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eBay £1.00 Final Value Fee 12th - 13th March - Invite Only
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eBay £1.00 Final Value Fee 12th - 13th March - Invite Only

£1 eBay11 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
11 Mar 17
eBay £1 Final Value Fee 12th - 13th March - Invite Only

Invite Link

Restrictions & exclusions:
Business sellers and/or PowerSellers.
Sellers who have been invited to participate, but have not actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication.
All items listed in the Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles and Property categories. However, items listed in the Vehicle Parts & Accessories category are included.
Item listed in the Classified format.
Auction-style listings ended early.
Identical listings that don’t comply with our duplicate listings policy.
Any item listed that doesn’t comply with eBay’s listing policies or prohibited and restricted items policies.
Any item listed during the promotional period but scheduled to start after the promotional period.
Listings that are automatically relisted during the promotional period.
Listings that are listed during the promotional period but do not sell and are relisted outside of the promotional period.
Multi-quantity listings
Listing upgrade fees apply and will be charged according to the eBay fees policy.
PayPal and any other third-party fees still apply.
Final value fees apply for second chance offers.
- deb8z
Top comments
11 Mar 17 3 #52
​Yeah they're very regular now. Ebay must be under pressure from Facebook, Shpock etc. And it's about time too.
11 Mar 17 3 #14
Here we go,the same questions being asked over and over again :laughing:
Latest comments (208)
13 Apr 17 #208
What's up with the pretend-legalese? You don't work for eBay, so why not just be straight with the other dude and tell him he dun goofed?
13 Apr 17 #207
Final value fee apply as per current charges when you relist the item..
13 Apr 17 #206
46 of my items sold since this started,k 54 havnt. ive relisted the 54 items yesterday, 2 sold today and ebay charging me 10% fee and not £1 final fee. this means you cannot relist the item and pay £1 if it doesnt sell
19 Mar 17 1 #205
It's fine,it's still a pound.

Have you checked today for new offers,some are getting a pound,some two and some five.
19 Mar 17 #204
If I have revised a listing after the promotional date, that I submitted during the promotional period. Am I subject to Final Value Fees now? Small print not too clear to me?
14 Mar 17 1 #203
Sold a £135 item £1 fee for eBay really puts a smile on my face and a few quid in the wallet LOL
14 Mar 17 #202
You seem to get more people claiming items never arrive with the PO then you pay for signed for and half the time they don't get a signature and plus OH can take them to a Parcelshop on his way to work :laughing:
14 Mar 17 1 #201
Luckily they lifted it to 30 items this morning, enough for me to list more stuff but i've requested they remove the limits altogether, I've got plenty of positive feedback i've just never got around to requesting to removing it as I buy more than i sell
13 Mar 17 #200
If it expired midnight Monday it would be expired by now.
13 Mar 17 #199
Depends what you're selling.
13 Mar 17 1 #198
It will work fine but you'll probably be charged 10% FVF.
13 Mar 17 #197
what if i make the listing now but i schedule it for tomor evening will it work
13 Mar 17 #196
Thanks OP. I didn't even know this was sitting in my inbox. I've an item up for sale at the minute was going to cost me £150 in fees if it sold. I've deleted it and out it on as a new listing and now I'll be paying a quid.
13 Mar 17 #195
​Never used them? Are they cheaper? I'm off to Google
13 Mar 17 #194
I can't be doing with the PO,just use Hermes now.
13 Mar 17 #193
Already been down the post office with 2 items. Saved a few quid on it!! <3
13 Mar 17 #192
get your listings up, folks! :smiley:
13 Mar 17 #191
10%: Standard eBay Fee.
3.4%: PayPal Fee.
GSP: Global Shipping Programme.
13 Mar 17 #190
Great find. I qualified! Thanks!
13 Mar 17 #189
Is the 10% of the listing price, and the (3.4% + 20p) is it off the original listing price, or the (listing price - 10%). What's GSP?
13 Mar 17 #188
saved me £16 on three items already sold.
13 Mar 17 #187
Thanks, I was invited in Jan & Feb but didn't see the offers as they were sent to the promo section of gmail :^(
13 Mar 17 #186
Lol was logged in as my main account. Signed out and logged in as my 2nd account and it works. Thanks.
13 Mar 17 #185
If you're being told it's expired you weren't eligible for the offer.
It's 'invite' only.
13 Mar 17 #184
anyone else?
"Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired."
13 Mar 17 #183
When i click link it says it has expired. Am i missing something?
13 Mar 17 #182
Can you make it clearer please? :smile:.

Not sure what all the confusion is about... jeez... fairly straight forward to understand it imo...
13 Mar 17 1 #181
13 Mar 17 #180
That's what i thought 23.59 tonight
13 Mar 17 1 #179
OMG!!! It ends at midnight MONDAY!

Stop expiring this deal dumb people!
13 Mar 17 1 #178
You should have cancelled as buyer requested it not out of stock.
13 Mar 17 #177
Brilliant - can relist my £800 Gaming rig.
13 Mar 17 #176
I had 6 out of stock listings in January and because of that my seller rating is below standard. ie my defects (out of stock) is at 2.5% and you're only allowed 2.0%

Because of that I'm not eligible for this promotion argh!! Have a camera to sell as well :disappointed:
13 Mar 17 2 #175
Ebay set limits on new accounts and you have to ask for them to be lifted as time goes on if you want to sell more.
13 Mar 17 #174
why would you set selling limits?
13 Mar 17 #173
Yes - deals happen every weekend - however £1 ones are only 1 per month.
13 Mar 17 #172
Hot been waiting for this.
13 Mar 17 1 #171
No hope if people don't even understand when it ends,OH thinks I'm dopey but I'm a genius on this thread :laughing:
13 Mar 17 #170
According to the offer I accepted

i.e. It ends one minute before midnight tonight on the 13th March
13 Mar 17 #169
Does it now start Sunday morning and finish tonight?
13 Mar 17 #168
Starts Saturday morning ends Sunday night
13 Mar 17 #167
I wish ebay would clarify the dates. Is it 12th and 13th (therefore ending 00:00am on Tuesday) or is it list on the 12th UNTIL Monday 13th i.e 00.00 am Monday morning?

Im trying to list items but ebay on weekends is infuriatingly slow so if I can do it on Monday then that'd be easier
12 Mar 17 #166
Yes. You have to have a certain seller rating. There's an added feedback thing where you get stars for communication, dispatch time, description etc.
12 Mar 17 #165
Taking advantage of this thing, shame i forgot to lift my selling limits since opening my account though so limited to listing 10 things :disappointed:
12 Mar 17 #164
Thanks for your advice. Will phone CS tomorrow.
12 Mar 17 #163
No idea, but you could ring and ask them. . .:man:
12 Mar 17 #162
Is Ebay customer service able to remove one of the promotions?
12 Mar 17 #161
They have clarified it states 13/03/17 00:00:00 GMT is the end date which is still Monday,if it ran until Tuesday it would have said 14/03/17 00:00:00 GMT
12 Mar 17 #160
Indeed the 50% ended on Tuesday,it shouldn't be live now :neutral_face:
12 Mar 17 #159
How strange - I would contact customer services and ask for the 50% to be cancelled.
12 Mar 17 #158
Offer details
Sell for £1 max!
£1 max final value fee on up to 100 listings and no insertion fee. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab


Mar. 13, 2017

11:59:59 pm GMT

AKA 26 hours 22 minutes from now :wink:
12 Mar 17 #157
Both of the promotions will finish tomorrow.
12 Mar 17 #156
Thanks for the heads up, will save me a load :smiley:
12 Mar 17 #155
I wish ebay would clarify the dates. Is it 12th and 13th (therefore ending 00:00am on Tuesday) or is it list on the 12th UNTIL Monday 13th i.e 00.00 am Monday morning?

Im trying to list items but ebay on weekends is infuriatingly slow so if I can do it on Monday then that'd be easier
12 Mar 17 #154
It was doing that last week too,you have to just close it and try again.
12 Mar 17 #153
It can't have gone through as 50% unless the new offer you have is only 50% and not a pound.

What does it say under your promotional offers at the bottom of your selling page,it will tell you there which offers are live.
12 Mar 17 #152
10% ebay + (3.4% +20p paypal [+extra if GSP used])
12 Mar 17 #151
When does your 50% off promotion end? List after that finishes.....They don't finish at the same time do they?

I'm not sure how you have both offers active though?? The 50% offer was last week and has finished now.
12 Mar 17 1 #150
Is anyone else having issues listing stuff to sell? eBay seems to be freezing all the time on my computer!
12 Mar 17 #149
I got both 50% off and £1 final value fee promotions active. I just listed my iPhone and the listing went through to 50% off not the £1. Is there anything I can do change to £1 promotion one please? Thanks.
12 Mar 17 #148
They've done this 3 times now this year, refuse to sell owt now without it being on. (10% FV fee is an absolute con)
12 Mar 17 #147
Worked for me. Thanks OP
12 Mar 17 #146
Invite link not working for me :disappointed:
12 Mar 17 #145
I can't use given link :confused:
12 Mar 17 #144
Really?! It's good until midnight tomorrow.
12 Mar 17 #143
It doesn't end till midnight tomorrow!
12 Mar 17 #142
Expired because it's ended, not because I don't qualify.
12 Mar 17 #141
"Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired. "
12 Mar 17 #140
Did you select the option "The buyer asked to cancel"
12 Mar 17 #139
Possibly. I believe it depends on reason for cancellation and whether you've cancelled orders before. Did the buyer agree to the cancellation?
12 Mar 17 #138
I cancelled one order from a buyer and refunded but it still shows in my fees. Will I have to pay the fee?
12 Mar 17 #137
​my eBay > selling > very bottom of the page, "promotional offers", under the 1£ one should say "x used"
12 Mar 17 #136

It is worrying that so many people are selling on Ebay and have no idea how much fees they are paying and never check their seller account :confused:
12 Mar 17 #135
Is eBay's rate 10% ebay + 4% paypal ?
12 Mar 17 #134
So luckily, I managed to somehow sell 4 items so far. How do I check for sure that only £1 has been taken? I did check my selling part and promotions and they were listed but is there any other way?
12 Mar 17 #133
I was really happy to get this as I've got a TV and a few other bits to sell. I pretty much only sell on eBay when a promotion pops up now. Heat added.
12 Mar 17 #132
I never get these and when I try the links posted I am never eligible. Just a regular private seller who flogs tat once in a while.
12 Mar 17 #131
​Yeah same as me really as don't get the chance to play it with 3 kids. Think that's the risk you take with eBay. Although I list with returns not accepted. Even got an extended warranty with mine for 2 years from game which was about £60 :-/
12 Mar 17 #130
12 Mar 17 #129
You're correct :smiley:
12 Mar 17 #128
Have it accepted. Just a question...

It says it ends on the 13th. That just means the end date for you to opt in to the deal, right? So, if I put up these games for sale and the auction ends on the 16th, I'll still only pay £1 final fee, right?

It says multi-quantity sales are not included. That just means those auctions where you you can sell x amount of the same item in the same listing, right? That won't affect me and these four games I want to sell?

12 Mar 17 #127
I forgot Hermes price increases started today,should have done my labels yesterday,doh!
12 Mar 17 #126
thanks, OP!
12 Mar 17 #125
Thanks for answering, you've been very helpful.
12 Mar 17 #124
Just checked our account and it is available. Thanks!
12 Mar 17 #123
Was thinking the same as I just don't the time to play anymore but what do you think the likelihood of them returning a month later is?
12 Mar 17 1 #122
No doubt users have expired it because they aren't eligible.
12 Mar 17 1 #121
Why expired?
12 Mar 17 #120
10% Ebay & 3.4%+20p Paypal :smile:
12 Mar 17 #119
Perfect - Saved quite a bit on the last time this was offered a month ago.. Still had a few items coming to the end of the 30 day listing from last time. So have ended these early (by 2 days) and simply re-listed them - hopefully they'll sell over the next 30 days :-)
12 Mar 17 #118
V nice should save me soem dosh .. was thinking that 8% Ebay plus 3% paypal really takes a slice but now .. this be good ..
12 Mar 17 #117
I'm assuming you need to be an active seller to qualify for this? I never get an invite but the last time I sold anything was probably around 5-6 years ago. 99% of the time when this offer ISN'T on I'd rather sell things where the fees aren't stupid.
12 Mar 17 #116
And before anyone asks list items for 30 days because the item doesn't have to sell within the 2 day promo time to qualify it can sell weeks later.
12 Mar 17 #115
​Go into account then fees should show latest item sold along top with £1 promo fee next to it.
12 Mar 17 #114
No :innocent:
12 Mar 17 #113
Unfortunately already posted. Just realised how expensive it is to sell on eBay, so won't likely bother in future.
12 Mar 17 #112
That sort of question is asked a dozen times every promo....... sigh
12 Mar 17 #111
Yes, and if caught doing it i.e. a competitor reports you, ebay can ban you if they want, or restrict your account...... and sometimes if they are really annoyed with you, they ban everyone else at your address.
12 Mar 17 1 #110
Not sure if you can reduce the duration but you could list an item at a high price. You can also list useless items then change it to something you want to sell at a later date within 30 days.
12 Mar 17 #109
Thank you
12 Mar 17 #108
I know this might sound a bit naive but what's the best way to set up a place holder item?

For example can I set up an item as a 30 day buy-it-now at a silly price and then change it later to a 7 day auction at a normal price.?
12 Mar 17 #107
Accept offer. End all items which are over £10 to benefit (£20 if you previously had 50% off fees offer) then relist them all
12 Mar 17 #106
Do you have to relist items?
12 Mar 17 #105
Not available for me. Shock, horror. Surprise surprise.
12 Mar 17 #104
Very useful that, thanks!
12 Mar 17 #103
Yes,but the easiest way to tell after you have listed something is to check how many listings you have left,obviously if you started with 100 and relisted that one item and the quantity changed to 99 then you know it's qualified.
12 Mar 17 #102
If i relist an item i ended yesterday, will this still count towards the £1 promotion?
12 Mar 17 #101
12 Mar 17 #100
I have a question that hopefully hasn't been asked too many times before (this is the first time I've been accepted for the offer): if I create a listing this morning but set it to start at 21:00 this evening, would it still be eligible?
12 Mar 17 #99
Great stuff, offer activated for me. Mind you, just need to find time to list things now!
12 Mar 17 #98
"Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired." :disappointed:
12 Mar 17 #97
Go into your account activity it'll show you any promo discounts applied
12 Mar 17 #96
do you have multiple accounts? this happened to me, but i realised i was signing in on the wrong account.
12 Mar 17 #95
Shoutout to the guy who predicted this was coming today!
12 Mar 17 #94
Thanks op got it on my account. Was debating selling my psvr and now it's decided!
12 Mar 17 #93
so I sold an item, when do I know if only £1 was charged and no more?
12 Mar 17 #92
yes, cancel your existing one first then click relist and change the listing wordings you like (also do un-click the auto relist button unless you really want to as listing later would be not qualify for £1 offer and careful about listing fee too).
12 Mar 17 1 #91
Have you posted yet? You could offer a £10 discount if buyer cancels the order and you relist for them to buy. Not sure how good an idea this is though.
12 Mar 17 1 #90
*sigh* Alot of people don't read past the first few words when a deal like this comes along, I posted for those people...
11 Mar 17 1 #89
Perfect timing. received no email invite but from the link it worked. Will be selling a Fitbit Hr and a ps4.
11 Mar 17 1 #88
You've accepted the offer "Sell for £1 max!" many things to relist,, cheers
11 Mar 17 #87
In my experience, these offers don't usually work on multi-item listings. It's in the small print. Took me a while to discover that, meaning I was left out of pocket...

EDIT: I see this is stated in the OP's list of exclusions
11 Mar 17 #86
No just end items and relist using this promo offer.
11 Mar 17 #85
if I opt in, does this apply to my already listed items or do I have to make new ones? Then I can put my item for a cheap price
11 Mar 17 #84
Offer has expired according to the site here

Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.

Wth eBay?
11 Mar 17 #83
works for me.
11 Mar 17 #82
offer accepted! woo!
11 Mar 17 #81
Ebay don't officially send the minions anything until after midnight :smile:
11 Mar 17 #80
Thank you had it and rec no email
11 Mar 17 #79
They are nearly always excluded.
11 Mar 17 1 #78
:laughing: ok thanks
11 Mar 17 #77
your time will come. enjoy it while you can
11 Mar 17 #76
WELL... If you are selling more than 1 of the same... don't do a "5 buy it now" - It doesn't work!!! its got to be individual listings (it was /is there in the small print). So if I'm selling my 2 kidneys list seperately, - for instance... "selling kidney No1 of 2" then do a separate listing 2 of 2 etc (depends on how many kidneys you have... Just list single items - multiple buy it nows just don't qualify!!! I found out with expensive ebay bills and fewer kidneys than I care to mention... :wink:
11 Mar 17 #75
I always get the offers never been knocked back yet.
11 Mar 17 1 #74
Nope,they are always excluded.
11 Mar 17 #73
seems like they have changed their selection criteria for this offer.

going by the comments (albeit small sample) and the fact that I got knocked back this time (used to always get them) suggests so.
11 Mar 17 #72
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
11 Mar 17 #71
11 Mar 17 #70
Just sold something for £300.... oh well... maybe next time
11 Mar 17 #69
Let me guess, not for me again.


Nope. Probably because of account restrictions that have been in place for almost a year now, and won't go away until I've sold more items, except I can't sell more items because of the account restrictions. Thanks, eBay!
11 Mar 17 #68
I know ebay did not even post this up :laughing:
11 Mar 17 #67
would ending all your listings and relisting them tomorrow breach t&c's? (my account was restricted recently for exchanging a phone number via messages - im worried that another breach would mean account suspension)
11 Mar 17 1 #66
It is seriously clear after reading that the dates are very clearly what you say they are! I just seriously read them very clearly..12th -13 March? So, can I list now for to be active later or not? Please answer clearly ;--)) Sorry for reading properly but not sounding serious and being even less clear..are we clear?
11 Mar 17 #65
11 Mar 17 1 #64
Are you serious? Can you not read, I don't know how clear it needs to be, it clearly says 12th and 13th of March.
11 Mar 17 #63
Anyone know if this offer works for selling cars?
11 Mar 17 #62
Scummy?! The terms are very clear.
Also anyone eligible will receive an email shortly after midnight and most wouldn't even be aware if not for this post.
11 Mar 17 2 #61
You would need to be really stupid to not know what day of the week it is.
11 Mar 17 1 #60
Some people are just plain nuts on this site :confused:
11 Mar 17 #59
​i just clicked link and worked fine for me
11 Mar 17 1 #58
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired


Nice for the people that get it though :smiley:
11 Mar 17 1 #57
The clue is in the title,the date,the 12th :confused:
11 Mar 17 #56
Thank you :smiley:
11 Mar 17 #55
Great, thanks for posting. :wink:
11 Mar 17 #54
Anything over £10, it's worth having this activated as you will only pay £1 fee.
11 Mar 17 #53
£100 will be £10 fees it needs to be £10 sell or more to gain not £100
11 Mar 17 3 #52
​Yeah they're very regular now. Ebay must be under pressure from Facebook, Shpock etc. And it's about time too.
11 Mar 17 1 #51
Be aware that it doesn't start until midnight, kind of a scummy thing for them to do making people rush to put stuff online only to be stung when they find out the deal wasn't actually valid until after they put all their stuff online.
11 Mar 17 #50
perfect timing again thanks op , and for link to
11 Mar 17 #49
They have been fairly regular for about a year now I'd say,I think people don't always notice them.
11 Mar 17 1 #48
You still need to add a photo of some sort though,you can't list without one and also if anybody did happen to report your listings they could get removed.
11 Mar 17 #47
11 Mar 17 1 #46
You will probably receive invite shortly after midnight if you are subscribed to emails.
11 Mar 17 #45
Sell £100 item, eBay fee would normally be £10. With this offer activated, fee will be £1.
11 Mar 17 #44
Sorry but how does that work?
11 Mar 17 #43
Thank you for sharing.
11 Mar 17 #42
this seems to be a weekly promo. £1 or 50% off final fee. great news
11 Mar 17 #41
didn't get invite but just got out through link.
11 Mar 17 #40
Is it just me or are these deals becoming more regular? used to be weeks or months before you got these but they seem to happening every weekend now! (Not a bad thing)
11 Mar 17 #39
A offer i can actually get as most the time they are not valid on my account
Shame my account is restricted for another 5 days ........ Doh
11 Mar 17 #38
Good spot thought i missed the boat as i forgot to list last week when i had the 50% off this is better for me and most items i'm going to list are expensive.
11 Mar 17 #37
Thanks for the heads up.
11 Mar 17 #36
Just what I was looking for, thanks!
11 Mar 17 #35
useful as i've got three £30 plus items to list thanks op
11 Mar 17 #32
Thanks OP - hot from me - clicked through and eligible for the offer even though no email.

Ok a couple of questions (I'm abroad til the 15th so can't go through my stuff and photograph etc...)
- if I list now as "placeholders" - as long as it's in the right category and listed by the 13th, can I amend the description, title and add photos when I get back to the U.K.?
- if I have old auctions that were unsold, can I just click relist on the 12 or 13th and it will be eligible for this offer or do I have to create another whole new listing?
knack to bluep
11 Mar 17 1 #34
You can amend the category too.
11 Mar 17 1 #33
Just do a load of placeholder listings.
11 Mar 17 #31
ps Vassy you old wreck - sorry I just thought I'd post it haha! :smiley:
11 Mar 17 1 #30
I like that comment :smiley:
11 Mar 17 1 #29
Oh and it's 'to' not 'tio' :man:
11 Mar 17 1 #28
Wahoo, tme for (yet another) gadget clearout! You all know what that means...time to buy more crap!!
11 Mar 17 1 #27
no problem pal, sorry if I appeared rude, I'm actually your best mate for this evening - everything you post I will give a thumbs up :smiley:
11 Mar 17 #26
I've got so many things to sell and always wait for these offers, but then forget to list. :disappointed:

Thanks for the heads up though.
11 Mar 17 1 #25
Yes Chanchi.. stocked items from the other deal :smiley:
11 Mar 17 2 #24
Sorry. Was looking at the last 'Sell for £1' offer I had.
It won't appear until midnight.

My point was it hasn't expired for anyone, as it isn't even live yet, they weren't invited/ELIGIBLE.
11 Mar 17 #23
Tells me it's expired :disappointed:
11 Mar 17 1 #19
Just checked my account and got it! Thanks OP.

Glad I ignored the discounts and waited for another 'sell for £1'.
Seem to pop up monthly now.
gemvis to collectorcol
11 Mar 17 #22
To be honest ive accepted the £1 offer back in january i think it was then the recent £5,half price fees and this £1 has still shown today not sure if makes a difference.
11 Mar 17 #21
Thanks op
11 Mar 17 #20
no it doesn't

click the link tio see if you are eligible

ps legible means readable :smiley:
11 Mar 17 1 #10
Thanks Op :smiley:
Chanchi32 to vassy4u
11 Mar 17 1 #18
time to sell sell vassy
11 Mar 17 #17
Just what's needed perfect timing thanks OP
11 Mar 17 #5

I got this message.....

Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
luvsadealdealdeal to cloudthecat
11 Mar 17 #16
please don't visit my threads - you are unlucky

only joking, dude :smiley:

maybe get a second Ebay a/c?
11 Mar 17 #15
Awesome! All my max £1 fee items have nearly finished and now there's another promotion.
Shall end and relist everything tomorrow.
Thank you so much OP!
11 Mar 17 3 #14
Here we go,the same questions being asked over and over again :laughing:
11 Mar 17 1 #13
You've accepted the offer "Sell for £1 max!"

not showing in my a/c but should be good

cheers op
11 Mar 17 #9
Do all these ebay deals just need to be listed for sale from 12th-13th, but the end dates can be later than that?
coathanger to duckative
11 Mar 17 1 #12
That's correct.
11 Mar 17 #11
yes, probably be after midnight with me, proper night owl.
11 Mar 17 #7
thanks, time to cancel the 50% off listings from the other day and re list them at £1 max only problem one got bought this morning, oh well at least i sold it.
gemvis to sola35
11 Mar 17 1 #8
might be worth doing it in morning as offer isnt valid until then.
11 Mar 17 #6
Thanks, works for me on all of my eBay accounts.
11 Mar 17 #4
starts at midnight?
11 Mar 17 #3
Oh yes very nice last week it was half price fees,week before was £5 maximum fee and was hoping this might happen hmmmm now shall i end a load of expensive stuff and relist them in morning.
11 Mar 17 #2
Thanks, got it.
11 Mar 17 #1
Thanks i have got few things to sell over £100
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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