Assassin's Creed Unity for £9.60, that's a great price right? :wink:
frakison to slannmage
14 Mar 174#56
Cool story bro!!! Thanks for taking the time to post your life story and reasons why you hate XBone..... remind me, why did you click on the "Xbox One weekly deals" thread..... :wink:
Gears of War 2 All Fronts Collection - 3.37
Gears of War 3 Season Pass - 9.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - 3.99
Rayman Origins - 4.79
Gears of War Judgement - 7.49
Gears of War 2 - 7.49
Gears of war 3 - 7.49
The Division - 16.00
Killer Instinct Definitive Edition - 19.19
Far Cry 4 Season Pass - 9.60
AC Syndicate Jack The Ripper - 6.00
Dont Starve Giant Edition + Shipwrecked Expansion - 7.60
Division Gold Edition - 29.29
Knight Squad - 6.00
Reagan Gorbachev - 4.00
AC Ezio Collection - 23.99
Kingdom: New Lands - 6.00
Quantum Break - 18.00
The Living Dungeon - 6.00
I, Zombie - 2.14
AC Syndicate - 12.00
AC IV Black Flag Season Pass - 6.40
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Day 1 Version - 15.00
Watch Dogs Complete Edition - 16.00
The Crew Season Pass - 8.00
The Crew Ultimate Edition - 23.99
The Crew Calling All Units - 13.99
Her Majestys Spiffing - 11.24
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Super Edition - 25.00
Westerado Double Barreled - 4.00
Just Dance 2017 - 25.00
Shantae Half Genie Hero - 11.99
Manual Samuel - 4.00
Sky Force Anniversary - 5.99
Xenoraid - 5.35
Knee Deep - 6.00
Slain Back From Hell - 6.00
Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition - 47.99
Run the Jewels Airdrop - 8.37
The Assembly - 8.99
Watch Dogs 2 Gold Edition - 50.99
I Am Bread - 7.79
Watch Dogs 2 - 30.24
Far Cry 4 Gold Edition - 19.20
Division Season Pass - 20.99
AC Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - 24.75
Trials of Blood Dragon + Trials Fusion Awesome Max Edition - 14.72
Rayman Legends - 9.60
Far Cry 4 + Primal - 33.00
Olliolli2 XL edition - 2.50
Gears of War 4 - 20.87
Monopoly Family Fun Pack - 9.60
Rainbow Six Siege + Division - 39.59
Axiom Verge - 8.00
Borderlands Handsome Collection - 14.85
Hitman Intro Pack - 5.80
Watch Dogs Season Pass - 6.40
The Final Station - 6.00
Hitman Complete First Season - 22.50
Farming Sim 15 - 11.55
Watch Dogs - 9.60
Bioshock Collection - 29.24
Is Primal worth it? I loved FarCry 3, thought 4 was pretty good too, but given this is just a reskinned FC4 map with no guns, I dunno if I'm all that bothered...
benjamaphone to TGPMatt
14 Mar 173#19
I was totally dismissive of the concept of Primal before I played it - then I was hooked and 100%-ed it :laughing:
It's really different but well worth picking up mate
thesinstar to TGPMatt
14 Mar 172#20
Its a great game very underrated. I enjoyed it more than any other far cry. The setting really makes the game feel fresh.
starsi360 to TGPMatt
14 Mar 172#23
Agree with what the others said.
Was totally 'meh' about the idea despite being a big fan of FC3&4
No guns and vehicles, how could that be any good?!
But... it's fantastic. Don't miss it!
DexMorgan to TGPMatt
14 Mar 171#28
If you've played 4 I wouldn't bother, Primal gets boring fast.
voodood to TGPMatt
14 Mar 17#48
Lived loved primal 100% it
highspire2k to TGPMatt
15 Mar 17#61
For me, I picked it up day one and instantly enjoyed it. But then it got stale and I actually got a headache from playing it. It was refreshing whilst it lasted though, I enjoyed the slower pace :smiley:
14 Mar 17#21
Really tempted by Westerado if I had the time to play it.
14 Mar 171#22
Syndicate Season Pass for 8 quid? I may just go for that.
dfunked to CAL23
14 Mar 17#47
Tempted to get it too, although i hear it's only worth it for Evie's Jack the Ripper part...
14 Mar 17#24
Cheers gents! May have to complete a couple of the other five or six games I have before I consider it - I'll probably pick it up later in the week :smiley:
14 Mar 17#25
some good bargains, but cant understand why the price of the handsome jack collection(14.85) is not closer to the sale price of the ps4 (8.99)version
cwnt91 to voyager123
14 Mar 17#51
Not quite as cheap as for the PlayStation, but can be had for a little less on disc at £11.99 from Argos.
14 Mar 17#26
If I switch region to say US, can I download the uncensored version of the stick of truth?
gjgbarclay to Simplyalif
14 Mar 17#29
Xbox 360 games are region locked unfortunately
Jakabok to Simplyalif
16 Mar 17#66
Yep, did this when it was on sale at Christmas. Just buy from the UK store and immediately cancel the download. Then switch your Xbone to US region and re-download the game.
14 Mar 171#30
have to disagree the setting set it apart for me and kept me playing. but each to there own.
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition
Hitman - The Complete First Season
Assassin's Creed Rogue
for me
14 Mar 173#31
Are there actually any games you like? :-P
14 Mar 171#32
I knew holding out for Rogue would be a good choice! Just picked up some credit last night to grab Pit People before it expired as well :laughing:
joanddan7 to slayermatt
14 Mar 17#38
I did the same was keeping an eye on ebay and amazon and then saw this. Jumped in!
Deciding what else I fancy now! ha. its a pretty good sale but apart from Rogue nothing that's says... amazing... just some good prices... stick or twist!
14 Mar 17#33
I've been gaming for a long time so I'm hard to impress.
I'm enjoying Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege at the moment.
14 Mar 17#34
What about buying from other countries can this still be done? Could someone please share the latest guide please.
momouk78 to ktwf1111
14 Mar 17#36
You have to purchase gift cards from the market where you want to purchase the game from.
14 Mar 171#35
14 Mar 17#37
Fair enough!
14 Mar 17#39
Booooo, why no Inside? It's on sale on PS4 for £6.49, was really hoping it would pop on sale for the Xbox too :disappointed:
atticusrob to stevethos
14 Mar 171#45
Inside was a tenner not last week but week before cause I picked it up as well as firewater for £8
14 Mar 17#40
I think I'm going to pick up The Division season pass, been keeping an eye on that given its the first time in the entire year since release its dropped. I've currently got around 5 sealed games, in addition to around 5 or 6 digital ones I need to start with assignments to do so safe to say whether I get the games or not they won't be played for awhile :laughing:
Did almost buy Rogue from Argos the other day but thought its probably due some sort of price drop and I really don't have the time to play it anyways so if it doesn't not loss!
14 Mar 172#41
when u buy too many games and a sale means you've either got the game already or they're of no interest to you :'(
14 Mar 171#42
Grand Theft Auto V & Megalodon Shark Cash Card Bundle GBP 101.99 (Was: GBP 119.74)
And people think Rockstar are this great customer company. lol
Anywho Trials max edition and rayman legends for just under £14, sorted.
voyager123 to XP200
14 Mar 17#43
nobodys ever said they are a great customer company, far from it but they make great games
14 Mar 173#44
Here's a little list of a few highlights that I made for my buddy who I game share with - we also purchase from other regions (mainly brazil) so have included those prices for comparison and what you would pay each. hope it helps someone!
The Assembly (40% off)
Brazil - £5.65 (£2.82 each) UK price = £8.99
Party Hard (50% off)
Brazil - £3.27 (£1.63 each) UK price = £5.20
Level 22 (50% off)
Brazil - £1.83 (£0.91 each) UK price =£2.80
Reagan Gorbachev (50% off)
Brazil - £2.48 (£1.24 each) UK price =£4
Slain Back From Hell (50% off)
Brazil -£3.80 (£1.90 each) UK price =£6
Axiom Verge( 50% off)
Brazil - £5.10 (£2.55 each) UK price =£8
Knee Deep (50% off)
Brazil - £3.80 (£1.90 each) UK price = £6
Shantae: Half Genie Hero (33% off)
Brazil - £7.64 (£3.82 each) UK Price = £11.99
I, Zombie (30% off)
Brazil - £1.40 (£0.70 each) UK Price = £2.14
Westerado: Double Barrelled
Brazil - £2.48 (£1.24 each) UK price = £4
Her Majesty’s Spiffing
Canada - £9ish - 5% tax (£4.50ish each) UK price = £11.24
Far Cry Primal (60% off) UK - £12 (£6 each)
Hitman – The Complete first season (50% off) UK - £22.50 (£11.25 each)
ReCORE (50% off) UK - £14.99 (£7.50 each)
Bioshock Collection (30% off) UK - £29.24 (£14.62 each)
Assassins Creed Rogue (BC) (60% off) UK – £5.99
14 Mar 17#46
Don't bother with Unity, CDkeys often have that for under £1.
I have the Handsome collection already on disc but as its a game i will keep going back to, tempted to get it digital but having seen Borderlands 1 and 2 now be free, i could see the Handsome collection being free in the future.. Thats always made me think, these collections they do, say for example Assassins Creed, dead Rising, some of these games have been free but cant see them doing a whole collection for free with Games with gold, could it be possible they might do a free game from a collection
14 Mar 17#49
Not seen that link before, nice.
14 Mar 17#50
never been so gutted with an endgame. Made a good game a solid average
14 Mar 17#52
The website in that link is the best place to check every Tuesday. Much easier than coming on here. Microsoft tried to prevent it tracking prices around 6 months ago and I was gutted. It returned after a month so not sure what went on between the site and Microsoft.
14 Mar 17#53
If anyone is looking for another Far Cry, I'd recommend Ghost Recon Wildlands. It's basically the same game without all the cutscenes and spiritual nonsense
14 Mar 17#54
Why is it so hard to find their deals but the PS4s are easy? I boot my Xbox One up and I cannot even find the Gold games... wtf? I just have a banner to renew, even though I'm subbed and the sales are so hard to find.
I hate the Xbox One, it doesn't help that the UI is so slow and laggy either, I thought the Xbox One S would help.. NOPE! The PS4 is so fast and nice to use, plus all my friends are on it, my Xbox One is just at work now for me to play at lunch as I don't care if someone takes it lol.
frakison to slannmage
14 Mar 174#56
Cool story bro!!! Thanks for taking the time to post your life story and reasons why you hate XBone..... remind me, why did you click on the "Xbox One weekly deals" thread..... :wink:
momouk78 to slannmage
15 Mar 17#62
Deals and Games with Gold appear on the right-hand side of the home screen and on the store page. Seems odd that you don't find that.
Agree with the slow user interface even though it has improved a lot. The next update, which is coming soon, is supposed to make it a lot quicker.
14 Mar 17#55
Not on the Xbox One it isn't
14 Mar 17#57
Cause I own 2.
15 Mar 17#59
Then this: "Xbox One is just at work now for me to play at lunch as I don't care if someone takes it lol." makes no sense, you own two yet your "Xbox One is just at work now...", make your mind up! :smiley:
15 Mar 17#60
Far Cry 4 + Primal - 33.00
Far Cry 4 - £9.60
Far Cry Primal - £12
...well okay then.
15 Mar 17#63
Same here. Bought the Division season pass. Meant to do that for some time, but I thought it was excessively expensive. It's a little cheaper in the Brazilian Store (£13).
18 Mar 17#67
FYI, Rogue doesn't appear on the Xbox one store front on the console. I had to go to the website to buy it. Don't know if that's the same for anyone else
dr_spaceman to ajcroskery
19 Mar 17#68
Same here. Available to search but have to purchase through the website :neutral_face:
Opening post
Assassin's Creed Rogue - £5.99
Assassin's Creed - £2.96
South Park: The Stick of Truth - £5.99
Rayman Legends - £3.74
XB1 Games -
Far Cry Primal - £12
Far Cry Primal Apex Edition - £17.50
Assassin's Creed Chronicles Trilogy - £8
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition - £10
Rainbow Six Siege - £15
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Season Pass - £7.92
Trackmania Turbo - £12
Far Cry 4 - £9.60
Recore - £14.99
Top comments
All comments (68)
Can be found here for now -
Gears of War 2 All Fronts Collection - 3.37
Gears of War 3 Season Pass - 9.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - 3.99
Rayman Origins - 4.79
Gears of War Judgement - 7.49
Gears of War 2 - 7.49
Gears of war 3 - 7.49
The Division - 16.00
Killer Instinct Definitive Edition - 19.19
Far Cry 4 Season Pass - 9.60
AC Syndicate Jack The Ripper - 6.00
Dont Starve Giant Edition + Shipwrecked Expansion - 7.60
Division Gold Edition - 29.29
Knight Squad - 6.00
Reagan Gorbachev - 4.00
AC Ezio Collection - 23.99
Kingdom: New Lands - 6.00
Quantum Break - 18.00
The Living Dungeon - 6.00
I, Zombie - 2.14
AC Syndicate - 12.00
AC IV Black Flag Season Pass - 6.40
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Day 1 Version - 15.00
Watch Dogs Complete Edition - 16.00
The Crew Season Pass - 8.00
The Crew Ultimate Edition - 23.99
The Crew Calling All Units - 13.99
Her Majestys Spiffing - 11.24
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Super Edition - 25.00
Westerado Double Barreled - 4.00
Just Dance 2017 - 25.00
Shantae Half Genie Hero - 11.99
Manual Samuel - 4.00
Sky Force Anniversary - 5.99
Xenoraid - 5.35
Knee Deep - 6.00
Slain Back From Hell - 6.00
Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition - 47.99
Run the Jewels Airdrop - 8.37
The Assembly - 8.99
Watch Dogs 2 Gold Edition - 50.99
I Am Bread - 7.79
Watch Dogs 2 - 30.24
Far Cry 4 Gold Edition - 19.20
Division Season Pass - 20.99
AC Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - 24.75
Trials of Blood Dragon + Trials Fusion Awesome Max Edition - 14.72
Rayman Legends - 9.60
Far Cry 4 + Primal - 33.00
Olliolli2 XL edition - 2.50
Gears of War 4 - 20.87
Monopoly Family Fun Pack - 9.60
Rainbow Six Siege + Division - 39.59
Axiom Verge - 8.00
Borderlands Handsome Collection - 14.85
Hitman Intro Pack - 5.80
Watch Dogs Season Pass - 6.40
The Final Station - 6.00
Hitman Complete First Season - 22.50
Farming Sim 15 - 11.55
Watch Dogs - 9.60
Bioshock Collection - 29.24
It's really different but well worth picking up mate
Was totally 'meh' about the idea despite being a big fan of FC3&4
No guns and vehicles, how could that be any good?!
But... it's fantastic. Don't miss it!
Cheers gents! May have to complete a couple of the other five or six games I have before I consider it - I'll probably pick it up later in the week :smiley:
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition
Hitman - The Complete First Season
Assassin's Creed Rogue
for me
Deciding what else I fancy now! ha. its a pretty good sale but apart from Rogue nothing that's says... amazing... just some good prices... stick or twist!
I'm enjoying Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege at the moment.
Did almost buy Rogue from Argos the other day but thought its probably due some sort of price drop and I really don't have the time to play it anyways so if it doesn't not loss!
And people think Rockstar are this great customer company. lol
Anywho Trials max edition and rayman legends for just under £14, sorted.
The Assembly (40% off)
Brazil - £5.65 (£2.82 each) UK price = £8.99
Party Hard (50% off)
Brazil - £3.27 (£1.63 each) UK price = £5.20
Level 22 (50% off)
Brazil - £1.83 (£0.91 each) UK price =£2.80
Reagan Gorbachev (50% off)
Brazil - £2.48 (£1.24 each) UK price =£4
Slain Back From Hell (50% off)
Brazil -£3.80 (£1.90 each) UK price =£6
Axiom Verge( 50% off)
Brazil - £5.10 (£2.55 each) UK price =£8
Knee Deep (50% off)
Brazil - £3.80 (£1.90 each) UK price = £6
Shantae: Half Genie Hero (33% off)
Brazil - £7.64 (£3.82 each) UK Price = £11.99
I, Zombie (30% off)
Brazil - £1.40 (£0.70 each) UK Price = £2.14
Westerado: Double Barrelled
Brazil - £2.48 (£1.24 each) UK price = £4
Her Majesty’s Spiffing
Canada - £9ish - 5% tax (£4.50ish each) UK price = £11.24
Far Cry Primal (60% off)
UK - £12 (£6 each)
Hitman – The Complete first season (50% off)
UK - £22.50 (£11.25 each)
ReCORE (50% off)
UK - £14.99 (£7.50 each)
Bioshock Collection (30% off)
UK - £29.24 (£14.62 each)
Assassins Creed Rogue (BC) (60% off)
UK – £5.99
I have the Handsome collection already on disc but as its a game i will keep going back to, tempted to get it digital but having seen Borderlands 1 and 2 now be free, i could see the Handsome collection being free in the future.. Thats always made me think, these collections they do, say for example Assassins Creed, dead Rising, some of these games have been free but cant see them doing a whole collection for free with Games with gold, could it be possible they might do a free game from a collection
I hate the Xbox One, it doesn't help that the UI is so slow and laggy either, I thought the Xbox One S would help.. NOPE! The PS4 is so fast and nice to use, plus all my friends are on it, my Xbox One is just at work now for me to play at lunch as I don't care if someone takes it lol.
Agree with the slow user interface even though it has improved a lot. The next update, which is coming soon, is supposed to make it a lot quicker.
Far Cry 4 - £9.60
Far Cry Primal - £12
...well okay then.
Same here. Bought the Division season pass. Meant to do that for some time, but I thought it was excessively expensive. It's a little cheaper in the Brazilian Store (£13).