Because there's a lot of deals, let's hopefully stop the spamming... Although that won't happen.
Please see the first 2 comments for deals.
Top comments
7 Feb 1758#4
I posted 3 deals before you put this on that I saw on the xbox store. I thought they were decent deals and wanted to highlight them and make it easy and convenient for people on here to use the link to then go straight to the xbox store page to buy them. So if you're referring to me as a someone who is spamming the deals you're wrong.
Its sly little comments like that which will throw people off from posting deals on here.
7 Feb 1711#11
Cold for arguing
7 Feb 1710#1
Xbox One Games -
Adventures Of Pip - £6.00
Among The Sleep - £6.00
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Gold Edition - £35.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe Edition - £47.99
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection - £52.50
CoD: IW Legacy Edition + Destiny - The Collection Bundle - £71.49
Clouds & Sheep 2 - £5.35
Dead Island Definitive Collection - £10.00
Dead Island Definitive Edition - £6.40
Dead Island Retro Revenge - £2.00
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - £6.40
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £4.80
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Dirt Rally - £22.00
Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - £7.92
DMC 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Demon Hunter Bundle - £14.40
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - £20.00
Ethan: Meteor Hunter - £5.35
F1 2016 - £30.24
Homefront: The Revolution - £10.50
Homefront: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle - £12.50
Homefront: The Revolution - Aftermath - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Liberty Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - Revolutionary Spirit Pack - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Combat Stimulant Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - The Guerrilla Care Package - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Voice Of Freedom - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Wing Skull Pack - £1.20
Metro 2033 Redux - £4.00
Metro Redux Bundle - £4.80
Metro: Last Light Redux - £4.00
Mighty No. 9 - £6.40
Mighty No. 9 Ray Expansion - £2.00
Mighty No. 9 Retro Hero - £1.20
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - £4.80
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - £4.00
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell - £6.00
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell - £3.00
Saints Row Metro Double Pack - £8.00
Steep - £35.74
Steep Gold Edition - £46.14
The Crew - £11.99
The Crew - Bronze Crew Credit Pack - £8.99
The Crew - Gold Crew Credit Pack - £16.07
The Crew - Platinum Crew Credit Pack - £23.99
The Crew - Silver Crew Credit Pack - £12.79
The Crew Calling All Units - £13.39
The Crew Season Pass - £11.99
The Crew Ultimate Edition - £23.99
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones - £7.20
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - £15.00
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition - £47.56
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition - £38.49
Bure11 to Beynonator
7 Feb 179#7
Didn't mean to offend you lad, it's the same every week. Usually it's fine when there's only a few decent titles on offer but I consider big sales an exception to that.
It is spam regardless, those 3 deals could have easily gone into one with links inside. I'm not here to argue with you however, and there's no never sly comments towards you or anyone else. I welcome all posters, it's better with more posters. My comment was just part of a long running joke when it comes to PSN/Xbox sales :man:
All comments (103)
7 Feb 1710#1
Xbox One Games -
Adventures Of Pip - £6.00
Among The Sleep - £6.00
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Gold Edition - £35.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe Edition - £47.99
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection - £52.50
CoD: IW Legacy Edition + Destiny - The Collection Bundle - £71.49
Clouds & Sheep 2 - £5.35
Dead Island Definitive Collection - £10.00
Dead Island Definitive Edition - £6.40
Dead Island Retro Revenge - £2.00
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - £6.40
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £4.80
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Dirt Rally - £22.00
Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - £7.92
DMC 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Demon Hunter Bundle - £14.40
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - £20.00
Ethan: Meteor Hunter - £5.35
F1 2016 - £30.24
Homefront: The Revolution - £10.50
Homefront: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle - £12.50
Homefront: The Revolution - Aftermath - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Liberty Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - Revolutionary Spirit Pack - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Combat Stimulant Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - The Guerrilla Care Package - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Voice Of Freedom - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Wing Skull Pack - £1.20
Metro 2033 Redux - £4.00
Metro Redux Bundle - £4.80
Metro: Last Light Redux - £4.00
Mighty No. 9 - £6.40
Mighty No. 9 Ray Expansion - £2.00
Mighty No. 9 Retro Hero - £1.20
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - £4.80
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - £4.00
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell - £6.00
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell - £3.00
Saints Row Metro Double Pack - £8.00
Steep - £35.74
Steep Gold Edition - £46.14
The Crew - £11.99
The Crew - Bronze Crew Credit Pack - £8.99
The Crew - Gold Crew Credit Pack - £16.07
The Crew - Platinum Crew Credit Pack - £23.99
The Crew - Silver Crew Credit Pack - £12.79
The Crew Calling All Units - £13.39
The Crew Season Pass - £11.99
The Crew Ultimate Edition - £23.99
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones - £7.20
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - £15.00
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition - £47.56
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition - £38.49
7 Feb 177#2
Xbox 360 (BC) -
Call Of Duty: Black Ops - £12.49
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - £2.70
Escape Dead Island - £2.24
Killer Is Dead - £2.99
Sacred 3 - £3.74
Sacred Citadel - £1.59
deets to Bure11
7 Feb 172#3
I was only looking at castlevania last night and I was wondering when it would go on sale again, thank for the heads up!!
7 Feb 1758#4
I posted 3 deals before you put this on that I saw on the xbox store. I thought they were decent deals and wanted to highlight them and make it easy and convenient for people on here to use the link to then go straight to the xbox store page to buy them. So if you're referring to me as a someone who is spamming the deals you're wrong.
Its sly little comments like that which will throw people off from posting deals on here.
Bure11 to Beynonator
7 Feb 179#7
Didn't mean to offend you lad, it's the same every week. Usually it's fine when there's only a few decent titles on offer but I consider big sales an exception to that.
It is spam regardless, those 3 deals could have easily gone into one with links inside. I'm not here to argue with you however, and there's no never sly comments towards you or anyone else. I welcome all posters, it's better with more posters. My comment was just part of a long running joke when it comes to PSN/Xbox sales :man:
benjammin316 to Beynonator
7 Feb 175#16
Don't be so precious.
thisismyalias to Beynonator
7 Feb 173#36
No, what puts people off is having 95 million hot posts around ONE entire sale. Deals with Gold is a weekly sale and it should be kept to one post, especially considering you press one button to see the full list on our console. No need for multiple posts since they're not exactly hidden gems.
thisthatandtheother to Beynonator
7 Feb 171#40
Agree 100%
7 Feb 171#5
Been looking at homefront but apparently was a mess at launch. Does anyone know if it's improved with patches?
momouk78 to higgzy24
7 Feb 171#6
Playing it at the moment. Seems alright. Haven't come across any technical problems.
averagejoe to higgzy24
7 Feb 171#23
Picked it up on eBay for £6 recently, it's actually really good and no technical issues to report so far.
7 Feb 173#8
Just to also point out, if you search (at least on the app) for a specific game, you wont find these lists, so reposts are easy if someone doesnt immediately realise its a DwG. Appreciate the effort of the list :smile:
7 Feb 172#9
True, that's a good point :stuck_out_tongue: I know the actual list doesn't show up until later in the day, however prices change every Tuesday from midnight... I'd assume most people looking at the Xbox store for various things at that time however knows about the DwG.... Or it just helps them sleep :laughing:
You wouldn't want to be spamming by listing every deal when a website does it now would you :wink:
7 Feb 172#13
Dead Island collection for £10? Sold.
7 Feb 172#14
Nothing of interest to me. Boo.
7 Feb 172#15
Nice one Bure11!
7 Feb 171#17
Castlevania is worth every penny.
7 Feb 172#18
If you have never played Castlevania Symphony of the Night you'd be a fool to miss it at this price.
7 Feb 172#19
no way saints row :confused::laughing:
7 Feb 17#20
Cold, most of these have been posted already! :wink:
7 Feb 178#21
Thanks for sharing Bure11, just to clarify, deals are not classed as a duplicate / spam (dislike that word) unless already mentioned in the thread title of an existing deal :smiley:. Not all of the games listed in this thread will show up in search, so if someone is looking for a specific game, individual posts are very useful too. :smiley:
7 Feb 17#22
Is Killer is Dead any good - or just proper weird?
gibblesuk to angry_wasp
7 Feb 17#24
awful gameplay and graphics terrible
Isis88 to angry_wasp
7 Feb 17#25
It's pretty poor. I'm a big fan of games of that ilk, I was hoping for something like Shadows of the Damned, but Killer was just a bit rubbish.
7 Feb 171#26
Is the dead island collection worth it for this price? I'm tempted to pick up. Metro Redux for £4.80 is an absolute bargain.
I don't mind lists or individual posts for particularly good deals within a sale- I'd avoid using words like "spam" as they will be useful to those looking for that particular item. I can see merit in both.
crippsy1701 to pfagan10
7 Feb 17#31
I agree - if you type xbox one and (game name) this list does not appear if it was in here.
7 Feb 172#27
First Brexit.... Then Trump... and now I've been called a spammer and my deals are going cold... could it get any worse :smile:
Even though in my opinion as a gamer, the games I picked and Turkeys post of Devil May Cry (which went hot because Turkey posted it not myself :wink: ) are the best of the bunch this week.
7 Feb 174#28
I don't agree with this at all. PSN sales often number in the hundreds of games, so you could potentially have dozens - or scores - of individual 'hot' deals. Imagine how annoying that is for an Xbox owner, or someone who's already digested the full list.
Indeed, I posted a similar comment a few weeks ago about the mods posting individual deals, when Bure, meanwhile, was compiling a handy list with every game in it. That comment got dozens of likes, so clearly I'm not alone in thinking that a centralised list makes the most sense.
When you're talking about hundreds of games, the notion of what's hot - or not - is massively subjective, so the best thing to do is stick all the deals in a list in one place, as Bure always does (good man). His A-Z lists are actually more handy than trawling through the PS Store.
The only valid point you've made there is that the HUKD search functionality doesn't work properly. In the interest of the best user experience, maybe it's time to fix it?
7 Feb 171#29
stupid isn't it
7 Feb 17#30
No deal for MOH: Airborne Xbox 360 (BC) still £14.99! :disappointed: Who is buying it? :neutral_face:
7 Feb 171#32
You didn't see that coming did ya :smile:
7 Feb 17#33
This sale is a bit disappointing for me but could be good for people who haven't already got most of these in previous deals.
7 Feb 171#34
it's tepid...just **** it have some heat
7 Feb 171#35
Wasn't a Dead Island game free on the 360 a while back? So if you have gold membership and can wait, don't get the D-Edition, no doubt that will come to xbox one for free on Games with gold.
7 Feb 173#37
I have to agree wholeheartedly, until HUKD fixes it's stupid search function then this is the best way. I'm sick of the same Deals with Gold clogging up my hot feed because they're £1.00 cheaper this week.
How I see it, since you can press a button to view them all on your Xbox it should be the same here in that sense, one list :smile:
7 Feb 175#38
I don't really agree with this, individual posts can highlight deals people might have missed from not wanting to wade through sale lists. A lot of the things on this list can be bought cheaper or just aren't that good too and would have gone cold if posted individually so no one would have to wade through it by just looking at the site through the hot tab. It seems to me you're asking that if anyone was to post a deal from the Steam weeklong deals that occur each week, that they should also post the other 617 games this week in case one of them is hot too so no one clutters up the site with what they actually think are hot deals.
Your third paragraph also is a bit odd for want of better words, yes what is hot is subjective, but every deal on here is generally seen by the poster as a good deal and then the community votes as to whether it is hot or not so you get an idea of what the majority think about the deal. Putting hundreds of games in one list though does nothing to tell you which of the gaming deals people consider hot so you still have to have a look around to see if the game you spotted is actually a good price, or if it is only in a hot deal because people liked other games in the list. Also the longer the list, the easier it is to miss something that you might want from it which I think is one of the reasons why the rule about people are only prevented from posting deals that appear in the titles exists (on top of the search).
One last thing, when you post a deal you might notice the text that asks you to explain in your own words why a deal is good and to not just cut and paste. Most people don't do this and this deal is exactly the same, I have no idea what is considered good in this deal other than the op has a dislike of individual deals and as I said in my first paragraph I don't see much of value here, I mean is Mighty No. 9 good? From what I've read it is rubbish and the same goes for Homefront. Is CoD worth it when it is cheaper at retail? I have no idea from this post and also don't know which parts of it people consider hot. Lists make the site less useful even if they might save you a few seconds scrolling through deals.
7 Feb 172#39
thats incorrect on sale on the xboxone often don't show on the deals with gold page on your console...go find devil may cry for example. So individual posts of games currently on sale that aren't showing are often helpful (to me anyway - who just checks the deals with gold page).
There's currently a grand total of 12 games showing on the deals with gold page on console. Half of them being call of duty.
7 Feb 171#41
If only COD World At War XBOX 360 was on sale to play on the XB1...the cheapest I can find is £8 for the disc version...that is the one good COD SP that I didn't play to date :disappointed::laughing:
That link was actually the 'get deal' link I added as it was the easiest to use. Someone however changed it
7 Feb 17#43
Cheers Donkey... I understand it isn't actually against website rules but every argument for and against has already been said in here multiple times so I won't say anymore :laughing:
Thanks for commenting on it however, it's nice to get a mods input on things like this for once :smile: Something I have however noticed (which I didn't do here) is that if you add the games to the description and not the comments, the multideal will appear in the search results as shown here -
You've highlighted many of my reasons for thinking a list is a better option. Ultimately not everyone will agree with each other but I'll keep doing this for the people it helps :smile:
7 Feb 171#45
So you don't bother looking through entire sales yourself? You just let the HUKD community dictate what's worth your time? And you think it's good to post individual deals for people who can't be bothered wading through sales lists? Sorry, I'm not on board with your logic there.
My point is that pretty much everyone is going to look through the entire sale (in case there's something of interest that hasn't already been deemed 'hot'), so why not have it in one place? Who seriously thinks, 'HUKD will let me know which of these 500 games I should buy. I don't need to see the full list.' That's ridiculous.
Ideally you'd have the list in one place, and allow individual games to be voted hot within that list, but the functionality on HUKD is pretty limited.
7 Feb 171#46
You're a king among men, brother :wink:
7 Feb 17#47
Some great games on sale there. I love escape dead island and killer is dead. I don't understand the hate for them.
Lollypop chainsaw for the next bc, please.
7 Feb 172#48
There are between 600-800 games on sale on Steam in a normal week, there is usually a few sites discounting 100+ games, PSN and Xbox both do moderate to large sales often, so in any given week there are 1000+ games on sale alone before you take into account they aren't people's only interest so they may have other sale items to look at. So, to answer your question, no I don't want to wade through that many items and waste my time just to find the ~1% of them which are actually good. The site is called HotUKDeals, not ListOfUKSales and is set up to let me do exactly that.
You also completely ignored the point that lists like this do not usually point out the good deals (or highlight the bad ones) so on top of looking through the sale you have to also look to see if the prices for any item is actually good or not which in itself would require searching this site for that game. Of course the problem there is, when it is part of a list, a game won't show up on your search. For what it is worth it may as well just be a link to the site's sale with a tag of 'some games are on sale here, go look for yourself'.
7 Feb 17#49
Looking for destiny - the collection on its own, anyone seen this cheap (cheaper?)
7 Feb 17#50
You sound like my ginger mate, crying over a bit of heat.
7 Feb 171#51
Clearly we're fundamentally opposed here: you want HUKD to do the thinking for you; I'd rather see the list myself. And as I mentioned before, I reckon Bure's list is the easiest way to digest what's on offer - more so than going to the PS Store, for example.
I mentioned before that HUKD would fix the Search function, ideally.
And if you're concerned about lists not highlighting the 'best' deals/the inability of HUKD members to think independently, how about including metacritic ratings? Or previous sale prices and dates? Either way, there are far better ways to convey the information from these digital sales than multiple deals clogging the front page (and often appearing for several days/weeks thereafter, much to the annoyance of people who've already digested... THE LIST).
Right, I'm actually annoying myself here. You've said your piece, I've said mine. Two colossal a-holes dominating the Comments section.
Peace out.
7 Feb 17#52
not ginger and not bothered about heat either lovely boy. just trying to contribute to the cause unlike you with your no deals and idiotic comments. much love :man:
7 Feb 173#53
We are not opposed, I have no issues if people want to have lists of games on sale and only took exception here to show another view point when both the op and you suggested that individual deals shouldn't be a thing. The only thing that either of us is opposed to is you being against how this site was designed to be used.
Also you might want to watch your mocking tone in your replies as referring to people as not being able to think for themselves is a level that I wouldn't stoop to - it shows a definite 'I'm right and anyone who doesn't agree is thick' mentality. If all I wanted was a list of prices I would go to a site like psprices which lists all the discounts by platform, I go to HUKD because I don't just want a list of prices and, as a bonus, I sometimes find some of the comments useful here too. Now, if the lists removed all of the fluff that is mediocre or worse from them and all the games that can be had cheaper elsewhere then they might be a bit more useful. Add in a bit of reasoning to the post as to why the game were good and then it would be good. Of course this is a lot of work for one person so that is why we have traditionally seen individual games listed from sales. As it is I have absolutely no idea what the first two games on this list are and if they are good prices.
7 Feb 171#54
Regardless of what our esteemed 'mod' has said, having Devil May Cry - for example - appear on a list, and again as a separate post, is a duplication - literally a duplication, there's no arguing with that - and it's something that HUKD members are growing tired of, hence why this argument rears its ugly head every time there's a digital sale.
Your logic for having individual posts remains astounding:
- You don't have time to look through lists
- You might miss something
- There are games on there you've never heard of
- It's easier to have the HUKD community point out what's worth buying
I don't agree with any of those points. Not one. And they sound very specific to you, whereas I'm thinking almost from an editorial point of view: what's the best way for all HUKD users to see what's on sale?
It is absolutely fundamentally true that if you're trying to convey something, you have all the information in one place. It is utterly pointless to have dozens of deals from the same sale floating around, each with its own comments section. It's a mess.
"...a level that I wouldn't stoop to." Ironically sanctimonious, no? I was being facetious because you suggested people were incapable of looking at lists and processing the information themselves. I'm the one championing people's ability to make up their own minds.
And surely one post, a list, with a few standout items in the deal title would appease both of us? A big list for me, and a few highlights for you. The End.
7 Feb 172#55
Not really a deal. Anyone with an Xbox can look up and get whatever they're interested in. I don't get why these get posted and get so much heat. Same goes for PlayStation monthly "deals". :confused:
7 Feb 17#56
Anyone know if I can download these from via PC but using my credit on my account?
I cant get it working
7 Feb 17#57
You won't be able to if you're trying to purchase 360 games, for some stupid reason you can't use account credit to purchase 360 games :disappointed:
7 Feb 17#58
If only Xbox live worked.
Had nothing but connection problems with this service. CS tried to help but had to cancel.
Apparently an 'emerging problem' with both V***** and S**
Issues are server related apparently.
Rented films I had paid for simply wont play 'cant find playback licence please try again later' was the error message recieved.
Hopefully a fix will arrive soon so until then no xbox live for me :disappointed:
7 Feb 172#59
Hello :smiley:
7 Feb 17#60
its proper weird which in turn makes it good and break from the norm
7 Feb 17#61
its proper weird which in turn makes it good and break from the norm
7 Feb 17#62
That's cool and all...but if you're assuming everybody checks major Nelson's Twitter to find out what's actually on sale then surely your reposting the list on here is a form of spam, and pointless too?
End of the day, if games aren't actually showing up on deals with gold on the console, and discounted games are hidden away on the consoles store instead, I see no reason why individual posts for those games wouldn't be helpful to somebody?
7 Feb 172#63
Welcome to the funhouse :laughing:
7 Feb 171#64
This is how I see this whole situation. On one hand you have your list and the other separate links to the same deal. All parties are arguing the point of which is better but have so far missed the point of this whole thing.
Are the deals in the list better than previous deals? Are the games themselves worth taking a chance on? Should I spend my hard earned on cod or rainbow six? What are the better deals overall?
Personally I don't care if they are listed separately or together just that I know what is worth buying and is it at its best price? You can all argue over the list vs separate until the cows come home but ultimately tell people what the better deals are here because that's what this site is supposed to be for.
7 Feb 17#65
It's the official Xbox website for news and updates and where the sales are listed. You calling that spam is just you trying to be clever but it's not working. Why post anything then if people can just check themselves? You're missing the point of this website.
Individual posts are helpful... When there's an individual game on sale. A full list is just better :wink:
7 Feb 172#66
You are right that it is a duplicate post, and as DMC was posted before this list DMC should be removed from this list going on the community rules. I'm not sure how you think a deal posted earlier than this should be removed because this deal has a few more items in it. If the list had DMC in the title it would definitely have been removed as it is a duplication of Turkey's deal.
You simplify things too much, I have time to look through lists, but there are so many games on sale any given week that I'd rather spend that same time doing something more fun, such as, you know, playing those games. Some of these lists span 3 posts and, unlike a book, if you miss a line there is nothing to tip you off you have missed that line. People skip lines all the time when reading, especially when it is something as boring as a list. I don't know every game ever released, I don't know how good some of the games I have heard of are and I'm sure I'm not the only person. From this list I have no idea what the following are:
Adventures Of Pip
Among The Sleep
Clouds & Sheep 2
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
On top of this I don't think the following sound like they are good deals:
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection
Dirt Rally
Homefront: The Revolution
Mighty No. 9
The Crew
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Call Of Duty: Black Ops
On top of this there are a few games I'm not sure if they are good value or not in that list (to save characters I've not listed additional content/packages of these games, but they too are included). As I said if I wanted to look at lists it is as easy for me to look on another site.
During a proper Steam sales they literally have 1000s of games on sale and what you are saying is that someone should just list them all instead of posting anything they consider is good when they see it? The truth is that most items that go on sale are not good value (as you can see from what I cut from the list above), so listing everything isn't all that helpful and the hot/cold system sorts out people posting tat from a sale.
I never once suggested people were incapable at looking through a list, of course they are, all I said was, to quote, "I don't really agree with this, individual posts can highlight deals people might have missed from not wanting to wade through sale lists." The only thing I've said is that individual posts are useful to some of us, so why get so upset about it. Although I guess you realised you sound condescending and now are using that angle for a bit of one-upmanship. I mean, saying things like "You just let the HUKD community dictate what's worth your time?" is what someone aggressively trying to push their point would say, not someone championing a community. I also use review sites and other people's opinions to not waste my time and money playing games I'll likely not enjoy, I'm sure I'm doing that wrong too.
Your last line basically explains how you post a list if you want no one else to post games from it (assuming you're first with those games), list the best games in the title so no one else can post them and to give visibility to the best items. It makes a lot more sense than just berating others because they felt a particular item was worth highlighting. As it is there are 5 post before this that probably equate to the best 5 titles on the list making this list even less useful.
Ironically, I skipped about 90% of this. Maybe you have a point after all :wink:
7 Feb 17#69
Nah you're kinda missing the point post was in reply to the statement that it's pointless having individual posts for Xbox games currently on sale because all it takes is a click of a button on your console to see what's on the deals with gold. Which is untrue...only 12 games in these lists are currently on there....which is why I said individual posts for the games that are hidden are helpful.
Your response to that was that I should simply check out major Nelson's Twitter for the deals instead right? asking me to check for myself whilst complaining if people have to check for themselves what's the point of hotdeals? ?
Lists are great. But for Xbox sale games individual posts of games that aren't on the deals with gold console store are always helpful (to me personally) as I'm liable to simply scroll past a post about 'deals with gold' as I'll think I've seen them all via the console. PSN differs as the games in a sale are usually all together...less likely to be overlooked
7 Feb 171#70
And also help proved to me what type of person you are. Apparently one who doesn't understand what ironic means...
7 Feb 172#71
IMHO lists are the only way to do the weekly and monthly PSN/XB sales people can find the list and look, the only exception should be genuine massive price drops although again that might be subjective.
Either way having a post for each deal is madness I tell thee madness.
Either way heat for effort as id much prefer one post to look at rather than 50 all going hot/cold and clogging up the deals. I don't want to miss real deals to waste my money on :wink:
7 Feb 17#72
But surely if EVERY game on sale had its own deal on HUKD then HUKD itself is just a list and you scroll though the 50 and can easily miss one.
You'll scroll through the batch thinking you have seen them all no?
also, earlier I almost bought metro on xb from a deal posted here... only to see the saints row bundle is back - in a list I would have seen the whole list -- the deals people will cherry pick and that might mean the big deal you want isn't listed. Its happened to me a few times on here - especially when it comes to special editions etc - people list one as a deal but not always the best bundle.
7 Feb 172#73
This all escalated rather quickly Bure mate :smile:
Cherry picking like I, along with others do during a sale, or even DwG is all well and good, but it might miss something like I for example think is a terrible price but someone else doesn't. Whereas a list highlights everything available, just requires some looking for yourself.
7 Feb 171#74
I need the badge for 500 comments, I don't mind :laughing:
7 Feb 171#75
But in all seriousness, we should have a website poll on this :laughing:
I also just noticed how awesome your avatar is :sunglasses: didn't realise it was Balor until checking closely now!
7 Feb 171#76
'...happening in a way contrary to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.'
Ironic because you're arguing that people essentially can't be bothered reading; they skip lines, lose interest... Yet I'm the one who can't be bothered reading your reply.
So, yes, irony.
A failed attempt at a petty insult seems like a fitting place to leave this. Good effort, sir. Have a splendid evening.
7 Feb 17#77
I still need the 250 comment chance of the VIP one :smile:
Lets get a poll in Misc :smile:, why thanks, I have quite a few handy incase I fancy a change, maybe AJ next :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Feb 17#78
Very pessimistic indeed! There is no need to be BTW.
7 Feb 17#79
Any good?
7 Feb 172#80
Possibly the first time I've agreed with you, mate :wink: You and I have had the old List vs. Cherry Picking debate before, but nothing like this *rolls eyes*.
And like Bure, I only recently realised your avatar is Balor. Good old wrestling bringing us all together, haha!
7 Feb 17#81
Surprised you're not already a VIP to be honest :neutral_face: You get my vote as the next :laughing:
Here is a thread to voice your opinion on list v individual, as provided by Nathan.
Round 2? :laughing:
7 Feb 171#83
This thread is more entertaining than this years Rumble :smile:
7 Feb 171#84
I understand the reasoning for both of them, but obviously not gonna post a list with say 200 titles in :smile:, but yeah, we never debated like this :stuck_out_tongue: (I've had the picture for months and then two people notice who it is within minutes of each other :smile: )
7 Feb 171#85
Don't even get me started on this years RR Bure mate :smile:
7 Feb 171#86
Now THAT is something I can get behind :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Feb 172#87
If it doesn't kick off in there, it's bound to tomorrow when there's a new PSN Sale :smile:
7 Feb 171#88
Look forward to it :laughing:
7 Feb 171#89
The argument might of had some merit if you had pointed out some notable deals from your storepaser copypasta. Didn't even do individual links, man! - 1/10.
Much love to the handful of awesome dudes we have that put fourth the efforts, do the research and spoon feed the actual deals to the lazy gamer masses. :innocent:
7 Feb 17#90
What's funny is that making a list is much more effort than posting an individual deal :smirk:
7 Feb 17#91
I fancy This War of Mine. Does anyone know if it's any good?
7 Feb 171#92
That depends on your definition of effort. I value the person who takes the time to pick out a good deal using a combination experience and research. Checking prices and all that jazz and then posting it up for all us to benefit. There's a good little community that's developed around it with people sharing reviews, recommendations and advice. It baffles me why anyone claiming to be a gamer would label it as spam? And if you're not a gamer then how do you know it's spam?
7 Feb 17#93
And there was me thinking you was being rude and obnoxious, but if you need to call it irony to help you sleep at night feel free.
7 Feb 171#94
Never seen anyone get so menstrual about deal posting
7 Feb 171#95
It's quite well put together and easy to become invested in. But a seriously bleak vibe throughout the game. If that sounds like "fun", then you'll love it!
7 Feb 171#96
If you like making tough decisions, then go for it (for example, do I kill this person? they might have a gun? they might attack me, or they might be friendly, then if you do kill them, you might realise that they had a small's a tough war then world)
7 Feb 171#97
Cheers ops finally bought dmc 4 again another game to the pile of shame and it's not turkey's or buzz's fault this time around :smile:
slimswannie to B3aver
7 Feb 17#98
Wow this game sounds terribly depressing! :smiley:
8 Feb 17#99
Ehh I killed hundreds of soldiers and mercenaries in COD, I'm sure most of them had families and children, yet we all slaughter thousands of them! No biggie.
8 Feb 17#100
It's meant to be :smiley: hah
8 Feb 17#101
But you don't have to 'live' with the consequences of it, TWOM sorta forces you to feel the choices that the choices you made are very real (still better than COD mind you :wink: )
8 Feb 17#102
How did xbox one deals for "games that aren't on the deals with gold console store" become 'every game on sale'?
The internet's gonna internet.
8 Feb 17#103
Quick memo: most of these are reduced anyway, no need for gold membership.
Opening post
Please see the first 2 comments for deals.
Top comments
Its sly little comments like that which will throw people off from posting deals on here.
Adventures Of Pip - £6.00
Among The Sleep - £6.00
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Gold Edition - £35.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe Edition - £47.99
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection - £52.50
CoD: IW Legacy Edition + Destiny - The Collection Bundle - £71.49
Clouds & Sheep 2 - £5.35
Dead Island Definitive Collection - £10.00
Dead Island Definitive Edition - £6.40
Dead Island Retro Revenge - £2.00
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - £6.40
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £4.80
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Dirt Rally - £22.00
Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - £7.92
DMC 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Demon Hunter Bundle - £14.40
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - £20.00
Ethan: Meteor Hunter - £5.35
F1 2016 - £30.24
Homefront: The Revolution - £10.50
Homefront: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle - £12.50
Homefront: The Revolution - Aftermath - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Liberty Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - Revolutionary Spirit Pack - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Combat Stimulant Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - The Guerrilla Care Package - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Voice Of Freedom - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Wing Skull Pack - £1.20
Metro 2033 Redux - £4.00
Metro Redux Bundle - £4.80
Metro: Last Light Redux - £4.00
Mighty No. 9 - £6.40
Mighty No. 9 Ray Expansion - £2.00
Mighty No. 9 Retro Hero - £1.20
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - £4.80
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - £4.00
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell - £6.00
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell - £3.00
Saints Row Metro Double Pack - £8.00
Steep - £35.74
Steep Gold Edition - £46.14
The Crew - £11.99
The Crew - Bronze Crew Credit Pack - £8.99
The Crew - Gold Crew Credit Pack - £16.07
The Crew - Platinum Crew Credit Pack - £23.99
The Crew - Silver Crew Credit Pack - £12.79
The Crew Calling All Units - £13.39
The Crew Season Pass - £11.99
The Crew Ultimate Edition - £23.99
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones - £7.20
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - £15.00
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition - £47.56
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition - £38.49
It is spam regardless, those 3 deals could have easily gone into one with links inside. I'm not here to argue with you however, and there's no never sly comments towards you or anyone else. I welcome all posters, it's better with more posters. My comment was just part of a long running joke when it comes to PSN/Xbox sales :man:
All comments (103)
Adventures Of Pip - £6.00
Among The Sleep - £6.00
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Gold Edition - £35.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe Edition - £47.99
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection - £52.50
CoD: IW Legacy Edition + Destiny - The Collection Bundle - £71.49
Clouds & Sheep 2 - £5.35
Dead Island Definitive Collection - £10.00
Dead Island Definitive Edition - £6.40
Dead Island Retro Revenge - £2.00
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - £6.40
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £4.80
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Dirt Rally - £22.00
Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - £7.92
DMC 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Demon Hunter Bundle - £14.40
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - £20.00
Ethan: Meteor Hunter - £5.35
F1 2016 - £30.24
Homefront: The Revolution - £10.50
Homefront: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle - £12.50
Homefront: The Revolution - Aftermath - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Liberty Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - Revolutionary Spirit Pack - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Combat Stimulant Pack - £1.20
Homefront: The Revolution - The Guerrilla Care Package - £2.00
Homefront: The Revolution - The Voice Of Freedom - £2.40
Homefront: The Revolution - Wing Skull Pack - £1.20
Metro 2033 Redux - £4.00
Metro Redux Bundle - £4.80
Metro: Last Light Redux - £4.00
Mighty No. 9 - £6.40
Mighty No. 9 Ray Expansion - £2.00
Mighty No. 9 Retro Hero - £1.20
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - £4.80
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - £4.00
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell - £6.00
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell - £3.00
Saints Row Metro Double Pack - £8.00
Steep - £35.74
Steep Gold Edition - £46.14
The Crew - £11.99
The Crew - Bronze Crew Credit Pack - £8.99
The Crew - Gold Crew Credit Pack - £16.07
The Crew - Platinum Crew Credit Pack - £23.99
The Crew - Silver Crew Credit Pack - £12.79
The Crew Calling All Units - £13.39
The Crew Season Pass - £11.99
The Crew Ultimate Edition - £23.99
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones - £7.20
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - £15.00
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition - £47.56
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition - £38.49
Call Of Duty: Black Ops - £12.49
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - £2.70
Escape Dead Island - £2.24
Killer Is Dead - £2.99
Sacred 3 - £3.74
Sacred Citadel - £1.59
Its sly little comments like that which will throw people off from posting deals on here.
It is spam regardless, those 3 deals could have easily gone into one with links inside. I'm not here to argue with you however, and there's no never sly comments towards you or anyone else. I welcome all posters, it's better with more posters. My comment was just part of a long running joke when it comes to PSN/Xbox sales :man:
You wouldn't want to be spamming by listing every deal when a website does it now would you :wink:
I don't mind lists or individual posts for particularly good deals within a sale- I'd avoid using words like "spam" as they will be useful to those looking for that particular item. I can see merit in both.
Even though in my opinion as a gamer, the games I picked and Turkeys post of Devil May Cry (which went hot because Turkey posted it not myself :wink: ) are the best of the bunch this week.
Indeed, I posted a similar comment a few weeks ago about the mods posting individual deals, when Bure, meanwhile, was compiling a handy list with every game in it. That comment got dozens of likes, so clearly I'm not alone in thinking that a centralised list makes the most sense.
When you're talking about hundreds of games, the notion of what's hot - or not - is massively subjective, so the best thing to do is stick all the deals in a list in one place, as Bure always does (good man). His A-Z lists are actually more handy than trawling through the PS Store.
The only valid point you've made there is that the HUKD search functionality doesn't work properly. In the interest of the best user experience, maybe it's time to fix it?
How I see it, since you can press a button to view them all on your Xbox it should be the same here in that sense, one list :smile:
Your third paragraph also is a bit odd for want of better words, yes what is hot is subjective, but every deal on here is generally seen by the poster as a good deal and then the community votes as to whether it is hot or not so you get an idea of what the majority think about the deal. Putting hundreds of games in one list though does nothing to tell you which of the gaming deals people consider hot so you still have to have a look around to see if the game you spotted is actually a good price, or if it is only in a hot deal because people liked other games in the list. Also the longer the list, the easier it is to miss something that you might want from it which I think is one of the reasons why the rule about people are only prevented from posting deals that appear in the titles exists (on top of the search).
One last thing, when you post a deal you might notice the text that asks you to explain in your own words why a deal is good and to not just cut and paste. Most people don't do this and this deal is exactly the same, I have no idea what is considered good in this deal other than the op has a dislike of individual deals and as I said in my first paragraph I don't see much of value here, I mean is Mighty No. 9 good? From what I've read it is rubbish and the same goes for Homefront. Is CoD worth it when it is cheaper at retail? I have no idea from this post and also don't know which parts of it people consider hot. Lists make the site less useful even if they might save you a few seconds scrolling through deals.
There's currently a grand total of 12 games showing on the deals with gold page on console. Half of them being call of duty.
Is that better for you? :wink:
That link was actually the 'get deal' link I added as it was the easiest to use. Someone however changed it
Thanks for commenting on it however, it's nice to get a mods input on things like this for once :smile: Something I have however noticed (which I didn't do here) is that if you add the games to the description and not the comments, the multideal will appear in the search results as shown here -
Search Tomb Raider
Not the most ideal or useful but it's visible
You've highlighted many of my reasons for thinking a list is a better option. Ultimately not everyone will agree with each other but I'll keep doing this for the people it helps :smile:
My point is that pretty much everyone is going to look through the entire sale (in case there's something of interest that hasn't already been deemed 'hot'), so why not have it in one place? Who seriously thinks, 'HUKD will let me know which of these 500 games I should buy. I don't need to see the full list.' That's ridiculous.
Ideally you'd have the list in one place, and allow individual games to be voted hot within that list, but the functionality on HUKD is pretty limited.
Lollypop chainsaw for the next bc, please.
You also completely ignored the point that lists like this do not usually point out the good deals (or highlight the bad ones) so on top of looking through the sale you have to also look to see if the prices for any item is actually good or not which in itself would require searching this site for that game. Of course the problem there is, when it is part of a list, a game won't show up on your search. For what it is worth it may as well just be a link to the site's sale with a tag of 'some games are on sale here, go look for yourself'.
I mentioned before that HUKD would fix the Search function, ideally.
And if you're concerned about lists not highlighting the 'best' deals/the inability of HUKD members to think independently, how about including metacritic ratings? Or previous sale prices and dates? Either way, there are far better ways to convey the information from these digital sales than multiple deals clogging the front page (and often appearing for several days/weeks thereafter, much to the annoyance of people who've already digested... THE LIST).
Right, I'm actually annoying myself here. You've said your piece, I've said mine. Two colossal a-holes dominating the Comments section.
Peace out.
Also you might want to watch your mocking tone in your replies as referring to people as not being able to think for themselves is a level that I wouldn't stoop to - it shows a definite 'I'm right and anyone who doesn't agree is thick' mentality. If all I wanted was a list of prices I would go to a site like psprices which lists all the discounts by platform, I go to HUKD because I don't just want a list of prices and, as a bonus, I sometimes find some of the comments useful here too. Now, if the lists removed all of the fluff that is mediocre or worse from them and all the games that can be had cheaper elsewhere then they might be a bit more useful. Add in a bit of reasoning to the post as to why the game were good and then it would be good. Of course this is a lot of work for one person so that is why we have traditionally seen individual games listed from sales. As it is I have absolutely no idea what the first two games on this list are and if they are good prices.
Your logic for having individual posts remains astounding:
- You don't have time to look through lists
- You might miss something
- There are games on there you've never heard of
- It's easier to have the HUKD community point out what's worth buying
I don't agree with any of those points. Not one. And they sound very specific to you, whereas I'm thinking almost from an editorial point of view: what's the best way for all HUKD users to see what's on sale?
It is absolutely fundamentally true that if you're trying to convey something, you have all the information in one place. It is utterly pointless to have dozens of deals from the same sale floating around, each with its own comments section. It's a mess.
"...a level that I wouldn't stoop to." Ironically sanctimonious, no? I was being facetious because you suggested people were incapable of looking at lists and processing the information themselves. I'm the one championing people's ability to make up their own minds.
And surely one post, a list, with a few standout items in the deal title would appease both of us? A big list for me, and a few highlights for you. The End.
I cant get it working
Had nothing but connection problems with this service. CS tried to help but had to cancel.
Apparently an 'emerging problem' with both V***** and S**
Issues are server related apparently.
Rented films I had paid for simply wont play 'cant find playback licence please try again later' was the error message recieved.
Hopefully a fix will arrive soon so until then no xbox live for me :disappointed:
End of the day, if games aren't actually showing up on deals with gold on the console, and discounted games are hidden away on the consoles store instead, I see no reason why individual posts for those games wouldn't be helpful to somebody?
Are the deals in the list better than previous deals? Are the games themselves worth taking a chance on? Should I spend my hard earned on cod or rainbow six? What are the better deals overall?
Personally I don't care if they are listed separately or together just that I know what is worth buying and is it at its best price? You can all argue over the list vs separate until the cows come home but ultimately tell people what the better deals are here because that's what this site is supposed to be for.
Individual posts are helpful... When there's an individual game on sale. A full list is just better :wink:
You simplify things too much, I have time to look through lists, but there are so many games on sale any given week that I'd rather spend that same time doing something more fun, such as, you know, playing those games. Some of these lists span 3 posts and, unlike a book, if you miss a line there is nothing to tip you off you have missed that line. People skip lines all the time when reading, especially when it is something as boring as a list. I don't know every game ever released, I don't know how good some of the games I have heard of are and I'm sure I'm not the only person. From this list I have no idea what the following are:
Adventures Of Pip
Among The Sleep
Clouds & Sheep 2
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
On top of this I don't think the following sound like they are good deals:
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection
Dirt Rally
Homefront: The Revolution
Mighty No. 9
The Crew
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Call Of Duty: Black Ops
On top of this there are a few games I'm not sure if they are good value or not in that list (to save characters I've not listed additional content/packages of these games, but they too are included). As I said if I wanted to look at lists it is as easy for me to look on another site.
During a proper Steam sales they literally have 1000s of games on sale and what you are saying is that someone should just list them all instead of posting anything they consider is good when they see it? The truth is that most items that go on sale are not good value (as you can see from what I cut from the list above), so listing everything isn't all that helpful and the hot/cold system sorts out people posting tat from a sale.
I never once suggested people were incapable at looking through a list, of course they are, all I said was, to quote, "I don't really agree with this, individual posts can highlight deals people might have missed from not wanting to wade through sale lists." The only thing I've said is that individual posts are useful to some of us, so why get so upset about it. Although I guess you realised you sound condescending and now are using that angle for a bit of one-upmanship. I mean, saying things like "You just let the HUKD community dictate what's worth your time?" is what someone aggressively trying to push their point would say, not someone championing a community. I also use review sites and other people's opinions to not waste my time and money playing games I'll likely not enjoy, I'm sure I'm doing that wrong too.
Your last line basically explains how you post a list if you want no one else to post games from it (assuming you're first with those games), list the best games in the title so no one else can post them and to give visibility to the best items. It makes a lot more sense than just berating others because they felt a particular item was worth highlighting. As it is there are 5 post before this that probably equate to the best 5 titles on the list making this list even less useful.
Your response to that was that I should simply check out major Nelson's Twitter for the deals instead right? asking me to check for myself whilst complaining if people have to check for themselves what's the point of hotdeals? ?
Lists are great. But for Xbox sale games individual posts of games that aren't on the deals with gold console store are always helpful (to me personally) as I'm liable to simply scroll past a post about 'deals with gold' as I'll think I've seen them all via the console. PSN differs as the games in a sale are usually all together...less likely to be overlooked
Either way having a post for each deal is madness I tell thee madness.
Either way heat for effort as id much prefer one post to look at rather than 50 all going hot/cold and clogging up the deals. I don't want to miss real deals to waste my money on :wink:
You'll scroll through the batch thinking you have seen them all no?
also, earlier I almost bought metro on xb from a deal posted here... only to see the saints row bundle is back - in a list I would have seen the whole list -- the deals people will cherry pick and that might mean the big deal you want isn't listed. Its happened to me a few times on here - especially when it comes to special editions etc - people list one as a deal but not always the best bundle.
Cherry picking like I, along with others do during a sale, or even DwG is all well and good, but it might miss something like I for example think is a terrible price but someone else doesn't. Whereas a list highlights everything available, just requires some looking for yourself.
I also just noticed how awesome your avatar is :sunglasses: didn't realise it was Balor until checking closely now!
Ironic because you're arguing that people essentially can't be bothered reading; they skip lines, lose interest... Yet I'm the one who can't be bothered reading your reply.
So, yes, irony.
A failed attempt at a petty insult seems like a fitting place to leave this. Good effort, sir. Have a splendid evening.
Lets get a poll in Misc :smile:, why thanks, I have quite a few handy incase I fancy a change, maybe AJ next :stuck_out_tongue:
And like Bure, I only recently realised your avatar is Balor. Good old wrestling bringing us all together, haha!
Here is a thread to voice your opinion on list v individual, as provided by Nathan.
Round 2? :laughing:
Much love to the handful of awesome dudes we have that put fourth the efforts, do the research and spoon feed the actual deals to the lazy gamer masses. :innocent:
The internet's gonna internet.