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Asus NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB DUAL OC White - £299.79 @ inc 2 Free game codes!
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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17 Apr 17
Spotted this while trawling for deals on some GTX 1080's, seems like a very decent price, and from a reputable brand also. Not sure what this exact model is like but it's the cheapest GTX 1070 I have seen in a good while, worth a punt if you are looking for a really good mid-range card.

Asus specifications and marketing page can be found HERE!

Purchased using one of the many fee free foreign currency cards, and making sure you pay in € at the checkout, it is currently €349 + €6.16 shipping which works at at just under £299.79 at the time of writing.

It seems like this just went OOS while posting, I'll leave the deal up and live as Amazon seem to be coming good on pre-ordering these sorts of things over the past few months.

Hope this helps some folks. :smiley:

EDIT: You can also claim the Ghost Recon: Wildlands game or For Honor, sorry for missing this.

EDIT 2: It would also appear that as of April 1st Asus an have offer where by you can claim a copy of Dawn of War III for FREE! :smile:
Only avilable to Pre-Order presently and is £35-40! so that's a cracking deal.
Link HERE! for all the details.
Latest comments (56)
4 May 17 #55
Quick update. Emailed Asus Europe who said gave me the email for Asus France who 'added my serial number to their server' and bingo. I have both games redeemed and a great card for £297 using Supercard. Cheers again OP.
Uncommon.Sense to foggy
4 May 17 #56
That's awesome news, and decent service from Asus who can be patchy sometimes. :smiley:
29 Apr 17 #54
No worries helping, that is what this site it supposed to be about. :smiley:
29 Apr 17 #53
Thanks again,sorry you have turned into support! I've already emailed Asus so will post result on here. Cheers
29 Apr 17 1 #52
I'd send an e-mail to [email protected] and copy in [email protected], and explain the problem you are having, including the serial numbers and the promo code, along with a pdf of the invoice showing the purchase date.

Hopefully Asus will be able to sort it out. :smiley:
29 Apr 17 #51
I'm having a problem redeeming the dawn of war 3 code too. Tried it on the UK link and it does not seem to do anything and tried the French one as well but that won't accept my serial number
29 Apr 17 #50
So you have the promo code, and the serial number, but only the serial number is wrong? Or did they not require a promo code for this redemption? I'd see if there is an e-mail address you can send a query to, maybe they can assist you.
29 Apr 17 #49
Thanks for the reply. Got all the way to redeem with Asus code and everything but it's telling me my Serial number is wrong - It isn't! I've tried all ways
29 Apr 17 #47
Ok so it's arrived. Tried and failed to redeem game offers, I'm just round and round in circles. For Warhammer does it cause any issues to be from UK but bought in France? - there are different links. Appreciate if anyone has had success if they could share. Ta very much
Uncommon.Sense to foggy
29 Apr 17 1 #48
Try this LINK for a code from France.Go down to the very bottom of the page, and press the big red Redeem Now graphic. Hope this helps. :smiley:
19 Apr 17 #46
Possibly, I dont know as I don't tend to follow it that much. However they showed the leaked slides from the show and they were comparing the performance aspects of it to a GTX 970 or a GTX 1060 in AMDs own slides. That's really not an encouraging sign.
18 Apr 17 #44
Its EUR 399,00 now
louloul to RufusG
18 Apr 17 #45
which is 399e mate?
18 Apr 17 #43
I didn't realise the Vega was so close to launching. Most of the websites I use (TechRadar etc) point to the end of June/Early July. I think i'll wait. Thanks OP.
18 Apr 17 #42
Well hang back for Vega then, can't be more than 6 weeks away for the launch - you might find people dumping 1080's if it proves to be something significantly well performing.
18 Apr 17 #41
The problem i've got is that the 1080 is around 40% higher performance in floating performance and texture rate over the 1070. I wish 1080 would drop to £350 so I could pick one up :disappointed:
18 Apr 17 #40
Well they are supposedly refreshing the GTX 1080's with faster DDR5X, or at least some AIB's are being allowed to do this, I don't know how much more they can drop to be honest the US MSRP is $499, and as per my link above you can get one from £419 presently, which is silly money compared to what they were pre-1080Ti. Vega won't make any difference until it is released, and even then I doubt they would drop the 1080 to less that £399 UK MSRP.
18 Apr 17 1 #39
It's extremely unlikely that the 500 series will share a pricepoint with the higher range 1070 cards. Also AMD leads the way with PricevsPerformance. Ryzen is incredibly good value for money for budget builds.

Back on topic - OP do you not think it worth waiting for 1080 cards now that the Ti is dropping and Vega is on the Horizon?
17 Apr 17 #31
AMD releasing 500 Series literally right now, hold off purchasing until they arrive, could force nvidia to drop
Uncommon.Sense to MazingerZ
17 Apr 17 2 #32
The 500 series cards are not going to be competing in this performance window, you might get very lucky with an RX 580 that clocks very high, and gives a none overclocked GTX 1070 a challenge in a few places, but 500's are a tweaking and re branding exercise.
Ev0lution to MazingerZ
18 Apr 17 #35
If it was Vega I would be waiting with interest but its not and looking at the specs recently on Linustechtips its really nothing at all to get excited about. The top model is effectively a rebrand of the 480.
pidgin to MazingerZ
18 Apr 17 #38
Ridicilously hot! AMD is dead as a price/perf company.

500 series will be a joke, AND price will be similar to this!
18 Apr 17 #37
Don't rely on LinusTechTips for key detail. Wait for Anandtech, etc. for a proper breakdown. I find LinusTechTips to have gone downhill this last 18 months. Don't know what they're doing, but they're severely lacking in proper analysis and breakdowns of performance in cards these days.
18 Apr 17 #36
On a personal level I tend to stick to MSI cards which have never (fingers crossed!) let me down in the last 7 generations of cards since I moved to the green team from team red when I bought a GTX 680 five years ago now.
17 Apr 17 #34
Last Palit card I had was the 8800GTS 640MB, but it lasted pretty much forever. :smiley:
17 Apr 17 #33
The 1070 Exoc by KFA2 apparently OCs to 2ghz but could just be a cherry picked bunch from the reviews I read. I had the Palit 1070 which I paid only £380 last year and it was incredibly quiet and fast, if you can get that card for cheap I'd recommend it
17 Apr 17 #30
Completely see where you are coming from, how ever the KFA/Galax cards are getting good reviews, and seem to be well liked. Not seem the MSI card that cheap recently, but there are places every day with prices fluctuating all of the time.
17 Apr 17 #29
Gotta be honest with you, KFA would not be my first choice of manufacturer if I was in the market for a GTX 1080. £15 more gets you the lowest end MSI card in the Armor Edition and that's bare minimum I'd be looking for. Just my personal choice and opinion I have to add.
17 Apr 17 #26
Personally I don't see the point in getting a GTX 1070 if you have designs on gaming at very high/ultra levels above 1080p and if you are doing that there are plenty of cards that are cheaper than this one.

As an aside I saw a stack of brand new MSI Armor Edition GTX 1080s for £440 BIN on a major IT retailer's ebay page the other day there.
Uncommon.Sense to Ev0lution
17 Apr 17 #28
GTX 1080 - HERE! for only £420 or less presently, in stock.
17 Apr 17 #25
Can't see it for 349 euro now. The cheapest is 399 euro.
Uncommon.Sense to imdurc
17 Apr 17 #27
Yeah, looks like it's gone for now, I wouldn't say it won't go back down, but sometimes prices are increased based on views and popularity. Keep an eye on it over the next few days if you really want one, you might get lucky. If I see any other bargains I'll post them also.
17 Apr 17 #23
the 1070 msi gaming x was on offer this morning for £347 as well but i missed out
Uncommon.Sense to aj1soad
17 Apr 17 1 #24
You can get the rather tasty Zotac 1070 HERE! for only £340.79, in stock with free P&P.

Specifications and marketing page is HERE!
17 Apr 17 #22
It's a manufacturers warranty, so you'd still have to send it to Asus in The Netherlands for RMA service, so no difference. :smiley:
17 Apr 17 #21
That's just perfect isn't it? By then it will cost us a fortune to send it back to France XD
17 Apr 17 #19
Can anyone see how long the warranty is?
Uncommon.Sense to GrantD
17 Apr 17 #20
States 2 years in the description.
17 Apr 17 #18
They actually took 3 months to deliver my i5 6600 so they do sometimes go over the predicted shipping date. Wasn't a fun wait admittedly especially when every other part was ready.
17 Apr 17 #17
17 Apr 17 #16
Has nothing happened with Direct X 12 still?
17 Apr 17 #14
Silly question but can I login to with my account?
Uncommon.Sense to GrantD
17 Apr 17 1 #15
Indeed you can, you can log in to any Amazon account with your one.
17 Apr 17 #13
Not too sure tbh, as my main use for this sort of powered card is applications where I use the GPGPU side of things. I only play older games, and not even on my most powerful cards ironically.
17 Apr 17 1 #12
gaming one one screen at average settings that is.
17 Apr 17 #11
mate do u think a 1070 is overkill for: 2 4k screens, mainly normal work office stuff, some medium setting games from 5 years ago?
17 Apr 17 #10
hmm the 1080 also good deal but want white for this build. may look at that for my x99 build
17 Apr 17 #9
sorry just cld not help myself
17 Apr 17 1 #8
oui oui et je vais acheter des oignons aussi
where is the madonna with the big boobies?
17 Apr 17 #6
ah TOP TIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW DOES ONE cancel an amazon fr order?
Uncommon.Sense to louloul
17 Apr 17 #7
Same way as you cancel a UK Amazon one, go into the orders on your account, and select cancel order, specifying the reason why. Easy to do in a browser that supports translation if your French is a bit rusty :wink:
17 Apr 17 #4
TY FOR reply.
basically a 60 quid time gamble them for me
Uncommon.Sense to louloul
17 Apr 17 #5
Heh, at least they only take the monies at the point of dispatch. So you can always cancel if comes up cheaper else where. :smiley:

Or if you don't want to wait you can get a GTX 1080 HERE! for only £420 presently, no game codes though.
17 Apr 17 1 #2
feccin terrible delivery date! what gives with that length of time?
Uncommon.Sense to louloul
17 Apr 17 #3
They are generally always pessimistic when it comes to OOS items, I've has things quoted in 2+ months delivered in less than a week. It's sets your expectations low, and when they deliver much sooner you are very impressed, and if it is on time, then you are not angry or upset. :smiley:
17 Apr 17 #1
Hot hot hot! I bought the MSI one only a few weeks ago, but definitely would have gone for this if I saw it!

Also worth noting the free game key can be sold afterwards for £25-35 if not needed on eBay or the like (with the necessary redemption disclaimers).
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