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PS VR - Virtual Reality headset £299.00 (Refurbished) @ Tesco eBay outlet
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PS VR - Virtual Reality headset £299.00 (Refurbished) @ Tesco eBay outlet

£299 eBay23 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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23 Feb 17
PlayStation VR, known by the codename Project Morpheus during development, is a virtual reality head-mounted display developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, which launched on October 13, 2016. It was designed to be fully functional with the PlayStation 4 home video game console.

This is a refurbished Playstation VR HeadSet but it is £50 cheaper than a new one. You can find it on Tesco Ebay, it comes with a 12 month warranty, and free delivery.

Hope this helps some people.
Top comments
23 Feb 17 31 #12
You sound fun!
23 Feb 17 18 #1
Even at £300 it is way too expensive for me for what it is. Way, way, way too expensive. I'd have to either be rich or have more money than sense. The price of a console to play what? RE7 & a few demo type renditions.
ChrisIW to JumpMan1980
23 Feb 17 12 #13
Christ almighty, winge winge winge. It's brand new tech so it's not going to be cheap. Do you even know how much a VR headset "should" cost, otherwise what are you basing this on??? 30 seconds of research would reveal that PSVR is by far the most affordable "proper" VR headset out there.
fireman1 to pow26
23 Feb 17 5 #15
you sound more like a silly c@@t to me.
All comments (63)
23 Feb 17 18 #1
Even at £300 it is way too expensive for me for what it is. Way, way, way too expensive. I'd have to either be rich or have more money than sense. The price of a console to play what? RE7 & a few demo type renditions.
kos1c to JumpMan1980
23 Feb 17 5 #4
​I'm in the same boat. I think you'd use this a few times and then show it off to new guests. Then it'll go back in the draw.
ChrisIW to JumpMan1980
23 Feb 17 12 #13
Christ almighty, winge winge winge. It's brand new tech so it's not going to be cheap. Do you even know how much a VR headset "should" cost, otherwise what are you basing this on??? 30 seconds of research would reveal that PSVR is by far the most affordable "proper" VR headset out there.
Rayza to JumpMan1980
24 Feb 17 2 #25
LOL @ needing to be rich to afford £300. Get a job ffs.
unknownorigin to JumpMan1980
24 Feb 17 #46
Do you own one?

Do not buy the rift, go for the vive. PSVR is comparable to both, and ironically the headset is ergonomically better than both the rift and vive.
23 Feb 17 2 #2
not bad price, probably returned because people couldnt get on with them. although for £50 more i think i would prefer new
23 Feb 17 1 #3
£250 is my biting price, but good to see the refurb price drop a bit.
jayjayuk1234 to copperspock
23 Feb 17 1 #7
Maybe next year, when a new one is out, no chance before then

£300 is nothing these days, and with the fall of the value of the £ this is a bargain
23 Feb 17 #5
Good price, heat added :smiley:
23 Feb 17 3 #6
23 Feb 17 #8
I'm in no rush :smiley:.
23 Feb 17 2 #9
waiting on a bundle with camera still too much without all the extras you will need
23 Feb 17 1 #10
Visited a friend last week who had it

"Would you like to try it?"
"No, thanks"

Want to try it?

Repeat until I gave in, didn't like it, it took longer to set up than I tried it for!
23 Feb 17 2 #11
Just got the Oculus Rift so I'm going to get this as well to see how they compare. And I'm a greedy c@@t
fireman1 to pow26
23 Feb 17 5 #15
you sound more like a silly c@@t to me.
meherenow to pow26
24 Feb 17 1 #27
They don't compare.

Unless you like crappier graphics and even crappier head tracking.

I had the PSVR before the Rift, woeful experience for me with mega drifting making anything unplayable after 5 minutes.

Did everything except paint my walls a different colour to try to correct it.
hellblazer32 to pow26
24 Feb 17 #36
How did you find the oculus rift? I found it quite blurry and after spending a week with it I still couldn't get it right. In the end I just returned it.
X50pence777 to pow26
24 Feb 17 #39
psvr doesnt hold a candle to the rift, (i have the rift and have demoed the vive and psvr), the visuals in the psvr are ok but the whole unit feels flimsy (like it will break if you pull too hard/drop it) and the faceplate feels like you have a plastic bag between your face and a large bit of plastic... combine that with the fact that you are limited to 1 store and the psvr isnt worth the money...
23 Feb 17 31 #12
You sound fun!
23 Feb 17 1 #14
Amazing piece of kit but really hard to justify spending £300. Having played Resident Evil in VR a few times, after 30 minutes I had enough. It's really tiring and I got motion sickness the first time. I recommend standing up if you play Resident evil.
23 Feb 17 1 #16
I am talking from my perspective. That is all any of us can fairly do. £300 is a cheap week in the sun to me. I won't look like a complete pr1ck doing that either.
23 Feb 17 2 #17
Havent people been getting eye herpes from used VR sets? :confused:
23 Feb 17 #18
Best bet - visit Game, take advantage of their free "can you last 15 minutes of RE7?" challenge - you may then be better equipped to decide if you want to spend £300+ on this novelty technology.
crazygoldfish to JumpMan1980
23 Feb 17 1 #19
Last 15min of motion sickness challenge
23 Feb 17 3 #20
Wait for v2 for ps vr.

Yes the games are very immersive

Yes you feel like you're in an xwing.

Yes the motion sickness is horrific for some.....

Yes the graphics are blurry

Yes Sony overlooked the hdr and hdcp2.2 on ps vr with the pro.

No its not worth £350
23 Feb 17 1 #21
..and cross your fingers you're not struck down with eye herpes!
23 Feb 17 1 #22
Lol. Eye herpes
23 Feb 17 1 #23
Refurbished my donkey
What they mean is they didn't sell at the original stupid price so they thought they'd sell as refurb at a lower stupid price.
A bit like chromecasts and boat loads of mobiles refurb out there
chevychase to verysleepy
24 Feb 17 2 #26
or more likely it's a customer return because they didn't like it.

These things sell out at full price they don't need to use tricks
24 Feb 17 3 #24
PSVR is awesome, there are plenty of great titles for it and only a couple (Robinsons and Loading Human) that gave me motion sickness. This is proper VR, not slap your phone in and enjoy 5 minutes of fun. We have an HTC Vive in the office that we develop games for, in direct comparison there really isn't that much difference between them, apart from the price tag... Heat
crazygoldfish to lionheart2302
25 Feb 17 #61
Robinson caused really crippling motion sickness. Game looked great but was one of the worst for motion sickness
24 Feb 17 3 #28
got one for Xmas. total gimmick. played it 3 times. save your money. wait till it drops
24 Feb 17 2 #29
Mine was awesome for about 2 weeks, then I realised I'd not played it for 2 weeks, looked at the coming release list for 2017 and sold it before xmas and got all my money back on it. Glad I did now.
24 Feb 17 3 #30
Can't believe I paid £349 for this rubbish on day one. Used a few times, caused severe nausea every go.. boxed up and stashed away for a couple of months now. Must get it sold before it's worthless; which surely won't be far away.
24 Feb 17 #31
​Haha! reminds me when I showed off the gear vr and minecraft vr to a friend. The Bluetooth controller took ages to pair, and then when it finally did the unit over heated shortly and had to cool down. Was a very "impressive" 10 minute demo.
24 Feb 17 1 #32
By the time good games come out for it, these will be £229 imo, so I'll hold out, unless you want the VR experience, or, have the cash to splash, in that case enjoy.
copperspock to jhonny20041433
24 Feb 17 #49
There are already good games out for it :smiley:.
24 Feb 17 1 #33
They are super expensive! But they are incredible to use, I'm still not prepared to dish out £100's yet but maybe after my holiday....
24 Feb 17 #34
Great price. Well worth a purchase if you can handle using it. I love mine but makes me feel so sick!
Also compared to the HTC vive and oculus rift the asking price is considerably cheaper so as far as vr goes right now this is a bargain.
24 Feb 17 1 #35
over priced novelty.
24 Feb 17 #37
I could quickly go off you Rayza.
24 Feb 17 #38
Look up context you dozy ****.
24 Feb 17 #40
my rift isnt blury.....perhaps you had the ipd wrong? or you had it too tight/loose/not at the correct height?
24 Feb 17 #41
really the psvr tracking is that bad? hmm didnt notice that but i was playing a sit down mech game when i tried it so not much movement....
24 Feb 17 2 #42
​I would be the first to admit if I thought this was a fad, I've invested in things before and thought "well that'll be going on Ebay". HOWEVER, I have been so impressed by VR. I honestly have not played a "flat" game since before Christmas. I bought it with the intention of hating it and selling it for a profit. Games like Rush of Blood, Eve and Resident Evil have a different level of enrichment that you just cannot get from a standard game. I can only assume that people's negative options come from ignorance, or just not giving it enough of a go. Every one of my friends who have used mine, have agreed with me that it is very good, and one has already purchased his own. I have had no problems with build quality or flimsy-ness. I've knocked it about and its as good as new. It's more comfortable than the HTC or the Oculus according to reviews.

So, if you're umming and ahhing, don't. Jump in. Get involved!

(...and I've not suffered with motion sickness whatsoever - maybe that helps my positive thoughts with it!?)
24 Feb 17 1 #44
Good price for a refurb! Heat added!
24 Feb 17 #45
I would agree that feeling sick would be detrimental to the overall experience and therefore your opinion of buying a PSVR.
24 Feb 17 #47
Do you own one?

I own two. Bought one at launch and then got one for Christmas as a surprise. Surprise was all theirs when I said I had one and that they're rubbish.
24 Feb 17 #48
I hope you realise that not everyone is going to have the same experience as you? Some people can't handle VR without getting motion sickness; others can handle it absolutely fine straight away; and others still may initially get motion sickness but then quickly get their 'VR legs'. Just because it's worthless to you, does not mean that it is so for others who have tried it.
24 Feb 17 #50
The only way HTC Vive would be comparable to a PSVR is if you were running a £45 GPU.

A 1080gtx is 9x faster than a PS4 and 3x faster the a PS4 pro. Absolutely no way you would even get near to comparable performance. It's like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Fiesta.
24 Feb 17 #51
You're clearly a troll! Or just rude? How ungrateful to tell someone who's given you an expensive gift that it's rubbish!? You have someone who loves you enough to spend that much on you (who doesn't know you well enough to know you already own one) and you mock them. Nice
... You seem to have a lot of hate for the VR, yet comment a lot about them. Even posting deals about them.
24 Feb 17 #52
The caveat I forgot to mention is my PSVR runs on the Pro. It has less bleed and is more comfortable than my rift and vive. The PSVR being seated is for me the biggest variation right now but the quality of headset, without considering its price per performance, is excellent.

Consoles and PC's work very differently in terms of performance, they are not directly comparable. Read up on low level architecture to understand why.
24 Feb 17 #53
Having used the PSVR and owning a Vive I can clearly say the the Vive is miles ahead of the PSVR.

The quality on the Vive is significantly better, especially once multisampling is activated. I tested the PSVR on the Pro and thought it looked awful in comparison. It was blurry and the level of detail is basic, almost like playing a PS2 game.

Yes it is lighter and less bulky and considering the limits of the PS4 quite an achievement.

But it's definitely not comparable with a Vive, not by a long shot.
24 Feb 17 #54
That's EXACTLY what we do with ours... :/
24 Feb 17 #55
You know the wife then!
24 Feb 17 #56
Totally had the same thought. What an absolute POS that guy is.
24 Feb 17 #57
Eye herpes apart (this should be a genuine concern btw, think twice), comparing this to Vive is indeed like a Fiesta to a Ferrari, but I'm pretty sure that there are millions of people out there who love their Fiestas and surprising enough can't afford a Ferrari.

It's like saying "spend £600 on this and the PS4 or spend £2000 on a Vive and a computer decent enough to benefit. If you don't spend £2000 then you're an idiot and I laugh at your lowly status of not having a couple of grand to spend on largely unproven equipment".

Interesting how many PC Master Race kids are on this site.
24 Feb 17 #58
I think I may have seen your ebay account; the one currently selling Piers Morgans Autobiography and Justin Biebers Greatest Hits ... ?
24 Feb 17 #59
VR still at an early stage, you'd need 4k per eye minimum IMO, some experts reckon 16k per eye for the holy grail but we're a good decade or 2 away from hardware powerful enough for that.

I have fun with a VR headset, head tracking and elite dangerous but it's still a gimmick.
24 Feb 17 #60
Seems ok to me buddy.
25 Feb 17 #62
I enjoyed a quick go at a friend's house but no way would I buy one. Limited library and worried Sony will do another Vita with it.
25 Feb 17 #63
i wish we was friends

i wouldn't ever have to pass you the controller
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