12 month SIM only after cash back works out at £10.50PM
22.20x12 = 266.40
140 cash back follow bow instructions
topcash back £15.15
£9.23 PM
great price personally
Send your claim in line with the Cashback Claim Process below and we will credit you by cheque with £28.08 each time.
This will save you £140.40 over the 1 year of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £10.5 per month.
Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12
It's so simple to workout when you need to claim your cashback, please see the below table on when you should send your bills to us.
Top comments
grove39 to TheForsh
6 Apr 176#2
You'd get more coverage and faster data through 2 cups and some string.
6 Apr 174#4
It was a decent deal until you incorporated cashback into the monthly figure which's a no-no on here and it's Vodafone which are from recent personal experiences the worst company I've ever had the misfortune to deal with and their shower of incompetent staff. I can't wait to go back to 3 (yep - I never thought I'd ever say that!).
Latest comments (41)
28 Apr 17#41
It would appear mobiles.co.uk are no longer offering sim only deals with cashback anymore. All gone from site.
16 Apr 17#40
I travel up and down the country too, and I am also on Three.
Ive been with Three for many years now and i have had no major issues at all.
The new voda tarriffs are appealng to me because of their 4g added benefit whilst I am abroad.
As you guys on Three are already aware, they also offer free plan inclusive minutes (in certain countries) whilst you are abroad, but the speed of data is very very poor.
I want 4g whilst i am abroad too.
Is it correct that Voda data speeds here at home are lower than Three s?
16 Apr 17#39
On the other hand when I am in the UK and call to a Portuguese number I need to rob a bank.
I believe they charge £1.50 per hour.
Obviously there is WhatsApp and other service but once you forget you screwed.
16 Apr 17#38
They have just effectively enforced new EU rules early. Others will follow suit.
16 Apr 17#37
True, I have 4gb to use while on those 40 destinations + unl min and texts for UK numbers and for the country you in.
I been calling my family here in Portugal and there is no charge, as well as using 4g.
Vodafone are definitely really bad, already contacted them 4 times since got this contract, wanted to move the number to this new one but there is no easy around it , have to move the number to a different sim and then back again.
Was told yes no problem , then not possible and will take 30 days :laughing:
As for mobiles.co.uk never had a problem with cash back, done in time not a problem.
Also I am in Portugal now and do have 4gb 4g included (to use while abroad), as well as minutes and texts, what a deal :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Apr 172#8
I started this exact contract two months ago through Mobiles.co.uk. I am losing the will to live as Vodafone customer service is definitely the worst you will ever deal with. I gave them my PAC code to port the number I had for 20 years from BT and they ported it to someone else. It took me countless phone calls and my sim stopped working for two days before I got my number back. The second month the bill came with my wife name on it although I never gave them her name and the first bill was in my name. That was a problem for me as it will invalidate my cashback claims so the bills have to be in my name. It took over two weeks of phone calls and 3 visits to vodafone store, who were not interested, to sort it out. They will not talk to me as the account has become in my wife's name on their system and she had to go with me to their store and take her ID...It was a nightmare. Needless to say, every bill was wrong and had unexplained extra charges and I had to chase them for a refund. I cant wait for the contract to end and never again...even if they give it for free. To be fair the only good thing is I get good signal at home and at work.
a904lea to sam1970
7 Apr 171#11
That pretty much echoes my experience with Vodafone. The deal looks great on paper - 20GB data and free Spotify for a decent price, but UK coverage is poor, roaming charges are a joke and their customer service tells outright lies and makes promises they fail to keep. Always use Live Chat and get a transcript of your conversation as evidence otherwise they will deny everything next time you contact them. Expect to be online for at least an hour for even the simplest matter. I'm now in the process of switching to Three, and so far, so good. Three's Feel At Home roaming is great and I get decent signal in places where I previously got zilch with Vodafone. Three also provided a Home Signal box free of charge to overcome the problem of weak signal at my home address (I live in a known mobile blackspot) whereas Vodafone charged me £75 for their equivalent Sure Signal box. Wild horses wouldn't drag me back to Vodafone.
JumpMan1980 to sam1970
11 Apr 17#33
So, would you recommed them? :man:
11 Apr 17#32
TCB = topcashback
11 Apr 17#31
Does this deal give you Spotify and the use of your data and minutes abroad?
10 Apr 17#30
Mobiles.co.uk declined a cashback claim of mine in December for £38, plus 2 others in the past. I wont trust cashback with them ever again
7 Apr 17#22
vodafone declined my TCB and my appeal so beware. £70 down the can
It was also supposed to come with spotify but they changed their website after I bought it and then denied ever having it as a deal. Another 120 quid down the can.
Thanks vodafone. Never, ever, ever, ever, again.
007xico to NibblyPig
7 Apr 17#29
Where is this £70 cash back on this deal?
I used this cash back deals before and is nothing to do with Vodafone, you claim it from mobile.co.uk.
Never had a problem with cash back and mobile.co.uk but yes did have with Vodafone.
6 Apr 17#1
I've been on this exact deal for 6 months now and is worked out well. So cheap and cash back isn't as much of a hastle as it used to be. Not impressed with signal on Vodafone though - i get more coverage and faster data through 3.
grove39 to TheForsh
6 Apr 176#2
You'd get more coverage and faster data through 2 cups and some string.
churito to TheForsh
7 Apr 17#28
I've found exactly the same, loving the free Spotify, been on about 6months, claiming cash back has been fine, however same as you, signal and speeds on Vodafone have been well below 3 on average (I travel around the country q a lot).
7 Apr 17#21
Just signed for this contract, I had all sorts of problems with Vodafone but they are the only one with good signal in my house. Cashback is no brainer, you claim it on time and they send you a cheque, simples.
Just a bit confused with all Spotify/no Spotify , Europe free roaming or no roaming.
Can anyone clarify?
The same package on VODAFONE is £22.20 after 40% off and comes with entertainment pack (Spotify, now tv or sky), 20gb, 4gb roaming (40 countries),unl texts and messages.
fossman to 007xico
7 Apr 17#27
Yes you get 12 months Spotify, 4gb of roaming data and unlimited roaming minutes and texts.
7 Apr 171#18
It's a good price, however, Vodaphone increase the price I believe in April each year by RPI, so it's possible it could go up a little as soon as you buy it. Obviously it won't be by much, be we are HUKDers!
I was going to sign up for this the other day, but their website is so bad, I couldn't find all the information I needed about Vodaphone T&Cs to make a good decision (never been with them). Figured if their website is that bad, their customer service is probably terrible too. Went with EE instead, had to call CS twice, and both times it was a breeze.
fossman to gizmo2501
7 Apr 17#26
I signed up to this exact deal last week, received a letter this week saying monthly price is going up 3%.
7 Apr 17#25
Like others I got the 20gb deal last August. Which is also available on mobiles.co.uk just now for the same £10.20 as I pay, after cash back. It includes Spotify premium.
On the issues with Vodafone I have not had any problems applied on line to transfer my number from 3 pick my day and it happened as expected.
The issues with coverage are very person specific I get 4g pretty much everywhere I need it. Including in madiera for a week a much better roaming experience than with 3.
On the roaming changing in July it will probably not the law change just states that they can't charge anymore than the do for mins in the UK this does not mean that those mins will come out your inclusive mins/text or data. This goes for all net works.
Cashback wise the process is simple takes all of 5mins to claim then the cheque arrives within 60 days. If you forget that's your problem form not planning. If you do it wrong you are given 60 days to claim it more than enough time
7 Apr 17#24
TCB won't track and will be put on ice for 6 months when you lodge a missing cashback claim. Then you get Fobbed off by TCB. Just happened to me.
7 Apr 17#23
Good deal if you can tolerate Vodafone - I can empathise with others who've had desperately bad service from Vodafone.
I ended up handing my phone back and was awarded £250 compensation for their screw-ups last time I was with them.
7 Apr 17#20
I just took out the 20gb for £22.20 deal with Vodafone direct. It does come with Spotify (or now TV or sports package) so I wouldn't be surprised if it came with this package too (as you're signing up for the same package with Vodafone)
Two points to those complaining of bad coverage and poor customer service... I switched from 3 to Vodafone as Vodafone was the only provider with strong enough signal in the basement I've started working in and because I said the contract was for work when I spoke to the Vodafone staff member in store, they asked me if it was business account... I asked what's the difference and they said 'if it's a business account then all calls are handled in the UK' and apparently that's it.
I didn't need to prove I'd be using for the business purposes, I just gave my business name. I don't suppose there's any reason why someone else couldn't do the same if they weren't happy with the custom service over the phone...
7 Apr 17#19
Ordered with Thanks
7 Apr 17#17
This tariff includes free roaming in the eu. There is data allowance for eu use depending on the tarriff. I realise from June this will all change.
I am in Gran Canaria at the moment and getting 4g Internet.
The sim received is multi sim. It has the 3 sizes.
I have had no issues with Vodafone Customer Services and am on my second sim only with Vodafone via mobiles.co.uk. We also have two ee sim only deals.
7 Apr 17#16
Is this for iPhone only as it says iphone SIM when you click through?
7 Apr 171#15
Actually, take a look at this. The 12GB is discounted and still have Spotify as per the latest deals on the Vodafone website
I think you've been had then. My wife has the 20GB deal at 50% off and have Spotify direct with Vodafone.
I took this deal last year with Mobiles.co.uk with the cash back deal and also have Spotify.
7 Apr 17#13
I've been on this deal through mobiles.co.uk since April last year and have been receiving Spotify premium. With cashback deals, the customer pays Vodafone the full amount so you qualify for the add-ons. The reduced price is achieved by cashback cheques from company you buy the SIM from.
7 Apr 17#12
you wont get spotify if its a sale or discount i have a 12gb red bundle with phone and since i got 40% discount they said they wont give me Spotify. only is it full price you are paying.
7 Apr 17#10
I'm on this exact deal from last year and can confirm you get Spotify. In fact if you click through to the deal the info states this
"Your tariff details
MAR 17 Vodafone 4G Red Value iPhone Sim Only £22.20 20GB 12m MAR 17"
7 Apr 17#9
I have bought the 20gb contract end of last year and it is a red bundle. You get either sky sports or now tv or spotify. I am not sure on the 8gb plan though
7 Apr 17#7
I was told by them that you would get the choice of bundle add-on similar to if you went direct through Vodafone itself. I must say before I joined Vodafone, I read some of the comments on here about them and thought surely they can't be that bad but how wrong. Well,it depends on which department you speak too. Customer Relations are excellent but its hit and miss everywhere else.
7 Apr 17#5
This is a great deal as it includes Spotify so if you're paying that already, you're effectively getting the contract for 50p a month!
kingp1n to Toybhoy
7 Apr 17#6
i don't think you get Vodafone red with this bundle cause I'm currently on a similar tariff 8gb instead of the 20gb and i tried to get the red bundle but it they didn't let me ... could ask cs before buying?
6 Apr 174#4
It was a decent deal until you incorporated cashback into the monthly figure which's a no-no on here and it's Vodafone which are from recent personal experiences the worst company I've ever had the misfortune to deal with and their shower of incompetent staff. I can't wait to go back to 3 (yep - I never thought I'd ever say that!).
6 Apr 17#3
Cold. Price is 22.20, not what you've listed it for.
Opening post
22.20x12 = 266.40
140 cash back follow bow instructions
topcash back £15.15
£9.23 PM
great price personally
Send your claim in line with the Cashback Claim Process below and we will credit you by cheque with £28.08 each time.
This will save you £140.40 over the 1 year of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £10.5 per month.
Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12
It's so simple to workout when you need to claim your cashback, please see the below table on when you should send your bills to us.
Top comments
Latest comments (41)
Ive been with Three for many years now and i have had no major issues at all.
The new voda tarriffs are appealng to me because of their 4g added benefit whilst I am abroad.
As you guys on Three are already aware, they also offer free plan inclusive minutes (in certain countries) whilst you are abroad, but the speed of data is very very poor.
I want 4g whilst i am abroad too.
Is it correct that Voda data speeds here at home are lower than Three s?
I believe they charge £1.50 per hour.
Obviously there is WhatsApp and other service but once you forget you screwed.
I been calling my family here in Portugal and there is no charge, as well as using 4g.
Was told yes no problem , then not possible and will take 30 days :laughing:
As for mobiles.co.uk never had a problem with cash back, done in time not a problem.
Also I am in Portugal now and do have 4gb 4g included (to use while abroad), as well as minutes and texts, what a deal :stuck_out_tongue:
It was also supposed to come with spotify but they changed their website after I bought it and then denied ever having it as a deal. Another 120 quid down the can.
Thanks vodafone. Never, ever, ever, ever, again.
I used this cash back deals before and is nothing to do with Vodafone, you claim it from mobile.co.uk.
Never had a problem with cash back and mobile.co.uk but yes did have with Vodafone.
Just a bit confused with all Spotify/no Spotify , Europe free roaming or no roaming.
Can anyone clarify?
The same package on VODAFONE is £22.20 after 40% off and comes with entertainment pack (Spotify, now tv or sky), 20gb, 4gb roaming (40 countries),unl texts and messages.
I was going to sign up for this the other day, but their website is so bad, I couldn't find all the information I needed about Vodaphone T&Cs to make a good decision (never been with them). Figured if their website is that bad, their customer service is probably terrible too. Went with EE instead, had to call CS twice, and both times it was a breeze.
On the issues with Vodafone I have not had any problems applied on line to transfer my number from 3 pick my day and it happened as expected.
The issues with coverage are very person specific I get 4g pretty much everywhere I need it. Including in madiera for a week a much better roaming experience than with 3.
On the roaming changing in July it will probably not the law change just states that they can't charge anymore than the do for mins in the UK this does not mean that those mins will come out your inclusive mins/text or data. This goes for all net works.
Cashback wise the process is simple takes all of 5mins to claim then the cheque arrives within 60 days. If you forget that's your problem form not planning. If you do it wrong you are given 60 days to claim it more than enough time
I ended up handing my phone back and was awarded £250 compensation for their screw-ups last time I was with them.
Two points to those complaining of bad coverage and poor customer service... I switched from 3 to Vodafone as Vodafone was the only provider with strong enough signal in the basement I've started working in and because I said the contract was for work when I spoke to the Vodafone staff member in store, they asked me if it was business account... I asked what's the difference and they said 'if it's a business account then all calls are handled in the UK' and apparently that's it.
I didn't need to prove I'd be using for the business purposes, I just gave my business name. I don't suppose there's any reason why someone else couldn't do the same if they weren't happy with the custom service over the phone...
I am in Gran Canaria at the moment and getting 4g Internet.
The sim received is multi sim. It has the 3 sizes.
I have had no issues with Vodafone Customer Services and am on my second sim only with Vodafone via mobiles.co.uk. We also have two ee sim only deals.
I took this deal last year with Mobiles.co.uk with the cash back deal and also have Spotify.
"Your tariff details
MAR 17 Vodafone 4G Red Value iPhone Sim Only £22.20 20GB 12m MAR 17"