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Google Home pre-order £129.00 @ Google store
3.5 stars +218

Google Home pre-order £129.00 @ Google store

£129 google store28 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
Spread the word - don't keep it to yourself
Opening post
28 Mar 17
Seems like a good deal compared to Amazon Echo
Top comments
28 Mar 17 21 #14
GCHQ are running a government subsidy scheme to assist with the purchase of devices like this.
mittromney to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 19 #16
​Small print says you dont qualify if you already own a Samsung Smart TV
28 Mar 17 8 #3
I picked one up from America when it came out - I also had an Echo when it was released. The Echo WAS very "dumb" in the early days but has "grown up" a lot... I'm currently using the Home and it is cleverer than Alexa was in the early days but I would say Alexa is cleverer right now. I imagine Google will push the development of the Home heavily in the short term as I cant imagine them letting Amazon take the lead with this.

Also worth bearing in mind that Google is a superpower in terms of knowing about you (for better or worse). I can be sure that when fully developed the Home will be better than the Echo. Google have made a living from learning about you for a lot longer than Amazon who were primarily a retailer.

With that being said its a lot like watching two lorries trying to overtake each other on a dual carriageway when you're behind them in your "Siri Device" waiting to get past them both - Lets see how long before Apple jump on the bandwagon.
28 Mar 17 6 #17
All comments (209)
28 Mar 17 #1
6th April? Nice. I'm gonna be in the US then though, so may just pick one up there. I'd much prefer this to Alexa as I have a Google Music family sub whereas my Prime Music sub is the basic tier with a tiny (in comparison) selection of songs.
twe to Rob_1304
28 Mar 17 #22
​Hopefully something like this goes to the Alexa store.
28 Mar 17 #2
Really want this!!
28 Mar 17 8 #3
I picked one up from America when it came out - I also had an Echo when it was released. The Echo WAS very "dumb" in the early days but has "grown up" a lot... I'm currently using the Home and it is cleverer than Alexa was in the early days but I would say Alexa is cleverer right now. I imagine Google will push the development of the Home heavily in the short term as I cant imagine them letting Amazon take the lead with this.

Also worth bearing in mind that Google is a superpower in terms of knowing about you (for better or worse). I can be sure that when fully developed the Home will be better than the Echo. Google have made a living from learning about you for a lot longer than Amazon who were primarily a retailer.

With that being said its a lot like watching two lorries trying to overtake each other on a dual carriageway when you're behind them in your "Siri Device" waiting to get past them both - Lets see how long before Apple jump on the bandwagon.
PAULTRD to dipteshr
28 Mar 17 3 #11
dealomatic to dipteshr
28 Mar 17 2 #35
​And when Apple do, they will say they invented it first!

28 Mar 17 1 #4
No pre-order available, joined the waiting list though.
28 Mar 17 1 #5
Why did Google take so long to bring this out? They've lost a lot of market share with Amazon over this. At least there is competition to help drive down prices. £129 seems a tad expensive. Just my thoughts. I haven't voted either way.
ipswich78 to OdhranC
28 Mar 17 #25
I'm curious why you think £129 is a tad expensive? What's your valuation based on?
28 Mar 17 #6
Tempted but one of the things I like about Alexa is she plays music that I get as part of my prime account however you can also cast audio to the GH and I have a little app on my laptop to cast from. I don't fancy paying extra for google music or spotify. It's a shame google don't offer a package of extras to get the most out of it.
ukez to carltonbp
28 Mar 17 2 #7
You can upload your own music to google for free and play that on your chromecast audio device, mobiles, pc and tablets too without subscription.
28 Mar 17 1 #8
Looks like one of those essential oil diffusers.
28 Mar 17 1 #9
Google didn't even entertain offering early adopters a pre-order discount like Amazon did, so for that reason I'm not going to order one until one comes about.
28 Mar 17 1 #10
I'd forgotten about that, good to know thanks.
28 Mar 17 #12
What it always just "join waiting list" or have they sold out or something?
rapid111111 to foxxes
28 Mar 17 1 #13
believe it was join waiting list from the start
28 Mar 17 21 #14
GCHQ are running a government subsidy scheme to assist with the purchase of devices like this.
mittromney to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 19 #16
​Small print says you dont qualify if you already own a Samsung Smart TV
Q-Tec to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 #19
Agreed. In much the same way I'll never have a "Black Box" in my car, I'll never buy a listening device for my home.
ipswich78 to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 #26
If you're not doing anything wrong what does it matter?
OrribleHarry to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 #33
Wow your paranoid!! They are watching be afraid be very afraid.
dealomatic to 89quidyoucantgowrong
28 Mar 17 #36
​So that's how Trump got suspicious! :smile:
28 Mar 17 #15
​Can you do that for free as I remember seeing that you needed to have a subscription before uploading offline files for playback?
28 Mar 17 6 #17
28 Mar 17 1 #18
Thank you - beat me to it. :smiley:
28 Mar 17 #20
I got a SHield so might wait for the adaptor for that :smiley:
28 Mar 17 #21
Does anyone know if this works with Sonos, Nest and Philip's Hue?
foxxes to guydaniels
28 Mar 17 #27
Pretty sure it works with Nest and Hue. I'll personally be picking up to replace my Sonos. I'll probably be able to sell my Sonos speaker/s for the price of this still giving me the wireless speaker with the added Google functionality.
28 Mar 17 2 #23
Did anyone read about the Beauty and the Beast Advert being played through peoples google home devices? I get enough adverts ta.
28 Mar 17 2 #24
28 Mar 17 1 #28
Thanks for that. This has completely put me off and saved me £129. Not paying for the "privilege" of being advertised to.
28 Mar 17 #29
mmmm do i need one...ive 1 echo and 3 dots already...what can this do
Oneday77 to TAZMANUK
28 Mar 17 1 #32
Buy one and give me one of your dots :smiley:
28 Mar 17 #30
Another blow to Apple, yet again behind the competition...
28 Mar 17 #31
I guess you only date blondes and redheads then?
28 Mar 17 1 #34
Test of a true blonde lol
28 Mar 17 #37
And charge double with shortest possible warranty :smile:
28 Mar 17 1 #38
​Never off my car cd player. Ride on Time is a great track.
28 Mar 17 #39
I got mine from the US a few months ago, it works very well with the nest as it should, both being google products.
28 Mar 17 #40
Black friday bargain bucket fodder
28 Mar 17 1 #41
​That's interesting. Had not read or heard that in our house not received any adverts on the home. We have both amazon dots and a Google home (from the states since Christmas) as for adverts guess they would have been testing as it's always being updated expect they are thinking of doing a business model like the amazon Kindle (cheaper with adverts).

The Echo (amazon) often promotes its charged for music services. Sometimes randomly blasts out the current time or weather without being asked (2-3 times a week.) amazon also pushed an (advertisement?) letting us know at dinner time that it was red nose day and maybe we would like to support comic relief. I see it as early adopters. I also much prefer the Google home product. I get slightly annoyed that amazon blocks Google from playing my audio books from audiable and my amazon dots won't allow me to access my Google music.
28 Mar 17 1 #42
I wouldn't bet on it, they haven't exactly done a phenomenal job with any of their other side projects. Just look at android they've hobbled it since version 3 with a weird corporate ethos and goals that don't actually match user needs and demands. Classic example being developing a tablet and desktop friendly version of Android and then killing it off, along with reduction in support for drives and SD cards and neutering their apps so they need data connections to work properly. In real terms amazon have with the exception of the kindles shown they are much more demand driven and realistic about goals. Also on the technology side amazons actually doing better than google at a lot of things, google compute for example made a big push to try and dislodge amazon, but have more or less lost the momentum because of the typical google start strong then get tired and give up process.
28 Mar 17 1 #43
If you click on Get Deal, then on the product and scroll down it shows you what it is compatible with. I will advise that two of the three you asked about definitely are on the list.
28 Mar 17 #44
Amazon echo and Google home are a cia, mi5, nsa and GCHQ wet dream come true.
28 Mar 17 #45
looks a bit far winded setting up broadlink rm
28 Mar 17 3 #46
Indeed. £99 for the echo was an absolute bargain and £40 for an echo dot better still. If they want me to try (or change to) Google Home, they'll need to come up with a better offer.
28 Mar 17 1 #47
​two of them are my kids got them in the price error at pc world for £42.50 for both of them :wink:
28 Mar 17 #48
Can these 'home helpers' wipe our backsides yet?
If not what's the next best thing it does? (apart from spy on you and make you paranoid about Russians :stuck_out_tongue: )
28 Mar 17 4 #49
Why do people think that being spied upon relentlessly is fine just because they're not criminals?
28 Mar 17 1 #50
Google will probably drop support in 12 months like most things they do.

Looks good, has potential to be better than Alexa, but then Amazon seem keen to keep developers onside. I love all my dots and echos, integration with Amazon market, audible imo puts it at an advantage. But as Google have found out with + and that headset thing, even chucking money at something doesn't force people in to buying it.

Google need a £40 dot competitor to make serious inroads.
28 Mar 17 #51

Oh gosh, hahaha. Two epic comments. :smile:
28 Mar 17 2 #52
Along with all phones, laptops, TVs etc.

I suggest you live off grid wearing a tinfoil hat!
28 Mar 17 #53
Is it cos they're a benefit recipient? Either from the public sector gravy train or in tax credits :wink:
Nearly £2 trillion debt is nothing to the children of the state as long as the gluttons get fed :laughing:
28 Mar 17 #54
Lol do you believe all that rubbish about actually being spied on? Good grief......Get rid of all phones, laptops and TVs and live in a tree...
28 Mar 17 #55
No, always free for your own music.
28 Mar 17 #58
Regardless of the snooping stuff, I still want one of these because I love gadgets, but I want it for a better price.
28 Mar 17 #59
Pity the unit looks so ugly, hope they do another design or at least another colour.
28 Mar 17 #60
Exactly ... thats our HUKD logic kicking in :laughing:
28 Mar 17 #61
lol, save an entire £1 by preordering, not quite as attractive as Amazon's preorder offer

I'll probably buy one eventually so i can use it with my Google Chromecast
28 Mar 17 #62
Hilarious lol where's my tinfoil hat.

But seriously though it's purely theoretical propaganda. Forgot it and move on with your life.
28 Mar 17 #63
1984 comes to 2017.
Watch out Winston!
28 Mar 17 #64
Still not sure what actual benefit these are.

Absolutely no idea why some folk have more than one.
28 Mar 17 #65
Irrespective of the merits of the gadget itself, how is this a deal? Just asking.
28 Mar 17 #66
Is there much point of getting this if you use an iphone? Is it only beneficial for android/google users?
28 Mar 17 #67
Cool story.
28 Mar 17 #68
Your choice of phone is irrelevant will work fine.
28 Mar 17 1 #69
I have started wearing a false nose and a beard when I go out now, cant stand the thought of someone spying on me with all the cctv cameras about, even painted my car a different colour so that cant be recognised. Joking aside I could no give a toss who tries to spy on me, more important things in life to worry about
28 Mar 17 1 #70
Still not sure what actual benefit these are.
Absolutely no idea why some folk have one

Are they in anyway more useful than a phone, computer, book, etc?
28 Mar 17 1 #71
does it work with Sonos speakers ?
28 Mar 17 #72
They said it wasn't really an advert, though I don't really agree with that and it definitely seems like an advert to me. However based on the backlash they've had I really don't think they'll be doing that again in a hurry. Certainly wouldn't put me off.

However, no heat from me as its just RRP, not sure why this is getting any heat as a deal?
28 Mar 17 #73
Amazon Alexa is hopeless, I have an Echo Dot and it's only good for very basic stuff. It can't even answer fairly simple questions. I use it to add appointments to my calendar, ask about the time and the weather and get it to play radio stations, apart from that it's pretty limited. I'm thinking of getting Google Home it should be a lot better.
28 Mar 17 #74
But if you're on Android / iPhone, registered with Facebook / other "social media" sites... Do you still have the right to complain about privacy?
28 Mar 17 3 #75
I don't see how this is a deal really, it's pretty much full RRP...
28 Mar 17 #76
Have it hooked up to your multi room audio system and Chromecast Audio devices, just vocally tell it to play whatever song you own in which ever rooms you want it, without any remote. tell it to play, stop, restart, turn up , turn down etc.

Use it with your house lighting or even TV; walk in a room and tell it to turn on your main lights, lamp ambient RGB lighting. Just say the colour vocally and it can change on certain systems that it works with.

ell it to switch on your TV without you having to use your remote via your Chromecast TV device that you already own (allot of the HUKD lot do), tell your device upstairs to turn on the downstairs lighting and TV as you're going down in a moment.

Hook it up to your smart Kettle and tell your device upstairs to boil the kettle at X time so you can just get out of bed and save 2 minutes in the morning..LOL

Tell it to map your root to work and have it notify you of traffic announcements along the way. Have one in your kitchen and ask for recipes, tell it to take notes of your groceries and have it send that shopping list to your mobile.

Random stuff man....

You just need more than one as they are effectively a mic!
28 Mar 17 #77
sorry i replied to you by mistake. ignore this comment!
28 Mar 17 #78
Can I ask a fairly simple question?
You purchased a Dot, presumably after reading the specs etc. So what other things are you expecting it to do? It's a voice controlled gadet for playing music, calendar mngt, weather etc - exactly what you then list as what you use it for......
28 Mar 17 1 #79
​our phones should be able to do what these speakers do. £129 for a wifi speaker is a lot. besides google profits from our info with a advertisers. I'll probably end up getting one eventually though lol whats your thoughts on it?
28 Mar 17 1 #80
Don't see why people are arguing which of Alexa / Google devices is best. They are effectively the same thing / tech. The one you chose will be driven by which eco system you are in. Amazon for me so that was easily decided.
The Achilles heel Google have right now is no Dot competitor. You can have a far superior sound for less than 100 pounds - Dot + Bluetooth speaker (and obviously less if you have existing system).
28 Mar 17 #81
Who's arguing?
28 Mar 17 4 #82
"There are more important things to worry about", this is obvious, doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware and concerned of serious privacy issues.
28 Mar 17 #83
​It's more intellergement.
28 Mar 17 #84
I've had one of these for a while and this has a bit more to it 'out of the box' than the echo but the echo is
smarter and has more compatible 'apps' called skills. They're both great. Speakers comparison both the echo and home are decent little speakers and perfectly usable. The sound isn't as good as say a similar sized higher end Sonos but perfect for everyday listening. Both are loud too! I have a thread in misc if anyone is interested in helping me carry on the conversation!
28 Mar 17 1 #85
​Yes, it works perfectly with hue and nest. I can confirm!
28 Mar 17 #86
​In all honesty, if you are integrated into the Amazon ecosystem, you really wouldn't need a home. I have one of each but I am considering a few more dots around the house!
28 Mar 17 #87
Exactly; anyone would think that theirs no one out there taking advantage of exploits or security flaws effecting random every day people the way he's going on. :laughing:

IPCamLeaks on YouTube, for example is a good one to show how any random person with a bit of basic tech knowledge can take advantage of security exploits, poor security and vulnerabilities flaws against every day people who were just minding their business getting on with life without even realising that them and there kids are being watched and photographed by random people all over the world, naked, dressed, in the moment or whatever.. Even uploaded on Youtube!

He reminds me of those Hillary supporters

He thinks theirs nothing to worry about and anyone that worries should wear a foil hat..WTF :laughing:

Another example of a database or exploits, vulnerabilities, security flaws, privacy exploitations, along with techniques and lists of programs used to carry them out on everything from Smart TV's, mobile phones, operating systems and everything else was that more recently released VAULT 7, which has been loaded on the internet for anyone to take advantage of, not just governments.

Anyway, its no longer a conspiracy when its been factually proven, which it has! :wink:
28 Mar 17 #88
"factually proven" you say.....
28 Mar 17 2 #89
How is this a deal when its the standard price that Google have announced they will be selling for in stores?
28 Mar 17 1 #90
I bought an Echo Dot out of curiosity back in October. In hindsight I'm glad that I did so and I'm often tempted to buy a second one. I am the main user, but I encourage the children to ask Alexa about specific facts e.g. capital cities, random facts and definitions of words. The maths is interesting. Ask Alexa the value of pi or 70 factorial. I view these devices as cheap basic computers, simple entertainment centres (radio stations, music, audio books, Kindle) and home automation facilities, so pretty cheap for the easy to use technology.
28 Mar 17 #91
​Cool story bro
28 Mar 17 #92
Its free and you can upload 50,000 tracks i love it
28 Mar 17 #93
Hopefully it won't be too much effort for Google to create a dot competitor as it's basically a Chromecast audio with the mic and voice recognition from the home. Looking forward to linking it in with my Chromecast audios for voice controlled multi room audio.
28 Mar 17 1 #94
It isn't a deal. The OP seems to have justified the deal by saying "Seems like a good deal compared to Amazon Ech", but that's a bit like me posting a deal for a Bosch washing machine at RRP because I think its better than a competing Samsung washing machine.
28 Mar 17 #95
happy days, not a bad price really. Wonder if this is better than the echo. Anyone knowledgeable on this?
28 Mar 17 #96
Not a deal
28 Mar 17 #97
Because if it then allows 'them' to catch the real serious criminals then so be.

Its not like you personally would be listened to anyway unless there was good reason to.
28 Mar 17 1 #98
If this can hear you over your music playing you're not listening to it loud enough.
28 Mar 17 #99
I have a Google Home and some Sonos Play 1s and the Home is not in the same league as them for sound.
I can recommend the Home though, especially when it will start giving UK news and sports reports next week
28 Mar 17 #100
On the basis that its not a very good speaker and the Amazon puck lets you attach a better speaker. If google did a cheaper puck then it might be a good option. Sonos is releasing a competitor ( which will be a better speaker|) so may be worth holding off and the price will drop.
28 Mar 17 #101
The majority of posters on various forums including this one. 'Google does more out of the box' 'echo has developed better capability' 'which shall I get' and so on....Christ it's a gizmo for just north of a ton....people going on like it's a house or car purchase. All I'm saying is people will simply buy and use the right appropriate for their preferred platform.
28 Mar 17 #102
Or any smart device ever created...
28 Mar 17 4 #103
Where's​ the link ? I need that washing machine
28 Mar 17 #104
I would have thought for £129 google would have designed something that looks less cosmetic and more futuristic. I keep looking for where the scent bottle fits in this electronic air freshener.
28 Mar 17 1 #105
​So report or expire it
28 Mar 17 1 #106
Faulty argument. Doesn't matter if your not doing anything wrong, it's called invasion of privacy... would you like us to get to the point where 3rd parties can install cameras in your home? Or maybe report on how many times you jerk off in a day? What about getting jailed for having a philosophical conversation in your home that other people might find offensive? wake up
28 Mar 17 #107
Can't say I agree with you about their support of their products, eg google glasses. Another example would be that amazon phone that flopped, anyway just wanted to say for me Its development is mainly the google assistant, and they are allowing that development to be added back into existing tablets and new phones thats better than the Dot.

Your paying a premium for the nearfield multiple mic technology and the fancy speakers as much as anything. Am not sure theirs a huge profit margin. It's still being developed, they where very strick on what they let work with it but now its stable are opening it up more. I think Google is more willing to work with the other companies. I find amazon devices want to guide you and work well with amazon companies first. Both work fine with my hue lights etc both now have IFTTT.
28 Mar 17 #108
No worries. Googles 'apology' is what annoyed/amused me the most though.

Still went to see beauty and the beast too!
28 Mar 17 #109
Does the Home register as a Spotify connect speaker? This is one of the best features of the echo.
28 Mar 17 #110
I have no problems either way. Some ads are actually useful.

I just wanted to point out that this was actually a thing that happened and I bet will happen again in the future.
29 Mar 17 #111
Jerking off? Good god my man we're British, it's called wank1ng!
29 Mar 17 #112
waiting list only
29 Mar 17 1 #113
29 Mar 17 #114
I wouldn't like to say mate. I will probably end up with Google Home personally and that's only because I've already got allot of Googles Chromecast Audio and Chromecast TV, mobiles and tablet devices already.

Each one of them were literally sporadic buys bought really cheap on HUKD's and luckily they all work really well. From what I understand Google Home will work perfect with all my current devices that I personally own, whereas the Amazon one wont work with my Chromecasts.

So for me it will be Google Home, but like another user said earlier, it might be worth waiting for a smaller version to become available from google. I imagine they will release a cheaper version simply to remain competitive with Amazons far cheaper and smaller Dot version.
29 Mar 17 #115
​That's where two of mine came from =)
29 Mar 17 #116
Thanks, that pretty much everything I thought it did.

Surely to have all of that and see any benefit is going to cost a lot if money? Simply to play a different song or turn lights on or off?

As for everything else, o don't see what it does beyond my phone and tablet.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to music in every room, let alone seamless or independent music. But that's a hell of a cost.
29 Mar 17 1 #117
Where's the deal? Isn't that RRP?
29 Mar 17 #118
Hey at least it was more relevant than your contribution. Thanks for taking the time out to compliment my post.
29 Mar 17 #119
I own the echo dot and use it mainly for music, the dot unlimited music subscription at £3.99 per month is great value.

Unless Google creates a budget music subscription for the Google Home device I can't see much interest in this.
29 Mar 17 1 #120
Was waiting for a comment like this, why should anyone have the right to listen in to your intimate moments with your family and friends and to say if you're doing nothing wrong it shouldn't matter?

Personally I don't want someone listening in when I make love to my girlfriend, or talk problems over with my friends or whatever it is, it's called privacy.
29 Mar 17 #121
Have you got a mobile phone?
29 Mar 17 1 #122
I wanted one of these as it looked better than the dot, since I can upload music to Google Play.

But not since that whole advertising fiasco. Definitely don't want devices eavesdropping on my conversations to advertise to me.

I mean, the government are probably listening in to my echo dot... but if they want to listen to me sing badly and jack off in the name of stopping terror, then that's **** but I don't care. If they want to start sending me adverts for lube and microphones, then I do care.
29 Mar 17 2 #123
Seriously? I'll send you a webcam, you can set it up in your living room and we can all watch. I mean, you have nothing to hide, right?
29 Mar 17 1 #124
Bought on in the US over New year, absolutely in love with it, such a brilliantly useful device and good quality speaker too.

Only thing is at the moment they are obviously transitioning from the US to UK localisation and some services (like TuneIn) have become unreliable with previous channels now not streaming. I guess that'll all sort itself out once the UK version is fully available and UK software available.

On my experience of the past few months I'd say jut go order one, I love it!
29 Mar 17 #125
Can you please send a link?
29 Mar 17 #126
I have Sonos (Play3 and Play1) at home and whilst it is good, the lack of RnD, new products and how closed it is as hardware, makes me think I am heading down a cul-de-sac with it.
I a very tempted to get Google Home, as I do like Google, intgration with Sonos would be nice (better than this).
I think like everyone else I will either buy as a geek toy, or wait for the sales
29 Mar 17 #127
Yeah because audio and video are exactly the same thing.
29 Mar 17 #128
But you can do all that by saying "Ok Google" to your phone ? And I only use that when I'm cooking to set a timer when my hands are dirty.

These are like smart watches. Tech companies trying to convince you you need something because they've run out of things to sell you. I bet if you toured Googles offices you wouldn't see a single one of these in any department other than the one they're developed in.

People initially go out and buy one because they've watched star trek "Computer, do stuff for me" and want to be told it's going to rain in an american accent. Then everyone eventually realises they don't need it after all and support slowly disappears before the next thing is sold to you.

Hot - I'm getting one !

"Computer.. Is it going to rain"
"Computer.. Stop it raining"
"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"
29 Mar 17 #129
yeah because they really care what songs you play on google music and how often you tell it turn on your philips hue....:smirk:
29 Mar 17 3 #130
such a ridiculous argument.

how can you compare some random on the internet watching you in your home to the government monitoring for anything in the interest of national security?

"I have nothing to hide from the government" is not the same as "I'm OK with Dave down the road watching me go to the bathroom" How people can even equate the two is beyond me....
29 Mar 17 #131
I think Sonos speakers can be controlled with the Amazon Echo, so that might be worth considering
29 Mar 17 #133
Yes, free. Up to 50,000 songs (wherever you might have acquired them from).
29 Mar 17 1 #134
​my mine issue with the echo dots even echo itself is the fact it doesn't do multiroom audio. If Amazon did this so you can play music across multiple devices simultaneously I would but one for each room.
29 Mar 17 #135
clever, more clever and most clever not cleverer
29 Mar 17 1 #136
I have been listening to your lovemaking. My critique is;

Concentrate more on your gf and a little less on pleasing yourself. This will make for a lasting relationship where you are happy.

I'll be listening again on Thursday nights (that's the regular night, right?) just to see if you're taking it on board.
29 Mar 17 1 #137
Did you click on the link? I think I trust the Oxford English Dictionary more than your conjecture.
29 Mar 17 1 #138
Nuff is in the dictionary. That does not mean I'd use it.
29 Mar 17 1 #139
You can't assume that. A lot of blondes I know also have a black box.....
29 Mar 17 #140
Without reminders working (apart from on mobile which works) no way!
29 Mar 17 #141
The cool thing is and as far as I'm aware my hour+ long mix tapes count as one track.
29 Mar 17 #142

clever, cleverer and cleverest is correct.
29 Mar 17 #143
i like google too, but there is always the threat with google products that they bin them after a couple of years
29 Mar 17 #144
Is that a joke or true? Not being a tecno buff, don't know these things. My granddaughter was memorised when hearing a friend's Echo. If it is true, can you tell me how to get the subsidised device.
29 Mar 17 #145
Fake news! How sad!
29 Mar 17 #146
Still no podcasts in Google Play Music or YouTube Red, in the UK.

Until both of these are out, I won't consider it.
29 Mar 17 #147
I really enjoyed reading that comment, and I think you're right. Only that Siri goes everywhere I am and mostly seems to do what I need. And it being on my watch / phone seems to somehow make more sense than it being stuck in a room. It is sad it doesn't know as much as google about me though
29 Mar 17 #148
It's good that you can 'upload' so many songs. However, they mostly just match the songs in your music folder, and quite often the matches are wrong, the result being that most of my albums on Play music are fragmented into different albums, and a lot of album tracks are replaced with 'clean' versions or cut-down single versions. Also Play Music is buggy as hell when casting to Chromecast Audio - would expect it to b much the same with the Google Home device.
29 Mar 17 1 #149
HAHA - and now wiser.
29 Mar 17 1 #150
Supported Services are here

Google Play Music

Smart Home
Philips Hue

Streaming Devices
Google Chromecast
Google Chromecast Audio
Nvidea Shield
Bang & Olufsen

Videos and Photos
Google Photos

News and Publishing
BBC News
Financial Times
The Telegraph
The Guardian
The Economist
The Huffington Post
The S*n

Hope that helps.
29 Mar 17 #151
I shall be picking this up as I seem to be collecting voice assistants.

I already own several echo dots for controlling my lights and also have a plugged in ipad giving me siri and an xbox one providing Cortana.

Hopefully this will be better at answering questions from the web than the others.

Also looking forward to intercom functionality arriving from Amazon shortly.
29 Mar 17 #152
I'd like to replace my Logitech Squeezebox Radio that connects to my NAS where I store all my music.
Does Google Home have this ability and can I say "Google, just play me a random collection of songs" (either from NAS or Google Music account)?
The one thing that puts me off is the single Google account login. How do we get it to speak all our families appointments when we all have different accounts? The current wall chart and pen does a better job.
29 Mar 17 1 #153
it is great in the car you can scream along way out of tune :P
29 Mar 17 #154
Harmony remote is also supported, which is a great addition.
29 Mar 17 1 #155
One thing. How are they gonna know you're not doing wrong, unless they listen in? :neutral_face:
29 Mar 17 #156
Any system devised to watch or listen en-masse is not going to have a 'spy' for each user of the device. It would be listening for regular use of keywords or phrases.
29 Mar 17 #157
One option if you want try out Alexa is Home brew, I had a Rasberry Pi and speakers already so had to get a USB microphone (£1) software works well. Very surprised Google is not offering a homebrew option I'm sure they will.

I have this with some cheap Radio controlled sockets (15 sockets around the house) with 2 ESP8266 (£1.50 each) and a couple of 433mHz transmitters (£1.80 for 5 transmitters and 5 receivers I used the receivers to scan the codes from the remote) so I can say hall lights on, TV on etc... I got the parts from AliExpress. Not for everyone but an option for the more technically inclined.

Heat++ did not know this was a UK product :smiley:

I saw that google support Wemo I just use the cheap 433mHz sockets from the high street shops and Fauxmo which makes the cheap sockets look like a Wemo so my Homebrew Alex can control them as it see them as Wemo units.
29 Mar 17 #158
It's called an analogy, it's not meant to be a direct comparison. Everyone has different values when it comes to privacy. If you don't like the idea of some random dude watching you go to the toilet, then maybe others don't like the idea of the government having access to all of their personal information online.

Furthermore, government priorities are fine right now, but what happens down the line when our increasingly draconian government requires logs of swear words used in households with underage children? Or wants to add webcams to a CCTV network to monitor crime? Or wants to use information gathered to gerrymander political constituencies in its favour? You assume the government will never use this technology for harm, which is giving them a very wide berth!

Final point - who said this technology will remain safely in government hands? The government creates or exploits loopholes, doesn't inform the company so they can be closed, and then hackers get their hands on these methods of accessing private data. Think it can't happen? Look up 'vault 7'. It already has.
29 Mar 17 #159
My comment is more in response to 'if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear', with a point to underline the idea that privacy is something that most people cherish.
29 Mar 17 #160
Such a crap comment. Privacy matters even for people not doing anything wrong:
29 Mar 17 #161
yeah but having something to hide from the government isn't the same as not wanting some randomer to see you doing a poo.

most people aren't doing anything wrong so don't care because it doesn't affect their lives. Nothing wrong with that if they're happy to live that way.
29 Mar 17 #162
Who said I'm not doing anything wrong?
29 Mar 17 #163
Wow, your head is in the sand - he is understating if anything.
29 Mar 17 3 #164
As is your webcam. Not sure what GCHQ make of my screwed up face and squinty eyes as I stare dementedly, sweating at my laptop though.
29 Mar 17 #165
Lol really? If you worry about stuff like then simply don't buy any technology that can be compromised. But bear in mind everything including cars can be hacked nowadays. So you will be very very limited as to what you can actually buy.
29 Mar 17 #166
I'd say having them side by side whilst displaying them, the Google home is more divisive but much more popular with the female population. Males seem to like the simple minimalistic look of the echo more. Girls seem to get very attached to the home. That's my take.
29 Mar 17 1 #167
I think we are way past a lot of the comments mentioned in this thread are talking about security wise.

Simply "connecting" smart or otherwise (gives for instance the ip of your phone which is open)
so it is very easy for the "ones that want to know" to log it, listening (human ears) is not needed, virtually everything is recorded and archived or logged for further viewing.

I hate the idiots that say "if you have nothing to hide"

I would like to phone my wife, my kids OR just talk in front of my Samsung TV
wtf.. has my ordinary life got to do with the GOVERNMENT
30 Mar 17 #168
"wtf.. has my ordinary life got to do with the GOVERNMENT"

Absolutely nothing and this part of your life nobody outside your four walls would care about. You've got to understand that there isn't somebody in some dark underground bunker watching your every move. You'll be profiled, and if thought to be a risk THEN you would be monitored.
30 Mar 17 2 #169
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Remember this. It may not be an issue to you now, but when they start using the technology not just to combat 'terrorism' but start to use it to police the population, for laws that have not yet been created (that you may not agree with), you'll perhaps regret not being against it now.

Furthermore, these backdoors that are being demanded/created and loopholes that are being exploited can be used by anyone, just look up 'Vault 7' to get an idea of what is already available. Being ok with it because you have 'nothing to hide', is a very shortsighted opinion.
30 Mar 17 #170
Was that a Catholic priest that said than in ww2?
30 Mar 17 #171

take the tinfoil hat off and try enjoying your life for a change
30 Mar 17 #172
I asked Alexa if I should get one...she said....
30 Mar 17 #173
Really? :laughing: Was that a sense of humour bypass? :smiley:
30 Mar 17 1 #174
Woah buddy, that's not very pleasant. This is a genuine security concern. Pretend it's a conspiracy theory all you want, but the tools governments use to spy on us have already been leaked to the public and are being used. You said you don't want some random spying on you while you poop? Well, get concerned.

Honestly, such hostility on a deal website. Methinks one of us needs to get a lesson in common courtesy.
30 Mar 17 #175
lol not really hostile but as you say it's a deal site and not a conspiracy theory site.

those vulnerabilities were there regardless of the CIA though so there's as much chance of someone spying on me poop as there would be if CIA weren't looking. Oh but now some lemon went and told everyone about it, the chances are even higher
1 Apr 17 #176
No. Sonos is too expensive
2 Apr 17 2 #177
Does anyone else have this issue? You've been chatting about something in real life. Then suddenly ads for it start appearing on Facebook.
3 Apr 17 1 #178
IMHO, the current "government spying" news is mostly hollow. I followed the link in this discussion to the other thread on this site, which referred to the independant:

a range of software and exploits that if real... if real!!! So this is speculation?

From the stuff that I read, the CIA considered and assessed a huge list of hacks, etc, but there is little detail regarding what they have actually one.

Weeping Angel appears to be one viable hack, which results in your Samsung TV being used to spy on you. It only works on 7 models of Samsung TV from 2012 and 2013, relies on you running an out of date firmware (the TV updates firmware automatically), and someone needs to have physical access to your TV to install the hack via USB. Are people really concerned about this?!?!
4 Apr 17 #179
​yep, all the time
6 Apr 17 #181
Now available to order.
6 Apr 17 1 #182
Yeah, amazon match! Wanna get one.
6 Apr 17 #183
And its just as useful.
6 Apr 17 1 #184
You do realise that these leaks are very old. By now they will have no doubt found exploits in newer devices. And the previous wikileaks leaks have shown that spying is very much happening.
6 Apr 17 1 #185
You mean, like, a telephone?
6 Apr 17 1 #187
OMFG everyone cancel their orders immediately it's not currently able to remind you to do your laundry!
6 Apr 17 1 #188
I'm not doing anything wrong sitting on the toilet having a poo, but i expect some privacy
6 Apr 17 #189
I'll wait until it has integration with Lightwaverf!
6 Apr 17 1 #190
As a comparison for anyone deciding, the Echo Dot is often £35, it can play your Prime music and Audible audiobooks, with Kindle book reading available in the US and coming to the UK soon. You can upload some of your own music, and even more for a charge; Amazon Music Unlimited is £3.99/month if you have an Echo Dot (or Echo), and it works as a Bluetooth speaker (for your phone etc) or it can connect with another speaker. Alarms & timers are simple to use, albeit her knowledge base can't match Google. She'll be getting an intercom system soon, and new stuff gets added regularly. Plus you get buy 4 get 1 free offers.

I'd love to get a Google Home, but I can't justify the price tag, especially if you want them in a few rooms. Google really needs a cheaper version too.
6 Apr 17 #191
The killer feature for me for Home is multi-room audio sync with integration with chromecast audio which I still don't think Amazon have yet. I can also see a beefed up chromecast audio being released to compete with the dot. But yes Echo has an edge at the moment with adoption from 3rd parties and it will be interesting to see how quickly google can catch up. I already have an echo btw and have just placed my order for the home.
6 Apr 17 #192
I will stick my Echo thanks as I use Amazon more than I use's that simple and it does everything I need it to with my home automation, music and services.If Apple bring one out , I'd be hard pushed too....I just love my Echo and Dot.
6 Apr 17 #193
Do you have a link for this? I cant find anything about it
6 Apr 17 #194
Any hive support or use IFTTT , mmmm
6 Apr 17 #195
Surely you mean your tape deck!
6 Apr 17 #196
How much music? I pay I think £20 a year to Amazon to be able to upload 250,000 tracks, would consider switching ship if Google do a similar thing
6 Apr 17 #197
Or a thing called a Portable Telephone
6 Apr 17 #198
FYI, anyone thinking of buying a Google Home and doesn't have a Quidco account, there's a tracking link at the bottom of this article that apparently gives £15 off the tag price...

(Disclaimer, I've not used the link and can not verify the cashback, and haven't read the small print)
6 Apr 17 #199
bought a echo dot is just collecting dust at home... (will probably use it for some sort of project in garage? in car?)

i suspect if i bought this it would probably collect dust too..
6 Apr 17 #200
IFTTT is crap... it can only do 1 tigger...

"if then that"

what you want is

"if then that else\then"...
6 Apr 17 #201
2 million tracks. I find it's plenty. You can only upload 250 of your own tho .
6 Apr 17 #202
​Completely agree with this post. But I implore you to please never say 'cleverer' again :neutral_face:
6 Apr 17 #203
Why, it's the correct word.
6 Apr 17 #204
searched quidco no such offer exists
6 Apr 17 #205
it's free to upload your music on Google; once you have you can tell Google home to play your music from the home device or your Chromecast audio devices that you have scattered around your home.
6 Apr 17 #206

​Hiya, it's for new quidco accounts, only though the link on the site I linked to in my first post.

(hopefully the link work, can't figure out how to add a screenshot!)
13 Apr 17 #207
I've been digging around and I'm reading that it won't play your uploaded songs, albums or artists directly from a free play account, only subscription which means they are forcing you into a monthly subscription to hear your own music! Is anybody able to confirm this?

What's annoying me at the moment is the incessent insistence i sign up to a default music provider for which there are two choices, Google play (with 6 month free trial) or premium Spotify. I want neither but it/she doesn't appear to understand that. Therefore mine might be going back.
13 Apr 17 #208
Bit of a downer, amazon echo seems to only accept mp3s when my music is in flac :disappointed:

Might be one way to distinguish between the 2 rivals
18 Apr 17 #209
I imagine the suits at airwick are ready to sue over design infringement.
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