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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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16 Apr 17
Not everyone's cup of tea I know but for those who are actively searching for Turkey, this is a good price.

Full package holiday for £90 per person. Hotel 4.5/5 Trip advisor.


Mon 1 May 2017 15:20 21:25
Mon 15 May 2017 22:25 00:50

Stay at the Club Evin, Marmaris.
Top comments
16 Apr 17 18 #24
I'm currently in Turkey on an all inclusive deal that was great value, third year in a row. Just enjoying a glass of beer in the evening sunshine...keep voting this cold please so next years holiday is as cheap.
16 Apr 17 12 #5
As much as we love Turkey and go most years, if Erdogan wins his effective dictatorship vote today, there is no way we are going this year. I can't help but feel however which way the result goes, the unrest will increase in the country.

Such a shame. A secular country which is arguably one of, if not the, most liberal Islamic democracy in the Middle East is going to be essentially ruled by a sultan until 2029.
16 Apr 17 11 #10
So if there was a package holiday to Syria for £80, would that be a hotter deal?
16 Apr 17 9 #4
Cheap for a reason : "There will be a national referendum on 16 April 2017. Rallies and demonstrations, official and unofficial, may take place at short notice. You should stay well away from any demonstrations. " & offer is for :-
Mon 1 May 2017
Mon 15 May 2017
. Tunisia beach attack: British families to sue TUI
Latest comments (220)
26 Apr 17 #220
Be careful getting into your car, ya lil itch'
25 Apr 17 #219
scary as hell yet still people are voting this a hot deal! just booked Fuertaventura for a week 6th may £300 for the apartment and £70pp flights. sunshine here we come!
23 Apr 17 #218
It's a great price but with the currently political climate and social issue you are taking a very big risk with your own lives depending on where you are travelling to.
23 Apr 17 #217
that was my point
22 Apr 17 #216
You mean you boycott countries where the leader has never be chosen by the people or voted in by them?
21 Apr 17 #215
No thanks, don't want end up with lead or molotov treatment. Also I boycott dictatorship countries. I'll pass...
20 Apr 17 #214
It was that cheap for 6 people, not 4. I got it for £81 btw for all 6 of us. So even cheaper then suggested. Last time i checked it was £107pp for 6.
20 Apr 17 1 #213
Agreed Turkey is a sovereign nation and should get to decide it's own future via democratic means without interference from outside actors. Except, Turkey locks up more journalists than any other country, it represses demonstrations in public and on social media, controls access to international media via the internet. So whatever decision is reached is reached without a balanced discussion as access to non-government endorsed sources of information is missing.
As with most populist leaders, Erdogan relies on ill informed, poorly educated often poor voters and plans to keep them that way so he can stay in power. I love Turkey, have been many times, travelled of the tourist trail and spoken with many Turks about various issues, lovely people. But I'm afraid I wont be travelling again until at least the freedom of the press is restored.
19 Apr 17 #212
Is there a direct link to the this offer, I'm unable to find it. Thanks
19 Apr 17 1 #211
There are some interesting scientifically researched numbers from the States. While 38% of americans are very scared of death by terrorism, and also 38% scared of death by being shot, the stats show that actually US people have 3000 times the chance of being shot to death than by terrorism.

Risk and risk perception are usually massively far apart. The risk of being killed on a week's turkish holday is probably a hundred/thousand times less than the drive to the airport. Still, we get excellent value holidays due to those unable to assess risk.
19 Apr 17 #210
Great price, but not really a holiday when you can't feel completely relaxed about your surroundings and worried about leaving the hotel - even if I was offered this for free! For that reason, I'm out.
19 Apr 17 #209
Yes, and you'll almost certainly be fine. Nearly 100% certain in fact. But not 100%.

Fact is that whilst you're walking through Dalaman airport you're risk of death increases. Heck, when you're going through East Midlands Airport your risk of death is increased (though not by quite as much). When flying it is increased too.

It's all relative. The risk is small, but certainly bigger than if you sat in your living room watching TV. But who wants to do that?

The fact remains that traveling to/from and being in Turkey is statistically a higher risk. Some people will not take that increased risk. Some will.
18 Apr 17 #208
Most of the people commenting bad on this have probably never stepped out of their own city never mind the UK. These so called 'terror attacks' can happen anywere anytime. I've just come back from 10 days all inclusive in Marmaris and believe me keep slagging turkey off..I'm more than happy to return for the price. Best holiday ever
18 Apr 17 1 #207
Don't go :smiley: and while you're at it, don't cross point "risking your life"...
18 Apr 17 #206
Well the positive voters & those who have taken up the offer clearly beg to differ.... :smirk:
18 Apr 17 #205
Possibly a lucky escape. We will see in time.
18 Apr 17 #204
Probably snapped up within minutes.
18 Apr 17 #203
I have asked this same question before as well. I can't see the above mentioned price. The best in see now is £172pp (2 adults & 2 young Kids). Am I doing something wrong? PS I started looking with in a couple of hours of this deal getting published and never saw the above price.
18 Apr 17 #202
18 Apr 17 #201
any free paxo with this ?
18 Apr 17 2 #200
All you plonkers commenting about an "unstable country".
It's like someone from the USA deciding not to have 2 weeks in Cornwall because of terror threats in London.

You will be in zero danger.

In fact, that's exaggerated, as Turkey is even bigger than UK.
17 Apr 17 #199
The resorts may be struggling but tourism still goes on in Turkey. Istanbul, Cappadocia etc still flourishing.

Despite the insular thinking on here, there are hundreds of other countries apart from the UK that have tourists that will continue holidaying in Turkey....
17 Apr 17 #198
Not as gullible as someone who fails to spot sarcasm and still continues to take it seriously. :smile:

I never once mentioned terrorism either, but do carry on.
17 Apr 17 1 #197
You're a gullible fool if you think it's more dangerous to spend a holiday in Turkey than, say, in France or Germany.

Anyway, this thread is specifically for those interested in visiting Turkey. If you're not then get out of here.
17 Apr 17 #196
3000 killed in the attempted coup in Marmaris? Is that another figure you just made up, just like your assertion that 'Spain is much safer than Turkey'? I'm sure you prefer Benidorm to Turkish holiday resorts, but let's try to keep comments factual eh.
17 Apr 17 #195
All those interviews must have been fake then, the bullet holes staged. The CCTV footage of soldiers going into the hotel must be staged, which you can watch now online. I travel the world, never go to mainland Spain, but it's a lot safer than Turkey which is why you cannot get an all inclusive in Spain flights included for 90 quid a time.
Here's one account, obviously made up
The 3000 people detained and 250 killed were planted.
And your pals in Marmaris knew nothing about this?!
17 Apr 17 #194
need some chainmail for the beach
17 Apr 17 #193
In October we stayed at the Ideal Prime Beach hotel in Marmaris, which is about 100 meters away from where the reported trouble was, not long before we went. Except virtually no one actually out there knew anything about it, and we did ask. Our press may have had a field day but how much of what they reported was real and how much was speculation is anybody's guess. This was our 7th holiday in Turkey (4th time in Marmaris) so we do know several people in resort who we look forward to seeing each time we go (Including the very friendly staff at Club Evin, which is where this thread started after all) Turkey is a wonderful place for a holiday, the people are more welcoming than anywhere else we have ever been. By all means please feel free to go to Spain if you believe it's safer (Basque separatist's playground) and leave Turkey to those who appreciate it.
17 Apr 17 #192
So you've booked this wonderful deal have you Mr Hypocrisy?
17 Apr 17 #191
Turkey's great imv. We usually manage a 10 day 5 star all inc stay around christmas for under 200 quid. Like everywhere, there's a risk of getting blown up, but no more in Turkey than say France, and probably less chance than London. The gov advice is 'generally safe, but a threat of terrorism', exactly the same advice for France. Probably more dangerous driving to the airport than a week in a Turkish hotel in the usual tourist areas. Take advantage of the cheap prices caused by irrational fear by the average bod, but really we should be supporting Turkey by visiting since they are the buffer between more extreme countries an the west.
17 Apr 17 #190
The whole thing was a staged act!
17 Apr 17 1 #189
been all over europe
and you cant beat turkey for quality,service, price and sun!
17 Apr 17 2 #188
Marmaris was where there was an attempted military coup only a year ago. English families were left traumatised as soldiers rampages through their hotel, and they had to lay on the floor for 5 hours until the coast was clear as bullets had come through their window, flown across the room and embedded in the bathroom mirror. I don't know where you are from in the UK, but it must be a dangerous place.
17 Apr 17 1 #187
Was put off by the media hype but after boring holidays in Spain and Portugal (more like being in the UK with all the English demanding fish and chips - Turkey was great, the food, the people the culture well maybe no the taxi drivers but they are all smelly con artists the world over.
17 Apr 17 #186
We were last in Marmaris in October of last year and consider it safer than our local town! We stayed at club evin 4 years ago and it was in the top 5% of hotels in Marmaris at the time and is consistently very high on trip advisor, for good reason. If I could get the time off I wouldn't hesitate to go, send my best regards to Isabelle!
You lucky, lucky devils!
17 Apr 17 #185
Just caught up with this thread , jeso some political discussions on here ; love Hukd !
17 Apr 17 #184
Like I said, whataboutery and strawmanning.

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.
17 Apr 17 1 #183


the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
17 Apr 17 1 #182
the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.
17 Apr 17 1 #181
Is that the same freedom from persecution Blair afforded to the people of Iraq before his illegal and brutal invasion?

Or was it the same freedoms David Cameron afforded to Libya prior to waging war on what was a peaceful and ISIS free nation?

Sit comfortably we do in our country but let's not pretend we're the good guys in all of this mess. We have played our part in causing chaos across the region and continue to do so with our constant meddling in other nations affairs. Now here we are yet again telling Turkey what to do.

It's why we left the EU I guess, because they wouldn't listen to us either.
17 Apr 17 #180

You ever hear the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"?

This whataboutery and constant strawmanning being employed is risible really. The ironic thing is had you been in Turkey posting this on HTKD about Erdogan instead of May/Farron/Blair or anyone else you care to mention, you would likely be arrested and prosecuted for criticism of the leader and banged up, perhaps never heard from again.

It's why so many now are happy to live in a country which affords them free speech and relative freedom from persecution to exercise that right, yet never emigrate to those countries which will outright refuse to allow the freedom they enjoy here.
17 Apr 17 1 #179
How is going to a country with the worst human rights records this side of North Korea a good deal?
You are literally risking your life going to Turkey, and supporting a corrupt and evil regime. But its ok if you save a few quid off your all inclusive right!
17 Apr 17 #178
The irony of if this was your last post.
17 Apr 17 #177
yeah but how much to get back now though!
17 Apr 17 #176
It is an amazing deal. Heat.
17 Apr 17 1 #175
Who on his right mind will go to Turkey with all this crazy s**t going on?!
They should be paying you to go!
17 Apr 17 2 #174
This is HDUK, not a politics forum.

Comment on the deals merits...i.e. It is an amazing deal. Heat.
17 Apr 17 1 #173
That's a very sensible post. Without some of the vitriolic undertones of other posters
17 Apr 17 #172
Yes,the quality is surprisingly good.
17 Apr 17 3 #171
Funny how we can illegally bomb, invade and occupy other nations but have the absolute cheek to label others dictators.

That's our fake democracy for you I guess. Vote your blue, red or yellow, the elite will still have their way with us.
17 Apr 17 3 #170
Blair prosecution opposed by attorney general, says paper

From war criminals to Pedophiles they always get away with it. But let's all criticise Erdogan, the man who is housing over 3 million refugees from a war that HIS country didn't start.
17 Apr 17 #169
And astonishing crass ignorance.
17 Apr 17 #168
Maybe I could of worded it better. I don't expect any attempted coup to take place anytime soon but these new proposed amendments won't start until 2019. As far as i'm aware the military are responsible for protecting Attaturks policys and have sworn to do so. If come the date of these changes they go ahead there is a strong chance the military could decide to intervene. The part of Turkey i'm going to is 500 miles from Istanbul, closer to Cyprus/Greece. If things did show signs of going downhill rapidly in the future then of course i'd be inclined to stay away but at the moment i do not believe that there is any danger.
17 Apr 17 #167
Germany isn't currently under a State of Emergency like Turkey is. I'd definitely feel less safe in Turkey than Germany. Problem with Turkey is, it could go off at any time, and you could find yourself in a horrendous situation. I have kids so would not risk taking them there to save a few quid on a holiday.[/quote]Each to their own I suppose. I booked to go to Turkey despite there being many cheaper options available at the time so cost wasn't a factor. The state of emergency sounds worse than what it actually entails. Most Turks haven't noticed any change to their everyday lives. If i genuinely thought my kids were at risk there's no way i'd take them anywhere near the place.[/quote]

But you have said you expect a military coup (you could well be correct)- if that happens a civil war could immediately break out and you'd be potentially trapped in the middle of it. Your expectations are not consistent with your view that 'if i genuinely thought my kids were at risk'. Surely you would see they are potentially at risk going somewhere were you say you expect a military coup and the immediate destabilisation that would entail? Anyway, have a good time and fingers crossed all will be well with you. Cheers.
17 Apr 17 #166
The thing is that the general consensus between people that actively seek out the 'real' news (forget mainstream media - they obfuscate, manipulate, distort, misrepresent and lie all the time) is that the "coup" last year was staged and organised by Erdogan himself in order to arrest, imprison, 'disappear' all those that oppose him in the military, courts, media, political parties etc.

It has happened many times in history in order to curtail freedom, obtain a grip like hold of a country and its people and to justify draconian laws, restrictions, wars etc.

Turkey will go downhill fast now from a western perspective. Been there once, didn't like it.
17 Apr 17 1 #165
[/quote]Germany isn't currently under a State of Emergency like Turkey is. I'd definitely feel less safe in Turkey than Germany. Problem with Turkey is, it could go off at any time, and you could find yourself in a horrendous situation. I have kids so would not risk taking them there to save a few quid on a holiday.[/quote]
Each to their own I suppose. I booked to go to Turkey despite there being many cheaper options available at the time so cost wasn't a factor. The state of emergency sounds worse than what it actually entails. Most Turks haven't noticed any change to their everyday lives. If i genuinely thought my kids were at risk there's no way i'd take them anywhere near the place.
17 Apr 17 #164
What is it in Germany that you feel unsafe about? Anything in particular?

Lets hope you have a great time on your holiday and you get back safely, but given you've said you half expect another military coup to take place, it does kind of invalidate your view point about being safe there but not in Germany since you are admitting its a powder keg ready to blow.
17 Apr 17 #163
Yes- you will also get a good deal in Egypt. Some friends of ours there now, very quiet by the pools (understatement). If you can get there, I suspect Tunisia is also going cheaply.
17 Apr 17 #162
Which cities around the world are the PKK targeting and countries just become a dictatorship by a power hungry man who wants sharia law reintroduced?

OK, lets cut to the chase. You bring the attacks to London and Paris into the argument. Can you post a deal where you can stay Fully all inclusive without even needing to include flights for two weeks (which would surely be at least the full price of this holiday) to boost your beliefs on this? Why not?

They are giving you a free holiday just to get you there effectively. Can you explain why they don't need to do that to get tourists to London or Paris if you really believe what you've just said?

I don't need to stay in my home and not sure why you target the BBC since ALL media are reporting their same concerns. And your response is "move along, nothing here to see". A military coup is not a great thing to happen, but this frankly is far worse.

Out of interest, can anyone find an AI deal for 14 nights including flights to anywhere else in the world? I'm just curious why its only Turkey such a deal exists! And I suspect there will be even more Turkish deals coming up as people cancel and no one books. Not even the Germans would dare get their beach towel down first!
17 Apr 17 1 #161
Germany isn't currently under a State of Emergency like Turkey is. I'd definitely feel less safe in Turkey than Germany. Problem with Turkey is, it could go off at any time, and you could find yourself in a horrendous situation. I have kids so would not risk taking them there to save a few quid on a holiday.
17 Apr 17 1 #160
This is EXACTLY like the EU though - unelected bureaucrats that dictate to 28 countries what they can and can't do, they cannot be removed by the people, they appoint jobs to, and surround themselves with, cronies and they instigate the overthrow and replacement of national governments/prime ministers/presidents that they don't like or that don't do what the Eu wants.
17 Apr 17 2 #159
I'm off to Turkey in 2 months for a fortnights holiday. As usual the media have blown everything out of proportion. Nothing will change in the short term, the "new laws" won't be brought in until 2019 if at all. Wouldn't be surprised if there's another attempted coup before that time. Turkish people and the Kurds are some of the nicest friendliest people i've met in all my travels over the years. If things go south they will not take it lying down. I can understand though why people would be apprehensive about going to Turkey but I feel safer there than I would do in Germany.
17 Apr 17 #158
You obviously missed the news last year when people in Marmaris were laying on their hotel floor as bullets came in the window when the army rebels were trying to find Ergodan- who was in the tourist resort.
17 Apr 17 #157
Thank you, from all of us.

I nearly bought this deal but then, you stepped in my way. And I am so thankful you did.

Some heroes don't wear capes and you sir, have no cape.

Thank you, from all of us.
17 Apr 17 #156
Chinese, Russian and Turkish governments are giving all their citizens advice to avoid all non essential travel to London over safety/security fears.... can you imagine :laughing:
17 Apr 17 1 #155
As long as I can still board a plane I'll continue to visit Turkey every year, it's a beautiful country and the people are great. I honestly feel more at risk going to London and I won't stop going there either :smiley:
17 Apr 17 #154
I'm surprised we got this far before the irony of that retort was lost on someone.
17 Apr 17 #153
I'm enjoying the red out here...the white was awful.
17 Apr 17 #152
Idiotic comparison. Syria is in active war, Turkey is not.
The tourist spots in Turkey are just as safe to travel to as any other destination in Europe. Simple as that.
17 Apr 17 #151
Yep price over safety
17 Apr 17 #150
There is a very good reason why this is cheap but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good deal. I've been to Turkey many times in the past but I would never go there with my family now. Not voted either way.
17 Apr 17 2 #149
Is the cost of the funeral included?
17 Apr 17 #148
You're talking out of your rectum
.As are every single one of what the yanks call SJW's.
What WAS a secular country is now underhand fall guy for isis and directing millions of their fellow religionists into Europe (many of the gangs are TURKS)
Erdogan is a bigger risk to world peace than Trump vernon-bennett has it in one. Always wanted to go to Turkey to visit ancient Byzantine sites
The more I checked the less I liked.What few churches Synagogues and temples left ("Turkey" is just the eastern Roman CHRISITIAN Empire until conquered and centuries of forced islamification). Fabulous churches turned into mosques or left to ruins - what few left now surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards. THAT is face of Turkey the corrupt media won't report
17 Apr 17 3 #147
Read the British media and BBC news and stay locked up in your homes because if you believe the British reports of what is actually happening in turkey that's the best place for you.
Turkey is as safe as being in your own country. With Isis targeting all major cities around the world why allow them to make you stay locked up in your own homes.
If your time is up it's up be it in your home town or away in a beautiful country enjoying your life
17 Apr 17 #146
Strip the problems and violence associated with Sharia i.e. Koran and how much violence is there?


Islamic Terror attacks
17 Apr 17 #145
I don't care about the Erdogan situation. How is the YPG situation in Turkey? There were couple of bombs which blew up recently in Istanbul in tourist places.
17 Apr 17 #144
OK enough is enough, this is a deal thread for a holiday package. Keep on topic, anything else can go to misc and start a thread there.
17 Apr 17 #143
You better avoid the US too mate... :laughing:
17 Apr 17 #142
Paris is more expensive. I love Paris. I was joking that turkey is a bit dangerous at the moment (as is Aleppo) you silly person.
17 Apr 17 #140
​DPRK - Their country, their rules. After all, that's how dictatorship works.
17 Apr 17 #139
I had to check the URL as wasnt too sure if that was the gov site or tripadvisor. Either way it put me off!
17 Apr 17 #138
​If wanting Sharia law is not a radical belief (your previous post) then hypothesising on its impact here would be quite normal, wouldn't it?
17 Apr 17 #137
Maybe I should have pointed out that it was sarcasm.

Most people would say that Shariah law has no place in 2017 and is indeed radical. If you don't think it's radical to favour men and subjugate women, then that's up to you. You only have to look at the places where Shariah is practiced to quickly conclude that none of these countries are a bastion of peace and equality. That's not the fault of the people, but the beliefs imposed upon them by theocratic men craving power and who will do anything to retain that power, all under the guise of religion.
17 Apr 17 1 #136
Their country their rules. Afterall thats how democracy works.

As you not going there next, well thanks that will help in keeping prices low for those interested. About time Blackpool gets a tourism revival.

For me its a good deal and thanks OP.
17 Apr 17 2 #135
I'm surprised half the posters in here even leave their homes. I bet most would still venture across the Atlantic to the US despite its awful gun crime statistics

There have been over 100 mass shootings in the US in 2017 alone and it's only April.

Over 1000 children and teenagers shot and killed/injured in just 2017.

As for women's rights... over 50 women a month are killed in the US by ex partners. Let's not even bother discussing domestic violence and abuse as the stats are horrid.

But Trump will sort all of this folks never you mind... he's going to start by bombing Syria and Afghanistan some more... errr
17 Apr 17 2 #134
I'm Turkish. I don't like erdoğan at all but the media here makes things 100 times worse.
17 Apr 17 #133
Who said anything about bringing sharia law to the UK?
17 Apr 17 #132
Why would you want to go there? Ohh if you are making comparisons with Turkey, then Paris is closer to all of uk than Aleppo is to Turkish holiday resorts.
17 Apr 17 #131
Is Turkish wine any good?
17 Apr 17 #130
Have I missed something? People shot on beach in Turkey??
17 Apr 17 #129
Absolutely. We should reinstate the death penalty and stone women to death in the UK for sex before marriage. I mean, have you seen Newcastle city centre at the weekend? Harridans the lot of them.
17 Apr 17 #128
Yes Turkey is a Muslim country and I suspect is much of the reason sone are coming in this thread to defend its position and now openly showing the reason why.

Since you bring your fear of visiting london, Germany, France and Belgium into the fray, presumably because of Muslim terrorist attacks that have taken place. I guess there is a common denominator here.

But in these countries you are fearful of visiting, have any of them had a recent military coup? Have any of its leaders arrested and tortured people who have spoken out against its government in their thousands? Have any said they want the death penalty returned? Or want Sharia Law? Any have warring factions like the PKK who clearly are a desciminated against minority who are using terrorist tactics in retaliation. Any just became a dictatorship? Of course you can let me know which country this applies too or change tactics and play at being a victim.

This "offer" is at a rediculously cheap price for a very good reason. Or do you think the above has nothing to do with its pricing?

Voted cold. All lives mattter.
17 Apr 17 2 #127
Oh but it is Redarmy85. Remember if you don't agree with British or American values you are extreme and a threat to world peace and security :laughing: .

The same logic is applied to Russia, China and even the European Union, hence Brexit :laughing:
17 Apr 17 #126
Wanting a sharia state is not a radical belief.
17 Apr 17 1 #125
I wouldn't dare visit Germany, France, Belgium or London either as the risk of a terror attack is incredibly high.... errr actually wait I'm confused now.

I will visit them countries but not Turkey I think. Why is that you ask? Errr I think I don't like Muslims but I'm all for equality and that :laughing::laughing::laughing:
17 Apr 17 #124
DIY 2nd?
17 Apr 17 #123
Flack jackets essential. Weight it up. Cheap holiday. Few extra quid in your pocket and run the risk of been shot on a beach??
17 Apr 17 3 #122
There's lies, damned lies and statistics and when you find that forum you speak of, please do post a link.

Look, I get the point you're tying to make. A single terrorist incident is not something I'd let worry me too much about. However, inside Turkey there are warring factions and that is potentially about to escalate or do you think the PKK are going to bow and hail the new Turkish god in name?

What's happened is a C Change. Sharia law is returning to Turkey and if you want to continue to to go to Turkey then you're fine to do so and no one telling you that you can't. However don't try to suggest anyone concerned for the safety of their wife and children that there's nothing to be worried about.
17 Apr 17 #121
I wonder how much it is to go to Aleppo. I love a bargain.
17 Apr 17 1 #120
What absolute nonsense. You could of course go to France or Germany. Oh no, they've had terrorist attacks too. Oooh then there's the fact that you don't need a passport in Europe, so of course anyone can move from France,Germany or anywhere else to Spain, Portugal etc without the authorities knowing.
I've got a good idea, why don't you give hols a miss altogether!
17 Apr 17 #119
I wonder what Tunisia has to do with this deal???
17 Apr 17 #118

FTR, voted hot.
Great deal, wouldn't go myself because of 2 kids.
17 Apr 17 #117
Wow only £90 to be potentially blown up, bargain
17 Apr 17 #116
Freezing cold - don't care how cheap it is.
17 Apr 17 #115
:wink: smart
17 Apr 17 3 #114
If it annoys you if anyone brings their own opinion into a thread, have you just annoyed yourself? :confused:
17 Apr 17 #113
Quite the opposite they are thinking of how they can risk their lives and every dinar they have to get to the UK.
17 Apr 17 1 #112
I've been to three in the top five, Mexico, Guatemala and Syria and never had a problem in any of them. To be fair Syria has changed a bit since I was there.
17 Apr 17 #111
Golly wood you believe it.

I think it's fair to say there's a fair few radicals here too.
17 Apr 17 1 #110
You miss the point entirely. Electing to go somewhere on holiday, at its most basic level, is choosing one destination over another. So why choose a higher risk destination? Its not as if the general population can choose a safer mode of day-to-day transport that offers exactly the same benefits as a car.

Using your graph, and the logical conclusion of your argument, one could also say, "Armed conflict is several multiples less likely to kill you than cigarettes and alcohol, so stop whining and go on holiday to Syria - the statistics say you'll be fine"
17 Apr 17 4 #109
Cowards? Let's put it like this - if you and your family were in a war torn county, your life and children's at risk every day, would you look for a better life and safety? If you say no, you are lying. And the comment on those same people being clothed, fed, housed etc...the same could be said about the lazy people who claim benefits and have 20 kids to avoid getting a job, all the while I have worked since 16 paying taxes and had to work hard getting my house, paying childcare so I can's not just refugees that 'get an easy ride' as you are so implying.

This post is about a holiday to Turkey for £90. Nothing to do with Syrian refugees, Iraq or British servicemen. It annoys me when people start bringing their own views on cultures, religions and refugees. Stick to the subject matter. Don't like a holiday, vote cold and say you don't like it.
17 Apr 17 1 #108
Times, they are a changing. That beer you spoke about in another post probably won't be served soon. But look on the bright side. When you turn a country back to 5th century life styles, the prices might reduce to those levels too.

No doubt it won't just be Syrians escaping to Greece soon.
17 Apr 17 #107
So if I offered you a FREE trip to Iraq would you go? :laughing:
17 Apr 17 1 #106
I was in Benidorm once when eta blew a hotel up , was worried for a day then carried on as normal

Can happen anywhere

Good luck with taking your family here ,anything happens you will live a life of regret

good luck
17 Apr 17 #105
We should boycott this country, it has a madman in charge who is returning it to a medieval Islamic dictatorship.
How long before women have to wear burkas on the beach and you cannot buy a beer ?
The free world must stand against such evil.
17 Apr 17 2 #104
could someone please translate this into English.
17 Apr 17 #103
Turkey no thank you
17 Apr 17 3 #102
Quite agree...... thousands will go there and be safe every year, but I don't intend to risk my family when our holiday might be the one to be caught up in a terrorist incident.

I have travelled around much of the world in the past..... Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and so on, but that was a long time ago, and I would think twice before taking my family to those places now.
Far better to go to safer countries near Turkey like Romania and Bulgaria....... and for those smart people who think of mafia crimes, it does not affect the ordinary citizen, as the mafia ensure their sources of revenue are safe, so holiday resorts are fine.
17 Apr 17 2 #101
On the subject of Syria.......
Many would say that we should try and go to Turkey on holiday to support their economy and stop so many wanting to leave and come to the West, so apply that to Syria for a moment theoretically only of course....
I have seen many Syrian refugees here, and the men are all fit and able-bodied, no signs of war wounds or anything - compare that to what you see on 11th November every year here, when we all should stop and remember those who did not run away and seek asylum or refuge in another country, but fought for this one.......... look at the war wounds of those old soldiers who are left, and ask yourself...... did they risk their lives so that cowards could come here and seek sanctuary, in the process being housed, clothed and fed to very often a higher standard than the descendants of those brave men and women who risked their lives for this country ?
Just saying, it's a funny old world.
17 Apr 17 1 #100
Which I have already said is fine and I've not once told anyone not to go, but do carry on with your sanctimony. 'We' means my family if it helps clear things up.
17 Apr 17 #99
Bargin! Bagged me one of those. Have some heat.
17 Apr 17 #98
I thought it was $20, about £13
17 Apr 17 1 #97
Great deal what else could we give the terrorist harbouring, free speech hating tyrant of a leader? I'll pass until my Kevlar trunks come via 2nd class post!
17 Apr 17 #96
in terms of personal choice ​not "we can" it's "I can," maybe let others decide what "they" want for "they're" holiday.
17 Apr 17 4 #95
You're astronomically more at risk travelling in a car on UK roads; do you avoid driving with your family in the car? Do you avoid going to London or any other major UK or European city?

The level of absurd ignorance and scaremongering on this website (and in this country, or apparently in the west in general) is truly unbelievable.

I strongly suggest that you -- and all the others who think that visiting Turkey (or anywhere else further east than Scarborough) involves wearing body armour and being handed a semi-automatic weapon as soon as you get off the plane -- read the following article which just *might* put things in perspective:

Here's another graph showing global deaths from terrorism compared to other causes of death:

I do sometimes wonder if there's a forum full of people in the middle east somewhere discussing how they wouldn't possibly risk visiting Blackpool for a holiday because "there was an attack in London just last month and I've heard bad things about that Repulic of Ireland and Nigel Farage!"
17 Apr 17 4 #94
So many hypocrites here, who says we are safe in this country, it's not even safe to go out after 9 pm either get mugged or battered by some youths
17 Apr 17 7 #93
i see what you mean. the woman look absolutely petrified!!/image/3290761303.jpg_gen/derivatives/fullscreen_1406xAuto/3290761303.jpg
17 Apr 17 #92
17 Apr 17 #91
50 women a month are murdered by their ex partners in the great US... :smirk:
17 Apr 17 2 #90
There have been over 100 mass shootings in the US in 2017 already and it's only April.

Over 1000 children and teenagers have been shot dead or injured.

As we speak another mass shooting is unfolding in Cleveland, America. Anyone fancy a US road trip? :laughing:
17 Apr 17 #89
Yeah goodnight. Your usual shoehorning of Brexit into a thread has got me yawning too.
17 Apr 17 1 #88
DPRK has hundreds of thousands of Chinese tourists and ~50k western tourists/year - I've been but wouldn't go at the moment. Things will settle again once China stamp their feet and Kim Jong un complies. Once trump's ships are gone I'd feel far safer going to Pyongyang than turkey. In a year's time it should be far more predictable, but right now I personally wouldn't take my family there.
17 Apr 17 1 #87
Absolutely. I would travel there alone and take the relatively minor risk of trouble myself, but wouldn't under the circumstances with wife and kids.
17 Apr 17 #86
​See my reply.

Also, given the massive increase in tensions, and DPRK's previous history of taking foreign prisoners/hostages, and China's increasingly tough stance, and Air China cessation of direct flights, I'd suggest your comments are pretty redundant.
17 Apr 17 2 #85
​I was poking fun at you saying Mexico was in South America, not its crime rate.
17 Apr 17 1 #84
To be fair Pyongyang in DPRK/North Korea has plenty of crime but very little affecting tourists as they are only allowed on guided tours and relegated to the Yanggakdo hotel which is on its own island (only 200 metres from the city). You are bussed around the country and pay for everything in euros or usd. You don't get to touch the local currency at all unless you bribe your guides to give you some at hugely inflated prices. But the point is that it's a very safe place to go once Trump moves his warships away - which he will soon as he doesn't want a fight with China.
17 Apr 17 1 #83
The UK consulting firm Maplecroft compiled a Crime Rate Index for calendar year 2016, and Mexico is ranked the third most dangerous country in the world.

Cancun anyone? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
17 Apr 17 #82
You'd be crazy to go there now after they voted to get rid of democracy and have a dictatorship for 20+ years. Is likely to be very unstable in coming months. There's good reason for all the scanners outside every public venue in Istanbul.
17 Apr 17 2 #81
Given Turkey's political instability and increased number of terrorist attacks, I wouldn't take my family on holiday there.

95% of people go there not for the culture, but for the resorts, weather and affordability - things that are readily available in less volatile regions.

Not worth the risk.
17 Apr 17 #80
​Antarctica has the lowest crime rate of any continent..

Trip to Pyongyang anyone?
16 Apr 17 1 #79
Turkey was empire ruled half of the world before Ataturk, I am sure he is turning in his grave for what he did.
there was a coup in Turkey few months ago, the new system will limit the power of the army and stabilise the country.
16 Apr 17 1 #78
And sexually molested by airport staff, even if you are a child!
16 Apr 17 #77
South America has 9% of the world population but accounts for 30% of all the worlds murders...

Trip to Mexico anyone? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
16 Apr 17 1 #76
Essentially what I extrapolate from this thread is that some people that voted Brexit (Mr Farage)& supported Mr Trump in the US elections, think some Turks should not vote how they please in their referendum...

Goodnight & God bless...
16 Apr 17 #75
You have more chances of getting shot in the US than in Turkey... :laughing::laughing::laughing:
16 Apr 17 1 #74
Great price - Our family go to different parts of Turkey every year and have done so for 16 years - Beautiful country .
Westminister is just down the road from us - Oh yes people forget whats just happened there and we wont talk about our Security services have prevented 13 potential terror attacks since June 2013, the UK's most senior counter-terrorism police officer has revealed
The referendum 16 April 2017 has just happened - no troubles so stop scaremongering TROLLS
16 Apr 17 1 #73
​Its $20 actually
16 Apr 17 2 #72
You lot are crazy. London just got attacked. More of a chance of getting gang raped.
16 Apr 17 3 #71
I'm taking my wife and kids to Turkey this summer - I feel safer there than I do in certain parts of the UK.
16 Apr 17 #70
That will not affect holiday destinations. All the demonstrations will be in big cities. Besides by 1st mat etc it'll be over. Turkey is still very safe!
16 Apr 17 1 #69
​how many attacks have there been in marmaris?
16 Apr 17 1 #68
No the only ridiculous comment was yours, everyone is free to decide thier own level of risk!
16 Apr 17 #67
​Why please explain? My view is... it's NOT a safe place to go and if you think that is a 'ridiculous comment' then I can't wait for your justification and reasoning that it is safe place, instead of just a stupid unexplained comment. There is no way I would risk my 3 kids and Mrs getting hurt for any amount of money I could save!
16 Apr 17 #66
Agreed! We go most years too. Im gutted!
16 Apr 17 2 #65
Erdogan supporters say replacing the parliamentary system with an executive presidency will modernise the country. . . . . . . . . . . Turkey have just voted for a dictatorship and the guy they put in charge want's a sharia state. Over 50% of the people that voted are radicals i.e. they have a radical belief in this case wanting a Shari state. Or in other words the majority of Turkish Muslims are radicals.
16 Apr 17 #64
Unbelievable cheap. Nowadays, terrorist attacks are unpredictable both in western capitals and tourist hotspots but I wouldn't go to Turkey right now given the referendum and the likelihood of political instability following...and to put that into perspective, I'm flying to Egypt in a few days time.
16 Apr 17 3 #63
The best safety tip I was given if your a worried tourist going to a country like Turkey is " Look left look right before crossing the road" you have more chance of getting killed that way. Bargain of a holiday I would jump on it if it wasn't for the fact we're going away in June. HOT HOT HOT. Have some heat.
16 Apr 17 #62
way to go!
16 Apr 17 2 #61
You are missing the point. It's assumed risk and some risks are worth taking for some, others less so. Many of us go on holiday with our partners and children, so not just a pool and a cold beer to think about.
16 Apr 17 4 #60
Tomorrow I'll post a photo from my all inclusive hotel by the pool in the sunshine with a cold beer showing how scared everyone is...if I survive that long.
16 Apr 17 #59
This is current advice from MI5
16 Apr 17 1 #58
Plenty of other nice places to go in the world why bother with a volatile country just to save a few quid when this could be the last few quid you ever save.
16 Apr 17 1 #57
Turkey is getting stuffed
16 Apr 17 #56
and where was Erdogan when it all kicked off last year? in Marmaris and they went there to try and kill him but he was on his way back on his private jet
16 Apr 17 #55
£20 for a visa to get into Turkey though. Anyone know if there is a discount voucher code or Quidco?
16 Apr 17 #54
how about if it was for 50 quid? I'd definately go then...
16 Apr 17 #53
Congrats on today's ridiculous comment ,
16 Apr 17 #52
Are we advising against cheap travel to a country run by a nutter who no-one really wants in charge?
Because that's gonna rule out a lot of countries....
16 Apr 17 1 #51
Oh no...the Misc posse are here...time to quit!
16 Apr 17 #50
it's cheap for a reason. Just as Tunisia holidays were cheap prior to the beach attack. Dying isn't much of a bargain in my view.
16 Apr 17 #49
oh please do...
16 Apr 17 #48
Showing me £223pp. Am I missing something?
16 Apr 17 1 #47
Very well said.
16 Apr 17 2 #46
Tourism will be the main target for terrorism as it will have most global impact.
16 Apr 17 #45
Except when the vote is rigged?.
16 Apr 17 1 #44
There is a reason Turkey is cheap...but I won't spoil your holiday.
16 Apr 17 1 #43
I ain't going first!
16 Apr 17 #42
Totally agree with you two weeks seems a bit too much. Would have gone for it if it was a week or less
16 Apr 17 1 #41
Super-cheap, and I'm kinda tempted, but considering today's referendum and the inevitable civil war, I think I'll pass.

Could make for a really exciting holiday though, if you're feeling adventurous!
16 Apr 17 1 #40
We are about 1hr from Izmir and it's business as usual...there are English, Germans, Danish, French and even a few Iranians thrown in for good measure. It's a resort and tourism is one of their biggest industries...I've always felt safe here but each to their own.
16 Apr 17 #39
That's what them tourists were doing in Tunisia!
16 Apr 17 1 #38
I'd have booked but 2 weeks is way too long before I get homesick & miss home cooking & TV
16 Apr 17 4 #37
Just booked it. I'll message back if we survive. Aheeheee
16 Apr 17 2 #36
I don't have kids, I'm going alone and I'm not going just because it's cheap :smile:
16 Apr 17 2 #35
Your choice, personnally i wouldn't risk my family/children's lives just for the sake of saving a few hundred pounds.

Hope it goes well for you and you all come back safe and in one piece
16 Apr 17 2 #34
You worry if you want to, I'll be in Icmeler in less than a week having an Efes in the sun without a care in the world :wink:
16 Apr 17 3 #33
:smile: so much fearmongering in here
16 Apr 17 6 #25
How dare the Turkish people have a vote & decide what they want.

So hypocritical of the West.

When it comes to our votes (whether it is Uk, USA, France or any other EU nation) we want
the people to vote more 'right wing' because 'PC has gone mad' & its time to fight back...reclaim your land...make Britain/USA etc great again...blah blah blah

...yet we demand/insist Turkey vote completely opposite!!

Its their country. Their politics. They aren't entering the EU anytime soon, stop peeing/pooping your pants & leave them be.
vernon_bennett to Gollywood
16 Apr 17 1 #32
Nice strawman to suit your own argument.

I believe in democracy, so the Turks can vote however way they want, just the same as we can choose to take our holidays anywhere we want.
16 Apr 17 #31
Read the link in my post #13 - since June 2015 and up until Jan this year its been almost monthly

This doesn't sound too good either

Just seen the Majorca link you sent ....................09 Aug 2009 we're taking about current events / happenings not last decade :stuck_out_tongue:
16 Apr 17 2 #9
Saw loads of 5 star holidays last week when we were looking for our family holiday and they were over £500 cheaper than the 3 star holiday we ended up booking to Majorca..............Too much of a risk in my opinion nowadays going here. Yes you may be lucky and get a great holiday for a bargain price in a 5 star hotel but it only takes one idiot in the airport again or rampaging down the beach hotels to ruin your life forever = No thanks

And before i get all the 'it could happen anywhere remarks' its happened here more than most other holiday places and thats why its so cheap
kneale81 to steevieboy4u
16 Apr 17 1 #30
But it COULD happen anywhere :confused: You don't think ETA have bombed Majorca before? Obviously not:

Can you back up your claim that attacks have happened more in Turkey than other holiday destinations?

Wherever you go in the country or the world just be sensible and keep your wits about you.
16 Apr 17 #29
​Did he sound concerned?
16 Apr 17 #28 6 the minimum number you must have in your booking?
16 Apr 17 18 #24
I'm currently in Turkey on an all inclusive deal that was great value, third year in a row. Just enjoying a glass of beer in the evening sunshine...keep voting this cold please so next years holiday is as cheap.
Gollywood to djwent
16 Apr 17 3 #26
Didnt they cut your hand off when you ordered your beer? I mean surely that's what happens there if you believe the HUKD hypocrites!​
gap30 to djwent
16 Apr 17 #27
Have you noticed any troubles where you are?
16 Apr 17 1 #23
How about the side of the truth?

The West and the Middle East are killing each other. Its not one-sided at all.

There is a small amount of moral high ground the West could maybe stand on, not a f****** mountain.
16 Apr 17 6 #14
Anyone else wonder what the equivalent travel advice would say for the UK? The place where we live 24/7? I grew up near Warrington, bombs and attempts repeatedly, travelled to London regularly at one point, same there.
The risk is heightened in many places, don't ignore what your everyday risk level is.
steevieboy4u to DrDoolittle
16 Apr 17 #15
Good advice, everyone should constantly be 'more aware' of their surrounding nowadays
homerj1977 to DrDoolittle
16 Apr 17 1 #22
Yeah, I am. It's like a Britain First ad campaign!

Voted hot, great deal, beautiful country
16 Apr 17 2 #21
Ban all religion, problem solved

As for the deal, if my passport was in date I'd have booked, heat added
16 Apr 17 #20
The irony of your comment is that when the trouble started the other month Erdogan was in Marmaris
16 Apr 17 #19
Can't wait for 2018... if this year and it's just started... is anything to go by....IS and it's big bang theory anyone :wink:
16 Apr 17 4 #18
And with Erdogan becoming President you now know why he faked the Coup as a way to gain support for him to become supreme leader.
16 Apr 17 2 #17
You may as well consider direct flights to Baghdad.
16 Apr 17 2 #16
Did they vote yet? Full on Islamic State with Dictator Erdogan in power til he dies!
Way to kill a secular and democratic country.
Wouldn't want to be a woman or a gay after the vote which for sure is fixed.

Ataturk would be turning in his grave seeing what has become of his country
16 Apr 17 1 #13
Have a read at this prior to booking...........You can then consider the risks for yourself:
16 Apr 17 4 #12
This is nothing like the EU referendum.

If the UK became a republic, with Theresa May becoming President and then had a vote to give herself ultimate power over the press, an inability to be removed from her post for the next twelve years, can select from her cronies who she wants to operate the currently impartial and independent judiciary, as the well as the ability to dissolve Parliament and bin the PM with a deft flick of a wrist, then this action would have the potential to make the poll tax riots look like a picnic.
16 Apr 17 1 #11
No, you don't. You just have to be in a country which is at risk of civil unrest.
16 Apr 17 11 #10
So if there was a package holiday to Syria for £80, would that be a hotter deal?
16 Apr 17 12 #5
As much as we love Turkey and go most years, if Erdogan wins his effective dictatorship vote today, there is no way we are going this year. I can't help but feel however which way the result goes, the unrest will increase in the country.

Such a shame. A secular country which is arguably one of, if not the, most liberal Islamic democracy in the Middle East is going to be essentially ruled by a sultan until 2029.
splender to vernon_bennett
16 Apr 17 2 #6
After UK's EU Referendum, bile and racist attacks shot up in UK,same here in Turkey. Two shot dead in quarrel already :
micpwelsh to vernon_bennett
16 Apr 17 3 #7
It's £90 !
splender to vernon_bennett
16 Apr 17 3 #8
Anyway, what are you on about, it is a holiday at a resort, you don't get to see any Sultans and Harems, no more so than a tourist coming to London, they don't get to see PM May's democracy and politics.
16 Apr 17 9 #4
Cheap for a reason : "There will be a national referendum on 16 April 2017. Rallies and demonstrations, official and unofficial, may take place at short notice. You should stay well away from any demonstrations. " & offer is for :-
Mon 1 May 2017
Mon 15 May 2017
. Tunisia beach attack: British families to sue TUI
16 Apr 17 #3
Bargain - it's over £360 per person from Birmingham.
16 Apr 17 8 #2
Great price, but too early for us.

The wife says she fancies Turkey for Xmas though!
16 Apr 17 1 #1
At that price, I would love a whole pot of that tea! :wink:
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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