The Blizzard Mountain expansion for Forza Horizon 3 is now half price from £16.74 to £8.37.
The excellent graphics brings snow, ice, extreme elevations.
Top comments
28 Mar 177#3
Amazing deal, heat added. BTW, you can't just drive straight to blizzard Mountain once loaded, you have to have 3 festivals created before it unlocks in the game.
Bure11 to Zanza
28 Mar 175#35
What do you expect? For it to never go cheaper? Things will always drop in price. You pay more to play things early, those ultimate edition owners have benefited from playing this about 4 months earlier than anyone buying this cheaper deal.
Plus you don't know how much the next expansion will cost. It could work out that buying that second expansion and this one now works out to around the same price, £20. Then of course the time is the benefit.
28 Mar 174#15
Wwe 2k17 is free all week too if you have gold. Wrestlemania week baby
28 Mar 174#82
Am I the only one who thinks this is still a lot of money for a DLC? I have FH2 and was thinking about 'upgrading' but I really have an issue with paying for a game (regardless of price) and then paying more money for it.
I know the devs have to get paid, etc but perhaps I'm living in the old days (when a company made a game and then supported it with maps, etc FOC).
Regards from an old git (who will probably buy the game anyway - hypocrite)!
All comments (107)
28 Mar 171#1
Amazing DLC
28 Mar 172#2
This is why I don't mind waiting for these dlc for forza games they Usually go on sale :smile:
28 Mar 177#3
Amazing deal, heat added. BTW, you can't just drive straight to blizzard Mountain once loaded, you have to have 3 festivals created before it unlocks in the game.
28 Mar 17#4
I'm guessing you need Gold for this deal?
28 Mar 17#5
Good but short. Heat.
28 Mar 171#6
Well worth the money.
28 Mar 17#7
Is this included in the season pass?
s4m77 to bren26
28 Mar 17#8
Yes but this is a better deal if you don't have the expansion pass
28 Mar 17#9
If I have the ultimate edition do I need this?
xbox25 to escortboy
28 Mar 172#10
Yes. Annoying, they have ultimate and deluxe edition and neither include the season pass. Brilliant DLC tho
28 Mar 17#11
I've been after this for a while, what's the cheapest way to get Gold for say a month?
Wwe 2k17 is free all week too if you have gold. Wrestlemania week baby
28 Mar 17#16
If your gold subscription runs out do you loose this dlc?
UUK to ceanth
28 Mar 171#17
28 Mar 172#18
not nice. makes the discount for ultimate edition owners from last year for the expansion pass look stupid.
ultimate edition owners had a discount for about 10 pounds what made the expansion pass to buy for 20 pounds. now it seems like buying this expansion on sale and later the second expansion seperate makes it cheaper than the reduced season pass.
JumpMan1980 to Zanza
28 Mar 17#22
A BIG FU to the ultimate edition owners from Microsoft!
On a side note, I had and sold an Xbox and want one again simply to continue playing Forza Horizon 3 - I wish Sony had an equally good & fun car game! :sunglasses:
Bure11 to Zanza
28 Mar 175#35
What do you expect? For it to never go cheaper? Things will always drop in price. You pay more to play things early, those ultimate edition owners have benefited from playing this about 4 months earlier than anyone buying this cheaper deal.
Plus you don't know how much the next expansion will cost. It could work out that buying that second expansion and this one now works out to around the same price, £20. Then of course the time is the benefit.
28 Mar 17#19
Is this worth picking up if I have no intention to play immediately? Do these types of DLC usually get much cheaper than half price?
martians to Treas0n
28 Mar 173#33
I picked up the FH2 Storm Island and Porsche expansions for 75% off, in December 2015 and September 2016 respectively.
So this will probably get cheaper in the future, but you may have to wait a long time. (BTW, there is another expansion yet to be released, both included in the Expansion Pass. If you have no intention of playing this now, you may just wait and see whether that gets discounted in a major sale.)
28 Mar 17#20
Horizon 3 have split screen multiplayer?
slimswannie to joebuckton
28 Mar 17#28
No mate.
28 Mar 17#21
VIP's half-price, too. Five cars, double wheelspins and a few other daft things.
28 Mar 17#23
Voted hot but looks freezing cold! :laughing:
28 Mar 17#24
Whats the cheapest way to get xbox credit? Thanks.
raakshsanskriti to 5Rivers79
28 Mar 17#25
28 Mar 171#26
Magic. Just finished all the exhibition races, time for some more racing!
28 Mar 17#27
Did you have a digital copy? Should be able to play it on PC, as you still own it with Microsoft (crossplay)?
28 Mar 173#29
I'm going for this when I get home from work later. Been waiting for this since I got the game at Christmas. :smiley:
28 Mar 17#30
Still can't get my head around this. Even Motorsport 6 had it. Guess it's because it's so open-world that it'd be impossible to process?
28 Mar 17#31
Such a great piece of dlc - Love it
28 Mar 17#32
Heat added - normally forza DLC doesn't go on sale until after the next game comes out :smile:
28 Mar 17#34
28 Mar 17#36
Heat - bought. Glad I waited. could and probably should have waited even more as they will no doubt discount the expansion pack and decrease this to the £4 mark like they did storm island.. but I do fancy a race round in the snow!
28 Mar 172#37
Yeah, exactly. The game's been out since September. It already hit £24(?) in the daft pre-Christmas sales. I think it's the best racing game series ever, but I still only bought the standard on-disc edition because I knew this was going to happen.
Plus, it's got enough in the original game to justify a wait for a drop in price. But even at £16, the expansion's great value.
28 Mar 17#38
The Porsche expansion thing is on my radar! for Horizon 2 and MS6... more so for Horizon 2 - annoyed as I recently finished Fast N Furious and unlocked the bonus boards and that's meant to unlock a car in Horizon 2 and it never did!
Great games.
28 Mar 17#39
I have bought this, VIP membership and the treasure map.. thanks to my Wuaki credit.
A fun night awaits... :laughing:
28 Mar 17#40
Definitely getting this! been waiting since xmas for it to drop! :smiley:
28 Mar 172#41
Unfortunately I disagree. Horizon DLC typically has been well discounted throughout the series. The game has been out 6 months or so now - which given the model they've adapted for the game seems appropriate. If anything you should be angry about all those digital sales for the base game so soon after release....
Is it unfortunate? Yes. But I think anyone who put two and two together would have seen a discount coming (although I guessed around May/June time myself)
Great price. Might have to pick it up at this price.
28 Mar 17#42
Will this get any cheaper?
28 Mar 171#43
Bought, cracking deal. Will have one extremely happy son when he see's this :-)
28 Mar 17#44
If you're willing to wait a year or so it'll hit 75% off without a doubt.
28 Mar 171#45
It will be months before we see it drop to £4, storm island took ages to go that low, this is a really good discount considering it was only released in December.
28 Mar 17#46
Is this better than storm island overall?
28 Mar 17#47
when does this deal last till?
28 Mar 17#48
£27 for me with gold
28 Mar 17#49
Is anyone else getting "This site can't be reached"? I got as far as payment then it disappeared.
28 Mar 171#50
sure it said 8 days remaining when i bought it.
28 Mar 171#51
storm island was very much horizon 2 with weather effects and I didn't enjoy it that much because I had played the base game to death. This expansion is a lot different than the base game, found it a lot more challenging but its still very enjoyable.
28 Mar 17#52
Been waiting for a price drop. Bought! Ta OP
28 Mar 17#53
I got this whilst using my work PC, walked through to my living room and turned on my XBox and bought it from the store.
28 Mar 17#54
Pfft. Typical I bought the VIP Pass just over a week ago for my daughter. And breathe, 1, 2, 3...
28 Mar 17#55
You can gameshare DLC can't you?
28 Mar 171#56
28 Mar 17#57
Excellent. Been waiting for an offer. Cheers OP.
28 Mar 17#58
The Season Pass and Expansion pass are not the same thing.
The Season Pass contains car packs - most of which have been released already and I think there are 1 or 2 remaining.
The Expansion Pass adds additional areas - Blizzard Mountain is the first of these, the second it yet to be announced / released.
The Ultimate Edition included the Season Pass but not the Expansion Pass. If you want Blizzard Mountain you either buy it individually like this deal, or the Expansion Pass to get Blizzard now, and the second expansion when it is done.
28 Mar 171#59
Just went to buy on my work PC - Noticed £5.40 in my Xbox Account so got it for 3 quid! Well, not really but its like finding a fiver in an old coat pocket :smiley:
28 Mar 17#60
Xbox Live Gold ran out a few months back, never use it to play online.
While I'm not gonna renew for this, it looks to be a pretty fine deal - Horizon 3's pretty amazing in its own right.
28 Mar 171#61
Thanks for the heads up - just got the game last week with the Argos offer and was saving for this
28 Mar 17#62
As far as Im aware, the only thing you "lose" without a gold account are the free Games with Gold, you're BUYING this, its yours! :smiley:
28 Mar 171#63
Silly comment, you got the discount when it was at full RRP so you still got a discount! Think of those who HAVE to buy each years FIFA, they see their £50 game drop to £5 every year! What about those who bought Starwars BF ultimate for £110, that was on offer the other month at just over £20??
Moral of the story, if you NEED the game, get it at launch, if you dont, WAIT! :smiley:
28 Mar 17#64
They all do it - I dropped around £80 on Destiny digital deluxe, which included the first two expansions, but the game was pretty much obsolete by the time Taken King rolled around a year later. I was expecting some sort of discount for early adopters but the best deal was to buy a complete edition on disc on release, and owners of the original disc version were able to trade they're original copy in to offset the cost. Not possible for digital owners :disappointed:
Moral of the story - don't buy these "Digital Deluxe Sooper Dooper" versions on release. Buy standard, and update as and when. The extra content almost always gets released seperately and the meaningful stuff will most likely be cheaper by the time you get to actually using it
28 Mar 17#65
Sweet been waiting for this to drop, plus Xbox support fixed my renewal deal as it wasn't applying discount for a few days despite clicking through link. Heat from me.
28 Mar 171#66
I own this game on PC, don't own an Xbox One console. So I don't have a Gold subscription as it's free to play online on PC, which means PC gamers don't get the sale prices. That's a shame, as there's no reason for a PC player to own Gold.
28 Mar 17#67
I find these type of comments odd, do you really think just because you buy the expansion pack the DLC should remain at full price, just so you don't feel offended? No you buy the expansion pack to get the content first and at a lower cost than buying the DLC separate on day one. You have had over a months to enjoy the DLC you should have got your money's worth by now.
Do you think that games should remain at full price, just so it doesn't offend Day one buyers? No the game gets older, demand lowers, price is lowered to sell more units, that's how business works.
28 Mar 173#68
Probably shouldn't be driving in that sort of weather
28 Mar 17#69
Thanks for the heads up, this is the only game i turn my XB1 on for anymore, been waiting to add this to it :smiley:
28 Mar 171#70
Rumoured that both a Porsche Expansion and Fast & Furious one could be on the way.. There are 100% Porsche cars in the code so we shall see.. interestingly next months car pack is the first that isn't in the Car Pass = itll be the best one yet by miles.
Also the Forza event between 7th-10th sees a new barn find added... but you have to win the rumour on Forzathon and then find the car all between those dates... its worth it though - it's Garth's Car from Wayne's World!!
Party on... Excellent!
28 Mar 17#71
Thanks, is there anything else I'm missing with the ultimate edition? Vip pass? Thanks. I'm just so confused with all these editions.
28 Mar 17#72
Can someone help me with FH2? I've done a couple of Championships and now there aren't any available on the map but I've only completed 45%. When I go to the Festival location it tells me to complete more championships :?
28 Mar 17#73
Ordered, cheers
28 Mar 171#74
There is no "season pass". There's a VIP pass, car pass and expansion pass
28 Mar 172#75
Standard game
Deluxe - game and VIP pass
Ultimate - game, VIP and car pass
Expansion pass - sold separately and includes both expansions
28 Mar 17#76
If you buy everything, i.e. ultimate and the expansion pass, it's around £110, right mate? also there will probably be more car packs that aren't covered by the car pass so will cost extra
28 Mar 171#77
I think the treasure map isn't included as well but that's nothing. You get everything (VIP cars) else
28 Mar 171#78
Yeah definitely as long snow and ice and steep mountains is appealling to you
Great graphics, extra snow cars and special unlocked at the end - defo worth £8
28 Mar 17#79
Erm, they've routinely done this since Forza 4! It's not a new phenomenon. For that very reason I bought the basic version and waited 6 months...
28 Mar 17#80
Yeah the standard price ignoring sales is £30 for expansion pass and £80 for ultimate edition.
And yes there's loads of stupid bits of extra dlc that aren't included in any edition
28 Mar 17#81
So if we take an average of £6 per car pack, and there will probably be another 3, so thats £18 making it £128 roughly in total for everything! :confused:
28 Mar 174#82
Am I the only one who thinks this is still a lot of money for a DLC? I have FH2 and was thinking about 'upgrading' but I really have an issue with paying for a game (regardless of price) and then paying more money for it.
I know the devs have to get paid, etc but perhaps I'm living in the old days (when a company made a game and then supported it with maps, etc FOC).
Regards from an old git (who will probably buy the game anyway - hypocrite)!
28 Mar 17#83
Is the vip pass any good? that is also discounted for gold members.
nathan3007 to navi1
28 Mar 171#85
Yeah, you get some cars, and double value wheelspins for levelling up, I paid full price and don't regret it.
J400uk to navi1
28 Mar 17#86
Awesome, gone for it! For £9.37 can't go wrong really
28 Mar 17#84
Heatttttt for the coldddddddd
28 Mar 17#87
Just a question... are there achievements that are only possible to achieve during a certain time frame and then not possible?
28 Mar 17#88
Been waiting for this, thanks, heat added! :smiley:
vorlord to owenroberts
28 Mar 171#91
Basically I only care about "meaty" DLC (story etc.) and DLC that allows you to earn achievements. I'm not a fan of DLC microtransactions that can be earned by playing the game.
Taking into account the above, should I buy the season pass or the VIP pass? Can you unlock cars by playing the game? Do you get any extra achievements?
28 Mar 17#89
Great, I've been hanging on for this to drop so that will do nicely so happy days :smiley:
28 Mar 17#90
Heat! Got to about 80% completion with the main game then got a bit bored but I'm very tempted with this.
vardx to utopiangames
29 Mar 17#94
Will this work for my pc version?
28 Mar 17#92
Just installed and looks awesome
My Saturday sorted this weekend :smiley:
28 Mar 172#93
Yep... Forzathon achievements. They don't have any gamerscore associated with them though.
Great game and a great bit of DLC... Well worth every penny!
29 Mar 17#95
pc version still full price :/
29 Mar 171#96
Its play anywhere so should do. But would need to buy Xbox gold to get the discount. It works for me but I bought both the game and dlc via the
slayermatt to Britneyfan
29 Mar 17#97
The only recent case of price dropping that's ticked me off is GoW4. Preordered it and as soon as it changed to a "standard" release it dropped £7 or so and Microsoft didn't even want to know.
Moral of the story - don't preorder things/buy day one unless you accept it's going to drop a fair bit. 6 Months for a drop on the expansion is perfectly reasonable. Its brilliant really - because they eek more money from us this way. We'll buy the discounted expansion and as a result might buy the full price second one, in essence getting the full season pass money from us :stuck_out_tongue:
Shows fine for me on the Windows Store
29 Mar 172#98
I don't think VIP or the car pass (I was corrected above for calling it season pass :smiley: ) add any achievements.
VIP makes progress easier - it gives double reward on wheelspins (bonus on every level up) and access to extra Rivals events each month. The rewards (cash) you can earn by just doing more races. It's nice to have, but not an essential buy, and by late game you will have more money, cars and upgrades than you know what to do with.
The car pass adds more cars - you get one of each for free for buying the pack, and any additional ones you still need to earn the cash for to buy in game. I don't think non-car pass players can buy those cars, though as the car pass was included in the Ultimate Edition which I bought I've not played without it.
Blizzard Mountain does add new content - new location, new vehicles linked to that location, new types of events and new achievements specific to the DLC.
29 Mar 17#99
As someone who doesn't have the car pass i can confirm we can't by any dlc cars in game. Just redirects you to buy either the car pass or the individual pack.
30 Mar 17#100
Damn shame my son who I gameshare with only has the disc version of this!!!
30 Mar 17#101
..Why? I have the disk version of FH3, surely the DLC will still work? Or does it need the DIGITAL version?! Surely not
30 Mar 17#102
Of course it will work! The DLC goes on the HDD, same as it did with Forza 2 ... that launched 10 years ago.
Doesn't avoid the requirement to have the disc in the drive though...
30 Mar 17#103
Nope, the key is play anywhere, so this works on the PC version. I've just got the one month Live for £1, then bought this for my PC version, and cancelled Gold. So £9.37 in total.
31 Mar 17#104
Have you goto a US Keyboard ?
1 Apr 17#105
How did you get it for £1?
3 Apr 17#106
Usually an advert on the Xbox home screen if your live has expired...
3 Apr 17#107
^ This, I think. I've no idea tbh. I was going to buy Live, and then instantly cancel it for a refund, like I did when I bought GOW4, but for some reason it wouldn't give me a refund this time.
Opening post
The excellent graphics brings snow, ice, extreme elevations.
Top comments
Plus you don't know how much the next expansion will cost. It could work out that buying that second expansion and this one now works out to around the same price, £20. Then of course the time is the benefit.
I know the devs have to get paid, etc but perhaps I'm living in the old days (when a company made a game and then supported it with maps, etc FOC).
Regards from an old git (who will probably buy the game anyway - hypocrite)!
All comments (107)
ultimate edition owners had a discount for about 10 pounds what made the expansion pass to buy for 20 pounds. now it seems like buying this expansion on sale and later the second expansion seperate makes it cheaper than the reduced season pass.
On a side note, I had and sold an Xbox and want one again simply to continue playing Forza Horizon 3 - I wish Sony had an equally good & fun car game! :sunglasses:
Plus you don't know how much the next expansion will cost. It could work out that buying that second expansion and this one now works out to around the same price, £20. Then of course the time is the benefit.
So this will probably get cheaper in the future, but you may have to wait a long time. (BTW, there is another expansion yet to be released, both included in the Expansion Pass. If you have no intention of playing this now, you may just wait and see whether that gets discounted in a major sale.)
Plus, it's got enough in the original game to justify a wait for a drop in price. But even at £16, the expansion's great value.
Great games.
I have bought this, VIP membership and the treasure map.. thanks to my Wuaki credit.
A fun night awaits... :laughing:
Is it unfortunate? Yes. But I think anyone who put two and two together would have seen a discount coming (although I guessed around May/June time myself)
Great price. Might have to pick it up at this price.
The Season Pass contains car packs - most of which have been released already and I think there are 1 or 2 remaining.
The Expansion Pass adds additional areas - Blizzard Mountain is the first of these, the second it yet to be announced / released.
The Ultimate Edition included the Season Pass but not the Expansion Pass. If you want Blizzard Mountain you either buy it individually like this deal, or the Expansion Pass to get Blizzard now, and the second expansion when it is done.
While I'm not gonna renew for this, it looks to be a pretty fine deal - Horizon 3's pretty amazing in its own right.
Moral of the story, if you NEED the game, get it at launch, if you dont, WAIT! :smiley:
Moral of the story - don't buy these "Digital Deluxe Sooper Dooper" versions on release. Buy standard, and update as and when. The extra content almost always gets released seperately and the meaningful stuff will most likely be cheaper by the time you get to actually using it
Do you think that games should remain at full price, just so it doesn't offend Day one buyers? No the game gets older, demand lowers, price is lowered to sell more units, that's how business works.
Also the Forza event between 7th-10th sees a new barn find added... but you have to win the rumour on Forzathon and then find the car all between those dates... its worth it though - it's Garth's Car from Wayne's World!!
Party on... Excellent!
Deluxe - game and VIP pass
Ultimate - game, VIP and car pass
Expansion pass - sold separately and includes both expansions
Great graphics, extra snow cars and special unlocked at the end - defo worth £8
And yes there's loads of stupid bits of extra dlc that aren't included in any edition
I know the devs have to get paid, etc but perhaps I'm living in the old days (when a company made a game and then supported it with maps, etc FOC).
Regards from an old git (who will probably buy the game anyway - hypocrite)!
Taking into account the above, should I buy the season pass or the VIP pass? Can you unlock cars by playing the game? Do you get any extra achievements?
Just installed and looks awesome
My Saturday sorted this weekend :smiley:
Great game and a great bit of DLC... Well worth every penny!
Moral of the story - don't preorder things/buy day one unless you accept it's going to drop a fair bit. 6 Months for a drop on the expansion is perfectly reasonable. Its brilliant really - because they eek more money from us this way. We'll buy the discounted expansion and as a result might buy the full price second one, in essence getting the full season pass money from us :stuck_out_tongue:
Shows fine for me on the Windows Store
VIP makes progress easier - it gives double reward on wheelspins (bonus on every level up) and access to extra Rivals events each month. The rewards (cash) you can earn by just doing more races. It's nice to have, but not an essential buy, and by late game you will have more money, cars and upgrades than you know what to do with.
The car pass adds more cars - you get one of each for free for buying the pack, and any additional ones you still need to earn the cash for to buy in game. I don't think non-car pass players can buy those cars, though as the car pass was included in the Ultimate Edition which I bought I've not played without it.
Blizzard Mountain does add new content - new location, new vehicles linked to that location, new types of events and new achievements specific to the DLC.
Doesn't avoid the requirement to have the disc in the drive though...