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Hotel in Turkey 1 WEEK for £12.00 @ Travel Republic
3.5 stars +245

Hotel in Turkey 1 WEEK for £12.00 @ Travel Republic

£12 travel republic13 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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Opening post
5 Mar 17
This is stupidly cheap, in a nice quiet resort, but finding flights to compliment it is double hard I can't find any for less than £269, but you may fare (get it?) better. Good luck
Top comments
5 Mar 17 30 #5
I see the Turkey haters are up early this morning...

The resorts in the south west, Marmaris, Kusadasi, Fethiye etc are no more dangerous than lets say London, Brussels, Paris or Orlando even.

And as for "A country full of Muslims is a disaster waiting to happen.", to me that comment is bordering on racist.
5 Mar 17 28 #3
Just need some new holiday wear.
5 Mar 17 21 #15
I work in the middle east on a regular basis. Pigeon holing a nation because of the religion of fthe majority of its people is unfair.

99% of the Muslims I meet during my travels are the most warm, hospitable people I have come across. You're more likely to get harmed by a white trash bonehead on your own soil than you are by going on holiday.
hoppo7 to kamenitzabrit
5 Mar 17 15 #6
I don't wish to alarm you in any way at all, but there are only 214 miles seperating "us" from the people who attacked in Paris. Best you stay in your anderson shelter that you still have in the garden, it's not safe out there!
All comments (49)
5 Mar 17 1 #1
Nice quiet resort..................for how long will these last.... the changing man a commeth :sunglasses:
5 Mar 17 7 #2
If they start giving a bit more than £12 to go I might think about it. :wink:
5 Mar 17 28 #3
Just need some new holiday wear.
5 Mar 17 5 #4
Wow..... a brilliant price for a hotel in a holiday resort, I can't wait to go.
Now, let me think, why is it so cheap....... it's in Turkey you say...... ah no problem, I am well versed in world affairs, and what's more, I am an expert in all matters Turkish, have family and friends living in different parts of the country, so I am totally aware of exactly what is happening on a daily basis, and am willing to take the risk of problems.
Good grief, even those Turkish people living near the resorts don't know when something will happen, and the Turkish military do not get told of an attack until after it happens (and they won't worry about human rights when questioning suspects), so how are us Brits going to be able to feel safe ?

To rather misquote Josey Wales...... ''Dying ain't much of a bargain'' !
hoppo7 to kamenitzabrit
5 Mar 17 15 #6
I don't wish to alarm you in any way at all, but there are only 214 miles seperating "us" from the people who attacked in Paris. Best you stay in your anderson shelter that you still have in the garden, it's not safe out there!
shadey12 to kamenitzabrit
5 Mar 17 4 #7
​I live a few miles from Dewsbury, I didn't know (neither did security services) when a local man decided to blow the tube stations up.
I also didn't know (neither did security services) when a car load of bombers travelled from Birmingham to attack an edl march on a busy afternoon in Dewsbury town centre.
5 Mar 17 30 #5
I see the Turkey haters are up early this morning...

The resorts in the south west, Marmaris, Kusadasi, Fethiye etc are no more dangerous than lets say London, Brussels, Paris or Orlando even.

And as for "A country full of Muslims is a disaster waiting to happen.", to me that comment is bordering on racist.
zx636r to Tapasman
5 Mar 17 8 #9
Calm down, don't get your orange boiler suit in a knot......
Bendown to Tapasman
5 Mar 17 4 #14
Ah, the old racist card. what a surprise.
vonrumble to Tapasman
13 Mar 17 #24
Islam isn't a race it's a religion.
5 Mar 17 3 #8
seem to recall lots of cheap holidays to Tunisia a couple of years ago. let's hope the Turkish security forces act a bit quicker than the Tunisian ones should anything happen.
5 Mar 17 1 #10
I live in Dewsbury and the security services lets call them police nor I knew that a mother would kidnap her own daughter.......blah blah blah.
What has this got to do with a holiday in Turkey.
Wild horses couldn't drag me to Turkey-The government advises this
There is a high threat from terrorism. Terrorist groups, including Kurdish groups, Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and far left organisations, continue to plan and carry out attacks. Further attacks are likely and could be indiscriminate.

There is a heightened risk of terrorist attack against the aviation industry in Turkey. You should co-operate fully with security officials at airports.

Most terrorist attacks have taken place in the south and east of the country and in Ankara and Istanbul. Attacks are most likely to target the Turkish state, civilians and demonstrations. Nevertheless, it’s likely that some attacks will also target western interests and tourists from western countries, particularly in the major cities.

The Turkish authorities have successfully disrupted attack planning in the recent past and have said that security has been tightened in response to recent attacks. But further attacks are likely and could be indiscriminate.
5 Mar 17 #11
You are further away from the 10 miles within the Syrian border, as the advice says on the website, than we currently are to Paris. Get a grip!
5 Mar 17 #12
Op you might want to put what dates are available for the £12 deal.
5 Mar 17 2 #13
​Could not agree more with this. we were booked to go to Tunisia a couple of years ago. the travel advice then was pretty similar to what it is now for Turkey. everyone banging on about it being as safe as London or Paris are deluded. the fact is that the security forces in France and the UK are better prepared to react, should the worst happen. countries like Tunisia and indeed Turkey simply are not. why would anyone want to go to a country which is so unstable is beyond me. there was an attempted military coup there in the last year or so ffs.
5 Mar 17 21 #15
I work in the middle east on a regular basis. Pigeon holing a nation because of the religion of fthe majority of its people is unfair.

99% of the Muslims I meet during my travels are the most warm, hospitable people I have come across. You're more likely to get harmed by a white trash bonehead on your own soil than you are by going on holiday.
5 Mar 17 #16
​and of course none have happened in the EU, oh wait....
5 Mar 17 3 #17
I see the liberal lefites are playing the racist card again. yawn.
chrisvaldez to roblatus
5 Mar 17 4 #19
Oh, you mean pointing out the pigeon holing a whole religion or nationality based on the actions of a few minority extremists is unfair and inaccurate?

It's like someone from abroad thinking every UK citizen is a paid up, minority-abusing member of Britain First.
5 Mar 17 #18
Id go on my own but not with the kids. Seen some absolute bargains tho because they are so desperate to get the hotels full again. it's a shame as I really liked Turkey, the people we ever encounteted were lovely and pamucele is an incredible sight
5 Mar 17 #20
​at no point have I mentioned race or religion. just stated the facts.
5 Mar 17 #21
You haven't but several others have. Funny how a few of them have retracted comments (or had them deleted, not sure!)
8 Mar 17 7 #22
been in Turkey the last 2 summers ; been brilliant . I think the average UK tourist is rather quite thick when it comes to the geography of the country . unless you are going on holiday to the capital ( Ankara ) or Istanbul , there is no hassle anywhere . also the Syrian border is over 500 miles away from most of the resorts . I feel safer walking about Turkey than parts of Glasgow .Enjoy your Annual holiday to Tenerife with all its 30 years old culture !!
13 Mar 17 #23
Fab spot thanks OP! Cheapest i could find for around the dates i wanted is £15 for a week - so cheap!! Now need cheap flights :smiley:
13 Mar 17 #25
I went to Marmaris literally a fortnight after the attempted coup with a group of friends. It was business as normal. Stayed at Casa De Maris a 5* hotel all inclusive for a week at £315 all in. The only danger in Marmaris as far as we could tell were the cunning traders at the Grand Bazaar with their cunning ways. Heck they even send out their kids in the hopes of luring shoppers in with their charm. I saw a boy of 8 years of age woo a group of English women and lead them into his family owned shop. He's probably going to grow up into a Turkish lothario. Pretty good fake designer gear available there.
13 Mar 17 #26
The difference is, no Islamic terrorist will attack you in your home. That is not their aim.

But in a holiday resort...........

With lots of foreigners...........
13 Mar 17 5 #27
Just back from an holiday in Turkey, Antalya airport and hotel security was very tight, for me it felt safer than shopping in the Trafford Centre or going to Old Trafford.
I have 2 more holidays booked for this summer to Turkey which I'm very much looking forward too.
No good sat at home worrying.......
13 Mar 17 2 #28
Its more about principle than safety... I wouldnt spend my time or money in this country if the flights and hotels were free.
13 Mar 17 #29
​It gets boring doesn't it. Leftists favourite word, when they haven't a valuable point to make in a argument.
13 Mar 17 #30
Oh the irony.
13 Mar 17 2 #31
You're more at risk crossing the road each day than going to this resort
13 Mar 17 3 #32
I was there during the military coup last year, i was in oludeniez sitting in the pool drinking beer wondering why my family were panicking about my safety, the only people panicking were the staff worried about their jobs, yes there was trouble in the mainland but this was a citizens revolt against the military nothing to do with terrorism not unlike our riots a few years back, i never felt unsafe whilst i was there but i can understand why people would think twice about going it's a simple case of cutting down the risk. That's why I'm staying home in lovely Cornwall this year with one eye on my surroundings and the other on my pasty from the seagulls
13 Mar 17 2 #34
In the last year I've toured the central-south of Turkey extensively and spent a week in Istanbul & felt relatively safe (despite bombings having taken place yards from my hotel & of course the airport).

What worries me more than terrorism is what Erdogan is up to. There's already been one attempted coup with people slaughtered live on TV for heavens sake (I watched most of it). The man is a tyrant - stirring up religious hatred & dragging Turkey back into the dark ages. For that reason I won't be going back.
sb170 to stanno
13 Mar 17 #40
This is what a few of the staff at my hotel were saying but what surprised me was the evening of the coup how many Turkish people in the resort were backing erdogan in the street, do we only hear what the media tell us.
13 Mar 17 2 #35
how a country like Turkey can be considered for joining the EU baffles me. thank God we are leaving.
ricey to roblatus
13 Mar 17 #37
You are of course aware that any EU member state can veto the application of a new member?
13 Mar 17 1 #36
Ahhhhahahahaha, £12 to go to a country where there is military rule and borders Syria. Folks ignornace and obsession with cheap holidays will result in them putting their own lives in danger.
13 Mar 17 #38
some people really funny here .please read Helping British Nationals Abroad 2016
Your text here .Turkey more safe then even Greece look and compare data.yes Turkey alot of problem but holiday resort usually very safe for British.just quick search even daily mail ,every day a British lost life or hurt soomewhere Spain,France,Usa,Thailand.. etc when did u read any smilar news ?
13 Mar 17 #39
Wow... this escalated! Thanks OP. Booked myself a cheeky week away.
13 Mar 17 3 #41
absolutely ​loved turkey. people are extremely friendly, food amazing. olu deniz Is a fabulous place to stop if you can find a good deal. not been to marmaris but heard it's more lively than the rest.. live a little. Paris, London etc never expected these bombings but it can happen anywhere I'm afraid :disappointed:
13 Mar 17 1 #42
Well if there's people that'll vote for Trump....
13 Mar 17 #43
Your right, To be fair I'd be more worried going to America with the people he has and will upset .
13 Mar 17 #44
We live in a country where a large number of the ISIL extremists who have carried out atrocities around the world were born and raised. What does that tell us about the country we live in. And as for comments stating the FCO advice for travel to Turkey is high risk, the same advice applies to the UK. Nowhere is safe anymore so we all have to weigh up the risks.
14 Mar 17 #45
There is a reason why its cheap you know!

And for people saying that this is in a safe area, remember you have to land at an airport first you know!

You couldn't pay me to go to Turkey, A once secular country now going backwards with Dictator Erdogan slowly turning it into a new Islamist State
14 Mar 17 #46
​yes. I am also aware they our previous PM wanted to roll out the red carpet for them to join. I stand by my remark.
14 Mar 17 #47
​As stated earlier. I concede that there is a risk in our own country. what people in favour of this deal seem to have trouble understanding is the Fact that our authorities, police, intelligence services and indeed other emergency services are much more adept at dealing with it when it does unfortunately happen. this is simply not the case in countries like Tunisia and Turkey and was brutally demonstrated in the Tunisia attack, which a friend of my wife's Grandmother was killed in. despite going to Tunisia for umpteen years because it was lovely and the people where so kind and welcoming​.
21 Mar 17 #48
Those who find this so dangerous, dont need to waste their valueable bargain hunting time on this thread. Due to dipping Pound value, its barely affordable for Little Englanders.

For me it looks like a good deal.
3 Apr 17 #49
cant beat turkey for service ,quality,sun and price.
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