For the month of May, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games – two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360 – as part of the Games with Gold program. You can play both Xbox 360 titles on your Xbox One with Backward Compatibility.
On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut ($14.99 ERP) for free during the month of May. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ($19.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from May 16th to June 15th.
On Xbox 360, starting Monday, May 1st, Star Wars: The Force Unleased II ($19.99 ERP) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through May 15th. Then on May 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ($19.99 ERP) for free through May 31st.
Top comments
BigOrkWaaagh to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 1714#17
Nor is it free.
21 Apr 179#6
Im pretty sure Microsoft announced a year or so ago that all 360 games with Gold would be BC....
Covert.Recon to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 178#18
Nope. You need to pay for a Gold sub to get these. It's part of a package that costs money.
21 Apr 174#36
The 'I'm leaving and taking my handbag with me because I ain't a man' button? :stuck_out_tongue:
Latest comments (113)
22 Apr 17#106
I must be missing something, I don't remember saying anything about you "being all for the ps4" What are you talking about ?
This Deal is for 'Games with Gold'
mrmemory to shasnir
26 Apr 17#113
They told us in the beginning that 360 games would not be bc on xb1
As a result a lot of people traded in all 360 games
People have very short memories
23 Apr 17#112
If anyone wants an Android reminder widget for games with gold. I made one for android for myself. Its on the playstore
"Games With Gold Widget Remind". Its free and has no adverts.
23 Apr 17#111
Yes it's a deal for GwG that you do need a FULLY FUNCTIONING Xbox One/360 to access which I don't have at this exact moment in time even though my most recent and FOURTH Xbone I've owned is less than five months old.
You're Xbox through n through, your bio pic emphasises that, so if you didn't use that exact terminology I have stated I beg forgiveness but you have 'dug me out' by suggesting I am pro Playstation in the past.
Frankly I don't mind being labelled anti anything but I do resent being considered pro something, better to be seen as a hater of all platforms than to be thought of as a fanboy of any specific one as far as I'm concerned :sunglasses:
Are you following Nintenuts reading this? :smirk:
23 Apr 17#110
isn't a freebie,you have to have xbox live gold!
22 Apr 17#109
It should come up as FREE or £0.00 even though you are agreeing to buy. Just the way the 360 catalogue of games has been setup.
22 Apr 171#108
Agreed. The last couple of months of Games with Gold have been superb but this is pretty crap.
22 Apr 17#107
Why when I always try to get the 360 games with gold on my one, it comes up with show price then wants me too pay for it?
22 Apr 17#105
Erm I would rather everyone knows about Microsoft's 'faulty' customer care than about my deadbox if I had to choose what I wish to be broadcast more.
Thing is I have ponies accusing me of being an Xbot, then there's you and a couple of others who seem to have me down as all for PS4 and then of course there's the Nintenuts who believe me to be a 'mainstream console' fanboy whose only goal in life is to nuke the Mushroom Kingdom :smile:
I reserve the right to criticise anyone and everything, the more it offends the various fanboys/girls the more justified I feel :wink:
22 Apr 17#104
Well the 360 games are pretty decent.....cheers for the post
22 Apr 17#102
anyone have a 1 month gold pass i could use so my some can get Lego and i can try the starwars game??
littlejimmy to t3rm3y
22 Apr 17#103
Agreed, Sony are happy to put on trash even when gwg is decent, after this indiefest I dread to think what crap they're going to scrape from the barrel this month. Oh well, a chance to hit that back log.
22 Apr 17#101
What are you even talking about ? Games with gold yes but what is it with you and a faulty Xbox that you seem to want everyone to know about ?
22 Apr 17#100
Fair would be more apt but you'd say it was a good'un if they dished out Pong and Frogger on GwG that month.
At least MS have notified me that my deadbox has been brought back to life and is on route from Frankfurt back to blighty with UPS.
Alas will not be picking us up a couple of cheap bottles of Jäger on the way as a gesture of goodwill :smirk:
22 Apr 17#99
Vast majority? Are there published figures for month-by-month Live subscribers who actually take any of the GWG on offer?
22 Apr 17#98
Another good month.
22 Apr 17#97
That was quick, haven't even touched SWTFU yet now getting the 2nd one as well, awesome. Well looks like all Lego games now are open to being GWG
I had a shock last night on my 360, 500gb Harddrive and only 16gb left, all these free games are filling it up quick. I need to finish some games.
Why do people complain about games on the 360, their BC. Why do people expect games that are fairly new, MS doesn't have to give any of these games away, millions of people were paying for Gold memberships way before any extras were included
22 Apr 17#86
You have to download it on a 360 or from the website. You also have to have a payment method setup.
killstreak to 6ixFoot1
22 Apr 17#96
Wait for Sony to screw their fans this month too.
22 Apr 172#93
Careful Microsoft. Those xb1 games have the stench of ps+ indie crap about them. Stay in the light, don't go to the dark side..
bonzobanana to littlejimmy
22 Apr 171#94
Seems a good month, no complaints here.
abbott388 to littlejimmy
22 Apr 17#95
All 360 games released are backwards compatible
22 Apr 171#92
You could just imagine the online is free and the games are what you pay for, if that helps? :smiley:
22 Apr 17#87
I was hoping this month black ops 2 but maybe next month
M1ckj1m to aahmesda
22 Apr 17#91
Think I should stop buying cheap deal Xbox one games as they keep ending up on games for gold. Admittedly if I played them when I bought them it would be less of an issue, but instead have joined my catalogue of 250+ digital titles that I've played a handful of. Sucker for a deal I guess. Grrrr
22 Apr 17#90
Same here now. I always downloaded them directly from xbox one dashboard. But for some reason when I went to download assassins creed revelations the other day, I was forced to go onto the xbox website on laptop to purchase it first.
22 Apr 17#89
? Look in ready to install section after you have selected ?
22 Apr 171#88
In 1990
22 Apr 17#85
Yes, it's a new online rental service for people who don't check their spelling. lol
Yes, it's a new online rental service for people who don't check their spelling. lol
21 Apr 17#84
was gunna mention this, apparently all Game with Gold are BC
21 Apr 17#83
Can never get the backwards compatible 360 games to download to Xbone, reason ?
21 Apr 171#82
Starwars.... in a galaxy far away,do people still play this nonsense.Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams? at least its original.
21 Apr 171#81
I agree with you 100%
21 Apr 172#80
pretty poor month as far as I'm concerned - I wouldn't have bought either of the xbox one titles and neither are even full priced titles. The Star Wars games are decent enough, but both are old titles at 7 and 10 years old.
May the F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ b̶e̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ y̶o̶u̶ June deals be better
21 Apr 171#79
Interent? :smile:
21 Apr 17#78
May the 4th game be with you. And the 3rd one.
21 Apr 17#77
I bought the Lara Croft + DLC bundle in the spring sale, haven't got around to playing it from my digital pile of shame. When is the automated refund system rolling out again, and what is the eligibility criteria again? :confused:
21 Apr 171#76
I am so so sick of signing out then back to be able to vote. slowly losing interesting because of this. heat though. had to do it for this one.
21 Apr 17#75
Meanwhile, PS PLUS contains new Indie games
21 Apr 17#74
You are missing one of the joys in life when it comes to the interent, the ignored poster, truly the eighth wonder of the world. lol
21 Apr 171#73
This is ps plus tier trash.
21 Apr 171#72
So are you suggesting that if you acquired your Gold membership by fraudelent means it's not free? :smirk:
21 Apr 17#71
what I'm saying is maybe INSTEAD of the games 1 ie not the free tat which let's face it most Xbone and 360 owners have played/owned, 1 month or 2 for loyal Xbox customers who have paid for the year, or who are regular subscribers to the live service. not much of a stretch for a company worth billions really is it?
21 Apr 17#70
No complaints from me this month. It's hard to argue with LSW, simply for its addition to the backwards compatibility programme. We already own it on disc, but it'll be nice to have on the HDD. Force Unleashed II is nice also after being given the first recently.
I'm not really interested in Giana (own it on Steam) and I have ToO on PS4. But great month all round I think. Heated OP.
21 Apr 17#69
Cheapest place to get legit Gold?
21 Apr 17#68
Lego Star Wars, Awesome stuff!!
21 Apr 17#67
What are you expecting them to give away free this month, Resident Evil 7?
21 Apr 17#66
That's the spirit :smiley:
21 Apr 171#65
It really blows my mind how many people think these are actually free.
21 Apr 171#64
nice to see voodoo vince on XO will get that when they reduce it. only a few months to Scropio now chaps then we can really game properly at last and i got 3TB worth of digital games stored up now.
21 Apr 17#63
Tosh and codswallop
21 Apr 17#62
Refund it
21 Apr 171#61
I just bought Lara last week
21 Apr 17#60
Cool - got TFU one a few months ago with GwG, so glad Force Unleashed II is out now too!
21 Apr 17#59
Yeah sorta kinda :stuck_out_tongue:
21 Apr 171#58
the ps4 sort of can play ps3 games you just have to pay for PlayStation now
21 Apr 172#57
Alleged lawsuit
According to several urban legends, Nintendo opened a lawsuit case against Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts, because Nintendo saw a direct copyright infringement to its new game Super Mario Bros. But in fact, there has never been such a lawsuit. Neither Nintendo, nor the German programmers claim to be privy to any lawsuits. This myth was created shortly after the game was taken out of stores. Nintendo itself later admitted to have influenced the stop of sales directly, as it did already before with other games.
Several factors influenced the stop of the sales of the game, including conspicuous similarities: the general gameplay and the first level of The Great Giana Sisters is nearly identical in layout to the first stage found in Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. The immediate similarity to Super Mario Bros. ensured that The Great Giana Sisters was quickly noticed by both the public and the video game industry itself. Nintendo urged the makers of The Great Giana Sisters to withdraw the game from sale, arguing that it was obvious copyright infringement. Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts immediately stopped the production and, at the same time, the game began vanishing from the stores. The difficulty in obtaining copies of the game has led to them being sought out as collector's items. -Wikipedia
21 Apr 173#56
Am I the only person who picked up on this illogical statement?
So, each month, you want them to provide you with an extra month of Live for buying a Live subscription? So we should all buy a 12 month subscription once and get Live free forever?!
What? :laughing:
21 Apr 171#55
Didn't it get pulled from the shelves because Nintendo complained it was too much like Mario? I'm sure I heard that at the time, I had it on the Amiga if I remember right.
I'm not to impressed with the collection this time and not to try and rub anyone up the wrong way but didn't PS Plus have Giana Sisters a couple of years ago?
21 Apr 172#54
The Xbox One can play Xbox 360 games making it backwards compatible. The Nintendo Wii U can play the original Wii games making it backwards compatible. The PlayStation 4 cannot play PlayStation 3 games so it is not backwards compatible. The Nintendo Switch cannot play Wii or Wii U games so it is not backwards compatible.
21 Apr 172#53
xbox 360 game that will play on the xbox.
21 Apr 171#52
Sorry but what is backward compatibility? New to the gaming world and my son has Xbox 1s
21 Apr 17#51
Giana Sisters was on Ps plus a few years ago for PS3. It's an alright game, nothing special.
21 Apr 17#50
Gianna Sisters hasn't (at least I don't think it has) but the Lara Croft one has.... First world problems, I know, but it is really irritating when you own both and get repeat games on the opposing service....
I'm personally looking forward to the brave soul who posts the Nintendo equivalent monthly game service on HUKD when that info is released.... It's gonna be hilariously poor I would imagine knowing the big N - like an obscure nes game that no-one cares about (yes I know they are "sort of" giving the service free initially)
21 Apr 17#49
I know "free is free" but on a personal level this is very flat for me. Already played Lego star wars and have no interest in the others.
21 Apr 171#48
Awesome month, well pleased.
Cheers for the the heads-up op.
21 Apr 17#47
Lara croft game has been released in ps plus and so many humble bundles. not good releases for may
21 Apr 17#46
Am I right in thinking the XBONE games have been on ps Plus already?
21 Apr 172#45
The original Giana Sisters looked very similar to Mario...
21 Apr 171#44
Some people genuinely might not realise. You looked at freebies lately? There's loads of deals that require a subscription :confused:
21 Apr 17#43
good point, really just better to ignore them as it seems the same people all the time. better taking the high road
21 Apr 171#42
Just stick a couple of bricks in the handbag and flop em with it is what I'd suggest :sunglasses:
21 Apr 171#41
Maybe try putting down the pitchforks and torches, and instead just point out the reasoning why it shouldn't be in freebies and go easy on the sarcasm.
21 Apr 17#40
probably not, we are probably given them what they want attention.
21 Apr 172#25
Not a bad selection, nothing to set the world on fire. Can go on the virtual pile and never get played
Bure11 to Marcoos
21 Apr 172#39
Although I agree with you, Temple of Osiris is actually pretty fun with friends. Especially for friendly fire :smile:
21 Apr 171#38
21 Apr 171#37
Ah the X1 titles are a bit meh, but still a good offering from Microsoft. Let's see what treats Sony will give us next month...
21 Apr 174#36
The 'I'm leaving and taking my handbag with me because I ain't a man' button? :stuck_out_tongue:
21 Apr 17#35
21 Apr 17#22
why do they even bother? old Xbox 360 games as a bonus? I'd rather have 1 free month of live than bother with any of these 'free' games. Still they are copying Sony supplying tat with a subscription...
voyager123 to cbrown1979
21 Apr 174#23
just because you dont want the games the vast majority DO. must be great being the centre of the universe!
every time the games with gold or plus games get posted the trolls and idiots come out of there holes
teddy1590 to cbrown1979
21 Apr 171#26
Don't subscribe then? The "free"games are a bonus, pretty sure most folk sub for MultiPlayer...
momouk78 to cbrown1979
21 Apr 172#34
There are still people with 360s out there that get the two 360 games per month. I think it's a nice move from MS that you as an xbox one user get those as well, isn't it?
21 Apr 171#7
should be in freebies section, not a deal
Bure11 to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 174#11
Cool fam.
BigOrkWaaagh to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 1714#17
Nor is it free.
Covert.Recon to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 178#18
Nope. You need to pay for a Gold sub to get these. It's part of a package that costs money.
voyager123 to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 171#21
WOW since when was a Gold sub free??
nathan3007 to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 17#24
lol, good one.
powerbrick to crazygoldfish
21 Apr 17#33
bet you are sorry you posted that now.........
21 Apr 172#32
I've always considered any ignore button is like walking away from aggro, no value in that :confused:
21 Apr 17#31
Only messing, just bring back Snap, Microsoft.
21 Apr 172#30
The ignore button is your friend, save yourself the effort, it is always the same faces every month without fail, course i don't know what they are saying thanks to the ignore feature, and that is where the ignore feature pays dividends. lol
21 Apr 171#5
Your move Sony!
MasterFunk73 to LankySi
21 Apr 17#13
Sony Rules!!
crazymonkey to LankySi
21 Apr 171#29
I'm a Sony Fanboy, and I can tell you, Sony will give us AAA junk!!! it will be some 8 bit indie tat!
21 Apr 17#28
I don't have it on disc, it must have been something I borrowed at the time (20 achievements on it) and remember a really realllly dull boss battle. Less than mediocre imho but thats compared to the great star wars games or even the bounty hunter one on the game cube/Ps4 rerelase.
21 Apr 17#27
I just got the 100% achievement for this game 2 days ago, 9 years after the last achievement i got on it way back in 2008. back compat on the XB1 to thank for this, a feature that i am really enjoying.
But cracking game, and i do not have the other 3 so again GWG is a win for me.
21 Apr 171#20
I'll renew the 15th then, just to get star wars, get round to playing that in 2019 sometime
21 Apr 172#16
I'd rather free online than paying to get crap games I never want to play.
Chasloyal to slannmage
21 Apr 172#19
I can see your bight blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes from here, hail the master race :smirk:
21 Apr 171#15
Great stuff, just hope MS decide get my 4 month old bricked Xbone back to me at some point this year :smirk:
21 Apr 17#14
Good selection. Force unleashed 1 was free a little while ago. I may have to jump in and play them both through.
21 Apr 171#8
Pretty sure Force Unleashed 2 was pants and then some, but hey. free is good and I might have the disc version to get rid of.
joanddan7 to tunafuturwarfare
21 Apr 17#12
I completed it in last two weeks and it's far from pants IMHO. Completed 1 and 2 recently and thought both were excellent.
21 Apr 17#1
I think I've found the right thread... (Tried posting this comment twice & failed).
Sweet! Both 360 titles are BC. I'm in! :smiley:
21 Apr 17#3
yeah only just got put back uo
Bure11 to FantasyDeals
21 Apr 17#10
Every 360 title will be BC
21 Apr 171#9
Decent enough
21 Apr 179#6
Im pretty sure Microsoft announced a year or so ago that all 360 games with Gold would be BC....
21 Apr 171#4
this is quite good imo :smile:
21 Apr 171#2
Have both the BC games but still both cracking games and don't own either of the xbone games so a good month really.
Opening post
On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut ($14.99 ERP) for free during the month of May. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ($19.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from May 16th to June 15th.
On Xbox 360, starting Monday, May 1st, Star Wars: The Force Unleased II ($19.99 ERP) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through May 15th. Then on May 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ($19.99 ERP) for free through May 31st.
Top comments
Latest comments (113)
This Deal is for 'Games with Gold'
They told us in the beginning that 360 games would not be bc on xb1
As a result a lot of people traded in all 360 games
People have very short memories
"Games With Gold Widget Remind". Its free and has no adverts.
You're Xbox through n through, your bio pic emphasises that, so if you didn't use that exact terminology I have stated I beg forgiveness but you have 'dug me out' by suggesting I am pro Playstation in the past.
Frankly I don't mind being labelled anti anything but I do resent being considered pro something, better to be seen as a hater of all platforms than to be thought of as a fanboy of any specific one as far as I'm concerned :sunglasses:
Are you following Nintenuts reading this? :smirk:
Thing is I have ponies accusing me of being an Xbot, then there's you and a couple of others who seem to have me down as all for PS4 and then of course there's the Nintenuts who believe me to be a 'mainstream console' fanboy whose only goal in life is to nuke the Mushroom Kingdom :smile:
I reserve the right to criticise anyone and everything, the more it offends the various fanboys/girls the more justified I feel :wink:
At least MS have notified me that my deadbox has been brought back to life and is on route from Frankfurt back to blighty with UPS.
Alas will not be picking us up a couple of cheap bottles of Jäger on the way as a gesture of goodwill :smirk:
I had a shock last night on my 360, 500gb Harddrive and only 16gb left, all these free games are filling it up quick. I need to finish some games.
Why do people complain about games on the 360, their BC. Why do people expect games that are fairly new, MS doesn't have to give any of these games away, millions of people were paying for Gold memberships way before any extras were included
Yes, it's a new online rental service for people who don't check their spelling. lol
May the F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ b̶e̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ y̶o̶u̶ June deals be better
I'm not really interested in Giana (own it on Steam) and I have ToO on PS4. But great month all round I think. Heated OP.
According to several urban legends, Nintendo opened a lawsuit case against Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts, because Nintendo saw a direct copyright infringement to its new game Super Mario Bros. But in fact, there has never been such a lawsuit. Neither Nintendo, nor the German programmers claim to be privy to any lawsuits. This myth was created shortly after the game was taken out of stores. Nintendo itself later admitted to have influenced the stop of sales directly, as it did already before with other games.
Several factors influenced the stop of the sales of the game, including conspicuous similarities: the general gameplay and the first level of The Great Giana Sisters is nearly identical in layout to the first stage found in Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. The immediate similarity to Super Mario Bros. ensured that The Great Giana Sisters was quickly noticed by both the public and the video game industry itself. Nintendo urged the makers of The Great Giana Sisters to withdraw the game from sale, arguing that it was obvious copyright infringement. Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts immediately stopped the production and, at the same time, the game began vanishing from the stores. The difficulty in obtaining copies of the game has led to them being sought out as collector's items. -Wikipedia
So, each month, you want them to provide you with an extra month of Live for buying a Live subscription? So we should all buy a 12 month subscription once and get Live free forever?!
What? :laughing:
I'm not to impressed with the collection this time and not to try and rub anyone up the wrong way but didn't PS Plus have Giana Sisters a couple of years ago?
I'm personally looking forward to the brave soul who posts the Nintendo equivalent monthly game service on HUKD when that info is released.... It's gonna be hilariously poor I would imagine knowing the big N - like an obscure nes game that no-one cares about (yes I know they are "sort of" giving the service free initially)
Cheers for the the heads-up op.
every time the games with gold or plus games get posted the trolls and idiots come out of there holes
But cracking game, and i do not have the other 3 so again GWG is a win for me.
Sweet! Both 360 titles are BC. I'm in! :smiley:
The BC ones are both especially good.