I think the Wickes one is a much better deal! same thing really part from being able to use it freestanding!! Wickes one is a £10 less.
3 Apr 171#6
But heat from me just for the effort!!!
3 Apr 171#7
Cheers all
3 Apr 171#8
I got this the back end of last year for £25, the same but green and yellow. It's wall mounted but has quick release brackets to use free standing. I think the hose is better than the wicks one, seems thicker. Also the enclosed casing helps the hose to be protected from uv rays. So all in all I would do got the screw fix deal.
3 Apr 171#9
had this last year. worth every penny
3 Apr 17#10
2in1 what's the second function apart from being a hose
llywmog to gram333uk
3 Apr 17#11
I assume 2 in 1 refers to it being wall mounted or free standing
JoseChupachup to gram333uk
3 Apr 173#12
Doubles a a skipping rope.
4 Apr 171#13
does anyone know if this winds clockwise or anti-clockwise when reeling it back in?
llywmog to moosery2
4 Apr 17#14
It reels forward from above, so (facing it) clockwise on left side, anti clockwise right side.
4 Apr 17#15
I think you can have it either way - the start of the hose (as in, where it comes out in the centre of the reel) isn't angled in one direction or the other.
As with the poster above, I have this in green and yellow and am very pleased with it. The plastic has faded a little (particularly the red quick-release clips) but it works very well. The plastic lug on the front which allows you to move the hose along the slot to make sure it coils correctly is a very good idea.
EDIT: and as shown in the photos on ScrewFix, you can have it with the handle on either side - so that gives you a bit of additional flexibility re winding it in
4 Apr 17#16
you are correct about either side. arrow on the housing shows direction to turn handle.
4 Apr 17#17
Yes the arrow shows the direction it's intended to be set up with - but what I'm saying is there's nothing to stop you just coiling it up the opposite way, and ignoring the arrow. The only issue would be the extra stress placed on the hose with the extra bend that would come with doing it the contrary way.
As above though, it's largely redundant as you can just change which side the handle is fixed (clockwise on one side would be anti-clockwise one the other)
5 Apr 17#18
Wickes is selling the same one for £19.99
trackdayking to azippidy
5 Apr 17#19
nar not this one
5 Apr 171#20
Good price, my old one got busted, ordered this one for collection. Have some heat...
6 Apr 171#21
Ordered, thanks OP. Heat :smiley:
7 Apr 171#22
£5 off on your next order of £25 or more
Voucher code: ED0917Y6DSV&0
Expires 09.04.2017
Only can be used once. Hope it helps somebody.
troublesome1 to krazii
7 Apr 17#23
Sadly, this code hasn't worked for me.
7 Apr 171#24
i know people are rating this cold as the wikes one is £19.99
but this one here is a fitted reel to a wall which is much better than freestanding reels in my opinion
voted hot :smiley:
Hilly_2006 to ismaildeals123
7 Apr 17#25
Why are fitted better than free standing? Surely its the other way round?
11 Apr 17#26
local had a 10% off event, got it for £26.99 :smiley: back up to full price now. quality item!
12 Apr 17#27
This can be both - easily detachable from wall and used as free standing. I find it easier to roll the hose in when attached to a wall.
23 Apr 17#28
Good price, picked one up Saturday, easy to assemble, but for me a bit of a faf to use, it does not wind in or back easily enough, If you frequently fully extend the hose from the reel then this it will drive you mad. I will revert back to my car wheel and just dangle the hose over it, very practical, very fast, the wife hates it. Happy Sunday Folks !!
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As with the poster above, I have this in green and yellow and am very pleased with it. The plastic has faded a little (particularly the red quick-release clips) but it works very well. The plastic lug on the front which allows you to move the hose along the slot to make sure it coils correctly is a very good idea.
EDIT: and as shown in the photos on ScrewFix, you can have it with the handle on either side - so that gives you a bit of additional flexibility re winding it in
As above though, it's largely redundant as you can just change which side the handle is fixed (clockwise on one side would be anti-clockwise one the other)
Voucher code: ED0917Y6DSV&0
Expires 09.04.2017
Only can be used once. Hope it helps somebody.
but this one here is a fitted reel to a wall which is much better than freestanding reels in my opinion
voted hot :smiley: