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Wireless Mini Night Vision Wifi IP Camera 960p £11.38 delivered at Banggood
5+ stars +619

Wireless Mini Night Vision Wifi IP Camera 960p £11.38 delivered at Banggood

£11.38 BangGood17 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
17 Feb 17
This Wireless Mini Night Vision Wifi IP Camera is super small and a great price at £11.38 delivered.

It's worth checking out the reviews too, they are pretty good considering the price.

It features 960p quality, night vision, infrared, alarm, video playback, wifi, motion detection...... 2 way intercom audio so you can talk from the camera to the mobile and vice versa. It also records on microSD.
Top comments
17 Feb 17 26 #13
960p? Lol so it's like the Xbox One of security cameras
17 Feb 17 10 #11
Heat, seems canny, but it'll take ages to arrive. I have bought the odd thing from Banggood, but by the time it comes, you've forgotten you ordered it.
17 Feb 17 6 #5

reviewer wrote
key, first of all, the installation is a pain in the ass, you must download "digooeye" app, and this damn app does not want to load in my tablet, it says not compatible, and it has android 5.1 ! i had to use my slow phone, it asks for registration (more pain in the ass) then it ask you for a default password you fin in the paper. The app is quite bad, some options do not work, its like a software adapted to work with the camera but some options are useless. if any one know a better compatible software please let me know. i dont success to find how the hell see the image from a computer...
17 Feb 17 4 #9
Might be a good idea to check the digooeye app is compatible with your phone before ordering as you'll probably need to use it to set the camera up
All comments (155)
17 Feb 17 1 #1
17 Feb 17 2 #2
anyone have an idea of what the security is like on these?
CDR to towan
17 Feb 17 4 #4
Probably weak so will become a zombie with a lot of IoT things.
17 Feb 17 1 #3
at £11, worth a punt. Ordered
17 Feb 17 6 #5

reviewer wrote
key, first of all, the installation is a pain in the ass, you must download "digooeye" app, and this damn app does not want to load in my tablet, it says not compatible, and it has android 5.1 ! i had to use my slow phone, it asks for registration (more pain in the ass) then it ask you for a default password you fin in the paper. The app is quite bad, some options do not work, its like a software adapted to work with the camera but some options are useless. if any one know a better compatible software please let me know. i dont success to find how the hell see the image from a computer...
17 Feb 17 2 #6
quite tempted but installation of usb discreetly isn't too easy for me. Wish it was battery powered.
mcdexsta to joshtbh
17 Feb 17 2 #7
For £11?
kencol to joshtbh
17 Feb 17 3 #8
Power it from a USB powerbank, I got mine for less than £1 at Euro Car Parts and it can power a Raspberry Pi.
17 Feb 17 4 #9
Might be a good idea to check the digooeye app is compatible with your phone before ordering as you'll probably need to use it to set the camera up
kencol to melted
17 Feb 17 1 #10
The camera is Onvif compatible, I don't think this specific app is essential.
17 Feb 17 10 #11
Heat, seems canny, but it'll take ages to arrive. I have bought the odd thing from Banggood, but by the time it comes, you've forgotten you ordered it.
17 Feb 17 1 #12
If you can get onvif working on it, connect via VPN.
17 Feb 17 26 #13
960p? Lol so it's like the Xbox One of security cameras
melted to vulcanproject
17 Feb 17 1 #16
960p is not so bad, especially at the price and this camera claims to have a 1/3" sensor.
BuckRodgers666 to vulcanproject
18 Feb 17 1 #37
.... just .....
17 Feb 17 1 #14
I believe this type of camera usually require an app which uses an audio signal to set the camera's wifi settings up, although if you are lucky, maybe the PC P2P app can configure it too?
17 Feb 17 #15
On my cam, I can configure (and view) over
17 Feb 17 #17
You have this camera? How did you enter the wifi password without the app, it has got no network port.
17 Feb 17 1 #18
I don't have this specific camera.
17 Feb 17 #19
so can you create an ad hok network using a mobile hotspot and power using a USB power bank?
joshtbh to Maskarova
17 Feb 17 1 #20
Why what are you planning on doing in public? :smirk:
17 Feb 17 #21
how long it will it last with the ECP bank
17 Feb 17 #22
​me,oh nothing....I'd just like to know who is fly tipping in one of my fields
17 Feb 17 #23
How many of you wronguns' are planning to do something untowards with one of these? :man:
17 Feb 17 1 #24
Interesting to see if it comes with any better instructions than on the banggood site !
17 Feb 17 1 #25
Not sure tbh, the power bank is about 2000 mAh.
17 Feb 17 #26
Been dithering over this for well over a week, if you can access it & view it using a browser etc i'd have one but I suspect not.
17 Feb 17 1 #27
Can you do live stream wirelessly when you are away from house?
bo9dster007 to Mihir95
17 Feb 17 #29
Pretty sure it's thru wifi only or I would have bought one at this price
17 Feb 17 #28
Reckon this would be any good to hide in my shed, just in case any scumbags try to steal any more of my bikes?
potnoodle to Rob.
17 Feb 17 1 #33
more likely not since you can see the Infrared led's when its night time and the scumbags will probably rip it off and keep it.
johnro to Rob.
18 Feb 17 #38
and how will this stop them?
17 Feb 17 1 #30
Word of warning with these Digoo cameras the build quality is terrible. I've had 2 of the bb2 mini cameras. First had no 2 way audio and the replacement had no nightvision. Get what you pay for I think.
17 Feb 17 1 #31
17 Feb 17 1 #32
It says it consumes 3w which is 600 mA, it would burn through that 2000mAh in 3.3 hours worst case.
18 Feb 17 #34
Also cashback with TCB
18 Feb 17 #35
good price but dependent on needs. I'd say its good as a remote monitor, but much else would be tricky unless you have the know how to setup and record.

I have a cctv setup at home, but any old monkey only has to steal the dvr unit to take all your recordings, unless it motion captures to cloud storage or motion detects, and emails etc.
18 Feb 17 1 #36
Oh and if you do want any cctv don't worry about resolution. Monkeys will say you can't id people by poor resolution.
Yes but you can't on any system unless its zoomed in .

Court needs a positive i.d. you can only prove what someone wore by cctv. unless its zoomed in on the face full screen. Anyway I won't go into detail on what's what. But if its night without any exterior lighting or witness statement your 90% no evidence.
18 Feb 17 #39
Bought two. damn HUKD. Now need to justify putting it somewhere...
18 Feb 17 1 #40
Sounds like a headache inducing, time consuming , eventual doorstop.
18 Feb 17 1 #41
so i could out this in kids playroom with a mobile charger? connect it to router and then use it as a davanced intercom system almost? how does the app work with multiple cameras?
18 Feb 17 #42
Yeah, but it's cheap!
18 Feb 17 #43
​Haha... Loving the thinly veiled shot you just fired
18 Feb 17 #44
Most of the cheap "ip" cams I've bought recently were impossible to connect with using onvif.

Is this one really any different? Has anyone confirmed they're truly onvif?
18 Feb 17 #45
Most of the cheap "ip" cams I've bought recently were impossible to connect with using onvif.

Is this one really any different? Has anyone confirmed they're truly onvif?
18 Feb 17 #46
My use case would be to power it in the back garden (somehow) and let it record to internal storage and swap out cards daily. Problem is it states a max of 64GB card, and I can't find any info other than H.264 and 960p.

Assuming a medium quality for frame sizes, and a fixed 25fps I'd be looking at somewhere in the region of 16 hours recording time?

At this price range I assume it won't have configurable quality or frame rates?

There's too many variables for me to take a punt I think...
18 Feb 17 1 #47
Thanks OP . Worth a punt.
18 Feb 17 #48
Thanks - worth a go, the price has gone up by a few pence now. I'm going to see how well this works with my Zoneminder setup
18 Feb 17 #49
Stupid question I'm sure but.....
If this is set up at home connected to my home WiFi to view my dog in the front room can I view the camera from my mobile while at work?
18 Feb 17 #50
Which other cams do you use?
18 Feb 17 #51
I want to know this too?
18 Feb 17 2 #52
I don't own this one, but yes, you should be able to, but check that its mobile app is compatible with you phone, I posted the android link earlier.

You set the wifi password up in the app to connect the camera to your router, the app will use P2P via an external server, most likely located in China to connect to the camera (although one of my cheap ip cameras also uses an amazon server).

Using P2P makes the camera easy to set up as it doesn't need any ports opened in the router since it establishes an outbound connection to the manufacturer's server. Probably a good idea to turn off the camera when anyone is at home.

However, I would look into setting up a VPN for the sake of strong security, most phones support it and so do some routers, which would allow you to establish a secure https connection from your phone to your home network and use an onvif app on your phone, I've been meaning to set up VPN to access my own PTZ camera, but need to reflash my router with an updated openwrt to get VPN working on mine.
18 Feb 17 #53
LOL!!!!! :smile:
18 Feb 17 3 #54
This will possibly open a back door to your home network so not worth the risk!
18 Feb 17 #55
Why would your footage be routed through manufacturers servers? That doesn't sound ideal for privacy or security.

You mention VPN between phone and home network. That's not where the concern is. It's home network to unknown third party/manufacturer/chinese unauthorised access.
18 Feb 17 #56
might be worth a punt
18 Feb 17 #57
18 Feb 17 #58
Just for more options, I use this camera and was easy to set up with night vision.32Gb card stores 7 days recording on a rolling basis no need to delete and has motion detection which sends a alert to your phone with 3 photos and video playback. A little bit more but had no dramas.
18 Feb 17 2 #59
Peer to Peer is commonly used by IP camera manufacturers because it simplifies the set up, otherwise you'd need to set up port forwarding on your router to allow inbound connections to the camera, and a dynamic DNS service to obtain your home IP address, and some users find that too complicated for them. Port forwarding also directly exposes the camera to the internet, which is NOT a good idea at all. With both my IP cameras for example I can bypass the password and access the stream directly and neither even requires a password to get stills and even if the passwords had been effective, you can have as many guesses as you like, so I for one wouldn't allow internet access to any of their ports.

By setting up a VPN, you can have the router and camera set up so that the camera can't connect to the internet and can't be hacked remotely, but as your phone will appear to be on your local network you'll still be able to access the camera directly using an ONVIF app and the stream will be encrypted.
18 Feb 17 1 #60
I have placed 2 orders with this Chinese company - both never arrived. No replies to emails or refund in sight
18 Feb 17 #61
If you block camera's access to the internet, it probably wouldn't be able to send alerts (motion detection)
18 Feb 17 #62
I wonder if this could be used as a rear dashcam/reverse camera. Cigarette port to mini-usb power, stick the camera to the rear windscreen. Set it to connect to a personal wifi hotspot. When you need to use it, just load the app up.
18 Feb 17 #63
Literally me yesterday hahaha! Ordered a wash mit for like 50p, arrived yesterday after god knows how many days am just staring at it like wtf is this :laughing:.... ohhhh yhhhh:p
18 Feb 17 #64
You could allow outbound access to specific IP addresses such as your smtp server and a time server and block all other outbound connections with you routers firewall, alternatively if you have openwrt on your router, you could run a local smtp server on it to relay motion alert messages to your email service, I think it might even be possible to have the relay limit the frequency of motion detection email messages you receive.
18 Feb 17 #65
What's a donkey got to do with this?
18 Feb 17 1 #66
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
18 Feb 17 #67
couldnt u remote desktop thru?
18 Feb 17 #68
Whatever you do don't put this up in your private areas. Knowing how secure these things are the whole of China will be watching the next day! :smile:
18 Feb 17 #69
Private areas like the library?
18 Feb 17 #70
Someon will be spying on bangood with this camera.
18 Feb 17 #71
you probably wouldn't get push notifications on your mobile though
18 Feb 17 #72
Wonder how many Chinese are sat there spying on you if you install one of these.
18 Feb 17 #73
pretty much any ip camera app will work
18 Feb 17 1 #74
Thanks for the info, watching you now.
18 Feb 17 2 #75
Banggood, It's like a surprise present to yourself!
18 Feb 17 1 #76

Apart from the wire.
18 Feb 17 1 #77
Well you must have seen me banging your 'insert close relative here'.
18 Feb 17 #78
Bang good.
18 Feb 17 #79
Can I use this as a CCTV camera?
18 Feb 17 #80
I honest would not go out/on holiday etc. and leave a cheap china made camera plugged-in, to the mains, in my home.... disaster waiting to happen. you may even get to watch it!! Are the plugs EC regs. certified? I doubt it.
18 Feb 17 #81
You can use zoneminder with his if it's Onvif. This will allow you to stream from anywhere in the world if you forward a port from your router.

You could do the same to the port on the camera if it has a web interface. Not sure that's a good idea though.
18 Feb 17 1 #82
Ordered this thanks, heated it up more :smile:
18 Feb 17 #83
Don't think it comes with mains plug...everything is micro usb and people either have a spare or need to buy one.
18 Feb 17 1 #84
I think you have to supply a USB power supply yourself. If it came with one I'd most likely throw it away and use a genuine UK PSU.
18 Feb 17 #85
Ordered thanks
18 Feb 17 #86
According to this I'm right, and it must be configured using their phone app.

Once you've got it set up using the phone app, you should be able to use third party software that supports ONVIF or rtsp streaming, although with some cameras audio is only supported using their p2p app, and with one really crappy make of camera you can't even get the high res stream unless you use the p2p app.
18 Feb 17 #87
i'd be incredibly surprised if it doesn't have a wifi host feature to help with configuration, most ip cams do, and as it has a wifi chip I can't see them disabling this function
18 Feb 17 1 #88
Should be fun to play with - but as with most Chinese "IOT" devices, I would expect security on this device is terrible - so just be mindful.

Also, 8% off with coupon "smarhome"
18 Feb 17 1 #89
I would only use a good quality USB charger for these security cameras, a genuine Apple one or something (which ironically costs more than the camera). You don't want to come home and find the house has burnt down!
18 Feb 17 1 #90
Just USB webcams and a Raspberry Pi, so this will be a little different. I plan on blocking any access to the Internet this has - I don't trust any of these things that send video to a 'cloud' service.
19 Feb 17 #91
I use raspberry Pi cameras too with a "zero view" mount, but wanted one to put outside.

Have you tried motion eye as well as zoneminder? I use motioneye but tempted to try others
19 Feb 17 1 #92
Mine arrived yesterday, very impressed for the price. Easy to set up, which was surprising. Intruder alarm is fun, sets off very loud police siren from camera when motion detected, and can email a screenshot. Can turn off alarm, ir lights remotely through the app, stupid blue light needs taping over to make it more discreet. Two way sound aswell pretty good value and delivery from banggood is pretty fast these days.
19 Feb 17 #93
What drew me to zonealarm is the open api of it, I have it hooked into my home automation so it turns on / off recording as we leave / enter the house
19 Feb 17 #94
What date did you order yours and did get delivered by local postie or a courier ie Hermes? Thanks
20 Feb 17 2 #95
Ordered 7th Feb came on the 18th, local postie
20 Feb 17 #96
It really doesn't make a massive difference........I have 1080 cameras that run much better at 720.
20 Feb 17 #97
Thanks ordered one
20 Feb 17 #98
That's the dynamic IP set by your router, it won't be the same IP address by default.

If you want to find out the IP you could use Advanced IP Scanner or similar tool running on a PC. Or with Android you could use an app like this one >
20 Feb 17 #99
Thinking of using this to read a hard to reach electric meter under the stairs. Its got nightvision so, do u think it would work? (anyone). My only concern would be if it would be able to read the display.
21 Feb 17 #100
I think you might have problems seeing the display at all in night vision mode due to reflections of the IR emitters from the glass covering the display, on top of which night vision will be a bit grainy.

Just tried an unlit mono LCD display (a DECT phone) in front of a 720p camera, and the display appears blank in night vision mode (not sure if IR light will even work on a LCD without backlighting), you might have more luck if it is a mechanical meter with strong contrasting painted dials, but I wouldn't bank on it.

I have to press a button on my meter to get the readings, so it couldn't work on mine.
21 Feb 17 #101
Be careful with these low cost Chinese made devices. Possibly a Trojan horse with vulnerabilities and back doors. They need a security audit to verify or you could watch the traffic egressing your network with Wireshark.
21 Feb 17 #102
I ordered this exact camera about 3 weeks ago and it arrived last week.
I'll set it up tonight and let this thread know how you can access it.

I've got another 'random' Chinese camera, which once setup, I managed to access via "IP Cam Viewer" so I'm hoping I can do the same with this one.
21 Feb 17 #103
OMG - has anyone else looked at the permissions the android app 'needs' ?
Think I'll pass (run a mile)
Why would it need the ones I've highlighted in bold I wonder?
Especially "draw over other apps" - key logging by chance.
"reroute outgoing calls" !!!!!!!!!
Tinfoil hat on :man:

Version can access:
Device & app history

retrieve running apps


read your contacts
modify your contacts


precise location (GPS and network-based)
access extra location provider commands


reroute outgoing calls
read phone status and identity

Photos / Media / Files

access USB storage filesystem
read the contents of your USB storage
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


read the contents of your USB storage
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


take pictures and videos


record audio

Wi-Fi connection information

view Wi-Fi connections

Device ID & call information

read phone status and identity


full licence to interact across users
view network connections
send sticky broadcast
change network connectivity
allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception
connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi
full network access
change your audio settings
run at startup
draw over other apps
control vibration
prevent device from sleeping
modify system settings
21 Feb 17 #104
To those who have had their cameras delivered, are you able to access the camera via an ip address using a browser, view live video and possibly download or view recordings from the SD Card?
21 Feb 17 #105
Can't we use another app to control this IP Cam, if not is there away to modify the app with some type of modifying app or via root access? I'm not sure myself but hopefully someone on this thread can share their knowledge of this?
21 Feb 17 1 #106
This camera claims to be ONVIF compatible, so once you've got it set up you should be able to delete the app and use any software that supports ONVIF for instance ispy on windows 10 or ONVIFER app on android or anything that can stream RTSP eg VLC.

Its ONVIF support could be limited though, eg for one of my cameras you only get sound using the app or pc client and also need their app to stream recordings, but you can just take the micro sd card out. Hopefully it won't be complete crap and only allow RTSP in low res.

You can get the RTSP stream url using ODM :-

You won't be able to view streams in a browser without a plugin, and most browsers are dropping NPAPI support and IE's replacement doesn't do ActiveX as far as I know. You may be able to view a JPG still if the camera supports that.
21 Feb 17 #107
In my experience these are an absolute pain in the @ss, more trouble than they are worth.

I got two, one of them had two faulty IR LEDs which creates a dark patch at night. Remember these see reflected Infra Red so you are depending on those tiny LEDs to light the subject. Latest issue is corrupted recordings because something didn't save correctly. On both cameras I tried 4, 16, 32, and 64GB cards, I get the issue on all of them.

Switch it off/on every day and it's fine. leave it recording for more than a day and something goes wrong. Tried different power adapters, changing settings, even tried an external battery, the problem is still there on both cameras.

Maybe a faulty batch? Now sat in the man draw in the hope someone releases new firmware that solves the issue
21 Feb 17 #108
Cheers for the info greatly appreciated will take your tips n advice :wink:
i take it this is the android app you mean
ONVIF IP Camera Monitor
21 Feb 17 #109
Yeah, or just do a (or whichever it is on your router).
22 Feb 17 3 #110
For those wanting the ONVIF address for the camera, I've managed to extract this:

Username: admin
Password: 20160404

And you need to do Generic RTSP over TCP (non-SSL).

That should get most IP camera apps and VLC connected at 960p.

So to break it down for those less technical:
• Install the Digoeye app
• Get the camera setup and onto your Wi-Fi
• Under Settings, the app should tell you the IP address of the camera (if not, you'll need to log into your router and check the DHCP table / connected clients list). Whilst in the app Settings, apply the firmware update (it'll take a minute or two)
• Uninstall the ever-so-slightly-dodgy Digoeye app
• Use which-ever IP Camera viewing software you feel comfortable with under whichever OS platform you're on (personally, I use IP Camera Viewer on Android)
• Add the camera using the details above to the app.
• Bask in the glory of your £11 CCTV system. Or something.
22 Feb 17 #111
There was a firmware update available when I received mine last week, so you may want to dig them out of your man drawer. Think it ended .15?
22 Feb 17 #112
24 Feb 17 #113

Can anyone recommend a suitable USB lead and plug for this camera please?

24 Feb 17 1 #114

Thanks, good find. Now here's a thing...

I updated the firmware on the first camera and it didn't fix the recording issue, however, I updated the other camera it did fix the recording issue. I went back to the first camera and confirmed it had actually installed the new firmware (it had). I reinstalled it away and now both cameras are able to record after being powered on for more than a day.

Seems that the process of updating the firmware isn't always 100% and installing it more than once can fix issues.
24 Feb 17 #115
Is anyone having issues connecting on the app?

I received mine today and still struggling to connect. I've ensured I am connected to 2.4Ghz wifi and keep getting a failed connection after the 100 odd seconds of white noise?
25 Feb 17 #116
I just received mine and the quality isn't that bad. Here's a screenshot of my friend.

Kidding aside, would be interested to see what the actual quality is.
25 Feb 17 1 #117
My cat wasn't too impressed...
28 Feb 17 #118
Any one else notice the mydigoo website doesn't work anymore?
I cant find the PC software any where.
28 Feb 17 #119
Tried everything to try get this working with no success
1 Mar 17 #120
If that's a call for help - a bit more detail is required.
Where did you get to? What are you stuck at?
Have you setup the camera using your phone and got it on your WiFi?
If so, do you know the IP address given to it by your router?
1 Mar 17 #122
Beware that my antivirus detected a trojan on that file. Didn't do further tests to see if its a false positive or not.
1 Mar 17 1 #123
Likely a false positive as only 2 out of 57 scanners suggest caution at Virustotal, and certainly all the big players indicate no issue.
1 Mar 17 #124
Thanks alot, I don't suppose you know how to turn on the motion detection?
1 Mar 17 1 #125
The rtsp url needs the password included:-

rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/onvif1

(assuming default password 20160404)
2 Mar 17 #126
mine came yesterday, tried it out this morning and it's blown up my usb plug and doesn't work on any other I have...... might want to keep a careful eye on these!
2 Mar 17 #127
can't find my payment email too.... any help with a contact address/email for complaints?
2 Mar 17 #129
What date did you order yours? Are you north or South of Watford? Thanks. When you say you're cam "blew up" it literally phisically went bang?
2 Mar 17 1 #130
Within the dubious Didgeridoo app: settings cog >> device setting >> alarm setting >> motion detection
2 Mar 17 #131
Thanks again! :smile:
2 Mar 17 #132
I'm up north in blackburn, took 5 days to arrive. I plugged it in to my phones usb charger it cracked, fizzled then made a pop with a bit of smoke and that was the end of my ip camera..... the customer service is shocking too! they have said my warranty has ran out ( I've had it for 28 hours) and arnt replying to any further emails......
2 Mar 17 1 #133
Mine should be with me soon im at Liverpool so about same distance from Dover customs, should be with me next few days! Btw if u paid via paypal you can claim for refund via them from what others have said in the past on HUKD site!
3 Mar 17 1 #134
According to their site you've got 5 or 3 days (according to one part of their site) from receipt to start the return refund process.

If you contacted them by email for a refund, I'd suggest following their refund procedure instead. There's a "repair, refund or resend" button if you view the order in order list:-

My Product Arrived Faulty/Damaged/Different
Banggood's 5 day Guarantee will protect you. Within 5 days of receiving the goods take photos of what has arrived or make a video with the fault and apply the after-sales service in my order. Include your order number and a copy of the parcel declaration. We will look at your claim and advise you what to do next.

Then if you don't get satisfaction, claim through paypal.
3 Mar 17 #135
I have often wondered how BG determines when that 5/3 day period starts considering most items appear to arrive without any proof of delivery date.
3 Mar 17 #136
Sounds to me like you had a dodgy charger. Any reasonable charger should be able to withstand a complete short circuit without incurring any kind of damage. Maybe your camera is faulty but I think you can safely say that your charger was also not suitable for use.
3 Mar 17 #137
Mines just been delivered, I will report back on my initial thoughts later!
3 Mar 17 #138
the charger was the official Samsung one I use with my s6, never had a problem with it for the 16 months I've used it on my mobile and various gadgets I charge with it.
3 Mar 17 1 #139
The S6 charger supports 'Fast Charge' which will actually give out more than the standard USB 5V when connected to a compatible Fast Charge device. Maybe this was the cause of the problem. Whatever happened though, connecting any device to the charger should not have caused the charger to fail in the manner described unless the camera itself contained a large energy source (unlikely) or the charger was faulty/poorly designed. Surely Samsung wouldn't sell something that could spontaneously combust :neutral_face:
3 Mar 17 #140
Within its rating, the charger will provide as much current as requested by the device being charged. The charger will not magically "push" more current to the charged device than it has requested. Sounds as if a demanding device has requested a significant charge and the charger's current limiter and / or short circuit protection has failed, or the charger did not have an effective current limiter and / or short circuit protection (such as often encountered in poorly designed but cheap Chinese near-copies of more robust devices).
4 Mar 17 #141
Andy, do you have a sister called Emma?
4 Mar 17 #142
No, and my real name is IOS.
8 Mar 17 #143
Hi AndiTails. I've tried the ipcamviewer android but I'm not sure if I have entered the information in the correct boxes, I will try to upload a screenshot from my mobile, please can you tell me were I've gone wrong? Thanks.
8 Mar 17 1 #144
You need to choose "Generic URL" rather than IP Camera when selecting to add the feed. Then you'll get different boxes to fill which should match what I wrote above. HTH
10 Mar 17 #145
any face any problems connecting this to wifi on virgin witha 2ghz/5ghz modem even turning off the 5ghz radio i can't get this connected and that noise does my nut in :smile:
11 Mar 17 #146
Outside the shed, no Wifi, so for some strange reason will not record to SD card.
When Wifi is present, records Ok, but nothing great.
Pretty useless.
12 Mar 17 #147
Yes, I am facing the same problem with same setup :disappointed: Tried contacting Banggood still no resolution. let me know if you get any success. Spent around 2-3 hours !
12 Mar 17 #148
i got it working in the end here is what i done

i have virgin internet - i tried turning off - 5ghz - i tried setting up the guest network bla bla nothing worked

so what i did is used wife's phone as a hotspot - connected my phone to that (wife's hotspot had no password)

the camera setup worked 1st time then went into the camera settings & connected camera direct to home wifi

could be worth a shot
13 Mar 17 #149
Is it okay to ask about sdcard recording or is there a better place? Want to make it start recording to sd card automatically when turned on and wondered if i can? also any idea of how many minutes you get per GB say?

14 Mar 17 #150
Try Clever Dog. I put one outside the shed after this one did not work. Connects to wifi from there and you can set recording to Motion or continuously.
16 Mar 17 #151
Many Thanks Dub1. I followed your instructions and able to connect. Cheers.
17 Mar 17 1 #152
For anyone else that is struggling to get their camera to pick up the 'speaker config' - or just does not want to use the MyDigoo app - there is a way to configure Wi-Fi using a file on SD card.

More here M1Q text file config
17 Mar 17 #153
I was thinking it ought to have an option to configure it using the micro sd card when getting irritated by the modem type noise :smiley:

I wasn't expecting much, but I'm still disappointed by this camera: very low bit rate, image quality can't compare to my other cheap 720p cameras, it only appears to record at 640 x 480 and in a non standard .av file format, and needs a wifi connection to record and an internet connection to enable recording. Only upside is email motion detection will actually work.
17 Mar 17 #154
For the money I thought this is pretty reasonable. Sure if this was a £40-50 (which I have paid for one once and it was far worse) I agree it's not great. The night vision is a nice touch and seems to be also reasonably good.

I'm not interested in it's local recording. One thing I have made sure of is it's been put on a segregated network, with no Internet access, as I simply do not trust these cheap devices and where they send data, along with who might be able to see that along the way. Sure i'll loose the return speech etc. But I really just want this as a camera anyhow.
4 May 17 #155
mine has now packed in , only really used it twice once to setup out of box and then last week used with a good quality charger was working fine then next morning noticed no connection! Charger still working, tried several other charger's but cam has packed in, even tried the reset button nothing! Had a refund today from banggood, just messaged them said never received it, took a week b4 refund!
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