never have to buy another TBS again with that game. cuz it's still not been topped.
ST3123 to colganraz
6 Mar 173#16
Yes, I like the idea of having everything in one library such as Steam and indeed the vast majority of my games are on Steam, but I do think GOG has it's place as they seem to handle the classic games far better, hence their full name "good old games" in that they actually bother to patch and optimise them to work on modern systems, a surprising number of older Steam games aren't and they (GOG) actually include original materials like the manuals and sometimes bonus stuff like guides and posters. Yes, this seems minor looking at today's games but don't forget a lot more effort went into game manuals back then and due to the old fashioned copyright systems they employed some of those old games are literally unplayable without the manuals.
I find the other stores that just sell modern games (Origin, Uplay Microsoft Store) more annoying than GOG as these don't serve any particular niche, they just have too big egos to admit that Steam is the standard is PC gaming and instead have to be awkward and ring fence their own games off with their own propriety storefronts....
BuzzDuraband to BetaRomeo
6 Mar 173#3
Not today it's not :smirk:
Latest comments (36)
12 Mar 17#36
Nice one! Having that. Thanks
11 Mar 17#35
I'm tempted to re-buy some games I have on Steam/Origin, as I have just rebuilt my PC and gone Linux only - my hope is that some of them will work with Wine, as doing Windows Steam through wine is not proving as reliable as hoped.
Cold. Some of these are available as abandon ware. They are being sold at their true value, buying a pre 2000's game here at quoted price is almost criminal. Some of the indie titles are worth it but only at the discounted rate. Cold from me, people should ONLY shop on GOG when their is a sale on.
Vistrix to dealornodeal977
7 Mar 171#28
Sure, If you want to illegally download these games, then you could turn to the free abandonware downloads.
The copyright is still in place on ALL of these games. Just because some people label the software as abandonware does not give you the right to download the game for free.
I think GOG deserves our support.
disciple to dealornodeal977
7 Mar 172#29
Well GOG make these titles compatible with modern OS so they actually work, including compatibility issues you might not encounter till later in whichever game it is.
If that's worth something (and it is) buy from GOG, if not just go abandonware and do the fiddling yourself.
7 Mar 17#27
Theme Hospital and Park for £1.19, sweeeeet!
7 Mar 17#26
Great deal. Your short list is great value too. If you just want Superhot you can get it for less than £2.5 at: with a bunch more titles included (Syberia II, Syberia, Lords Of The Fallen Digital Deluxe, SUPERHOT, DiRT 3 Complete Edition.).
6 Mar 17#9
I wish these Telltale game prices were similar on consoles...
Drewy to Vistrix
7 Mar 17#25
me too, have to wait ages for decent prices. Often giving the first episode for free to stuff but its like a fiver per episode. I wait for decent sales, Walking dead S1 i got free, Wolf among us was free, Game of thrones i got for 6.99 and Tales from the Borderlands i got from game for £5 which just finished episode 2, best one Telltale game so far.
6 Mar 17#15
Good deal but wouldn't want to use GOG personally , hate having more than 1 games library , annoying enough going between steam, uplay and origin
ST3123 to colganraz
6 Mar 173#16
Yes, I like the idea of having everything in one library such as Steam and indeed the vast majority of my games are on Steam, but I do think GOG has it's place as they seem to handle the classic games far better, hence their full name "good old games" in that they actually bother to patch and optimise them to work on modern systems, a surprising number of older Steam games aren't and they (GOG) actually include original materials like the manuals and sometimes bonus stuff like guides and posters. Yes, this seems minor looking at today's games but don't forget a lot more effort went into game manuals back then and due to the old fashioned copyright systems they employed some of those old games are literally unplayable without the manuals.
I find the other stores that just sell modern games (Origin, Uplay Microsoft Store) more annoying than GOG as these don't serve any particular niche, they just have too big egos to admit that Steam is the standard is PC gaming and instead have to be awkward and ring fence their own games off with their own propriety storefronts....
crackshotkv to colganraz
7 Mar 172#21
I've been picking titles on GoG over steam more recently, just because I know I actually own that game. No worries about pointless & invasive DRM. The game files are truly mine to do whatever I want (no more worrying about if Steam is down). Plus often their older titles are actually ported better (as in they actually patch/update them) than on Steam - which often just sells em without validating if they can even run on modern machines.
xorsyst to colganraz
7 Mar 171#22
Lol - that's exactly my opinion on Steam. Why buy something there when all my other games are in my GOG library?
xfaxfa to colganraz
7 Mar 171#23
You can add a non steam product and run it through steam, just don't get steam achievements, but it keeps your library together
The hidden object adventures also occasionally come up in bundles e.g. on bundlestars and humble bundle but sadly not with any regularity....
6 Mar 17#12
Superhot £8.06, deal he says :confused:.
Jesus man. So happy I got it for €2.12 the other evening :smile:.
6 Mar 17#4
can anyone recommend any puzzle type games that are similar to Professor Layton? The missus has completed all of the prof games so wondering what others might suggest? ta.
Not sure if GOG do them but the Artifex Mundi games are a mixture of puzzle, hidden object and point and click. Generally all well reviewed (check Steam).
6 Mar 17#10
Can you still buy the games cheaper using vpn?
6 Mar 17#8
6 Mar 172#6
Gamerofgames has a website? And a sale on?! :smile:
6 Mar 172#1
It's GOG, not GoG. :wink:
BuzzDuraband to BetaRomeo
6 Mar 173#3
Not today it's not :smirk:
6 Mar 172#2
Heated, great sale, worth noting the classic Sim City series also has some good offers on it too (2000, 3000 and 4). I finally picked up SC3000 at £2.09, cheapest it's been I think as it was the last one to be added to GOG so hasn't been on there as long as the others....
Opening post
The GoG Spring Sale is here. They currently have 500+ games on sale with discounts up to 90% off.
I'll chuck some examples in below...
Minecraft: Story Mode Adventure Pass - £5.79
The Walking Dead 400 Days - 99p
The Walking Dead Season Two - £4.79
This War of Mine Soundtrack Edition - £3.79
Superhot - £8.69
Wasteland 2: Directors Cut Digital Classic Edition - £11.99
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - £1.99
Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition - £3.79
Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault - £3.79
Anno 1404 Gold Edition - £4.09
Batman: The Telltale Series - £9.49
Hotline Miami 2 - £2.99
Tropico 5 - £4.79
Double Dragon Trilogy - £1.99
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - £5.79
Syberia 2 - £1.69
Beyond Good & Evil - £2.69
The Witcher: Enchanced Edition - £1.19
Darksiders: Warmaster Edition - £4.99
Broken Age: The Complete Adventure - £3.79
Top comments
Spelunky (£1.79)Metacritic: 90% (9 critics, 7.2 from 465 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (6857 reviews)
Bastion (£3.09)Metacritic: 86% (17 critics, 8.6 from 1372 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (21507 reviews)
Undertale (£3.49)Metacritic: 92% (43 critics, 7.9 from 3412 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (76093 reviews)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (£2.49)Metacritic: 86% (76 critics, 8.5 from 4431 users), Steam: Very Positive 88% (28259 reviews)
Darkest Dungeon (£9.49)Metacritic: 84% (55 critics, 7.8 from 381 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (21130 reviews)
never have to buy another TBS again with that game. cuz it's still not been topped.
I find the other stores that just sell modern games (Origin, Uplay Microsoft Store) more annoying than GOG as these don't serve any particular niche, they just have too big egos to admit that Steam is the standard is PC gaming and instead have to be awkward and ring fence their own games off with their own propriety storefronts....
Latest comments (36)
"The Spring Sale ends on March 12, 11:00 PM UTC"
Broforce (£2.99)Metacritic: 83% (32 critics, 8 from 185 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (21431 reviews)
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ Planetary Pack, as mentioned by plath, above (£1.19)Metacritic: 92% (19 critics, 9.1 from 211 users)
The copyright is still in place on ALL of these games. Just because some people label the software as abandonware does not give you the right to download the game for free.
I think GOG deserves our support.
If that's worth something (and it is) buy from GOG, if not just go abandonware and do the fiddling yourself.
I find the other stores that just sell modern games (Origin, Uplay Microsoft Store) more annoying than GOG as these don't serve any particular niche, they just have too big egos to admit that Steam is the standard is PC gaming and instead have to be awkward and ring fence their own games off with their own propriety storefronts....
never have to buy another TBS again with that game. cuz it's still not been topped.
Not on your nelly GOG :smiley:. Life's too short, but heat for the highlighted games.
Spelunky (£1.79)Metacritic: 90% (9 critics, 7.2 from 465 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (6857 reviews)
Bastion (£3.09)Metacritic: 86% (17 critics, 8.6 from 1372 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (21507 reviews)
Undertale (£3.49)Metacritic: 92% (43 critics, 7.9 from 3412 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (76093 reviews)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (£2.49)Metacritic: 86% (76 critics, 8.5 from 4431 users), Steam: Very Positive 88% (28259 reviews)
Darkest Dungeon (£9.49)Metacritic: 84% (55 critics, 7.8 from 381 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (21130 reviews)
The hidden object adventures also occasionally come up in bundles e.g. on bundlestars and humble bundle but sadly not with any regularity....
Jesus man. So happy I got it for €2.12 the other evening :smile:.
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