Was looking for a civilization game I could get for my Surface Pro and came across this deal. It's not 6 but i'm pretty sure theres a few people out the that wanna try this game before investing in the new one.
18 Feb 17#4
It says I've spent 300 hours nearly on this game. :s
I don't know how to feel about that.
I'm going to play it now.
If Civ5 was burgers I'd be a shut in.
18 Feb 17#3
Great game for the price. Hundreds of hours spent on it. Way better than Civ6 which is prettier but incomplete and neither has decent AI, gameplay or any addictiveness. After a few expansions and fixes I may retry Civ 6, but at that price folks for the full version of the best game in the Civ series, you would be mad not to.
18 Feb 17#2
This is Steam too
17 Feb 17#1
I put some crazy hours into Civ 5 a few years ago but feel i could easily put he same amount of time in all over again before i'd need to buy 6. Very addictive game and well worth this price.
Opening post
I don't know how to feel about that.
I'm going to play it now.
If Civ5 was burgers I'd be a shut in.