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Pagid (DOT 4) Brake Fluid [500ml] £1.81 with code @ eurocarparts
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Pagid (DOT 4) Brake Fluid [500ml] £1.81 with code @ eurocarparts

£1.81 EuroCarParts 15 Mar 17
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14 Mar 17
Code: SALE30

Pagid Dot 4 brake fluid is recommended for brake and clutch systems for which a non - petroleum fluid is specified, including ABS. Pagid DOT 4 brake fluid covers a wide range of vehicles and provides consistent performance across the temperature range.

Suitable for ABS systems.

Safe to mix with existing DOT 3, DOT 4.

Minimum dry boiling point at 270?C.

Meets the following performance specifications:

FMVSS 116 DOT 4 - SAE 1703 - ISO 4925

*A quick refresh is to empty the reservoir with a cheap new turkey baster or similar not completely as air will trap in system then top up to max line.

Then to complete fully bleed each calliper search on YouTube. Keep topping up never allowing the fluid to empty.
Latest comments (18)
17 Mar 17 #18
Seized Nipples , Blow Lamps , Nut base , Bleed Nuts , Nip Bleeds and Turkey basters and poo ........... I've heard enough , this isn't one for the faint-hearted I feel !
14 Mar 17 #1
How do you find out how much the car needs or is pretty much the same for all cars , anyone know ? They have the 5 litre of this at £17 less 30% so about £12.00 .
Is shelf life an issue once its been opened as well or does it not degrade over time ?
HappyShopper to rooney10
14 Mar 17 1 #8
On my old Golf (2001 reg), the car was serviced yearly with the brake fluid scheduled to be changed every 2yrs.

From memory, I used to buy a 1 litre bottle and give that to the mechanic.

With regards shelf life, DOT brake fluid is hygroscopic which means it absorbs moisture so has a limited shelf life.
MonkeysUncle to rooney10
15 Mar 17 1 #13
Once opened the stuff you don't use should be disposed of. It won't keep more than a month or so after being opened. As mentioned moisture gets in - you won't see it, but its there, then if you use it in your system your brake pedal will be spongy, then one day you will brake hard and the brake pedal will go to the floor with not much braking effect and you will poo.
snapdragon to rooney10
16 Mar 17 1 #17
Yes, shelf life is an issue. Only buy as you need it and once opened, a year max.
Many cars need 1litre. 1.25 litres for larger cars. If you have a hydraulic clutch, maybe another 0.25 litres.
As a diy'er or novice, I would buyer 2 litres as it will be harder to judge when the new clearer fluid is ejected.
Never let the resveroir run dry, make no no tiny bubbles are entrained as you pour as these will get held in suspension and pumped down into the brake system for a spongy sinking brake feel.
15 Mar 17 #16
can you bleed the clutch this way??
15 Mar 17 1 #15
Gift Certificate/Promo Code ( 1 Day Sale - Ends 23:59 14th March 2017 ) :laughing::laughing::laughing:
15 Mar 17 #14
Majority of cars need pressure bleeding. Even on those that don't, bleeding via the pedal often led to the need for a new brake master cylinder as the seals traveled past the unused bits of the brake cylinder and got knackered. Also don't bleed them dry or the ABS unit needs bleeding which needs a computer to do. Gunson Eezibleed is the thing to get, it works off pressure of a spare tyre and also fills the reservoir as you bleed.
15 Mar 17 1 #12
1 litre is enough to do a whole system, some cars you will need to pressure bleed ie not pump the pedal my 2001 S3 has to be pressure bled purchased a sealey one years ago £60 so saved me a fortune bleed mine every 2 years on all my cars cost is tiny when its this much plus your nipples don't get seized as much with regular bleeding & as we know no one likes seized nipples :smile:
14 Mar 17 #11
Use a good fitting spanner on the bleed nut and don't over tighten, doesn't need a kack hand turn to nip it off, likewise if it doesn't release with moderate force, leave it, it may snap, blow lamp around the nut base and a tap straight on top of it, should get it going :smiley:
14 Mar 17 #10
50 brick to bleed brakes... i'm in the wrong business!.... 1st off, I know it sounds expensive, but not as expensive as not knowing what you're doing :wink:
It's quite easy to bleed the brakes with no special tools, best off 2 people doing it, one sat in the car pumping the pedal when instructed, the other doing the caliper bleed bolts.
you can do one at a time, wheel off, loosen bleed, pump pedal to push old fluid out (bit of pipe and a jar would help), keep topping up the brake fluid res' so not to run out (nip bleed off while you check), eventually fresh fluid will come out, when this happens, get assistant to press and hold the brake pedal and nip off the bleed, release pedal. Done.
Repeat on other corners.... don't worry if res' runs dry, just fill up and repeat until no bubbles come out of the pipe :smiley:
14 Mar 17 #9
Perfect with ice and a slice.
14 Mar 17 1 #7
​after doing some.research looks like i will need to.bleed at each calliper point.
cheers guys.
14 Mar 17 #6
just bought 4 for a full bleed. now to figure out a nice cheap way to get this done!
14 Mar 17 1 #4
i love the turkey baster idea.
any hack to do the brake lines without a full brake bleed procedure, doesn't need to be perfect... just good enough.
local garage was charging me 50 quid for a brake bleed, i thought is was expensive.
would love a hack to get 80 percent there..
damadgeruk to polarbaba
14 Mar 17 #5
It's the brake fluid that's in the brake lines that is doing the work, changing the fluid in the reservoir will have very little impact.
14 Mar 17 #3
Code is Sale30
14 Mar 17 #2
Says code invalid
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