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eBay Sell for £1.00 Max Fee - Easter Weekend
5++ stars +902

eBay Sell for £1.00 Max Fee - Easter Weekend

£1 eBay14 Apr 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
14 Apr 17
eBay are running their £1 max FVF promo, up to 100 listings, auction or buy it now. May be account specific but most appear to be eligible.

Was hoping this would appear at Easter as have a few high-value items to list at the moment.
Top comments
14 Apr 17 21 #1
Thanks op :smiley:
Time to relist :smiley:
16 Apr 17 4 #191
Wow. It's all about you, huh?
15 Apr 17 3 #162
If anyone doesn't receive these offers via e-mail make sure you have checked General email promotions under Account > Communication preferences > Promotions and surveys.
14 Apr 17 3 #125
Guys - remember if you're not ready to list before the end of the offer .. just set up a dummy listing ... any category, dummy description, and a silly high price so no-one attempts to buy. Then copy the listing as many times as you like. Amend the listings at your leisure with the real details any time during the 30 days run time.
Latest comments (213)
21 Apr 17 #213
Is the max fee for eBays different to the fee for paypal? Might be a stupid question but thanks.
20 Apr 17 1 #212
Saved £65 in ebay fees from this after clearing out some old phones and stuff. Ebay must be absolutely raking it in on standard fees.
18 Apr 17 1 #211
Shouldn't be an issue as Ebay listings shouldn't generally auto relist at all, so long as you didn't select good till cancelled. The default on buy it now is just a standard 30 day listing, which ends after the 30 days and has to be manually relisted if desired...
18 Apr 17 #210
just to clarify if any of my listings donot sell they will be automatically relisted but with full ebay charges? if yes is there a way to cancel any auto relistings? thanks
17 Apr 17 #209
if you sell any items above this value, check the account as I've sold something for £120 listed during the period but been charged the full £12. I'm onto chat support now
17 Apr 17 #208
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
17 Apr 17 #207
worked for me, nice !
17 Apr 17 #206
Expired now I guess. Had message in inbox offering £1 and then get "Unfortunately, this promotional offer is not available to you."
16 Apr 17 #205
Found it thanks
16 Apr 17 1 #204
Assuming you are on a desktop via browser (or load desktop site on mobile) it should show in myebay, if you scroll to the bottom, how many out of the 100 you used. Also the number used should show as a link (blue) if you click that it actually displays the item numbers of all the listings you made, which is really handy as you can check if a specific listing qualified. This may be a new(ish) feature as I never remember being able to do this before, really handy....
16 Apr 17 #203
thanks for clarifying...
16 Apr 17 #202
I know its ''up to 100 listings'' but is there any way of finding out how many ive listed so far as ive lost count?
I want to know how many I have left for this offer.
16 Apr 17 #201
Time to end and relist! :smirk:
16 Apr 17 #200
Why do I always list about 20 things and THEN check here for these kinda deals....
16 Apr 17 #199
Again, it ends at one second to midnight on Monday night.
16 Apr 17 #198
If you look at it in myebay (think you have to be on the desktop site) it says end: 11:59PM on 17th, so yes it includes the whole of tomorrow (Monday) as well so effectively you get the whole of the bank holiday weekend to list.
16 Apr 17 #197
Same question as above, midnight tonight or midnight tomorrow ?? It says until the 17th so could be read either way and the Ts and Cs don't clarify !
16 Apr 17 #196
16 Apr 17 #195
does this offer run until midnight Sunday (today)? or is it midnight Monday 17th?
16 Apr 17 #194
It says "Expires 17 April 2017"

But not sure if you can list it on that day
16 Apr 17 #193
Yes, "End Date: Apr. 17, 2017 11:59:59 pm BST".
16 Apr 17 #192
Can items be listed on monday and still fall under this promotion? - I couldn't find any dates
16 Apr 17 4 #191
Wow. It's all about you, huh?
16 Apr 17 #190
I am signed for promo emails but did not get this one. Did not receive an invite so have to vote cold.
16 Apr 17 #189
You need a thick skin dealing with customers. Had some heated exchanges myself on there. I tend to ignore them now unless it's directly affecting the business.
16 Apr 17 #188
It doesn't happen enough to warrant worrying about. Most people are okay. You can add buyer restrictions to minimise this, plus, if things do go missing its covered by the mail. I'm running a business/hobby on there and it's been relatively pain free. The odd chancer, but that's unavoidable, even off line.
16 Apr 17 #187
It's always mentioned when these threads come up to make sure you have it selected :smile:
16 Apr 17 #186
Thanks mate, got nearly 1000 positive feedback on eBay and never get offered any of these I know why!
15 Apr 17 #185
There's some promotion on nearly every weekend as they quite often overlap each other.
15 Apr 17 #184
Thanks op. I know these are account specific, but I realised today that I had to look on the classic site, not mobile or app to find if I had the offer. I didn't but my husband did, yay! Even if I don't always get these deals, heat for letting me know when to look to see if they are there!
15 Apr 17 1 #183
Good til canclled and classified ads are not the same. GTC is a fixed price format listing which auto renews every 30 days. When it renews the promotional rate won't apply but it should for the first 30 days.
15 Apr 17 #182
Thanks! Timely share and good offer :smiley:
15 Apr 17 #181
Yes I had all of them checked
15 Apr 17 1 #180

yea thanks i found it just a bit under the weather today...sell similar works fine
15 Apr 17 #179
Stupid question, maybe, but is 30 days the maximum listing period?
I also get a "good 'till cancelled" option - surely that's effectively a classified ad, and classified ads aren't eligible for this deal.
15 Apr 17 #178
Unless it's different on a mobile version,I'm viewing on a pc and it's at the bottom of the selling page under promotional offers.
15 Apr 17 #177
Out of interest, do you have this?
15 Apr 17 #176
ok thanks
15 Apr 17 #175
lol where've you been hiding?
15 Apr 17 1 #174
Jeez that makes a change you usually get everything else and a bag to put it in :smiley:
15 Apr 17 #173
Same here.
15 Apr 17 #172
Can you list the item using the app on iPhone and it counts for the offer?
15 Apr 17 #171
No invite for me unfortunately :disappointed:
Two accounts - 2001 (130) - 2003 (492)
Both with 100% FB
15 Apr 17 1 #170
Is it me but why doesn't this seem obvious to others :laughing:
15 Apr 17 #169
greta thanks i have the same kinda set up with a few items..thanks again
15 Apr 17 #168
check how many are left on the promotion offer before and again after you list an item. If the total dropped by 1 then the promotion was applied to your last listing.
15 Apr 17 #167
If I have two of the same item, I usually choose "sell similar item", add in the description, that I sell more than one and then add -2- or just change words around in the title and that passes with no problems.
15 Apr 17 #166
I presume it on item per listing? cheers
15 Apr 17 #165
It's fine to list like that.

All people have to do is check the quantity BEFORE they list something then after to make sure it has been included in the promotion,no guess work required :smile:
15 Apr 17 #164
Why would it be 10% fees if you have listed within the promotional timeframe :laughing:
15 Apr 17 #163
another question is someone knows.

If i put the item for sale on the 17th at 11pm that night, and it sells as normal. Do I get charged £1 or the usual final ebay 10% fee?

15 Apr 17 3 #162
If anyone doesn't receive these offers via e-mail make sure you have checked General email promotions under Account > Communication preferences > Promotions and surveys.
15 Apr 17 #161
Only parts & accessories :

Restrictions & exclusions:

Business sellers and/or PowerSellers.
Sellers who have been invited to participate, but have not actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication.
All items listed in the Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles and Property categories. However, items listed in the Vehicle Parts & Accessories category are included.
Item listed in the Classified format.
Auction-style listings ended early.
Identical listings that don’t comply with our duplicate listings policy.
Any item listed that doesn’t comply with eBay’s listing policies or prohibited and restricted items policies.
Any item listed during the promotional period but scheduled to start after the promotional period.
Listings that are automatically relisted during the promotional period.
Listings that are listed during the promotional period but do not sell and are relisted outside of the promotional period.
Multi-quantity listings
Listing upgrade fees apply and will be charged according to the eBay fees policy.
PayPal and any other third-party fees still apply.
Final value fees apply for second chance offers.
15 Apr 17 #160
Sell similar is usually the best way...
15 Apr 17 #159
does it apply to motor listings?
14 Apr 17 #158
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.

Thats the message I get so looks like its expired.
14 Apr 17 #157
Will this work if I just relist things from my 'unsold' list or do I need to do brand new listings?
14 Apr 17 1 #156
Have posted deals and bought sold on here many time so perhaps your the one that does'nt understand or can't be believed
sh*p*w ( 649Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999)

Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 100%
[How is Feedback percentage calculated?]
Member since: 02-Oct-99 in United Kingdom
14 Apr 17 #155
Can you list via the iOS app and get this offer as long as you have activated it on first?
14 Apr 17 #154
does anyone think the era of ebay for selling your stuff is over? may ebay good for business sellers, but i can't find a point in selling in ebay as you need to give VAT, postage etc.. The real cost is not the listing price..
if I've a stuff to sell, I will do in gumtree or CEX.. may be its me.
14 Apr 17 #153
Gumtree is full of scammers trying to get any vulnerable folks to accept stupid offers. You know the kind where they want to offer you half of what you are looking for but will pick it up immediately and pay cash!!
14 Apr 17 #152
thanks, after a few false starts I'm in on this one.
14 Apr 17 #151
YES! Got it for once!
14 Apr 17 1 #150
14 Apr 17 #149
Heat added , thanks gonna sell my canoe now
14 Apr 17 1 #148
Funnily enough, personally I don't believe you. Member of this site for 10 years, no deals posted, lack of basic.... Negative and Cold!

I think 90% of private sellers will be getting this promo. The other 10% don't really understand how eBay works or are awkward sods that cause trouble.

How hard is it to understand? Obviously very judging by the inordinate amount of inane questions on here.

No wonder there are so many problems with buyers nowadays...
14 Apr 17 1 #147
undeserved heat. invitation only!
14 Apr 17 #146
Your listings can get removed if reported though.
14 Apr 17 #145
Yes it's 100% true.
14 Apr 17 #144
By the end of Monday :wink:
14 Apr 17 #143
At the time said expired,not eligible and checking again still says expired.
14 Apr 17 #142
so just to confirm as long as i list the item during the offer time,by the end of Sunday, even if it goes for 28 days and then sells the £1 fee will still apply?
14 Apr 17 #141
Are you sure this is 100% true? There were definitely people a few weeks ago saying that wasn't the case.
14 Apr 17 #140
The latter.
14 Apr 17 #139
How does this work?
Do you have to have sold the listed items over this weekend?
Or do you just need to list them over this weekend but can sell over 30 days and only pay £1?
14 Apr 17 #138
I haven't but often eBay do invite only promotions.
14 Apr 17 #137
My daughter just got an email saying if she lists, and sells, anything before Monday she will get a £25 voucher.
Anyone else? As I didn't.
14 Apr 17 #136
14 Apr 17 #135
Just sold a few expensive items the other week. Damn it!

Anyway, thanks for the heads up.
14 Apr 17 #134
14 Apr 17 #133
How can you restrict those with good feedback and dont pay , no communication at all?
Has been on evay for over 14 years but lately I have bad experience only :confused:
14 Apr 17 #132
You just need to list it in that period. For example, you could list a 30 day BIN item, sell it in 29 days and still only pay £1 (and any PayPal fees of course).
14 Apr 17 #131
can somebody confirm that does the buyer have to buy within this period as well as you listing it, or can they buy outside the period and you are only charged £1?
14 Apr 17 #130
If I click and get the invite only message 20+ times, is this ever likely to work for me?
My account is over 4 years old but I've never sold anything.... planned to start this weekend!
14 Apr 17 #129
No good selling loads on ebay for 20yrs and never ever had n invite so cold
14 Apr 17 #128
14 Apr 17 1 #127
Just to confirm for anyone in doubt, I ended an relisted all my items this morning. I've just sold one for £12. Checked fees and it says £1, with promo in green next to it.
14 Apr 17 #126
You could get your listings removed though if anybody reports them.
14 Apr 17 3 #125
Guys - remember if you're not ready to list before the end of the offer .. just set up a dummy listing ... any category, dummy description, and a silly high price so no-one attempts to buy. Then copy the listing as many times as you like. Amend the listings at your leisure with the real details any time during the 30 days run time.
14 Apr 17 1 #124
Not selling on eBay at the moment but can confirm that listings ending early with you accepting the highest bids incurs a FVF. Relisting auctions with no bids or Buy-it-Now during the promo period is fine, did it before many times.
14 Apr 17 #123
Not if no bids I'm pretty sure. Hopefully someone will confirm?
14 Apr 17 #122
gutted it ain't on mine :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 1 #121
It 100% does apply to 'Best Offer' sales too... I list all my items that way.
14 Apr 17 #120
Don't they charge you the FvF if you end a listing early?
14 Apr 17 #119
Nice one, thanks

I might check with ebay to be 100% sure. But I'd agree it's very likely it applies.
14 Apr 17 #118
I'd be 90% confident to say it'll apply to best offer too and if it didn't, it'll be clearly stated when you try to allow it
14 Apr 17 #117
This could have been the best deal ever and I'm not invited... usually always invited. I haven't sold anything since past summer, maybe it's based on recent activity.

Frustrating because I planned to list loads this weekend and now I'm thinking about waiting for "next time" because the fees will save me thousands, literally thousands - I will easily hit the 100 items limit and benefit from big fee savings on all of them.
14 Apr 17 #116
Terms state auction-style or fixed price format... Could someone confirm this will apply to Best Offer also? Thanks
14 Apr 17 #115
Worked for me, thanks OP!
14 Apr 17 #114
If you end one and relist it still takes it from the 1.00 ones first.
14 Apr 17 #113
Sorted. New listings OK. If you cancel a listing then relist it doesn't work.
14 Apr 17 1 #112
You can't have opted in otherwise it would be using up the £1.00 ones first.
14 Apr 17 #111
Damn ! I already have a 100 free listings promo but its using that first !! Is their anyway to change which promotion to use ?
14 Apr 17 #110
Nope, not for me :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #109
Cheers OP.
14 Apr 17 #108
Thank you, really needed that, perfect timing!
14 Apr 17 #107
It says expired for me? :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #106
Nice thanks OP.
14 Apr 17 #105
That is actually part of a rather worrying trend on ebay these days - buyers seem to think every seller is running a business and as a result they expect business-like efficiency and standards from even a small private seller, then give negative feedback and claim refunds when stuff doesn't arrive five minutes later.
I blame it on eBay's attempts to keep up with Amazon, promising the earth on behalf of every seller big or small, when many sellers live in remote areas for example and cannot get to the post several times a day.
14 Apr 17 #104
I never get the email invite but these offers always work for me via the link provided on here.
Saved about a grand since these offers started, thank you HUKD.

Auctioning is getting back to being like the good old days of Yahoo Auctions with these £1 offers.
14 Apr 17 #103
Always Hot...ALWAYS. Thanks OP
14 Apr 17 1 #102
You should see some of the silly Ebay messages I receive :laughing:

Asking if I will sell such and such an item with about a 75% reduction and not even a please or thanks to be seen :laughing:

Had a classic today,a buyer asking If I had their Hermes drivers telephone number :confused:

Yeah,because I have access to thousands of drivers numbers :laughing:
14 Apr 17 1 #101
Promo page here:

Terms and conditions may help explain why some people, such as myself, aren't eligible. I haven't sold on there in forever, so that may have something to do with it. I may not meet the "seller performance standards". Have a gaming PC I'm trying to sell, but would end up with near £70 in fees, so resorted to Gumtree where buyers want everything for nothing and completely lack anything close to real-world social skills.

Might just list something on eBay this evening and then see if I can access the offer afterwards.
14 Apr 17 #100
got in on my account, thanks :smiley:
14 Apr 17 #99
Mug here. Tried it five times, needless to say it didn't work. Could we put this advice to bed now?
14 Apr 17 #98
​Thank you Jack
14 Apr 17 #97
I only just got the message to my eBay account so there's still hope for those on the verge of giving up.

I had signed up on OPs link..
14 Apr 17 #96
Nor me!
14 Apr 17 #95
says the offer has expired :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #94
I'm in thanks op
14 Apr 17 #93
You just jealous :man:
14 Apr 17 #92
Invite only. Cold.
14 Apr 17 #91
Thanks I didn't expect to get it but clicked the link and says i've accepted the offer. Heat OP.
14 Apr 17 #90
Thanks so much OP. Just listed a top and got charged 35p!!! Came straight on here to find a deal...! Much appreciated.
14 Apr 17 #89
someone mentioned, clicking it a few times and got accepted.

just use a friends/family's account if you dont get it
14 Apr 17 #88
excellent my last £1 deal was running out in a few days
14 Apr 17 1 #87
I never get why some sellers do that, the rare is pretty self explanatory but looks stupid on common items but why misspell look with @ symbols?, are they supposed to look like eyes or something?, they don't unless you have a pretty blurred monitor or vision....

But red hot deal anyway, i'm eligible and thanks for the heads up :smiley:
14 Apr 17 #86
Can't wait for all the *****RARE*** L@@K on bog standard items
I am glad that we've started having this as deal as it's really useful knowing when these offers start up - never seem to get emails from eBay about it!
14 Apr 17 #85
​Dave saves again :laughing:
14 Apr 17 #84
​Yes. The offers get combined
14 Apr 17 #83
Deffo heat, can relist an item that was gonna sting me £40
14 Apr 17 1 #82
Argos, Amazon, Steam, iTunes, Google Play etc gift cards - easy to spend first £50. Just make sure it is a physical card if you are buying from a private seller, as the scammers are everywhere.
14 Apr 17 1 #81
When I clicked on the link, I got the message stating that this offer is not available for me but then I navigated to "selling" page from "my ebay" and at the very bottom there is a section called "promotional offers". This offer was listed with the button labeled "get it", I clicked on it and now the offer is activated on my account. :smiley: Hope this is helpful to someone.
14 Apr 17 #80
Hi, i currently have zero listing fees, if i accept this offer does anyone that once ended will it revert back to my current offer of 100 fee listings for April
14 Apr 17 #79
"The promotion is valid for the first 100 listings only which go live during the promotion period (or were previously scheduled to go live during the promotion period)..."
14 Apr 17 #78
yes, 14-17th i believe, check on a pc and when you go to sell it should display the offer right at the bottom.
14 Apr 17 #77
Anyone know why I'm never eligible for these offers any more? The links always tell me that the promotional offer is not available for me. Haven't been for the last few I've checked over the past few years. Account is ~8 years old with 107 feedback. I want to sell some expensive camera lenses but don't want to pay Mr. Ebay £40 for each.
14 Apr 17 #76
The offer isn't in my messages but if I go via the link it says that I've accepted the offer! So everything I list this weekend will be max £1 selling fee?
14 Apr 17 #75
​I'm guessing you are the paranoid type?

Just a guess...
14 Apr 17 1 #74
​"May be account specific" pretty accurate description...
14 Apr 17 #73
Hi Can any one tell me why this has not come up as a message on my ebay account. I do have the email but bit worried its not genuine?
14 Apr 17 #72
14 Apr 17 #71
I have 2 accounts and always get these promotions on one or another. Haven't paid full final fee in months.
14 Apr 17 #70
I got this too thanks OP.
14 Apr 17 1 #69
Never eligible :neutral_face:
14 Apr 17 1 #68
14 Apr 17 #67
Relist after accepting
14 Apr 17 #66
Anyone knows if I have say 10 current listings which is sold during these few days, will the offer apply?
Or I have to relist these 10 listings 'after accepting the offer' in order to be eligible?
14 Apr 17 #65
So its live from the moment you accept it then? :smile:
14 Apr 17 #64
£3000 worth of stuff listed and still adding.
14 Apr 17 #63
No 50p listings but i did have a free listings any amount about a year ago so it does happen. Just finished my 30 day £1 fees listings but items did not sell some right tight lot on ebay :laughing: anyway will relist now got the email last night.
14 Apr 17 #62
Thanks OP, was waiting for this offer to show up again, had stuff I wanted to sell ready for it.
14 Apr 17 #61
tried that, no good
14 Apr 17 #60
same here - shame, I normally get them
14 Apr 17 1 #59
As usual, I'm not invited to this deal.

my luck I swear...
14 Apr 17 #58
Super hot!!! Save me lot last time (Feb)
14 Apr 17 1 #57
It's worked for me cheers. got 40+ items to take off and re-list that didnt sell last month when this deal came on. BECAREFUL if they dont sell and you relist as it charged me 10% instead of £1 after you relist the items after 30 days are up.
14 Apr 17 #56
Me too :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #55
​no way. ebay is much better than Gumtree. you need to know what you are doing. apply restrictions so you don't get bad buyers. never had a problem over 5 years.
14 Apr 17 #54
​me too. has done my head in lol.
14 Apr 17 #53
In my experience, the more you use these offers, the more likely you are to get similar invitations in future. This is my first invitation for 6 months or more, as I stopped selling. To get your 1st invitation, I think you just need to sell stuff, the higher the value the better.

Gumtree and similar are great with their low or 'no' fees. However, eBay gives a much larger exposure than any other option I know, so you'll usually get the best price.
14 Apr 17 1 #52
Yes, you'll only pay eBay £1 if it sells (nothing if it doesn't). There'll still be PayPal fees on top assuming that's how the buyer pays.
14 Apr 17 1 #51
That would be the time that you accepted the offer.
14 Apr 17 #50
I got a question on this.
If I sell an item for £100 will it only charge me £1 for the sale of this or is this £1 promotion relating to putting a listing on ebay?
14 Apr 17 #49
Starts 09:47:30 BST????? What time is that GMT? (Has it started yet?
14 Apr 17 #48
Thanks! Time to rack up the old junk to sell.
14 Apr 17 #47
Not expired. You might not be eligible.
14 Apr 17 #46
14 Apr 17 #45
Whats the point when buyer doesnt pay or some people try to scam you ?:confused:
Worse than gumtree :man:
14 Apr 17 #44
Perfect timing for me my last set of £1 fvf have just ended!
Also those of you not being accepted, like some others have said, try clicking on the link again. I got turned down for the offer first time I clicked also, but on the 2nd click got accepted.
14 Apr 17 #43
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired." Obviously lucky me :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #42
Just got it, thanks for post up!
14 Apr 17 1 #41
Another one I haven't been included on. Thanks eBay.
14 Apr 17 #40
Thanks - clicked on the link and it worked. Cancelled a BIN listing I had up for £225 and relisted so this should save a few quid.
14 Apr 17 #37
Just found this in my account.. :smiley:
texaspetey to Dawsy
14 Apr 17 #39
Thanks op. In my account!
14 Apr 17 3 #38
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
Never been invited for any offer yet.
14 Apr 17 #36
click it might work 2nd time
14 Apr 17 #34
Got a couple of items to list to make use of this. Ironically 50% would have been preferable on this occasion for myself as have more low value items to list (well 75% would have been more preferred over 50% but ya know :stuck_out_tongue:).
hfesol to bex85
14 Apr 17 #35
many thanks op. keep up the good work
14 Apr 17 #32
Can I schedule a listing today to begin on Monday for it to qualify?
davetherave00 to Just.Wondering
14 Apr 17 #33
Just double checking that this deal is live as of now?
14 Apr 17 1 #31
I sold about £1000 of stuff this week using their 50% off final fees offer :disappointed:
14 Apr 17 #30
Cheers for this. Got a few things I can end and relist, could save me quite a few quid. Voted hot.
14 Apr 17 #29
Nice. Where did you find that one?
14 Apr 17 #28
Every 30 days now it seems as I put mine up for sale same offer around 30 days ago and they ended on Wednesday.
14 Apr 17 #27
I seem to also have a spend £75, get £15 discount code... but not sure what to buy!
14 Apr 17 #26
Heat OP! Just what I was waiting for...
14 Apr 17 #25
That's weird it said not eligible when I first clicked on the deal then second time I clicked it said I was eligible :smiley: thanks op
14 Apr 17 #24
Need. Thanks.
14 Apr 17 1 #23
Wasn't there a ebay deal for 50p listing couple months ago or am I dreaming? Is £1 listing fee the best offer? Has eBay actually gave us fre listing before? How likely do they dish out those?
14 Apr 17 1 #22
Click link - "Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only". .Not a very accurate description of the 'dea'l..
14 Apr 17 #21
As long as the listing starts during the offer period then it doesn't matter when it ends, it will still qualify for the offer.
14 Apr 17 1 #20
No it's on fixed price format listings too.
14 Apr 17 #19
First time I've accepted this is this for bidding only?, thanks Op
14 Apr 17 #18
first time I clicked through on it I had that message.......I tried it again 5 mins later and it worked
14 Apr 17 2 #17
You absolute legend... My previous £1 max listing ended yesterday and now I can relist them all again!
Thank you OP :smiley:
14 Apr 17 #16
​Thanks, I guess that means I'm gonna be packaging things up for a whole day then, given how many things I'm planning to sell lol
14 Apr 17 #15
Does the listing have to end within the offer period as well? Or could I do a 30 day listing and still qualify? Thanks
14 Apr 17 #13
​It has to start during the offer period :smiley:
Gollywood to KyleGM
14 Apr 17 #14
Good spot Jez! I'm in.:smile:
14 Apr 17 2 #12
Anyone know if you submit a listing during the offered period, but it has a scheduled start time after the offer period will it be eligible for the fixed £1 selling fees? Cheers
14 Apr 17 1 #11
Not eligible. :disappointed: As usual with these account specific ebay offers.
14 Apr 17 1 #10
Was going to post lol heat added
14 Apr 17 1 #9
Nice one op, waited that out nicely.
14 Apr 17 1 #7
Finally one off these offers I'm accepted on! Thanks OP!
loop to bigbigchilli
14 Apr 17 #8
Great, been waiting for this for a few weeks now!
14 Apr 17 2 #4
I'm in, thanks OP!

Time to cancel my two listings at £2,200.
superpanda to collectorcol
14 Apr 17 1 #6
14 Apr 17 1 #5
Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to my personal ebay account I go ... cheers been waiting for this for some higher value items.:innocent:
14 Apr 17 1 #3
Invite only, and I'm not invited for once... :confused:

Heat though, of course.
14 Apr 17 1 #2
Thanks op just what I was waiting for
14 Apr 17 21 #1
Thanks op :smiley:
Time to relist :smiley:
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£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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