Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen embarks on a quest to redeem his brother's name. Become the terrifying force which everything fears but nothing can escape
I was meaning content, enrichment of story arc, or just rehash of main content etc
18 Apr 17#17
That explains why I already owned it :smile:
18 Apr 171#15
nice, thanks
18 Apr 171#14
argh.... considering DS1 already on games for gold, most probably this will appear there as well but for this price it's hard to resists. damn you hukd...
MrT2 to fr3dy77_sp33d
18 Apr 171#16
Was already in Games with Gold, second half of October 2014, so I can't imagine it will be repeated.
18 Apr 17#13
Outstanding game,amazing soundtrack aswell.Better to pay the extra for the remaster though if you have xbox1
18 Apr 172#12
I mean you won't exactly need to take out a second mortgage..
18 Apr 171#10
Apologies, I was being dim, should have clicked the info button #doh
18 Apr 171#9
Season pass gets you a set of armour and 2 extra questlines. Just bought it myself. Glad I waited. No extra achievements though
chezybezy to Ace.Hayward
18 Apr 17#11
Ah so not really worth it?
18 Apr 171#7
Great price.
18 Apr 173#6
a great game for less than a Ginsters Pasty! heat!
18 Apr 17#5
What do you get with the season pass?
johnwillowlfc to TylerDurdenUK
18 Apr 171#8
From above link 'Season Pass provides a discount on the Maker Armor Set (available now), The Abyssal Forge (available soon), and The Demon Lord Belial (available soon). Please note Season Pass does not include any content other than the three items listed above. If you own the Season Pass, all content should be accessed in-game AND NOT DOWNLOADED from Xbox LIVE Marketplace, or you will be charged twice.'
18 Apr 171#3
Bargain! Cheers op
johnwillowlfc to Ninbox4
18 Apr 171#4
Why not for £2.16 :smiley:
18 Apr 172#1
Xbox Live Gold membership price, us mere mortals have to pay £14.99
Opening post
Season Pass: