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10 Apr 17
Sky HD remotes from £4.99

team Sky water bottle £1.49

Team Sky phone cases £1.49

Sky Q Remotes from £20

Now tv remote £3.49

Sky On Demand connector £14.99

LG Soundbar £99 (£4.50 topcashback , Quidco will double difference)

Order separate and get £1.80 Quidco/Topcashback cashback on each item, so the phone cases and water bottle you are actually getting paid to buy them :smiley:
Top comments
sb170 to theDman1979
10 Apr 17 8 #8
Should be good for excercising with:D
ding to v5535
10 Apr 17 5 #23
Just make sure you put it under the coffee table they're not used to being on top of the table
10 Apr 17 4 #1
Good price, thanks :smiley:

There's also some Starwars Sky remotes half price - £12.49 each if anyones interested in those
11 Apr 17 3 #35
Can anyone confirm if the Water bottles contain the special go faster water?
Latest comments (81)
8 Jun 17 #81
Got Paid £1.80 from Quidco today.
26 Apr 17 #80
I've been emailing backwards and forwards for a week, spoke to someone on the phone, spoken on Live Chat and contacted them on Twitter, all absolutely fruitless!!!

On Live Chat I got the cost of the order refunded as I was so irate and now cancelling it via email, although I have said I expect some compensation for wasted time - don't think I'll get anywhere but worth a try haha!

Maybe they'll send me a Sky Q Hub. If only someone here would offer one of those... :wink:
26 Apr 17 #79
No, just a couple of water bottles.
26 Apr 17 #78
Don't you fancy a Sky Q hub to make you happy? :laughing:

What about you, Sky Q hub?

Chasloyal customer support reaching an orbital high here :smirk:
26 Apr 17 #77
same here. After multiple tries to call, and 2 days sniping at their chat, got an email address. Wrote there, in 24h received a reply from a person who doesn't seem to read my email asking stupid questions. Replied with the quotes from my original email, because it already contained answers to those question. Waiting now.
Sky seems to reach a new bottom in terms of customer support.
26 Apr 17 #76
Ordered 2 x items on 11th April, received a confirmation email telling me to expect the items in 7 working days and the money was taken out of my account the next day.

Nothing arrived so on Monday I tried to follow it up. There was a link to select should you want to chase an order up. Got a silly "Oops - this doesnt work - call us" message. So I did.....waited for 10mins and then got an offshore person who kept getting my name wrong and repeating things incorrectly. I gave her my details and she didnt wait for me to complete my order number. She said that there were no orders under my name!
She then kept repeating the order has not replicated onto her system and asked me to google - which didnt work.
After spending 20mins of getting nowhere I was told that she would send an email to the SKY Accessories team and this would be picked up in 48hrs. I haven't heard anything back and I am not holding my breath!

Absolutely shocking customer service - both via the website and the call center. How is anyone meant to follow up on their orders? Are SKY just content with taking your money then making it impossible to chase it up?

24 Apr 17 #75
Not up for a Sky Q hub?
24 Apr 17 #74
Same story here. Made 2 orders around 2 weeks ago, didn't receive anything. Order query links don't work. Calling them is painful...
24 Apr 17 #73
I got a brand new Sky Q hub which I don't need that Sky have actually refused to take back off me even though I've now asked them to three times if you want it? :man:
23 Apr 17 #72
They have taken my money, but not received anything yet and am trying to chase it up unsuccessfully. Wouldn't recommend Sky Accessories shop to anyone, that's for sure! Keep getting told on email to click on the order link, which doesn't work!!!
22 Apr 17 #71
Bargain for a fiver. I'll have to cover the MCFC logo though.
22 Apr 17 #70
Bought 2. £4.99 fantastic price for original remotes. Who cares what they got printed on them. Including Duracell batteries.
18 Apr 17 #69
No water bottles left now.
15 Apr 17 #68
Got my Galaxy S4 case today, fits well :smiley:
14 Apr 17 1 #67
My country has been killing 'innocent' people for centuries and I can live with that seeing it's most likely contributed to you and me having a comfortable life so why should I start getting on my moral high horse about them psychotic medieval cranks doing it?

I have spent a lot more of my life hating militant Irish republicanism than I have hating militant Islam so I maintain I have good reason to hate it's athletic wing celtic fc.

And as for whu, well hating them is just how you grow up when you follow Millwall and it's nothing personal or ideological.....they're just vermin, they can't help what they are :smirk:
14 Apr 17 #66
So you would donate money to a group who kill innocent people over your loyalty to a football club? That's messed up if you are being honest
13 Apr 17 #65
Bought a TB remote last year, drops a lot and now not working properly. Mind, it was not pressing properly at the start
13 Apr 17 #64
It does matter what team you support, I'd rather donate a fiver to ISIS than spend it on a whu or celtic remote
13 Apr 17 #63
Doesn't matter what team you support - Man city one for £4.99 including batteries and free delivery within 48 hours is great deal - got mine today to replace old multiroom remote.
13 Apr 17 #62
Thanks, Voted Hot. Received my remote today with New Duracell Batteries.

Great timing, as my old remote needed to be replaced.
12 Apr 17 #61
Ha Ha Ha I'm a Sheff Utd fan shame they dont have one
12 Apr 17 2 #60
Blimey that's a blast from the past, I remember installing a Sky eye in our bedroom when we first got 'Sky Digital' and the ex was pregnant with my younger at the time, he's just about to leave secondary school now :confused:

You can only watch what you got showing on the Sky box though so it don't serve much purpose by modern standards as such.
12 Apr 17 1 #59
You can use the man city remote for the 2tb box £4.99, i got one a few weeks ago, im a man utd fan ,lol.

Even comes with 2 duracell batteries
12 Apr 17 #58
tried to order keeps saying after payment session invalid through quido..? strange
11 Apr 17 1 #57
Said no-one. Ever.
11 Apr 17 1 #56
Yes you can. Just run a length of coax from the RF2 port on the back of the box. You'll have to enter the Installer Settings (Google it) menu and turn on the D.C. power for the eye to work. If yours is one of the newer(ish) boxes you'll need an IO link adaptor as well.

Sky dropped in built magic eye support a few years ago in favour of in built WiFi. The boxes either have one or the other. So depending on whether your box has the in built WiFi you'll know whether you'll need the IO link or not.

You can of course only watch the same channel on both TV's at the same time.
11 Apr 17 #55
£13.99 for a 2tb remote bloody result cheers
11 Apr 17 #54
Cant read any of the number on my remote so the Man City one will do fine. HEAT.
11 Apr 17 #53
Needed a new remote for ages! Thank you. I can make do with a MCFC makeover for £5 :smiley:
11 Apr 17 #52
I have powered up my old sky+ HD box and put in spare room, purely for freesat/freeview purposes. Is there any way of enabling record/pause/playback functionality on these boxes if you only have a 2 box subscription with Sky?
11 Apr 17 #51
Sorry...just noticed you said "TV without an aerial" :disappointed:
11 Apr 17 1 #50
Yes, we've been using Sky eye for years now. Great wee gadget and easy to use. I'm sure we picked up an unbranded one from Screwfix for about £2 in a sale. But they can be bought on ebay for about £4ish:
11 Apr 17 #49
Just got a few water bottles! Mine are forever being "liberated" by family members!!
11 Apr 17 #48
They'd send you one for free, but knowing Sky, you'll have ended up renewing another 18 month contract for the pleasure!
11 Apr 17 #47
ignore me!
11 Apr 17 #46
May the farce be with you
11 Apr 17 #45
£1.80 on quidco tracked so £3.20 for a new sky remote even if it is sky blue is a great bargain!
11 Apr 17 #44
If only a Sky remote worked with YouView :laughing:
11 Apr 17 #43
ha ha ha - same here!:smile:
11 Apr 17 #42
I did one through Quidco and one through TCB as well.

Kids both needed new water bottles for school anyway!

Thanks OP, heat :smile:
11 Apr 17 #41
I don't know if they are still doing it, but when I had Q installed they gave me a touch type control, but also a more traditional button based one because of the amount of people moaning about the touch ones (which is valid, I can testify they are shocking- got a mind of their own and regularly fast forward or rewind all the way when you're watching something). If they are only handing out the touch ones I can see people wanting to buy a button one...
11 Apr 17 #40
Already dispatched I should get it by Thursday
11 Apr 17 #39
People could lose/break the original remote? Or just want a spare..
11 Apr 17 #38
Excercising it will be good for.
11 Apr 17 #27
Man City one will do. Need to try to get the badge off though (Toon fan)... don't really want to start stripping down the remote to replace the shell though.
JusticeForThe96 to Blasphemous
11 Apr 17 1 #37
I replaced the cover on mine recently, it's easy. There's a little screw inside the battery section and then its just clips. You'll find a youtube tutorial. (covers available for peanuts via ebay if you need a new one)
11 Apr 17 #36
If you're doing any sort of change to your package with one of the people on the phone or the chat, ask them for a new remote and they'll most likely just send you one for free. At least they did for me.
11 Apr 17 3 #35
Can anyone confirm if the Water bottles contain the special go faster water?
11 Apr 17 #34
Does anyone know can I use the Sky magic eye on a tv without an aerial? I have a TV I'm thinking of putting in the Kitchen but there are no other tv connections in there? Tia
11 Apr 17 #33
I am glad Ive still got an S4!
11 Apr 17 #32
Its made of soft plastic so should fall to bits quite easily :wink:
11 Apr 17 #31
Good deals for genuine remotes, however the two ebay cheapo ones I have are fine, they just don't feel quite as tactile as the official ones but they work well and the setup codes for your box and tv works exactly the same.
11 Apr 17 #30
Sweet ordered Man City one even though support Liverpool!
11 Apr 17 #29
Bargain mine needed replacing
11 Apr 17 #28
10 Apr 17 #26
Mine didn't get tracked till now... :disappointed: used tcb!
10 Apr 17 #24
Is top cash back actually tracking sales on this? It doesn't say you can get cash back on the accessories :disappointed:
deanos to ruthadie09
10 Apr 17 1 #25
I got Quidco with my remote tracked in about 15mins, you are following the sky accessories link on tcb I presume
10 Apr 17 1 #17
Everton remote is class!
ding to v5535
10 Apr 17 5 #23
Just make sure you put it under the coffee table they're not used to being on top of the table
10 Apr 17 #22
for the cashback
10 Apr 17 #21
how many bottles and other £1.49 accessories can we order per customer?
10 Apr 17 #20
thank you for the posting. replacement for the lost NOW TV remote purchased!
10 Apr 17 1 #15
Perfect! Thank you OP just ordered one! Was getting fed up of the old one which took all my strength...just to press a button.... :smile:
Gollywood to QMish
10 Apr 17 2 #19
You wimp :sunglasses:
10 Apr 17 #18
Very good point that and worth ringing up CS about that but they'll probably say it's for those with mini boxes because as far as I know you only get the push button type with them so if someone wants the touch effort they'll have to buy it separately.

Won't make no odds to us because neither of us can get on with the touch, when she's got her work transfer sorted and up here permanently we will start subscribing to the multi room but obviously won't need to fork out for an additional remote.

All that said if they released Q remotes in various editions and I liked a certain type I would most likely be suckered in to buying one, being Millwall I don't expect to see a Lions branded Sky remote before the next century so it'll have to be a non football club themed one for me anyway :smile:
10 Apr 17 #12
Aren't I right in saying Sky have totally stopped supplying/selling HD boxes, like nowadays you can only get Sky Q if you want a new box or are a new customer?

Saucy charging more for some, they should all be fivers seeing they've made the HD box obsolete already.

They could always start knocking out special editions rather than random colour back panels in the Q remotes to earn their dough back if that's what the dodgy pricing on these old ones is about. Blimey they could sell them in pairs, the standard push button and touch ones
deanos to Chasloyal
10 Apr 17 #16
Now you mention it, why are sky selling the Q remotes as you don't own the box so if it's faulty they should replace for free anyway
10 Apr 17 #13
What's the difference between a HD remote and a HD 1tb remote? Is it just the colour?
deanos to infinione
10 Apr 17 1 #14
10 Apr 17 #11
Good idea, they are quite easy to swap
10 Apr 17 1 #10
Buy the Man City, take apart your old remote and replace the Man City front half with your old front half. You'll have a brand new non-city remote.
10 Apr 17 #9
thanks!! i needed a new remote! ordered
10 Apr 17 #7
A yoga one i have ordered...mmmmmmm yes.
sb170 to theDman1979
10 Apr 17 8 #8
Should be good for excercising with:D
10 Apr 17 2 #2
thanks, needed a new remote, will scrape the city badge off :laughing:
Gollywood to lpoolm
10 Apr 17 2 #6
I'll put a nice permanent hologram type sticker on it that will NEVER come off!!!
10 Apr 17 1 #5
Trying to order a water bottle, but it is still processing my order after 5 mins :disappointed:
10 Apr 17 1 #4
kid looses water bottle all the time....this is perfect timing....thanks OP
10 Apr 17 2 #3
Went for the Man City one for £4.99 - £1.80 TCB as back up when mine it will! (so not bad for a GENUINE SkyHD remote) - those cruddy ones available on ebay arent even worth 50p!!
10 Apr 17 4 #1
Good price, thanks :smiley:

There's also some Starwars Sky remotes half price - £12.49 each if anyones interested in those
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