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25 Mar 17
100 GB Free Cloud Storage 1 User & Lifetime Protection For Your External Drives & Data.

The First Lifetime Storage
Secure, automatic backup for all your data

Faster Backups & Recovery
Save an extra copy of your backup locally thanks to our Tribrid technology.

Enterprise Back-End
Zoolz leverages the reliable robust Amazon Cloud, which is trusted by millions.

No Backup Limitations
There are no backup or upload limitations regardless of type or size.
Latest comments (68)
14 Jun 17 #68
The downside of this is that if your personal cloud is on a server in your home, and it's backing up data that is on a PC or laptop which is typically *also* in your home, you haven't really protected against theft or damage (flood, fire, vandalism after a breakin). So it depends what risks you want to cover.

For me, for most of the data I'm backing up I'm much more concerned about losing it altogether than about privacy. Offsite/cloud is by far a better backup than another local copy.
7 Apr 17 #67
I just selected the option to backup the default music directory.
6 Apr 17 #66
Never had an issue before with it showing anything other than accurate information. If you login to the website it will show exactly what folders/drives are being backed up so you can easily check.
6 Apr 17 #65
​I've just backed up 70gb of photos and showing as 70gb used. Have you selected option to backup external hard drive, if that contains same 50gb music then you will reach free 100gb limit :wink:
6 Apr 17 #64
interesting .. i appear to have filled up my storage space already when I know full well that I only have around 50gb of music on my PC ..
31 Mar 17 #63
I'll stick with Microsoft One Drive and Google, neither of these are going anywhere. I use to sync automatically between the two. Yes, it costs a couple of £ per month for the Tier 1 accounts but on the grand scale of things, IMHO, its money well spent.

It amazes me that people would use anyone other than a tier 1 vendor to store their photo's AND as people have said, never trust one Tier-1 vendor for everything.
30 Mar 17 #62
I thought crash plan was no longer free. How much is the free storage data?
29 Mar 17 #61
After looking at a few of these I opted to go with the free crash plan service, bought 2 portable hard drives and have one local to make a backup of my NaS onto and another on parents computer for remote backup.
The beauty of this is the initial backup is really fast, 1tb for me which took as long is it takes to copy 1tb from one of the drives to the other before driving over and plugging in.

Certainly a hell of a lot faster than trying to upload a massive amount of data over fibre or broadband.
29 Mar 17 #60
Also pi is slow as hell.

No USB3. Even if it was, my RPI3 with a USB disk attached to it can't even do 10MB/sec...
Online cloud storage has eventual consistency, and is probably already redundant. If you hook up a disk to a pi and store all your stuff on it, what happens if it dies? what happens if your house burns down? you've lost it. A cloud provider isn't likely to loose your stuff because they will have backups, backup power, redundant data centres etc etc.

Build yourself a NAS sure, but don't use any one single method to store stuff. You need backups for your backups !
29 Mar 17 #59
What do you do for off-site backup?
29 Mar 17 #58
Grab a raspberry pi, some hard drives depending on your needs, whether you setup a RAID array with torrent sync and you have a back up service for life.

Why pay someone else a yearly fee for what you can accomplish for less than £200.


Raspi 3 - £35
External 1tb had X 2 for redundancy - £90ish

You are already up and running for £125. Buy a new drive if you see signs of failure every 5 years or so.

Equivalent Dropbox cost for 5 years is £395
29 Mar 17 #57
Joined it thinking for mobile phones but nope
28 Mar 17 #56
Any Android apps?

Heated OP!
28 Mar 17 #55
I backup mine to Microsoft onedrive and google photos. Each time I take a photo it gets backed up to both automatically by the phone as soon as it has WiFi. Then I download and keep all the photos on a USB portable hard disk and a second portable disk.

A friend of mine lost all her baby photos when her phone was stolen, so I learned from her mistake...

The USB portable disks cost me about £80 each for 3TB of space which is more than enough for my photos and a bit extra for other stuff.

If you happen to have a Samsung phone, I managed to get two Microsoft onedrive accounts each with 100GB for 2 years for free. I wiped my phone and it asked me again if I wanted to sign up for free so using two different email accounts I got 2 x 100GB
28 Mar 17 #54
Yep, had the same thing. I keep all my registration emails, and it seems they ran this offer around October 2014. Not sure if that was the last one, but that's when I signed up.
28 Mar 17 #53
Doesn't look like it will work with Linux :disappointed:
28 Mar 17 #52
Got caught with Microsoft previously ....gave 20gb free then dropped to 5gb or you had to pay £1.99 per month for 50gb !!!!!
28 Mar 17 #51
Tried to register an account, found out I already have one. Seems like this deal has happened in the past, wonder if I went through HotUKDeals last time?
28 Mar 17 #50
Looks like I am gonna give this a try....sounds too good to be true thoughoO
28 Mar 17 #49
Yes your right, the moral of the story is never rely on one backup.

I currently have all data stored in a RAID5 NAS where my most important data gets backed up to a cloud service for offline backup and I also backup to an external USB drive just in case something happens to my NAS.
28 Mar 17 #48
Lifetime my a@@e!

There's been at least 3 so-called "lifetime" free storage offers that I've used over the years.

They've all either collapsed (bit casa, copy), or have changed the terms of the offer so that "unlimited" storage is dropped to a tiny amount.

My conclusion? You get what you pay for.

100gb free is nice to have, but a total pain when, eventually you have to move it or lose it.
28 Mar 17 #47
Sent you a PM with deal - not sure if you can post another HUKD on someone else's post.
27 Mar 17 #46
I have all of our baby pics and videos stored with Google photos. I have a few physical printed copies but most is stored on the cloud. What would be the best way of backing this up in a second way to make sure I never lose them? Is it easy enough to do? X
27 Mar 17 #45
Speak for yourself... It's a scary world that you live in!
27 Mar 17 #44
27 Mar 17 #43
i like to keep local and cloud backups - you know just in case :smile:
27 Mar 17 #41
It's hardly "scary" when there are so many options available to make a secondary backup ..
27 Mar 17 #42
cant see that anywhere,
27 Mar 17 #39
That's what I used to do before cloud and relied on phsycal hard drives. I moved everything to DropBox but had iCloud for photos.

Now everything sits in iCloud. I use 1.1TB this includes emails, photos, desktop old pictures that are archived. I mean everything! And I don't have a secondary backup. Should Apple ever delete my data I'm screwed. Scary world we live in.
27 Mar 17 #40
I did the same but one of the drives in my NAS corrupted and this cascaded into the second mirrored drive and corrupted that too. Luckily I had a cloud backup! There is no absolutely guaranteed solution, though a combination of offline and cloud is probably the best.
27 Mar 17 #37
i won't need the vault storage personally. the only time i'll ever need to restore these backups is if i've had some kind of catastrophic failure of all three of my other copies, so i won't be too fussed how long it takes :smile:
27 Mar 17 #38
Arq Backup looks interesting and it will let me utilise my 1TB One Drive storage without having to sync the backup folder on any machines and it is also encrypted.

Its a shame Zoolz do not offer an API so you can upload encrypted data.
27 Mar 17 #35
Yes Zoolz is cold storage so will take a few hours to retrieve files. I backup my home media files something that I do not access all the time.

If you take up the 2TB lifetime offer you get 1TB cold storage and 1TB vault storage which is instant access to files.
27 Mar 17 #36
Actually Arq Backup is good as well if you want to opt for the Amazon Unlimited Drive offer. And it encrypted the data before uploading so all the storage provider will only see 10 MB chunk.

AFAIK Zoolz offer no encryption whatsoever so they can just do a easy search for *.mp3 / *.avi and found out you got possibly illegal downloaded music / movies and shut down your account without offering any refund. That I would not call a backup.
27 Mar 17 #33
Got all my music and media on my NAS. Ideally i'll also get a portable HDD as well as a further redundancy but 3TB ones are quite expensive for me.

The more backups i have of my music, the better ..

Also, been doing some more reading and it appears that if you do want to restore your backups from Zoolz, it will apparently take 3 hours at a bare minimum to grab one file, so if, like me, you've got nearly 13k files, you might be a while ..
27 Mar 17 #34
Thankyou, Google Takeout looks like the tool I need
27 Mar 17 #31
best life time service nowadays is NAS with multiple WD drives (blue edition with 2M hours lifetime ~ 200 years) in it.
27 Mar 17 #32
have a read of this :smile:!topic/photos/dc_fDhaFGqU

Once you've got them offline, then you can sign up for a service like Zoolz and then get them uploaded to that as well.
27 Mar 17 #30
I suspect you can access it again, but only if you need to restore the backup. It's probably not a service like dropbox where you're constantly writing files to and from your cloud space.

Doesn't matter to me either way really. I've got three seperate backups of my music collection and this one will be the fourth, so if they don't let me access it i'll just remove the account.

Still got 3,500 files to upload though :grin:

There's an interesting article here from Torrenfreak from 2014 about a Zoolz user who had his entire account terminated because he'd seemingly uploaded some ".torrent" files without realising - no actual pirated content, just the .torrent file itself.…23/
26 Mar 17 #29
Agreed - Backblaze/crasplan (or even carbonite) are generally what i recommend to people (or set up your own S3 if you're technically inclined). A lot of smaller outfits aren't as reliable.
26 Mar 17 #28
So what do you do with it then? You just upload to the cloud and then you can't access it again unless you buy the service and then you can?
26 Mar 17 #27
​I used it for my backup only. I understand your concern, it took me a while before I take the plunge so we will see. I backup my backup too so no worries :smile:
26 Mar 17 #26
​there is an app to power down the unit
26 Mar 17 #25
26 Mar 17 #24
is it just me or does anyone else feel the need to have stuff > back it up > back it up somewhere else > and back it up again
26 Mar 17 #23
That seems very good! I must look into it.
26 Mar 17 #22
Guys, Upon trying to signup it says this offer is not yet available in your country. WTH
26 Mar 17 #21
26 Mar 17 #20
Seems good so far (it's just a front end for Amazon Glacier after all), but is definitely not something I'd rely on as your only backup as others have said... A few stories about people being locked out of their data with no way to delete it unless they sign up to an inflated contract. I guess that shouldn't apply to lifetime free users, but who knows...

Make sure you go into preferences and use multithreaded upload if you've got a decent connection. Currently maxxing mine out.

The "faster backups and recovery" part is a bit of a swizz, too. Glacier storage takes HOURS to recover from, so don't get this expecting to be able to instantly recover stuff that you've backed up.
26 Mar 17 #19
What about redundancy? You backup to something all located in one place?
26 Mar 17 #18
Don't rely on this as your only backup, have an offsite backup on an external hard drive as well.

• Zoolz may go bust.
• your backup with the Zoolz backup software may become corrupt or not backup crucial files.
26 Mar 17 #17
I used to use Zoolz and they were OK have not used them in a while, I think I will sign up to this and see how it fairs and if its OK will sign up for limetime deal.
26 Mar 17 #16
I see the word refurbished and shudder.
26 Mar 17 #15
Given how many of those fail just out of warranty, you might want to back up your back up!
26 Mar 17 #14
Don't bother, Ive tried zoolz before, tried to upload around 60gb from a Hard Drive, very buggy and slow, got to about 3 months and it still hadn't uploaded completely, as for could I recover my Data at a later date, didn't stick around to find out.

Stick with the well known ones, and pay for what you get, most freebies will be gone tomorrow or end in tears.
26 Mar 17 #13
​I did the same with a cheap 2tb. Not one I updated the firmware, there was no way to safely power down the unit! I only found out a few days before setting off to India, so I guess it's staying on for 5 months!
I went for the Canon irista promo on here for backing up my photos, but I've not used it yet. Worryingly, a lot of people who used the loophole to get 330gb free, had the extra storage removed
26 Mar 17 #12
Ever since bitcasa i will never trust a storage provider so easily again, after 2 years they transfered everything to a cheaper provider and 50% of my data got corrupted
26 Mar 17 #11
​If I were you, I'll setup my own personal cloud as you pay quite high.

I recently setup wd cloud 4tb for around £100 (refurbished) and it gives me my own cloud. it is not difficult to setup and maintain. I also notice that the encryption that these providers keep mentioning are the transmission encryption. but on my cloud, admin access can access all account files without any encryption. not sure whether the business cloud differs but if they are the same then they will have access to your data.
26 Mar 17 #10
I might consider using it for my music collection in that case. I've already backed it up on my NAS and locally (as well as being on my iPhone) so maybe a 'cloud' solution won't be such a bad idea. Everything else i've got that needs backing up goes in to terabytes so wouldn't fit ..
26 Mar 17 #9
See Comment #4 :).
26 Mar 17 #8
Better to use something like Backblaze or Crashplan. They are established player and has been running for years. These smaller provider are not as reliable and as many are not profitable they might shut down without any notice which is bad if you are storing important Linux ISO.
26 Mar 17 #7
Signed up, great as long as you understand it's not a cloud service like Dropbox or OneDrive (although that type of service can be bought as an optional extra) but an archival service.

‌ :face_with_monocle:
25 Mar 17 #6
is anyone worried that "lifetime" can be anything from a month to years

do you back-up your back-ups on another "cloud" ?
25 Mar 17 #5
Have just signed up and my data is backing up. So far so good. Heat added.
25 Mar 17 #4
I've been using Zoolz for several years now - Recently upgraded from a 100GB account to a paid for a lifetime subscription with 2TB for about £40.
25 Mar 17 #3
they use 256-aes encryption for your files apparently ..
25 Mar 17 #2
25 Mar 17 #1
Intruiging, thanks.

I've grabbed an account just in case they're limited, but i'll look in to it first before i think about uploading anything.


pretty good review here ..…lz/
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