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Get 50% off final value fees on eBay for 3 days only 26th - 28th March 2017 invite only
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
25 Mar 17
Just checked my eBay messages and found that they are giving out another discount on final value fees, this time 50% off (subject to invite)
Let us help you with your clear out with 5­0% off Final Value Fees.
Hurry, this offer is available for a limited time only.
*Valid from 26 March 2017 until 28 March 2017. Applies on up to 1­0­0 listings. No insertion fees apply.
Private sellers only. Terms & Conditions apply.

This is an invitation-only offer direct from us to you, so we’ll need you to register
to join the promotion. Do this by clicking on the ‘Accept offer and sign in’ button
above to validate your account.

Copyright 2016 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc.
Top comments
25 Mar 17 8 #1
odd i never receive notifications yet when see ebay offers on here, I am 90% accepted
Badbear to maltikism
25 Mar 17 7 #41
No, it's not just you. I sold a camcorder on ebay a few years ago and the seller claimed they'd never received it. I had proof of posting and the box had my return address on. Ebay sided with the buyer, even though I had proof of posting. The proof of posting didn't actually help at all so I needn't have bothered getting it. So the £80 I'd received from the buyer got taken back off me via Paypal, so I was £80 down AND I had no camcorder. Some people are just absolute ****.
25 Mar 17 6 #6
Would like ebay to just give us all a certain amount of discounted listings EVERY month automatically applied to our account, say first 10 listings each month or whatever.
The random promotions are fine but they're a bit..well.. random.
Anybody agree ?
25 Mar 17 3 #23
Screenshot the T&C's with these. I did the offer where you weren't meant to pay more than £5 for selling an item. Followed everything they said. Got a bill for £35. After speaking to customer service they spoke about the T&C's which had changed since I had agreed to them. Luckily had a screenshot so got a refund. Very sneaky.
Latest comments (80)
13 Apr 17 #80
Hoping for another this Easter weekend. Have much to get on.
28 Mar 17 #78
So if i list something today and it sales tomorrow do i still get the discount as listed on the 28th?
bargain1girl to cruncher75
28 Mar 17 #79
28 Mar 17 #77
So if i list something today and it sales tomorrow do i still get the discount as listed on the 28th?
27 Mar 17 #76
some people... i feel your pain
27 Mar 17 1 #75
It's why I'm considering getting a job in CEX instead - anyone who buys something faulty from there is just going to take it back and politely ask for a replacement or refund instead of personally harassing the employees. People just don't behave in real life the way they do on eBay, with the impunity of the internet.
27 Mar 17 #74
That is why I send stuff to the charity shop or OH may takes games etc to CEX because I really can't be bothered selling used items on Ebay it's not worth the hassle .
27 Mar 17 #73
They're pretty well laid out, with important information in bold. Guess I write differently when I'm ranting! Not usually in that mood when I'm listing items.
27 Mar 17 #72
​So, once the offer is accepted you can list, re-list items in that time period and it'll have 50% off final fees? I've been listing items via the accept offer message every time!
27 Mar 17 #71
I really do hope you dont list your ebay auctions without any spacing between paragraphs, as im going to assume people may miss some important information .I lost myself 5 times reading that !
27 Mar 17 #70
Doesn't appear in my messages :disappointed:
27 Mar 17 #69
That's say no anyone can get this offer. Has any request of this?
27 Mar 17 #67
How can I relist items using this offer? Do I have to do it from scratch via the message or is there another, easier, way?
loop to Wheaty11
27 Mar 17 #68
End items, activate the offer, re-list items.
26 Mar 17 #66
you're missing the point

there's no Ebay mechanism to exclude these new bidders - Ebay explicitly say they won't allow it - so if you cancel a sale with somebody because you don't like the look of them (and possibly because they don't satisfy your terms of engagement) - then the other party will still be free to leave negative feedback
26 Mar 17 #65
I can, I have, and I haven't. My items, and it's up to me if I impose additional conditions beyond Ebay's.
26 Mar 17 #64
Don't know why they don't just cut it to 5% final value fees all the time then not bother with all these offers every month. With the Paypal fees on top that pushes it close to 8.5% anyway.
25 Mar 17 2 #24
tbh i hate selling on eBay. i will have issues so often with people who purchase my stuff. they're either scammers, trying to get a freebie by saying they never got it, cancelling payments, cancelling bids or leaving negative feedback "just because". sellers are at a huge disadvantage on eBay, a buyer only needs to say the box they signed for had nothing in it, then eBay take the money back off you. am i just unlucky?
loveszebargains to maltikism
25 Mar 17 #25
I get them saying they never recieved even tho I have posted and sent proof of postage!! It really puts me off a selling.
luvsadealdealdeal to maltikism
25 Mar 17 #29
the only way to go is through 'signed for' postage
ptsalvin1964 to maltikism
25 Mar 17 #36
It's always the same
I feel your pain
Badbear to maltikism
25 Mar 17 7 #41
No, it's not just you. I sold a camcorder on ebay a few years ago and the seller claimed they'd never received it. I had proof of posting and the box had my return address on. Ebay sided with the buyer, even though I had proof of posting. The proof of posting didn't actually help at all so I needn't have bothered getting it. So the £80 I'd received from the buyer got taken back off me via Paypal, so I was £80 down AND I had no camcorder. Some people are just absolute ****.
reddragon105 to maltikism
26 Mar 17 1 #63
Totally agree. I've had a very stressful weekend because of one eBay buyer who is giving me a hard time (so I'm posting this mostly to vent, so apologies if it's long-winded!). I've been selling on and off since I opened my account 16 years ago. I've seen a lot of changes in that time (although not that many - the eBay website still looks and performs like it did in the late '90s!) and, while I feel much more protected as a buyer now, I feel incredibly vulnerable as a seller. Basically, eBay and/or Paypal always take the buyers' sides - and that's not a bad thing because, for the most part, if a buyer gets what they paid for with no issue they have nothing to complain about. If they do have something to complain about, it's usually for a good reason, like something is faulty or was damaged in transit - a genuine complaint about something unavoidable that the seller is responsible for putting right. The problem is the occasional buyer who decides to make things more difficult than they have to be for whatever reason. Sometimes it's the buyer's fault - like they haven't read the auction description and were expecting something different, or they don't know how to use the item - but they will blame the seller for this and eBay will side with them anyway. Sometimes it isn't the buyer's fault - like an item gets damaged in transit, develops a fault after a few days of use or a genuine mistake is made like the wrong item shipped - and they will still blame the seller personally because they feel victimised for some reason. In the last year I've had to accept returns on things that were exactly as described ('This is white, I didn't order white,' 'Yes you did. It says white in the description and you can see it's white in the photos,' 'Yeah, but I don't want white.'), because the buyers were expecting more than what I was selling ('This didn't come with accessories,' 'It said no accessories and it's pictured without any,' 'Yeah but you should have included them'), because of cosmetic issues that were clearly described and pictured in the listing, and things with genuine problems like damage in transit or developed faults that, while I'm responsible for putting right, I get personally blame for and have taken a lot of abuse over - I've been called a fraud, a liar and, on Boxing Day, was told that I ruined a child's Christmas because a buyer received something that wasn't in good condition that had been pictured and described in that condition and that, after not paying any attention to the listing, they hadn't bothered checking it was acceptable before giving it to the child on Christmas morning. I did once have eBay rule in my favour, saying I didn't have to accept a return on something that was as described, only to have the buyer put in a new claim because it was damaged, with photos of damage that, due to the nature of it, could only have been caused by them so that they had a case to send it back. I've also been restricted in how much I can sell for the last 12 months because I created a multiple item listing late at night one day, put the decimal point in the wrong place in the price, making it £5 instead of £50 and woke up to about 8 orders that I had to cancel. Despite being one mistake, that counts as 8 'defects' on my account, which is a high percentage for the number of items I sell, because apparently I didn't cancel the orders using the 'right' option. Despite several appeals to eBay, that restriction is in place until the end of next month (it also disqualifies me from offers like this). And now, this weekend, I've have someone contact me after receiving an item just saying 'It won't work'. After asking for more details it took 3 days to get him to tell me exactly how it won't work and send photos. I immediately said 'Sorry about this, send it back for a replacement or refund,' only for him to say 'Nah, I've got rid of it. Just send me the refund directly via Paypal' and then leave me negative feedback saying I had refused to offer him a refund. I asked him to remove the feedback, as it wasn't true, and reminded him that eBay policy is that he can't get a refund without a replacement. He's responded saying 'I can't get it back off him until tomorrow,' I said 'Who's him?' and he said 'None of your business.' He called me a liar, because the listing said the item worked (because of course I tested it before listing it and assumed it still worked when I sent it out) so I've been trying to explain that it's not a lie, because that would imply I sold faulty goods as working on purpose, which you'll never get away with on eBay because there's so much buyer protection that not only will I end up having to take it back and give a refund, I'll be out of pocket on the postage both ways - if I wanted to waste money there are much easier ways! But no, he's convinced that I'm a liar and did this on purpose and said he's screenshotting all my messages to put on his blog to show everyone just what kind of business I run. Well good luck to him because I've been nothing but calm and reasonable, telling him to return the item for a refund, and he's coming across like an unreasonable jerk and the only reason he won't get his refund is if he can't get the item back from whoever he's given it away to, which he shouldn't have done. The worst part is, I do believe that there is problem with the item, but because he's right about that he's going to think the rest of his behaviour is justifiable.

So that's my eBay selling experience and the upshot of it all is that it's really disheartening. You sell an item, it goes out, there's no problem, you never hear from the buyer again. No thanks, not even a positive feedback in most cases. But one thing goes wrong, even if it's out of your control, and you're a liar, a thief, trying to get away with fraud, and people take it personally and set out to ruin you.
26 Mar 17 #62
Didn't work for me
26 Mar 17 1 #61
​ive just had one claiming damage but I have pictures to prove item condition. not that it will make a differance , they're not willing to add pictures to prove damage which you would think eBay will see as fabrication in their behalf, but still no. also they have no feedback and the item was collected from Argos, if it had damage why pick it up? only got few more thing to sell then I'm done with ebay
26 Mar 17 1 #60
Last month by listing some of my more expensive items on my personal account I saved £74 in fees and I only sold 6 or 7 items. It is a bit of a no-brainer that people with both a personal and business account are going to do the same so not sure what Ebay's end game is here.

I know a lot of business sellers are really struggling this past few months and Ebay have hit them with a big price rise in fees and stopped any free listing offers ... it is almost as if Ebay have lost the plot and are on course to self-destruct.
26 Mar 17 1 #59
50% off you say,so that means you only get ripped off half as much
26 Mar 17 1 #58
I've been given 100 free listings a day for the best part of a year (apart from one month), so I'd guess these promotions are based on your individual selling needs? I always have some stuff for sale so hope it continues. The 20 free listings a month is too little, but the 100 a day is too much!

With regards buyers saying they've not received items, I sell all over the world and funnily enough most of the 'not received' claims I get are from UK addresses. You can claim compensation but it's a faff to fill out the Post Office form, and they've sent me stamps rather than money.Must have sent out a couple of hundreds items or more over the last few weeks and no missing items, so it's a very small percentage usually.
25 Mar 17 1 #4
Thanks op!! eBay are really pusing selling at the moment. 3rd offer in a row!!
gavinski101 to mman2005
26 Mar 17 #57
Thats because over the years they've peed off all the private sellers by refunding the buyers all the time over stupid little things and leaving the private sellers out of pocket, like refunding the whole item cost when the postage was 50p out, or complaining that the item wasn't sent out on a sunday! Grrrr
26 Mar 17 #56
already posted. tsk.
26 Mar 17 #55
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
26 Mar 17 #46
Thanks! For some reason I'm not getting my notifications from ebay for these offers; but I can always count on HotUKDeal folk to keep me informed!
sosen1327 to BellaMamma
26 Mar 17 #54
exactly same here, thank you hukd
26 Mar 17 #53
Comes in handy now there is nowhere else decent to sell! #bringbackfsft :stuck_out_tongue::laughing:
26 Mar 17 #52
I never receive notifications either, and I'm literally 0% accepted despite seeing every one of these updates. I've gone as far as moaning to eBay just to be told that they're sure I will be nominated for one soon. Nice way to treat users with 800+ 100% positive feedback!
26 Mar 17 #51
Yay had this in mine. Haven't had the email from eBay yet.. In the past its sometimes sent after I accept the offer via eBay. not sure if that's related just seems like that.

They've been doing offers a lot recently...which is nice, just curious
26 Mar 17 #50
Not really,half the time I have signed for the item doesn't actually get signed for, just posted through the letter box.
26 Mar 17 #49
5 accounts, none eligible, unfortunatelly cold from me
26 Mar 17 1 #48
Proof of postage is just that.
Proof that you posted it but not proof that it was delivered.

Plus it only offers you £20 max compensation.

First or second class signed for is £50 max.
Parcelforce is £100.
Special Delivery is £500.

The above three have proof of delivery as they require a signature.
26 Mar 17 #47
says invite only for me
26 Mar 17 #45
Don't. I have nothing to gain from it. I can provide screenshots though.
25 Mar 17 #40
I've just put some stuff on ebay today an all, just my luck
derp1664 to Kenno84
25 Mar 17 1 #44
You can accept the offer if you're eligible then just end all your listings and relist again and they will all qualify
25 Mar 17 1 #43
I was naive. I didn't even consider that proof of posting wouldn't be enough :disappointed:
25 Mar 17 1 #42
Royal Mail would have paid £20 max for lost item if you had certificate of posting. Obviously 'proof' of non receipt from eBay and PayPal records.

If sending an item worth £80, you have to send it Signed For, and pay extra insurance to cover anything over the standard £50 inclusive cover.

Why did you not send via a signed for service in the first place?

A few pounds more spent on postage .......
25 Mar 17 #39
"Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only." - Not available for me.
25 Mar 17 #38
"Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only. " not available to everyone so cold from me
25 Mar 17 #33
this available ONLY if I list something after I accept the offer, or is enough just to accept the offer and automatically is available for the rest of the listings?
Gollywood to danflorin3
25 Mar 17 #37
​You accept

You list...easy
25 Mar 17 #35
All they need do is protect the sellers now. Buyers always
25 Mar 17 #34
Thanks OP :smiley:
25 Mar 17 1 #32
Going to wait for the £1 one as I have quite a bit to sell this on!
25 Mar 17 #31
thanks. just check ebay and I got it.
25 Mar 17 3 #23
Screenshot the T&C's with these. I did the offer where you weren't meant to pay more than £5 for selling an item. Followed everything they said. Got a bill for £35. After speaking to customer service they spoke about the T&C's which had changed since I had agreed to them. Luckily had a screenshot so got a refund. Very sneaky.
luvsadealdealdeal to dudwood_fudwood
25 Mar 17 #30
I don't believe this
25 Mar 17 1 #27
If they sign for it, that's confirmation that they've received the expected item. Ebay take that as proof and side with the seller. I'd take photos/video of the item being packed, addressed and stamped to them if it's a valuable item.

Also, I impose conditions like 'at least 10 feedback and a year on Ebay'. Cancelled a £100 order from an American recently who'd been a member for a few days with zero feedback.
luvsadealdealdeal to Covert.Recon
25 Mar 17 2 #28
you can't impose those conditions thru Ebay - it's just you cancelling a sale & you'll be liable to negative feedback
25 Mar 17 #26
Cheers for the heads up :smiley:
25 Mar 17 #22
I know right. I've had one every other week but didn't need to sell anything.
25 Mar 17 #21
I agree with what you're saying but free listing fees are pretty much worthless, it's the FVF that hurts. Also you could just do the freebies for accounts that meet minimum seller standards, the same as it is now but less arbitrary in terms of what promotions you get when.
For example personally now I will never sell any items unless I have a FVF promotion (and a favourable one at that) and I have a lot of things to sell so instead of giving random promos for 100 listings they could just do 10 listings with FVF promo every month instead for example.
25 Mar 17 1 #20
20 free listings but 10% fee on the sold price
25 Mar 17 #19
True, but it can be seen as unfair at times, because sometimes it's he buyer who wants to cancel the order, or whatever the seller is selling might get damaged before dispatch. Having said that, overtime ebay promote your performance standard if you "behave" over a consistent amount of time, without any cancellations etc.
25 Mar 17 6 #6
Would like ebay to just give us all a certain amount of discounted listings EVERY month automatically applied to our account, say first 10 listings each month or whatever.
The random promotions are fine but they're a bit..well.. random.
Anybody agree ?
gally101 to derp1664
25 Mar 17 1 #7
Yeah, it's pretty strange. Shame they don't give free credit amounts to spend on eBay anymore like the £10.00 ones they used to give etc.
kamenitzabrit to derp1664
25 Mar 17 #18
You actually get 20 free listings every month - if everybody got lots of freebies, there would not be the same incentive for sellers to follow the rules.
At one time, sellers would cancel a sale or mark it sent when it wasn't, if the price was too low, the item was damaged and so on, but now that there are penalties for not getting top marks, ebay can stop[ giving you promos if your account falls below standard.
25 Mar 17 #17
I think you need to have an acceptable performance level, I just found it in my eBay messages, I didn't even get an email
25 Mar 17 1 #12
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
gally101 to 145ah
25 Mar 17 #14
As specified in the title yikes
maltikism to 145ah
25 Mar 17 #16
​it worked for me and I'm not signed up to any marketing. but it says you must meet a certain "performance criteria"
25 Mar 17 #15
​nope, it worked for me.
25 Mar 17 8 #1
odd i never receive notifications yet when see ebay offers on here, I am 90% accepted
maltikism to AnnaMak
25 Mar 17 1 #13
​you have to be subscribed to their spammy marketing emails list to receive the notification.
25 Mar 17 1 #9
Thanks, got a phone to sell and the link worked for me. Cheers
gally101 to ahenners
25 Mar 17 #11
Nice one
25 Mar 17 2 #8
When I want to sell an item I get no offer :/
gally101 to wadz
25 Mar 17 #10
It's all about the patience, they come up all the time
25 Mar 17 1 #5
Cheers op working for me too.
25 Mar 17 #2
Thanks OP! Link worked for me and I will receive the offer from tomorrow!:smile:
gally101 to llareggub
25 Mar 17 #3
Glad to hear it, no problem!
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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