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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
22 Feb 17
For the month of March, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games – two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360 – as part of the Games with Gold program. You can play both Xbox 360 titles on your Xbox One with Backward Compatibility.

On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download Layers of Fear ($19.99 ERP) for free during the month of March. Evolve Ultimate Edition ($49.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from March 16th to April 15th.

On Xbox 360, starting Wednesday, March 1st, Borderlands 2 ($19.99 ERP) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through March 15th. Then on March 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download Heavy Weapon ($9.99 ERP) for free through March 31st.
Top comments
22 Feb 17 11 #2
Hmm... nothing that particularly appeals to me, but March is going to be busy with Zelda anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
22 Feb 17 10 #3
Pretty happy about Evolve. Borderlands 2 is a must have for the 1 person that is yet to play it.

Wilsh88 to oUkTuRkEyIII
22 Feb 17 9 #5
That would be me then :confused:
benjammin316 to samhain81
22 Feb 17 3 #39
Latest comments (145)
7 Mar 17 #144
For some reason it's trying to charge me £19.99 for Borderlands 2. I'm a gold member it shows on my dashboard games with gold then when i click see price it's full. Any ideas?
27 Feb 17 #143
decent lineup not bad at all especially Evolve... and Borderlands 2
27 Feb 17 #142
Lovers is great if you have people to play with
27 Feb 17 1 #141
Man, the XBONE's 360 backward compatibility is killing PS+ at the moment. If sony had any sense, they'd at least make their PS3 PS+ games available through Playstation Now. At least that way, users with just a PS4 could play them. I have a buttload of PS3 games sitting on my PS+ account that I want to play, but without a PS3, it's impossible. Put your greed aside Sony, and do something 'for the players', like MS have done.
24 Feb 17 #140
Make it two ............... though i have bought the handsome collection a few months back just not had chance to play it (though same could be said of a couple of hundred more games.)
24 Feb 17 #139
Naff month as far as I'm concerned, but that's because I already have Borderlands 2 and Heavy Weapon, and have no interest in Evolve.
To be honest, I wasn't impressed by the February offerings.
Project Cars was horrible, I don't like the Monkey Island games and Lovers was okay for 30 mins or so.
23 Feb 17 #138
Exactly! :innocent:
23 Feb 17 #137
If everybody ate all the chocolate (games) at once, imagine how sick everyone would be...
23 Feb 17 #136
Ah ok, guess it is not a problem for me as I am in the Gold page daily hemming and hawing over the Deals with Gold :laughing:
I don't find it irritating as I view it like an advent calendar where the month is full of surprises rather than the same thing everyday :smile:
23 Feb 17 1 #135
I'm sure it's more the remembering to download the game at that specific time of the month that he's talking about, not actually turning the Xbox on for heavens sake man lol.

Irritates me as it's just a silly decision to split them up into different half of the month, means instead of just going into the gwg once at the same time of the month and getting what I want I have to remember what's available in which half and then remember the date the second lot is released, I end up checking a few times in case I miss it.
23 Feb 17 #134
Do you not use the Xbox One as your home entertainment centre? Watching TV, YouTube, on demand, Twitch, listening to music, Skype etc? Mine is on even when I am playing PlayStation and Nintendo.
23 Feb 17 #133
​no I need to remember to turn on my xbox/go on the website and download them
23 Feb 17 #132
Can't see this mentioned above, but Borderlands 2 is on the Backwards Compatible list as of today.
23 Feb 17 #131
Tbh, I want to switch to Xbox now. The things Microsoft give out..
23 Feb 17 1 #130
For anyone who is unsure of what these Games with Gold offerings are about here's a guide:

Heat added dylansdoor11 :smile::smile:
23 Feb 17 1 #129
wow... the last game 'lovers' doesnt even work for me everytime i hit play hit takes me back to home screen!!!

This march month is pants too. evolve is crap.
23 Feb 17 #128
For Far too long, Xbox games with gold have been putting PS Plus titles to shame...!
23 Feb 17 #127
23 Feb 17 #126
Must be the only person who can't stand Borderlands.
Always vote the these offerings from Microsoft as hot though. Appreciate their monthly games!! :smile:
23 Feb 17 #125
Does evolve have a campaign or is it online only? Wouldnt mind trying the game but not really into online only games
23 Feb 17 #124
Nope, it would be me.
23 Feb 17 #123
Same. I'm a pretty big gamer and make them for a living. I haven't played the first or the second :confused:
23 Feb 17 1 #122
I think they mean there is not many people on the servers.
23 Feb 17 1 #121
Do you need a whole month to decide if you want to download a free game?! :confused:
23 Feb 17 #120
Did they really shut down the servers? This game is essentially an online only game as the campaign is literally pointless.
23 Feb 17 #119
Can evolve be played couch co-op in the same way L4D could be ?

Edit - It can with the Survival Evolved Update, is that included ?
23 Feb 17 #118
What's the point in evolve when there's no servers,bit of a con really.
23 Feb 17 #117
I don't like the way Microsoft does the games compared with Sony, why not just make them free all month?
23 Feb 17 #116
Borderlands 2 is good for those of us still rocking the 360.

I still haven't got round to playing Assassins Creed Black Flag and they gave that away ages ago. Tomb Raider, Hitman all not started yet either along with many others.
23 Feb 17 #115
Borderlands really is a good game. I never played it when it first come out as the look put me off but bought the handsome collection before Christmas and couldnt stop playing it I reached op 8 in a month and completed the pre sequel which isn't as good though
23 Feb 17 #114
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 version????

Wtf should have given the Borderlands Handsome Collection from current gen instead
23 Feb 17 1 #113
I never said it was a bad game! It's prob been out the longest of all the gwg offerings though, played the hell out of it upon it's release. Just made me laugh! Pretty good month to be fair.
23 Feb 17 1 #112
You mean they pay £40 for Horizon this month, just as Xbox owners got Halo Wars 2 this month and have to pay for it.
Nothing to do with PS+ or Games with Gold.
23 Feb 17 #111
No, its free on PC, you can pick it up for well under a tenner though, I don't mind it being on GWG as its one that I would have been tempted at for 5/6 quid but more than happy its included to give it a go.
23 Feb 17 1 #110
Left for dead with monsters good game especially ultimate edition as standard was a half game
23 Feb 17 #109
I know this is the ultimate edition, but isnt evolve free to play after a disaster story of updates and non existent player base?
23 Feb 17 1 #108
PS4 owners get Horizon this month :-)
23 Feb 17 #107
someone wants to buy my ps4 ?
23 Feb 17 1 #106
I agree mate, as a sony owner myself... most months I feel like a loser when I see plus vs gold.... lets hope sony make us ps4 winners for once.

I bought a xbox one before xmas just coz I was fed up with being a sore loser.
23 Feb 17 #105
Hot! Evolve is worth to try, Good month.:innocent:
23 Feb 17 #104
Borderlands 2 brill game
23 Feb 17 #103
Ah really? I didn't actually realise at first that it was the 360 version.
For the sake of a tenner, there are no complaints from me, it just made me laugh that after all the issues we had in the HUKD thread for "The Handsome Collection", it was typical it was about to be released for free online!

The struggles have been REAL trying to get hold of this disc from 2K!!
23 Feb 17 1 #102
Evolve with a retail price of $49.99 :laughing:
23 Feb 17 1 #101
I'd still say playing this first is a better option as the person might not like the game after trying. I played Borderlands collection and couldn't understand the hype for it. Very overrated franchise.
23 Feb 17 #100
Heavy Weapon is loads of fun, I purchased it 10 years ago when it was released on Xbox Live arcade and it still gets played today.

It's great having 4 people around the Xbox playing locally and working together to get the best time. At one point myself and some mates were ranked in the top 30 in the world on the leaderboard. I don't know how people have since managed to get over 2 hours as a survival time though!

If you like to play games with people locally, don't write it off before giving it a chance, it get's pretty intense!
23 Feb 17 #99
You got better value for money buying it, to be honest. Better graphics, another game on top, and all the DLC. I'm nearly finished on Borderlands 2 - you'll love it more if you play with a friend, though.
23 Feb 17 #98
Just bought The Handsome Collection from 2K for £7.99 and it arrived today.
Typical that it then appears on GWG haha!
23 Feb 17 #97
Are these available bang on midnight?
23 Feb 17 #96
Watched two reviews of that layers of Fear and it looks pretty rubbish, like they've thrown every stupid horror cliche into a blender and just see what comes out. I was hoping it would be another Outlast.
23 Feb 17 #95
S'okay, selection Already finished and got 1000G on all the 360 borderlands games but that will happened from time to time.
23 Feb 17 #94
Crap game
23 Feb 17 #93
Evolve is utter dog poop. Worse game I've ever come accross
23 Feb 17 #92
Delighted to get Evolve Ultimate Edition free as always wanted to try it but couldn't justify paying for the base game knowing that I would have to spend a fortune on all the add-ons for a better experience! I really enjoyed Angry Joe's review of the game...
23 Feb 17 #91
I always add every game to my list even if it's a crappy thing I'll never play, but there's no way in hell im adding evolve to it, that **** annoys me
23 Feb 17 #90
Still play evolve to this day. Personally i think its a good game minus early developer bail out support, long match making due to decreasing player base and it can get a bit repetitive chasing a monster for 5 mins at the start of every match.

Lucky i was only stupid enough to pay £50 on release day for evolve and skipped the season pass.

Looking forward to getting the dlc free now. evolve would be perfect for cross network play as its free to play on pc
23 Feb 17 #89
Anyone with Xbox One wishing to play Borderlands 2 would be better off playing it in the Handsome Collection as the graphics are updated to 1080p60, right?
22 Feb 17 3 #88
Borderlands 2 Metacritic: 89% (59 critics)
Layers of Fear Metacritic: 78% (10 critics)
Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank Metacritic: 77% (17 critics)
Evolve Metacritic: 74% (31 critics), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: (9 critics)
22 Feb 17 #87
And that would be me....
22 Feb 17 #86
Best month in at least a year. You can tell market share has shifted to PSN when they have to give some big guns away.
22 Feb 17 #85
I cna't imagine that Mass Effect wil be anything but excellent, but I know what I meant. :wink:

If you're only considering it, you're not going to, at least not with Gameseek - they're steadfastly continuing not actually to open it up for orders.
22 Feb 17 #84
I have Borderland 2 and the season pass on the 360, cracking stuff. my BC list continues to grow, and the other three games i don't have. :smiley:
22 Feb 17 1 #83
You mean Andromeda surely :wink:
22 Feb 17 #82
I am that one person. My whole life has been leading up to this moment, when i waited like 5 years for the game to be free on gold before I played it.
22 Feb 17 #81
And me
22 Feb 17 #80
Has to be bc if going to be games with gold it promised all 4 games to work on Xbox one from now on
22 Feb 17 #79
Still better than anything PSN offers...

[runs and hides]

22 Feb 17 #78
Layers of fear looked fun when outsidexbox played it. That alone makes it a good month imo
22 Feb 17 #77
No, it's me. :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #76
​Me too :smile:
22 Feb 17 #75
I have all but heavy weapon, only deleted evolve from my harddrive last weekend but think I will download again as the player base will be alive for the 1st time since it released. Layers of fear is OK, its a walking sim with a fair few scares. Pretty good month and following Jan and Feb I don't think microsoft have put a foot wrong this year. lol I've just checked and I do have heavy weapon as its part of ea access, oh well.
22 Feb 17 #74
If you didn't own any of these games you'd say this was a decent enough month :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #73
I didn't like it as much as the first and turned it off after a few levels
22 Feb 17 #72
Hooray for Evolve and Borderlands 2. Evolve was always one of those games I thought about getting cause it was cheap but never bothered. Can't complain for free though
22 Feb 17 1 #71
That'll be me then. Although strangely a few people have said the same thing.

I'm not really into 1st person shooters, so I probably shouldn't have got an xbox.
22 Feb 17 #70
Suppose they can't all be winners.
22 Feb 17 #69
Any good deals on Gold at the moment?
22 Feb 17 #68
I haven't played any of the Borderlands games. However I won't be doing so anytime soon, personally avoiding anything tainted by Randall's touch!
22 Feb 17 #67
I purchased Layers of Fear and Borderlands 2 when they were last on sale.. still in my backlog. :smile:
22 Feb 17 #66
First month in a while where I don't own any of the games so heat from me.
22 Feb 17 #65
Layers of Fear is fantastic.
22 Feb 17 #64
:o Now that is a shocking statement!
22 Feb 17 #63
​Its just one of those games that hasnt interested me. To be honest I only actually know 1 person who has played it
22 Feb 17 #62
Only Evolve appeals to me as I've been tempted to buy it a few times, otherwise as already said , not a great month on Gold :disappointed:
22 Feb 17 1 #61
Not as overrated as Skyrim/Fallout :smile:
22 Feb 17 #60
That would be me
22 Feb 17 1 #59
If only we got these games on PS Plus. Sony really are greedy peanut heads. One day they will crash and burn and that day will be glorious rubbing it in their face.
22 Feb 17 2 #58
*whispers* Has to be THE most overrated game ever imo. Not a popular opinion!
22 Feb 17 1 #57
​you clearly weren't around for 'The Baseball Game Month' now that was a shocker!

I personally thought that Layers of Fear was terrible. decent enough month though!
22 Feb 17 #56
Awesome will pick up layers of fear
22 Feb 17 #55
Not for your potato anyway
22 Feb 17 #54
Not for your potato anyway
22 Feb 17 1 #53
It will be BC made. Like turkey said look at saints row, and all gwg games are BC :smiley:
22 Feb 17 2 #52
This is a great line up in all honesty, well done Microsoft :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #51
It is free to play on PC but not Xbox. They originally planned to make it f2p on console as well but abandoned those plans when the PC version didn't draw in significant numbers. They decided to cut their losses and not spend any more time developing it instead.
22 Feb 17 2 #50
Another good month.
22 Feb 17 1 #49
​Same here
22 Feb 17 #48
Drags on a bit though, doesn't it?
22 Feb 17 #47
​Hold on, me too :laughing:
22 Feb 17 2 #46
That's what I was going off..and that they said all games with gold would be BC :smile:
22 Feb 17 #45
​I'm still considering if I should preorder switch from gameseek for £198
22 Feb 17 #44
They couldn't even give us the handsome collection? Or xbox one version of borderlands?
22 Feb 17 #43
​It's actually not that bad when the Monster is someone capable and you play with your mates.

Roles, profession, unlocks, has everything a good game needs.

When it first came out it was broke, but I got the DD version from Japan for about £4. Loved it. Reinstalling now :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #42
​Pretty sure it is but presumably the ultimate edition comes with much of the paid content.

Heard the game is crap regardless.
22 Feb 17 2 #41
Only on PC not Xbox, lol
22 Feb 17 #40
Very poor month, evolve is really bad
22 Feb 17 1 #37
Wait, isn't Evolve free to play now anyway ? lol
benjammin316 to samhain81
22 Feb 17 3 #39
22 Feb 17 1 #38
​Oh boy, you're in for a treat.
22 Feb 17 #36
Sweet, just got round to playing Borderlands finally and now I get the sequel, heat
22 Feb 17 #35
Have the Handsome Collection so Borderlands isn't exciting. Pretty "meh" month, but still better than what I get from PS+ :stuck_out_tongue:
22 Feb 17 #34
BC Borderlands 2? Seems like an odd choice. And Layers of Fear - another horror game I won't touch (like Outlast)...
22 Feb 17 #33
If you can't wait to play Heavy Weapon and have EA Access, it's in the vault, probably has been for a while
22 Feb 17 3 #21
Knocking it out the park!!

To the hottest deal of the day we go, all aboard the heat train!
fwibble to benjammin316
22 Feb 17 #28
Woo Woo!!
Marcoos to benjammin316
22 Feb 17 #32
Choo Choo!
22 Feb 17 1 #31
I was preoccupied watching inside no.9 on iplayer... Quality program
22 Feb 17 #30
Ooooo - I will be ready to add to the shame of pile, hopefully I will spot the announcement before everyone whacks their prices up!
22 Feb 17 1 #24
Haha may be my first hottest of the day!
oUkTuRkEyIII to dylansdoor11
22 Feb 17 3 #29
I'm going to spam it when it hits 200 :smile:
22 Feb 17 1 #27
Thank you Major Nelson - this is just about an acceptable offering. I have hovered over buying Layers of Fear a few times now. Heat awarded.
22 Feb 17 1 #26
Just tried to post that now and you beat me and heat
22 Feb 17 #19
Im expecting some BC titles too as we haven't had any in a week and they seemed to be ramping up the frequency of adding titles...

Max Payne 3 and LA Noire please... Splinter Cell double agent... and I know it wont but id love Don King Boxing! ha.
benjammin316 to joanddan7
22 Feb 17 1 #25
Thursday, tomorrow there will be BC announcements
22 Feb 17 1 #23
it'll have to be if its on GWG.... it says playable on xbox one... im surprised they have included that...
22 Feb 17 1 #13
Guessing that means borderlands 2 will be BC soon?
oUkTuRkEyIII to nathan3007
22 Feb 17 1 #18
Doubt it when it's on The Handsome Collection? that said though Saints Row 4 is BC
gemvis to nathan3007
22 Feb 17 3 #22
All xbox 360 games on gold are backwards compatible now.
22 Feb 17 1 #20
Didn't they say that all 360 games coming to GWG would be? So One owners would get 4 games a month
22 Feb 17 1 #17
Me 3 :smile:
22 Feb 17 #16
Me too. I have it on PS3 from PS+ but didn't get playing much so I'm still at the start. lol
22 Feb 17 #9
Damn it... Beaten by 9 minutes
dylansdoor11 to fwibble
22 Feb 17 #15
Haha I always miss out posting by minutes too
22 Feb 17 3 #14
Hey! Id quite like to get table tennis! ha.
22 Feb 17 1 #12
Its always been one of them games i want to play but just never got round to buying it.
22 Feb 17 #11
Poorest month since I have own the Xbox one... but still ok. I don't currently own any of those four (I own the borderlands collection on ps4 and vita) but still technically that is different I guess.
22 Feb 17 #10
I bought it on release and 5 years later I still have a dabble.
22 Feb 17 1 #8
Decent games
22 Feb 17 2 #7
Good month! Wanted to jump back into Evolve now and then. I enjoyed it before selling it off.
22 Feb 17 #6
Heavy Weapon :laughing: gwg is pure comedy some months. Rockstar Table Tennis next month.
22 Feb 17 10 #3
Pretty happy about Evolve. Borderlands 2 is a must have for the 1 person that is yet to play it.

Wilsh88 to oUkTuRkEyIII
22 Feb 17 9 #5
That would be me then :confused:
22 Feb 17 1 #4
Always wanted to try evolve. Nothing overly special though.
22 Feb 17 11 #2
Hmm... nothing that particularly appeals to me, but March is going to be busy with Zelda anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
22 Feb 17 3 #1
layers of fear was a pretty decent horror game. I think they've fixed their frame rate issues too
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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