I keep reading comments about this drill from previous posts about the risk of breaking your wrist due to no clutch - is it common risk for this type of drill?
12 Mar 171#19
This or the Bosch at 550w for 48£?
I'm gonna do some channeling into brick
mikeey84 to sunil237
13 Mar 17#22
depends how strong you are! it weighs an absolute ton compared with the smaller, less powerful ones. I wouldn't want to do a full rewire with mine!
13 Mar 17#21
This drills are good BUT unless you really need the power, you are much better at look at something more lightweight (2.5kg vs 5kg drill weight) down at 800w for drilling holes in masonry/concrete.
12 Mar 17#20
sorry to sound like the Titan salesman but it has 6 speeds. I've found useful for controlling the chiselling, stirring plaster and getting core drilling started.
11 Mar 172#18
These drills are really good and do last. if you want a Makita one with the same power your looking at about £400 which means I could buy 10 of these. There are cheaper Makitas but they are nowhere near as good and a lot dearer.
11 Mar 17#17
Bought this about 2 weeks ago to use the chisel only function for chasing some cables and removing some bricks very pleased with performance I would not be surprise dif it is re branded Titan. But certainly cheaper than the current screwfix offer.
11 Mar 172#16
I hate it when people tell you to stay away from brands like these. if it is your lively hood then of course buy the best you can afford and spare batteries too. If like me you do a handful of jobs a year then spending serious money is pointless. I have a complete set of those cheap Power Devil tools which I bought for a bigish DIY project in my old house about 15 years ago. All of these tools are still working fine and still get used. The only tools that get seriously outdated are battery based ones.
10 Mar 171#15
Yes please, I'd be interested in one of those as well, i could buy twice and still have change.
10 Mar 17#13
Please dont buy this, spend an extra £40 and get a porper bosch or Makita, it will last you 3 times as long and comes with a 3yr warranty, #buycheapbuytwice
mikeey84 to pauljones2
10 Mar 173#14
can you link to £90 makita sds 1500w drill?
10 Mar 171#12
Had several of the Titan screwfix ones over the years, only because of serious use, highly recommend them as well, Titan ones have a clutch as well , so can be used for core drilling without breaking your wrist.
10 Mar 171#10
I also recommend the Screwfix Titan drill, everything I have done with it, be it break out concrete or drill through granite this drill has absolutely smashed it.
barco to WiZZer
10 Mar 171#11
10 Mar 17#9
I've got one of these and it's great as a breaker and a hammer drill. Has alot of power.
10 Mar 17#7
No speed control at all on it??
muttonman to Thoughtful
10 Mar 17#8
No speed control but for me I've never had the need to control it's speed.
10 Mar 17#6
I second the Titan SDS drill too, bought it whe it was posted on here last time.
10 Mar 171#3
Does this have a hammer only function please?
wayners to mayzi
10 Mar 17#5
Says it dose.. Chisel.. Taken from description.... 3 Functions: Drill, Hammer Drill, Chisel
10 Mar 172#4
Can recommend the Titan SDS from Screwfix. Similar price. definitely has hammer only function and mine has taken a serious amount of punishment.
10 Mar 171#2
Heat op
10 Mar 171#1
Maybe another 10% off if you have trade card or sign up for news letter if that offer is still on.. Always look for vouchers.. Just pointing out the obvious
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I'm gonna do some channeling into brick