Great deal. The links didn't seem to work for me - but found the deals in the offers section of the website. Cheers.
21 Mar 17#3
21 Mar 17#4
Cracking deal still hunting down a smart box via argos as no stock locally
Gozer to mmurdoch
21 Mar 17#17
Do you have a Smart TV? If so, you may have access to the Now TV app on it. I've got it on my Samsung 55JU7500.
21 Mar 171#5
tried it last night. new customers I believe
Jules67 to martynpd
21 Mar 171#7
I think it must be as it won't work for me
21 Mar 171#6
Received this email this morning:
bitm2007 to captainbeaky
21 Mar 172#9
That's nice of them. I would still cancel it's via the accounts page on your Now TV account, to be on the safe side as these deals normally continue at £6.99 a month on a rolling contract unless cancelled.
21 Mar 17#8
I think this is the deal running via Top Cash back announced earlier in the week.
21 Mar 17#10
I randomly got a free 1 month movies pass applied to my account yesterday :smile: thought my daughter had added it as the only email I had from now tv was the receipt :confused:
21 Mar 17#11
Nice deal - if I don't have a now tv box could I just use my Chromecast to mirror phone and watch it that way?
Tenji to LetoKynes
21 Mar 171#13
Yes, just download the NowTV app and cast the programmes
martynpd to LetoKynes
21 Mar 17#14
now tv for some reason treats the Chromecast as another device and you can only have 4 on one account watch out for that. noticed it on my account last night.
21 Mar 171#12
Is the Smart box better than the other black box
martynpd to mmurdoch
21 Mar 17#15
the smart box has a freeview tuner built in. and can have apps, I can't remmebr if the small box can download apps, I tend to use my PlayStation for now tv.
21 Mar 171#16
Chromecast is a device.
21 Mar 17#18
Thanks OP
21 Mar 178#19
I'm not a new now customer- try code AANOWAR6OA7W for 3months films for £3 :innocent: 3pm, worked for me anyway
21 Mar 17#20
I would guess it activates straight away? I'm not going to be wanting it right now personally but great deal op.
Voted hot obviously. :smiley:
21 Mar 17#21
If you're already a customer, try cancelling your subscription. I tried this a few weeks ago and I was offered 3 months for £3.49 a month :smiley: not sure what the prerequisites are before you're eligible but definitely worth a shot!
22 Mar 17#22
I reported them to the ASA yesterday because I wasn't made aware it was for new customers only.
22 Mar 171#23
Nice one , this code worked for me :smiley:
22 Mar 171#24
Thanks for code - worked for me :-)
22 Mar 17#25
Not got a box yet but fancy one for bedroom instead of just a basic freeview tv (non smart). Would I be better with the non smart box or the new smart box. Does the 'non smart box' pause and rewind?. Theres still a few of the non smart boxes about still at £19.99 with 6 months ent or whatever it was in movies but wasn't sure if the smart version was better option.
Or would I be better getting a box what does now, amazon prime and netflicks?
Any advice appreciated
dblake to mmurdoch
22 Mar 171#26
I've got the smartbox in the bedroom as the tv while HD is older and has no freeview tuner. It replaced a standard freeview box. Means I now have freeview HD with the ability to pause/rw/ff (about 30 mins buffer), access to now tv catch up and live channels (i have a regular nowtv box in the lounge) plus stuff like iplayer, itvhub, youtube, spotify, sky sports news, tunein radio. Pleased with it.
evenmorehonestjon376 to mmurdoch
22 Mar 171#27
You need an aerial connection for pause & rewind live tv, if you've got that then the new now box is the better option for you imo, but if you haven't then I'd go with the old box if that's got better deal than new box.
Number of ways of getting Now, Amazon & Netflix, my fave is via ps3- means you got blue ray, dvds, ps3 games, as well all on one device= less wires!
22 Mar 171#28
nice one yeh got aerial in bedroom as I use it for freeview on tv
Just wondered as £19.99 is £25 cheaper than I've seen the smart tv box with 5 months entertainment or 4 months movies at John Lewis or Argos
Was going to try the Amazon Fire Tv/Kodi box from the lounge but would prefer to keep it there. Plus like the fact now tv has a tv guide and simple to use etc, Got Xbox One but that lives in lounge with sky hd box.
Might still try the amazon box though see how it streams wirelessly upstairs
22 Mar 171#29
Thanks this code just worked for me :-)
24 Mar 17#30
need to state is for new customers only in post. anyone know of a code for existing customers for the entertainment pass?
24 Mar 171#31
I have the Smart NowTV box, and it's great for getting Freeview HD channels on an HD TV with only a non-HD (i.e. SD) Freeview tuner.
However, the Freeview TV Guide on this is not great, and due to the lack of a number keypad on the remote, channel navigation is quite 'clunky' and awkward.
24 Mar 17#32
Thanks for heads up
27 Mar 171#33
That just worked a treat for me thanks
30 Mar 171#34
Code still working thanks!!
30 Mar 171#35
Good to hear- films for about 11p a day is an offer not to be sniffed at!
Think deadline to use it is by end of March; if so you just got there in time!
31 Mar 171#36
Phew! My current deal was due to run out on 24 April so I was just inside the month window. So I'll be searching out a new code around the middle of July (so I might hunt you down to see what else you know! :-) ) I love Now TV and haven't paid full price over the two years I've had it so far!
31 Mar 171#37
You clearly got good bargain finding skills then Moncymru- I found that code on here, no idea who put it on, but just thought it might help a few fellow hukders to share the love/code here!
31 Mar 17#38
Just at the end of my last cheap code for NOWTV entertainment and was considering buying a cheap pass from Amazon but my daughter won a code. It's a McDonald's instant win and can be used for 3 months of movies or entertainment 1 months of sport or I think 5 months of children's tv. I don't know how often the instant wins come up but im told that you can also save up 10 other stickers to cash in for a now TV pass. I'm not sure of all the details but might help someone who buys mcdonalds food anyway.
31 Mar 171#39
Cool code still working, thanks :smiley:
31 Mar 17#40
I'm not a new now customer- try code AANOWAR6OA7W for 3months films for £3:33pm, worked for me anyway
Just got this in time. Great saving thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:
Not working for me.
If you Login & go to Offers menu it offers you a "Join Us For Longer" deal, up to 6 months Cinema, on a sliding scale, £35% OFF, from £9.99 1 month (?) to £38.97 for all 6 months. =£6.49 a month. Not bad for nowt.
One off payment on signup! No DD.
28 May 17#45
If any new voucher deals come up or new offer please can you email me as I'm new too now tv & don't want too be ripped off ...Thanks.!!
Opening post
3 Months Now TV Entertainment for £6.99
3 months of Sky Cinema via NOW TV for the price of 1 (£9.99)
3 Months Now Sky Cinema for £9.99
Both for £16.98 3 Months Now TV Entertainment and Sky Cinema for £16.98
Top comments
All comments (45)
Voted hot obviously. :smiley:
Or would I be better getting a box what does now, amazon prime and netflicks?
Any advice appreciated
Number of ways of getting Now, Amazon & Netflix, my fave is via ps3- means you got blue ray, dvds, ps3 games, as well all on one device= less wires!
Just wondered as £19.99 is £25 cheaper than I've seen the smart tv box with 5 months entertainment or 4 months movies at John Lewis or Argos
Was going to try the Amazon Fire Tv/Kodi box from the lounge but would prefer to keep it there. Plus like the fact now tv has a tv guide and simple to use etc, Got Xbox One but that lives in lounge with sky hd box.
Might still try the amazon box though see how it streams wirelessly upstairs
However, the Freeview TV Guide on this is not great, and due to the lack of a number keypad on the remote, channel navigation is quite 'clunky' and awkward.
Think deadline to use it is by end of March; if so you just got there in time!
Just got this in time. Great saving thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:
Nude customers only! :smiley:
If you Login & go to Offers menu it offers you a "Join Us For Longer" deal, up to 6 months Cinema, on a sliding scale, £35% OFF, from £9.99 1 month (?) to £38.97 for all 6 months. =£6.49 a month. Not bad for nowt.
One off payment on signup! No DD.