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Samsung Galaxy S7 - EE - £20.99 p/month - 2GB data - £25 upfront @ £528.76
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
30 Mar 17
Well just after the S8 launch I found this epic deal on website.

The deal is just £25 upfront but there's possible cashback through Topcashback or Quidco. You get 2GB of data (which is plenty for me) and Unlimited Texts and Minutes for just £20.99 per month.


Feedback appreciated!
Top comments
31 Mar 17 3 #18
For what its worth after hours of painstaking reviews. I have chosen this as the best S7 case for the price.
All comments (93)
30 Mar 17 1 #1
Have some flame!
30 Mar 17 #2
Nice deal for an epic phone. Heat added!
30 Mar 17 1 #3
How much TCB?
PowerPantsPete to mcormack
30 Mar 17 2 #5
30 Mar 17 #4
for what its worth EE retentions were offereing me s7 for £25.99 a month with 15gb data, unlimited mins and text.
shanraja to ricky7
31 Mar 17 #28
30 Mar 17 #7
How do I avoid the insurance with 8.99 pm looks like there is no opt out
30 Mar 17 #8
Through e2save
30 Mar 17 1 #9
As has been pointed out e2save deal just pips this. I think both e2save and are linked to Carphone Warehouse but e2save seems to have particularly bad reviews. Anyone got experience with them? Still worthy of heat!
xoddsockthiefx to steveyboy79
30 Mar 17 #13
​They are all the same place. Call centre is in Loughborough.
AstalaVista to steveyboy79
31 Mar 17 #27
Both are basically similar to each other (with cashback working in a similar way). So much so that you can use the same login and password on both sites!
As for the reviews I guess E2save users reported more issues than the Mobiles users.
30 Mar 17 #10
heat from me alough these deals will get cheaper in the next month
30 Mar 17 #11
I can't see it getting any cheaper never saw an s6 contract this cheap
30 Mar 17 #12
I'm going to sleep on it
31 Mar 17 2 #14
Voted hot then realised it's with EE, worst network I've ever had the misfortune of encountering, seem to spend all their money on advertising and absolutely none of it on their service. Wouldn't go anywhere near one of their contracts ever again
horsepills to scott_safc
31 Mar 17 2 #17
I bet they're gonna be crying themselves to sleep every night after reading this
31 Mar 17 1 #16
Is it possible to get it unlocked from EE right after getting the phone?
31 Mar 17 3 #18
For what its worth after hours of painstaking reviews. I have chosen this as the best S7 case for the price.
callum84 to JJ100
31 Mar 17 #19
Had this, and its a decent looking case.

The plastic outer on mine snapped when I dropped the phone on concrete. Phone survived unscathed so I guess it did its job.
jco83 to JJ100
31 Mar 17 1 #20
That's for S7 Edge IYDK
31 Mar 17 #21
This seems to be the best deal at the moment. Would have snapped it up but was very lucky to get a brand new sealed S7 from Cash Convertors for £300
31 Mar 17 #22
do thier handsets come unlocked ?
31 Mar 17 #23
Cold. Its not Samsung galaxy S8
31 Mar 17 1 #24
How can your deal be better, it's 23.49pm for 1000 mins where as this is 20.99pm with unlimited minutes or have I missed something. This 2.50pm cheaper, 60 quid cheaper over the term.
31 Mar 17 2 #25
Personally always had a great service from EE. Best signal by far in my area and never had an issue with their customer service (yet!)
31 Mar 17 1 #26
eejits like you keep them in business so i doubt it
31 Mar 17 #29
Can i get this if i'm on T-mobile?
31 Mar 17 #30
do they increase price during the contract?
barginfan to Samuel2303
31 Mar 17 #39
That's standard for all networks.
Prices usually go up by RPI, around April.
31 Mar 17 #31
31 Mar 17 2 #32
There are plenty of eejits keeping SAFC afloat by buying tickets for a dead end club - Mr.Potkettle
31 Mar 17 #33
. VERY GOOD DEAL. 24 hours ago I smugly admired my new O2 S7 having spent 2.4 hours haggling £100 off the retention dept to (almost) match a carphone warehouse deal for new customers. And now I find I am still paying £5.01 pm too much!! My hat off to those of you who can stand the call centre/unlock/cancel/pac code etc hassle more than once a year! You are all that stands between us and the mobile phone companies who seem to equate loyal customers with sheep to be fleeced.
Sadly EE coverage has a bad reputation in my local area or I would be studying the 14 day cool off rules.
31 Mar 17 #34
Doesn't say
31 Mar 17 1 #35
PAYM: EE - Excludes iD Mobile
Cashback £20.00
31 Mar 17 2 #36
​I think you are missing the point of my post.........
31 Mar 17 #37
The guy asked how much TCB. Unfortunately your 'clever' post didn't answer that.
31 Mar 17 1 #38
Thanks jco83
31 Mar 17 #40
wish the data was more. heat for light users.
31 Mar 17 1 #41
I've got one of these, battery lifes so much better after the upgrade to nougat heated
31 Mar 17 #42
Anyone have any recommendations for cases for the standard S7 phone?
31 Mar 17 1 #43
Hot ....Because its not an S8 and to counter your stupid downvote...
31 Mar 17 #44
I was offered 5GB for same price 10days ago, along with assurance that this was the best offer they could give at the price point. Cheeky sods.
31 Mar 17 1 #45
one of the best phones I have ever owned - great battery life (s6 was lacking), superb screen, touch wizz is much smoother, expandable memory, water resistant, one of the best smartphone cameras if not the best. 4K screen for the gear VR would have made this phone 10/10.

Can't go wrong with it.
31 Mar 17 #46
You got better than me... I've taken unlimited calls unlimted texts and 2GB!! £25.99 a month £30 upfront for the phone :disappointed: that was me upgrading mid way through my SIM only plan though as my current phone had died totally.. so guessing that's why I'm paying a little more. These deals make me jealous lol Heat added though for those that are getting them! :smiley:
31 Mar 17 #47
I will be definitely keeping an eye out for a good deal on the s7 come May :innocent:
31 Mar 17 1 #48
Surely the better deal?
31 Mar 17 #49
I thought they might have been used but they're not and it looks like you can choose the colour you want :sunglasses:
31 Mar 17 #50
Have some heat! Best deal I can see for this phone at the moment.

Vodafone were offering a similar deal on black Friday, but with more data. Believe it was 4gb.

Thought it was worth mentioning as you can perhaps extrapolate how competitive these deals are vs what carriers have offered in the past. Bear in mind black Friday was months ago and there was no new model on the horizon.....
31 Mar 17 #51
I ordered via e2save earlier and having used the code there is no up front cost. The phone is due to be delivered tomorrow.

Great deal - heat added even though I've not gone the route.
31 Mar 17 #52
Thanks for that.
Much appreciated.
31 Mar 17 #53
I've used the Tortoise brand, genuine leather cases, from Tesco on several Samsung phones over the years. Excellent quality and value.
31 Mar 17 1 #54
E2save, OneStopPhoneShop, were BOTH independent of CarphoneWareHouse around the 2000 mark?, then ...

Surprise surprise, CarphoneWareHouse yes them up several years later then BAM!.

In the interim CarphoneWareHouse made for itself (but 'Branded' as ), then later made CarphoneWareHouse website for itself too. :-)

I've used ALL my above mentioned (a few times each) over the years, and they've all been fairly straight forward enough for me?. :-)

Though I DO find the CarphoneWareHouse 'Branded' website a bit of a pain in the rear though? .. when it comes to 'upgrades', be that Contract upgrades, OR Pay & Go upgrades. :-(

E2save, and OneStopPhoneShop (before) used to be wayyyyyyy more straightforward for the same aforementioned!, shortly followed up in that regard by too! (but since it's bigger brother 'influence'?, then ..... )

But yeah, E2Save is good (in my personal dealings with them anyway?. :-)
31 Mar 17 2 #55
31 Mar 17 #56
i currently have a s5 on tesco out of contract with 2gb of data for £11 so worth the extra tenner for a new phone, s8 is just too dam dear, so ill wait for s9 deals in 2 yrs,, orderd and heat added
31 Mar 17 #57
What are EE like for random charges appearing on your phone bill?
31 Mar 17 #58
Never had any problems in more than 3 years. Usual things about needing to be careful on things like photo messages which can rack up. When abroad you couldn't overspend as you had to buy credit.
31 Mar 17 #59
I bought one last night on the e2save deal as had been keeping an eye on s7 deals & realised this was a cracker. Getting delivered on Monday. Went shopping for a case today & got myself a Tech 21 evo check case from Three (best price I could find @ £25). Only trouble i'm having is finding a decent screen protector - all the reviews I've read indicate they tend to not stick properly at the edges due to slight curve of screen. Went into Vodafone who were telling me about a Zagg gel screen protector which they cut instore to fit your phone. Anyone had any experience of this at all or who can recommend a screen protector?
31 Mar 17 #60
We've bitten. Was looking at Moto G5 which would obviously have come in cheaper over 24 months but this was just too good. Thanks to OP and also to sheasiy for marking up the e2save deal (which I went for). Quick question - i've ordered a case but how vital is a screen protector with gorilla glass? My wife will be getting this phone to replace an elderly s3 mini which has never had a protector yet remains pretty much scratch free in spite of being dropped and shaken around in a handbag.
31 Mar 17 1 #61
For a second there I thought "wow - he knows which network I'm clever!" -then I remembered I'm not with EE and realised that you haven't got a clue what you're talking about
31 Mar 17 #62
If you ask nicely i'm sure they can organise that for you
31 Mar 17 1 #63
He said 'like' you.
31 Mar 17 #64
Is 03 numbers added to the allowance??
31 Mar 17 #65
Ok so how do eejits "like me" keep them in business?
31 Mar 17 1 #66
Snap - I'm replacing an s3 mini too which just had a plastic screen protector on it. I've done a lot of researching the s7 over last few weeks and the general consensus is that the screen is so costly to replace (circa £200) that it makes sense to put a screen protector on it to give you piece of mind. Guess it depends which type of case you're putting on too. I want a case that just covers the back so feel I really need a screen protector. Plus I don't have insurance.
31 Mar 17 #67
If only the deal had 5 gb of data or more
1 Apr 17 #68
Very good deal. Heat added.
1 Apr 17 #69
hi i just uploaded a comment about how my 2 orders went yesterday and a voucher code for £15 off upfront cost why has it been removed? new to commenting/posting
1 Apr 17 #70
5gb, a Samsung s7 for 20.99? Why not get them to chuck in a Mercedes also?
1 Apr 17 #71
smoking deal £50 cheaper than the one I went for a couple of weeks ago
1 Apr 17 #72
I'm on an old tmobile contract that has run out with an S4 - tried to price match thus instore & they say i won't be able to PAC to this?
any views ? or worst case guess i PAC to a payg SIM for a few days.
will try we retentions as we i guess when requesting PAC.
1 Apr 17 #73
Not it's called increasing the price a bit more for more data but not these stupid 60 pound a month contracts.

Maybe you would be dumb enough to take one of those but ill keep my 30 gb for 20 pounds a month thanks.
1 Apr 17 #74
Yeh because T-Mobile became EE so they are the same network, just port your number out to a different network first then back to EE

*S4 here too :wink: love it
1 Apr 17 #75
sounds like a plan. happy with S4 but battery life poor & replacement not much better. paying £16 now so this seems good for me low data user.
1 Apr 17 #76
Show me where you can get a free samsung s7 phone with 30gb for £20 a month...if you mean a 30gb a month sim only, then you my dear are the dumb one
1 Apr 17 1 #77
Just used code VC15OFF to get £15 off of the upfront cost of the handset. Prefer to go through rather than e2save as I've gotten most of my phones through them in the recent years.
1 Apr 17 #78
​Thats because it wasn't meant to, but you know that already. Have a good day sir. :man:
2 Apr 17 #79
Con... 2gb isn't enough per month on this phone. Pay the £5 extra and get the data or you'll pay later.
2 Apr 17 #80
Has anyone on here got personal experience of dealing with either or e2save? Tempted by the offer but the horrendous reviews are really putting me off! Poor reviews seem to relate to delivery problems or credit checks but interested to hear from anyone who has had problems and they were resolved.
2 Apr 17 1 #81
I shared your concerns but went for it with e2save. Credit check no problems, has been dispatched and due for delivery on Monday. I think problems are more to do with cashback and upgrades. I will report back on Monday if there are any issues.
2 Apr 17 #82
​Can't comment on e2save but I've had no problems with Not sure whether you know or whether it makes any difference, but they are a trading division of Carphone Warehouse.
2 Apr 17 #83
would CPW price match?
EE store tells me service isn't as good in 3rd party ee networks.
kids are both on plusnet Sims & seems fine performance.
2 Apr 17 1 #84
What? How is it a con if you use less than 2gb?
2 Apr 17 2 #85
2gb plenty for me. Wifi at home and in work, bt fon or cloud wifi pretty much all other places I visit. For times when I can't get wifi 2gb data is more than enough.
2 Apr 17 1 #86
Blimey, they must have been hungry
2 Apr 17 1 #87
​I wondered about price match but didn't bother trying as their T&Cs suggest they'll only match deals direct from the networks. I may be wrong. As for EE saying service not as good on 3rd party EE networks that is partly true as eg we have an EE and Plusnet sim in our house and EE is consistent but Plusnet not. However, this deal is for a phone ON EE so to mention 3rd party networks seems disingenuous of them if I've understood you correctly.
2 Apr 17 #88
that's what i was thinking ...... EE is EE right. 3rd party telecoms like plusnet i get. think I'll be going for this - get my PAC & see if retentions will match.
2 Apr 17 #89
I can't stop looking at this, good deal!
2 Apr 17 #90
​Hahahahaha :laughing: . I had to read it 3 times before I spotted it!
4 Apr 17 #91
Price for handset has gone up to £100
4 Apr 17 #92
​​Insurance is not included by default. If you click on the link for more info in the basket you have the option to add it. I took a similar offer for the Sony x compact from them, which arrived with no issues apart from a delay due to ee needing to verify me. The phone is not supplied by ee so wifi calling is not enabled and based on the service menu it's unlocked to all networks. Quidco tracked me for £10 cashbook and I'm in the cooling off period.
4 Apr 17 #93
handset £100 now needs expiring
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