Probably not everyones ideal price but stilk cheapest around. Also it doesn't show delivery fee so probably free delivery as well.
HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset, with 2 Wireless Controllers + Movement Sensors. The Ultimate VR Gaming Experience.
FREE Richie’s Plank Experience and Everest VR
To help celebrate HTC Vive's first birthday, we're slashing the price by £100 for 24hrs. You'll also get 2 free games!! Offer only available from 00.01 to 23:59 on Weds 5th April. Scan.
Top comments
3 Apr 177#15
If really wanting one due to this saving, yoru profile shows you are Northampton which is pretty close to us. So, If seriously wanting one, we will buy one and you can buy it from us end of month for price paid.
Just let us know
3 Apr 174#17
One of the nicest things I've seen on the internet.
Props to you.
All comments (40)
3 Apr 171#1
The drop I think is happening across pc world/amazon/game/overclockers as well.
Some other info for vive
Vive is also launching its much anticipated Viveport software subscription with an incredibly low price point - $6.99 for five titles a month - and a free one month trial.
Yeah sorry just found that info... bummer as wont have money till end of the month!
3 Apr 171#4
I guess the VIVE is finally losing its VIBE. Heat added. :smiley:
3 Apr 17#5
Heat. Should be this price always a year after release, but nevermind.
Better all round than the Rift, particularly for anything Roomscale.
3 Apr 17#6
Lol who's moved the deal to mobiles :laughing::laughing::laughing:
3 Apr 171#7
Great device, better than anything else at the moment. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 5 years tech wise.
You also need a decent card, like a 1080 to get the most out of this.
vsy to Skyhiigh
3 Apr 171#8
6600k & 1050 ti - would that run a vive well?
3 Apr 17#9
The GPU will probably struggle, you've got to push 90fps at 2160×1200. A mate ran SLI 970s and they ran things smoothly ingame, but were working pretty hard to achieve that. Most people supersample as well, running the game at higher res then scaling it down to the actual resolution, which you won't be able to do on a 1050. If I was dropping this much on a Vive, I'd be looking at a 1080 minimum to power it.
3 Apr 171#10
Ok, thanks for your advice whiteface
3 Apr 17#11
A heads up, if you're windows 7 Viveport doesn't want to install, so if the free games are on that instead of steam you might have a bit of trouble getting them
3 Apr 17#12
1050ti won't cut it. The rx480 and 1060 are just on the border of usability. Very well on some games, and struggling on low on some less optimised ones. The 1050ti is going to suffer from a lot of dropped frames. The architecture may also not be as well written for VR as it's not recommended for it, not sure on that as I haven't seen anyone benchmarking anything lower than a 1060 for it
3 Apr 17#13
I'm pretty sure currently SLi isn't supported in VR. Maybe there's one or two titles that have been hacked to work, but a a standard it isn't working
3 Apr 17#14
Payday Loan? :wink:
3 Apr 177#15
If really wanting one due to this saving, yoru profile shows you are Northampton which is pretty close to us. So, If seriously wanting one, we will buy one and you can buy it from us end of month for price paid.
Just let us know
3 Apr 17#16
How much is an appropriately specced PC to run this likely to cost?
geebeegooner to benjyFJH
3 Apr 171#18
£900 up I'd say and by up you could be looking at £1500.
Mines running fine on a i7 2600k and 980ti.
3 Apr 174#17
One of the nicest things I've seen on the internet.
Props to you.
Ouchies, bit pricey for me sadly, guess I'll have to settle for PS VR
3 Apr 17#21
Run the VR checker on steam. I have the 6600k but with a evga gtx 1070 sc. Mine got highest score on it but still, could run poo I some games. 4K Rise of tomb raider maxed I only get 20fps haha
3 Apr 17#22
Thank you. Though there is some ulterior motive, bonus is they live in the same town and we have over £650 worth of gift cards left over we are struggling to spend. If it gets something someone may really want but not willing to fork out full price then least we could do is offer.
But then the irony is we bought Vive almost 3 weeks ago for £759, even mentioned on here whether a price reduction may happen before buying and most said probably not and no word on internet whether HTC would respond to Rift price decrease so just ended up buying it. Just before that purchase we did it exactly same with Rift and bought that the day before they dropped £100 of their product.
3 Apr 17#23
It's always a hard one to predict regarding price drops.
Hopefully you get taken up on the offer as it's win win for the pair of you.
How you finding the vive?
I've not been on mine proper for a while but broke it out on Friday when my Mrs best pal came round with her kid.
They was on it all night.
John wick being there favourite.
Getting the usual "how much", "I would never leave the house", "I want one", "you're lucky". :smile:
4 Apr 17#24
That's a lot of money to play on PC.
4 Apr 17#25
Few inaccuracies on this thread.
You can build a suitable VR machine for £500-700 (built my machine a year ago for around £700 - extremely easy to do having never built a pc before), the GPU is usually the most expensive component but an RX 480 will run fine and costs around £160. i5 6600k is plenty good enough on the CPU side (£200) and 8gb ram also does the job (£60). Buy a large case for £30, a min 600 watt PSU for 60 and you are pretty much there.
This is one day only price drop, HTC expressly said they would not be reducing the price of the vive to compete with the oculus price drop. People should be warned that a new headstrap is due out in Quarter 2 this year, this will cost $100 (and will definitely be worth upgrading to), it's unknown whether it will ship with the vive as new.
Also wireless attachments will be coming out most likely in Q 3 this year, price for this is looking around £200, although there will be a few companies releasing wireless options so hopefully this will push the price down.
4 Apr 171#26
Seriously thanks for the offer but unfortunately before I saw your reply (and after hassling my wife!) I purchased the vouchers (£660) for Currys/PCworld which I got a further 7% reduction on. I know you had a slight motive but still a really nice offer to make.
4 Apr 17#27
emagerhd got one in my amazon basket for £805 just got a voucher today was literally about to buy..... hot hot hot. thanks !!!
4 Apr 171#28
Excellent! I can put it with my 3D telly and Penny Farthing.
4 Apr 17#29
How come there's no stock at amazon?
5 Apr 171#30
Ordered from Currys, Thanks OP
geebeegooner to bra1ne
5 Apr 172#31
Though I'm not a fan of it, download viveport get arcade saga whilst it's free for today only and get the subscription to games that's free for a month and claim 5 games to play in that time.
5 Apr 17#32
How did you get a discount? Is that something anyone can do?
5 Apr 17#33
At work we have a employee benefits scheme via a company called EdenRed so we get access to a few stores and get discounts ranging anything from 3-12%
I am just contemplating whether its worth buying a 1080 and then selling my 1070 which I reckon will cost me around £120 to upgrade after selling fees etc.
5 Apr 171#34
You'll be fine with a 1070 pretty similar to what I've got in a 980ti.
Me myself I wouldn't upgrade from 1070 to a 1080.
A 1080ti on the other hand I'd be all over it.
The 1070 will handle all games it's only when you start pushing the super sampling will you start to see stutter, which in VR feels a bit weird like head tracking stutter.
I hang around 1.3 which is stable but can push to 1.8 super sampling.
Depends on the game.
I've got a feeling my cpu is now feeling it's age though so you might to be able to push more.
5 Apr 17#35
Got it on scan at 1am, would really have preferred amazon though.
What are the top VR games? I'll sub to viveport.
geebeegooner to HHNNNGGG
5 Apr 17#36
The Blu to start off with will blow you mind.
Raw data
Google earth
The lab
Bullet sorrow
John wick (this I love but people hate)
Arizona sunshine
Oh and when you get the hang of things get revive and nip over and download oculus store and get there exclusive free games.
Lucky's tail is amazing for free and is probably the best platform game out.
5 Apr 172#37
How we finding vive, well its needs hell of a lot more room than the rift. Even though measuring our playspace it exceeds vive's minimum, but when mapping it out with controller during setup it wouldn't accept it so had to fudge it slightly, this just means kids end up face planting sofa as they trip and fall face first.
Overall, I have only used it once playing on the lab, I had previously played on Oculus Demo and that was amazing feeling except standing on that metal railing and looking down. We noted a few times tracking issues with rift but with the vive its never noticed. Quill on vive is much easier, at least in my opinion and VR desktop is amazing concept.
Kids love it, paranormal activity scares the pooh out of them as does Dont knock twice but due to revive they can both play robo recall on vive which has so far cost up one table lamp and a lamp shade.
My other half has played it loads that was until he played Minecraft one night, it made him physically sick and had really bad nights sleep. Wouldn't recommend that game, my 15 year old lasted minutes before he couldn't play anymore.
But neither rift or vive purchase was my choice, not my money to waste but as a sceptic I was wooed and amazed from brief time I have used both VR headsets.
But watching a 15 year old wet himself on paranormal activity and a 7 year old arguing with floating robot squares on job simulator it is a really nice piece of kit, for 2 boys at complete logger heads constantly its the only thing we have that gets them both together in same room laughing and playing together and sharing goes without an imminent MMA fight looming.
Its just so expensive given what other hardware you need.
5 Apr 171#38
That sounds so funny reading your story.
Had a few beers but tagging to reply in the yesterday :-P
Btw don't miss the sale's and a few games I'm giving away :wink:
6 Apr 17#39
I'm struggling with my play space, live in a bog standard terrace and my pc is in the front room.
Many of times my mirror has nearly been smashed which I have to cover up due to it messing up my tracking.
Just feel like I'm not getting the full benefit of the room scale.
Minecraft for vive(craft) my son had a go on it and his mates and where shocked how good it was.
Just the sense of scale it's unreal.
Not tried paranormal activity yet but I finished resi on psvr and loved it, can't wait till next year to play it again on the vive.
Proper got my heart racing.
Cost is expensive, I already had a gaming pc anyway but for first time buyers it's a ton load to be putting down.
I find when I show people it for the first time better than actually playing it, just love some of the reactions from people who had opinions on it being rubbish.
6 Apr 17#40
I don't want to thread spoil on this, and totally understand some people might only want one headset, and not the other but... you meet the minimum specs for the Rift (a gtx 960 - the 1050ti is probably a touch better in VR I expect due to recent gen optimisations).
So if it doesn't matter to you which headset you get, you could always pick up a Rift and use your existing system (with the understanding that you would have to keep the graphical settings on the low side for some games).
It's about £600 all in, and comes with about £100 worth of free software (inc games), but if you want proper roomscale, you need to buy another sensor. The tracking isn't (objectively) quite as good, but you don't have to worry about reflections from mirrors etc, and the rift controllers are (subjectively) considered to be better by many. With the optics, it's probably close enough that it really doesn't matter.
Opening post
HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset, with 2 Wireless Controllers + Movement Sensors. The Ultimate VR Gaming Experience.
FREE Richie’s Plank Experience and Everest VR
To help celebrate HTC Vive's first birthday, we're slashing the price by £100 for 24hrs. You'll also get 2 free games!! Offer only available from 00.01 to 23:59 on Weds 5th April. Scan.
Top comments
Just let us know
Props to you.
All comments (40)
Some other info for vive
Vive is also launching its much anticipated Viveport software subscription with an incredibly low price point - $6.99 for five titles a month - and a free one month trial.
Vive is gifting all its users Vive Studios' new release Arcade Saga.
Batman arkham just announced after it's psvr exclusivity.
It's one day only so you'll miss out if you wait.
Better all round than the Rift, particularly for anything Roomscale.
You also need a decent card, like a 1080 to get the most out of this.
Just let us know
Mines running fine on a i7 2600k and 980ti.
Props to you.
But then the irony is we bought Vive almost 3 weeks ago for £759, even mentioned on here whether a price reduction may happen before buying and most said probably not and no word on internet whether HTC would respond to Rift price decrease so just ended up buying it. Just before that purchase we did it exactly same with Rift and bought that the day before they dropped £100 of their product.
Hopefully you get taken up on the offer as it's win win for the pair of you.
How you finding the vive?
I've not been on mine proper for a while but broke it out on Friday when my Mrs best pal came round with her kid.
They was on it all night.
John wick being there favourite.
Getting the usual "how much", "I would never leave the house", "I want one", "you're lucky".
You can build a suitable VR machine for £500-700 (built my machine a year ago for around £700 - extremely easy to do having never built a pc before), the GPU is usually the most expensive component but an RX 480 will run fine and costs around £160. i5 6600k is plenty good enough on the CPU side (£200) and 8gb ram also does the job (£60). Buy a large case for £30, a min 600 watt PSU for 60 and you are pretty much there.
This is one day only price drop, HTC expressly said they would not be reducing the price of the vive to compete with the oculus price drop. People should be warned that a new headstrap is due out in Quarter 2 this year, this will cost $100 (and will definitely be worth upgrading to), it's unknown whether it will ship with the vive as new.
Also wireless attachments will be coming out most likely in Q 3 this year, price for this is looking around £200, although there will be a few companies releasing wireless options so hopefully this will push the price down.
I am just contemplating whether its worth buying a 1080 and then selling my 1070 which I reckon will cost me around £120 to upgrade after selling fees etc.
Me myself I wouldn't upgrade from 1070 to a 1080.
A 1080ti on the other hand I'd be all over it.
The 1070 will handle all games it's only when you start pushing the super sampling will you start to see stutter, which in VR feels a bit weird like head tracking stutter.
I hang around 1.3 which is stable but can push to 1.8 super sampling.
Depends on the game.
I've got a feeling my cpu is now feeling it's age though so you might to be able to push more.
What are the top VR games? I'll sub to viveport.
Raw data
Google earth
The lab
Bullet sorrow
John wick (this I love but people hate)
Arizona sunshine
Be careful with multiplayer only games as they can die quickly with nobody to play with.
Honestly could go on on.
There's so many excellent free ones.
What I will say is, look at the user review filter.
And see what you like the look of.
Oh and when you get the hang of things get revive and nip over and download oculus store and get there exclusive free games.
Lucky's tail is amazing for free and is probably the best platform game out.
Overall, I have only used it once playing on the lab, I had previously played on Oculus Demo and that was amazing feeling except standing on that metal railing and looking down. We noted a few times tracking issues with rift but with the vive its never noticed. Quill on vive is much easier, at least in my opinion and VR desktop is amazing concept.
Kids love it, paranormal activity scares the pooh out of them as does Dont knock twice but due to revive they can both play robo recall on vive which has so far cost up one table lamp and a lamp shade.
My other half has played it loads that was until he played Minecraft one night, it made him physically sick and had really bad nights sleep. Wouldn't recommend that game, my 15 year old lasted minutes before he couldn't play anymore.
But neither rift or vive purchase was my choice, not my money to waste but as a sceptic I was wooed and amazed from brief time I have used both VR headsets.
But watching a 15 year old wet himself on paranormal activity and a 7 year old arguing with floating robot squares on job simulator it is a really nice piece of kit, for 2 boys at complete logger heads constantly its the only thing we have that gets them both together in same room laughing and playing together and sharing goes without an imminent MMA fight looming.
Its just so expensive given what other hardware you need.
Had a few beers but tagging to reply in the yesterday :-P
Btw don't miss the sale's and a few games I'm giving away :wink:
Many of times my mirror has nearly been smashed which I have to cover up due to it messing up my tracking.
Just feel like I'm not getting the full benefit of the room scale.
Minecraft for vive(craft) my son had a go on it and his mates and where shocked how good it was.
Just the sense of scale it's unreal.
Not tried paranormal activity yet but I finished resi on psvr and loved it, can't wait till next year to play it again on the vive.
Proper got my heart racing.
Cost is expensive, I already had a gaming pc anyway but for first time buyers it's a ton load to be putting down.
I find when I show people it for the first time better than actually playing it, just love some of the reactions from people who had opinions on it being rubbish.
So if it doesn't matter to you which headset you get, you could always pick up a Rift and use your existing system (with the understanding that you would have to keep the graphical settings on the low side for some games).
It's about £600 all in, and comes with about £100 worth of free software (inc games), but if you want proper roomscale, you need to buy another sensor. The tracking isn't (objectively) quite as good, but you don't have to worry about reflections from mirrors etc, and the rift controllers are (subjectively) considered to be better by many. With the optics, it's probably close enough that it really doesn't matter.