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Plusnet (EE) 30 day £10.00 unlimited/4GB @ Plusnet Mobile
4 stars +372

Plusnet (EE) 30 day £10.00 unlimited/4GB @ Plusnet Mobile

£10 Plusnet1 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
1 Mar 17
Just a heads up this popular HUKD deal is back on :smiley:

shortguy4u now reports "open for new customers on the mobile web page; just not on the desktop page"
Top comments
1 Mar 17 4 #12
Do you have their sister's number? :smirk:
Latest comments (67)
8 Mar 17 #67
​While anyone can use O2 Wifi, you must be an O2 mobile customer to use wifi on the Underground. If you registered for O2 Wifi using a number from another network, then you won't be able to use wifi on the Underground. To use wifi on the Underground, you'll need to ensure that your bills are up to date.
7 Mar 17 #66

Plusnet 4G i6S - [img][/img]

T-Mobile 3G Huawei E8278 (EE Buzzard) - [img][/img]
5 Mar 17 #65
Plusnet mobile is BT Cellnet Genie - you won't get EE Max plan speeds but you won't get a Max bill either.

Plusnet says it all, the plus of being online support (mainly) is you don't pay EE prices for the same plan inclusions not like BT are you tied in.

I assume when brand merger happens the EE monthly rolling sims may end up only offered by Plusnet unless it is because you completed your minimum BT Mobile 12 month sim. Plusnet already does 30 day broadband and sim, BT do neither, EE sims only - 12/18 months for EE broadband.

Hope BT get on and rebrand EE shops sooner than later, EE, BT and Plusnet branding costs us the consumer to run three brands in our bills.

BT, shops and 12/18/24 month contracts face to face (the ability to avoid call centres)

Plusnet, online and call centres with lower priority products but flexiblity to products.
5 Mar 17 #64
I never claimed that. One hell of a strawman there.

Yep, it's a MVNO. But there is no reason a MVNO has to have a different priority on the mast to the main operator. That's purely down to the contract between the two companies.

Take 1p mobile: - they're a MVNO based on EE. Someone I live with uses them. Changing my EE sim for the 1p mobile one gives consistently lower on speedtest.

Some companies even have a different priority based on if you're a contract of PAYG customer. Emergency services are the highest, in their own tier.

It's difficult to say right now, as they're new to the mobile market. I suspect BT will own them, but keep them separate, competing entities. Much like Plusnet home broadband.
5 Mar 17 #63
it has a lot to do with it, do you think BT Mobile has worse service than EE? BT Mobile is just a MVNO surely? and remember all BT Staff use their business service under BT Mobile, you think BT is going to lower the quality of service to themselves?

That said I do wonder how Plusnet comes into this, not sure how independently they operate.
4 Mar 17 1 #62
I been on life mobile for about a year but it was sold to plusnet so i rang them yesterday to get this deal.New sim came today so i rang them again to register it.customer service was excellent great tariff bargain
2 Mar 17 #42
How do you get this offer to show up? It's showing the 4gb deal as £15pm for me.
szaman81 to rufnek2kx
4 Mar 17 1 #61
I ordered 2 sim. 1st time the offer showed when I clicked on get deal, 2nd time didn't show and I called them up and told them about this offer and they manually ordered another for me.
4 Mar 17 #59
I tried this SIM for a fortnight. Cancelled on last day for full refund. Was with EE prior. There is no way Plusnet are providing the same quality of connection. If they think there are they are being deluded and/or EE are short-selling them. Some days I couldn't even get a signal, rarely ever saw the 4G symbol or full bars. This at various locations where EE was always fine previously. Put my EE SIM back in after cancelling and was back in the world of 4G and all bars lit up.
seaniboy to Flimber
4 Mar 17 #60
Did you ask for a replacement sim ?

I've had a brand new EE replacement (nano) sim fail on me, same as you AND calls would mostly go to voicemail when I had a full signal, even with a EE Signal Box - they had to send out another sim and it worked fine.

Did +net even suggest this ?

You have to remember people that a sim is like a fuse, a temporary voltage spike in a mobile from charging or even the battery can fry or damage a SIM card.

I know how frustrating it can be with signal/sim issues - my EE experience of that dodgy sim was terrible, as was the care agent - the second call the guy asked 2 questions and said yes new sim and credited me the months line rental as the first agent should have sent a new sim. Worst part was the first person was a Brit and wasn't helpful at all asking me to reset the mobile - again (?) the second person was overseas taking overflow calls for EE but mentioned he was either Orange or T-Mobile care and he knew his sh1t!

One of them occasions offshore thirds party outshone a direct EE agent!
4 Mar 17 #58
All 4 of us now on plusnet. We had to ring an 0844 number for 15 mins and then again for 30mins and the price cap gave us a refund to ensure we stayed at £10.

Data speeds amazing.
4 Mar 17 #57
Update: must say mighty impressed with +net, same location with my i6S as EE & Xperia SP which could not hold on to 4G long enough to do a Speedtest

3 Mar 17 #56
PS) I had the dreaded problem of no data on i6S had to delete the Vodafone profile installed from the last sim.
3 Mar 17 #55
Happy days 20-25MBPS

The previous Wifi results were EE3G on a EE Buzzard
3 Mar 17 #54
A internal MVNO for BT will have greater priority than many external MVNO's Asda etc, PlusNet is BT's online broadband/mobile brand just as Genie mobile was BT Cellnet's

BT will rebrand EE shops as BT in time, EE broadband customers will probably be moved to PlusNet to bulk its numbers up for shareholders as BT Broadband is pretty much the market leader.

Long term BT customers will get priority in everything instore, Plusnet second priority in MVNO and care (online).
3 Mar 17 #53
I wont terther anyway.. and just now I got this deal over phone ..
3 Mar 17 #51
I have got 6 GB of data , 5000 mins with Virgin Media mobile for 13 £ on 30 day contract now
Anon32 to murugesh
3 Mar 17 #52
And you can't tether so what! Anyway this deal is not running at the moment you can get the 2gb one for £7.50
3 Mar 17 #50
I have got 6 GB of data , 5000 mins with Virgin Media mobile for 13 £ on 30 day contract now
3 Mar 17 #49
You're buying a different priority on the mast. This is standard MVNO stuff and nothing that isn't well known. Ownership has little to do with it.
2 Mar 17 #48
Which I'm perfectly happy with. :smiley:
2 Mar 17 #47
​This looks perfect for me. Thanx sss
1 Mar 17 #26
This looks the best about, although I only need about 350 mins, and 1.5gb Internet
sophiestinkysocks to johnraggett
2 Mar 17 1 #46
Have you tried this one? Not sure what service is like but only 30 day contracts with lower usages
2 Mar 17 1 #41
Just because it's powered by EE, doesn't mean it *is* EE.

Please don't fall into the trap of thinking the data endpoint is the same for a MVNO. It's not, and the performance difference between them can be vast (See Giffgaff vs O2).

I'm not saying this is a bad deal (it's not), but don't be under the illusion that you're going to be a tier 1 customer on the mast. Hopefully Plusnet have a good data endpoint, but time will tell on that front.

Quite simply, don't compare the MVNO parent to the actual MVNO. The difference between them can be so large it becomes irrelevant.
poing to nomnomnomnom
2 Mar 17 #45
EE is owned by BT
Plusnet is owned by BT

All using the same back end in this case but Plusnet gives better customer service.
2 Mar 17 #44
I have this deal when they were doing it as an introductory thing. Good customer service and no problems on the network since it's EE. Neither 3 nor EE would match it when I tried.
2 Mar 17 #43
Why do I need a new sim?:smiley:
Terry was the one asking the question.
As I confirmed, my Life/Plusnet sim works fine in current phone also in an EE Nokia (C1-01 ?).
I'm not sure, but I thought I'd also tried it in an ancient Orange own brand and it still worked, or more likely I was surprised it even turned on after laying forgotten in a drawer for about 6 yrs.
2 Mar 17 #39
I'm with EE, phoned them and got a deal for 3GB, unlimited minutes and texts, for £8.49.
szaman81 to dan5
2 Mar 17 #40
But it's a 12 months contract
1 Mar 17 #8
Do plusnet let you limit cap your monthly bill?

Edit- Found the answer.
molerat to callum84
2 Mar 17 1 #38
Please share what you found :smirk:
Can be set to a minimum £2
2 Mar 17 1 #37
Actually, just checked and the deal is still open for new customers on the mobile web page; just not on the desktop page.
2 Mar 17 #36
You should mention it just plusnet customers can get this for a £10 note non customers £15
2 Mar 17 #35
Is this for broadband customers only? that is what the website says now.
2 Mar 17 #34
Just ordered...
2 Mar 17 #33
Wifi calling cannot find this in their terms, also is it going to be the same speed as EE as people slate virgin for dropping off and being slower on other forums.

I would stay with EE if they had some kind of EU minutes deal like Three
1 Mar 17 #31
not ideal for London underground users as it do not give free LU WiFi
seaniboy to heydi
2 Mar 17 #32
huh ? free o2 wifi
Unlike other wifi hotspots, O2 Wifi is free to use and available to users on all networks. You do, however, have to be over 18 to register and accept our terms and conditions.

You can use O2 Wifi to browse the web, make phone and video calls over the internet and watch online videos. All of these services work better over wifi than a standard 3G or 4G network or web dongle.
1 Mar 17 #30
EE/Plus sims use the old Orange/T-Mobile network codes, EE is actually built on the T-Mobile 3G network footprint and a few extra sites from Orange.

My old Orange payg sim issued pre merger had to be replaced after EE launched as it was not accepted by a EE or T-Mobile phones, they were even fussy to do this as wanted me on EE payg, pffft.

Same as old T-Mobile sims could not use a locked Orange - you need a replacement sim from EE if a sim is that old of pre merger. But as Terry says a EE phone should work no issues with +Net sim.
1 Mar 17 #29
Well they took my £10 upfront and sent a email confirming plan ?

Did not know it was a MSE deal, I googled for 4GB/£10 deal after I could not find Uswitch or broadbandchoices special on +Net mobile sims, I just copy/pasted link.
1 Mar 17 #28
Make calls to service numbers beginning with 084, 087, 09 and 118 - £0.19 access charge, plus a service charge set by the organisation you called

that must be one of the cheapest around!

£1.50 per 250MB per day after 4GB - cheaper than Voda @ £6.50 per 250MB and 3's 1p a MB

or a data bundle valid until refresh date

250MB £2
500MB £4
1GB £6
2GB £10
4GB £15
1 Mar 17 1 #27
BT own plusnet and EE. It is all just money to old pants at BT.
1 Mar 17 #18
I have a EE locked phone, anyone used a plusnet sim in a EE locked phone?
flooker to terry82517
1 Mar 17 1 #25
I signed up to Plusnet February 2016 when it was known as Life Mobile. At the time, out of curiosity tried sim in an EE phone and an old Orange phone, worked each time.
1 Mar 17 1 #24
10.00 (instead of £15) a month for 4GB of data, unlimited minutes & unlimited texts.
•Available to new and existing customers signing up via between 15th February 2017 and 28th February 2017.
•There is no cash alternative to this offer. Plusnet reserves the right to remove this offer at any time including prior to the advertised end date without notice. Other exclusions and conditions may apply.
•Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer (including Mates Rates).
1 Mar 17 #23
mates rates? it is for anyone, select the NO/YES I am a Plusnet BB tab and it remains £10 either way :smiley:
1 Mar 17 #20
According to the t&cs this expired yesterday.
seaniboy to marlovian
1 Mar 17 #22
According to my email it didn't :smile:
1 Mar 17 4 #12
Do you have their sister's number? :smirk:
spannerzone to Gollywood
1 Mar 17 1 #14
Steady, I hear that her mother, Beattie, is a bit of a beast
seaniboy to Gollywood
1 Mar 17 #21
0121 4 10 3325/0 121 4 10 DEAL

1 Mar 17 #6
I wish they'd stop having weekly deals, just when you think you've got the deal you want 6 days later it's better, then worse, then better.
cel1189 to spannerzone
1 Mar 17 #19
Uses EE network
No contract (call to cancel and it just ends 30days from request)
Can set smart cap if you call them to allow fixed rollover (default £2)

Its not weekly, its a 'mates rates' deal for if you are already a broadband customer (source: I am staff)
1 Mar 17 #2
Can you wifi call with plusnet like you can with EE ?
JoolsG4 to ade457
1 Mar 17 1 #4

SMS shortcodes are not supported either. No mobile app yet. Voicemail can only be activated/deactivated by contacting customer services. No visual voicemail on iPhones.
abovethewater to ade457
1 Mar 17 #17
I am using the IPhone's wi-fi calling with PlusNet without issue (It states "Make and receive calls over Wi-Fi with your EE account" in the settings.)
1 Mar 17 1 #5
Currently on EE and contract is ending within next few weeks, think I will be going for this
m5rcc to quadkon
1 Mar 17 1 #16
EE definitely price matches this offer
1 Mar 17 1 #15
​I'll wait for the then
1 Mar 17 #13
Unless no contract is critical there are regularly so many cheaper deals than this.
1 Mar 17 #9
Anyone managed to get EE to match this deal by retention / asking for PAC?
seaniboy to royaltee
1 Mar 17 #10
Well Vodafone offered to match it...WITH A 12 MONTH TERM! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I mean why even TRY retain a customer Vodafone - 1 month v 12 ? LOL

I've been looking at Opensignal and it seems EE outdoes Voda here
seaniboy to royaltee
1 Mar 17 #11
EE are quite good at matching sister company offers DIRECT from their sisters, give them a call.
1 Mar 17 #3
Would I be able to keep my existing (O2) phone number?
JoolsG4 to billynomats
1 Mar 17 #7
Yes of course. Just port it across like you would with any other network. Get your PAC from O2.
1 Mar 17 #1
family member switched over, no issues so far, believe they use the EE network
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