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Alton Towers Tickets (2) Back Next Week - Token Collect in The Sun newspaper
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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11 Mar 17
I do this every year and I've just noticed it's back next Saturday in the Sun.
Collect 10 tokens which will be printed daily in the Sun from 18th March then apply for a pair of free tickets (appreciate you'll need to buy the newspaper, approx cost £7) worth approx £100.
Unfortunately you cannot apply for a specific date but can apply for tickets within a particular date range (usually a month) but I don't have this info at present. I'll update this post when more info is released.
One pair of tickets per household.
If you click Get this will take you to last years offer which will be almost identical to this years and I'm sure link will be updated in the week anyway.
Top comments
11 Mar 17 10 #12
Only downside to this deal is that Alton Towers is going to be full of Sun readers
12 Mar 17 8 #26
I'd rather pay full price at Alton Towers than ever buy this newspaper!
11 Mar 17 4 #8
I have done this offer the past 4 years ( I think?? )

we were there the day of the crash... hasn't spoilt my opinion of the park or going on rides... was on the smiler about 45 mins before the accident too.
akajay07 to Cameron92
13 Mar 17 3 #42
Or for those whose employers offer basic entitlements such as holidays.
Latest comments (78)
29 Apr 17 #78
Judging by the number of tickets on EBay it would seem that the May tickets have been sent out!
29 Apr 17 #77
i asked for email, my sister asked for post and still ain't got hers.
28 Apr 17 #76
Got mine and my wife's today
28 Apr 17 #75
Got mine around 4pm. "The Sun Superdays Alton Towers Tickets" in the title.
28 Apr 17 #74
Nothing here yet, what email address on they coming from? I've not noticed anything
28 Apr 17 #71
I found my tickets in my email, was in my junk mail folder.
First time I've done this sun offer, quite impressed.
foxymeister to noseley
28 Apr 17 #73
Did you ask for your tickets to be sent by email or post? Thanks
28 Apr 17 #72
Good to know they're being sent now. Still nothing here yet! Looks like they're using the "28 days" to their full potential.
23 Apr 17 #70
I still waiting for mine :disappointed: why is taking so long..? :disappointed::neutral_face:
20 Apr 17 #69
Nothing at this end as yet?!
20 Apr 17 #68
Anyone received anything back yet?
19 Apr 17 #67
after 4 codes for Alton towers?
10 Apr 17 #66
I know it says on the form but I don't have it on me at the moment, just wondered does anyone know when you have to post the token and form off by? Thanks
10 Apr 17 #65
I know it says on the form but I don't have it on me at the moment, just wondered does anyone know when you have to post the token and form off by? Thanks
9 Apr 17 #63
I've just cut my tokens out and discovered I've got 2 'token 14' from different papers and no 'token 15'....any help on this anyone? Got 16 and 17 so I'm puzzled?!?!? Thanks
i_8_spurs to Emma666
9 Apr 17 #64
You need ten different numbered tokens. I have an email with a bonus token i could email you!
6 Apr 17 #62
how long does it take to hear back from them? I sent mine 1st class signed as soon as I had 10.
24 Mar 17 1 #61
It doesn't look like it :disappointed:
19 Mar 17 #60
Thank you
18 Mar 17 #59
Can you apply online too like we did last year?
18 Mar 17 #56
Will this offer be in any other newspaper?
foxymeister to DanKello
18 Mar 17 #58
No, plenty of 2for1 offers around but no other way to get 'free' tickets.
17 Mar 17 1 #55
Can I buy 10 newspapers on Saturday or I need to buy one newspaper every day ?
foxymeister to Themannnn
18 Mar 17 #57
You'll need to buy one a day for 10 days then send the tokens off with the form printed in Thursdays Sun and a stamped addressed envelope.
17 Mar 17 #54
Brexit incoming :P
14 Mar 17 #49
The form I find refers to chessington and not Alton towers. Anyone have the link for the Alton towers tickets.
Drooler to anharone
16 Mar 17 #53
AT goes live Saturday.
14 Mar 17 1 #52
Obvsly you not from Liverpool no shop in Liverpool sells the Sun! I would rather have my pride then save £20 on a free ticket!!
14 Mar 17 1 #51
Do you homework you horrible person! god help you if you ever lose a young child
14 Mar 17 1 #50
Yes very proud about my city and how people get treated!
11 Mar 17 3 #7
No thanx, I enjoy having all my limbs.
frakison to slannmage
12 Mar 17 3 #35

Both RIDICULOUS sheep comments which don't really help anyone including those affected at the time. As someone else has pointed out, x10,000's more people get injured or KILLED on the roads; smoking; drinking alcohol and even excessive eating EVERY DAY. I'm pretty sure that you will do at least one of those on a regular basis, but you just keep being a hypocrite and follow those sheep, I suppose its better than having to actually stop and think for yourself :smile:
danmoores1 to slannmage
13 Mar 17 #48
Stupid thing to say. AT will be the safest theme park in the country. Won't stop me going.
13 Mar 17 2 #39
I would rather pay full price any day than put I penny in the S*N's pocket **JFT96**
frakison to joelmc1234
13 Mar 17 #46
We hear you, JFT96 blah, blah, blah, from what I've read the fans weren't blameless?!?! I'm sure that Murdoch will be quaking at the thought of your 50p protest! :smiley:
asiot to joelmc1234
13 Mar 17 #47
the sun is no better or worse than any other tabloid like the mirror, mail, or express etc they all tell lies but most people just know to take what they print with a pinch of salt and personally id rather have the free tickets.. great deal hot :smiley:
13 Mar 17 #44
I think the comments about limbs is out of order - accidents happen anywhere. 2 weeks ago I was walking to work when I was run over by a speeding motorcyclist and have broke my leg in 6 places - had to have a metal rod inserted in my leg, I have a fractured wrist and elbow and I had a serious head injury. In the future it's not going to stop me walking down the street.
Alton towers had an accident, they have reviewed their policies and the place will be safer than ever.
Unfortunately the same can't be said about our roads which are still filled with some idiotic selfish thoughtless drivers
frakison to mummyof7
13 Mar 17 #45
Exactly, the thing with the AT "accident" is that IIRC the ride did its job, it stopped the cars, it was a human error which caused the incident, which I agree doesn't make it better, BUT I'm not too proud to admit that I've made mistakes at work!

Hope you mend soon and screw them for the compo! :smiley:
13 Mar 17 1 #43
Not proud, I'm just against supporting the problem even when I can gain from it.
11 Mar 17 #9
A good deal for benefits scroungers who will be happy with whatever date they get seeing as they sit on their bums all day.
PhoenixS to Cameron92
12 Mar 17 #38
Well you know, a lot of those benefit scroungers are too sick to leave their homes so I doubt those ones will be out enjoying nemesis and oblivion
akajay07 to Cameron92
13 Mar 17 3 #42
Or for those whose employers offer basic entitlements such as holidays.
13 Mar 17 1 #41
No matter what peoples views of the Sun are If any one would like to collect the coupons for me they would be put to a good cause we take disadvantage children on days out last year we managed to collect enough coupons for 15 tickets to alton towers we have also applied for tickets for the chessington trip
12 Mar 17 8 #26
I'd rather pay full price at Alton Towers than ever buy this newspaper!
frakison to JoeSpur
12 Mar 17 1 #34
I'd rather you kept your bias and stupid views to yourself instead of polluting a thread.... but hey, I guess that's not going to happen! :wink:
tomj17 to JoeSpur
13 Mar 17 1 #40
You're a bit too proud aren't you
12 Mar 17 #31
Well. Another 10 suns per day for 10 days. Tidy eBay profit.
frakison to Drooler
12 Mar 17 1 #37
Cant fault you, if people don't know about this deal, they will still get a bargain, everyone wins :smiley:
12 Mar 17 #33
Appears you can't comment on this post, freedom of speech, not here
frakison to AVANTIME
12 Mar 17 1 #36
Have you been asleep for about 10yrs, freedom of speech died a long time ago??
12 Mar 17 2 #32
Thread is about Alton Towers Tickets bargains for members. If you want to talk about anything else then start a conversation in Misc. Posts deleted.
12 Mar 17 2 #30
wow. some really nasty posts on here when the guy was just trying to post a deal and save people some money. there are some really nasty people on this app.
12 Mar 17 1 #29
We have no problem wiv it here in manchester
12 Mar 17 #28
scummy or savvy? Nobody buys the sun here in the northwest anyway so the papers would be returned to the wholesaler at the end of the day. There are pallets and pallets stacked up ready for recycling. I figure I got one up on Murdoch and his awful newspaper
12 Mar 17 #27
I do this every year and couldn't care less about the political ****/drama... at the end of the day it's a few quid for two tickets that'd normally cost you £64 if you booked in advance, that's a great deal. The cost of food in Alton Towers however....
12 Mar 17 1 #25
why bother with the hassle just buy the tickets on ebay on the specific dates you want , from £7 to £15 a pair . thats what i do every year.
12 Mar 17 #24
In-part I agree with you?.

Though The Sun Newspaper may be questionable in certain ways, they're NOT unique are they ...

What of Versagé?, or Tommy Hilfiger?, Dolce & Gabana too?, they're ALLLL racist too!.

But ...

I don't see the sales of ANY of these Fashion Brands declining in any way?, do you?.

Despite their incredibly racist mannerisms and/or undertones being well known for the best part of 1+ Decades?!, so .....

Attitudes need to be a little bit more 'blanket' if you ask me?. :-(


It is a good Deal the OP has put up there for real!, though the 'Vehicle of choice' may not necessarily be to that of the majority (myself included!), but good Deal nonetheless ...
12 Mar 17 #23
It's worth mentioning that there a few sites where you can swap your park tickets for free including this one so you then can get the day you want .
11 Mar 17 #22
wonder if you can just input the codes from the back of the paper online and pick your own date? I was cheeky last time this was on and videoed me flicking thru the pile of papers. Played the vid back at home and entered the codes online thereby removing the need to buy that trashy rag.
I wish they would do the eurodisney offer with Ferry crossing again. That saved us an absolute fortune!
11 Mar 17 #21
Lol both
11 Mar 17 #14
No thanks. I've grown rather fond of my legs... .
11 Mar 17 1 #16
I assume you never travel in a car, because one of those had an accident, once. Oh, wait, several thousand people get killed in them a year. Must be OK then.
11 Mar 17 #20
Are you fishing for likes, or do you have safety concerns?
11 Mar 17 2 #19
I'm going Alton towers as part of a friends 30th birthday in a few weeks. One way or another I will end up legless at some point that day.
11 Mar 17 #18
Thanks for the heads up
11 Mar 17 2 #17
You're aware people can go to Alton towers without having to buy the s*n?
11 Mar 17 10 #12
Only downside to this deal is that Alton Towers is going to be full of Sun readers
flyan to inc
11 Mar 17 #15
Could be worse. Could be Daily Heil readers.
11 Mar 17 3 #11
Buy the s** ? no tar.
11 Mar 17 1 #10
Done it every year, thanks for the heads up. Cheers.
11 Mar 17 4 #8
I have done this offer the past 4 years ( I think?? )

we were there the day of the crash... hasn't spoilt my opinion of the park or going on rides... was on the smiler about 45 mins before the accident too.
11 Mar 17 #5
Can you not apply online anymore?
tomj17 to amir
11 Mar 17 #6
No they took it out, bit annoying
11 Mar 17 #4
if you look on their website, it states the promo dates for all attractions.

I still haven't received my Chessington ones though :disappointed:
11 Mar 17 2 #3
sounds okay to me
11 Mar 17 1 #1
Thx op
You can apply online to and get the date you want which is even better
davidian84 to amir
11 Mar 17 2 #2
afraid not, op links to article from 2015. should use this
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