69p a pack. Not worth getting a single pack with the £1.99 delivery charge. I've stocked up with a full 12 months supply.
6 packs - £6.13
12 pack - £10.27
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7y 51d3#1
4 months supply was £2.79 only last week
Latest comments (22)
7y 42d#22
Canny deal, however their website is soooooo slow. Heat added
7y 49d1#21
£9.40 in the chemist 4u eBay store.
7y 50d#20
I've had severe hayfever all my life, nothing has been as effective as Benadryl plus, it's expensive, yes (around £5.50 for 12 tablets, can take up to 3 tablets a day) but it completely deminishes my hayfever, not even a sniff of it. Only downside is that you're not advised to drink alcohol whilst taking them.
7y 51d#18
Hey, just wanted to add. I went to an immunologist recently and just want to share. Apparently Fexofenadine only lasts up to 18 hours and are strictly 1 a day. (I was taking this for food allergy but it didn't touch my hayfever symptoms at all.) Therefore there are 6 hours where it doesn't work. Cetrizine lasts up to 36 hours so overall more effective. My Immunologist consultant has tried to refer me for desensitization. (Fingers crossed for that) He mentioned it is safe enough to take 2 Cetirizine tablets a day to ease the hayfever symptoms.
hope that helps.
quantum77 to Donna2009
7y 51d#19
are you going to have a micro array test to find which foods you are sensitive to?
7y 51d#4
My hayfever is really bad, had to get prescribed Fexofenadine from the doctors. So far this year they ain't working
m1chaels to Rid1
7y 51d#5
I share your pain. How does one qualify for imunotherapy?
Teza511 to Rid1
7y 51d#6
Try nettle tea works very well for me, best thing I ever tried.
Jaybeam to Rid1
7y 51d#13
I was prescribed fexofenadine 180mg a couple of years ago and have found them to be absolutely useless! Have gone back to piriton and cetirizine and the joke is doctors won't prescribe these now.
quantum77 to Rid1
7y 51d#17
By doctor or consultant? I know consultants can prescribe up to 4x the dose to get the job done!
7y 51d#16
I was prescribed them 2 years ago, they just randomly stopped working now :/
7y 51d#15
Topcashback 11.1%
7y 51d#14
Not if you're exempt through age or prepayment prescription.
7y 51d#11
Now that the NHS can no longer prescribe hayfever tablets, I'd stock up.
ollie87 to nascent
7y 51d#12
Why would they? With the prescription charge it's cheaper to buy your own.
I still have some of these from 2 years ago.
They work ok for me, but they do make me unbelievably drowsy. I'm like an extra from The Walking Dead by 6pm.
7y 51d#8
it's that time of year again!
7y 51d#7
Move to Scotland or Wales?
7y 51d#2
ive had this stuff in a cupboard for 4 years and it still works. ive found my hayfever diminishing as i get older but still get the occasional bad day.
derp1664 to Regprentice
7y 51d#3
I took some last week that expired in 2005 and it still seemed to work okay
Opening post
6 packs - £6.13
12 pack - £10.27
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Latest comments (22)
hope that helps.
They work ok for me, but they do make me unbelievably drowsy. I'm like an extra from The Walking Dead by 6pm.