Clearly this is the greatest cartoon ever. It had everything; a mean cat with nun chucks, a good looking cat & some weird mummy thing. What more do people want?!
Some joke has a post saying the Lost City of Gold is the greatest cartoon. Pfft, you heard me, pfft.
This on Itunes series 1 etc etc
Top comments
18 Apr 1714#1
If you enjoyed this cartoon as a child, please - for the sake of your own sanity - do not watch it back. Leave it alone in your mind as the greatest cartoon of all time!
18 Apr 178#5
Transformers was the best Cartoon of my childhood, followed by Ulysses 31 - both had epic theme tunes and episodic music. Thundercats is a little below Mask and above He-Man IMO.
18 Apr 176#3
majestic2012 to monkeyhanger75
18 Apr 176#17
Honourable mentions for Dungeons and Dragons, The Centurions, and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.
Latest comments (41)
23 Apr 17#41
Oh man, what an amazing post Op!!!
20 Apr 171#40
Cant believe no mention of 'The Pirates of Dark Water'
shame it got cancelled before they could finnish it
19 Apr 171#39
Visionaries and Mask, too
19 Apr 171#38
free on kodi though
19 Apr 171#37
What about Fraggle Rock The playground lyrics are memorable for me
down at Fraggle Rock,
grab a Fraggle by the c**k,
swing it round your head,
check to see he's dead.
If that doesn't work
chain it to a firework,
send it to the sky,
watch the f****er die."
19 Apr 174#29
The Visionaries was actually the best cartoon of all time. It's just that it seems I was the only person who has ever seen it...
ipswich78 to kringle
19 Apr 171#31
Nope, I remember it. Wasn't around for long though.
bluehobbit to kringle
19 Apr 171#36
Fear not my friend i remember it....had witterquick? toy as a kid as well. Now there was a theme tune..
Dungeons and Dragons
Wheeled Warriors all classic
Defenders of the earth wasn't bad either tho i was always dissapointed flash wasnt very quick
One series. Got it on DVD. Apparently a movie on the cards too
18 Apr 174#2
You know Cheetarah? When you were younger... Was it alright... If... Errrrrrrrr... Y'know... You... Errrrrrrrr.... Well... Errrrrrrrr.
pwel to DrDoolittle
18 Apr 172#6
Errrrr...Well...she had that stick that was getting bigger and bigger every time she held it....
BDawg to DrDoolittle
18 Apr 17#9
I'd be more worried if lads didn't... errr well as you said
ipswich78 to DrDoolittle
19 Apr 171#30
Haha hell yeah!
18 Apr 173#25
For me the greatest cartoon ever was Ulysses 31 and I remember watching that as a very very young kid way ahead of its time and even today nothing else can touch it with ThunderCats coming second and we won't mention the remake tut tut
gmoore to onkarsingh1976
19 Apr 171#28
Telemachus, yumi, my children!
19 Apr 175#26
Anybody remember watching Brave Star?
gmoore to Libertas
19 Apr 172#27
Eyes of the hawk, speed of the puma, strength of the bear!
18 Apr 172#24
I have a daily reminder of Danger mouse, as my boss looks like Penfold.
18 Apr 173#23
Knightmare was the epic one for me, but this still takes me back to fond memories....
18 Apr 173#22
Thanks for the reminder of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, I always forget about that one.
One I've just remembered: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes :smile:
Galaxy Rangers were another personal favourite...
Damn it, there's a deep rabbit hole we could go down here, I'm not going to list them all.
18 Apr 171#21
They should do a prequel called Thunderkittens
18 Apr 17#20
Trap door...? For the theme tune if northing else
18 Apr 172#19
Another thumbs-up for Jayce.
Could never get The Mysterious Cities of Gold out of my head either.
18 Apr 173#18
^ Don't forget "Defenders of the Earth".
18 Apr 178#5
Transformers was the best Cartoon of my childhood, followed by Ulysses 31 - both had epic theme tunes and episodic music. Thundercats is a little below Mask and above He-Man IMO.
majestic2012 to monkeyhanger75
18 Apr 176#17
Honourable mentions for Dungeons and Dragons, The Centurions, and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.
18 Apr 17#16
That's this weekends movie sorted
18 Apr 17#15
Worse than Dan in Real Life?
18 Apr 17#14
He-man the movie is still to this day one of the worst films I've seen
18 Apr 172#13
Mirrors were hard to come by in those days.
Plus you could defeat the thundercats with a ball of wool!
18 Apr 1714#1
If you enjoyed this cartoon as a child, please - for the sake of your own sanity - do not watch it back. Leave it alone in your mind as the greatest cartoon of all time!
AMO to Curlyman83
18 Apr 172#12
Compared to He-Man etc, I think Thundercats holds out quite well.
18 Apr 171#10
What was Mumm Ra's beef with them? Was he more a dog person?
AMO to BDawg
18 Apr 171#11
Not sure about that, but the only thing I didn't like about Thundercats was that Mumm-Ra was super powerful, but you just had to pick up a mirror to defeat him! lol
18 Apr 171#8
Safari Joe Does It Again
18 Apr 171#7
It always was cheesy and full of morals but it was a good show, watched quite a bit of it 3 years ago and the story was dark and at least had some continuity which was rare for a cartoon of the time.
18 Apr 171#4
i love thundercats just havent got anytime for itunes still hot tho brings back great memories
Opening post
Clearly this is the greatest cartoon ever. It had everything; a mean cat with nun chucks, a good looking cat & some weird mummy thing. What more do people want?!
Some joke has a post saying the Lost City of Gold is the greatest cartoon. Pfft, you heard me, pfft.
This on Itunes series 1 etc etc
Top comments
Latest comments (41)
shame it got cancelled before they could finnish it
down at Fraggle Rock,
grab a Fraggle by the c**k,
swing it round your head,
check to see he's dead.
If that doesn't work
chain it to a firework,
send it to the sky,
watch the f****er die."
Dungeons and Dragons
Wheeled Warriors all classic
Defenders of the earth wasn't bad either tho i was always dissapointed flash wasnt very quick
Everybody needs good neighbours.
Go on.
Can't, can you.
This makes me stone-faced...
One I've just remembered: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes :smile:
Galaxy Rangers were another personal favourite...
Damn it, there's a deep rabbit hole we could go down here, I'm not going to list them all.
Could never get The Mysterious Cities of Gold out of my head either.
Plus you could defeat the thundercats with a ball of wool!