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Plusnet unlimited fibre £22.50 Month / 12 months
4 stars +363

Plusnet unlimited fibre £22.50 Month / 12 months

£22.50 Plusnet16 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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16 Feb 17
Unlimited Fibre broadband from plusnet is 25 per month if you pay monthly or 22.50 if you pay line rental upfront, if you factor in the 70 quid quidco you'll get it for around £19 per month or £17 if you do line rental saver.

I've moved from BT because of the recent price hikes and will be saving myself £9 a month even without the quidco.

12 month contract

Plus £25 activation fee

- Jinkz

+ Installation charge of £49.99
- coxy82
Top comments
rvcshart to deanos
16 Feb 17 13 #5

Was with them 7 years till I swapped to BT for a big cash back deal 5months ago. But now they price hikes ima cancel and go back to plusnet.

I can 100% guarantee no traffic shaping and identical line speed as BT. As proven by my fully automated Plex server with 9.7TB of content that gets all content via p2p, many public trackers too.
preecey to sinxa
16 Feb 17 5 #13
It's actually VDSL
16 Feb 17 3 #64
no comapny refunds line rental saver - not even BT, unless the phone line is proved to be a problem impacting the ability to make and receive calls. If your broadband is not working and you have complained, you are not satisfied with the resolution - in that scenario even Ofcom supports the ISPs in not refunding the line rental paid in advance for a year. I know this from my friends experience who has gone through the entire process ending up with Ofcom and ending up with not getting the Line Rental Saver refunded.
All comments (289)
16 Feb 17 2 #1
Bear in mind you can't do a referral for another plusnet user and get quidco
bauer to Cozworth806
16 Feb 17 1 #7
Oh right, didn't know that.
16 Feb 17 2 #2
Shame they do traffic shaping and the speed is lower compare to BT
rvcshart to deanos
16 Feb 17 13 #5

Was with them 7 years till I swapped to BT for a big cash back deal 5months ago. But now they price hikes ima cancel and go back to plusnet.

I can 100% guarantee no traffic shaping and identical line speed as BT. As proven by my fully automated Plex server with 9.7TB of content that gets all content via p2p, many public trackers too.
16 Feb 17 #3
Great price for broadband! Can you post the speed OP.
Anyone had plus net? Any good for gaming?
bauer to prash_2k
16 Feb 17 2 #10
I used to have broadband before the fibre days with plusnet and gaming was fine (ps3)

The speed I've been quoted is 40meg download but it says up to 38 meg on the page when you sign up so I'm not sure I go live at the start of march so will update then.

When I was last with plusnet I only used customer services to get a better deal and they were a joy to deal with, infact the only reason I moved was because of a sky offer that was free for 12 months including line rental
16 Feb 17 1 #4
Had plusnet, move to BT for a deal, will be moving back to Plusnet, speed the same, but customer service is better.
16 Feb 17 #6
Shame it's ADSL :disappointed:
preecey to sinxa
16 Feb 17 5 #13
It's actually VDSL
16 Feb 17 #8
My bt discounted rate expires in April and will rise to over £40 pm, so I'm looking to bail. This deal looks perfect but I believe I am tied in still until the 1 months notice period.
jh787 to lord_trumpington
16 Feb 17 #18
They've put their prices up so you are entitled to leave without penalty regardless of contract.
Ofcom rules.
Just wait for your email telling you about price increase.
16 Feb 17 2 #9
Though... Qudico cahback has been so unreliable recently. Go via MSE and you get 50 cash back direct. Less, but least you'll actually get it.
Gannet to rvcshart
16 Feb 17 #34
Could you give a link for the MSE offer? Can't find it
16 Feb 17 2 #11
they say then can do this on there site

On the lower fibre BT is faster than Plusnet around 35% faster

Plusnet uploads speed is 2mb , BT is 10mb, i know BT is more but its not comparing like with like, oh and you get free caller display with BT, Plusnet charge 99p , and free weekend calls as well

Not saying its a bad deal just its not same as BT :smiley:
16 Feb 17 #12
annoying that i moved to vodafone fibre and they force you to use the router they provide which is rubbish compared to my asus n66u

going to move back to plusnet but will cost me £25 connection fee and £25 fee i paid vodafone for connection too! costly mistake.
KeganJones1985 to jackvdbuk
16 Feb 17 #39
Besides the fact that you have to use their router are they that bad? I've got them installing on Monday =(
16 Feb 17 #14
What's the upload speed on plusnet? Sky fibre is 38 down / 10 up.
16 Feb 17 #15
Does anyone know rough speeds and reliability?
We left 36 at talktalk and 10 months ago we moved to BT to get 56 and its never been slower. Changed channel several times and I'm just over BT. The wireless reliability is dreadful.
Looking towards a 4k tellybox at some point so need something that'll allow amazon and Netflix to stream at 4k to us
16 Feb 17 2 #16

That's on an unlimited fibre extra package through a vpn. We're fairly close to our local cabinet, 50 yards or so.
qwerta369 to Bookie
16 Feb 17 #20
Which ISP?
16 Feb 17 #17
Deal wise I never said it was same as BT, if it was why move?

Line performance is identical to BT. And I'm not saying this as an average user, I'm an extremely heavy user (or was till I started working away from home 5days a week).

I'll happily sit here and explain an entire ISPs infasyructure to you if you like. Performance will be identical, to a degree. Shaping, speeds, reliability, faults etc.

I've 17months contact left with BT, moving to Plusnet saves me 2£ a month and boosts speed from 40 back to 70+, lowers contact 12months, £50-85 cash back depending and better customer support. I don't even plug my house phone in, so don't have to consider those factors.
16 Feb 17 #19
We got caught out with some of their deals. If you dont go unlimited your upload speed is capped to 1.5meg.

Now that we pay the extra money a month all seems to good. Cant complain (and we moved from BT)
16 Feb 17 #21
That's plusnet
16 Feb 17 #22
​whats the difference? never heard of VDSL.
16 Feb 17 #23
I'm on the £22.49 unlimited fibre package with no phone line and I've been happy. Never had to contact CS so can't say whether they're good or not but everything has worked as promised.

I get speeds of around 70/20 on WiFi but I am using my own router and a more highend wireless AC dongle. Oddly enough when I upload to YouTube I get 40 on the upload - none of my friends believed it so I even downloaded netlimiter and some other programs and could see I was actually uploading at 40. Obviously can't complain there!

When I first got the line I was getting 60/20 for a good year or so though, not sure how it ended up on 70/20 but again no complaints!
16 Feb 17 1 #24
all this for £27 a month all in, no phone line
qwerta369 to sinxa
16 Feb 17 #33
I take it that's virgin media? You're comparing apples and oranges. Entirely different technology and availability.
rvcshart to sinxa
16 Feb 17 #38
Yes, and virgin traffic shaping is insanely aggressive. If it's not with virgin meh, either way not available in most areas.
Cable only have a 50%+ rating, 'fibre' has around 90 now.

Fibre btw is generally VDSL, this used to just be a marketing term but now refers to high bitrate connections. Basically meaning you don't have a fibre line directly to you home but to the local cabinet. Then a DSL connection over your copper wire to the cab. This lets it be accessed from streets that don't have cable lines(around 50% of us).

So VDSL used to be **** but these days 's extremely stable and plenty fast enough. Internet is getting like a sports car these days.... Derek I've a 1024mb line but the you'll only go 5mb 99.99% of the time.
By which I've dumbed down a lot, let me explain.

My car can hit 150mph ish, I've only ever once taken it above 85mph... There is simply no need, you can stream full 4k content easily on 40-50mb, as well as download the generations largest games at a good speed.

I put much more stock in reliability, latency and shaping. People in conference calls disconnect often.... And all of them on virgin :sunglasses:
16 Feb 17 1 #25
I signed up last month on 19.01.17 paid line rental upfront £185.88 and fibre £28 less line rental, on the 20.01.17 they email me at 03.40am saying my line was connected but no fibre by 09.02.17 I still wasnt connected to fibre so I cancel the contract I have now taken them to court to recover my line rental saver as they have refused to refund me back, to me that says it all. I will make the point cheap is for a reason and sonner or later your pay for it being cheap. I have now had to sign up to BT and wont be connected till 23.02.17 Plus net is worse then TalkTalk go and read trustpilot before you sign up.
16 Feb 17 #26
You need to host images on a hosting website.
16 Feb 17 #27
​Thank you, there's an issue with the HDUK android app, if you click picture icon then add url and hit submit it changes to local emulated url, had to go in and edit
16 Feb 17 #28
Basically, VDSL is FTTC.
16 Feb 17 #29
The poster state he's moved from BT because of the price changes well are puting the Prices up as well it's only TalkTalk who have stated that they will not increase there chages but no one wants to go with them.
bauer to liston2
16 Feb 17 #36
Doubt they'll be going up by 9 quid a month or 15ish if I get the cash back

And where have I said it's like for like? They're very similar products and will suit my needs fine!
16 Feb 17 #30
Looking good. But isn't fibre extra the top package, up to 78mbps or similar? I'm interested to know the upload speed for the standard 38mbps fibre package.
16 Feb 17 #31
I would love to know where he gets he saying £9 like for like.
16 Feb 17 #32
​ah ok so its very high, well the name that is (up to 60)
16 Feb 17 1 #35
£25 activation fee cited on the PlusNet site?
16 Feb 17 #37
Been with them for years no issues BUT they don't allow you to change the date of the direct debit. They keep saying the option is coming but it never does. Make sure you select and arrange a date for it before committing. Every month it comes out the week before payday when I've forgot about it!
16 Feb 17 #40
I wouldn't go back to plus net if you paid me

Sub par customer service when attempting to resolve issues.

Connection always dropping or seemed to be capped.
16 Feb 17 #41
​Getting the full 4mb down 1 up, just really annoying ha,
16 Feb 17 #42
I was with Plusnet (installed by BT engineer) and was getting a quarter of the speed, changed to BT and got full speed immediately as I'm only yards away from the local BT cabinet.
16 Feb 17 1 #43
I used to have plusnet adsl back in the day with them before BT bought them, they were great. Moved to others after BT took over, cheaper elsewhere. Went back to plusnet a few yers back, yes their customer service ain't what used to be but i dealt with worse. I signed up to their unlimited 76mb deal back in January and so far no probs, using my own router Asus DSL-AC68U my average speed is 74.75MB down and 18.80MB up. I'm paying £19.99 on a 18 month contract. My line rental, i paid the annual saver separately.
16 Feb 17 #44
Checked with them on chat. the Upload speed for the 25£ package of unlimited fibre is capped at 1.9mbps.
Higher upload speeds are available with the extra package that costs 30£
Their router is same as BT Home hub 5 with a different colour.
16 Feb 17 #45
I received that email and managed to negotiate a good deal with their Infinity 1 fibre package for less that what I would pay on their standard broadband tariff (£30.99 inc line rental and weekend calls). I am also on a BT mobile contract, which saves me £5 monthly as a BT broadband customer, so I figure its worth it.
16 Feb 17 #46
Thanks for that. 1.9mbps upload speed is very bad compared with sky fibre. Not for me.
16 Feb 17 2 #47
A word of warning: Plusnet users have been battling packet loss and high latency a lot recently. I moved to them back in November, as they were cheap, and have had to buy my own router (my original one died within 1 month, and they never sent a replacement, despite reminding them twice) and have had a terrible connection ever since. This seems to happen to people randomly, depending on which gateway they connect to (it likes to change randomly, so one night you are connected to a good gateway, other nights you will be powercycling your router to get netflix to stream).

This problem has been going on for Plusnet users for nearly a year, and they do not acknowledge it as a problem. Generally streaming and browsing is not too bad, but if you play online games, especially FPS games, or games that need a good ping, avoid.
16 Feb 17 #48
BT and plusnet are basically the same level of service - same company, same kit. Same connection that loses packets for me all the time, although the terrible hub is responsible for some of that. Plusnet connection hasn't shown the same steady drop-off in speed over time that I had with BT though, which is weird.
16 Feb 17 #49
i just rang Bt and said i wanted to leave due to their price increase.

He offered me Infinity 2 for the same price i would be paying for infinity one with the £2.50 increase.

i.e. For another £2.50 on top of what i am paying now for Infinity 1, i will get the infinity 2.

Does anyone know if BT retention teams call you and try to get customers to stay?
16 Feb 17 #50
I've been using their fibre service since it was activated at my green cab last September or so, and I've never had this problem. I play WoW and my ping is consistently sub-20ms, with no rubber-banding of characters etc, and I stream on a daily basis from YouTube/Flixster and had no problem with it.

Not saying this isn't happening to others, but it's definitely not everyone. Wonder if it could be a regional thing?
16 Feb 17 1 #51
We have been with Plusnet for 18 months on Fibre Extra getting 54mbs. Our neighbour recently got fibre and asked how we got such high speeds. We checked and it is now at about 35mbs and it appears the maximum we can now get is 40mbs.

Spoke to Plusnet to ask why we were paying for a service that we could not get and they offered to drop down to this package for £14.99/month on 24 month contract (my wife's company pays the BB, but it's the principle...)
16 Feb 17 #52
Hello guys,

What if we pay line rental saver for 12 month upfront but we leave plusnet after some months because of price increase, do we get the money for unused line rental saver back?

16 Feb 17 #53
Cool. I phoned them too but they wouldn't waive the £50 activation fee so I went with the online offer (which did).
16 Feb 17 #55
He didn't mention anything about activation fee to me.

I have signed up to this deal now.

Once it tracks through topcashback I am going to try and get them to price match Quidco.

Thanks Op
16 Feb 17 #56
16 Feb 17 #57
Ping wont be effected 'in game' by packet loss, you need to monitor how many packets are being sent/received with 3rd party software. WOW isn't really the type of game that would suffer massively from this, like I said, reaction games like Rocket League, For Honor or COD are the worst effected.

Check out the plusnet forums before you purchase, I wish I did. It's not regional, as friends I have nearby on plusnet do not have issues, whereas friends further away suffer worse than I. It's part of the plusnet lottery, will you be connected to a stable gateway, or BGN-01 - collingdale? (that's the worst).
16 Feb 17 #58
I am currently on the cheapest ADSL plan of the Phone Coop. Use Netflix, NowTV and Amazon Prime Video almost every evening and almost never get buffering issues. The videos always play in 720p/1080p whichever is the highest HD available for that video.
Reading on I see so many horror stories from people who have switched to higher priced Fibre BB from the likes of Plusnet / BT / Vodafone / SSE.
I do understand that for my use case only one device is being used most of the time, and ADSL's line speed is not enough for multi-users.
All comparison websites I have seen so far just report on the line speed and not actual speeds reported by users. Is there a place where I can see the speeds reported by users in my area for a particular ISP?
16 Feb 17 #59
Voted hot. I'm considering this.
16 Feb 17 2 #60
True, I'm just stating that for 4 quid more a month and some virgin haggling you could be better off if
Like me you stream Dolby Vision
16 Feb 17 #61
Will consider this myself as my year discount means my BT package goes up £18 pm including a £2.50 price hike.
16 Feb 17 #62
Loving the "0-38mbs download speed" on the Plusnet website!
At least it covers all eventualities and prevents refunds :smile:
16 Feb 17 #63
No, they don't give refunds for line rental saver.
16 Feb 17 3 #64
no comapny refunds line rental saver - not even BT, unless the phone line is proved to be a problem impacting the ability to make and receive calls. If your broadband is not working and you have complained, you are not satisfied with the resolution - in that scenario even Ofcom supports the ISPs in not refunding the line rental paid in advance for a year. I know this from my friends experience who has gone through the entire process ending up with Ofcom and ending up with not getting the Line Rental Saver refunded.
16 Feb 17 #65
I'd bet money he's not getting that at 15pm with line rental though...
16 Feb 17 1 #66
Yes, I'm getting this same deal. All in, with line rental included.
16 Feb 17 1 #67
I've just had a chat with BT about this and according to them I'd get back my line rental saver in the final bill.
As already mentioned here before, they also offered me Infinity 2 with the £2.50 price increase, which would end up around the same price as the Plusnet unlimited fibre extra without line rental saver. The difference besides of that contract length and cashback....
16 Feb 17 1 #68
They do on a price increase, and BT are refunding LRS to people leaving it after the latest increase.
16 Feb 17 #69
Thanks for posting this, I just ditched BT early thanks to price hike get-out. I was counting the days to escape.
16 Feb 17 #70
are you going for infinity 2?
will be interesting to note if you do actually get the LRS refunded, if only as a result of cancellation after price rise.
16 Feb 17 #71
I'll try to get that in writing first and then I'll switch, just not sure about Plusnet yet...
16 Feb 17 #72
I may have gone for the infinity 2 but I forgot to ask whether it would mean me starting another 12 month contract.
Couldn't be asked to ring them again so ordered this deal.
They then messed up my order by not transferring my old number. (They sent me a text with my new number)
Rang them up and they said they would have to cancel and reorder.
Which means cashback may not be paid although the customer services rep assured me that it would.

Overall hasn't gone as smoothly as I would have liked so far.
16 Feb 17 1 #73
Loving all the people dissing BT , who actually own Plusnet.
16 Feb 17 1 #74
As much as i dislike them talktalk have a better offer, granted only just but its also 18 months and they (are claimingthat they) wont increase prices until 2019.

Just about to sign up with them through Quidco (£90 cashback)
16 Feb 17 1 #75
It'd start an 18 month contract...
16 Feb 17 #76
I don't like talk talk too. Without the cash back and line rental factors, both cost (include set up fee)the same £27 per month (talk talk 18mths vs plusnet 12 mths).

anyone knows when Talk talk says price fixed, does it cover all(line and fabric) or just line rental?
16 Feb 17 #77
​they capped me for downloading torrents
16 Feb 17 1 #78
I'm on plusnet and i used to get roughly 70 down and 17 up but now my upload speed's been halfed and download reduced, no idea why (probably to make it more stable), it's been like this for a long time now

Don't believe the good customer service adverts, their customer service is terrible, i'm stuck with them untill my 12 month line rental runs out
i reported faults to them last year (very unstable connection making most games unplayable) and they basically replied with a there's nothing wrong
i made the mistake of renewing the line rental saver, if you leave them and you still have line rental months left, you don't get the money back :smirk:
16 Feb 17 #79
If you read the document linked to it act
If you read the document linked to you see it is traffic prioritisation not traffic management. It never restricts the available bandwidth just if the capacity of the line is reached then services like streaming are prioritised. Not sure on BT uploads but think you might be right on that but this won't impact most users.
16 Feb 17 #80
this was realy bad for me last year and plusnet just did a test of my line and said that there wasn't a problem but ping tests and reading about it happening to others told a different story
16 Feb 17 #81
The £27 for fibre and line rental is absolutely fixed.

They throw in a load of extras for free, which BT and others charge several pounds a month for, and they only charge £5 pm for anytime calls to landlines and mobiles, but those prices are not fixed, and are likely to increase. The anytime calls shows as £5 pm for 24 months though, so that might be a bit tricky for them to increase.

I know BT, I know Plusnet and I know TalkTalk. Believe me, TalkTalk's no worse than the other two - in fact it's rather better, and any of them are capable of a data breach.
16 Feb 17 #82
Thanks so much for all the details they are very helpful especially I really need to switch now as my contract due and price shoot up dramatically.

Thanks for your message, I now decide go with talk talk as price fix promise this year, it is very tiring for me to keep search the market for switching every year. At least I have another 18 months to think about switch again (touch wood no big problem with talk talk broadband)
16 Feb 17 #83
12 month contract £25 p/m - 18 month contract £27.50 p/m.

Would I be right in thinking that in effect this is just an introductory discount and that there is some hidden "real price" for those stupid enough to allow the contract to run on beyond the discount period?
16 Feb 17 1 #84
It goes up to 32.50 after the 12 months, if paying monthly
16 Feb 17 #85
Never had traffic shaping with Plusnet, speeds fine.
16 Feb 17 #86
Yes noticed that too, not complaining as 12 months is obviously better than 28. Matches the line saver this way.
16 Feb 17 #87
Wish i was paying £27
16 Feb 17 #88
No problem. Just a thought, though - you'll need to go through Quidco or Topcashback (picking up a useful amount of cashback of course) to get the 18 month fixed price contract at £27pm.

If you sign up through TalkTalk direct it'll be £32pm for 18 months or £27pm for 24 months.
16 Feb 17 1 #89
It means no 70 quid quidco then, cold from me!
16 Feb 17 #90
Nice speeds! I been with them at least 10 years now
16 Feb 17 #91
Thanks a lot,much appreciated
16 Feb 17 #92
Where are you getting these charges from?
It states on their FAQ that setup is free for new broadband and phone customers with a £25 activation charge.
17 Feb 17 #93
Any other deals with free/ low activation and installation charge?
17 Feb 17 1 #94
I recommended Plusnet to a friend after reading some positive comments here but frankly,it has been awful.
they definitely do traffic shaping and the speed can be very slow at annoying.
I do not recommend them at all.
that being said nothing is worse than BT.
if you want reliable, high quality broadband try lesser known ISPs..I have Utility Warehouse and they are sooo much better than BT,Sky and Talktalk.
17 Feb 17 #95
not sure about now...but 2 years ago i got both.....twice
17 Feb 17 #96
I am with Plusnet on unlimited Fibre 1 and get about 50mb download and 10mb upload. I switched from BT and still use my BT hub rather than the box that Plusnet sends you (Google it for instructions). Better customer service and cheaper than BT. I got a good deal two years ago which is no longer available and prices have gone up. Plusnet are owned by BT but you do not get the free WiFi and BT Sport.
17 Feb 17 #97
If your looking at saving money I've just left bt to go with sky £18.99 pm had no problem with sky infact I'm pretty sure my internet was faster with sky even though I have/had bt fibre going back to unlimited sky broadband
17 Feb 17 #98
Nice speeds, but did you get same at the evenings!?
17 Feb 17 #99
been with these for around 3 years now, pay my monthly line rental up front, always haggle a good deal every year, use torrent sites never had it slow down and allways around 76 meg download and around 22 upload
17 Feb 17 #100
Shame we only have Virgin on our side of the road. Paying for Vivid 200 and getting 100mbs! Shocking.
17 Feb 17 #101
Needing a new contract after getting robbed by virgin media. E
17 Feb 17 #102
That's fine for the premium product, but for the cheaper fibre option the 2 meg upload speed and the traffic shaping are a serious drawback.
17 Feb 17 #103
Just a word of warning with Plusnet

Plenty of excellent 'pull you in' marketing around on TV adverts etc which worked on us

Previously with SKY, we joined Plusnet on Feb 2nd this year on the 18 months Fibre Extra 76MB and Phone Package at £32.50 per month with Free installation, plus the one off £6.99 for the Router Delivery. They took these payments out straight away on joining on the 2nd Feb

You get the usual 10 minimum working days before the switch is completed which is fine, but on Wednesday (15th Feb) I thought I would contact them via their Community Forum to see how my order was progressing as they say the Router would be delivered in time for when the switch is complete and my order had approached the minimum 10 working days.....However, my order wasn't progressing at all, it seemed to have got 'Lost'

There are some unsettling stories over on their Community Forum PLUSNET FORUM ORDERS that do not fill me with confidence and also worrying is the 14 day 'Cooling of Period'
Cancellation of service under the Consumer Contracts (Information Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 ("the Regulations")
Any non-business service from Plusnet (apart from Plusnet Protect and BT Sport) can be cancelled 14 days from the day after you sign-up for the service.

So in my case the Cooling Off period is over on the 16th Feb...yesterday, one day after they discovered my order had not gone through their system even though they took my money on the 2nd Feb

My advise if you go with Plusnet is when you order, contact them straight away to see if your order as gone through, normally best through the Community Forums as there are some helpful Plusnet staff on there who respond fairly quick. The online Chat is useless as never available

In summary:
- They take your money on sign up
- Seems that their automated system seems to fail to automatically place orders
- Big delays reported on broadband activation
17 Feb 17 1 #104
You are absolutely 100% incorrect, plusnet openly say they do traffic shaping/prioritisation, it is even documented on their website for crying out loud!

BT however do not do any form of traffic shaping, as they also detail on their website.
17 Feb 17 #105
Was with plusnet few years back they were great, but please remember on unlimited fibre the upload speed is only 2mb.
17 Feb 17 #106
Better speeds in the evening
17 Feb 17 #107
What a palava...
Nearly lost my landline number because plusnet didn't request for it to be transferred to them.
Then I received email from BT last night saying I would not be eligible for refund on Line Rental Saver I paid in advance at the start of contract. (Even though they said I would when I told them I was intending to leave)
I have ended up tucking my tail between my legs and cancelling the whole bloody thing because I would be losing more than any savings I would be getting from moving.
17 Feb 17 #108
Those threatening emails (and the letters saying the same thing) are incorrect. BT know that, but they continue to send them out to frighten customers into staying. If you phone them, they'll confirm the LRS will be refunded. What an unpleasant company BT is.
17 Feb 17 1 #109

Read Trustpilot reviews.
17 Feb 17 #110
Thanks for this, unlikely I can switch due to high activation cost and I'm only at my address for another few months.

I have been looking for any affordable way out from Virgin 'postcode lottery' Media. Speeds great if you're in a low usage area. But if they've signed too many customers to your area you're screwed at peak time, pings 1000ms+, speeds less than 1Mb. 'Fix' date keeps getting pushed back. It's a business practice. They gamble with your broadband stability by signing too many customers up.
17 Feb 17 #111
Plug your ASUS router in via ether net & disable dchp routing on the ASUS router, as well as wifi on the vodafone router - problem solved. I both work for vodafone w/ their broadband & have my own router & was in the same situation as I have a complex local network, this is how I fixed it.

Can verify no traffic shaping or website blocks. My favourite thing - I can access any site without a VPN
17 Feb 17 #112
Pretty appalling - and 1/10. BT is even worse though at 0.4/10.

TalkTalk, the one people who've never used it love to moan about, is a positive star at 2.9/10.
17 Feb 17 #113
..wondering who's the cheapest adsl provider ..not fussed about having fibre speed..
also if they offer advance 2 year line rental saver that would be great
17 Feb 17 #114
Origin broadband but do research first, lots of people complaining lately

(It's on mse forums)
17 Feb 17 #115
Been with most of the ISPs over two decades.

Plusnet has been the best I've experienced overall. There have been other ISPs that provide a slightly better service but nowhere near the same price.
17 Feb 17 #116
How long does it take to switchover?
17 Feb 17 #117
Did mine Tuesday and apparently I go live on the 3rd march
17 Feb 17 #118
For the benefit of those that are a little slow in a morning like me! MSE equates to Money saving expert
17 Feb 17 #119
Was with Plus net for a couple of years. Got consistently good speeds on the 40/20 package. They said they were upping this to 56/20 but those speeds never materialised. Then they wouldn't do any price matching of better deals so left and went to Talk Talk. (Was with them for ADSL and never had a problem). Speeds all over the place, very inconsistent, Plusnet better by far. I just didn't care for Plusnet's online interface for checking bills etc
17 Feb 17 #120
2Mb upload on Fibre, 20Mb upload on Fibre Extra - but you can't order Fibre Extra if you can't get more than 38MB up, PlusNet system won't let you.
17 Feb 17 #121
If you don't mind risking cashback & vouchers BT is usually cheap but you need to cancel after 12 months & then look elsewhere.

Regular unlimited broadband & weekend calls is £24.49 (including line rental) + £9.99 setup free. Topcashback will give you £100 cashback & BT will give you a £50 prepaid MasterCard. 24.49*112=293.98. Plus 9.99 setup = £303.97. Less £100 cashback & £50 card = £153.97 for 12 months which equates to £12.82 a month. You can save another £30ish by paying line rental up front during sign up.
17 Feb 17 1 #122
I just had a chat with them, saved of course, so I have it in writing:

me: If I decide to leave, will I get my line rental saver back?
BT: No, the line rental saver is not refundable.
me: I've been told yesterday over the phone, that I'll be refunded in the final bill.
BT: It will be only refunded if you cancel within 30 days of receiving email of price increase.
me: Yes, that is the situation.
BT: Yes, then it is refundable.
17 Feb 17 1 #123
I know that BT own plusnet, however they are chalk and cheese re customer service etc. I switched from plusnet to BT and it was a culture shock, a completely different experience. So now I'm moving back to plusnet via quidco and getting cashback from the same owner, a glorious irony.
17 Feb 17 #124
hey Captainbeaky many thanks for the detailed breakdown..I think if I can find advance rental which works out about £160 that would be tempting . Thanks again
17 Feb 17 1 #125
Just a heads up

If anyone with BT and are happy i have just accepted £25.99 a month , unlimited infinity 1 , free caller display, free weekend calls, 24 month contract, price includes the price increase, got this offer on the phone

Im always maxing out at 52mbs with BT no matter what time of day, so for me not worth the switch
17 Feb 17 1 #126
does that include line rental? i got offered £38.99 yesterday! what number did you call please
17 Feb 17 #127
That is the big question it seems with Plusnet

Normally a minimum of 10 days, but if you look at my post on the last page Post #103 or go on the Plusnet Community forums you will notice a lot who have joined and their orders have not gone through the system, yet they have took you money

The is one case of some one who joined on 21st November 2016 and is still waiting 3 months later...WOW
17 Feb 17 #128
I guess that was a retention deal. I only pay £21 a month for Virgin vivid200.
17 Feb 17 1 #129
It does include line rental, and it's a standard BT retention offer - you may, however, have to start the switch process away from BT to get it. I was told it didn't exist until that point, and then it somehow, magically, became available. Too late by that point - I decided to stick with the switch to TalkTalk because it was still a lot cheaper when all the extras were included.
17 Feb 17 1 #130
yep, just tried them again and again £38.99 was the best he could do. i'll switch over and see if i get a call.
17 Feb 17 #131
I have been with plusnet for one year, and my plusnet bill is now £48pm.
That is for fibre broadband, and unlimited calls including mobiles.
17 Feb 17 #132
Good there are isps out there not tied to media asking you to remove file sharing apps from your device like sky will be doing.
17 Feb 17 1 #133
You won't necessarily get a call, but if you call them (use the number on the leaving email you'll get) to check on something you'll probably find they try to keep you with the £25.99 deal.
17 Feb 17 #134
thanks i'm heading back to Sky i's doubtful i'll get connection fees etc refunded during the cooling off period right?
17 Feb 17 1 #135
I have been a plusnet customer for 9 years now they were very good then but now their customer service is abysmal their website incorporates online chat support but trying to get simple tech advice is difficault. They have shut down the email tech support/ customer support, It's as if they do not want to be bothered with their existing customers. Regarding what they say in their tv adds they do use line management which is just another statement for throttling back your connection slowing you down. My biggest gripe is no email contact.
17 Feb 17 #136
I was with these guys for years as a loyal customer. When I requested to leave they charged me for it !? I'll never forget it and will not return.
17 Feb 17 1 #137
yes that's all in

0800 7831401 , choose the "want to leave" or "cancel" option

they did offer 31.49 for 12 months, asked if there was a better deal they spoke with manager and then offered me 25.99 for 24 months,
17 Feb 17 1 #138
nope. they said 38.99 lowest. even tried to offer me sports for £45! i want it lower, not higher! lol
17 Feb 17 #139
I've been with them for 7 years and a fibre user for the last 4 of those and have absolutely no complaints about their service. Currently getting 74Mb/s and have never noticed even a hint of traffic shaping. Steam downloads at a constant 9MB/s at any time of day and the less legitimate sources perform the same.

The routers they provide are pretty terrible, so if you're at all technically capable I'd advise buying your own. (Asus DSL-AC68U for example, but you can get other decent quality routers for less)
17 Feb 17 #140
not that bad, if you could blow an extra £11/12 pm I'd flip straight over to the old virgin fibre base package of fibre only, tell you what I did get a bang on deal with allbeit eventually did, that was sse fibre upto 76mbps fibre and phone for £21 a month not sure if it still resides as an offer as was withdrawn, but you got a mere 4mbps to 51mbps then i moaned threatened and contact the ceo, and they switched me from daisy to the talk talk framework and boom steady speed of 50mbps+ now, you also got 01,02,03 phone numbers free within a timeline of 70mins drop the phone call back and it's continualy free awesome deal, but man never had I been so horrified by daisy what a company LOL
17 Feb 17 1 #141
Ok i'm going to add my 2 pence here... as a network engineer (cisco, not DSL / Fibre whatever) and I have worked for two ISPs in the past.

1. Look at the feedback for ANY isp (Sky, Virgin, Talk Talk, Plusnet) it's all bad. Generally people only post negative reviews on sites like trustpilot. So saying look at the reviews is not really a good indication of how good the company is. They are all equally as bad as each other.

2. Every ISP has indian call centres. These guys are not network engineers and most of them are barely even IT literate. Calling them up will inevitably result in them reading from a script which will involve them saying restart your modem/router or check cables and lights etc etc.

The best advice I can give you is to sign up, and see what the service is like for yourself. If you are not happy you can usually cancel within 14 days. If the ISP installs the service after the cooling off period or they dont allow you to cancel after the service has JUST been installed then you should probably avoid them as they want to sucker people in and keep them.

You are able to quit any broadband package due to price increases without any penalty or having to pay the remainder of your contract or any termination fee, and just about every ISP will increase their prices year on year. Sometimes, several times per year.

I have been a plusnet customer, and I didn't enjoy the experience. I have been a virgin media customer and didn't enjoy it either. I am now on Sky and it's been quite reliable for me, but my mum who lives in the countryside is also on Sky and her broadband is terrible. So it's area dependent. What someone in one area of the country says does not apply to other areas. So take anyone's advice about what ISP is better than which with a pinch of salt.

Finally, if you find yourself stuck with crappy broadband, or broadband which actually doesn't work then the ISP is technically in breach of contract. Obviously this will take some legal skill and very thorough understanding of the contract as most of them will say they cannot guarantee or will not guarantee a service/connection BUT you are well within your rights to cancel a contract if the service is not provided. Writing to ofcom will probably help you if you have bad broadband.

Be aware that no network can give 100% uptime and in a residential setting they wont even try to get close to the "five 9s (99.999% uptime)" and you won't be able to make claims if your broadband occasionally drops out .. but if it regularly fails you have a case. Keeping logs and having some proof will help you win your case.
17 Feb 17 1 #142
I have a mate who is next to a box and gets just over 200mb download speed. Wish it was me.
17 Feb 17 #143
just cancelled my contact with talk talk after 5 years. so whats the best deal ? i just want Fibre no phone no tv
17 Feb 17 #144
I've been with plusnet for many years. Since dialup!!

Phoned them this morning to enquire about moving from broadband to fibre.

Best they offered is £29 per month for 18 months or 28 for two years.

They would not give me this offer as an existing customer, "it is for new customers only".

Never had a problem for years. Now they've lost a long standing loyal customer.
17 Feb 17 1 #145
BT offered me 27.99 for 12 months and 25.99 for 24 months for Infinity 1 all included. However the rep was super rude and annoying, told me that that if I wanted lower speed and worse service I was free to go. I told him that this was not a good way to approach customers and I would leave. Since that moment my BT connection has been having issues and keeps going down every few minutes. I don't want to believe that the two events are linked to each other, but I didn't have stability issues before. Anyway, I am going to give PlusNet a try.
17 Feb 17 #146
im with plusnet for 4 years now, never had any problems with them. in 4 years there was only 1 day with broadband down - 1 day, nothin to complain. down speed im getting is 72Mb, up speed 19Mb, ping 11ms - again nothing to complain about.
just renew for another 2 years. landline paid in front for 12 months, 185 and 13.99/month for broadband. happy with that.
17 Feb 17 #147
Not available to existing out of contact customers... maybe in march but looking at bt (again) now
17 Feb 17 #148
plusnet is owned by bt
17 Feb 17 #149
Do they still charge you a disconnection fee when your contracts up and you decide to leave.
17 Feb 17 1 #150
Vodafone do give you the username and password to use your own equipment!
Use their online chat to get it.
I and many others use our own equipment :-)
17 Feb 17 #151
How many meg do you get with this deal posted above. Looking for a new fibre bb deal.
17 Feb 17 1 #152
Still??? That should not be a issue as long as (as you say) the contract is up and give 30 days notice

Once your 12,18 or 24 month contract is coming up, you can request to cancel if you are not happy 30 days BEFORE the final date and they cannot do anything about it apart from try and offer you a better deal etc.

This also goes the same for when they increase their prices during your contract. If you are not happy about the price rises, then you are in your rights to cancel
17 Feb 17 #153
Shall I beat that?
p.s thought I already paid £22.50 but I should check.
17 Feb 17 1 #154
They are all a much of a muchness. I am currently on BT but looking to swap to plusnet and back to BT when it finishes. Going with the 76mb for gaming. Pity Virgin vivid gamer is expensive and no deals, as would have gone for it
17 Feb 17 1 #155
how many times, i called and used live chat both said no lol

how long ago did you do this? i think they are aware and told never to give out now
17 Feb 17 #156
So? what is your point?
17 Feb 17 #157
You're not swapping from BT
17 Feb 17 1 #158
I'm with plusnet at present, and they definitely do throttle your internet. Unfortunately signed a 18month contract, trying to cancel the contract.
17 Feb 17 1 #159
Broadband service is excellent but customer service is poor these days.

Their billing system has been a joke for ages and you have at least an hour's wait on the phone to sort anything.
17 Feb 17 1 #160
Plusnet' call centres are in Sheffield and Leeds.
17 Feb 17 1 #161
He/she will be. It's a different infrastructure. Different company entirely.
Just like Travis Perkins and Wickes... B&Q and Screwfix they are rivals but owned by the same chain.
17 Feb 17 1 #162
Personally I never got the MasterCard. Gave up after many hours wasted with calls/online chat. Joke company who couldn't run a bath. I'd be leaving because of the price hikes if I could but I have already paid line rental in advance
18 Feb 17 1 #163
As I've mentioned before BT confirmed if you cancel within 30 days of the email, you'll get the refund for the line rental saver.
18 Feb 17 1 #164
It is not true that all ISPs have Call centres based in India. AAisp and The Phone Coop have UK call centres and in fact the technical support team of the Phone Coop is in UK and is also 24/7.
18 Feb 17 #165
You can't be that experienced no not every ISP does use indian call centres actually! Plusnet are all UK based, Sky I believe use scottish based call centres, BT are moving towards UK call centres something like 80% of calls were set to be answered by UK staff at the end of 2016, AAISP are using UK based call centres and im sure their are other providers I haven't mentioned that offer full UK based support as standard as well.
18 Feb 17 #166
Recently moved from BT to Plusnet and it's like night and day, which is strange when you consider they are one in the same company! With Plusnet I am getting constant connections and a very good download/upload speed. Only downside being that you no longer have access to BT Wifi, but I can live without that.
18 Feb 17 #167
No you are failing on getting past knob jockeys!
Mail me and I will talk you through it!
Do they say its against terms and conditions? You say you have them in front of you and it states
you can use your own equipment and ask to be transferred to correct department.
It is those first people you talk to do not know Merde!
18 Feb 17 #168
I had a nightmare setting up with plusnet, very friendly customer service albeit they didn't know what they were doing. They cancelled my order twice and started charging me line rental even though I had paid the line rental saver.
On the normal fibre package, I'm currently getting 25.84mb download and 2.05 upload speed.
18 Feb 17 #169
Then why comment if you don't know what you're talking about?
18 Feb 17 #170
I'm not too sure I understand. I do not see any correlation between asking a question and commenting on a post? Please kindly further elaborate.
18 Feb 17 #171
I'm happy with my speeds

Been with plus net some years, using a BT modem and my own router asus rt-n66u very good combo.
18 Feb 17 #172
Seems best deal around at moment have just signed up for the 76mb unlimited fiber quidco giving £85 cashback makes it a sweet deal. Already tracking
18 Feb 17 1 #173
They are owned by BT. BT uses the modern gear for own customers and allocates less reliable old switches to Plusne punters. Plusnet router is cheap nasty stuff - 3 generations behind BT Homehub 6.

I had five OpenReach engineers visit in 3 months – persistent daily outages for the whole year. No real customer service just standard replies readout by the agent from their screen.

Absolute nightmare customer service. They are just a separate call centre without ability to deal to with any technical problems.
Just google their reviews – AVOID.
18 Feb 17 #174
My new BT 52mb fibre broadband 12 contract works out £22.48 without topcashback of £80. £150 MasterCard credit to claim within 3 months.
If I consider £80 top cash back it is £15.82.
18 Feb 17 #175
I have always had problems with BT internet and found the smaller companies offer better connection. I was close to joining Plusnet until I found out they are owned by BT. If what you are saying is true then I will stay well clear of Plusnet!
18 Feb 17 #176
You can add SSE to that list aswell. But BT are horrible to deal with if a problem arises.
18 Feb 17 #177
Have called the number - twice.
1st agent was pretty much 'OK leave'.
2nd agent spent some time going through options.
Best offer they gave for Infinity 1 was £33.09 pcm for 24 months including line rental saver discount.
'Price rise' email had offered Infinity 2 for £35.49 which went down to £33.59 pcm with line rental saver (but I'd then have to sign up for a 2nd year to keep the discount in the last 6 months).
18 Feb 17 #178
18 Feb 17 #179
Was it the UK call center you spoke to ?

This is my order that i got from them, maybe ask for same offer
18 Feb 17 2 #180
The ownership shouldn't change your opinion - they are "owned" in a business sense. They don't work to BT rules e.t.c. BT ripped me off for years - adding options I didn't want but allegedly putting notification on my bill. I switched to Plusnet and have had zero trouble.
To be honest most of the problems customers go on about with broadband is the fact they haven't a clue what is going on so they set their own system up wrong with i.e. naff wiring/sockets interferance e.t.c. Not something the Broadband provider will sort out.
18 Feb 17 #181
If you want the £25.99 inc line rental offer the only certain way to get it is to start the switch process. BT receive notification almost immediately, certainly within a few hours, and that opens up the opportunity to get this deal. You may have to phone them, but I can vouch for the fact that before switch nothing much, after switch £25.99.
18 Feb 17 #182
I didn't start the switch and was offered it, i did mention the plusnet and TalkTalk deal and said i would leave and they offered me it
18 Feb 17 #183
In most cases, from posts here and elsewhere, they're only coming up with the £25.99 offer after the switch process starts. They told me after three calls, each one making it very clear that I was leaving, that this deal didn't exist! A day later (after the switch) suddenly it appeared. The switch process is no big deal, of course - you can stop it as easily as you can start it, and there's plenty of time to do that.

I'm still not sticking with BT though, even at £25.99. The TalkTalk deal's far better for me - particularly with £110 Quidco. So :stuck_out_tongue: to BT.
18 Feb 17 #184
Can you start the switch process before you receive a confirmation email from BT about cancelling?
And in theory I should give a 30 days notice. So I can arrange the switch only after 30 days, but not earlier? I'm a bit confused...
18 Feb 17 #185
You can only ask to cancel/migrate penalty free, when you receive the price increase email, not before.
18 Feb 17 #186
Yes I know and I got that, but when I called to cancel I've been told I'll get a confirmation email about cancelling, which didn't come right away, so I don't know if I should wait for that email first or I can start placing the replacement order already. Also that 30 days notice is not entirely clean how does it work.
18 Feb 17 #187
Don't trust them though. Thieves
19 Feb 17 #188
How do I go about getting this plus net deal. Not familiar with quidco or line rental saver. Would appreciate if someone can help me.
19 Feb 17 1 #189
First of all sign up for an account at Now I tend to use a separate browser when doing cashback transactions to ensure they track, ( ie regular browsing via Google Chrome and Firefox for cashback), but it's up to you.

When you have your Quidco account set up, search for Plusnet. Click on Plusnet Broadband and scroll down until you see the £70 cashback offer. Click on that which will take you to Plusnet. Place your order and when given the option, choose to pay your line rental up front, Line Rental Saver, that's pretty much it.
19 Feb 17 1 #190
No plusnet do this. Traffic management is in the terms and conditions. You just haven't noticed.
19 Feb 17 #191
BT gave me a £7 a month deal on their fastest unlimited fibre connection to stay. I pay line rental up front.
19 Feb 17 #192
When was this cheers
19 Feb 17 #193
I was with them for a while and there was NO network slow downs etc and my ping in games was mostly in single digits. I hope to go back to them because my current provider is awful.
19 Feb 17 #194
19 Feb 17 #195
In the last few days. Placed order for plus net. BT sent an email with suggested charges as leaving contact early. Phoned to complain, told it was standard email and that no charges applied, then was offered a new deal £7 a month for 24 months. This does not include line rental. Just cancelled plus net order. BT is better than plus net but if you factor cash back via quidco plus net is still cheaper. I prefer the better service with BT.
19 Feb 17 #196
is that inc weekend calls and was that unlimited fibre or infinity etc
19 Feb 17 #197
Done this twice - called to cancel, then signed up with PlusNet straight away.

BT cancellation e-mail came the next day in both cases - got two e-mails for second switch, first one said only phone was being transferred (incorrect) but second one about 6 hours later said both broadband and phone were being transferred.
19 Feb 17 #198
You can sign up for PN straight away - earliest switch date they will offer you is 14 days away which is the notice period BT require for a switch to another provider.
19 Feb 17 #199
Weekend calls and unlimited 50 mbs fibre.
19 Feb 17 #200
It was the UK one both times. Even went through what Plusnet and TalkTalk were offering during 1st call.
Have started switch process and received an email with a different number on it.
May phone to see what they now offer, but I'm not sure if cancelling the move to Plusnet would then prevent me from taking up a New Customer offer with them in the future.
So I may well continue the switch and see if I get the New Customer deal from BT the next year...
19 Feb 17 #201
Do I have to enter my bank detail on the quidco site. I have signed up and follow your instructions but there is a box the open and says enter bank details before proceeding to plusnet site or proceed to plusnet without cash back.
19 Feb 17 #202
You will have to enter bank details so that cashback can be paid into your back account. You may be able to choose other options for the cashback, for example retailer vouchers which sometimes come with an added bonus, but asking for your back details is normal. Just make sure you can see a padlock in the URL (internet address) bar to show the link/site is safe.
19 Feb 17 #203
Thanks. I know in a previous message you said you always open two browser (1 to track cash back and the other to order) but would it work if I just use 1 browser from start to finish.
20 Feb 17 #204
I get massive problems with plusnet, constantly keeps dropping signal every day usually early evening or later. Working through to get resolved.
20 Feb 17 #205
You misunderstood me. You must order using the window or tab that is opened when you click on the retailer name. The reason I mentioned two browsers was, sometimes the transactions don't track, eg if you have visited the site previously and there are cookies/traces in the cache. I use Firefox for cashback transactions as I clear my browsing history prior to making the order. Whichever browser you use, log into Quidco first, then click on the retailer, which should open a tab for the retailers web site, then place your order.
20 Feb 17 #206
topcashback now offer £90
20 Feb 17 #207
Poor me saw that too and went away for a cofee and logged in to start the process, reduced to £70
Still a good one and I'm gonna go that way.
20 Feb 17 #208
Quidco will match within 72 hours of your click to the deal
20 Feb 17 #209
Is it me or have TCB dropped their rate?
20 Feb 17 #210
5 miles outside leeds and they want another 7.50 a month cause I'm not in low cost area ..go poke yourself plusnet thanks for wasting 39 mins of my life ordering
20 Feb 17 #211
5 miles outside leeds and they want another 7.50 a month cause I'm not in low cost area ..go poke yourself plusnet thanks for wasting 39 mins of my life ordering
21 Feb 17 #212
They can't be trusted to keep their word though and in my experience, any dialogue with them = hours of stress with no positive at the end
21 Feb 17 #213
Is the 70.00 cash back still working and how long does it take for the cash back to be paid.
21 Feb 17 #214
Looks like it's ended with Quidco but Topcashback (another cashback site) are offering £70, ends tomorrow. Click here. Says cashback pays in 30-60 days. It also says you have to have your BACS details registered to get the cashback.
21 Feb 17 #215
21 Feb 17 #216
So it top cash back legit?
How long does it take to honour the cash back?
I have seen various cash back for various broadband providers, how do I know which cash offer are still active and which have ended?
22 Feb 17 #217
Yes, I use them both. I use Topcashback more than Quidco in fact.

Topcshback says expect payment in 30-60 days. Just read through all the t&c's before you go ahead. Just remember that cashback isn't guaranteed.

The only way you know that they are still active is if they are showing on the site. The Quidco offer has gone, but the TCP offer ends tonight.
22 Feb 17 #218
Can you specify date to change, I've still got 4 weeks left on my sky contract?
22 Feb 17 2 #219
Yes, you can pick a date when you order
22 Feb 17 #220
That's good to know, was looking to cancel my Sky due to price increase and because we're moving house. But moving date's been pushed back by at least 3-4 weeks so thought I would miss out on this offer. So if I order in about 7 days how far in advance can I request the switch over?
22 Feb 17 1 #221
TCB now showing as £90 cashback, but for 24hr only! I too have 4 weeks with sky left I assume that it's best to have a few days in hand for the switch in order to avoid incurring the next month's Sky bill (£38.99 instead of £17.40 for me).
22 Feb 17 #222
Absolutely not. Have you seen their TV adverts? A hippopotamus in a top hat. Honestly. Says everything you need to know.
22 Feb 17 1 #223
Signed up, there was no option to pick a date though. If it takes 10 working days I'll finish my sky contract a week early, which will cost me about £6, nothing compared to the extra TCB available today.
22 Feb 17 1 #224
Yes I discovered that too, let's hope they take a bit longer than that! ;-) Worth it though to capture the £90 TCB ends tonight. Thanks OP, great deal.
23 Feb 17 #225
Thanks Op. Tcb still at £90.
23 Feb 17 #226
Just looking at TCB and it is paying £105 for Fibre extra and home phone at £30 a month I have just clicked through and have no option for home phone on the order page just line rental.

Anyone any ideas if it means line rental or home phone as in a calling plan?
23 Feb 17 #227
The deal is for Line Rental, Unltd Fibre B/B, and a basic PAYG telephone service. There are various call plans that you can add as extras. BTW, I think that the £105 and £90 TCB cashback offers have now ceased. It now offers £85 and £70 cashback respectively.
23 Feb 17 #228
I'm with plusnet and get fantastic speeds. They definitely do traffic management though. Torrent speeds aren't great so if that's a deal breaker it's something to consider. Everything else seems to be lightning fast. Never experience Netflix/YouTube etc buffering.
23 Feb 17 #229
Virgin Media used to be really aggressive on traffic shaping but after recent upgrade I'm getting at least 70Mbps all the time (VM super fibre 75).
23 Feb 17 #230
How is the PlusNet deal better than going with BT Unlimited Infinity 1:
> Unlimited Usage
> Fibre up to 52Mb speed
> 100GB Cloud
> Free Weekend Calls
> £29.49pm incl line rental (for 12 months)
> £59.99 up front fees
> £100 BT Reward Master Card
> Also £100 TopCashback (New Customer Infinity BT Broadband + Calls)
> Net Cost: (£353.88 + £59.99) - (£100 + £100) = £213.87 = £17.82pm

TopCashback Link:

BT Broadband Link (for ref):
23 Feb 17 1 #231
For those struggling to get their remaining line rental saver back, quote OFCOM general condition 9.3.

9.3 Without prejudice to any initial commitment period, Communications
Providers shall ensure that conditions or procedures for contract
termination do not act as disincentives for End-Users against changing
their Communications Provider.

hanging on to the remaining line rental would certainly count as a 'disincentive' to leaving.
23 Feb 17 #232
a good price but only if you don't mind switching again in 12 months time when the price shoots up £8
23 Feb 17 1 #233
post number 180.

Hi Guys,
I wanted to give you all a new update as of 10/02/2017 about ceasing line rental saver due to price changes.

If you decide to leave because of the Price Changes (letting us know within 30 days of receiving your price change notification) you will receive a refund of the remaining months of your LRS payment on your final bill. This will be done automatically in the background.

23 Feb 17 #234
thanks for the advice, this is why i've stayed with plusnet for as long as i have

i renewed my line rental saver and they said that i couldn't get the money back if i left, i only have a month or two left so i'll just wait it out, good to know if an isp says that to me again tho
23 Feb 17 #235
Because it doesn't involve going with BT.

23 Feb 17 #236
bt customer service is awful. they emailed me saying I won't get my line rental saver back. I've opened up an official complaint. they say I will be paid the money and that I was sent the e-mail as generic email. how nice of them.
23 Feb 17 #237
No good for me, I am not in a "low cost" area. £32.50 instead. Still voting hot though.
23 Feb 17 #238
BT's policy USED to be that couldn't get any balance of any prepaid annual line rental back if you left during that prepaid period but, per last weekend's Guardian readers problem column, Ofcom have got BT to change that policy so that NOW if giving notice to leave in the 30 days you have from BT's notification of adverse price changes then you SHOULD get pro-rata refund.
Hence I guess "old" email template = won't get refund; "new" conversation = you will get refund.
23 Feb 17 #239
Works out £1.32 a month more if you have the unlimited call package like I did. Also after my last contact with them, all I can say is they're the worst company I've ever dealt with. I was lied to and they overcharged me over £200. Took 6 months to resolve with more lies and false promises. Sky have been great to be fair, just hope plusnet don't let me down. Worrying that BT own them.
23 Feb 17 #240
Just renewed my contract and managed to get the fibre extra package for £13.99 per month excluding line rental (had already paid for that upfront)
Pretty happy with that! (with a bit more taken off on top of that for referrals too)

Nice to get that kind of treatment without even having to threaten them with leaving
23 Feb 17 #241
They prioritise your own traffic (so Netflix would get first dibs on bandwidth over a torrent) but I've never noticed any kind of traffic management besides that.
Have you tried downloading a legitimate torrent with loads of seeds? (Linux isos are usually decent for testing torrent speed)
23 Feb 17 #242
I got the Plusnet fibre 37mb line rental upfront deal last year. The router they provided was unusable, cut out all the time (the customer service people, when I did finally get through blamed it on my fridge freezer and central heating system!, those BT/Plusnet routers are well known for being garbage).

So I bought a decent VDSL router, connection is pretty reliable but my speeds were 28Mbs down, 1.90Mbs up for ages, now it is 30Mbs down, and 2.00Mbs up. I only got 36Mbs the first week I had the service. I got the cashback just fine last year, and I paid upfront for the line rental, yet my monthly bill is usually £35. I even got my dad to get Plusnet ADSL and line rental with the idea being it would cover us for free calls, but I'm sure I get charged a bit for calls to him.

Seems like I am probably getting shafted by them to be honest. But with 30-50 minute waits for the helpline I have just accepted it for now. You probably are better going elsewhere, these broadband deals "line rental upfront" are very smoke and mirrors in my experience.
23 Feb 17 #243
I'm sure you're right on the speed part, but Plusnet do implement QoS.. Pretty much all ISPs rollout some kind of QoS and I'm agreeing with you that you should get pretty much the exact same performance as BT (it's their circuit anyway on DSLAM), but they do shape. Don't hate me :smiley:
23 Feb 17 #244
Tried to cancel Virgin media as years up but they offered to renew 50meg and landlinefor £26 a month
23 Feb 17 #245
The link in my previous post from the BT forum dates back to the 10th Feb, before the Guardian article. If you leave because of the price rise mid contract you get it back, if you leave mid contract for no reason, then BT t&c's still stand, you get nothing back.

Also if you have a BT mobile SIM and reject the BT price rise changes, you will still get your £5 BT mobile discount for the remaining 12 month contract.
23 Feb 17 #246
The £1.32 pm extra for anytime calls, is that if going with BT or Plus net?
24 Feb 17 #247
If going with BT
24 Feb 17 #248
I've been given a date, which is 4 days before my sky contract ends. If my calculations are correct I should only get charged about £3.
24 Feb 17 #249
BT deal was always better but is now much better (imo). £150 BT Master Card plus either £110 Quidco cashback or £100 TopCashback.

Only thing is I can't see how people are claiming it would only be another £1.32 pm extra for Anytime calls? Anyone able to explain that please?
24 Feb 17 #250
Costs an extra £8 for anytime with plus net, £8.50 with BT, making monthly costs after cash back £25 for plusnet, and £26.32 for BT. Now that the cash back amounts have changed again though, BT deal will be better cost wise. Be prepared for a bumpy ride though.
24 Feb 17 1 #251
Thanks for the explanation. The shorthand comments can be so misleading at times. Bumpy rise lol, sounds like a fun rollercoaster. :wink:
24 Feb 17 #252
Anyone here who switched from BT to Plusnet with this deal (or very recently)? I got the expected letter from BT saying they have received notice from Plusnet that my phone line is being moved over. However it says no such notice was given for the broadband, so I will continue to pay for that. Phoned BT and they say it's definitely Plusnet not requesting both line and broadband. Too late to phone Plusnet - just wondering whether anyone else experienced the same?
24 Feb 17 #253
Not identical at all. BT down/up speed are 52/10mbps for infinity 1, whereas on Plusnet it's 38/2mbps. You only get 10mbps up speed on Plus net if you opt for the 76mbps package.
25 Feb 17 #254
Have you tried calling and using the WeQ4U app? I waits on hold for you so you can on with other things. When someone is available it alerts you and you're straight through to them. Available in the app stores.
25 Feb 17 #255
PlusNet do 38/2 and 76/20 - but you can't order 76/20 if you can't get more than 38 down, even if you can get more than 2 up. I know, I've tried.
25 Feb 17 #256
Initially got an e-mails saying the the same but got a follow up later the same day saying both phone and broadband to be transferred.

If you've not had correct notification, get onto PlusNet and chase it up. I find online chat better than phoning and you can get an e-mail transcript of the conversation.
25 Feb 17 1 #257
PN anytime calls include calls to mobiles, BT doesn't. This was a real deal breaker for me, being able to return a call to a mobile from a landline without a massive cost will be nice.
25 Feb 17 #258
anyone managed to get this deal who is an existing plusnet customer?
25 Feb 17 #259
finally got through to someone that offered the£25.99 a month for 24 months to stay with BT. I'll do that. not worth the hassle of switching. took me 20 mins to get through to plusnet to cancel my order, think i dodged a bullet!
25 Feb 17 #260
is that including line rental and evening phone calls
25 Feb 17 #261
I was offered the same both times I had to call BT, but this is still 50%+ more than £17.08/m. Plus, if you're with Plusnet, you gain the ability to switch back to BT as a new customer next year. :smiley:

Thanks. I chatted them and they said they did everything correctly and BT often misreport these things. They told me I don't need to call BT back - probably worried they'd try to win me back for a third time. Think I will give them a call the moment it is switched over to ensure they are not still billing me for broadband I am unable to receive.
25 Feb 17 #262
​includes line rental but weekend calls I think, I'll get the confirmation email soon and double check
26 Feb 17 #263
Which VPN, and how is it?
26 Feb 17 #264
It should include line rental, unlimited unfinity 1 52mb down/10mb up/ free weekend calls / free caller display / free bt wifi hot spots
26 Feb 17 #265
I moved from BT to Plusnet fibre at the beginning of the month. Worst mistake ever. Weekends before 10am it's Speedy Gonzales. Thereafter it's dreadful. Yesterday I disconnected mobs and laptops so I could get decent service on my laptop. Never thought I'd say this but BT normal is wayyyyyy better :disappointed:
26 Feb 17 #266
There's a Talk Talk shill in this thread
26 Feb 17 #267
I know but its just the hassle of calling them again in 12months to switch back. it's cheaper but inconvenient. Also i'm not sure how good plusnet is here so i may have crap internet for 12 months!
27 Feb 17 #268
Can I ask a quick question about this please as I've been on BT chat and they said I have to give them 30 days notice. I said to them that it was 14 days if I left to go to another provider so they said I needed to set in motion the change first - ie sign up with Plusnet - rather than cancel the service with BT because otherwise BT will look on it as a cancellation. Is this right? I've got a reference that will indicate that I phoned them to say I'm leaving due to the price changes if I have to prove it. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything properly. Thanks in advance.
27 Feb 17 #269
Yes, you've done what you need to do - go ahead and sign up for PlusNet via Quidco (ideally via Quidco - and you'll get an e-mail from BT within a few days confirming your request to leave and that you won't pay any cancellation charges.
27 Feb 17 #270
That's great, thank you for your help.
28 Feb 17 #271
Oh dear. You did it on the internet too.
28 Feb 17 #272
28 Feb 17 #273
It took me and the missus over more than 100 hours on the phone/on line chat to get BT to close down an account they opened NEXT DOOR to us by mistake. No word of a lie. Their Customer Service is APPALLING!!
28 Feb 17 #274
Cool story bro
2 Mar 17 #276
Looks like prices has gone up :disappointed:
6 Mar 17 1 #277
I spoke to plusnet earlier as my broadband and phone is supposed to go live on Thursday but I haven't had a dispatch notice for my router. Girl I spoke to said it wasn't ordered in error and it has now been dispatched.

May be best to check for those who are activating soon.
10 Mar 17 #278
Aside from the router delivery needing a nudge from me (although it did arrived in time) I've been really impressed with how fast and smooth my new fibre connection has been with Plusnet. I've had a nightmare in the past when changing to BT and EE.

Just did a speed test and I'm currently getting 34/3. Not bad at this time of night.
17 Mar 17 #279
Moving to plusnet but Adsl connection (couldnt get my mum to sign up to fibre) but still got to be better than TT anyone know what router PN will send me
19 Mar 17 #280
19 Mar 17 #281
Thats a home hub 5 not a 6
19 Mar 17 #282
Ok thanks might stick to using my tplink router

In. My letter it said connection speed may differ while they check my line for best speed can I use my own router while they do this
28 Mar 17 #283
Unlimited Fibre broadband just £22.50 Month, nice deals! Has any other benefits if I purchase more than 12 months?
28 Mar 17 #284
What am I doing wrong a 12 month Fibre contract saying £32.50?
28 Mar 17 #285
The deal is expired, brainbox.
28 Mar 17 #286
It hadn't when I posted or at least on here it hadn't, clever clogs
28 Mar 17 #287
Is there any need to be so rude?
29 Mar 17 #288
Welcome to HUKD.
29 Mar 17 #289
Now I remeber why I ignore this guy
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