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Don't believe this game received very good reviews from the critics but if you're like me and a fan of the original DAH! games for the sake of £1.19 who cares?! Sure it's a laugh!
7 Apr 17#11
No don't think it is , few post ive read said it isn't
7 Apr 17#10
anyone know if this is BC?
Primalfear to martingodden
8 Apr 17#12
might be worth buying it now as its available on ps4 ... so the chances of it going BC are quite high and least when it does you would already own it at a great price and if it never goes BC its only just over a quid so it
a good gamble
7 Apr 17#8
More than worth it for this price!
6 Apr 17#7
Great game!
6 Apr 171#5
will also look bad on my xbox as had the final fantasy edition witch doesn't have a hdmi port
slayermatt to james0909
6 Apr 17#6
Didn't realise any of that age still existed :confused: I have a launch console that still turns on myself somewhere, disk drive is shout though - something snapped inside it :laughing:
The game doesn't look all that great anyway so I can't imagine it would look that bad on component cables.
6 Apr 171#4
I have so many games in active download queue on my xbox 360 it got to the stage where have I cant add more to the queue . Be grate if this was backward compatible
L89 to james0909
7 Apr 17#9
I am out of space even after getting rid of installed disc games and backwards compatible ones. I may have to assign my external drive to the Xbox 360 instead of Xbox One (I can easily find the games to download on there).
6 Apr 171#3
Absolute good fun! Was actually considering putting my disk copy the other day to finish off my achievements. Is it mad triple A quality? No. But for less than a cup of coffee nobody can complain.
6 Apr 17#2
This is a sequel I assume.
Great price though
6 Apr 171#1
Worth a punt if you have children but this game has awful reviews. 34% on Metacritic
Opening post
Don't believe this game received very good reviews from the critics but if you're like me and a fan of the original DAH! games for the sake of £1.19 who cares?! Sure it's a laugh!
a good gamble
The game doesn't look all that great anyway so I can't imagine it would look that bad on component cables.
Great price though