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Uncharted The Lost Legacy £24.99 @ Very
4.5 stars +474

Uncharted The Lost Legacy £24.99 @ Very

£24.99 Very 15 Apr 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
15 Apr 17
This one is going down everyday.

- From critically acclaimed developer Naughty Dog comes the first standalone adventure in Uncharted franchise history led by fan-favourite character, Chloe Frazer.

- In order to recover a fabled ancient Indian artefact and keep it out of the hands of a ruthless war profiteer, Chloe Frazer must enlist the aid of renowned mercenary Nadine Ross (from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End).

- Venturing deep into India's Western Ghats mountain range, Chloe and Nadine must learn to work together to unearth the artefact and fight their way through fierce opposition to prevent the region from falling into chaos.

- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will come with access to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer and Survival modes. Online multiplayer on PS4 requires a PlayStation Plus membership.
Top comments
15 Apr 17 3 #8
Considering this title is included in the Uncharted season pass that Sony/ND decided to withdraw when they thought "hey let us stripe the punters up by marketing the DLC as a stand alone game and charge them bundles more for it" I hope it fails miserably till it comes down to around 10 or 12 quid.

I own every adventure Nathan has had and love them all but this move was saucy as xxxx trying to cash in on the 'last ever Uncharted game by ND' spiel or whatever they claimed in the promotional hype :smirk:
Bure11 to Gamerofgames
15 Apr 17 3 #4
Think you can get it delivered to a location but I'd stay away from very all together
All comments (50)
15 Apr 17 1 #1
Doesn't look like it comes with the free Jak & Daxter game
BuzzDuraband to bumbaclart
15 Apr 17 2 #2

Not sure who Jake is, but the description says otherwise.
15 Apr 17 #3
Is there a free delivery option with Very?
Bure11 to Gamerofgames
15 Apr 17 3 #4
Think you can get it delivered to a location but I'd stay away from very all together
shaz2sxy to Gamerofgames
15 Apr 17 #5
They do a Free collect at store option
15 Apr 17 #6
To use Very or not is entirely personal opinion but I would take it as indication of possible price drop at Base or Shopto next week and hold on for now.
15 Apr 17 #7
​Very is OK to me. Buying things on sale (their sale is normal price in other stores), target to pay them off within 3 month no matter what I buy, and my credit score grows. Also, once I've ordered cooker, delivery service dropped it while preparing for delivery. Sent me new one week later, the old one sent back to Very and they've refunded me. Free cooker. Other time bought pink/black Xbox One controller with voucher they've given to me. Sold on eBay, paid very off and got 20 quid for doing so. Won't complain about their service to me :wink:
And BTW. they deliver for free to some of local stores.
15 Apr 17 3 #8
Considering this title is included in the Uncharted season pass that Sony/ND decided to withdraw when they thought "hey let us stripe the punters up by marketing the DLC as a stand alone game and charge them bundles more for it" I hope it fails miserably till it comes down to around 10 or 12 quid.

I own every adventure Nathan has had and love them all but this move was saucy as xxxx trying to cash in on the 'last ever Uncharted game by ND' spiel or whatever they claimed in the promotional hype :smirk:
Lukesablade to Chasloyal
15 Apr 17 1 #10
Wrong, they decided to stop selling the season pass as they got carried away with this dlc and made it into an actual game, the length of this game will be around 10 hrs long, which would be the same as uncharted 1,2 and 3.

This isn't like left behind which was 2 and half hours long for £10-12.

This is a bargain for £25.

Heat op!
ventis86 to Chasloyal
15 Apr 17 1 #11
​but they gave notice about withdrawing it. £20 quid for a 10 hour Naughty Dog game doesn't offend me - I'm sure this will be £10 before long anyway
hass123 to Chasloyal
15 Apr 17 #19
I'm not complaining, I got the season pass for £5 :smiley:
RogueS to Chasloyal
15 Apr 17 #23
The DLC grew to be much bigger than they anticipated. Games aren't made for free and people don't work for nothing. Simple as. Considering most devs/publishers would probably take the season pass down and then talk about the change after, giving people notice that they have time to advantage of a deal, at the price they've had it for the past 8 months, is far from the most money hungry thing they could do.

To put it another way, if they had out of the blue announced they're releasing this 10 hour Uncharted game (similar in length to the full games) for £30 I doubt you'd be calling them money hungry.
15 Apr 17 #9
So what is this, a 4 hour game that they hope to shill £25 for?
15 Apr 17 #12
when it says you have access to uncharted 4 multi-player...does that mean you need uncharted 4 already installed on your ps4? or.will the whole system be built into the lost legacy?
ocelot20 to weeb18
15 Apr 17 #13
If I remember from the PlayStation Blog. You don't need Uncharted 4. If you buy this standalone you get the Uncharted 4 MP with it on disc.
15 Apr 17 1 #14
All very credible and obscenely pro Sony/ND the way you have put it but then you're choosing to ignore their boast of Uncharted 4 having the most generous DLC of any AAA title ever in the pre-release hype train, so generous in fact they decided to do away with it :smirk:

Not sure I'd go as far as saying it offends me, just stating it's a bit of a liberty how they suddenly announced they were doing away with the season pass the following week when some in-house number cruncher and/or board member obviously suggested they should milk a few extra pennies by doing it as a stand alone game.

Of course it'll drop to a cockle or even south of that figure pretty rapido but if everyone stood their ground and didn't buy it at this launch price out of principle it will happen even quicker :wink:
15 Apr 17 #15
​i think you are right, dying light did the same didn't they - offering something and then withdrawing it for the extra few quid. I see your point I think the trouble is so few people actually vote with their wallets and just end up buying day one due to fear of missing out when in reality waiting a few months is much better cost wise
15 Apr 17 1 #16
I'm pro Sony and naughty dog because this is a AAA exclusive with a good PS2 game(for free) for £25, they said it was going to be substantial, they never said it would be a full game, like it is.

People had the right to buy the season pass/triple pack, and naughty dog and Sony told people well in advance what they were doing by taking them off sale.

It wasn't like one day it just disappeared, everyone had the chance to buy it.
15 Apr 17 #17
So 10 days is well in advance in Sonyland?

Ok not quite like it was in one day that it disappeared but it was still a paltry nine days till it did :man:

I don't even get on my high horse about pre-ordering, never mind buying day one, like many seem to but I do get the hump when developers/publishers talk a load of old bxxxxxxs to go and do a u-turn on it a mile down the road.

Your Dying Light reference rings a bell about DLC controversy but because I never even fancied that game it was off my radar as such.

Unlike many gamers I am not anti DLC, I been around long enough to remember Street Fighter being 70 quid on the SNES and Virtua Racing being 60 quid on the Mega Drive 25 or 30 years ago.

So I get it and totally agree when the industry says modern gamers are well spoilt with pricing in relative terms but I do draw the line at bullxxxx and that's exactly what's gone on here with this removal of the Uncharted explorers pack or whatever the season pass was called till they binned it.

The real cancer as far as I'm concerned is micro transactions, GTA Online has set a very dangerous precedent by being so successful with their aptly named shark cards so who knows what the business model for AAA games will be in 5 or 10 years time.
15 Apr 17 1 #18
Nobody cares.
15 Apr 17 1 #20
Apart from you, hence you replied :smirk:

Well I could live with that too :smile:
15 Apr 17 1 #21
Yes, 10 days to do a dozens clicks on a mouse or 2 mins through your PS4 is long enough.
15 Apr 17 #22
You're hard core Sony proper,I can tell.

So do you arrange like European hoolie style forest fights with Xbots and Nintendo Fans so your PS4 posse can show the hard core fan boys of the opposing consoles who the governors are?

Are you on a banning order from attending the technology aisle at your local Tesco for bushwhacking an Xbox supporter in there by any chance?
15 Apr 17 #24
Seems like you take this stuff a little too serious mate, boycott because they "only" gave me 10 days notice?!?

It's pretty easy, you have 10 days notice to buy or not to buy, you probably choose not to and now your very salty because it will cost you a couple of quid more at launch.

Also for your information I was just playing breath of the wild on my switch, so your wrong again about the fanboy accusation...I'm not like that crazy Xbox one fanboy on
16 Apr 17 1 #25
Well someone had to point it out to you that you are drivelling on like an adolescent child.
So I suppose you could say that I care enough to point it out to you.
16 Apr 17 1 #26
He's a charges up angry gamer who doesn't have a job. Ignore him (like i should have) :smiley:
16 Apr 17 1 #27
'Wrong' lol, classic Internet post.
16 Apr 17 #28
Why is this so cheap? Is this going to be a short game? i.e. like Infamous first light
6ixFoot1 to superspeedy
16 Apr 17 #29
Rumoured to be 10 hours long. Plus you get Uncharted multiplayer which is unlimited gameplay :smiley:
16 Apr 17 #30
When does it release? If it's within the next 2 months you're okay. I've preordered with Very a couple of times for titles 6 months away and had a right mare getting the game with the free collect + delivery.
16 Apr 17 #31
You have to be a bit of a gambler to deal
With this company, sooner or later they will bite you. It's just not worth it.
16 Apr 17 #32
Ok so I don't have what you would describe as a job, how awful :disappointed:

But I do own a house and two flats all mortgage free, have a rather ample monthly income and happen to have six figures handy in the bank should it be required too, how satisfying :wink:

No doubt you'll accuse me of lying or claim to be significantly more comfortable than me or even of both.

The delicious irony is I have absolutely no reason to lie whilst you on the other hand have just demonstrated you are so insecure about yourself you've had to descend to making poorly judged way off the mark fantasy assumptions about who and what I am because I voiced discontent about a multi billion dollar company's DLC policy, erm ok.

Yet I'm the "charged up angry " one, not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer are you flower :smirk:

Happy Easter nontheless though

Nope you're not like that Toby the cxxxgamer in the way you don't have a youtube channel to trap off your your rather inexplicable devotion to a developer/publisher or a gaming console.

But you clearly do possess that inexplicable devotion to a said gaming console that he has by valiantly fighting poor little Sony's corner in here whether you have the latest Nintendo gimmick driven machine or not.

Alas even worse than that you are using the very patter he uses, like 'salty' hmmm I thought this is Hot UK Deals, not hot US? So there you are another one of these odd bods that seems to wish he had been born a septic rather than a Brit :disappointed:

Do I take this stuff a little too serious by virtue of moaning?

I got no idea, that is for others to judge but I would just put it out there if I do then you take it even more seriously coming back at me like you're some Sony press secretary by going out your way to justify their very corporate decisons I'm complaing about.

Anyway enjoy your holiday and I hope that poor ickle overworked bunny has stashed in your garden every Nathan Drake and Zelda Easter egg you could ever desire :man:
16 Apr 17 1 #33
Debates aside, if this game is the quality of Uncharted 4, and is 10 hours or so long, then £25 is really not unfair imo :smiley:
Chasloyal to timb999
16 Apr 17 #34
I will in true psychotic medieval religious nut style strap a semtex vest to myself and agree with you but that's my point and has been along......they should never have give it all the bunny for all that time about them pushing the boat out developing all this ridiculously great value DLC to then deem it not DLC and make it a stand alone game.

That's all I have said all along but then you get Ratchet & Clank here lobbying the Donald to use the mother of all bombs on me instead of the cavemen in the Afghan mountains for merely daring to suggest Sony/ND took the pxxx by going back on their initial boastful promises about this specific matter.
16 Apr 17 1 #35
I choose "salty" because if I used the "English" words I would probably get banned, and that's not happening over you sir.

So your making digs at Nintendo now, aswel as Sony, ermmm I wonder what that makes you....

Again how is a 10hr AAA game by one of the top 3 devs in the world with multiplayer and a free PS2 game for £25 not worth it?...yes your going to continue to cry about the notice that was given, but we've been over that, and you knew you had 10 days so why didn't you buy the triple pack when it was available for £20? do realise your crying over £5...

Happy Easter, chances are you will probably be buying your eggs Tuesdays, enjoy pal.
16 Apr 17 #36
Hmmm, yep that might be why I'm sat here debating with you whilst overlooking a glorious rural landscape of nothing but fields owned by Sir James Dyson plotted up in our lovely country house with a 6 month old motor parked in the adjoining double garage all totally paid for with zero debt.

Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves :wink:

Erm no, I'm complaining about the fact Sony chose to do a u-turn on what they promised whilst you're the one 'crying' about me complaining about it hence you're feeling the urge to suggest it's the extra ching the stand alone game costs when compared to the season pass.

By the way you spell it you're not your tsk

It makes me a gamer of decades who can not stand fan boys/girls of any persuasion but I accept Nintendo Fans are probably my real pet hate because they are always that bit more rabid and devout than Xbots and Sony Ponies are.

Would you say terms like 'stroppy' or 'moody' would even get you suspended, never mind banned?

I think not, oh and please less of the 'Sir' eh as I've not been knighted yet and I'm not a school teacher either so Chas is just fine.

Anyway I should really take Canine Loyal out for our daily hike now and it's started raining, typical
16 Apr 17 #37
Life to short for hate, no matter how annoying certain people are.

How did they do a u-turn, did they say this was only ever going to be available in the triple pack?
16 Apr 17 #38
Chasloyal, look at the number of words in this deal thread to criticize the developer and push a subtext of ripping off the customer you have used

My deduction you don't have a job is based on that. It's a few quid, it's a bit of a cheek about the season pass.

It's great you notice this stuff and point it out but we aren't really talking about systemic rape of children here are we? So yes you sound angry and a bit mental to be honest unless you really are 12-15 years old and have no income so it might be a big deal. I'm giving you a way out to not sound like an obnoxious douche bag :smile:

If you gave a few houses and a few quid tucked aside and an income then you'd mirror myself. In which case why so angry over the principle of a few quid?

Genuinely curious at this point as it's like watching a dog with a bone.
16 Apr 17 #39
this has escalated hasn't it? From my perspective I wasn't prepared to but a season pass or special edition so to me splitting the DLC into a standalone release is fine to me. It's great we are all so financially stable and opinionated - happy Easter!
16 Apr 17 #40
Listen you can call me an obnoxious wxxxxr, cxxt or a whole host of other unpleasant terms that I would not dig you out about it for because yeah I am an obnoxious whatever but a fxxxing 'douche bag'?

Try speaking British English to me rather than being a wannabe septic melt and I might actually give you a valid response!

I'm not that Xbox dinlow on youtube we spoke about already so I'm not going to go around trawling the interwebs for links to what was said at this E3 and what was promised on that Naughty Dog blog etc etc etc.

The fact you want to play Ratchet and Uncle Sam's secret love child wants to play Clank and tear in to me for saying Sony have been a sly dog, no pun intended, by changing this from a bit of hefty DLC in to a stand alone title literally leaves me banging my head against the wall so what's the point?

I've made a valid point based on what was promised in the past but you and others have taken offence and decided to be eternal defenders of King Sony and Lord Naughty Dog :confused: good for you and I hope Sony give you and Clank all the riches your undying loyalty and devotion to their cause deserve.
16 Apr 17 #41
You won't look because you know you won't find, there was never a "u-turn".

They simply upgraded the lost legacy from dlc to a full game, and ask you to pay £5 more for twice the length of a game.

Ratchet approves of this game, even more so because he purchased it for £15 last year.
16 Apr 17 #42
I did not call you those things. I said your behaviour came across like that.
Those terms are pretty standard these days around the world and being a charged up angry gamer who can make post after post about a company robbing you for a few quid, I was just trying to fit in with your lingo.

It seems I was wrong, you are just an angry person who is unwilling to follow discourse of any debate they feel challenged in, but is more than happy to bore people to death about some pricing on a gaming product.

I said I was genuinely curious what's behind your nutty posts and I still am.
16 Apr 17 1 #43
It's their product, they're entitled to do what they like with it.

It's your money, you're entitled to do what you like with it.

Don't like the product or the way it's been marketed then don't buy it, simple as. Don't see the need to b!tch and moan about it.
16 Apr 17 #44
What an absolutely embarrassing thread
17 Apr 17 #45
So we've established your upgrade is my u-turn, great stuff :man:

You give all your love to a corporate giant like Sony and I'll share my love around my family, so we're both kind gentle souls :smirk:

Glad we've finally got to the crux of the matter :wink:

I have no problem in accepting I can be obnoxious, I know I am.

I am more than happy for people to lob a whole Oxford dictionary full of insults at me but I do object to mother cussing and American patter.

What discourse should I follow? I disagree with how Sony played this whilst you and Ratchet deem it totally acceptable.

Your powers of deduction have had me down as a penny less scratcher living off his giro or a 15 year old kid because you and others are happy to pay a ching more whilst I on the other hand don't like being striped up.

My life as comfortable as my family is I have serious issues sticking 10 bob in the parking meter because I feel we pay more than enough in taxes and charges to both national and local government already.

How unreasonable of me to subscribe to the notion of saving money, on a money saving deal site of all places too :smirk:

You then have to take it to some perceived academic level giving it the amateur Freudian evaluation that I am an angry person for not agreeing with your justifying Sony/ND for how they played this.

I think you might need to observe me when I really am angry before coming out with that suggestion but if you feel the glove fits your argument go for it.

Agree with you completely.

I said I won't buy it till the price drops and explained why.

It was then other posters who decided to go at me all hammer and tongs because they disagree and felt the urge to defend a corporate giant.

Yours sincerely, an angry man
17 Apr 17 #46
How is an upgrade a u-turn?!?

Saying one thing and doing the opposite is a u-turn.
17 Apr 17 #47
So going from having a bit of generous story/campaign DLC thrown in with the various multiplayer maps and modes of the season pass to withdrawing that said season pass and charging a pony for that item is an upgrade rather than a u-turn? :smirk:

Anyway shouldn't you be preparing for your party today, I take it the 'blade' in your name refers to the smaller club in Sheffield right?

So get yourself down the lane and sing your shanty about dirty Leeds and those other ditties you have about the Owls in preparation for next season's recommencing battles :smirk:

I got a couple of pals who are Bradford, it would make me chuckle if they did proper spoil the party today :smile:
17 Apr 17 #48
Yes it is, everyday is a school day :wink:
17 Apr 17 #49
There aren't specifics to address there apart from the white elephant that you didn't directly address. You made your point multiple times about how Sony was ripping off the customer by revoking the season pass.
After making said point, which you are more than entitled to, you proceeded to go on and on and on about it.
Yes there are parallels at this point with me making this post :wink: but it's only taking a minute to post and i fully accept it's a waste of time and not a principle to keep asking you the same thing.

Basically, why make so much light about sonething you cannot change? Something you will not get an answer or remedy for?

Anyway you win i give up.
17 Apr 17 #50
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£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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