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GTX 1080 Inno3D £475.99 Delivered @ Scan
3 stars +195

GTX 1080 Inno3D £475.99 Delivered @ Scan

£475.99 Scan2 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
1 Mar 17
The first sub-£500 1080. With the announcement of the 1080ti, vanilla 1080s seem to be already dropping in price.

Free For Honor or Ghost Recon: Wildlands too.

£475.99 delivered from Scan.
Top comments
asl3312 to emodan
1 Mar 17 5 #3
​Pretty much what I said in the OP.
1 Mar 17 3 #12
good... good...
fall my pretties
asl3312 to JimBobJr
1 Mar 17 3 #6
​Were they genuine deals though? I seem to remember something about sellers being hacked and Amazon price matching.
1 Mar 17 3 #1
Good price. This is what they should have been to start with though.
All comments (40)
1 Mar 17 3 #1
Good price. This is what they should have been to start with though.
1 Mar 17 1 #2
Nvidia announched new 1080's with higher clockable memory and a price drop to $499 so should see most drop to under £500 shortly
asl3312 to emodan
1 Mar 17 5 #3
​Pretty much what I said in the OP.
1 Mar 17 1 #4
I'll be taking a 1080 Ti :smile:
asl3312 to ritchiedrama
1 Mar 17 #7
​I can't believe the ti has come in at £699 considering the price at which the 1080 retailed for when launched.
MBeeching to ritchiedrama
2 Mar 17 #22
Yeah I suspect I will be doing the same! Upgrading from the 980 Ti, how about yourself?
(Just hope an EVGA Superclocked doesn't cost £100 more than reference).
1 Mar 17 1 #5
Not the first, Amazon had ones for as low as £416 and others were £461
asl3312 to JimBobJr
1 Mar 17 3 #6
​Were they genuine deals though? I seem to remember something about sellers being hacked and Amazon price matching.
1 Mar 17 #8
​no new gtx 1080 no ti coming out
1 Mar 17 #9
​Ah right my mistake, yes the existing 10 series cards are being updated with better specs.
1 Mar 17 #10
Amazon prices are dropping too. can't wait for the gtx 1080 ti!
1 Mar 17 #11
Voted hot but if you can wait better deals will be with us soon. 10% speed on the 1080's which will be about the same price(limited options now with the 1080TI). Whilst Nvidia are doing this to get the high buyers to buy now, before the AMD Vega arrives. Both will offer better value.
I myself am wait to buy one of the better options.
asl3312 to chriswoolley1
2 Mar 17 #16
​Good price for now but yeah I can see them coming down further.. All I need now is someone to buy my 1070 Hybrid..
1 Mar 17 3 #12
good... good...
fall my pretties
2 Mar 17 #13
they already calling the gtx 1080 ti "The Titan Killer" smh
2 Mar 17 2 #14
i'm so glad i never bought a 1080 now that the 1080ti and the price drops have been announced.
2 Mar 17 #15
Ahhh you beat me to it, price dropped everywhere i should think now. sub 500, this is a could deal but i would prefer a better branded card instead of inno3D. i prefer evga or something on those lines :smiley:
2 Mar 17 #17
no mention of the nvidia free game deal that i can see. does anyone know if it is included with this card? if so, great, if not the overclockers £488 for the reference card may be more interesting to some.

still, hot for now even if it will be matched/beaten soon
asl3312 to bigmike20vt
2 Mar 17 #18
​Check the OP, it says For Honor / Wildlands inc.
2 Mar 17 #19
yess finally, this is what i was waiting for. i was going to pick up a 1070 for roughly that price so might as well get a 1080 now.
2 Mar 17 2 #20
Go Vega
Nate1492 to dreamager
2 Mar 17 1 #25
I've got a time share in Alaska I think you'd be interested in.

Seriously, Vega should get *zero* benefit of the doubt.

AMD's GPUs have been a major letdown.

The last good release was the 290x.

Everything past that has been a major letdown.
2 Mar 17 #21
*uses mocking know it-all face*

Guys dont wait for the 1080ti as it wont affect the prices of 1080. I know this as I am a knowitall smarmy twit

*hides in corner after recent nvidia announcement.*
2 Mar 17 #23
This is correct, someone got hacked and put up a load of 1080's for £450, and the Amazon alrogrithm price matched them and loads of people ordered, but I think most were cancelled. I managed to get one for £450 though from Amazon about 2 weeks ago, but think it was a bit of a fluke.
2 Mar 17 #24
which gtx1080? I never saw this deal on hukd :disappointed:
2 Mar 17 2 #26
Decent price relatively speaking, but nvidia really milked this release. The mark up is horrible.
sergiup to frish
2 Mar 17 #27
Of course they did - same thing as Intel does with CPUs, if there's little or no competition then they're just going to charge as much as they can. They've been at it for years now, even when AMD cards were better simply because the masses would buy a GeForce for the brand name.
johnthehuman to frish
2 Mar 17 1 #28
Oh wow this again.

nVidia are a business, they're not your mate. Why is profit a dirty word?
2 Mar 17 1 #29
because we happen to be the consumers, not shareholders.

you can enjoy getting milked but most people won't.
2 Mar 17 #30
Getting milked? No-one is forcing you to buy anything. If you want to buy one, you know the price, if it's too rich for you, don't pay it. Simple. Keep all your milk.
plath to johnthehuman
2 Mar 17 #33
i get the impression that you're either playing devil's advocate or are a bit dense. so i'll just exit this asap.
frish to johnthehuman
2 Mar 17 #40
Which is exactly what I'm doing. I'd prefer to wait and see what AMD gives us with the Vega release and support them if it performs well enough. People's defensiveness and extreme brand loyalty is why we get price gouged. Of course if you want a high performing gpu right now, go ahead and get a GTX 1080, I'm not stopping anyone. Merely pointing out that it's worth considering making the market more balanced.

I get that they're in it for a profit, but that doesn't mean I have to be on my knees for them. Improvement in the industry is more important than who has the better toy.
2 Mar 17 #31
2 Mar 17 #32
Here it is, I am sure there was a deal on here for it, I'm sure I tried to add it and it told me it was a duplicate. HUKD's search is a bit fussy so you have to search for "GTX 1080" "GTX1080" and also "GTX-1080" to find them all as it does a really literal match on what you type in.
2 Mar 17 #34
No I just don't like all this acting like big corporations should be your best friends :laughing:
I know Twitter and Facebook have confused people, but they're still a business, and they intend to make money.
2 Mar 17 #35
You have heard of profiteering and price gouging? Just because they have no real competition at the minute doesn't mean they should overcharge.
2 Mar 17 #36
Profiteering implies something illegal. Which this clearly is not.
CoeK to johnthehuman
2 Mar 17 #38
Only if you have no idea what profiteering really means.
If you prefer we can call it coercive monopoly.
2 Mar 17 #37
Here we go again. You just can't help it.

RE deal, good price. Conceivable to think £450 is a possibility in a few months with deals.
2 Mar 17 #39
It was sold by Amazon directly but people were too stupid and only looked at the £300 scam sellers. Look on keepa, they were £416
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