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Xbox Elite Wireless Controller & Gears of War 4 Bundle £99.99 Delivered @ Currys & PC World
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
16 Feb 17
Same as Argos but with Free delivery.

Possible Quidco/Topcashback

PS. No need for console/PC war in thread :confused:
Top comments
16 Feb 17 11 #5
Yeah because mechanical keyboards and mice don't run into the hundreds. smh
16 Feb 17 6 #27
Is it okay to report someone here for being a general tool? @Mods
16 Feb 17 4 #35
You have put a lot of information out there. I'm a PC gamer, and I thought it might be useful to collate and summarise for the benefit of people like myself, in the market for a new controller.

The Elite Xbox One/PC controller + GOW4 is an overpriced deal because...

-Buying an expensive controller is like buying weight loss methods or drugs
-Newly released PC games are £20-£25
-While comparable in price, the cost of optional PC peripherals vs optional Console peripherals is invalid
-Extortion means as many words into the dictionary definition as suits my argument
-If you buy a controller for £100 you're an idiot. If you disagree with me, you are bad at games!
-The best available deal for a product is not a reason to vote it up
-An PC built for less than the cost a PS4/Xbox One will run the same games at double/triple the framerate.
(And you can do other things on it too!)
16 Feb 17 4 #16
This is a deal thread. No one wants to read this pc-favouring spiel. I play on both, no point in favouring one over the other. I can't play Undertale/Papers Please on console, and i can't play Bloodborne, Halo, Mario etc on pc. Swings and roundabouts.

Heat added. After all, it's prob the best pad you can buy for pc :wink:
Latest comments (79)
27 Feb 17 #78
This is now showing as £500 on the site..
Wilsh88 to dickie1404
27 Feb 17 #79
Yeah i saw that, tempted to re-post it...
18 Feb 17 #77
Not sure where the argument is here? You quoted a Pc build for over £600 and that is a sub-par PC that will struggle with maxed out settings on new games. This is double the cost of RRP console with a game and controller. Add a monitor, keyboard and a mouse which you need to start playing - you easily hit the £800 mark. Then games and OS...

I am not defending any side, i own a £2k PC which obviously runs everything better than a console, but i love my PS4 and all the other bunch of consoles i have but too lazy to list.

Stop comparing different things to one another. Especially price wise, PC can never win there, but again who cares? Each to their own ffs.
18 Feb 17 #76
This is a great thread
17 Feb 17 #75
Haha, yes! :smiley:
17 Feb 17 #74
You think a monitor over 60Hz isn't required? lol mate, get a grip. I'm out.
17 Feb 17 #73
'alt-tabbing', is that what you call it. The way you self publicise, I'm not surprised.
Somewhere there's a Grindr profile dedicated to Elite Controller tech specs.
17 Feb 17 1 #72
A mechanical keyboard has 104 keys on it, not 12, and they're, well, mechanical.

They haven't even replaced the main buttons on this, they're still rubber membrane, not even the kind of micriswitches you'd find on a £10 gaming mouse. Find me a £150 membrane keyboard!

You're right, you can easily spend £50-£150 on a decent keyboard and mouse, but 1) you actually get choice, not just "alright" and "better", and 2) you could always offset the hundreds of pounds you save on games every year.
17 Feb 17 #71
​I was explaining why someone, like me, would purchase a PS4 and not a PC. You can't play PS4 games on Playstation Now. You obviously caught the end of the debate and picked up on a minor, irrelevant point.
17 Feb 17 1 #70
​Should I have said "are claimed" to run at 60fps? :wink:
17 Feb 17 #64
I forgot to mention I play at 3840 x 2160 (1440p minimum resolution I will play any title at) so anything at 1080p no matter what the fps doesnt interest me. How much did you pay for your i5-2500k back in 2011 btw? Also those fps you claim are pointless if you dont have a monitor with a high enough refresh rate to display those frames. You do know how much a 240hz monitor costs?
Elivercury to GOLDKING
17 Feb 17 #69
​He's already established that monitors over 60Hz are not required, the higher refresh simply "feels" smoother even if it isn't actually displayed.

And claims that somehow monitor refresh and fps are not connected.

I wouldn't bother wasting your time tbh, I've chosen not to.
17 Feb 17 #68
I'll make you one :smile:
17 Feb 17 3 #67
17 Feb 17 #66
Good price. To all the haters - Microsoft also sell a standard controller for a cheaper price, this is just a better quality product for the people who want it.
17 Feb 17 #65
You've perhaps not heard of PlayStation Now then. Sony has made over 400 PlayStation 3 games available to PC gamers.

three Uncharted games
The Last of Us
Red Dead Redemption
five Ratchet and Clank games
three Killzone games
six God of War games
Heavy Rain
Beyond Two Souls
three Infamous games

...and many more plus with more to come are all available to PC gamers right now.
17 Feb 17 1 #63
Do i get a special badge for that?
17 Feb 17 3 #62
Good afternoon everyone :smiley: Can you guess what thread has won the award for most reported of the day so far? :stuck_out_tongue: Can we please calm it down & stop the name calling etc, this seems to be a decent price for what it is op, thanks for sharing :smiley:
17 Feb 17 #61
I wonder if he'll ever be replying to your comment... :smile:
17 Feb 17 3 #60
He's called ritchiedrama for a reason.

Full melt down.
16 Feb 17 6 #27
Is it okay to report someone here for being a general tool? @Mods
omfgzbilly to Bure11
17 Feb 17 2 #59
+1. Probably being slightly out with my figures here, but i'd say around 70% of users on this site, just come for a fight... It's stupid. Nice people, show your hands :smiley:!
17 Feb 17 #58
You dont know what you're talking about. I have a brand new build:
16GB crucial ballistix DDR4 RAM
H270 ASUS Mobo
COOLER MASTER CPU COOLER (not necessary for my cpu)
three 140 mm 1400rpm case fans
*1 TB WD black HDD
*Fractal design R5 case
Total build cost about £1100, my rig can run at three times the fps of the current consoles but a £500 build PC could never do that. FACT.
17 Feb 17 #57
What a terrible comments section. Who cares what platform others decide to play on? Let them do what they want and keep it to /r/pcmr.

The controller is cheaper than usual with a game that can be sold on and that's what we're here for :smiley:
17 Feb 17 #56
Indeed. Far superior.
16 Feb 17 2 #1
A controller and a game costs £100??!?!!?
Wilsh88 to ritchiedrama
16 Feb 17 #2
Yup, im not buying it, but go to the argos post if you want to see all comments along these lines...
sBech to ritchiedrama
17 Feb 17 #55
Just hold this controller in your hands for 5 minutes and your standard Xbox One controller will feel like a cheap Chinese copy
17 Feb 17 #54
​Yes I was trolling you earlier, they're Sony exclusives that you can't play on PC. They're pretty big names too and the fact that you didn't know that shows you know nothing about console gaming, which is fine, I know nothing about PC. But each to their own.
The games I like, such as Uncharted, Bloodborne, TLOU, Yakuza ect can't be played on a PC and no amount of frames per second can change that.

In regards to the deal, I do agree it is expensive but if you can afford it, it's a decent price considering its below RRP and includes a game. Some people like to pay extra for luxurious items just like the people who will spend £100+ on a keyboard.

Now let's all get along
16 Feb 17 1 #50
OMG yawn at all the so called 'PC master race' that feel the need to look at and comment on console deals!

Why aren't you playing on your PC's right now if they're so great?!

You're like a bunch of Jehovah's witnesses banging on everyone's doors on Saturday morning looking for confirmation on your belief..
ritchiedrama to wardi69
16 Feb 17 #52
I am playing on my PC, alt tabbing and browsing at the same time, y'know, cause PC > Console.
garybb to wardi69
16 Feb 17 #53
Since when is this a console only deal? just so you know the PC master race use controllers as well they just get the best of both worlds.
16 Feb 17 #51
If you're looking for a premium controller and a game to go with it for less than RRP then great, heat from me but each to their own
16 Feb 17 #49
Anyway back to the point, £99 plus a game for a elite controller which RRP is £129 on its own is a good deal, so heat from me.
16 Feb 17 #48
Well, playing FPS games on an Xbox/PS4 is nothing short of hell -- and I used to be a professional CS player a few years ago, so there was no convincing me otherwise, aiming with a gamepad is just aids.

And if what you're saying about those titles that all (four) of them can't be on PC (I have been reading about hacked versions of Uncharted, true or not doesn't matter to me) - It isn't really a big loss, lol.
16 Feb 17 #47
Yeah, fair play on the info. They're not on pc, but say what you like. I think you've missed the entire point of playing games. I spend time on both, and wouldn't ever champion one over the other. It's pointless.
16 Feb 17 #46
Well this has gone from a mildly interesting discussion about the merits of a decent Xbox controller to the PC bores coming in and being all master race.

I would genuinely rather watch my parents have sex than have a Windows PC again and as I don't live with my parents I'm not interested in Linux either. I'll stick with my shiny iMac and feel smug and superior.....or something :smiley:
16 Feb 17 #45
Pretty sure Uncharted, Gran Turismo can be played on PC - The last of us 2 had rumours of PC, but isn't even released until 2018, so wouldn't know

and well, I'd never heard of the other game :smiley: - but then again; even if the guy was joking/trolling, this post can help many other people enjoy games with a much smoother experience unlike a ps4 and xbox
16 Feb 17 #44
I don't think you quite understand. Those games can't be played on any rig in the world, anywhere. Because they're not on pc. Let me know when they make a GPU that makes a game's story improve, and i'll splash out.
16 Feb 17 2 #39
You actually made some good points there. So what components do you recommend I use to build a PC so I can play Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 2, Gran Turismo ect?
ritchiedrama to H_R_Ali
16 Feb 17 #43
I do lift, yes. :smiley: a lot.

Intel G4560 is a great budget CPU (£60-70 depending on point of purchase). - The stock cooler it comes with is fine. My spare PC is currently idling at 28 degrees.

RX480 will massacre all games and you can pick up the 8GB version for £200 there is constant deals on HotUkDeals posting these (I have seen this version at £209, well worth the money).-

A B250 motherboard (This is the ASUS one I have in my spare budget PC with the G4560): - alternatively you can opt for the MSI one which is just fine:

DDR4 -2400 MHZ RAM: This is what I also got, perfect for this build.

Now obviously the rest is pretty much optional; if you have the money I'd be going for an SSD (120/250GB).

For 120GB I'd choose Sandisk at (£40-45):
For 250GB I'd choose Samsung EVO 850 (£89):

I'd be getting a 1TB Hard Disk too for storage/bigger games: - Something like this is perfect.

Case: Thermaltake Versa H15 (£40) - - I chose this one as its tiny, but everything fits without ANY issue, and the window is nice; but you CAN get a cheaper case if you want.

PSU: I'd go for a Corsair CX500, but there are many you can choose from and you can save a few £££ here too:

I think I've covered everything, and for your own interest in how mine performs (with a MUCH worse GPU than the one I've given you above): - And a little insight to how CS:GO runs - I get an average of 280 FPS on the stress test in CSGO. It runs Trackmania at over 100fps (not graphically demanding really but everything on high).

But you can see on YouTube people playing with the G4560 on Battlefield 1 with decent settings at 80fps, which is incredible for a £60 CPU.

I hope this helps.
16 Feb 17 #42
Absolutely incorrect and I won't try and educate you on it, go find out for yourself or simply remain ignorant, it isn't about 'displaying' it.

CSGO, TF2 - Set my fps to 144. Game feels much less smoother than if I set my fps to 200. Just as an example. You're just re-hashing old myth type things and throwing them out there.

Feel / Sight are two different things.
16 Feb 17 1 #41
​The majority of xbox games run at 60fps, so if you have 3x that fps you're running at 180fps and will need a 180hz monitor to actually display said 180fps.

Pray tell which part of that is inaccurate?

I mean you could have your pc running at huge fps for funsies (pretty sure I got 300+ on tf2 back in the day), but it's ultimately pointless unless your monitor can display it.
16 Feb 17 #40
Anyone know if this is Physical or Digital copy of GoW4?
16 Feb 17 #38
​No because I know in other areas I am just as bad. I buy brands when I like the designs or whatever but it generally has to be more than their name in a brand font.
16 Feb 17 #37
And that kind of comment shows how much you know nothing about hz, or frames per second with that kind of comment i'm surprised you aren't one of the "your eyes can't see past 60 fps!1111!!1"
16 Feb 17 1 #36
​Better question, how much is a 180Hz monitor if his pc is running 3x the xbox fps?
16 Feb 17 4 #35
You have put a lot of information out there. I'm a PC gamer, and I thought it might be useful to collate and summarise for the benefit of people like myself, in the market for a new controller.

The Elite Xbox One/PC controller + GOW4 is an overpriced deal because...

-Buying an expensive controller is like buying weight loss methods or drugs
-Newly released PC games are £20-£25
-While comparable in price, the cost of optional PC peripherals vs optional Console peripherals is invalid
-Extortion means as many words into the dictionary definition as suits my argument
-If you buy a controller for £100 you're an idiot. If you disagree with me, you are bad at games!
-The best available deal for a product is not a reason to vote it up
-An PC built for less than the cost a PS4/Xbox One will run the same games at double/triple the framerate.
(And you can do other things on it too!)
16 Feb 17 #34
mental lol

great price for a great contorller and a great game IMO. i own both and the controller is again imo far better than the standard one. i use the paddels in some games not all but they are great for some games :smiley:

heat added :smiley:
16 Feb 17 #33
​Price a PC for me that will run the games at 2 to 3 times the fps. I paid 179 for the elite model including this control. Im genuinely interested as to what can be bought including the price of the OS for 179 that can perform as you said. My PC gpu costs more than my Xbox.
16 Feb 17 #30
All this PC chat is hilarious too, since you can use this controller on PC ::confused:
ritchiedrama to johnthehuman
16 Feb 17 #32
.....And? I can use petrol in a car and a lawnmower, what is your point.
16 Feb 17 1 #31
I have this controller as came bundled with the 179 Xbox elite console deal last year at Tesco. It uses the same transducers for the sticks and triggers as the original so no additional accuracy. It weighs a bit more and feels like it's better made. It doesn't feel like it should cost 100 however. I prefer it to the original but wouldn't pay the extra for the difference if I had the choice. The paddles are a nice addition if you use them, otherwise they can get in the way and you end up just keeping in the case. It's a bit of a mixed bag in my opinion and certainly not the awesome game changing pad a lot of people make it out to be.
16 Feb 17 #29
Well it didn't take long for someone to mention triple the FPS etc etc etc.

For the record, I picked this up from Argos last time round and it's a great controller. I agree it's not necessary, but it's a lot nicer in the hands than the standard controller, it's got a bit of heft about it which I like and the extra paddles on the back make life a lot easier. I love using it in Titanfall and being able to shoot and jump and turn around at the same time - it does give you an advantage.

It's certainly worth the extra £35 you'd be spending over buying a controller at £40 and the game at £25, especially if you stick the game on eBay for around the same amount.
16 Feb 17 #28
I like nice things and yes you don't need this controller but if you can afford it it's a great deal.

Heat from me
16 Feb 17 #26
16 Feb 17 #25
​Be honest, you do judge them really, don't you?

You just don't go troll the deal.
16 Feb 17 1 #24
It's because this is a good price for this product with a recent game. What you or I may think about the relative value of this product is irrelevant, for someone who want's it then it is a good deal. For someone who just wants a pad a doesn't want the extra features and nicer feel of this product then the standard pad would be a better option.

Value of an item is all relative to the person looking at it, for example there is a website offering a 30% off a black cotton T-Shirt that has 'fcuk fear' written on it for £17.49 (originally £24.99), functionally this T-Shirt is probably no better that the 100% cotton t-shirts I bought from ASDA at 3 for £10, but some people must like the design and think that it is worth the extra. I can't understand it myself but I don't judge those who do.
16 Feb 17 #23
​Those are sexy. Honestly had I realised those existed before I bought my elite I'd probably have gotten one of those instead.
16 Feb 17 3 #22
Because it has an RRP of £129.99.

I hope that clears it up :smiley:
16 Feb 17 #21
Then my question is, why is this considered a good deal? Surely an over-priced product like this should receive cold votes (i'm not blaming the OP, I'm blaming the actual product).
16 Feb 17 2 #20
You also don't NEED an elite controller for the's a higher quality product that people can choose to buy, just like mechanical keyboards and premium mice. Whatever you do don't look up Scuf pads or you will probably bust a blood vessel.
16 Feb 17 1 #19
​You don't need an elite controller anymore them you need a mechanical keyboard. The normal controller offers practically the same functionality as this controller, much the same as a basic keyboard performs practically the same functionality as a mechanical keyboard.

Funnily enough though, there are people who like nice things such as mechanical keyboards and this controller and are happy to pay money for said nice things.

I purchased this without a game primarily for use in my pc as it is my default console and it's great. Incidentally my mechanical keyboard also came without a game and is also great.

If you don't like premium products that's fine, but let's not pretend that this has anything to do with the relative value of consoles vs pcs
16 Feb 17 #18
Anyone who pays £100 for a controller, a keyboard or a mouse is an idiot. It's the equivalent to people who buy weight loss methods, drugs, whatever.

It doesn't matter if people disagree with me, they're bad at games I'm not, so that'll do me.
16 Feb 17 3 #17
​Well literally thousands of people disagree with you, this is a high end custom peripheral that you can choose to buy if you want it but it isn't needed, just like a £100 mechanical keyboard is a custom peripheral but isn't needed to play pc games.

Also the controller is sold at £99.99 all the time, so the game is an extra bonus to bring the price of the price down.

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, splitting off into arguments about the cost of games and fps on pc games when you clearly couldn't care less about the elite controller and what it does just screams troll to me but I had a spare minute so oh well.
16 Feb 17 4 #16
This is a deal thread. No one wants to read this pc-favouring spiel. I play on both, no point in favouring one over the other. I can't play Undertale/Papers Please on console, and i can't play Bloodborne, Halo, Mario etc on pc. Swings and roundabouts.

Heat added. After all, it's prob the best pad you can buy for pc :wink:
16 Feb 17 4 #15
I wondered why the grammar was so bad in that sentence, I had to look it up, and you forgot, or intentionally failed to copy the whole sentence.

Extortion is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from an individual or institution, through coercion.

"Through coercion" being the key point. No-one is being coerced into anything. They're showing you the goods, and the price, and you can choose to pay for them, or not.
16 Feb 17 1 #14
So legal matters and dictionary definitions are subject to your personal opinion. That makes sense! :smile:
16 Feb 17 1 #13
"Extortion (also called shakedown, outwrestling, and exaction) is a criminal offense of obtaining money"

It is a criminal offense to charge £99.99 for an Xbox controller and game imo \o>
16 Feb 17 #12
It really isn't. If you believe otherwise then I suggest you look up the word "extortion" in a dictionary.
16 Feb 17 #11
Didn't think i asked how much it was to set up a PC compared to a console but ok then.......
16 Feb 17 #9
Why have PC World featured a picture of the XB1 game's box? Surely the offer features the PC version of the game given that it's a controller also designed for use on PC and it's being sold by PC World?

Ah, I see that it's Currys PC World as opposed to PC World so the offer is presumably for the console crowd.
Wilsh88 to KirstyB87
16 Feb 17 #10
16 Feb 17 #8
Because he is comparing a mouse and keyboard with the price of a controller and a game.

While a PC maybe a little more expensive than a PS4/Xbox to set up now (due to keyboard/mouse) there are several factors at play.

A PC itself can be made for cheaper/the same price and run games better than a PS4 and Xbox, with ease, at double and even triple the frame rate, and thats for the same price.

There is also extra factors with a PS4/Xbox, most people will buy a great TV, just like PC users buy a 144Hz monitor.

I'm not here to argue with you, because well, simply everything I've said is fine, and £99.99 for an Xbox controller and one game is extortion, lol.
16 Feb 17 #7
Whats FPS got to do with comparing mechanical keyboards to controllers?
16 Feb 17 1 #6
What has that got to do with it? My spare budget PC can run games at triple the FPS of a console and I can do so much more with a PC.

You also don't NEED a mechanical keyboard and there is a tonne of gaming mice that aren't too expensive such as the rival. You've compared the price of a game and a controller to a mouse and a keyboard too, very intelligent.

I can get about 4-5 games that have just been released on pc for £99 you Joker.
16 Feb 17 11 #5
Yeah because mechanical keyboards and mice don't run into the hundreds. smh
16 Feb 17 #4
Have a look at hottest gaming deal of the week.
16 Feb 17 1 #3
That's insane wow, genuinely shocked lol. Consoles are a joke man.
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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