly faulty. A bit of leakage/corrosion.

Just ordered 4 new tabbed cells to replace them with, but it'd be even cheaper if only a single cell needs replacing.
8 Apr 17 #179
Any tips on opening the battery case without damaging it?
8 Apr 17 1 #178
Linux Mint 18.1 x64 Cinnamon is excellent. Very user friendly and pleasant interface.

I can't stand Windows 10. I'm currently trying a dual-boot with Windows 7. If you want to dual boot, you will need to disable protected boot mode in the bios. I also disabled UEFI boot too for Win 7, but recent linux versions should be fine with UEFI boot left enabled.

Current plan is to see if I can get the boot volumes for both OSs on the 32gb ssd and use a 500gb spinning platter hdd for data. Might be tight though.

8 Apr 17 #177
Really happy with this laptop, well worth the money in my opinion.... I'd be tempted to buy another if they get more stock!
8 Apr 17 1 #176
​same, ruined case, 1 dead, replaced, now charging, fingers crossed.
8 Apr 17 #175
Good to know as I was looking into doing this. Have you set yours up as a dual-boot with Windows 10 or just by itself? Which distro did you use?

8 Apr 17 #174
I've just bust my battery pack open and ruined the casing....not that bothered though as i was just curious to find out whats wrong. Just tested all 4 batteries and 1 is completely dead, one is reading .72v and the other 2 are just over 4volts.
8 Apr 17 1 #173
A heads up for anyone planning to run linux on these laptops. Out of the box support is near complete. I even found the touchpad response much better than under windows 10. The following are known working:
- Graphics inc hardware compositing
- Touchpad, inc support for gestures
- Touchscreen, not sure about multitouch
- Bluetooth, wifi, ethernet
- Sound
- Shortcut keys on keyboard
- Suspend mode

I haven't checked the SD reader yet

7 Apr 17 #172
Well yeah but since these are rebadged clevo machines they could've sat in a warehouse for 2 years before Zoostorm even got their hands on them. All the batteries seem to be dated early 2014 so it's pretty plausible
7 Apr 17 1 #171
The reason these are coming in batches could be because they are updating them to Windows 10 as they go and then releasing a batch for sale.
7 Apr 17 1 #170
Except for point in time (2016) when the Microsoft Windows 10 fairies updated the OS from Microsoft Windows 8.1.:man:

After updating, run ccleaner, and don't forget to remove the previous Windows files to free up some more space!
7 Apr 17 #169
Just the one alas
7 Apr 17 #168
Yep if they have all been sat in a warehouse for years, once the voltage drops too low for too long they become unusable
7 Apr 17 #167
does it have 1 or 2 slots for the ram??
7 Apr 17 2 #166
Hi again all. I have my laptop open in front of me now. In case it is useful for others:
1) 4x screws on the underneath of the laptop are all that you have to remove (ie no screws under keyb)
2) Take the battery out when you do this. The battery bay is by far the easiest way to unclip the bottom case
3) If you can't get the case to open, try opening the screen all the way. This released it on one side for me and then I gingerly pulled it open form that hinge.

On batteries: If Lithium cells drop below 3V they can form metal deposits internally which can lead to short circuits. This is irreversible and can make the high charging currents used for lithium cells a fire risk due to heat from the short. This happens if cells are left to discharge over a long period of time. In this instance, these laptops seem to have been sat in a warehouse for a long period and the internal battery electrics have slowly lead to the cells discharging (despite not being installed in the laptop). Replacing the cells is likely all that is needed. I'll report back when mine arrive and I install them.

Final comment: installed ram is crucial LDDR3. I'm impressed!
7 Apr 17 #165
So zoostorm sold 237 of these on their last auction, im no expert on batteries , but surely all 237 of them can't have batteries that are past the point of no return.. Or am I wrong?
7 Apr 17 2 #164
Left mine on charge overnight. Was showing green fully charged LED this morning but wouldn't power on without AC adaptor connected. When it did boot up it showed battery 41% charged. Been on all day and still only showing 48% charged.

So I have concluded (as advertised) that the battery is write off, and have ordered a new one from Ali Express.
7 Apr 17 1 #163
Same as mine, reads 100% charged but immediately dies when power unplugged.
HWinfo reports 2.6% battery wear level and only 8.5V
7 Apr 17 1 #162
Just got home after leaving it on charge all day
Switched it on with power connected and showing 100% charge
Unplugged power - it switched off immediately, which is worse than the 25 minutes I got yesterday.
Back to 11% now
7 Apr 17 #161
I'm not buying a battery myself but I wouldn't have any problem with buying that one personally. It has one year warranty (whatever that's worth) but I would be surprised if they'd bother shipping dead batteries.
That said, never listen to advise from someone who doesn't have to live with the consequences so I'll leave it up to you to decide :smile:
7 Apr 17 #160
There are only the 4 screws on the base, I dismantled it already (plus the small plastic clips around the edges which require care as they're fragile). As laptops go this one is extremely easy to dismantle.
7 Apr 17 1 #159
According to this (badly translated) guide there are also four screws under the keyboard...

You see the 4 notches above the keyboard, with a small flat screwdriver you push up (there is a small piece to block the keyboard) and you raise the keyboard so that it does not unblock it. You go from one side and you go to the other like that. Then, once you have removed the screws under the keyboard and under the computer, you just have to disassemble the underside starting with the left side (not the side of the earphone / micro jacks)
7 Apr 17 #158
I am currently testing my battery, I left it on charge overnight and then unplugged it and watched youtube, after 45 mins I got really loud beeping that stopped a few minutes after closing youtube (not sure what caused it) I have since left it sitting there doing nothing and currently at just over an hour on battery it still says 100%
7 Apr 17 #157
Interesting - I got the dremel out to do it. my finding is that the cell that has the temp sensor on it is knackered (and presumably overheating) - the others have 2.23v, 3.8v and 3.81v
7 Apr 17 #156
take the battery out and then four screws on the bottom casing and use of an old clubcard around the seams.
7 Apr 17 #155
Has anyone fitted a second drive using the caddy yet? How do I open the case, do I need to remove keyboard and what way up does the caddy go etc? Am a little nervous of opening it up even if it was only £60 as looks really good!
7 Apr 17 #154
Maybe someone wants to sell old battery ? I opened my yesterday but I damaged 2 resistors by knife i cut myself haha. 2 cells have voltage about 4,20V next two 1.73V.

7 Apr 17 #153
The one i've bought from Aliexpress states:

"Free Shipping New Genuine 14.8V 2800mAh 41.44WH W310BAT-4 battery for Clevo 6-87-W310S-42F laptop"
7 Apr 17 #152
Mine came yesterday, I unboxed it, didn't insert the battery I instead plugged it in then set up the machine and updated Windows 10. As others have said it even works without the battery pack, you will only really need the battery if you are going portable.
The machine seems snappy but I have not really used it much as once it was set up I connected the battery (it has a sticker on it saying it was manufactured 05/14) and tried to get some charge into it. Battery power has followed the pattern described by many before and after a night on charge it was still at 37% as it was when I went to bed last night, I still have it charging now and it has crept up to 39%, only if it goes to anything near a full charge will I report back.
I knew the computer was sold new with a dead battery, it works when plugged in, if the 37-39% only gives me half an hour untethered from the mains that is all I usually need anyhow and I do have another laptop that works perfectly on battery charge but is seldom taken anywhere and if it is, it is usually plugged in to a power socket when in use at the other end.
I do not want to spend £30 on a battery from China that may be similarly old and act the same way and could only be returned at some cost nor do I want to bust into the battery pack and replace the cells.
Thanks to the two OPs for this bargain touchscreen machine.
7 Apr 17 1 #151
I don't want to seem negative again, but if you buy a battery for one of these, from HK or China, on Aliexpress, there's going to be a high chance it will turn out to be one pulled from a faulty laptop and just as bad as the one you already have. Note that the listing says "original" not "new".
7 Apr 17 9 #150
Registered to say this: I've had one for an evening now and get a similar battery response to the above posters, ie very full for a short duration, followed by a dramatic fall off. I also was able to open up the battery, by sliding a pen knife along the joints and carefully prising it open. There are clips along the sides as well as a fairly brittle adhesive. Getting the case off cleanly takes patience and some of the clips will unfortunately snap irreversibly. he good news is that the cells inside are 4x Samsung 18650 2800 mAh units. I ordered a like-for-like replacement set here:

Batteries are also held in place with glue but it breaks easily, and selotape under that too.

Photos here:
7 Apr 17 #149
After charging overnight, switched on and battery showing 11% (while plugged in)
Seems odd
7 Apr 17 1 #148
​I'll try indeed
7 Apr 17 #147
I tried opening up this damn battery it seems heavily glued or has some serious clips holding it in place.. Also for anyone thinking that there are screws under the stickers on the battery don't bother peeling them off there aren't any... I think I'm gonna have to do some serious modifications..
7 Apr 17 #146
​Appreciate the heads up
7 Apr 17 1 #145
Download speedfan and see if you can control it. Try and find the acoustic sweet spot. This may mean running it faster at low usage to stop it ramping up and getting load. If you can control it it will be trial and error and what suits your ears.
7 Apr 17 #144
Received mine today too. Battery was at 100% and ran for about 30 minutes before dropping to 7% then shutting down. Currently charging so will try a few charge/discharge cycles to see if it picks up before buying a replacement.

Otherwise a pretty good machine. Agree with others that the keyboard and track pad are perfectly fine - in fact it is quite nice to have separate left and right buttons rather than the all in one pad that most have now.

Anyone worked out where the hard drive cage goes yet?
7 Apr 17 #143
The cooling apparatus looks pretty bespoke. I think you might have an uphill struggle there, bloke. Do post pictures if you manage to cobble some Rube Goldberg machine together! :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Apr 17 1 #142
I am in agreement about the keyboard and touchpad.

Perfectly fine.
6 Apr 17 #141
Has anyone tried installing Phoenix OS on this? I tried said it installed then I got some message after reboot can't remember what it was I'll check later.
6 Apr 17 #140
​Unusually top heavy and it seems the keyboard section is very light perhaps some sort of metal weights or sand in clear bags could sort that out!!
6 Apr 17 1 #139
​Agreed on the fan noise sounds pretty loud I wonder if it's worth adding a noiseless fan!
6 Apr 17 #138
Mine has just done the 7% thing again, so I got about 20-25 mins.
Will charge it overnight and see what happens.
6 Apr 17 1 #137
Really pleased with the one I got too and had the same with the battery, it went down to 98% then jumped down to 7% and now going through a full charge cycle which I will try a few times to see if it helps.

The SSD is pretty decent for boot times, certainly beats my devices with emmc storage side by side.
6 Apr 17 #136
Still on battery @ 55%

Suggest putting battery in and giving it a good charge
6 Apr 17 #135
It's funny that yours went from 100-7%, because mine did exactly the same. If you have any success then perhaps you can let us know. I'm going to crack mine open at the weekend to see what can be done. The laptop runs perfectly when no battery is present.
6 Apr 17 1 #134
An update on the battery.
When I first tried it, it was at 100%. Then went to 7% straight away when power was unplugged.
It has now charged to 60% and I have unplugged the power - and it is staying on 60%
Maybe a few charge/discharge cycles will make it work???
Fingers crossed
6 Apr 17 1 #133
Got mine today and pleased with it for the price I paid. Battery life is around 10 minutes. Disk performance tallies with popoyaya findings and passmark CPU rating is around 1850/ GPU is around 260. The reviews I read said the keyboard and touchpad were bad, but I think they're absolutely fine. Thanks to OP.
6 Apr 17 #132
Mine has a touch screen !
6 Apr 17 1 #131
Just got mine today, fan is a bit noisy (although currently doing Windows update)
Thought I had a group of dead pixels but it turned out to be fluff between the screen and touch panel that has now slipped to the bottom after a few light taps
Great value for the money though - Thanks to the OP
6 Apr 17 1 #130
I messaged them to see if they could reduce the postage for N. Ireland on any upcoming listings but unfortunately they couldn't (£20, grrr)

They did say they would only charge postage once on multiple items though and they said they were getting them in "next week" so I've stopped hitting F5 on their ebay page
6 Apr 17 2 #129
it is really nice, im in two minds if I should try my wall mounting project or not now.

Only gripe I have with it is how heavy the screen is compared to the base so it can be easily toppled
6 Apr 17 1 #128
Received mine today. Nice little unit and a great bargain for £60.
6 Apr 17 #127
Many thanks.
6 Apr 17 #126
Nice thanks for the heads-up. I'm gonna buy another :smiley:
6 Apr 17 2 #125
Spoke to Zoostorm eBay, they are listing some more either later today or Monday..
6 Apr 17 1 #124
It came in a plain box with a zoostorm and Intel stickers ​
6 Apr 17 #123
Nice of you to test it and post, thanks. Can I ask if it arrived in a branded box or plain packaging?
6 Apr 17 2 #122
Someone else linked this too which is slightly cheaper

Plus don't forget 8% TCB
6 Apr 17 1 #121
Mine arrived this morning. Haven't had chance to play around with it yet (other then a quick boot up to make sure it was working), but so far I'm impressed! Got an HDD on order, though I was surprised to see a reasonable amount of room left on the drive (I didn't realise how light Win 10 is compared to 8.1).
6 Apr 17 2 #119
Received mine this morning and have to say that for £60 it's an absolute bargain.

It's zippy and responsive.

I managed 30 minutes on battery, which was better than nothing.
6 Apr 17 2 #118
Got mine yesterday and ran all the updates and it boots up really fast.

Battery shows as 100% and i did download some battery testing software out of interest and it obviously reports back fully charged and no wear.

Also googled the 100% battery issue and someone with a sony had this issue and fixed it by replacing the cmos battery.......can't see why that would fix it but if anyone has their laptop apart might be worth a minute to change the battery.
6 Apr 17 #117
​Those cells should be tested if they work using a battery tester. That way it should be easy to figure out
6 Apr 17 #116
Bit strange that the battery is reporting that it's fully charged at 42,000 mWh, when it's obviously not charged at all nor charging. Does this mean the circuitry inside the battery is faulty, or the cells themselves? Any experts? Just wondering if swapping out the cells will definitely work?
6 Apr 17 1 #115
Ah okay. Yeah not the fastest but no complaints given the price. Photo may be useful for others anyway
5 Apr 17 #114
Sorry, I wasn't suggesting that it was EMMC storage, rather that performance was reminisant.
5 Apr 17 6 #113
Can confirm it's definitely MSATA
5 Apr 17 1 #112
Yeah, write speeds not great, but Windows feels nippy enough and programs open quickly due to fast reads. For £60 can't complain. And easily upgradable to a faster SSD which wouldn't be possible with emmc.
5 Apr 17 #111
Pretty poor sequential disk write performance though, more akin to emmc?
5 Apr 17 #110
​I have an old battery juice bank that I may open up and check the size and battery rating
5 Apr 17 1 #109
5 Apr 17 #108
Who do they use for delivery
5 Apr 17 4 #107
It's a bargain at this price. Will be a steal if battery can be fixed. Boots up in 20s. SSD is decent:
5 Apr 17 #106
​How would you rate it for the price you paid? I just wanted some feedback
5 Apr 17 2 #105
To have msata and sata and an upgradeable ram slot in something this size and price bracket is superb value if it turns out to be accurate. I've got a 1TB drive sitting spare and will put in a bigger msata drive if it needs it and use the machine as a storage/backup device.

Oh and it also has a GbE nic instead of the normal 10/100.
5 Apr 17 #104
Mine just arrived. Battery shows as 100% charged. Powers the machine for 10 seconds then turns off. So it's not completely dead.
5 Apr 17 #103
Cheers for confirming.
5 Apr 17 4 #102
If anybody manage to replace the cells in that battery post a manual in here, please!
5 Apr 17 #101
Yes wrong battery
5 Apr 17 #100
I gambled on this too for my youngest to use to replace a Linx 10. If the upgrades are possible and with the cpu benchmark it scores it could be an excellent budget laptop.

Re the battery on the previous deal posted there was a link to the battery for £19 but it's not mentioned in here. Was that an incorrect battery for this laptop?
5 Apr 17 1 #99
Yes, I don't get what all the fuss is about - this is under £60 for an unused laptop with 4GB RAM, touchscreen, decent upgrade capability and a proper processor based on the Core architecture (not that Atoms are particularly bad but this is a Celeron based on Ivy Bridge without the extra bells and whistles).

Anyway, as it's Ivy Bridge era, it's clearly older stock where the battery has completed depleted and unable to restart - might be possible to bootstrap it manually or rebuild it but I would imagine most people just won't bother using it on battery.
5 Apr 17 #98
I've expires this one
5 Apr 17 1 #97
The £20 P&P for N.Ireland broke my heart and had me hesitating half the day but ordered anyway and voted hot.
5 Apr 17 #96
I think there will be more once they have tested the next batch
5 Apr 17 1 #95
All gone!
5 Apr 17 2 #94
2 mines in your microwave will defo blow the house up, good luck with your testing :laughing:
5 Apr 17 #93
I'd guess that would be a pretty dangerous procedure for most people who frequent this website, particularly the soldering onto the lithium batteries. And how many people here are likely to own a fire extinguisher? It's not worth the bother for £30-£40 unless you're quite technically minded.
5 Apr 17 #92
The CPU is a celeron from early 2013. Go figure.
5 Apr 17 #91
​Tried that link was unable to get it loaded
5 Apr 17 #90
I took a gamble with this. Hopefully the battery pack is relatively easy to rebuild with some quality Samsung or Panasonic battery cells.

Heres a video that kind of shows how to do it

Basically, If the battery is dead then you lose nothing by attempting to open it up and replacing the cells in it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gain.

This laptop will make a nice replacement for an aged HP DM1 running a useless AMD E-350
5 Apr 17 1 #89
More detail specs. Your text here
5 Apr 17 #88
I'm assuming there's only one lucky slot in this! Ram slot is what I meant... :confused:
5 Apr 17 #87
To be honest I was thinking of making a DIY battery for this lol.
5 Apr 17 #86
​That's what she said when someone missed! :sunglasses:
5 Apr 17 #85
It's a good one that will go over many peoples heads !
5 Apr 17 1 #84
​It was a poor attempt at one
5 Apr 17 #83
Is that a euphemism ?
5 Apr 17 #82
I think 8GB ram is overkill with such a low-end CPU. You're not likely to do much heavy video editing, etc. on this.
5 Apr 17 #81
In Windows, more RAM in the same usage situation as when you had less RAM will be faster, since it will reduce the amount of virtual memory swapped out to the storage device. Not sure how this device will be configured, as it has an SSD and therefore might have virtual memory disabled - however, in general more RAM is always a desirable performance feature in Windows.
5 Apr 17 #80
Sorry but that makes no sense at all!!

But, more RAM will definitely improve performance if you are using lots of apps at the same time / something heavy duty like Photoshop.

The Celeron processor in this is also pretty handy with decent single core performance...miles better than the atom based Celeron CPUs typically found in budget devices.
4 Apr 17 #79
​Great I'll look into the ram upgrade cheers
4 Apr 17 #78
​Yes that is true . More Ram helps when you are running out of memory due to multiple windows or programs running.
4 Apr 17 #77
​Thank you, for me it wasn't about the ram making it faster but just for opening many browsers under some sort of load I guess :smile:
4 Apr 17 1 #76
The microwave method seems like it was taken from a revenge movie...
4 Apr 17 #75
​Ram won't make it any faster due to the slow celeron cpu. I have tried it many times. It takes even longer to boot with more ram as the ram reads the hard disk when starting and bigger ram means more to copy from the hard disk
4 Apr 17 1 #74
​2 mine in the microwave? Are you planning to set your microwave or house on fire?
4 Apr 17 1 #73
Cold, £20 delivery to Northern Ireland.
4 Apr 17 #72
​Sounds like a circus trick
4 Apr 17 #71
I used to fall for this trick when buying cheap hard disks and such like with broken power connectors at boot sales.

Just out of interest could it be some other issue apart from a dead battery if the device only works with a power adaptor ?
I have a used Acer Chromebook C3-111 bought off Ebay that does the same thing and I don't know if its worth my time opening it up. The battery always reads 32% but it won't boot unless plugged in
4 Apr 17 #70
I also ordered just to see if it's a good sweet mango or sour hairy lemon!!
4 Apr 17 #69
So I'm assuming the SSD is easily upgradable?
4 Apr 17 #68
​please let us know how you get on, I had the same kind of idea. I wouldn't even mind a broken case if it looks decent enough!
4 Apr 17 #67
​Thanks for the information I appreciate that
4 Apr 17 #66
That's a very good question. The fact the the Intel HD graphics use system memory for video suggests that the more memory you have onboard, the smoother things would be. Having said that - whether 8gb would show you a marked increase in performance over the 4gb isn't clear, I couldn't find any reference to tests comparing both.

What I did find however is reference to a French review of the Clevo W310CZ (same machine), with a 640gb mechanical HD and was reporting some decent results, managing to even run Oblivion at low/medium quality settings!

The 8gb upgrade is upto around £50, so for me I'd stick with the 4gb memory and perhaps spend the difference on a bigger SSD
4 Apr 17 #65
I have a silly question for the experts is it worth adding 8gig ram to this? :neutral_face:
4 Apr 17 #64
19V 2.1A
4 Apr 17 #63
How often do people use DVD drives these days? Dual layer USB DVD drives are available for under £12. That's what I do when I need to rip a CD or burn a disk.
4 Apr 17 4 #62
Looking at those Hi-Res pictures of the battery pack, it seems that the casing is bonded around the top seam. I reckon you'd stand a good change of prying your way inside to do a re-cell.

You can get 4 x 18650 Samsung 2500mAH batteries delivered (from the UK) for £11.98 all in. Seems like it might be worth a shot.
4 Apr 17 #61
What is the rating on the AC adapter?
4 Apr 17 #60
I nearly bought this then realised theres no CD drive. Still hot though.
4 Apr 17 #59
Both are dodgy far east websites, just check the spelling.
4 Apr 17 #58
Might be worth trying?

How to Restore a Dead Laptop Battery

Step 1: Take your battery out and place it in a sealed Ziploc or plastic bag.

Step 2: Go ahead and put the bag into your freezer and leave it there for about 12 hours. Some people suggest leaving it for longer, but I wouldn’t leave it for more than 24 hours.

Step 3: Once you take it out, remove the plastic bag and let the battery warm up until it reaches room temperature. Be sure to wrap it in a towel and wipe away any condensation as it warms up.

Step 4: Reinsert the laptop battery and charge it completely.

Step 5: Once charged, unplug the power and let the battery drain all the way down.

Now repeat steps 4 and 5 at least 4 times: charge all the way to full, then discharge completely. That should be it! Unless your battery is leaking acid, you should get some kind of bump in the battery life.
4 Apr 17 1 #57
I'll take my chances - thanks OP!

I might skip on the 2 mins in the microwave... :-)
4 Apr 17 1 #56
Bloke down the pub says 30mins in the freezer should bring it back to life
If that fails, 30mins at gas mark 7 or 2 mins in the microwave....
Good luck
4 Apr 17 2 #55
how do you actually know this is just a battery fault

i repair many laptops with this issue and in some cases i had to change the whole motherboard
4 Apr 17 1 #54
Ordered, thanks OP.
Something else I don't need :smile:
4 Apr 17 1 #53
Well that's mine ordered, may as well give it a whirl. Can't be any worse than the not-fit-for-purpose Lenovo junker I'm using now
4 Apr 17 #52
Is it a Dell.
4 Apr 17 1 #51
Thank you very much for your reply.
4 Apr 17 #50
At idle absolutely silent, when under load it's moderate / loud
4 Apr 17 #49
How loud is the fan??
4 Apr 17 #48
The battery in mine is dated 2014 so it seems like that's exactly what happened; the voltage dropped too low for too long so they're dead
4 Apr 17 #47
No, it has a fan
4 Apr 17 2 #46
Won't have time to open it up and check this evening but I ran Crystaldiskinfo and it came back with BIWIN 32GB SSD and reported SATA/600 interface so can be fairly certain it is indeed an MSATA drive
4 Apr 17 #45
Wonder if an RC charger could recover the batteries?
4 Apr 17 2 #44
This is a great bargain if it's mSata rather than eMMC as the photo seems to suggest :-)
4 Apr 17 1 #43
Seems good for the money despite the dead battery, I must stop buying stuff I see on this site!
4 Apr 17 #42
Since there's so many with dead batteries they must've been left in a warehouse for a year or more and the batteries died. Hopefully it's just a matter of opening and replacing the cells?
4 Apr 17 2 #41
There's a picture of the motherboard here:

(scroll down the comment)
Looks like an mSata card that can easily be taken out/upgraded
I've ordered mine and am going to stick a spare 500gb hard drive in there (still booting from the msata)
4 Apr 17 #40
Is this fanless??
4 Apr 17 1 #39
InTheKnow444.....sounds like you have an energy manager program running. They never charge to 100% for preserving the life of the cells. Type in energy manager in windows search box and see if thats an app your running.
4 Apr 17 1 #38
I bought one just to see if I can flip the screen so its open and flush with the base so I can wall mount it or set it into a wall. I like the idea of a touch screen wall pc for weather, calendar, home automation, a bit like a magic mirror but touch screen :smiley:
4 Apr 17 #37
got an error on my laptop

says plugged in, not charging 41% available

Any ideas?
4 Apr 17 #36
Sounds like a bargain to me- I always use mine plugged in (with the battery left out).

Only caveat I would say is laptops advertised with 32gb SSD's tend to actually not have SSD's, but eMMC's (which is basically an SD card glued to the motherboard), which don't have the same performance as a proper SSD. I haven't looked to see if this is the case with this one (and it might not be), but it might be something to be aware of/look into before you buy one.
Its still a bargain either way though.
4 Apr 17 1 #35
My other half always has her laptop plugged in, so may as well give this a go! Cheers.
4 Apr 17 1 #34
'New with dead battery', the other day it was 'new with fault' :laughing::laughing::laughing: what is this sorcery?
4 Apr 17 2 #33
It's £59 for an all in one tiny desktop that's brand new (old stock) so while it can't be used as a laptop without spending some money, it can be used as a cheap desktop.

The celeron 1037u isn't too bad, it's an Ivy bridge CPU rather than an atom based CPU... I've got one in a media PC with 4GB ram and a 120GB ssd and it can do 1920x1080 HD video from iplayer, youtube .... just about, depending on the browser you may or may not get frame drops, I found Edge worked better than Firefox or Chrome in most cases. But it nearly always maxed out the CPU running an HD video.

Hot from me though.
4 Apr 17 #31
This is probably a stupid question but here goes.
Can i put a 500gb hdd in this?
derp1664 to dennissabre
4 Apr 17 1 #32
Yep they include the HDD caddy & screws for a normal 2.5" laptop hard drive

EDIT: Lol that profile pic :laughing:
4 Apr 17 1 #30
Hot! Got one for my Mum.
4 Apr 17 2 #29
To the people saying it's not much of a saving once you factor in a replacement battery, this deal is clearly not for you. The majority of people benefitting from this deal are the ones who will use it plugged in at all times and who won't bother or need to buy a replacement battery.
4 Apr 17 #28
Quick google found this:

Press CTRL + F and type W310
or look at post #2618

Looks like internal shots with occupied MSATA port and space for a 2.5" SATA drive simultaneously
4 Apr 17 1 #27
It comes with an additional 2.5" hard drive caddy in the box and 2 sets of screws labelled "HDD" and "HDD1" so it seems likely yes. The only reference to the SSD I have found so far says it's MSATA interface so that would not occupy the same place.
Can't say for sure until I take it apart (probably will do that later) but seems like should be fine
4 Apr 17 1 #26
Any idea if a hard drive and ssd can co-exist? i.e. does the ssd occupy the same slot or a different one

Really tempted by this. These style of machines are normally 2Gb RAM, a slower processor and no touchscreen
4 Apr 17 #25
Yes it's a different configuration but same base model. Techradar one has 500GB regular HDD, this has 32GB SSD
4 Apr 17 #24
​isnt thehard disk only 32 gb... techradar review lists 500gb
4 Apr 17 #19
The thing is, if they haven't changed the batteries, how do they, or anyone else, know that it's not the charging circuit rather than the battery? You'd have to stump up £40 to find out, and if it was the charging circuit you'd be left with a useless paperweight.

Anyway, I thought these cheapy low spec laptops were regarded as pretty poor performers even when new and in good condition?
derp1664 to VDisillusioned
4 Apr 17 #20
All they need is one working battery to test all of them so it's not that hard to believe imo.
Performance is reasonable given price; see the techradar review linked above
GAVINLEWISHUKD to VDisillusioned
4 Apr 17 2 #23
From the sticker the batteries are 3 years old. Once they drop below 3v for long periods they are not recoverable.
Chances are the cells are dead rather than the charge circuit.

The problem come in how it's sealed. If it's screws or clips it's not so bad. It's the ones that are hot glued or plastic welded that are a pain. You end up destroying it just getting in.
4 Apr 17 #21
Could you sell on the Windows licence?
derp1664 to justanotherpunter
4 Apr 17 #22
Not really because there's no COA sticker anymore they use OEM licenses integrated into the UEFI BIOS
4 Apr 17 2 #18
From your links it 4x 2200mAh 18650 batteries. Here is 4x 2600mAh cells from a reputable brand (Samsung) for just over £11.
4 Apr 17 #16
whats the performance like for basic internet office software use, thanks
derp1664 to rambobambo
4 Apr 17 #17
I'd say that's what it's perfect for. Respectable performance given the price

Worth noting the keyboard is slightly smaller than standard for typing though
4 Apr 17 #12
it doesn't look likely but does the screen fold all the way open, tablet style?
derp1664 to spammy
4 Apr 17 #15
Nope it doesn't
4 Apr 17 3 #9
Op can you post a few pics of the battery pack? The pics look like it's a 3 cell pack. If it's not glued with in an inch of it's life and you are handy with a soldering iron you might be able to swap out the 18560's for around £10.
4 Apr 17 2 #13
4 Apr 17 #10
Have you got a link for the batteries please?
4 Apr 17 1 #8
Sounds better I was going by their quoted Ebay price.So perhaps they are a bargain.
4 Apr 17 2 #7
£20 is about 20% off I've seen things go hotter with less of a saving...
4 Apr 17 #6
To be fair they are selling for ~£200 elsewhere though aswell so it's a decent discount either way imo
4 Apr 17 1 #5
Fair enough but if you want to restore portability its not really a bargain, merely £20 off and the hassle of sourcing a replacement battery.
4 Apr 17 9 #3
So you get £60 off for a faulty battery but a genuine replacement battery costs £40. Not enough of a bargain for me.
derp1664 to TheBiker
4 Apr 17 8 #4
Fair enough that's a good point but some people only use it plugged in like me so for them it's a non-issue
4 Apr 17 #1
Is it just the battery that is at fault?
derp1664 to aishakhan894
4 Apr 17 1 #2
Well mine works perfectly (when plugged in) and according to the listing: "Laptop is fully working, brand new retail return, but must be plugged in at all the times or you need to buy a new battery (replacing the battery will fix the issue) 3 months warranty ! (laptop only)"

So if they're telling the truth then yeah
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