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Acer RT280K 28" 4K Ultra HD LED Monitor £224.98 @ Ebuyer
5++ stars +850

Acer RT280K 28" 4K Ultra HD LED Monitor £224.98 @ Ebuyer

£224.98 Ebuyer18 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
18 Mar 17
Just noticed this on Ebuyer and seems to be much much cheaper than anywhere else. Seems decent for a 4K monitor too.

Edit: Also now available at Scan (Thanks to ZaGaZ finding it).
Top comments
19 Mar 17 8 #13
Comes with free sync as well. Seems pretty good for that price.
EmperorRosko to IBRAARH
19 Mar 17 4 #18
Looks like it's only 60hz 4K via display port so not bad but your GPU would need to support that. If you are planning on playing at 4K, I'd imagine you should be fine as the GPU needed would be in the GTX 900 or 1000 range. Anything lower than that and you'll struggle to reach a playable frame rate.

I really think 4K gaming is still way off. The price premium for such a small bump in quality at this size is a waste.

If you want the best gaming experience, get a 144hz monitor and the best GPU you can afford.
Going_Digital to jonboyuk
19 Mar 17 4 #16
Well it depends a lot on how bothered you are about colour accuracy. The limited colour gamut on a TN panel doesn't prevent you from using it, it just means that you will see colour banding in gradients that isn't actually there and if your pictures are printed it will be difficult to judge what the final printout will look like. But TN screens are decent enough for every day computer use and playing games etc and cost significantly less than IPS.
19 Mar 17 3 #32
Latest comments (92)
7 Apr 17 #91
Thanks for your advice about the colour output format; I always forget that part!

So after seeing this deal a few weeks ago with great intrigue; I was tempted to buy but was put off with the retailers and HUKD reviews. However, I recently brought it from Amazon for the same price and it arrived yesterday.

So far I am impressed with the bang for buck with this monitor at £224; I am running with displayport (brought one with good reviews for a tenner instead of the one out the box) and a 1070.

The angles are as you'd expect with a TN. The monitor is indeed super bright had to turn it right down; especially at night. the colours do improve once contrast is tailored. All in all very happy for the money as an introduction into 4K and can definately see the difference coming from an old 1080p TN ACER.

I see a few people slamming this monitor for the speakers which is laughable, do these people also complain about the sound quality of their motherboard speaker too?

I assume the bad reviews are from people who are using VGA HDMI etc. Displayport is the best for 4K and will enable 60HZ; Unlike HMDI stuck at 20.

Overall scorching hot for the price, if you want IPS go pay almost double the money. All these monitors get cold from members who constanly say NO 144HZ, NO IPS, ACER BAD.

Sure, 144HZ is a game changer that you can't live without once you have.
But I imagine so is driving an Autonomous car; fact is many people can't justify spending a huge premium of new tech.
QuickProfits to Rauss
29 Jun 17 #92
Anyone know why mine won't go to sleep?
1 Apr 17 #90
YCbCr444 is kind of a workaround. The problem is that your graphics card (driver) outputs limited-range RGB (16-235) over HDMI by default. You need to tell it to output full range (0-255). Otherwise you get washed-out colours; black is grey and white is less bright than it should be.

A good page explaining the issue and how to fix it for both Nvidia and AMD cards is
28 Mar 17 1 #89
Just wanted to pop on here again with an update that may help those that kept their screens, the contrast and colour seem to be better if you switch your graphics card 'Output colour format' over to 'YCbCr444'. Default is usually RGB. Have done this on my Nvidia card although i would imaging AMD have similarly named output setting.

Also have noticed now with further testing that the picture is best on display port rather than hdmi.
25 Mar 17 #88
I agree with the above, it's the cheapest 4k screen out there by far. For the money it is a great buy.
25 Mar 17 #87
It's a great monitor, it's just not a very good upgrade for most people who already have decent 1080p monitors. 4K looks great on it, really sharp and smooth but it's the fact there's a green/yellowish haze that I can't ignore, not only on PC but also on a PS4 pro. I tried not comparing it to my old monitor and just used it on its own for a day but I still noticed it all the time, none of the settings could fix it and I'm using a brand new Asus Strix 1060. When I plugged in my old Samsung again the difference was immediately noticeable, even the brightness at 80 is brighter than the Asus at 100. I use Logitech Z906's for my speakers so I don't mark it down based on the speakers (even though they are hilariously bad)

I agree it's a great monitor for the price, but only on the premise that you're upgrading from something cheap anyway. It has though increased my desire for a 4K monitor even more, the extra real estate is incredible, along with how crisp 4K content looks so I'm looking at Samsung 4K monitors at the minute.
24 Mar 17 #83
Well i'm glad i can finally read some opinions on this monitor now that people are beginning to receive them.
I think i'll give this one a miss (likely out of stock now anyways).
Bungle2 to TheBowelsOfLove
25 Mar 17 #86
Hey All, been testing one of these out today. Overall it has exceeded my expectations. I don't expect a lot out of a £220 - 4k monitor, so i would say its really quite good for the money if used as intended. Not sure why folks are trying to run it at under 4k resolution, i would imagine it is going to be blurry then with cheap scaling hardware. Likewise with the speakers, who is using monitor speakers for anything other than a last resort? Am running this monitor at 4k / 60hz (have tried display port and hdmi) - picture is very sharp and colours are just fine (if a tad warm by default). Gaming on this is also completely motion blur free. I can only think some of these must be going out faulty for folks to have such washed out colours, or perhaps it is some graphics card issues @ 4k?

However as an aside - Windows 10 does not seem to be that great at scaling fonts in some applications, rendering these blurry, but this is clearly not the monitors fault, this would happen just the same on any other 4k screen. In most apps fonts look pin sharp - and 4k gaming also pin sharp.

BTW try the hue and saturation settings and pump these up a bit for a bit more colour 'pop'. I found it pretty good with the default settings, but had to turn the brightness down a little. Also if you are finding there is some blurryness in 4k (that is not down to windows application font scaling) check that it is set to 1:1 on the setting that Acer is calling 'wide mode' (for some reason).

Overall, its a cheap 4k screen, its not going to be a world beater is it - but for the money, it's pretty good.
25 Mar 17 #85
And mine will be posted back to them on Monday. I've tried everything and colours are way too faded to accept it for every day use. Shame, because I've already loved the 4k on my desk :disappointed:
25 Mar 17 #84
Just thought I'd let you know I got £60 for it this evening :smiley:
24 Mar 17 #82
Received mine today. Already filled in the return to send it back. Absolutely terrible. Crap picture compared to my old 1080 monitor and the sound is horrendous.
24 Mar 17 1 #81
I didn't even realise it had speakers until I heard a small sound coming from somewhere haha the Speakers are really bad, they should have left them out. If anyone wants a reference they sound exactly like the speaker on the Dualshock 4 although I have to say the monitor isn't as bad as I first thought, I'll do another writeup after work
24 Mar 17 #80
WHo has tried the "speakers" I am not sure whether to laugh or cry. Actually not sure if I have a faulty unit. My phone is about 25 X better sound.
24 Mar 17 #79
Seems many are happy with it.. NOT ME!
24 Mar 17 #78
Don't be silly they are fetching 50-60 on eBay.
24 Mar 17 #77
Just received mine, happy with it, colours I guess could be better but you will notice an improvement if you are coming from anything other than a very good quality IPS panel, for it being a TN panel though it seems pretty good.
24 Mar 17 #76
Was only using an old 30" 1080p tele before, so it's a massive improvement in my eyes.

I'd guess as above it seems it's great if you're not coming from something already very good.

Budget 4K is budget.
24 Mar 17 #75
Received mine today .. I am happy with the quality ... upgraded from dell 19 inch work monitor
24 Mar 17 #74
Out of stock now it seems
23 Mar 17 #73
Got mine, love it. I came from a Benq 2420HD 1080p monitor, seems good for gaming only issue I had was the stand seemed a bit flimsy in the way it attaches, going to sell my 1080p monitor and will possibly get 50-60 quid which goes towards the upgrade.
23 Mar 17 #72
Hmm, mine arrives tomorrow and I was already having my doubts :disappointed:
23 Mar 17 #71
. :disappointed:
23 Mar 17 1 #70
I just received both of mine and they're going straight back unfortunately. Colours are incredibly washed out compared to my Samsung 1080p monitor, it's really noticeable, there's no vibrancy or pop to anything, just very mute colours.

It's a real shame cause I love the look of the monitor and I love that it has PIP which I wasn't expecting! Wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you're coming from a really old monitor. If you have a semi decent one you'll notice the difference immediately. Even my brothers 1080p 24" Acer looks better.

I've went through all the settings and there is nothing that improves it :disappointed: wasn't expecting the greatest at that price but the quality difference is not something I could live with.

Not the best picture, but you can see the difference. I've tried it with all different levels of warmth but it doesn't change anything much.

And now I have to pay £45 to return them...
23 Mar 17 #69
its an older model
23 Mar 17 #68
I have one arriving tomorrow, so will test at weekend and report back - not sure when the deal ends tho
23 Mar 17 #67
I wish this monitor had some reviews posted around. Is this a new model of monitor or is it old stock being sold off by the retailers? Hopefully somebody who has ordered one in the past few days can comment on the quality once they have an opinion.
22 Mar 17 #66
About time I upgraded from my 1080p, ffs hotukdeals yet again costing me a load of money. Ordered from scan
22 Mar 17 #65
Nice one. Ordered from Scan with free next day delivery (Thanks to AVforums).
22 Mar 17 #64
Was that a yes to the first or second question?
22 Mar 17 #63
Well, I thought about what I was going to have for my tea tonight, then I thought about what I might do at the weekend, then what I need to do at work then I thought why that p***k in his white Audi needed to cut that guy up in front of me.
21 Mar 17 #62
I've always had good service from Ebuyer, I did find Scan to be a little slow though. But that was years ago. Will update OP with Scan link, good find.
21 Mar 17 1 #61
21 Mar 17 #60
I wouldn't recommend this for the PS4 Pro, it doesn't look great.

I use this monitor for my PC (not for gaming) and it looks amazing but the PS4 Pro looks completely washed out compared to my 4K HDR TV.
20 Mar 17 #59
Agreed. Just a shame that PS4 Pro can't output at 1440p.
20 Mar 17 #58
Ordered two to replace my 27" 1080p monitors, thanks OP :smiley: Anyone had theirs dispatch yet?
20 Mar 17 #57
I wouldn't say so. Width - 25.9 cm, Hight - 15 cm. Quite nice compact monitor, hehehe.
20 Mar 17 #56
Until i can run every single game for a few years maxed out @ 4k and minimum 60fps i ain't touching 4k.

1440p @ 144hz all the way.
20 Mar 17 #55
Each to their own. Far too big for a desk and will look ridiculous in my opinion.
20 Mar 17 #54
I have a Samsung 28" 4K monitor and my feeling is that it's too small for 4K. Unless you have eagle-like vision, you *will* have to scale up your desktop fonts etc. which negates some of the benefits. My next 4K monitor will be 32" I suspect, once the prices come down from their current insane levels.
20 Mar 17 #53
I was wondering if horizon on pspro this monitor ?will fit the bill and not generate too much bill
20 Mar 17 #52
19 Mar 17 #51
19 Mar 17 #50
Can someone answer me with a yes or no please.
Can I play on the PS4 Pro via HDMI at 4k Resolution with this monitor? Thanks.
19 Mar 17 #49
From that article - "8K 5-7 years away, and I frankly don’t expect it to achieve mainstream, ubiquitous adoption much before 2025 – 2026, at least not as a gaming resolution."
19 Mar 17 1 #48
Btw I voted hot, because it is a fantastic price. But I prefer to spend a more and not feel I could have done better.
19 Mar 17 #47
My thought exactly. The price is certainly fantastic for a 4K monitor. But when you consider that many 1080p monitor (forget 4K for a minute) can be 2 or 3 times the cost, what exactly are we paying for? Cheap low end monitor. For many, this is still perfect.

One of the reviews from German Amazon (google translate):

.. look closer or a different 4K monitor next to you can see strong differences!
Attached the Acer by DP to a GForce GTX 960 in comparison to a likewise 28 "monitor of another manufacturer in the same price segment also by DP on the same graphics card!
But now to the Acer monitor
1.) the colors appear weak, almost almost at the comparison monitor strong and strong
2.) Picture is much more blurred than the comparative monitor
3.) the mounting of the pedestal is not really optimal (quite wobbly)
4.) from oblique angle of view the picture appears yellow I have synonymous with the comparison monitor however not so strong.
Also the setting possibilities in the menu were tested, but led to no image improvement
In the direct side by side compare the Acer colors with a blurred Grauschleier over the Samsung is white really white pushes a white side of the Samsung on the Acermonitor so the side becomes light gray and clearly blurred
Because of these 4 important points, I give the monitor just 2 stars
19 Mar 17 #46
Only 5 of those reviews for the 28" 4K monitor....and 4 of those 5 reviews gave it 2* only (the other gave it 5*), so actually its only got an average of 2.6/5
19 Mar 17 #45
4K UHD resolution is 3840x2160 - twice that of 1920x1080 HD. So you'd be able to set your normal desktop resolution to 1920x1080 without any issues. My eyes are so bad I struggle at HD resolution from 2 feet on 23" Asus IPS monitor!
19 Mar 17 1 #44
I dunno about that. FIFA 17 is playable at 60+ FPS at 4K on gtx 970. If you're into the game and play it alot, 4K gaming is right there for you, and at a very reasonable price considering the price of this monitor.
19 Mar 17 1 #43
I switched from TN to IPS and i didn't think the difference was that great. I might eat my words switching back to TN, though. but from my own experience TN is not that bad compared to IPs, definitely not something i'd avoid buying due to it.
19 Mar 17 #42
Am I right in assuming this would be a good monitor for Netflix and gaming, but word processing/browsing would be difficult as the text would be tiny?
I'd love a 4k monitor but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'd probably need something more like 40" in order to view it properly.
19 Mar 17 #41
New to the whole '4K' tv's, anyone know of any Full 4K's on the market for around the £500 mark or are they non-existant? Thanks in advance :smile:
19 Mar 17 #40
Ordered. Amazing deal.
19 Mar 17 #39
Ordered ... thx
19 Mar 17 #38
Tempted to get this to use with my Ps4 pro
19 Mar 17 #37
That is cheap good find!
19 Mar 17 #36
waiting on the unicorn ultra wide 1440p
19 Mar 17 #35
​can confirm gaming @4k is unreal
19 Mar 17 2 #27
I don't know why so many are complaining that it's do realise that TN allows for lower response times(this one has 1ms) than IPS and so most gaming monitors are TN anyway?

....Great find OP!
you_gotta_be_kidding to gw3gon
19 Mar 17 #34
​ depends on what your buying it for, I have never used my pc for gaming, well maybe age of empires nearly 20 years ago but I'm looking out for a couple of 4k large monitors primarily for Photoshop and Illustrator. I would have bought these in a heartbeat if they were IPS
19 Mar 17 #33
I currently got a IPS screen BenQ GW2765HT 27" IPS LED Monitor, 2560x1440, 4ms monitor with a GTX 1070 GPU, would it be better to keep that monitor or to get this one?
19 Mar 17 3 #32
19 Mar 17 #31
Still waiting on a refund from ebuyer from another deal. Be careful with these really good prices, it may end up "out of stock" even long after you get a confirmation email and they've taken your money. :/
19 Mar 17 #30
19 Mar 17 #26
thegamingkinginfo to bobo53
19 Mar 17 #29
Why do firms even bother launching 8K displays when majority of consumers haven't even reached 4K yet? It is worrying than only because there is the demand for it, they will supply not realising how people might demand them but can't actually afford them. If 4K drops, great news! I can upgrade my monitors and TV's but then I would be classed as "behind in technology"
19 Mar 17 #28
When there was a curved 24" seeming a bit more than this 2 weeks ago at HALF this price I'd say this is very cold 4K or not. What use it it ona PC by the way ?
19 Mar 17 2 #25
I'm convinced a lot of over-processed photos on the internet are as a result of people with poorer monitors trying to make them look "good", so that if you do have a half-way decent display they look over-saturated.
19 Mar 17 #24
you get what you pay for, thats why its a TN with only 60Hz, its cheap and nasty
19 Mar 17 #23
Wow. Amazing price for spec. So want it!
19 Mar 17 #22
It's TN btw so colours aren't as good as IPS
19 Mar 17 2 #21
I respectfully disagree with a few of your points.

I have two monitors, a 1080p BenQ and a 2160p Acer both of which are IPS. It is not a 'small bump', the difference is quite noticeable.

4K60fps is not a long way off, unless you are deadset that you must game at Ultra. I owned an R9 280X (enthusiast tier 2013) which was quite capable of playing most games at over 50fps at medium or higher settings. Alien Isolation, Rocket League, and most of the games I actually play most were all fine. I would expect most people who are considering this monitor have either a stronger GPU than that if considering gaming, or are considering this for productivity reasons which should not be wholly discounted from the equation.

With FreeSync you only need to be able to hit over 40fps to sync up your refresh rate and get that smoooooth feel (provided you have an AMD GPU - side note: I own an Nvidia GPU but **** their incompatibility with FreeSync which should be industry standard now.)

Price premium is subjective, this looks very competitive to me when placed within market context and expected longevity of this display. Future proof is a dirty phrase in PC gaming, but hey this looks pretty good right?

Of course everyone will have different wants and needs and I encourage people to consider them over taking advice willy-nilly on the internet :innocent:
19 Mar 17 #17
Is this a good monitor for gaming?
EmperorRosko to IBRAARH
19 Mar 17 4 #18
Looks like it's only 60hz 4K via display port so not bad but your GPU would need to support that. If you are planning on playing at 4K, I'd imagine you should be fine as the GPU needed would be in the GTX 900 or 1000 range. Anything lower than that and you'll struggle to reach a playable frame rate.

I really think 4K gaming is still way off. The price premium for such a small bump in quality at this size is a waste.

If you want the best gaming experience, get a 144hz monitor and the best GPU you can afford.
SaxonStar to IBRAARH
19 Mar 17 1 #20
If you're a lover of high resolutions then yes this would actually be kind of perfect. 28 inches at 2160p will be beautiful. That said it is a TN style panel so I would perhaps expect the colour gamut to be less vibrant than a IPS or VA panel. Modern TN panels are still good, don't fall into the "only buy IPS" trap, the different is not that severe.

As for actual gaming, this monitor has FreeSync, which seems to be in the 40-60Hz range. If you own an AMD GPU, or are thinking of buying one, that would be capable of outputting games at 40 frames per second or higher I would recommend this. Remember that you do not need to play games at Ultra or use aggressive anti-aliasing, you have resolution on your side now. I own a 24" Acer 4K monitor and I am very happy with my purchase, I used an R9 280X until recently which was fine for >2 year old games and now own a GTX 1070. I would have loved FreeSync in a monitor, I think it might be the best thing to happen to gaming in years in terms of the experience.

I chose to skip 1440p as a resolution because of the availability of a good quality 4K monitor at an attractive pricepoint, just like this one.

(obviously this is all subjective opinion based upon my personal preferences and experiences, if you're a heavy FPS or 'competitive' gamer you would probably be better suited to 1080p 144Hz)
19 Mar 17 1 #19
Not a small bump at all.
19 Mar 17 2 #15
I wouldn't say no good at all! I do all my Photoshop/ digital painting work on a TN panel and I've produced many things indeed.
Going_Digital to jonboyuk
19 Mar 17 4 #16
Well it depends a lot on how bothered you are about colour accuracy. The limited colour gamut on a TN panel doesn't prevent you from using it, it just means that you will see colour banding in gradients that isn't actually there and if your pictures are printed it will be difficult to judge what the final printout will look like. But TN screens are decent enough for every day computer use and playing games etc and cost significantly less than IPS.
19 Mar 17 1 #14
Wow has free sync too, cracking price
19 Mar 17 8 #13
Comes with free sync as well. Seems pretty good for that price.
19 Mar 17 1 #12
was gonna get two but then saw TN. ouch. £319 at amazon though

Acer UM.PR0EE.001 28-Inch 4K2K Monitor
18 Mar 17 #11
Nice price
18 Mar 17 #10
TN Panel, so no good for graphic design work, Photoshop etc. (IPS display preferable)

But excellent price for the spec, not many 4K monitors can be had for this price at the moment
18 Mar 17 1 #9
Do they actually have any stock?
18 Mar 17 #8
Ordered, thanks OP!
18 Mar 17 1 #1
lack of reviews is worrying? but miles cheaper than other places!
18 Mar 17 1 #5
David_e to fileexit
18 Mar 17 1 #6
Says 'ex-display'. Not a huge saving!
18 Mar 17 #4
what do you guys think ?
18 Mar 17 #3
Certainly cheaper than elsewhere, but I'm not convinced it'd be money well spent. Hmm...
18 Mar 17 #2
Ahhh damn. I just bought a monitor on fleabay for not much less. This looks great!
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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