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17 Mar 17
Typical bought the new version from yesterday post, this is a better price for me even if refurbished as has 12 months warranty

Sony PlayStation VR 5.7" 3D Virtual Reality Headset For Playstation 4 120 Fps

Quick if you're interested.

Please note you do need other accessories, camera, move stick etc
Top comments
Bobbajob to Dabstar
17 Mar 17 3 #11
I use mine regularly and got it on day one.
Resident Evil in VR was the best gaming experience I've ever had.
Dirt Rally in VR is the best driving experience.

The only downside I've found is that it ruins flat games for you.
Everything you play out of VR feels lacking.
All comments (34)
17 Mar 17 2 #1
This is good news - on it's way toward £250. Heat :man:
17 Mar 17 #2
be interesting to hear from anyone who has one to know if they use it regularly or if it feels more of a fad now after all the hype.
Bobbajob to Dabstar
17 Mar 17 3 #11
I use mine regularly and got it on day one.
Resident Evil in VR was the best gaming experience I've ever had.
Dirt Rally in VR is the best driving experience.

The only downside I've found is that it ruins flat games for you.
Everything you play out of VR feels lacking.
copperspock to Dabstar
17 Mar 17 #13
There's a load of HUKD folk here who've bought PS VR. They could tell you:
brookysm to Dabstar
17 Mar 17 1 #16
Still using mine, still loving it. Dirt Rally VR is awesome if you have a wheel too.
haritori to Dabstar
31 Mar 17 #26
Personally I use it about once a week on my own, But my kids, use it daily, they love Job Simulator and Surgeon Sim etc.. its important i think to look for games with gameplay than for graphically intense stuff.. its certainly not a fad in the way that Kinect was, it is a new way to play.. it needs support and more stuff, I think how RESI VII has dealt with it is a good thing.
17 Mar 17 1 #3
Bought one on 27th Jan. Sold it yesterday for £315 luckily. To me it was nice to use but to me the technology just didn't seem fully there yet. I think it's a bit of a fad personally but if they can sort out some decent games for it with better graphics too then I may be interested again. I also seemed to get a headache after/during use too and found I could never play for more than 40mins at a time
Istanbul_Kop to nwarne89
17 Mar 17 #6
Sadly, I'm starting to agree.
17 Mar 17 1 #4
Shame they don't do a kit with the camera
17 Mar 17 #5
To think that these were selling 2nd hand for £400+ before christmas...
17 Mar 17 1 #7
Reminds me of the steering wheel and pedals I bought , at first it's great fun and u get lots of great play out of it. Then after a while it's the space and. hassle of setting it up and it just gets left in a cupboard, drawer etc.
17 Mar 17 2 #8
Sony have royally screwed the release of this.

There have been no demonstration roadshow and game were charging a tenner.

I am not buying it without testing it out.

A couple of questions for those that do have them are do you enjoy watching movies on it and do you really need 2 move controllers?
JumpMan1980 to SS41
17 Mar 17 1 #9
Game are useless.
Bobbajob to SS41
17 Mar 17 #10
Most games can be played without move controllers, but they do add a lot. The only games that I know of that definitely need them are Job Simulator and Batman.

I've not tried movies yet. Going to try and pick up some cheap 3D blurays this weekend, but the big screen experience is surprisingly good, except for the drift that can occur. I finished Beyond Two Souls on the large screen in VR and it was like playing it at a cinema. Obviously it's not as sharp as on a TV.
Ianm to SS41
17 Mar 17 #12
movies are awesome especially 3D. Motion controllers are a bonus but not essential.
leighdegree to SS41
17 Mar 17 #18
Fully agree I wouldn't want to be spending three hundred plus on this without testing it out for a hour.
17 Mar 17 #14
Thanks for the replies, but I just wanted to know do I really need 2 move controllers or I get away with just buying one?
Bobbajob to SS41
17 Mar 17 #15
You'd really need two.

I think only Rush of Blood works with one controller. There is actually a trophy for doing the game with a single controller.
17 Mar 17 #17
Yes there were. It's what made my mind up to get one.
17 Mar 17 1 #19
Hi, I was skeptic in investing £300+ for this at first too, but I personally quite enjoyed the Samsung VR experience and wanted something a bit better with my PS4 pro and move controllers.

If you haven't tried VR before on any other platforms, then I recommend it's best to try some cheap £20 VR headsets first to see if VR is your thing or not.

These headsets have kept their value quite well and if I had saw this refurbished one I would had paid for this instead of new one (gutted), also if I find this VR is not for me then I can re-sell it again and hopefully would not make a big loss within a short period of time.

However with this game approaching (which I have been eyeing on and looks fairly decent) chances are headsets may keep their value:

Also just checked the PSN and there are alot of free games/demos available.
17 Mar 17 #20
There were no roadshows in the second city.

Oculus had one at the Bullring a while back, but Psvr has never done demonstration.

Maybe that was because Sony knew the hardcore would buy anyway and there were supply issues at release they didn't need to try, but with Scorpio on the horizon they may do some more demos.
18 Mar 17 #21
waiting until home and bargain get them in :wink:
21 Mar 17 #22
^ :smiley: we laugh but if there is an updated version brought out the current one will drop like a stone in price
21 Mar 17 #23
^ :smiley: we laugh but if there is an updated version brought out the current one will drop like a stone in price
31 Mar 17 #24
^ you can say that again! :smile:
31 Mar 17 #25
i got the samsung headset for my phone. i found videos that included walking gave me motion sickness!!! i expect it will be much worse if i get a psvr! still really want one though...
31 Mar 17 #27
don't fancy a refurb, somebody elses greasy nose touching my nose, errrrk
31 Mar 17 #28
Do these come with complimentary sick bags?
31 Mar 17 #29
I love mine. Dirt VR is fantastic. The Star Wars Battlefront demo is awesome. Holo Ball squash is another great game. Eagle Flight is decent. I've not tried 3D blue ray yet. Rush of Blood is good but a bit too scary for me! For me this is an awesome bit of kit and worth every penny.
31 Mar 17 #30
I got one a couple of weeks after launch. I was lucky enough to have had a stack of vouchers for Currys so didn't have to lay out any actual cash. And I already had the camera and move controllers - so yes, I have experience of being suckered by Sony and poorly supported peripherals. So taking a risk with PSVR wasn't hard for me. If I had spent my own brass on it I'd be on the fence, though definitely tending more towards the good. It is impressive and definitely a strong first step towards truly immersive, mainstream gaming/entertainment. Sony have not really followed through with their promise of huge support and the raft of top line games they promised. That is probably the thing I've been most disappointed about, that the supposed torrent of games that would come out post-launch seems to have dried up.

If you want a bit more info (and want a long read!) below are my impressions of various titles and experiences with my PSVR.

The games are a bit hit and miss for me but most have been good if perhaps a little over-priced in some cases. Regular plays for me are Rigs, Battlezone, Eve Valkyrie and Rush of Blood. All are, I think, very well done games that might not offer hours and hours of storyline gameplay but are good, casual, drop-in games. All are fun to play and look pretty good. Rigs and Eve particularly make you 'feel' the game and I get the sensations of falling and spinning when playing. These could, I guess, make some people feel a bit sick if you are sensitive to that.

A definite honourable mention has to go to two free DLC downloads for existing games. For sheer, reliving my childhood and whooping with joy like an idiot, the Star Ware: Battlefront VR X-Wing mission is outstanding. It is a free download and definitely a must have if you get PSVR. Fingers crossed a full game is in the pipeline! The other free DLC that does have a decent amount of content is the Trackmania VR pack. Some really great tracks and one of the games that really gave me the feeling of inertia and stomach-turning movement. Not in a bad, throwing up on the sofa way but in a really good, involving way!

On the less interactive, more of an experience, side there are a couple I've loved. On Playstation VR Worlds, Ocean Descent is a great intro to VR. You simply look around as you descend into the deep in your diving cade but it does give you a great experience in what being in a 360 viewable 'game' is all about and is a good short story. Another excellent download for me was Alumette, an animated short story that you can move around in and feel 'part of'. Definitely worth a watch.

There is some real crap too. The Luge game on Worlds is pretty bad, really poor graphics and not enjoyable at all for me when it could have been such a good experience if done right. And I'd avoid The Martian as it isn't as funny or well delivered as it thinks it is. Loading Human I also thought didn't quite work for me, and again that was annoying because there was real potential there.

On my want list is Resident Evil 7. Supposedly a great experience and a proper length game and I'm keen to see how VR feels in a longer storyline type game. And waiting for Gran Turismo is a common theme with PS gaming, so no surprise it feels like ages waiting for the latest VR incarnation.

I don't use it that often but then I'm a casual PS4 user anyway. I actually wanted to try VR gaming and see how I found it before I considered investment in Rift or Vive. If I'd spent full price on it my PSVR would definitely be seen as a fun but rather expensive novelty right now. As it is I am glad I got one and it has convinced me that it might be worth waiting for the next generation of VR tech before going full on. And I can see there are a few more decent games on the horizon so maybe things will pick up on that front. At least having used PSVR I know I enjoy the 'immersion' and I can handle it without feeling sick!

ps - heat to OP. I think this is a good price if you wanted to try this tech out as you could probably trade in for not much less.
31 Mar 17 1 #31
Bargain and well worth a go!

Bought mine at launch and still play it on a regular basis.. in fact its so much fun just demoing it to friends :smiley:

Batman, Rez, Thumper, Dirt, Battlezone, Res 7, Playroom VR, Playstation Worlds, Rush Of Blood are all great fun. VR is almost like a new platform, games just really come alive in VR and for me this is a great companion to 'normal' games.. ill play Horizon for a while then jump into VR and have a blast on Battlezone.

Looking forward to Farpoint and Ace Combat.
31 Mar 17 #32
1 Apr 17 1 #33
Hi mate, yes I also experience motion sickness with the Samsung gear too, it took me a while to get use to R and depends on the media or game I was viewing/playing.

With 2 weeks experience using the PS VR I do not regret buying it as some games are very impressive a whole new experience for me. Some games do give motion sickness over longer gameplay and some don't, depends on the game. Do not expect to play long hours of gameplay, the health warning does suggest you rest every so often.

[/quote][/quote]i got the samsung headset for my phone. i found videos that included walking gave me motion sickness!!! i expect it will be much worse if i get a psvr! still really want one though...[/quote]
12 May 17 #34
there have been roadshows and demonstrations. but none near me. getting emails about demos in london... great! only 3hrs away! why isnt it IN game stores?!
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