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Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) £38.99 Delivered @ Go2Games
3 stars +101

Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) £38.99 Delivered @ Go2Games

£38.99 Go2Games18 Apr 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
16 Apr 17
Current cheapest price, I believe.

Survive a new wilderness dominated by herds of fearsome machines, warring tribes and age-old secrets in an all-action RPG adventure from the makers of Killzone.

Harness the agility, cunning and deadly aim of Aloy − an expert hunter cast out from her tribe at birth – to defy overwhelming odds and turn deadly predators into defenseless prey.

Alone on your quest in an unforgiving, post-apocalyptic world, can you solve the riddle of your birth and bring to light the deepest and darkest mysteries of the ancient past?

Key Features:

A Lush Post-Apocalyptic World - How have machines dominated this world, and what is their purpose? What happened to the civilization here before? Scour every corner of a realm filled with ancient relics and mysterious buildings in order to uncover your past and unearth the many secrets of a forgotten land.
Nature and Machines Collide - Horizon Zero Dawn juxtaposes two contrasting elements, taking a vibrant world rich with beautiful nature and filling it with awe-inspiring highly advanced technology. This marriage creates a dynamic combination for both exploration and gameplay.
Defy Overwhelming Odds - The foundation of combat in Horizon Zero Dawn is built upon the speed and cunning of Aloy versus the raw strength and size of the machines. In order to overcome a much larger and technologically superior enemy, Aloy must use every ounce of her knowledge, intelligence, and agility to survive each encounter.
Cutting Edge Open World Tech - Stunningly detailed forests, imposing mountains, and atmospheric ruins of a bygone civilization meld together in a landscape that is alive with changing weather systems and a full day/night cycle
Top comments
mixmixi to Gamerofgames
16 Apr 17 5 #5
I'll try to make it easier for you, go for all! :smiley:
didsburydan to mixmixi
17 Apr 17 3 #31
maybe not, but it's only a quid under the standard new release ps4 game rrp (yes i know this is 42-43 in a lot of places). not really a "hot deal" imo
16 Apr 17 3 #6
Amazing game! One of the best ive played. PS4 exclusives are on fire!
All comments (72)
16 Apr 17 1 #1
This caught my eye earlier. Heated, mix :smiley:
16 Apr 17 1 #2
Sorry took a while to reply. Cheers mate, had it in my basket on US Amazon for a while but wasn't sure if £70 is what I want to pay for it but at that price I've ordered a copy. :smiley: cheers!
16 Apr 17 2 #3
It's crazy how it hasn't reduced in price yet. Uncharted 4 dropped to around £30 in a few weeks after release. This is a masterpiece no doubt almost finished the story. Heat!
16 Apr 17 1 #4
This or nioh or gravity rush 2 or neir automata or yakuza zero. Decisions decisions...
mixmixi to Gamerofgames
16 Apr 17 5 #5
I'll try to make it easier for you, go for all! :smiley:
germainsophie to Gamerofgames
16 Apr 17 1 #23
​I've gone for Yakuza 0 but not starting it till the kids are back at school! Got deus ex for 7.99 so will give that a spin too. Deus needed a 12gb bloody update today which took away all the playing time I had!
MrBrightside1987 to Gamerofgames
16 Apr 17 #27
Just pick any of them, and keep an eye on the prices of the other in the meantime, or just resell and buy a used copy of the others when you're done as they're all around the same price range.

Took a lot of self-control to resist Styx dropping to £25 on Amazon on Friday, but had to remind myself that I've got Nier Automatica arriving this week which should keep me busy for a while :smiley:

From your above list Horizon would be low down on priorities just because most reviews say it looks great but the gameplay gets boring and repetitive, so maybe smash through the others whilst you wait for a price drop on that and in the meantime watch this
16 Apr 17 3 #6
Amazing game! One of the best ive played. PS4 exclusives are on fire!
16 Apr 17 2 #7
Ah if only my wallet could be as big as that ambition.
16 Apr 17 2 #8
Interesting how this deal is being hammered by cold votes. Is it cheaper anywhere else that I'm not aware of?
Gamerofgames to mixmixi
16 Apr 17 1 #9
For about an hour about a week or 2 ago it was available from gameseek for £20 and from amazon via gameseek for about £30 but other than that I dont think so.
BuzzDuraband to mixmixi
16 Apr 17 1 #10
Must be the Go2Games. Throws one off :smile:
didsburydan to mixmixi
17 Apr 17 3 #31
maybe not, but it's only a quid under the standard new release ps4 game rrp (yes i know this is 42-43 in a lot of places). not really a "hot deal" imo
moshixmoshi to mixmixi
17 Apr 17 1 #33
​I think it's more people's disgust that such a great game hasn't dropped to the price they are willing to bite at yet, that price being the usual below £20 mark .
Jon79 to mixmixi
17 Apr 17 #34
I posted a deal for this game last week when it was £38.95. It received a decent amount of heat so it shouldn't be any different now (still the cheapest price).

Price retention on this game is insane. I refuse to bite until it hits £30.
16 Apr 17 #11
No I'm mean right now and that gameseek deal was just business strategy to attract people because they're banned. Otherwise it wasn't something I believe they would've genuinely wanted to do.
16 Apr 17 1 #12
People must have had too much drink this weekend then. :laughing:
16 Apr 17 2 #13
I become quite Vorderman after a few Stella's :stuck_out_tongue:
16 Apr 17 1 #14
Is that why you voted hot then? :stuck_out_tongue:
16 Apr 17 1 #15
FFS. Did I?

I thought I'd just said it :disappointed::stuck_out_tongue:
16 Apr 17 1 #16
LMAO, that made my day, cheers. :laughing:
16 Apr 17 2 #17
Geez, He only posted 20 deals :laughing: Nothing to go on About.
16 Apr 17 1 #18
I think we can quite clearly double that number :smile:
16 Apr 17 1 #19
My bad, that was round 1. He didn't quite get to finish round 2.
16 Apr 17 1 #20
Probably because it's still bloody expensive :laughing:
16 Apr 17 #21
That's not my fault. I only find the cheapest available price. :neutral_face: You angry bro? Punch the wall instead. :stuck_out_tongue:
16 Apr 17 1 #22
Hey I didn't vote cold man, I'm supportive of your deal :laughing:
16 Apr 17 1 #24
I know mate. The audience is someone else. Not sure what's going today. Over 50 people have voted hot on this deal, yet same number voted cold. It's just odd.
16 Apr 17 2 #25
I always thought of you as more of a Rachel Riley OP after a few stellas

Heat added btw
16 Apr 17 2 #26
I'd chat Riley up after a few Stella's, confidence is everything. In reality, I'd end up with Vorderman.

16 Apr 17 #28
Haha thanks for the advice. I actually have persona 5 to keep me company for a while but i definitely want to get those games that Ive mentioned at some point. Im just waiting for one of the to hit below £25 then ill go for them although im really tempted by yakuza zeros price right now.
16 Apr 17 1 #29
all I wanna know is why my HotUK has only gone off about 3 times today :neutral_face: ive got money and nobody has made me skint, are you guys gettin a lil drunk this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:
17 Apr 17 1 #30
Heat added mate :smiley:
17 Apr 17 #32
£38.99 for a game is overpriced imo, £34 or less is a fair price. I'd recommend keeping an eye on ebay, I know someone that picked up a new copy the other day for as little as £27.
17 Apr 17 #35
Where do you get those stats from?
17 Apr 17 1 #36
Maybe simple maths, amount of people voted - amount of heat = number of cold votes? either that or Mixi is a hacker :wink:
17 Apr 17 #37
I am not a hacker. It is an average estimate. I can see who votes hot on the deal. Around 80 people have voted hot on this deal. Not everyone has a +1 vote, some have up to 6x vote. Considering that a huge number of people also down voted yesterday otherwise I normally get a deal hot with around 40 people voting hot. I saw your deal which was posted a few days ago and I felt this is a good deal based on that. It is defo the cheapest and if anyone is blaming my deal just because the game has kept its price up and high, then they need mental care.
17 Apr 17 1 #38
It's a little like this mate:
Went minus despite being the cheapest around at the time
17 Apr 17 1 #39
There is more attitude than logic on this website. That is why things work randomly. Also posting deals on weekends seems like a bad idea, normally get down voted.
17 Apr 17 1 #40
I think it's more the 'sheep' effect or maybe it could be borderline bandwagon effect, where people see a deal on 0/slight negative heat, so they just vote the same because they automatically think it's a bad deal without thinking about it.
17 Apr 17 #41
I think prices that are or near RRP should be banned from this site as its taking the mick. There needs to be a minimum cap of £35 to be able to post as a deal. I think we need this to be official.
mixmixi to darkspace100
17 Apr 17 #42
Not sure if you are serious or not, but if you are I also have another idea which could be very practical. How about banning those users whose deals were always cold and tend to comment nonsense? (See it is very easy to talk nonsense :smiley: )
mld81 to darkspace100
18 Apr 17 #60
Prices near RRP should not be banned, anything can be posted if the OP believes it is worthwhile deal. So you don't believe it is a good price, just vote as you see fit. In my opinion it isn't a good price, nothing north of £35 is, more so when there is no multiplayer and no real reply value. With this, buying 2nd hand isn't a bad option, plenty of copies going on ebay for less. You did shoot yourself in the foot though by making that statement as you could apply your logic to the cod deal you posted. Finally, attacking the gaming crew on here will do you no good, they are a clicky bunch :laughing:
17 Apr 17 1 #43
Now I'm sorry, but didn't you post something AT RRP? (Also the coldest I think I've seen a deal)
17 Apr 17 1 #44
Iv hammered some time into this game now and i have to say it's worth every penny. In my opinion this is one of the best games around at the moment.
17 Apr 17 1 #45
Get your facts together if you are trying to talk. The game had an RRP of £44. Go2games is cheapest place to buy it at £6 sup RRP, followed by shopto (£39.85), Simplygames (£39.85), Griangergames £41.99, Playtime £42, Boomerang £42.85, Smyths £43.99, Tesco/Amazon/JohnLewis £44.
17 Apr 17 #46
Simply Games and Shopto have almost all new games at this price so your posted deal is pointless as it isn't a significant saving. If we allow pointless deals like this then this site would be flooded with posts from people with same deals for every time a retailer drops 1p. Also this game is linear with no multiplayer or replay value. Give it a few more weeks and it will drop close to half price. Only reason it hasn't already is because the game was expensive as **** to make and Sony wants a return on investment on their Far Cry clone.
17 Apr 17 1 #47
Wow, slow down cow boy. Let me show you what is the proper view of pointless deals based on community views:
17 Apr 17 #48
Going through my old posts do you have any shame? Thats low even for you.
17 Apr 17 1 #49
Now I'm sorry, but they did sell 2.2 million copies of the game in two weeks,
Metacritic says it's 89 and an average of 8.3 out of around 4200 reviews

Of course it will
17 Apr 17 1 #50
17 Apr 17 #51
But what are the development costs of the game? From what I've heard the game took 6 years to make and the area the Guerrilla Games are based in Amsterdam which would increase costs as well as paying a minimum of 270 employees. Has their been any statements that they have at least broken even? Wouldn't surprise me if they get shut down just like other former Sony studios like Evolution.
17 Apr 17 1 #52
Why don't you google it yourself? I don't have time to entertain you anymore.
17 Apr 17 #53
Truth hurts. Didn't stop you from replying to me in the first place.
17 Apr 17 1 #54
This guys is sick, ignore him Nathan. Another credit to HUKD.
17 Apr 17 #55
Thats strange. I feel fine to me.
18 Apr 17 1 #56
go to Amazon, select new and used...talita 16 is selling brand new for £15.99
mixmixi to slllinky
18 Apr 17 #57
The seller you're referring to has his last feedback from 2013. It's clearly a hacked account. Don't you ask yourself why they have to sell a game for half the normal price?
Marcoos to slllinky
18 Apr 17 #58
That looks proper dodgy, last feedback seems to be from 2013!

I'm willing to bet that seller had their account hacked and brought back from the dead to con people. There's a lot of cheap games and consoles from 3rd party sellers at the mo on there that are scams
18 Apr 17 #59
If a retailer drops a price, then the deal usually gets updated as long as it's not older than a month.

You'd be surprised how people will still pipe up with "But so and so has it for 5p less" and vote cold on deals. I know they say, "If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves" but there's taking it a bit too far!
18 Apr 17 #61
Then you have no clue what your talking about. This is 'hotukdeals' not RRPukdeals.
18 Apr 17 #62
I do, it is yourself that seems to be confused by it. You mention hotukdeals, so where does your cod deal come into it? Clearly it was never going to be a hot deal was it? I'd recommend reading before posting as your comments are hypocritical :wink: Nevertheless, I guess this site just isn't for you :laughing:
18 Apr 17 1 #63
You are wasting your time arguing with this guy. Better leave him to feel good about himself. We all are laughing at his comments anyway. :laughing:
18 Apr 17 1 #64
Gotta love a hypocrite. RRPukdeals, the cod deal would be at the top of that :laughing:
18 Apr 17 #65
That deal was a completely different situation. Unlike you and the other fool posting full price deals like anyone actually cares.
18 Apr 17 #66
Too much salt isn't good for you.
18 Apr 17 #67
I'm still serious that we need to get a mod to implement a minimum cap for standard edition games to avoid idiots from flooding this site with garbage spam deals.
18 Apr 17 #68
Care to elaborate how it is different? Different rules for different people?
18 Apr 17 #69
I don't have to explain anything to you.
18 Apr 17 1 #70
I rest my case, as you can't justify it :laughing: You deal history would suggest this site isn't for you so maybe start your own website, nothotukdeals? :smiley:
18 Apr 17 1 #71
I'm telling you this guy is a **** moron. Let him fool around. He's the pure example of a ****. Let him talk to himself mate!
18 Apr 17 #72
Best case of pot calling kettle black. Your a fool. Now go toddle off dumbass.
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