Hey guys. I thought this would have been chucked up by now. Either that, or it's not as a good a deal as I personally think it is.
The Xbox Store Spring Sale kicked off last night and The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is just £6.60 (£8.00 without Gold).
There's also a free trial available until the 18th April that is also available on PC and PlayStation 4 (credit dipsylalapo) if you want to have a chance to trial it before you buy. Both promotions are running for the same length of time.
For those who played TESO at launch or shortly after, you may be glad to know that they have now introduced One Tamriel which now allows you to 'Adventure without limits'.
I played it originally on the PlayStation 4 and have since purchased the Gold Edition on Xbox One and I'm enjoying much more now due thanks to the One Tamriel update.
All comments (28)
11 Apr 171#1
I've put so many hours into this, i might drop back in again, all the updates make me want to play again.
This price is a no brainer really.
slayermatt to Wilsh88
11 Apr 17#2
Whats it like these days? I put a fair bit of time into the PC version nearer release across multiple characters but I could never stick with it :laughing:
11 Apr 171#3
I really enjoyed, although not been on for a little while.
Its very active and soo much to do, i played on PC at release and for some reason prefer it on console.
11 Apr 17#4
I was looking at this yesterday - before it was in the sale, but the DLC and expansion model is bonkers... so really I think Id want the gold edition... which is still £25.... anyone know if the Gold edition is codes or all on disk??
BuzzDuraband to joanddan7
11 Apr 171#5
It's codes AND the annoying thing is, you can't game share them :disappointed:
11 Apr 17#6
I looked at the "membership" thing and that seemed expensive and then the crowns to buy the dlc is super expensive at £24 gold seems the way to go, although I know I wont play it much!
I started the Witcher 3 the other day and it looks a similar deal?? I wont play online properly this anyway, Ill just play solo... wondering if Skyrim is a better bet? or just actually play the witcher! I have the Skyrim guide I got in charity shop for 50p! but didn't get round to getting game as its held its price well.
11 Apr 171#7
I prefer to use a controller which probably hampered me originally as the support wasnt there, played it last month for a few hours with one and thought it was alright. But kinda got lost in my current quest line and I didn't want to start yet another character :laughing:
That's **** - I'm assuming the codes bind to your ESO account rather than strictly your gamertag then?
11 Apr 171#8
Skyrim and The Witcher (for want of a better term) blow this completely out of the water. BUT, I've always had a thing for MMORPGs. I picked this up on release on PlayStation 4 and solo'd it. You can't actually play offline, because it's an online game, but you can of course choose to explore that world solo, and it's completely accessible to do so.
I picked up the Gold Edition from Smyths recently for £19.99 on Xbox One (so that may be worth a check), but I have to say, in my opinion (and quite a biased one) you won't get better bang for your buck for £6.60 on a console if you like the questing, crafting, exploring and gain an experience of being just awesome in a world called Tamriel :smiley:
11 Apr 17#9
Yeah I knew it was all online but assume I could just mind my own business doing the quests and stuff... I think I might just get Skyrim for now...
although £6.60 is tempting Im a sucker for expansions and dlc I don't need!
11 Apr 172#10
The base game has an incredible amount of content. In fact, despite having the DLC I've only actually touched Orsinium. The DLC dungeons are also awful (in my opinion), so I'll be letting my subscription expire soon simply so I have the base game only.
This price should be a no-brainer for most people.
I'll also say it's very easy to group up with people, make friends and join guilds. Very social game. One guild I joined got so busy we had to break party chat down into several smaller chats because it was chaos.
11 Apr 171#11
The sad thing is, in terms of Xbox Owners. 5,500 crowns has been on sale on the PS Store for £11.99, which would get you all the DLC content required for the base game to become the Gold Edition. The lowest it's hit on Xbox Store is £19.19 :disappointed:
11 Apr 171#12
I could get it on ps4 I just barely use that these days.
even bought some of my pile of shame on xbox even though it was already on the pile on ps4 as I know I wont fire up the ps4 as much.
first world problems these are...
11 Apr 17#13
I can only assume so. They do show as available DLC on the dash as any other DLC would, they're just not available to the other person.
11 Apr 17#14
The game is pretty decent. Only one thing to take to mind when starting is that it's a very slow progress game. For me the game started to really open up around lvl 20 where you get a better understanding, unlock weapon swapping and better abilities.
11 Apr 171#15
This game is great! I go on this just to beg for money... Strip down nude and play my big flute putting on a show for others. They all chuck me money as I claim to have lost everything and need a horse. Once I have made 20k i jump off and ride into the distance while people build up anger towards me!! STEVEBOLDNEEDSSOMEGOLD
11 Apr 17#16
Can't resist at this price, into the backlog it goes :smiley:
Roughly £2.64 each with CDKeys codes and game sharing.
11 Apr 17#17
Do you have to add players to your friends list to join them on quests or can you just follow players in game?
11 Apr 17#18
Does this come with anything or if this just the core game? :smiley:
11 Apr 17#19
If you're looking at throwing down £20-25 on the gold edition, don't forget TESO Morrowind is coming out on the 6th June, this will include all previous content.
11 Apr 17#20
Every time i try and purchase this.. it's conflicting with the free trial and telling me i already own it when i click 'buy a copy' any ideas how i can purchase this before the sale ends?
Have tried through the console and Microsoft store.
RedJenny to silverchriz
11 Apr 17#21
Glad it's not just me that is having this problem. Just keeps saying I already own it. The trial ends the same time as the spring sale as well it seems.
11 Apr 17#22
does this require a ESO login or do you just play like any other xbox game, was curious if gameshare would work across 2 xboxes that's all !!
BuzzDuraband to shikztheurbanlegend
11 Apr 171#23
It is tied to a ESO account yes, unfortunately.
shikztheurbanlegend to shikztheurbanlegend
12 Apr 17#24
ok thanks for the info
12 Apr 17#25
same price on steam, which is better Pc, or xbox ?
12 Apr 17#26
tempting - i have a doom mount code to use...
12 Apr 17#27
To purchase before sale ends go to manage game, ready to install, see in store on consol
12 Apr 17#28
Thanks Buzz - downloaded so I can give the Trial a try. Hope it's worth the 79GB of Disk Space :confused:
Opening post
Hey guys. I thought this would have been chucked up by now. Either that, or it's not as a good a deal as I personally think it is.
The Xbox Store Spring Sale kicked off last night and The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is just £6.60 (£8.00 without Gold).
There's also a free trial available until the 18th April that is also available on PC and PlayStation 4 (credit dipsylalapo) if you want to have a chance to trial it before you buy. Both promotions are running for the same length of time.
For those who played TESO at launch or shortly after, you may be glad to know that they have now introduced One Tamriel which now allows you to 'Adventure without limits'.
I played it originally on the PlayStation 4 and have since purchased the Gold Edition on Xbox One and I'm enjoying much more now due thanks to the One Tamriel update.
All comments (28)
This price is a no brainer really.
Its very active and soo much to do, i played on PC at release and for some reason prefer it on console.
I started the Witcher 3 the other day and it looks a similar deal?? I wont play online properly this anyway, Ill just play solo... wondering if Skyrim is a better bet? or just actually play the witcher! I have the Skyrim guide I got in charity shop for 50p! but didn't get round to getting game as its held its price well.
That's **** - I'm assuming the codes bind to your ESO account rather than strictly your gamertag then?
I picked up the Gold Edition from Smyths recently for £19.99 on Xbox One (so that may be worth a check), but I have to say, in my opinion (and quite a biased one) you won't get better bang for your buck for £6.60 on a console if you like the questing, crafting, exploring and gain an experience of being just awesome in a world called Tamriel :smiley:
although £6.60 is tempting Im a sucker for expansions and dlc I don't need!
This price should be a no-brainer for most people.
I'll also say it's very easy to group up with people, make friends and join guilds. Very social game. One guild I joined got so busy we had to break party chat down into several smaller chats because it was chaos.
even bought some of my pile of shame on xbox even though it was already on the pile on ps4 as I know I wont fire up the ps4 as much.
first world problems these are...
Roughly £2.64 each with CDKeys codes and game sharing.
Have tried through the console and Microsoft store.