That's interesting that you were able to get a "standard edition " considering all pre order copies and beyond are actually season pass editions. It wa reported that they are doing the same thing as the last deus ex release where all editions sold are actually day one or special editions. Where did you buy this mythical standard edition?
26 Apr 17#104
Where did you buy a version without the season pass?
26 Apr 17#103
Well I don't own the game but if it's ever given away with Plus or I happen to pick it up in the future I'll now have all the extras as well.
Thanks OP
25 Apr 17#96
Good find op
dribspak to batezy_1984
25 Apr 172#102
pointless story really.
Similar to me saying "Downloaded for xbox but since I've hopped in the Delorean and gone back to 1955 I'll be unable to play this"
25 Apr 17#101
I have the standard version with no season pass included so its great for me,only the more recent ultimate editions includes the season pass,if like me u bought the standard version it never came with the season pass
25 Apr 17#100
Good deal for the 2 people who bought the game today
25 Apr 17#92
Just grabbed it for xbox thanks
lucky6877 to RealDash
25 Apr 17#94
I wonder if they did this deliberately to get us to buy the game? The reviews have not been kind at all. Anyway, it worked for me on PS4, so voted hot and thank you !!
pineapplebitch to RealDash
25 Apr 17#99
Worth getting as price should drop if reviews are anything to go by. Once patched may be worth a go
25 Apr 17#98
Sniper Elite 4 vs Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 ?
25 Apr 17#95
Purchased. Don't know anything about the game yet so not sure if I'll even get it to benefit from the pass. Thanks anyway though.
LazyDonkey to Zatos
25 Apr 17#97
Yes. This isn't really a the season pass is included when you buy the game.
25 Apr 17#93
Xbone shows 54.99 on app and I get an error on the website. The game itself just has 'play now' button :confused:
25 Apr 171#91
Got the game - No
Got the season pass - yes.
25 Apr 17#90 says 'only part of the game bundle'
25 Apr 17#89
I have just grabbed it in the xbox app, but you can;t buy the base game on the xbox as it says 'game not sold separately'. I'll do some more digging but it isn't looking good. Just a glitch that they will fix.
25 Apr 17#88
Aaah, I'm thinking of sniper elite. Ta
25 Apr 17#87
Great stuff! This site is superb.
25 Apr 17#86
Im sure I read the other day that you can get a refund for a full game if you have played it for less than 2 hours but sure it stated no refund for DLC
25 Apr 17#85
25 Apr 17#84
Yes it does. Try again.
25 Apr 17#83
Isn't the season pass free with the game anyway?
25 Apr 17#82
the PS4 link doesnt work
25 Apr 17#81
Also got it through Xbox app - thanks!
25 Apr 17#80
Only just been released so you've got a while to wait :wink:
25 Apr 17#79
Just got through the Xbox app, thanks. Has the game been available through GwG ? If not I'll wait/buy it
25 Apr 17#78
Try playing Fallout 4/Skyrim etc.... 2 mins to load, then a minute per fast travel to arrive outside a door you need to walk though triggering another load screen. I would take 5 mins to load if they promise 4-15 second load times for fast travel
25 Apr 17#77
damn just realized i bought the ultimate edition of this for £15 heat added
25 Apr 17#76
Thanks for the tip, it worked for me too. Thanks also to the OP for finding this.
25 Apr 17#75
Yup, same here.
25 Apr 17#74
These developers seem to have an issue with Xbox, first they announced HDR support for PS4 and PS4 Pro, but and not on the XBO S and Scorpio, and only reversed that after they were called out on it, then they announced the Free season pass for the PS4 and PC, but not XBO, it was only after Phil Spencer was made aware and stepped in before they reversed that decision as well.
I wouldn't recommend buying this on the XBO until Digital Foundry does a comparison, as looking at their actions recently I wouldn't be surprised if the game ran like crap on the Xbox platform.
25 Apr 17#73
This game takes five minutes to load on PS4. Unplayable.
25 Apr 171#72
Just got it through my xbox one,wouldn't work on the xbox website.
25 Apr 17#71
Have you got the Xbox / Smartglass app installed on your phone/tablet? If so, it works through there. I could not get it to work through the browser (kept getting the "somethings gone wrong" message), but it worked on the app on my phone.
25 Apr 17#70
There are also free items to download such as a buggy ,on the PS store anyway , purchased them all since I'll be renting this through Boomerang eventually
Thanks OP <3
25 Apr 17#69
I dont see why not if you haven't used and its within the time frame
25 Apr 17#68
i was receiving the same error, try logging out and back in allowed me to get this first time!
25 Apr 17#67
Is the season pass coded in a physical copy of SGW 3? Or disc?
25 Apr 171#66
Thanks. Now just need the game to be selling for £10
25 Apr 17#65
I dont think that includes DLC?
25 Apr 17#64
Good find! Heat!
25 Apr 17#63
Worked on Xbox through dashboard but not through phone web browser
25 Apr 17#62
All it includes is what looks like 3 day one pieces of DLC
Vehicle buggy 1.1mb
The escape of Lydiard 1.2mb
Compound bow 1.1mb
At those sized it's likely the items already exist in game and just need activating, good find though, heat added.
25 Apr 17#61
Xbox introduced an option to get your money back on digital within a time frame so you may be able to get a refund
25 Apr 17#60
A season pass is usually just a way of gaining access to all the DLCs that will be released for a game. It works out cheaper than buying multiple DLCs separately most of the time.
25 Apr 171#59
This is handy for people to buy now who end up getting the game later on preowned - which wont be coming with the free season pass anymore.
25 Apr 171#58
Apparently not. It's getting a right hammering. I've just heard too that it's even shipped without the multiplayer aspect of the game. Which has most now thinking that this could be a legitimate deal, and a back peddle from the originally intended offer of the season pass free to pre-orders.
I'm such a tool. i was looking at Sniper Elite V3 which i just bought the season pass for. Cheers for that one too.
25 Apr 17#54
why is it showing £6.49 for me then ?
25 Apr 17#53
Quite a few YT video reviews up. They don't seem to be positive about the game. Bugs and freezing were mentioned.
25 Apr 17#52
It looks like the majority of the editions of the game floating around include the season pass anyway to be fair
25 Apr 17#51
Anyone who has the game in your opinion is the game worth getting?
25 Apr 17#50
Although they had their faults, I enjoyed the campaign in the previous games. Might get this when it drops in price so grabbed the season pass for both consoles via the apps. Thanks for posting OP
25 Apr 171#49
heat although not sure if I will ever get the game, grabbed ps4 and xbox one versions.
If we have to have season passes... free is the best price lol.
25 Apr 173#48
Zero interest in that game, grabbed the season pass anyway because screw logic. Heat added.
25 Apr 172#47
Funny thing is, I suspect most people picking this up (myself included) will still be waiting to pick up sub £20 and that's only if it gets reviewed well.
25 Apr 17#46
will buy once the price drops, still haven't completed sniper elite 4
25 Apr 17#45
just grabbed it :smile: good find :wink:
25 Apr 17#44
The two previous games seemed to hold their value and never turn up on PS+ or GWG. I put that down to limited copies and a lesser developer/publisher. Not like it's a mass market EA/Ubi game that has millions of copies pressed up and distributed.
25 Apr 17#43
Grabbed this. Thanks Op. Plan on getting the game once the price drops.
25 Apr 17#42
grabbed it earlier, cheers OP
25 Apr 171#41
its definitely a marketing tactic. It would be like Respawn saying Titanfall 2 has a season pass is free for everyone even though all DLC for multiplayer is said to be free anyway. Also the only reason they probably did it was because preorder numbers were really bad.
25 Apr 17#40
Good find. I purchased through xbox app on android. Not a game I intended on buying but may do when it drops to a reasonable price. Heat from me
25 Apr 171#39
I downloaded the season pass but I doubt I'll ever buy it. Hopefully it will be free on PS Plus one day.
25 Apr 17#38
Worked fine on Xbox. Thanks for the heads up OP :smiley:
25 Apr 172#37
**** game gets 'accidential' season pass listed for free, makes some buy original **** game.
Pardon my noobness, but what is a "season pass" when it comes to games these days? The name makes it sound like it is something that can only be used for a few months, but it seems like it's actually just a collection of DLC that lasts forever?
Covert.Recon to paul_merton
25 Apr 17#33
Your second guess is correct.
25 Apr 17#29
It doesn't look like there is a non-season pass version of the game available to buy on the store, and Amazon only have the physical season pass edition listed, so maybe this is supposed to be free as you'll have to buy the season pass edition of the game to use it?
Spark to DexMorgan
25 Apr 17#31
I think that is the case. I think they've opted for the free season pass route like EA have recently. The season pass edition is the only one on Steam as well. This is probably just to activate the season pass at no extra cost if you bought a disc copy.
Nice, grabbed it in case I purchase the game in future!
25 Apr 171#27
Worked on both platforms using chrome.
Cheers OP. Doubt I'll ever buy the game but still :smiley:
25 Apr 17#22
Worked on PS4. "Something went wrong" on Xbox.
Edit: Just got it through the Xbox App.
Mashhhh to Rambaldi47
25 Apr 171#26
Also got it through the xbox app on android:)
25 Apr 17#25
I guess it compares with GTA V but not on the same level of comparison! :man:
25 Apr 17#24
Its free with the game as standard Xbox & PS4
25 Apr 17#23
i'll wait until the game is available on GwG
25 Apr 17#21
cheers downloaded . I remember them saying xbox owners wouldn't get the free pass then saw it a few weeks ago saying included . Just read only for pre order owners . So sweet us for posting the deal
25 Apr 17#20
had no intention of getting this game, might have to eventually now.
25 Apr 17#19
just worked for me on psn! game is on its way from boomerang so this is handy!
25 Apr 17#18
Can't find it on the Xbox app!
25 Apr 17#17
Worked fine just now on xbox.
Shame the game takes 5 minutes to load a level though!! See here : Eurogamer
Heat for the heads up!!
25 Apr 17#16
heat, but its strange that if this is glitch or mistake why is on both formats, a little suspicious
25 Apr 17#15
Glad I didn't pre order this. It's like Homefront The Revolution all over again!!
25 Apr 172#14
still says error will keep trying and add heat if i get it today.cheers op got the game so be nice to have free season pass.
Added on psn. Might buy the full game for a fiver in a few months lol
25 Apr 171#12
worked on psn but no point as i have no intention to buy this game at anywhere near retail price
25 Apr 17#11
Just worked for me on both Xbox Live and PSN. This will more than likely be turned around tho :disappointed:
25 Apr 171#3
Free on but can't purchase. Says something went wrong, try again :disappointed:
SolaireOfAstora to hotfinder
25 Apr 171#10
Keep trying! It just worked for me :smiley:
25 Apr 172#9
According to
"After tons of uproar and head of Xbox Phil Spencer saying he would investigate into the matter, the issue has been resolved. Anyone who pre-orders the game, regardless of platform, will get the season pass at no additional cost. The season pass includes access to future expansion packs and additional weapons in the game.
"The issue was resolved after players noticed the Xbox One store page for the game was updated to reflect the new changes. Anyone who opts not to pre-order the game and wants the season pass will have to pay an additional $30 after release."
25 Apr 171#7
Wasn't this going to be free anyway?
BuzzDuraband to Con_G
25 Apr 171#8
It was only free for those who pre-ordered the game AFAIK.
25 Apr 171#6
Going with Sony as they never seem to revoke these errors unlike Xbox
25 Apr 171#1
title says ghost 4 but picture shows 3
pineapplebitch to phonehunt3r
25 Apr 17#5
Sorry was in such a rush to post the deal I made some mistakes.
Opening post
Top comments
Free on ps4 too
Latest comments (111)
Thanks OP
Similar to me saying "Downloaded for xbox but since I've hopped in the Delorean and gone back to 1955 I'll be unable to play this"
Got the season pass - yes.
I wouldn't recommend buying this on the XBO until Digital Foundry does a comparison, as looking at their actions recently I wouldn't be surprised if the game ran like crap on the Xbox platform.
Thanks OP <3
Vehicle buggy 1.1mb
The escape of Lydiard 1.2mb
Compound bow 1.1mb
At those sized it's likely the items already exist in game and just need activating, good find though, heat added.
Metacritic :
If we have to have season passes... free is the best price lol.
Its marketing genius.
Got it on ps4. Xbone not working
Cheers OP. Doubt I'll ever buy the game but still :smiley:
Edit: Just got it through the Xbox App.
Shame the game takes 5 minutes to load a level though!! See here : Eurogamer
Heat for the heads up!!
still says error will keep trying and add heat if i get it today.cheers op got the game so be nice to have free season pass.
link don't work for me here is the link-
"After tons of uproar and head of Xbox Phil Spencer saying he would investigate into the matter, the issue has been resolved. Anyone who pre-orders the game, regardless of platform, will get the season pass at no additional cost. The season pass includes access to future expansion packs and additional weapons in the game.
"The issue was resolved after players noticed the Xbox One store page for the game was updated to reflect the new changes. Anyone who opts not to pre-order the game and wants the season pass will have to pay an additional $30 after release."
Free on ps4 too
amended title to '3' from '4':smiley: